• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 8,027 Views, 394 Comments

Rainbow Rocks: Unfinished Business - Gadman85

After the battle of the bands, Twilight has something on her mind regarding the Dazzlings. Sunset has also had some things on her mind regarding Twilight.

  • ...

Twilight All Day

As Sunset and Twilight enjoyed a light meal at a café, Sunset started to think how she could achieve her new goal. This new goal of hers was to get the beautiful Princess of Friendship into a swimsuit. A Bikini to be more precise. It probably wouldn’t be that hard for Sunset to accomplish this goal, but she was still putting thought into it, even if that thought was more imagining Twilight in different swimsuits while playing in the water somewhere.

“Is everything alright, Sunset? You seem a little red,” Twilight commented with concern. She would admit she liked the light tinge of pink on Sunset’s cheeks, but when it deepened and continued she was wondering if it was something to worry about.

Sunset seemed to blink as the red seemed to fade after it once more momentarily deepened. She then took a sip of water as she said, “Oh it’s nothing to worry about. Sorry for worrying you, Twilight.”

Twilight gave a smile to that as she took a sip of her own drink. “No need to be sorry. I was just a little concerned.”

They were in silence for a little longer before Sunset spoke up again. “Hey, Twilight. I was thinking we should try something fun again while you are here. You know with just the two of us.”

Twilight was interested in that and asked for Sunset to explain further. Sunset nodded and took a long sip of her drink before continuing. “I was thinking since the weather’s getting warmer we might try going to Hoof’s Lake.”

“What’s that?” Twilight asked even more curious.

“It’s this big lake with sandy shores and there’s even a theme park nearby. The theme park has lots of rides, shows and even a water park located next to the lake. You can easily find a parking place near the two that lets you visit both,” Sunset answered hoping Twilight would be interested.

Twilight’s purple eyes seemed to sparkle in interest. Sunset gave herself a mental congratulatory fist pump. “I’ve never been to a theme park before. I remember hearing the others talk about them a couple of times during previous visits. We don’t have them in Equestria. Plus, swimming and such in this body sounds fun.” Twilight gave a beautiful smile at the thought.

“I take that as a ‘yes’ then?” Sunset asked getting a nod in return. “Great! I’ll make arrangements when we get back. First we have to get you a swimsuit. We can’t just go swimming in normal clothes after all.”

“I’m guessing people don’t usually swim naked either, huh?” Twilight asked in thought. She still found some human behaviors strange. When you were bathing or showering you were naked, but if you were swimming you weren’t. She didn’t really take too much notice of the blush that filled Sunset’s cheeks as the other girl was given images by her mind of a naked Twilight splashing around in the water.

Sunset managed to get her blush under control as their check arrived. “We can head to a nearby department store to shop for swimsuits after we finish here.” Twilight nodded to this suggestion.

{-} {-} {-}

“Now there are two general types of swimsuits. there are One piece swimsuits and there are two piece swimsuits which are usually referred to as bikinis. Bikinis are more popular and have lots of designs. I myself prefer bikinis,” Sunset said as she parked outside of the department store.

Twilight looked over at Sunset and wanted to see her wearing one. “So are you going to be getting a swimsuit too?” she asked maybe a little hopeful.

Sunset took a moment to think. “I might try a couple just to be sure the one I already have will still fit or not at the least.”

It wasn’t long until they had a few to try each. “Could you tell me if they are good?” Twilight asked Sunset. She didn’t yet know what was good and bad here in the human world. Sunset could only nod at this as she blinked a couple of times. She found a seat nearby to sit and wait for Twilight to get dressed. There was a part of her that toyed with the idea of entering the changing room to provide Twilight all of the help she needed, but she knew the Princess of Friendship had been in the human world long enough to know how to dress herself by this point.

The first swimsuit was kind of cute but a bit on the childish side. It was a dark blue number with six large dark pink buttons on it and a blue and white striped top part with a large star shaped bow. Sunset looked it over and said, “It is nice… but it seems like something a 10 year old girl would wear. That’s my opinion at least.” Sunset hoped her honest criticism wouldn’t hurt Twilight’s feelings, but she wasn’t about to lie about something like this just to spare her best friend’s feelings.

Twilight gave a nod in thought and returned to her changing room.

The next swimsuit Twilight Sparkle wore caused her to feel a little embarrassed, but she thought it might work. She would definitely say it was mature and not something a 10 year old girl would wear.

Sunset’s jaw dropped and her eyes widened as she was overwhelmed by the new swimsuit Twilight chose. This one was an adult one for sure, but it seemed little more than strings. She wasn’t even sure where Twilight found it. While Sunset did enjoy the view and lack of need for imagination, it did not work for their plans. “T-t-twilight… We’re going to be in a very public place…” was all she could say.

