• Published 4th May 2012
  • 1,041 Views, 20 Comments

Accidental Pleasantries - DR1

A basement scientist gets into some trouble and somehow gets teliported to Equestria.

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Your head pounds as you strain to open your eyes. As your eyelids slide open slowly you realize that everything is a blur. Cursing under your breath, the events that led up to this point begin to collect in your head.

You remember the illegally obtained uranium rods, those large and rather stupid looking goons coming to collect money that didn't exist, even though you had promised it. You could still feel the way one clasped your shoulder, grabbing your arms and twisting them behind your head, allowing his friend to pound his fist into your gut. You could forget all of that if only they weren't stupid enough to turn the device on before it was ready. Your heart sank and you cried out for them to stop fooling with it but it was too late. The device powered up with a whir and a hum. You had no idea what would happen when it came to life but you soon found out as the whole room turned a bright green and you passed out from what you thought to be radiation overdose.

You realize that you were wrong seeing as you’re still alive. The absence of death from the event doesn’t reassure you very much as you can still barely see your surroundings. You decide to lay there for a few minutes to see if you can regain your eyesight. Sure enough, after about ten minutes your eyes begin to focus and you begin to take in your surroundings. You brace your hand against the grass and lean up to take a look around. That's when you realize you’re in the middle of a huge field right on the edge of a forest. You look both ways and can’t make out any end to the trees that line the edge of the seemingly endless cluster of pines. You shake your head and decide that you should take this the same way you would take any other event, with logical thought. First things first, you slide your legs underneath yourself and try to stand up. After a few minutes of struggling to get your muscles to respond, you can feel your body starting to listen again. You stand up and stretch your arms and legs. They're rather sore and you suspect you may have been laying there for a long time. Running your hands down the sides of your thighs, you check your pockets for anything of use. You find your pockets empty and on top of that your pants are rather dirty and torn up. Your shirt seems to be in the same state although it's more burnt than dirty. Then it dawned on you. You're stuck in an unknown place with nothing but the clothes on your back. No food, no water, no shelter. You need to find something to eat and somewhere to sleep quickly. You decide not to take the risk of being in the forest as you have no idea what sort of predators lurk in that area. So you begin to walk out into the field searching for some sort of food to eat or water to drink. You walk for what seems a few hours before you spot a small looking village in the distance. Yes! Civilization! Before you could become too excited, you notice a small animal walking slowly through the grass. You crouch down and begin to sneak closer, not wanting to scare it. As you sneak closer and closer, you realize that the animal is a pony and that it's surrounded by a menagerie of small critters. Rabbits, birds, raccoons, squirrels. All sorts of small furry things are congregating around the pony as it hums to its self. At least you think it's humming.

"That's crazy", you whisper to yourself. Ponies don't hum. You soon realize that the humming wasn't as crazy as it sounds when you realize that the pony has a pink mane! Pink! Ponies don't have pink manes. You contemplate what the hell is going on for a few minutes. Then right as you decide that it may just be a fluke of nature, the pink maned pony calls out to the rabbit that had just begun to sprint away from her.

"Oh angel, please come back we have to go home.." the creature calls in a soft voice.

"HOLY SHIT," you cry out with a gasp, stunned by the fact that there is a talking pony standing right in front of you.

The poor thing yelps in surprise and nearly jumps out of its hide at the sound of your voice. The pony runs off to cower behind some nearby grass that's a bit taller and thicker than the rest. You lean closer to the ground, trying your hardest not to breathe loudly, your heart pounding. You have no idea if the creature is hostile or not. It could talk, but how intelligent was it really? Would it try to harm you if you came out of hiding? You lie there for a good minute before you decide that you had to try and talk to it. As crazy as that sounds, the little creature might be your ticket to salvation. You take the risk and begin to stand up.

"Hello? I didn’t mean to scare you. I just want to talk," you cry out just loud enough for it to hear.

"W-who is it? W-why are you hiding in the grass like that?" answered the now seemingly shy pony.

"I apologize for sneaking up on you like that. You see, I've never seen anything quite like you before and I didn't know if you'd try and hurt me," you explain to it with a slightly slow tone making sure it can understand you.

"W-what do you mean you've never seen anything like me before?" says the pony, in a rather shaky and nervous voice.

"Well, I've never seen a talking pony before!"

