• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 8,018 Views, 394 Comments

Rainbow Rocks: Unfinished Business - Gadman85

After the battle of the bands, Twilight has something on her mind regarding the Dazzlings. Sunset has also had some things on her mind regarding Twilight.

  • ...

Princess Meeting and Plans

Twilight looked around the lounge with a little awe. The place was very comfy. It had a couple of tables, a bar, several pillows everywhere and even a few Princess sized couches. The walls were a mix of colors that gave an early evening vibe which faded into a night sky on the ceiling.

It was a few minutes later Luna and Celestia both came into the room. Luna looked a little tired, like she just woke up from a nap. Celestia looked a mix of concern, joy and relief oddly enough. “Guess she’s glad for a break from court hours,” Twilight thought to herself.

As the other two settled, Celestia spoke first with a smile. “What is the problem my dear Princess of Friendship?”

Twilight blushed a little at hearing Celestia say her title. The white Alicorn chuckled at this. Twilight soon regained her composure and gave them a solemn face.

Celestia stopped her chuckling and Luna seemed to wake up a little more. “Is there something wrong, Friend Twilight?” Luna asked.

“Yes, there is actually,” Twilight said as she cleared her throat. “You two both saw my report on the Sirens, correct?”

“Yes. It was good to see you and your friends were able to take care of them. Was there something else you didn’t explain in your report?” Celestia asked kindly.

“No. I was thorough with it. However, after the report I started thinking about the whole situation and some other things.” Twilight paused for a second to think how best to approach the topic.

“I am guessing this is why your sleep has been uneasy of late? I am sorry, but I have seen fragments of your dreams. They are really powerful coming from a fellow Alicorn and sometimes bleed through into my own rest,” Luna said with a frown.

Twilight frowned hearing that. “I’m sorry to have disturbed you, Luna. Is there anything I can do to make sure this doesn’t happen again?”

“There is nothing to be sorry for. It is just how it is. Even Tia’s dreams sometimes do the same,” Luna said as she gave her sister a stern look.

Celestia blushed before clearing her own throat and getting back to the subject. “So, Twilight... What's been on your mind because of this mission?”

“The Dazzlings. And also the implications they represent,” Twilight said as she looked each princess in the eyes.

“First of all. I want to know if there are any other villains and dangers we have warped over to that world that you can think of,” Twilight said in a manner that left no room for argument.

“I’m not fully sure, Twilight. If you want, we can have a team look into the matter in the royal archives,” Princess Celestia replied.

“I think we need a fairly good sized team for that, dear sister,” Luna said. She wanted to emphasize this was actually important. Celestia didn’t always take requests and warnings from others as serious as she should. The older sister placed too much faith in her foresight, limited as it was.

“Good. I hope so. I don’t like the thought of my home just shipping all of her problems to other worlds,” Twilight said as she nodded in agreement with Luna.

“I’ll come up with a group and you two can tell me if you think its substantial enough. I'll even make sure they have full access to all of the archives,” Celestia said.

“Better just ask Luna for now,” Twilight said as the other two Alicorns looked to her in confusion.

“I also wish to tell you two I feel I need to return to the human world,” Twilight sighed as she hung her head a little. “I messed up as the Princess of Friendship over there and want to fulfill my duties.”

“How so?” Luna asked with a thoughtful frown.

“I just left the Dazzlings alone after everything. I was too focused on getting back here. Now however, I realized I should have sought them out and at least tried to speak to them,” Twilight replied as she looked down again.

“Why do you want to speak with them? They were pretty bad even here,” Celestia said. She had a feeling, but felt Twilight needed to say it out loud.

“I didn't even offer them a second chance. When Sunset’s plans fell apart, I forgave her for taking my element and even gave her five friends. I didn't do that with the Dazzlings. I don’t know if they feel sorry for what they did or anything. I just know they were completely shocked and ran off after everything happened. I need to find out about them now,” Twilight answered.