Twilight blushed and covered herself. “I-i-i thought so…” she cried before dashing back into the changing room and she felt immense relief no one else saw her like that, not even one of the staff. She did notice that Sunset’s only complaint was that they were going to be in public, so she took that as a sign she did look really good and possibly even sexy in it.

The remaining swimsuits Twilight tried on were at least normal. Some were sexier than others and some looked better with her skin color, but they weren’t too extreme. Sunset was secretly thankful this was the case. Twilight also ended up figuring out what worked and didn’t work in the human world and so she didn’t need Sunset’s opinion for every swimsuit and this allowed the other girl to try her own on as well.

Twilight ended up getting the sky blue and purple striped bikini with a little bit of frill along the waist band. Sunset ended up getting one as well. She decided her old one might be a little on the small side. Fortunately, it was a little on the small side in ways she would want it to be small as a sign of her growing healthier in the chest area. She went with a maroon and yellow zigzag lined bikini.

With their shopping trip successful, the two of them headed back to Sunset’s home. The first thing Sunset did was purchase tickets for the park the next day so they could skip the long lines. The plan was to leave early and spend before lunch at the lake and then after lunch they would go to the theme park.

Sunset also got tickets for a show the two of them could watch together in the early evening. She further planned, without spoiling it for Twilight, to have them get supper at a restaurant by the lake where, if she planned it right, they would get to see the fireworks right as they had their desserts and then she could have her magical moment with Twilight.

That night Sunset’s mind decided to give her some very hot scenes involving various swimsuit mishaps at the lake. Half of these dreams involved blushing and cute Twilight faces. The other half involved cute Twilight faces that match the brazen confidence she exuded about her body at times. Maybe it wasn’t so brazen since Twilight was a pony who rarely wore clothes and didn’t really understand the clothes thing even now. Sunset’s sleep was wonderfully fitful, which was probably only something she could accomplish.

When morning came, Sunset was the first up and well rested. She was ready for their day of fun in the sun! Twilight woke up with a mighty yawn and stretched. “How was your night’s sleep, Twilight?” Sunset asked very cheerfully.

Twilight let out a moan as she stretched again. “Not as restful as I would have liked. You were moving around quite a bit last night. Did you sleep well, Sunset?”

Sunset blushed as she was gifted with memories of her dreams last night for a second or two. “Ohhh… ummm… Yeah. I slept well. Sorry about that.”

Twilight gave a smile as she cheerfully giggled and said, “No worries then.”

{-} {-} {-}

After a quick breakfast, Twilight was more than awake and more excited than Sunset for the day. Sunset was happy they had a day of fun planned and she would get to see the success of “Operation: Twilight Swimsuit”. It didn’t take them too long to pack what they needed for the trip and get in Sunset’s car.

The drive was shorter than Sunset thought it would be. “Remember. We’re going to the lake first and then we’ll go to the theme park afterwards.”

Twilight gave a mock pout as she said, “Hmpf. Making me wait for the more exciting parts until later.” Sunset looked to her from the corner of her eye wondering if maybe Twilight meant it. When she saw the girl giggle, she did as well.

“You know what they say, Twilight. Save the best for last,” Sunset replied jokingly as Twilight rolled her eyes. Sunset gave another laugh before then saying, “On a more serious note, remember to put on sunscreen after we change in the locker room.”

“Alright, though it isn’t really much of a change. I did as you said and wore it underneath,” Twilight answered.

“True,” Sunset started. “But it will be easier to put on sunscreen and such inside the locker room and it will be a good place to keep our stuff. It’s right by the lakeside entrance to the park after all.”

Once they made their way to the locker room, they quickly stored most of their stuff. They were now putting on sunscreen. Sunset quickly got a brilliant idea while she was applying sunscreen. It was a rather obvious idea for most, but since it involved Twilight it was a brilliant idea. “Hey. Ummm, Twilight. Do you want me to help you with your sunscreen? I can take care of your back and you can do the same for me,” Sunset asked without showing how excited she was at this chance.

Twilight paused for a moment before smiling and answering, “Sure, that sounds good. You can do my back first, since you know about these things better than I do.”

As Sunset spread sun screen over Twilight’s back, the purple haired beauty gave a shudder and a moan. Unseen by Twilight, Sunset blushed a little. The fiery haired girl took more pleasure from her friend’s expressions than she probably should have. “Alright, Twilight. I need you to undo the back of your bikini. I don’t want to stretch the elastic and I need to get that part of your back as well.”

Twilight easily complied with Sunset’s order. There was a deep part of Sunset that was tempted to take advantage of Twilight’s apparent subservience, but she ignored it and pushed it to the back of her mind. Maybe she could enjoy that later tonight in a dream as they slept or something.