The pony slowly peaks its head over the edge of the grass to get a look at you and gasps in astonishment at what it sees.

"You're standing on your hind legs! I've never seen anypony do that before. Where are you from?"



“Not from around here apparently. Exactly where are we now?", you ask inquisitively.

"Um. E-equestria"

You step out from your hiding space and begin to walk towards the frightened creature. "I think I'm beginning to piece together what happened to me."

The little pony shrieks and hides behind the thick blades of grass. You pause your procession, "Oh I'm sorry, I guess I came out of hiding a bit quickly. I'm coming over so we can talk. Is that OK?"

"Um, I g-guess so."

You quickly walk over beside the poor thing and smile at it sheepishly," Hi my names Matthew"


You realize that the furry thing beside you is a female as she announces her name. You feel idiotic for not realizing it sooner since her voice was obviously feminine.

"Nice to meet you Fluttershy", you say with a grin.

"I don't mean to be rude but, you're not a pony are you? You're only walking on two legs and now that I see you closer, you don't look like any pony I've ever seen."

"No, I'm not," you respond with a slight laugh, "I'm a human."

"A h-human? What's that?"

You sigh," Well Fluttershy, I'm from a planet called Earth that's inhabited by creatures like me called humans, along with other animals. I was building a device that harnessed radioactive isotopes and," you pause as you realize from the look you're getting that you lost the poor girl.. er pony."Well lets just say I was doing something science related and an accident happened. Then somehow or another I was transported to this place you call Equestria. It's all very confusing. Even I don't know exactly how or why it happened." You look at her waiting for a response, your head sinking as you soon realize she doesn't understand any of it any better than you do. Not surprising.

"W-well, what do you think you should do?" she finally says.

"Well my first order of business will probably to meet any important figures in this land of yours. That way I can get consent to do as I wish, considering I don't really belong here."

"Oh well then you'll want to talk to princess Celestia."

"Could you help me? I have no idea where your 'Princess Celestia' lives or where to go from here."

"Well.. you can stay at my house for a bit and I'll get my friend Twilight to send her a message.I mean if you'd like."

"That sounds wonderful. Thank you so much for your hospitality."

“You’re welcome”, she says as she begins to trot off, expecting you to follow. It only takes a few minutes to reach the small cottage on the outskirts of town. Fluttershy opens the door for you, avoiding your eyes the whole time as you step inside her home. As you step inside, you're hit with a strong scent of crushed pine needles and freshly cut grass. You look around for the source of the smell but find nothing that could possibly be emanating them. After a failed attempt at locating the wafts of pleasant odors, you begin to piece together the room. It's very simply decorated with baskets of flowers littering the tables and stands. An average sized couch sits in the middle of the room along with a coffee table. At least you assume it's a coffee table. You have no idea if these talking ponies even have coffee.

“Do you want any tea?”, says the little mare as she walks into her kitchen.

“I didn't really expect you to have anything like that, but that sounds lovely.”

“Well truthfully I have no idea if I have anything for you to eat.”

“Well, all the ponies on Earth were herbivores, so I assume you eat vegetables also? Do you have any apples, carrots, potatoes or that like?”

“Oh yes! I'll bring those right out.”

After a few minutes of shuffling in the kitchen, you hear iconic whistling signaling your beverage is done. A few more minutes later, Fluttershy comes out carrying a plate full of carrots and apples, along with a cup of tea, held in her mouth at the saucer. Baffled at how she could have carried all that seeing as how she has no hands, you sit there dumbfounded and waiting. She sets the tea down in front of you and then the plate of food.

“Thank you.” you mumble still trying to take in how she carried it all. She answers your thanks with a timid smile and you reach down to take a sip of the tea. As you swallow down the tiny mouthful, you take in the taste. It's very good tea, better than you expected. You take another mouthful, this one bigger than the last. You grab an apple and take a large bite out of it. It was fantastic. The apple itself was a bright red, although it gave no hints to you as to what it tasted like. It was perfectly juicy. Not enough to run and make a mess, but just enough to make it taste wonderful.

“Mm, wow! That's a delicious apple.” you praise.

“Oh, um thanks” she says her smile growing a bit,” I didn't grow it though. My close friend Applejack did.”

“If i get stuck here in Equestria for longer than I expect, I feel I may have to pay her a visit to get some more of these apples,” you reply grinning widely.