“You know you might not be able to track them down now, right?” Luna said. She wasn't opposed to letting their young princess do what she felt was right. However, she felt her friend might need to have a little bit of a reality check.

“I know, but I have to go back and at least try. They deserve another chance. If Discord did. Then I don’t see why they wouldn't,” Twilight said as she started to pace a little.

Luna and Celestia looked to each other without Twilight noticing and nodded. Celestia spoke up. “Do you have a plan for going between the two worlds? It sounds like you don’t know how long this might take.”

“I do. Also, if I’m needed back here because some other ancient evil returns, I can get back with little problem,” Twilight answered back causally to the surprise of both Luna and Celestia. They were a little shocked she thought ancient evils returning was just typical of life in Equestria.

Celestia wanted to know more about this plan for going between the worlds, but she decided to trust Twilight on this one. Twilight had more than earned her trust many times over. “Then I see no problem with this,” Celestia replied.

“I don’t either, Twilight. Is there anything else you require of us?” Princess Luna asked.

“Nope. I just wanted to let you two know. I need to make a few more arrangements, but it won’t take long,” Twilight answered. She then walked around the table and gave each princess a hug in thanks.

As she hugged Luna, she asked quietly. “Princess Luna, can you stay a little longer? I wanted to talk to about something in private.” Luna gave a smile and nodded. The Princess of the Night had a feeling what it might be as did Celestia who overheard the question. The sun princess just gave a chuckle and left.

Once the two were alone, Luna turned around to see a serious looking Twilight. “I asked you stay back for a couple of reasons.”

“I figured as much,” Luna replied easily.

“Are you sure there isn't anything I can do to make sure my dreams don’t bother you?” Twilight asked.

Luna gave her a soft smile. “You can’t really. Like I said even Celestia after all these years still can’t help it. It is just a part of my domain. You can try to go to bed with a clear mind. That will at least help a little.”

Twilight gave her a searching look before nodding. Luna then asked, “Is there anything else you wish of me, Friend Twilight?”

“Yes, actually there is,” Twilight said as she straightened up. Luna looked to her curiously. “I wanted to ask you to look after the book for me while I’m off on this mission. I don’t want to just leave the portal open like I did last time.”

She gave a sigh. “I barely noticed as the other Pinkie Pie looked through it for a split second. If it was anyone else it might have been really bad. I fear others might get curious or accidentally stumble across it. Honestly, I think we've lucked out it hasn't been a problem in the past.”

“I share your concerns. In the past few years, Celestia left it alone pretty much hoping Sunset would return remorsefully. Now it is in your care, so the fate of the portal is for you to decide,” Luna answered.

“I guess that’s something I’ll think about once I return from my mission,” Twilight said.

“Good to hear. Now if you don’t mind me asking, why do you wish for me to be in charge of the book and not one of your friends in Ponyville or my sister?” The Night Princess asked.

“My friends have enough to worry about on a normal day to day basis. I don’t really think they would be able to keep it as safe and ready to find as you might. As for Celestia…" Twilight sighed. "I know she misses Sunset a lot. I fear she might be tempted to use the book to talk to Sunset.”

Luna gave a slow nod. She wasn't sure why this would be a bad thing, but she figured Twilight had more to say.

“I do want the two of them to talk again, but I don’t want it to happen before Sunset is ready. I fear Celestia might accidentally or purposefully force their needed talk. I didn't think much of it at the time, but I did notice how panicked Celestia was when she asked if Sunset was okay after my first trip,” Twilight added.

The purple pony princess at the time was a little hurt by that actually. It was because she had just been through all of that and Celestia’s first words after she returned were “Is Sunset okay? How is she?” Twilight eventually got over it and told herself the seeming lack of concern for her was due to Celestia’s belief in her.

Princess Luna gave her friend and fellow princess a smile and a nod. “I'll do as you ask. I do wish to see the portal before you go though. That way if you are needed or when you return I will be able to act quickly.”