As Sunset spread sunscreen on Twilight’s back very thoroughly, there was that one voice again that was telling her to help a little with the front as well. “Come on! She doesn’t know how you need to protect the skin at the edges of the swimsuit front as well. Just help her out there with her chest area and act like it was a joke!” Sunset was tempted by that voice oh so very much, but while she would have enjoyed that, it was wrong. Those thoughts were locked away with the earlier ones and many others as well. There was certainly a lot getting locked away though and she wondered how long the lock would last. Sunset was fearing her dreams might end up a little too intense whenever these thoughts broke free in her sleep.

Twilight wondered why it was that sunscreen felt so cold when applied. It was causing her to shiver just a little and parts of her skin were getting what humans called goosebumps. She was at least thankful Sunset was helping her out and being very thorough in doing so. She also felt her heart flutter a little at this innocent act of friendship. Her heart beat a little faster when she realized she would be returning the favor in a minute.

“There we go!” Sunset said as she finished rubbing in the sunscreen so there weren’t any signs of the white lotion on Twilight’s back. It was very important because such things were embarrassing and it was most definitely not because she enjoyed the activity so much. That’s what Sunset told herself at least.

“Make sure to get sunscreen under the edges of your swimsuit even in the front, Twilight. Otherwise you might get a very odd and uncomfortable sunburn,” the fiery haired girl instructed her friend quietly. She wasn’t about to say it out loud because people might overhear in the locker room and that could be embarrassing.

As much as she wanted to see a blushing Twilight, Sunset wasn’t about to embarrass her that way. “Now can you do me?” Sunset asked as she handed the sunscreen to Twilight and turned around before moving her hair out of the way. Twilight had it easier there since the girl was wearing her hair in a ponytail today. Sunset loved how it looked on Twilight and how funny it was that a pony princess from a different world, or maybe dimension, was wearing her human form’s hair in a ponytail.

“So, I squeeze this white stuff into my hand and then spread it on your back?” Twilight asked.

Sunset was thankful Twilight couldn’t see her blush due to how dirty the mind of Sunset Shimmer seemed set on being at hearing her words. “Yes, that’s what you do. You will have to use more than just one handful most likely and you have to be sure to rub it in really good. I don’t really want there to globs of white sunscreen visible on my back,” she answered.

Twilight’s cheeks turned a little pink when she saw Sunset undo the back of her bikini top. “Wow…so beautiful…” Twilight thought. There was also a part of her that shouted, “So Hot! So Sexy!” Twilight was really hating how there was such a voice starting to get more active in her head. She was supposed to be the elegant, innocent, kind of nerdy/dorky Princess of Friendship. She wasn’t supposed to have thoughts in her head as if she was in heat or something. It was also getting to the point she wasn’t sure she could just blame these thoughts on the human body compared to a pony’s.

Was it normal to feel this way? She was kind of seeing Sunset much differently from just a friend or even a best friend. Sunset giving a bit of a relieved sigh as she rubbed in the lotion was not helping matters on that front. There was also the fact Sunset looked so beautiful all the time. Twilight decided she would have to enact an “Operation: Get up before Sunset so I can see her sleeping face in the morning”. She was sure the rewards from this operation’s success would be wonderful.

{-} {-} {-}

Twilight’s thoughts on her mixed feelings vanished once they left the locker room and were off to have fun. She didn’t really notice it earlier, but where they were standing they had a great view of the park Sunset mentioned and it was simply... “Fantastic! That looks amazing! Such a place seems like the most fun thing ever! I mean apart from reading books, organizing books and studying. So much to do, here!” Sunset couldn’t help but laugh as Twilight seemed to be almost as bouncy as Pinkie Pie was on a not quite as cheerful as usual, but still very cheerful day for the girl. This level of bounciness was really something for anyone else.

“Yeah, these places can be lots of fun even with all the waiting in lines for rides and slides and stuff,” Sunset said. She then placed a hand on Twilight’s shoulder and said, “We’re going over to the waterpark first though.” She pointed it out in front of Twilight and the pony princess was eager to get started.

Twilight had come to a new decision as she and Sunset went on their new favorite slide ride for a third time. The Pony Princess of Friendship had decided Equestria needed waterparks and lots of them. She would use her powers as a princess to see to this. She would simply tell Celestia and Luna the truth. Waterparks were places that could be very key to building friendships. Shared experiences in fun places were important to building stronger bonds of friendship with other ponies. It was not because she loved waterparks and wanted to experience them more. Nope, not at all. Such notions weren’t very princess like. Twilight assured herself she was very princess like.

Twilight also realized she was thankful Sunset warned her about not ruining the elastic on her swimsuit too quickly. As they finished a slide, there were a couple of girls behind them that almost lost their bikini tops as they finished the slide next. There was a part of Twilight that kind of wished such a thing happened to Sunset oddly enough. The princess was sure she would get a scolding if anyone knew she had such thoughts in her head.

