• Published 9th Nov 2011
  • 1,387 Views, 8 Comments

For the Future - celticwolf72

Luna wonders what will happen to the Elements of Harmony in the future, but Celestia has an idea.

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Chapter 5: Parties and Prophecies?

The party got started in the Library later that afternoon. It seemed that most of the town showed up for it, surprising Coaldust. He was assured that this was normal for one of Pinkie Pie’s parties. The only ponies from lunch that did not show to the party were Granny Smith (fell asleep), Fluttershy (Oh my! I would, but the kitten…), and Big Mac. The red stallion had gruffly begged off when reminded about the party, saying something about minding the Crusaders.

By the time they reached the tree, the thudding bass of the dance music could be heard quite clearly. Twilight smiled wanly at the dark coated stallion, and braced herself before opening the door. The aural assault almost knocked the ponies on their haunches, which seemed to amuse Pinkie to no end. The music was turned down low enough for the party pony to announce, “Let’s welcome Coaldust to Ponyville, every pony!” The welcoming cheer was quickly covered by the music being turned back up.

Twilight lead Coaldust to a cushion, then lifted two cups of punch over to them. Initially she tried to engage him in a conversation over the philosophy he had read, but quickly realized that shouting over the music was no way to carry on such a discussion. She instead started pointing out ponies she knew, and making observations about them.

She was not his only companion through the party, either. From time to time some she would switch out with one of her friends, leaving him in their capable hooves. When they weren’t sitting with him, the mares he had met would bring friends over to meet him. Rarity, in particular, spent more time winnowing through the amassed town to find business opportunities for him, when she wasn’t pestering him about letting her ‘do something’ about his mane and tail.

Pinkie Pie, as promised, was adamant about stuffing him with various goodies. She also bounced around the party with more energy than a foal hopped up on sugar, which he found tiring to watch. Coaldust could certainly see why she was the go-to mare for parties!

Though he couldn’t join in the dancing, he did see his new friends enjoying themselves on the dance floor. Even Spike was out having fun, wearing a lampshade and a silly grin. Eventually, as with all good things, the party slowly wound to an end. As ponies streamed out the door, he went and found the hostess. “Pinkie, thank you for the party. I really do appreciate what you did.”

Pinkie Pie wore a huge smile as she bounced in place. “You’re welcome Dusty! Didja really like it? Didjadidjadidja?”

“Yup. Good friends, good food… what wasn’t there to like?” Seeing three of the other four mares walking up behind Pinkie, he transferred his smile to the rest of them as well. “Thank ya all very much.”

“I guess this makes you an official part of Ponyville,” commented Twilight with a smile. “Don’t be a stranger.”

“Indeed, Coaldust. I’m glad I was able to help with your business venture.” Rarity’s smile turned playfully calculating, “Of course, if you ever change your mind on your mane….”

Coaldust chuckled, “I know exactly where to go.” Looking around, he couldn’t find the blue pegasus that had been regaling him with her exploits. “Rainbow’s not going to say goodbye?”

Pinkie Pie giggled and bounced even more. “Nope, but that’s okay. She’s passed out and Twilight’s going to pour her into bed, like always.” That earned a laugh from them all.

“Ladies, it’s been a pleasure… but I need to git. It’s a long walk back to the mine. Good night.” With a last smile and a nod to the herd of mares, he stepped out the door. The last thing he heard before the door closed was Pinkie’s voice.

“Hey! Maybe we could have an After-Welcome Party Party for him tomorrow!”

# # #

Laughter, nothing but laughter surrounded her. She had failed, again, and they were laughing. They always laughed. They didn’t understand, they couldn’t. No one could. Standing once more, she shook herself. Gathering her will she took flight again, soaring up into the clouds. Up here, she couldn’t hear them. The sky was her realm, here she was untouchable.

Success, that was all that mattered. Success, that would bring her daddy back into her life. Growing up he was rarely around, gone on one errand or another. Her mother never told her what he did, only that it was important. Her mother encouraged her gifts, pushed her towards her goals. It was because of her daddy that she pushed herself to be the best, but it was her mother that allowed her to believe it was possible.

She needed to be special, to succeed. If she wasn’t special… she didn’t want to think about it. Starting the intricate pattern once more, she bobbed and weaved through the clouds. With careful precision she caused vortexes and whorls to appear and disappear, almost at whim. Higher and higher she flew, third cloud height, fourth cloud height, fifth… finally reaching apogee and stalling out. She hung in the sky, momentarily motionless, Celestia’s sun streaming through her mane.

Arching her back, she rolled into a dive. Pushing herself once more, she beat her wings mercilessly. Speed, more speed. That’s what she needed, what she craved. No one could understand that, could feel what she could feel. As she accelerated, she could feel the air pushing back against her. The elastic resistance almost starting to glow before her. Focusing on one, small point. Her eyes squinting, she pushed herself faster….

With a loud bang she was through. Glancing back as she pulled out of her dive, she saw the rainbow shock-wave, her signature. With a fierce exultation, she finished the rest of her planned routine. There were no laughs now.

Gliding to a rest, she sat on her favorite overlook. Daddy was sure to come now. No one else could do that. It was special. She was special.

Light became a dark, inky blackness. Her head and wings drooped. He didn’t come, he never came, she wasn’t special. She never would be, that’s why the Wonderbolts never noticed, why her daddy never noticed.

“You’re special to me,” a deep voice from behind her said. Looking over her shoulder, she got the impression of another pony. Familiar, but yet not recognizable, other than it was a stallion.

She was gathered into a hug, and she returned it. Here, here was some pony who saw her for what she was. Some pony that didn’t need to see the brave face and Nightmare Moon-may-care attitude she always projected. Some pony that could let her drop her brave act.

Her muzzle turned instinctively towards his. This is what she needed, he knew it and was willing to show her he cared about her, not her image. Their kiss did not stay innocent for very long.


With a gasp, Rainbow Dash sat up in the bed. Her heart beating loudly in her chest, her breathing loud and harsh. Looking about rapidly, she took in her surroundings. She was in Twilight’s room in the Library. The lavender mare had placed her in the spare bed, and was still sleeping in her own. Pre-dawn light streamed in through the window, filling the room with a gentle glow.

A dream, she thought as she lay back down. It was only a dream. Damn. Shifting to get comfortable, Rainbow tried to go back to sleep. Sleep, however, eluded her as she waited for dawn.

Comments ( 2 )
#1 · Nov 17th, 2011 · · ·

Hmm... now what's THIS all about?

And why is Big Mac suddenly suspicious of the new guest? Surely there's nothing wrong with him... RIGHT?

SO many questions.

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