Princess Twilight gave a big smile and hugged Luna tightly as she said, “Thank you so much, Luna. This means a lot to me. I’ll owe you after this.”

Luna chuckled as she replied, “I’m not so sure about that. I still owe you much for all you and the others have done for me.” Luna then gave a bit of a mischievous grin as she added, “But I’ll take your IOU for the future, regardless.”

Twilight gave a nervous laugh. “Well, I can’t really take it back now, can I?” Luna shook her head playfully in answer. “Thanks again, Luna. I really don’t want more ponies to know about the details dealing with this mission than necessary.”

Twilight gave Luna a smile. “I need to go and get other things taken care of. I’ll have Spike send you a letter once I’m ready to show you the portal. Then we can set up the actual crossing through the portal parts of the mission.”

Luna gave a nod and a smile. “I wish you the best of luck in this endeavor, Friend Twilight.” The two princesses exchanged one last hug before going their separate ways.

{-} {-} {-}

Twilight gave a sigh as she figured how to approach her friends with the news of her trip. “I’ll just have to tell them that it’s a subtle mission or something. I know they’ll want to come. I won’t be able to keep them completely in the dark.

“Is something on your mind, Twilight?” Spike asked as he entered her room. He heard her pacing again. The castle was really echoy at times.

“Oh. Sorry, Spike. I didn't mean to bother you. I was just thinking about this mission I have to go to the other side of the mirror for,” Twilight answered as she sat down on a pillow.

“You have to go back again already?” Spike asked. Twilight nodded. “But we haven’t even been back that long at all.”

“I know but there is something I have to do over there. Besides, I’m not going this instant. I have to set some things up over here first before I can go back,” Twilight said trying to reassure him she wasn't leaving right away. “One of those things is what to do about you…” she thought to herself.

Twilight knew Spike would be torn between being there to help her out again and staying in Equestria with the others. If they hadn't been to the other side recently he would want to come no matter what.

The only option I can come up with is to let him stay with Rarity if she doesn't mind. Maybe if needed, he can spend some time with each of them. I’m sure he wouldn't mind staying with the Apples or the others some,” Twilight thought to herself.

Before she could really get too far ahead with her plans, she had to figure out a few other things as well. She did have some time, but she didn't want to take too long.

{-} {-} {-}

A couple of days later the Princess of Friendship sighed as she stood in front of the Carousel Boutique. She was hoping Rarity would agree to at least help watch over Spike and not ask too many questions. She didn't want to really go into too much detail about why she was doing this and some of her other thoughts.

Twilight thought it might make her friends a little nervous to hear she thought there might be other ancient threats out there waiting. It would be even worse if they knew she felt a little ashamed of her own country for just shipping their problems away and not even making sure they were really dealt with correctly.

Twilight feared they would get to the point where her friends would force her to let them come with her. She really didn't know how that would affect either of the worlds. Also she didn't want her pony friends influencing how their human counterparts grew. Plus, Twilight really didn't like the idea of dealing with two of each of her friends in the same place at the same time, especially more than one Pinkie Pie again.

Twilight took in another deep breath and entered the shop/home of her fashion friend. “Welcome to the Carousel Boutique, where everything is chic, unique and magnifique!” Rarity’s voice sang from the back room cheerfully.

The fashionable unicorn entered the main floor of her store and gave a smile. “Oh Twilight, Darling! It is so good to see you this morning. How may I help you?” Rarity reached over to give Twilight a hug.

Twilight met Rarity in the hug and smiled. “I actually wished to talk to you about something. Do you have a minute?”

“Of course, I always do for one of my best friends. Do you want something to drink?” Rarity asked as she led Twilight to the kitchen.

“No thank you,” Twilight said as she sat down at the table while Rarity helped her herself to a juice of some kind and sat opposite her.

“So what is it you wish to ask of me?” Rarity asked as she took a sip of her juice.