The lake had a lot of other fun things to do apart from the waterpark slides. Sunset gave a smile as she said to Twilight, “Come on. Let’s do something a little slower for a bit. I know some people might think they are lame and kiddy… but I’ve always liked paddle boat rides.”

“That sounds fun. I’ve raced in them before, but never really taken it slow around a lake,” Twilight said. She then gave a giggle as she added, “I’ve never really done too many watersports before. My brother Shining Armor gets seasick really easily so our family usually limited trips to the lake or beach. He also gets airsick easily too.”

Sunset laughed to that. “Okay that really is funny. Mister Tough and Imposing Guard Captain gets seasick and airsick. If others found out they might not be so scared to go after his cute little sister.”

Twilight blushed when Sunset called her cute, but played it off as she laughed and said, “Yeah. It is a little embarrassing at times, but it’s loads of fun to tease him about it.”

It didn’t take long for the two of them to get a paddle boat and drinks as well. The boats were comfy and even had a covered top. Twilight was surprised how nice it was to take it slow and easy going in the paddle boat. The two enjoyed the calm and quiet. They did see a few other boats as well, but never really for very long. It was mostly families with younger children and couples in the other boats Twilight noticed.

“So, I’m not really trying to put you on the spot or anything, but have you put more thought into what we talked about in the park clearing?” Twilight asked. She felt out here away from others on this clam boat ride was a good time to bring it up again.

“I have a little. I will talk to them about it when I next get the chance. I still think even with the life I have finally built for myself here. I will more than likely move back to Equestria after finishing high school. I mean getting into high school even with my circumstances is one thing and kind of very much illegal in this world. Getting into a university or college for higher education is another thing. I’m pretty sure Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna would help me there, but I don’t want to bother them with more trouble than I already have,” Sunset said.

“Like I said it is completely your choice. I’m sure if you wanted to stay here you could, but you get to decide and will know what’s best for you,” Twilight said even if inside she was cheering Sunset was leaning towards returning to Equestria.

“Yeah I know. Maybe I will change my mind, but there isn’t really too much more time. Graduation isn’t that far off. Though I will admit now that I think about it again… I have some reservations regarding returning to Equestria…” Sunset looked downcast before taking in a deep breath and letting it out again.

“I’m not sure if Princess Celestia would even allow me to return home… Especially if that is where the mirror is located now. She kind of banned me from the castle,” Sunset said. She wanted to make up with Princess Celestia, but she wasn’t sure how or if she could. She was terrified of talking to the Sun Princess.

Twilight was in thought for a moment thinking how to best say this. “Well the mirror is in my Friendship Castle now not Canterlot Castle. So that isn’t a problem. Plus, there is a lot of room in my castle since it is just me and Spike living there, even if the others visit often. And while she hasn’t official said your ban was lifted to me. When I first returned after retrieving my crown and element, the first thing she asked while in a bit of a panic was if you were okay.”

Sunset’s eyes widened in surprise as she asked, “Really?” Twilight nodded. Sunset paused in her paddling and held her breath without knowing it. She let it out and looked downwards as she quietly asked, “How can she still care about me so much despite everything I did?”

Twilight was quiet for a moment before placing a hand on Sunset’s back and getting the other girl in a hug. Sunset gave a few sniffs. She knew the answer to her question. Twilight didn’t have to say anything. Celestia forgave her because she was Princess Celestia and loved all of her little ponies, even the ones who left for a different world.

“She loves you. That’s how she can still care for you after everything. That’s how Princess Celestia is,” Twilight answered even though she didn’t need to say anything. Sunset held the hug a little longer before regaining her composure and sitting back up. She was glad she wasn’t wearing runny makeup today. She would be a mess if that was the case.

Once they went back to paddling a little longer, Twilight spoke again. “You know when I returned after that first time. There was a part of me that was jealous of you, Sunset.”

“Really?” Sunset asked with her eyes reflecting her surprise.

Twilight nodded in gave a weak laugh. “Yes. Really. I had just been through all of that and traveled to another world, which she wasn’t sure I would be able return from quick enough, and faced demon you and managed to come back and all of that happened within three days. And the first thing she asked was if you were alright. She didn’t even welcome me back like everyone else did.” Twilight gave a huff at the last part.

“Wow…” Sunset said. She couldn’t believe that. It kind of seemed wrong that Princess Celestia asked about her first instead of welcoming Twilight back. “That was kind of wrong of her.”

“I know, right?!” Twilight said showing her supposedly only slight irritation at the matter. She then sighed. “I short of chalked it up to her just having that much faith in me in the end, and she never doubted I would succeed in the mission.”