Laughing softly, she takes a minute to say,”Tomorrow you'll meet princess Celestia. I sent one of my pets off with a letter to her. Hopefully she’ll get it and come right away.”

“Thank you. I'm glad i can see her so soon.”

“Yes, our princess is very close to her subjects and likes to take each matter personally.” she says proudly,”Um I don't really have anywhere for you to sleep, but you can stay the night on the couch if you wish?”

You laugh, a bit darkly, now that you realize you're officially homeless,” i think i have no other choice”

“Well goodnight then! It's very late,” the pink maned pony says as she walks up the stairs.

“Goodnight,” you say as you lay down to sleep for the night. As you lay on that small couch trying to get to sleep, you think about home. What is home? Is it a place to stay? Your family and friends? You can't say, but your mind keeps bringing you back to the vicious criminal from which you borrowed all of that money. Can you really return to Earth and expect everything to be OK? In fact you're probably safer here with the ponies than you would be if you found a way to go back. You fall asleep as you lay there weighing your options of escape from either situation, and whether or not you really wanted to.

You awaken the next morning to a loud fanfare. Fluttershy comes running down the stairs.

“The princess is coming!”

You hurry to get ready, although you have no other clothes to put on and have no idea how to address her. You and Fluttershy step outside to greet the princess. You're taken aback when you see her. She looks stunning. Well as stunning as a pony can look to a human. She has a magnificent alabaster coat which shines in the sun, as well as a fine looking set of wings on her. She has wings! You take a step back, not knowing what to think. Then you notice she also has a horn atop her head. What were these creatures? Unicorns? Pegasi? You remember back to mythological studies in high-school about the winged beasts and magical horned horses. But even if these ponies were magical creatures, that still doesn't explain why she would have a horn and wings. You look to your left and take a glance at Fluttershy. Sure enough she also has a set of, admittedly smaller, wings. But no horn. Was it only the princess that has a horn and wings? Another strange fact stands out to you. Fluttershy has a tattoo of 3 butterflies on her flank. At least you think it's a tattoo. Maybe it's a birthmark? You look over to the princess and she also adorns a similar mark but hers is of a sun. What strange creatures. Before you know it, the princess is upon you.

“Greetings Matthew,” the queen greets you in a voice that sounds almost as if it were gold. If you hadn't already been prepared for the weirdest of weird after the events of this morning, her voice would have taken your breath away. It's beauty was inconceivable. You drop to your knees as you realize you're just standing there staring.

“H-hi”, you answer slightly shaken.

“I hear you're new to Equestria. Seems that my curiosity has been answered. You don't look like any pony I've ever seen,” the princess says inquisitively, her multi colored pastel mane waving even though there was a noticeable absence of wind.

“Well princess. I'm not from this plane of existence. You see, I'm a scientist from a planet called Earth and I was doing a bit of an um experiment and things went a little haywire and, well here I am.”

“Sounds..interesting.” the princess says with a strange look on her face. ”Not to sound rude but, will you be leaving Equestria?”

“I'll be trying to leave as soon as possible but, quite frankly I have no idea if I'll even be able to get back. I have no equipment you see, and I really don't know how I even got here. Are you saying you want me to leave?”

“No, no, its not that, I was just wondering. But if you don't mind me asking, from the way you're talking, humans don't possess any magic do they?”

“Magic? No, not that I know of.”

“That's very unfortunate. In light of your circumstances and from the fact that I can’t seem to find any falsities in your statements, I hereby, in complete disregard for the requests of my advisers might I add, grant you complete citizenship in Equestria. We’ll also have to arrange to have a place for you to stay somehow procured. I think the easiest way would to just have me create one.”

“Um not to i-interrupt Princess Celestia,” Fluttershy interrupted suddenly,” but could the house for our newest citizen be made beside mine? I feel like if he’s close by, it would be easier for me to help him get acquainted and such.”

“That sounds like a wonderful idea Fluttershy,” the princess says turning to the creme pony. ”I know this may seem sudden, but I’ve thought about this quite a deal and I feel like Equestria shouldn't just be a home for ponies. It’s a land of love and kindness. Traits you exhibit most extensively Fluttershy. So I assume you'll be able to teach our new human friend all about pony culture and help him get settled.”

“Y-yes princess.”