“I have to go on a trip and I was wondering if you could watch Spike while I’m gone,” Twilight said deciding not to beat around the bush much.

“You have to leave to go somewhere again already?” Rarity asked with a small frown. Twilight gave a solemn nod. “How long are you going to be gone? Where are you going and what are you doing?”

Twilight took in a breath before answering, “I have to go on a mission of sorts as the Princess of Friendship. I can’t really take anyone else with me. I’m not sure how long I’ll be gone. If you don’t think you can watch Spike the whole time, I’ll ask the others to help as well. I hate to say this, but I can’t really go into much of any detail about what and where I’m going.”

Rarity gave a pout and sighed. “I’ll try to watch him for you. I love the little guy, but I don’t know if I can really watch him the whole time when I don’t even know how long it will be. Is there any way we will be able to get in touch with you at least?”

“Yes, there is a way. Princess Luna, not Celestia, but Luna will be able to get in touch with me during this mission. I may not be able to respond right away unless its an actual emergency, but I will receive any messages sent to her. Spike can send Luna letters as well. You just have to tell him you want the letter sent to Princess Luna,” Twilight answered.

The pony princess then gave a sorrowful sigh as she continued, “I wish I could tell you how long it will take. But I’m not sure yet. I would tell you more, but this mission is kind of very secret and you girls have enough to do right now anyways.”

Rarity gave a thoughtful frown as she said, “I’ll look after him, but I would appreciate it if you at least got the others to agree to help if needed.”

Twilight gave a relieved smile and hugged Rarity in thanks. “Thank you so much, Rarity! I knew I could count on you.”

“If you knew this than why haven’t you told me more about what you're doing? I really don’t like being left out of the loop on important matters,” Rarity said with a frown.

Twilight looked to the ground. “I just can’t tell you because it’s very secret. If there was a reason to tell you and the others I would.” Twilight felt a little guilty keeping this from them, but she didn't want to bother them with something she got herself into like this.

Rarity nodded slowly, “I know that… I just wish you would tell me more about what is going on lately. We all wish you would. We’re concerned. You’ve been a little down and out of it ever since you returned from that mirror world you won’t let us go see.”

Twilight gave a sigh, “I’ve already told you girls why we can’t all go through the mirror. It’s enough of a risk when I go through the mirror with Spike. I’ve only gone through twice and only because I absolutely needed to go through it. Hay… even Celestia refuses to go through it, and she’s been around for over a thousand years.”

Rarity gave a defeated sigh, “I know… I just don’t like it… Regardless, I agree to watch over Spike. Have you told him yet?”

Twilight shifted a little uncomfortably, “I’ve told him I’m going on a mission. I haven’t told him he isn’t coming. I wanted to get everything worked out first. Again. Thank you for agreeing to this selfish request of mine, Rarity.”

The white unicorn gave a smile, “Don’t mention it, Twilight. I’m always glad to help a friend. Is there anything else you need?”

Twilight shook her head, “Nope, that's all I needed. I’ll let you get back to work and I’ll go talk to the others.” The two friends gave each other one last hug as Rarity led Twilight out the door.

{-} {-} {-}

Twilight gave a sigh as she finally finished meeting with all of her friends. Rainbow Dash was the only one who couldn't watch over Spike for a few days if needed. Her cloud home was too dangerous for all non-pegasus powered ponies and non-flying dragons. Instead, the rainbow maned flyer said she would help watch Spike with any of the others at their place if they needed it.

The Princess of Friendship was not looking forward to the conversation she was about to have with the purple dragon. She hoped it would go well, but she wasn't counting on it. Despite everything she was once again reminded of how wonderful her friends were. They didn't try to pry too much into her mission once they realized she was staying tight lipped on it.

The pony princess shook her head and composed herself. “Might as well get this over with…” she said with a sigh. “Spike!” She called aloud so he could hear her. It was sometimes difficult having a palace without any helpers or anything like that.