Sunset actually gave a laugh to that. Twilight looked to her questioningly. “Sorry. I’m not laughing at you, Twilight. I just think it makes sense that was the case. I mean look at everything you’ve done. You became an alicorn and find it normal to fight off world ending threats while saving Equestria on an almost weekly basis. I wouldn’t be surprised if you could raise and lower the sun and moon yourself.”

Twilight blushed and looked away from Sunset pointedly. Sunset raised an eye brow in question for a moment. Then she gasped. “You totally have already, haven’t you?!”

Twilight blushed and was still not looking at Sunset before giving a sigh and nodding. “I kind of had trouble doing so… I mean it isn’t like I’ve ever been taught by either of the princesses on how to do it. I did get there even if it was a little wobbly and I was late in doing so after I had just woken up.”

Sunset stared in awe and forgot to paddle again. She watched as Twilight fidgeted cutely next to her. She soon gave out a laugh and Twilight looked to her with another of those cute Twilight pouts. “Sorry again, Twilight. It’s just you’re freaking out over not having done a perfect job of raising the sun and lowering the moon on your first try without having ever been told how to do so.”

Twilight blinked in thought for a moment and then giggled. “Okay. I guess I see your point there. It is a little silly to freak out about that.”

“Just a little, but that’s one of the many reasons you are so loveable, Twilight.” Sunset looked down pretending to still be giggling once she started to blush up a storm after having almost kind of admitted her feelings. Her words could be taken in a not so serious manner, but she still had said the words “Twilight” and “Loveable” in the same sentence out loud to the girl herself.

Twilight smiled and looked away a little as she blushed. “Stop getting so lovey dovey or whatever it is just because she said that. She was just meaning in a friendly general sense probably,” she scolded herself.

“Maybe there is more truth to Luna’s words when she said I have a tendency to sell myself short,” Twilight said hopping to move on from Sunset’s words.

“Maybe. I mean humility is much better than the arrogance I had, but too much of even that can be bad for you,” Sunset said. “Was there anything else that caught your eye earlier today?” she asked her friend changing the subject.

Twilight nodded and smiled. “Yeah! I wanted to try that big huge tube ride thing and then the wave pool. There was also the waterskiing, but I don’t know if there is time for lessons and trying it out.”

“We’ll see,” Sunset replied as they got back to where they needed to return the paddle boat. They had already started making their way back while talking earlier without even mentioning it to the other.

The huge tube ride was a lot of fun and both girls screamed their lungs out in delight. Twilight insisted they go again immediately. After their second time, Sunset insisted they go for a perfect trinity regarding the ride and go on it again for a third time. Once that was completed, they enjoyed the wave pool and decided it was the perfect place for them until lunch. Waterskiing be damned! They also slipped in another round on the water park’s main attraction ride one more time before lunch.

{-} {-} {-}

After the two girls had sandwiches for lunch from a shack restaurant near the lake in their swimsuits, they rinsed their bodies off in the locker room and got ready for the afternoon. Sunset stretched and blinked as she looked at Twilight. “Are you sure that’s what you want to wear?”

Twilight gave a smile and a nod. “I like this. It feels comfortable.” She was wearing jeans and her bikini top. Sunset gave a smile that might have been a bit more impure than it appeared at the sight. Twilight really could pull off the look. She also chalked it up to a bonus for completing Operation: Twilight Swimsuit so successfully.

It didn’t really matter as far as the park was concerned. There were other girls walking around in bikini tops and some form of shorts or pants. There was one seemingly common denominator between them all. Apart from Twilight all of the girls running around in bikini tops where trying to get the attention of guys. Sunset wondered if Twilight knew this and was actually trying to get her attention. If that was the case, Twilight had succeeded with flying colors. However, knowing the pony princess it could just be that she actually felt more comfortable in her choice outfit. It didn’t matter really. They were now on their way to the theme park portion of their trip.

{-} {-} {-}

Sunset felt small butterflies in her stomach as she walked with Twilight through the park. Oddly enough, she actually liked the feeling because in a way it said that she was very much alive and with someone she considered very important to her. There was also the fact she liked the potential the next stage of her plan had. Sunset had studied for the next stage a little bit (even if it was through movies, books and tv shows). It was already off to a good start because Twilight was wearing a sexy bikini top and a pair of designer jeans, which were “worn” in all the right places.

“So what do you have in mind for us to do next, Sunset?” Twilight asked with a bright smile.

Sunset returned the smile and said, “I have a haunted house planned for us to go through next here in the park. You would be surprised how interesting humans can make such things." Sunset couldn’t help but give a little giggle as they continued their trek together.

Twilight wasn’t sure what to make of this news, but she had no problem in deciding to grab Sunset’s hand as they continued to walk together. Sunset managed to hide a blush as she enjoyed the touch of Twilight’s hand. They both held on tight.

