• Published 4th May 2012
  • 1,042 Views, 20 Comments

Accidental Pleasantries - DR1

A basement scientist gets into some trouble and somehow gets teliported to Equestria.

  • ...


You wake up, your head pounding.

“Ugh, where am I,” you say out loud.

You try to roll over and stand up but you realize that your arms are bound. Reactively you tug on the ropes, trying to get free.

What the hell is this shit?

“Well, well, well, look who’s finally up.”

As you roll over to look at the source of the taunt, the back of your head starts to pound harder. Your eyes stretch as you see Fluttershy laying a few meters away from you bound also. Now you remember, as you were walking her home, somebody ambushed you both. You guess they knocked you both out and restrained and dragged you here.

Bastards…What the hell could they want.

Your questions are soon answered as the mysterious assailant steps out of the dark and grabs you by the hair, jerking your head up to look at him. It’s Rob, the man you had borrowed money off of on Earth. His short, dark hair complimented his hazel eyes and scruff beard. The beard was new but it added to the intimidating effect the man left. He always had that aura about him. Intimidating, however, isn’t a strong enough word. Your heart sinks, you’re tied up here at his will. You don’t even want to think of what he’s capable of. You’ve seen him at his worst and it wasn’t pretty.

“How the fuck did you get here!” you scream.

You jerk in pain as his knuckles slam into the side of your mouth. You taste blood as he brings your face back up to look at him.

“I’ll be asking the questions here, besides how the hell should I know how I’m here? One minute, me and my buddy are kicking the money you owe us out of you and then the next, I’m in this fucked up place,” he says seeming royally ticked off. His frown deepens when you don’t answer him.

“Well Mr. Scientist? What’s going on?” He grabs your throat, half choking you, slamming your head against the tree behind you.

“Fuck…you…,” you manage to gasp. His grip tightens as the words leave your mouth and he swings around again, his knuckles connecting with your temple. As he punches you, he lets go of your throat and your head hits the dirt. He walks a few meters away, his back to you as he speaks.

“Listen, I’ll be nice, and I know that you know that’s rare. I don’t want to know how we got here, just transport us back to Earth and I’ll pretend like it never happened. In fact we might be able to work something out with the cash you owe me.”

“Screw you, I don’t have to do shit,” you spurt at him, spitting the dirt out of your mouth. That did it, in a second he was beside you, his foot on your skull, smashing your face against the dirt.

“Listen here you little fuck! I’m being extremely nice but you’re trying my fucking nerves! Now you’re going to fix this shit, got it?” He presses your face into the dirt harder at the last part. You beat as his leg, trying to get him to let up.

“Jesus Christ, even if I did want to help you, why the hell should I believe you? You’ll just kill me the minute we get back. Besides I don’t know how we got here and I sure as hell don’t know a way back,” you gasp, his boot pressed against your cheek.

“You little fucking liar! I know you planned this, you brought us here just so you didn’t have to pay the money back!” he slams his foot down against the side of your head extremely hard and you try to roll up in pain. How the hell did this happen? Why is it the minute you get a break in life everything goes to shit? You were perfectly happy, but no, this asshole had to tag along for the ride and fuck your day up. Fuck this shit.

“Listen here you idiot,” you say, barely able to get the words out from the pain, “I don’t know anything, and even if I did, why the hell would I tell you?” That pissed him off. Rob grabbed you by the neck of your shirt, dragging you up into a sitting position as he slams you back against the tree. Quicker than you could realize, he yanked a switchblade out of his pocket and pressed it to your neck. Your head leans back a bit as the blade presses into your skin and you look down your nose at him.

“Listen here, you’re going to fix this shit or I’m going to cut your goddamn balls off and then slit your throat,” he growls, grinning slightly. You remain silent for a little bit.

“Fuck you, no you won’t, I’m your only hope of getting back.”

The grin quickly disappeared from his face, replaced by a frown of annoyance. That had really got to him. You’re so fucked. He pulls the knife away from your neck and turns around, walking away from you. You don’t know what he’s planning but you’re not just going to waste this opportunity. Moving your arms parallel to each other, you begin to rub the rope binding your hands together against the tree. You move slowly as to not attract much attention. Rob begins moving over towards Fluttershy and kicks her in the ribs.

“Wake up bitch,” he spurts angrily.

Fluttershy jerks and wakes up. She takes in her surroundings and she lets out a small cry as she notices the large man towering over her.

“Matt-,” she says right before she’s cut off with a slap to the face.

“Fuck you!” you scream at Rob. He grins manically and grabs Fluttershy and traces the tip of the knife up Fluttershy’s neck.

“Oh, so you do care for this thing. I knew this was your weak point. You say I won’t kill you but you can bet your sorry ass I’ll kill her!” He screams the last part. You couldn’t waste any more time. You grasp at the knot in the ropes binding your wrists together and tug and pull at them trying to undo it. You strain as Rob teases Fluttershy with the blade, whispering threats to her and telling her how you’ll just let her die. You pull on the bindings to no avail. He starts to press the sharp edge into her legs leaving small streams of blood as he drags the knife across her skin.

“Stop it!” you say.

“Are you going to take us back to Earth?!” he screams in response.

“I already told you, I don’t know how.” A bitter taste forms in your mouth. You hate not being able to do anything about this. Fluttershy whimpers as he drags the tool along her side and then continues along to her side slowly sliding down her ribs. You jerk against the rope, trying your hardest to get free, but the bindings hold true. He continues his way down her side slowly moving down her hips. More and more blood starts to collect on the ground as he cuts her. Fluttershy starts to cry silently, the pain too much. You continue to strain against the ropes, averting your eyes, unable to watch as he cuts Fluttershy. Suddenly the pressure on your wrists weakens. Hope billows into your mind as the bonds loosen just a tiny bit. You still can’t get free but you were getting somewhere. Fluttershy screams in pain as he continues to cut her. You cringe as she yells out. Her yelling makes you want to cry yourself but you keep struggling to get free.