“Yah? Twilight?” Spike called from not too far away.

“I need to talk to you about something. Meet me in the living room area,” Twilight replied to him.

It took them a few minutes to get together in the living room. “I’m not in trouble or anything, am I?” Spike asked with a worried frown.

Twilight was tempted to ask him why he thought that, but decided against it. This was no time for parental/sibling tactics for getting a confession to something. “No, Spike. You aren't.” Spike gave a sigh of relief and sat on a chair.

“I’ve told you about the mission I have to take right?” Twilight asked him.

“Yes. To the other side of the mirror again.” He stood up quickly and asked, “Are we going already? I haven’t even put a thought to packing.” He was about to run off, but soon found himself encased in a purple bubble until he calmed down.

“No. I’m not leaving yet,” Twilight said adding emphasis hoping he would understand.

Spike gave her a raised eyebrow. Twilight sighed yet again, it was something she had been doing a lot today. “Spike. When I leave for the mission, you aren't coming with me this time.”

“But…,” Spike started only to be silenced by a purple hoof.

“I’m not sure how long it will take. Also I’ll need to be more careful this time. Unfortunately that means I can’t have you in your dog form following me through this time,” Twilight said evenly as she looked into his eyes.

“What will I do while you’re gone then?” he asked.

“I’ve already talked to the others. You'll be staying with Rarity for as long as she can have you or until my mission is complete, whichever comes first. The others will take turns watching over you as well while I’m gone if needed.” Twilight said as she reached out and gave Spike a wing hug.

“I guess that will work…” Spike said unsure with a half frown. Even the prospect of being with Rarity wasn't taking his mind off of Twilight going on this mission without him.

Spike gave a sniff. “I didn't do anything to make you angry, did I? I’m sorry if I only caused you stress problems last time we went through…”

Twilight hugged him tighter as she said softly, “That isn't it at all, Spike. You did kind of get on my nerves last time a little, but you were a big help in the end when we needed it the most.”

Spike seemed to calm down a little hearing that. Twilight continued, “I just can’t take you with me this time. I’ll still be in contact with you all in some manner. If you really need to say something to me, just speak to Luna. She’ll be able to get in contact with me.”

“You remember how you send letters to her, right?” Twilight asked as she looked him in the eyes.

“Of course I do! I’m your number one assistant remember,” Spike answered with pride in his voice.

“Which is part of the reason I need you here. If you can find the time, I would like for you to help keep an eye on things going on here while I’m on the mission. I need you to promise not to tell anyone about my mission being in the mirror world. I don’t want to draw unnecessary attention to that. Do you understand number one assistant?” Twilight asked with a stern face.

“I got ya, Twilight. I won’t even talk about it with the others. Not unless I really have to tell them and you tell me to tell them.” Spike replied with a grin and a bit of that pride he always had when being called Twilight’s number one assistant.

“Good. I knew I could count on you, Spike. Being able to keep secrets will be important since I’m a princess now. Hopefully very few, if any others, will have to be kept from the girls after this,” Twilight finished with a yawn.

“I think I’m going straight to bed after dinner tonight,” Twilight said as she made her way towards the kitchen to make something for them to eat.

{-} {-} {-}

When waking up the day after her talk with Spike, Twilight was surprised to see a packet to her from Celestia with a letter on top. Twilight wasted no time at all reading the letter. It was short and to the point.

Dear Twilight,

Attached is a list of recommended ponies for the search of the archives. I have also included in the packet the plan for this under taking. I will admit I thought little of it at first, but my sister made sure to remind me that my foresight isn’t exactly 20/20. She has already approved it and said you should look over it before going on to your mission.

Sincerely yours,


Twilight looked over the packet and was surprised how expansive the operation had become so quickly. There were going to be five teams of four with ponies of all kinds working on it. Each group had a team leader who reported to the Earth Pony overseeing the whole operation.