After a while, the two girls finally reached the “Haunted House” Sunset mentioned. There was a line, but it wasn’t too bad. Most of the line was comprised of couples with an odd group here and there of friends going through the attraction. Sunset smiled as she looked over the gathered people and noticed none of them were anywhere near a match for Twilight’s beauty, in her opinion.

This will be fun! I bet Twilight gets really scared and grabs on to me tightly!” Sunset thought with a bright smile and blushing cheeks as she thought about how it would feel to have such a beautiful girl grabbing on to her tightly like she was a life line.

I’m not really a fan of scary, but this could be fun. It’s exciting to see what humans consider scary,” Twilight thought as she grabbed Sunset a little tighter in anticipation. Sunset saw this as a good sign for things to come.

{-} {-} {-}

“Ahhh!!!” a surprisingly cute and girlish voice shrieked from the haunted house attraction in the amusement park. A few guys waiting in line couldn’t help but hope their dates would sound similar as they held on tightly. A group of friends laughed to themselves thinking it funny someone would get that frightened from such a park attraction.

A few shrieks and several minutes later, two girls walked out of the Haunted House together. One was shocked at herself and shivering as she clung tightly to her companion. The other girl had a bright blush and was taking extra pleasure from the tight hold the other girl had on her. “They feel so soft…” one thought as she looked to her companion as the other girl’s breasts seemed to lock around her arm.

“I’m actually a little surprised you were so affected by the haunted house, Sunset,” Twilight said as she wrapped her friend in a tight hold.

Sunset shivered a little. She was surprised at herself. “I didn’t think it would get to me that much…” she said as she looked away with a cute blush.

Twilight gave a smile and hugged her friend tighter and even kissed her on the cheek. She had seen others do this and it seemed to help out the girls who were scared after the attraction. Sunset blushed and held Twilight tighter for a little bit longer as she briefly buried her face in the crook of Twilight’s neck.

Well that was an epic fail…” Sunset thought to herself glumly.

This isn’t so bad…” that other voice said to her. Sunset then took in the scent of Twilight’s hair as she smiled. “In fact… This might have actually worked out for the best,” the voice continued as her beautiful smile grew wider.

Twilight’s heart skipped a beat at the sight of Sunset. She wasn’t sure about this human activity, but she really enjoyed it. The Haunted House wasn’t too scary for her, but she supposed it was probably because she was so used to more intense and scarier things back in Equestria. Sunset’s behavior was understandable to an extent. Sunset never had to save Equestria from monsters on a regular basis and she had grown more accustomed to being in the human world than Twilight.

Not that it’s a bad thing…” Twilight thought as she looked to the fiery haired beauty again. She again felt that odd stirring of arousal. She wasn’t sure what to think about these feelings. It wasn’t uncommon for mares to be involved with other mares in Equestria. However, in the human world, such feelings didn’t seem as regular. Twilight didn’t really care about such things, but she was concerned Sunset might.

I really should have known Twilight wouldn’t get scared by such things. I’m surprised I was scared by this place,” Sunset thought to herself with a mental sigh. Regardless of the sigh she actually found herself enjoying her current predicament. Twilight was warm and comfortable to grab ahold of like this. Plus, there was all of the exposed skin because of Twilight’s outfit choice.

{-} {-} {-}

After Sunset had finally let go of Twilight to which the pony princess wasn’t sure she though a good thing, they were headed to a different attraction. “Theme parks have things called Roller coasters. They are very fast and fun. They can also be a bit scary, but still lots of fun. I don’t plan on starting you on one of the really crazy ones with corkscrews and loop-de-loops, but we are going on one,” Sunset said with a lot more determination than Twilight thought necessary.

“This really isn’t too bad,” Twilight said. She smiled as she looked around them. There were several scenes related to the ride's theme around them.

“Most rides in this park have rooms to build up the atmosphere of the ride’s theme or at least make it less boring to wait,” Sunset explained. Twilight took mental notes to keep this in mind when she gave her proposal… no demand! To bring theme parks to Equestria. She was pretty sure there would be plenty of ponies with cutie marks that would work really well in such a place.

It took some time, but it was finally Sunset and Twilight’s turn on the ride. They both loved it immensely. However, Sunset was screaming out of a mix of fear and an adrenaline rush. She still loved it, but Twilight was seemingly having a much different experience. “Woooh!!! Yeah! I can totally see why Rainbow loves flying fast! Ha ha! I need to seriously work on that when I get back home! Come on! Faster! Much faster! Let’s make a Rainboom!”