I have to be strong; for her.

The ropes loosen more and more with each passing second as you jerk and pull at them. Fluttershy’s screams get louder and louder with each moment. If you ever get free, this bastard is going to die.

“Well I think that’s enough. I see you’re not going to budge without some drastic measures. I guess I’ll just have to end it.”

He grabs Fluttershy by the shoulder and turns her over a bit to get a better angle. He presses the blade against her throat. He gets ready to slice, but just at that moment the ropes holding your wrists together unravel and you leap up running towards him, fury in your eyes. Rob spins around just in time for your fist to smack him right across his jaw. He falls to the ground and the blade flies out of his hand landing in the dirt. That’s pure luck. You take the opportunity and lunge at the switchblade. As you reach for it, he springs up and grabs at you. His hand wraps around your ankle and you fall face first into the dirt. You roll over onto your back and kick at his face, you miss. You kick again, this time barely connecting with his chin. He pulls back at your kick and you roll to your knees, crawling towards the weapon. He swings at your foot but it’s too late. You grab the tool and swing around as fast as you can. The blade connects with his wrist sinking into his flesh and bone, blood boiling up over the edges. Rob yells out in pain.

“You motherfucker!” he screams.

You waste no time and pull the weapon out of his wrist. His eyes widen as you jump at him and sink it into him again, this time in the shoulder. He cries out again and you roll over on top of him. He flails wildly at you, trying to knock you off but you’re leaning back, just out of reach. Quickly, you jerk the knife out of his shoulder. He gasps as you swing at him again.


The blade plunges into his chest and pierces his heart and then lung. He gasps for breath as the metal slides through him. His blood begins to swell up over the edges of his wound. He claws at your wrist and you finally pull out, blood welling up out of the freshly made hole spilling down into the dirt. You swing again and plug the knife into his chest once more. You stab him again and again and again. By this point, Rob’s almost dead, unable to breath, but you continue your penetrations. Tears swell in your eyes and drip down your cheeks. You know he’s long been disposed of, but you can’t stop. The knife sinks into his flesh again and again as you weep over his corpse.

“P-please,” pleads Fluttershy form behind you, whimpering softly. You stop and spin around. Fluttershy’s still lying there crying.

Oh god.

You drop the knife and run over to her dropping to the ground. She’s covered in slices and blood is slowly running down her sides. A few more tears run down your cheeks.

“I’m so sorry this happened to you Fluttershy. You’ll be alright, I promise.”

You sit there thinking for a minute, trying to figure out what to do next. Quickly, you remove your shirt and tear it into strips. You wrap the strips around Fluttershy to try and stop the bleeding. There isn’t much of anything else you can do.

“I’m going to pick you up now. This might hurt, okay?” She nods in response. Slowly, you slide your arms under her and carefully pick her up. She flinches in pain but doesn’t resist. You begin carrying her, looking for a way out of the forest. Thankfully, it didn’t take long to find an exit and you can see Ponyville in the distance. It was getting dark. You move as fast as you can, heading for the town. It’s a long trip, truthfully you didn’t know if she would make it. She kept bobbing in and out of sleep but you managed to keep her from fainting. Her whimpers and cries only fueled you to try harder. Your pace increased to a jog, you couldn’t go any faster while carrying her. Step by step, you get closer and closer to Ponyville. You head towards the clinic. She doesn’t have much time. You burst through the doors and run up to the nearest pony.

“You’ve got to help! She’s badly hurt!” you almost yell pleadingly with the random pony.

“Dear Celestia,” the nurse exclaims. She runs off as quickly as possible and returns with another nurse and a stretcher. They quickly place Fluttershy on it and take her away. You try to follow them but a nurse stops you at the door and tells you to wait here. The wait was grueling. You waited for what seemed like hours. You can’t help but blame yourself for letting this happen. You wonder if Fluttershy will ever forgive you. In the middle of your thoughts, a doctor walks out of the back room and up to you.

“You’ll be happy to know she’s perfectly alright. She was badly cut and she had lost a lot of blood, but it wasn’t anything we couldn’t handle.”

Thank god.

The doctor leads you back to the room where Fluttershy is. She’s sound asleep. You walk over to her bed and look down at her. She looks so peaceful now, after all that happened. You sit down next to her bed, laying your arms on the side of her bed. You begin to wait for her to awaken.

Will she forgive me? Will things ever be the same?

You start to cry again, just a bit, your tears staining the hospital bed sheet. As you weep, Fluttershy’s hand suddenly reaches over and grasps yours. You look up in amazement to see Fluttershy finally awake with a dreary smile on her face. You smile back, one last tear rolling down your cheek. She squeezes your hand just a bit tighter and you know that everything is going to be okay.

// FIN. This is a very short chapter (obviously). Some of you may not be pleased with the ending or how short it was but oh well. If you want to read about what happens after this or anything related to this fic don't be afraid to comment or shoot me a message, I may just make a sequel! Watch out for more fics from me(Non-HiE ones.) very soon.

Comments ( 4 )

I think its a fine and artistic ending.

Hey you run out of steam or what? I'd like it if you continue but ok then, i guess.:trixieshiftleft:

A sequel would be nice, if you'd want to make one please?:yay:

So....how did they get rid of the body and explain why the guy was stabbed so many times to people? or did they just fed it to the pets... NO WAIT BETTER YET! made him into pies, and eat him ',..,'

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