The lead pony was even going to have the unicorns use a slower version of the reading spell on the books. Usually this spell was used to skim through the book looking for particular details the unicorn had in mind. This modified version of the spell would allow them to read through a little faster than normal, but they wouldn't accidentally overlook anything while they did so.

Once Twilight gave her approval of the plan with a few minor additions, she sent it back. She had a couple more minor things to take care of and in about two days she would return through the mirror. “Now I just need to get in contact with Sunset Shimmer and everything should be set once I finish here,” she thought as she started to write the letter to Sunset in the journal.

Dear Sunset Shimmer,

I am going to be coming back through the mirror soon again. I’m really excited to get to see you again and hopefully actually catch up some. However, I would really appreciate it if you kept this visit between just the two of us. I do not want to meet with the others anytime soon. I wish I could say more, but its something I feel can only be said in person.

Please keep this visit of mine a secret. I will tell you everything once I cross over. I'll send another letter much closer to my actual departure time.

Yours truly,

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight hated to ask Sunset to keep something from her other friends, but she needed to do this without them getting involved. Twilight really hoped Sunset would accept her request for help when she spoke to her in person. She would visit the others before she returned back to Equestria if she could, but they shouldn't get involved in this matter. “At least not soon…

Twilight gave a sigh as she closed the journal and got ready for the rest of her day. The next couple of days might be difficult, but she could handle it. She had to set everything up before she left on her mission. At the same time, she was really excited about getting to see Sunset again and hopefully in a more personal setting.

{-} {-} {-}

Sunset read over the letter from Twilight again. She didn’t know what to make of this. “Twilight’s coming back? She only wants to see me?!” The thought caused her heart to thump louder in her chest. She knew what her heart’s reaction meant and she was mostly okay with it.

The girl started to pace in her apartment as she thought over the letter again. It was still an odd letter. Even if Twilight wanted to meet her only, Sunset wasn't sure about this secrecy.

Still, it brought a smile to her face as she knew Twilight wanted to see her. She would finally be able to intimately talk to the girl who gave her everything. Sunset had feelings for Twilight and knew they were growing stronger. Some might even call it love. The fiery haired girl wouldn't mind calling it that either.

However, she wasn't sure if Twilight would or could even feel the same way. There was also the problem that she had been thinking about lately. “Are these feelings of love actually, that? Or do I feel I have to love her after everything she did for me?” these questions had been in her brain since shortly after Twilight left.

She really hoped it was the beginnings of love and not something she was forcing on herself as a way to make it all up to Twilight. Sunset gave a sigh as she sat in a chair to nurse a glass of juice. Another thing that was on her mind was, “Why do I still feel a little lonely even with such great friends?

Sunset wasn't sure why she still felt lonely at times. She cared for her friends and was very thankful to have them, but even if they were close there was just a large part of her life they could never really understand or relate to. She knew they were now a huge part of her life, but even if they were close. “Friends in the human world aren't as close to each other as they are in Equestria,” she said to herself after taking a sip.

Maybe I just miss Equestria too much and see Twilight as Equestria,” Sunset thought. She knew this didn't rightly represent all of her feelings, if it made up any part of her feelings at all, but it was still part of why she was so unsure about what to do. She wanted whatever she had with Twilight to be something on its own and not because of some strange sense of nostalgia.

Her blue eyes narrowed slightly. “Or worse yet… caused by some twisted form of hidden jealousy…” It was a very nasty thought, but it had crossed her mind a couple of times before. Even though things were really good with her friends now, she still at times felt like a replacement for Twilight. Like the others somehow had to be friends with a pony from Equestria and since Twilight wasn't around Sunset would have to do.

She had feared a couple of times she only wanted to be closer to Twilight and love her more than the others as a way of saying “Take that!” to them. She feared it was a way to show them up by being the one closest to Twilight that some deep hidden remnant of her past was using to get back at them.