Sunset was loving the ride and was glad Twilight liked it as well, but she did find it a little odd seeing Twilight like this. She really liked it, but it showed how there was so much more to her best friend/crush than she knew. She guessed it made sense Twilight felt this way given she was an alicorn and thus could use both magic and could fly. It was a little hard for Sunset to actually picture that having been in the human world for so long.

“That was so much fun!” Twilight cheered as she hugged Sunset tightly. “What’s next?” she asked.

Sunset smiled. Her experience was different from Twilight’s, but she still loved it. “Well the next one I wanted to try is supposed to be a bit different, but I’ve heard it is a lot of fun.”

“I like the sound of fun,” Twilight said with an excited smile.

Sunset led the way to the next one. It was a ride called A Magical Journey. Sunset thought it would be fun and hilarious to see what humans called magic. She also heard the ride was fairly advanced given it was a very new addition. It was something that was added within the last year actually. In fact, the buzz about the ride was incredible because of how quickly it was made and ready for others to enjoy. It was a 3-D ride with a lot of effects and actually told a story. Some of the students Sunset was on good terms with had been on it and told her it was something she really should see.

Once the ride was finished, the other people in their cart were cheering and going on and on about how much they loved the ride. “The characters really speak to me you know? I mean sure the villain was a little cliché, but her story… and the resolution,” a girl said with a sniff as her boyfriend smiled and wiped a tear from her eyes before holding her.

“I really like how they told a story while taking us on such an awesome ride!” the boyfriend said as his girlfriend nodded.

Sunset was just staring blankly with her mouth open a little bit. Twilight was in a fairly similar state even if she was affected in a different manner. As they got out of the cart, Twilight spoke first. “Well… It was… ummm… interesting to see that play out from a different perspective.”

“Yeah…” was Sunset’s response. She was still in a state of disbelief and wondering how the ride was made this way.

“Though… I will admit. I’m not exactly fond of the way they modeled the… animatronics? Yeah those,” Twilight said.

“Yeah…” Sunset replied again.

“I mean… I know the protagonist doesn’t look that way. And I know the antagonist doesn’t either. She is much prettier,” Twilight said.

“Can we sit down for a bit?” Sunset pleaded a little weakly. She really didn’t want to sound this way, but after that ride she had no choice. Twilight nodded and the two of them found a table near a drink and snack stand away from most people. Twilight got the two of them waters and snow cones while Sunset sat down and processed what just happened.

After the two girls silently enjoyed their refreshments, Sunset finally broke the silence. “I know I’ve told you this before, but I have to say it again. Thank you, Twilight. Thank you so much…” She actually felt tears on her cheeks as she spoke. She gave a sniff. “I don’t want to think about where I would be now if it wasn’t for you…”

Twilight gave her a tight hug and Sunset actually sobbed just a little despite herself. It wasn’t easy seeing her own story played out in an amusement park ride like that. The ride was fantastic, and amazing in every way! However, it struck far too close to home for both ponies. A Magical Journey told the story of what happened between them during the Fall Formal. They changed how everyone looked and a lot of other things, but it was really their story.

“Why did so many people tell me to see it? Do they still hate me?” Sunset asked in a voice so lost and distant Twilight wanted to cry with her.

“They probably thought you would like to see it again portrayed in a more humorous fashion while still reaching the heart. Maybe they thought if you saw it you would feel better and realize they had for sure forgiven you. I know it still bothers you what happened back then, but maybe they didn’t realize it was still on your mind and something that hurt you. I don’t think they wanted to make you sad. You’ve come a long way since then, and they know it as well now. Perhaps they wanted you to realize it too?” Twilight explained.

Sunset gave a sniff and straightened up after a little bit. She gave a laugh that was more out of relief than anything else as she said, “I don’t recall your dress being that frilly and fluffy. It was frilly, but not that bad.”

Twilight gave a giggle as she said, “Rarity gave it to me. I will admit I did really like how you looked in that jacket though. I mean sure we were against each other, but I really liked your outfit. I like your current outfits better, and I’m not just talking about what your wearing today. You do always look really pretty.”

Sunset smiled to that and gave Twilight a new tight hug. She quietly said, “I will admit I liked how epic and fun they made our final battle. Who knew our fight would make for a pretty good ride?” She gave a giggle which Twilight matched as she nodded in agreement.

{-} {-} {-}

This trip has experienced too much failure,” Sunset thought to herself. The two friends were on their way to a different ride. They were actually going to what was more or less the kiddy section of the park. Sunset really needed a break after the A Magical Journey ride. It was a good ride in the ride sense, but it was too close to her own real-life experiences for Sunset to fully enjoy it.

“What was with that Cat in the Hat?” Twilight asked once they left the ride. It was a fun and easy-going ride, but it was confusing for her in some ways.