The princess then leans her head forward and closes her eyes. She seems to be concentrating very hard on something as her horn begins to glow brightly. She begins to sweat as whatever feat she’s preforming takes its toll on her body. Her horn glows exuberantly for a good 30 seconds before you notice a house about fifty meters down the trail running away from Fluttershy’s home beginning to form. Within a few minutes, what used to be a faint outline of a building, solidifies in a full fledged home. The princess opens her eyes and her horn dies out.

“Now I'm sorry to have to leave so suddenly, but I really must get back to Canterlot,” she says as she steps back onto her cart. “I would love to hear more about your culture at a later time Matthew, time permitting.”

“Yes princess, thank you so much!” you cry out to her as her cart flies off pulled by two pegasi taking to the air just as quickly as it had landed.

You and Fluttershy look at each other, a big grin forming on your faces. You both run over to your new house. You open the front door and examine the living room. Your living room. The room is completely furnished with a couch, dining table, some chairs, fireplace and a few end tables with various decorations on them such as flowers and that like. You quickly walk into the kitchen and sure enough it's adorned also with a stove and cupboards. As you open them to examine the contents, you notice they are full of food and dishes. You slowly walk back out into the main room and plop down on the couch, letting out a long sigh. Here you were in a completely foreign land and in just a day you've solidified a place to stay. Fluttershy walks over and takes a seat beside you.

“You don't seem to be too sad to have left behind your old home,” she says with a bit of worry in her voice.

“Well truth be told I was in a bit of financial trouble and I'm actually quite glad to be away from it all. This Equestria has been quite peaceful so far. Besides I'm not one to make a bad situation worse with pessimism.”

“Are you still going to try and get home?”

“I'm not sure yet. Probably. I haven't really thought about it much and I don't really want to,” you say frowning slightly as you reveal your feelings.

“Oh. I'm sorry to bring it up.”

“Its OK Fluttershy,” you quickly wipe the frown away from your face and replace it with a light smile. ”Well I guess my next
order of business will be to get some sort of income. I can’t live off of what’s in the cupboards for long.”

“Hm, well what would you like to do for a living?”

“Well I think, being a human with fingers and all, I'd like to get a job that took advantage of that.”

“Hmmm...” Fluttershy begins to think to herself.

“Oh! How about a masseuse? I think with those fingers of yours you could do a good job at that.”
You think over it to yourself and then come to the conclusion that you wouldn't like to be touching ponies all day, “I don't think I’d like that very much.” Fluttershy goes back to brainstorming for a few minutes and then you finally come up with an idea.

“How about a tailor?” you ask her.

“Um no, I don't think so. We already have one of those here in Ponyville and she’s very good at what she does. Besides, we ponies only wear clothes to important occasions.” You forgot about the fact that they didn't wear clothing. You sigh and walk towards the kitchen, ”I think I'm going to cook some stew. I'm getting a bit hungry”. Fluttershy sits at the table as you begin to get out the required materials and vegetables to make your families recipe for vegetable stew. As you begin to prepare the meal and chop up the various plants and get everything ready, Fluttershy suddenly gasps. You turn around just as she yells out (well what passes for yelling by her),”I've got it!”

“You’ve got what, Fluttershy?”

“I figured out what you can do for a job, you can be a chef! I was just watching you cook. Think about it!”

“I don't know,” you think about the idea for a bit. You've never been the best cook but you never hated cooking and your whole family always praised you when ever you cooked the holiday meals. Finally you decide that it might not be such a bad idea.

“I guess I could give it a try,” you say grinning slightly as you imagine yourself as some 5-star chef making meals for talking ponies. God my life is just completely upside down isn't it? you think to yourself as you continue to prepare the meal. The rest of the evening was spent cooking the stew and talking to Fluttershy about your future as a chef. You two made plans, going over them again and again making sure that it was a good idea. After an hour or two, she announces that she needs to get home since it's getting late. She says she’ll be back tomorrow to help you find out more about cooking jobs. As you say your goodbyes and close the door behind her, you let out a long heavy breath and climb up the stairs of your new home, completely beat from the events of the day. You decide to skip cleaning for the day and just go straight to bed. A smile grows on your face as you lay in your bed, in your new home in the middle of Equestria, the land of magical talking ponies. Magical talking ponies, you keep repeating to yourself as you lie in bed. You're surrounded by magical talking ponies and you couldn't be more content.