Sunset closed her eyes and shook her head. It was a stupid thought. She stretched and gave a sigh, “Maybe I need to find a hobby of some kind and get my mind off such thoughts…”

That was the worst part of it. These thoughts had mostly just happened when she was alone in her apartment. When she was around the others, such thoughts were nowhere to be found usually. She felt included and everything she could ever have wanted in friendship. Even with the rough patches, she savored what she had.

The cell phone on the kitchen counter by her bag started to ring. Sunset got up and answered it.

“Hello Sunset!” Pinkie’s voice shouted from the other end.

Sunset winced and held the phone a little away from her ear. “I thought I finally trained myself to always look to see who it was before answering,” She thought as she shook her head and smiled.

“Hey, Pinkie. What’s up?” She answered brightly.

“We wanted to know if you were up for coming out tonight,” Pinkie replied cheerfully, but at a more reasonable volume.

“Ummm… You do remember it’s a school night right?” Sunset asked with a frown. It was typical Pinkie to get so caught up in planning fun with friends to forget the day of the week sometimes.

“Well yeah! It was taco day at lunch today. Still, why not come hang out at our favorite sweet shop anyways? It isn’t like we have to stay up really late… That would be kind of fun though. We could totally have a contest to see who can stay up the latest on a school night and do the best tomorrow in classes! That would be so fun! We could have a slumber party and…” Pinkie’s voice was cut off and Sunset could over hear the other voice.

“Pinkie… No… Not on a school night. Besides, I need my beauty sleep.” It was Rarity.

“Okay… Fine… Be that way… It still would have been fun,” Pinkie replied. Sunset gave a chuckle as she just imagined Pinkie giving a pout and then give a great big smile as she continued speaking. “Annnnywhoooo! You should totally come, Sunset. Rarity’s already here and the others are on their way! Come on! Please?!”

Sunset shook her head and gave another chuckle. “Okay, I’ll be there soon. See you in a bit.”

“Yeah! You're coming! See you soon.” Pinkie replied before hanging up.

Sunset’s smile dropped a little as she wondered, “Why is it I still seem to always be the last one invited?” She shook her head once more and got ready to go.

It did sting a little sometimes she was always last it seemed, but she ignored the matter. Knowing Pinkie it could be something as simple as she contacted all of her friends in Alphabetical order or something because it was easier and more fun to her somehow. Besides, she was going to see her friends, it didn't really matter if she was last every time...

{-} {-} {-}

Luna looked over the jury-rigged on demand mirror portal with a sense of awe. “So all I need to do for it to work is place the book at the top with my magic and the portal activates in a matter of seconds?”

“Yep,” Twilight responded simply while she looked through her bag one last time to check she had everything she needed. She remembered when she asked Sunset how she managed to get by in the human world before she last returned.

------- Flashback starts -------

“So. Sunset…” Twilight asked a little embarrassed the question she was about to ask might be prying a little too much.

“Yes, Twilight?” Sunset asked in a contented manner. Twilight thought this manner really suited Sunset. It made Sunset seem friendly but still cool in a way.

“I was just wondering… How did you manage here on your own? I mean with living expenses and such,” Twilight asked.

Sunset looked around to see they were still alone, which was something rare. None of the others were there to see Twilight off yet. The fiery haired girl blushed a little shamefully before she answered. “I was kind of planning on sneaking away to this world eventually, even if Celestia didn't let me. I might have packed some bits and gems. You know. Just in case.”

Twilight looked at her questioningly and was going to ask for more detail, but soon they heard the others approach as Pinkie shouted to them. Sunset regained her composure, which Twilight thought was a shame. She thought Sunset looked nice when she blushed. “Anyways, let’s say the exchange rate was very much in my favor. Getting an ID and a home was more trouble, but I won’t go into that.”

Sunset waved to Pinkie as they approached and whispered to Twilight, “Please don’t tell the others. It was my own money and I really don’t want them knowing too much about it. Money can sometimes be a touchy issue here, even with really good friends.”

Twilight nodded to Sunset before she waved as well.

----- Flashback ends -----

“This really is amazing, Twilight. How did you come up with such a plan?” Princess Luna asked as she looked over the mirror contraption closer.

“Pinkie gave me the idea,” Twilight answered. Luna looked to her and raised an eyebrow. “She asked why it was the book worked. That got me thinking and then I found a way to use the magic of the book to open the portal. The equipment around the mirror kind of acts as an amplifier for the latent magic in the book connected to Sunset’s on the other side.”

Luna gave a smile of understanding. “That really is a wonderful solution, Twilight. No wonder your special talent is magic. You were able to figure out something so complex and make it look simple.”

Twilight blushed at the praise a little, “It isn’t that big of a deal.”

Luna shook her head and spoke, “You found a way to make an inter-dimensional portal device which relies on moon cycles to open and made it on demand. It doesn't matter that you had the tools to do such a thing already in a way. I have faith you would have figured this out sooner or later on your own. That way you could visit your other friends whenever.”

Twilight thought about that for a bit and nodded to herself. Luna then gave a smile as she said, “Celestia has had this mirror for many years. Startswirl even studied it for a period of time. Neither of them figured this out. Yet you did just because of a magic book and a comment from one of your friends.”

Twilight blushed deeper and was about to rebuke Luna’s high praise, but the Princess of the Night cut her off.

“You really do sell yourself short far too often, Twilight Sparkle. I’m not saying you should be overly proud, but realize that you are an Alicorn, and the bearer of the Element of Magic. Starswirl, as amazing as he was, never wielded the elements of harmony, nor did he ascend into Alicornhood. Last but not least. During his life time, he never faced the kind of ancient evils you so causally dismiss as normal.”

“But he banished the sirens to the human world!” Twilight argued.

Luna shook her head. “A banishment spell of that level isn’t really hard to cast, Twilight. He also had surprise on his side. I figured you of all ponies would know how big of an advantage that is. The sirens didn’t see him as a threat so he could cast the spell without them knowing what hit them until it was too late.”

"What about Tirek?" Twilight asked still not willing to let it go.

"That was Scorpan who helped with that. Not Starswirl. The two were kind of friends, but nothing compared to you and the others. Starswirl did a great many things, Twilight. However, he is often romanticized and his tales have been exaggerated over the years. No doubt in the future Twilight and her friends will be seen as the biggest heroes and some of the most important ponies of Equestria."

Twilight blushed deeper and would have argued more, but instead shook her head and focused on the mirror. She could think on this stuff later. She needed to go and work with the Sirens. “It’s time I leave. I sent Sunset the letter a couple of days ago with the time I would arrive.”

Luna nodded with a serious face and placed the book on the contraption. Seconds later the portal burst to life. Twilight gave her a hug in thanks and they bid each other goodbye. Twilight walked through the portal and disappeared before Luna’s eyes.

“Good Luck, Friend Twilight… Good luck in all things in your life,” Luna said as she took the book back. She squinted at the book and felt there was less magic in it than there was before. She concentrated as her horn glowed and gave the book more power until it was back to how it was before. “Seems like your method isn’t perfect after all,” she said with a smile.

Still, it’s something that can easily be taken care of by any Alicorn. Regardless, no one else would have figured this all out, Twilight.” The dark Alicorn returned to her own castle and started thinking up creative ways to cash in on Twilight’s IOU. It would be a waste not to make proper use of such a gift from a very remarkable pony.

{-} {-} {-}

Sunset woke up not really feeling very rested at all. She gave a sigh and stretched as she looked in her journal again at the last filled in page. After she returned from the Sweet shop with the others that night, she saw the vibrating book on its shelf by her bed.

The last page had only a simple message. It wasn’t even properly addressed. However, she knew Twilight's script well enough and the message had filled her with excitement.

I’ll come Friday afternoon once school's out. See you then and alone Sunset.