Sunset gave a giggle. “It’s based off of a kids’ story. A lot of crazy but fun stuff happens, but they get a little worried when it is about time for their parents to return for the day. That was why we went through that vacuum thing there at the end. That was the Cat in the Hat cleaning up and apologizing for getting out of hand. It really is a fun story for kids.”

Twilight nodded. “I guess it is a human thing.” To her, it didn’t really make a lot of sense, but she could appreciate the rhyming of the story’s words and the ride was fun even if it was a little slow. However, it helped Sunset get over the other ride, so that was the most important thing.

The rest of the day was much easier going. They went on a few more rides and mostly just enjoyed the different parts of the park with all of it’s themes. Sunset even really enjoyed The New Magical World section of the park which popped up around that one ride. It was lots of fun seeing how humans interpreted Equestrian magic.

Thing were even more fun now that Sunset didn’t feel like she was being forced to face her past in such detail. The two even jokingly and happily bought alternative color schemes of the heroine and villain from the ride. The alternative colors were a much closer match to what they really looked like. Twilight got a “Sunfire Endshine” doll that looked very much like Sunset in her regular form weary a very wacky villain costume. Sunset Shimmer bought a “Tivylight Sparks” doll that looked very much like Twilight with a very over the top magical girl hero costume. The two made sure to take pictures of themselves holding up the new souvenirs with broad smiles.

After a very fun day, the two friends were relaxing with drinks as they waited for the show Sunset got tickets for to start. They were in a bar and restaurant that had a live piano player/singer preforming for them all. They even convinced him to let them sing a song while he played at one point. The other patrons really enjoyed it and cheered them on.

“Well… that turned out better than I thought it would. I figured they would give up on the words and just hum there at one point,” the entertainer said with some laughs in response. “I wouldn’t mind doing it again with others if you’re willing to donate like they did and have voices just as wonderful.” Again, several of the people laughed including Twilight and Sunset. The guy then did another request song and because of what it was he added a bit of comedy remix to it before jokingly pretending he couldn’t continue because it was so embarrassing he felt literal pain playing it any longer. The audience including the people who made the request laughed in good humor.

“Ahh! Yes! This is a good song,” he said. He then looked around nervously as he whispered into the mic, “Not that there’s anything wrong with liking that last song… Especially for a man…” The audience again laughed as he started the next song.

{-} {-} {-}

“Wow… This really has been a long day so far. Lots of fun, but long,” Twilight said with a slight yawn.

“Well we still have some more to go. There’s that show and then we have supper before we finally go back,” Sunset said.

“I look for forward to it all. But… I don’t care what your alarm clock says. Tomorrow I am sleeping in,” Twilight said with determination causing Sunset to laugh. It was almost if Twilight was getting ready to do battle with some ancient Equestrian evil.

“Good thing I actually have curtains that block out the sunlight fairly well then. Also, I don’t plan on setting my alarm clock so no worries,” Sunset said with a smile as Twilight gave a hug in thanks.

“So, what can you tell me about this show?” Twilight asked seeming much more eager and forgetting she was feeling tired earlier.

“Well it is a show that can’t really be described into certain a certain category. I’ve just heard it was really good and I’ve really wanted to see it myself for a while, but I felt I would have to go with someone if you know what I mean,” Sunset said.

Twilight was in thought, “You haven’t gone with the others?” Sunset shook her head. “Not even with Flash?” the purple haired girl asked causally.

“Nope. Not even with him. I really wanted to go, but felt it didn’t fit my image or something stupid like that. I didn’t really act towards him like a friend should or especially a girlfriend. I didn’t act towards him in earnest,” Sunset finished with a sigh. She really had come to hate the way she was in the past.

Sunset was a little surprised but both relieved and happy when Twilight grabbed her hands and held them as she smiled. “That was in your past. You aren’t that way anymore,” Twilight said in comfort. Sunset much appreciated it and resolved to be a better friend towards others once more.

“Come on. Let’s get going,” Twilight said after a moment and she was now the one dragging Sunset somewhere. Sunset gave a delighted giggle at this predicament and pushed those voices into the locked area of her mind once again. She didn’t want her other desires to ruin this pure moment.

{-} {-} {-}

“That was incredible!” Twilight shouted happily just like a group of kids were shouting from nearby with their parents. “I can’t believe how talented humans can be and how wonderful hands are!” she said enthusiastically, but fortunately didn’t shout this time. The group in the show had done a lot of really talented things.

“The way they were able to play those instruments they made themselves. Who knew pipes could be used as musical instruments. And that thing with the marshmallows… it was a little gross, but kind of impressive and oddly artistic. Is it always the same show?” she asked Sunset.

Sunset was in thought for a moment. “I’ve never seen them before, but from what I've heard it is but it isn’t. They have a general flow to the show, but they also leave room for improvisation. There are also the audience interactions as well. Those aren’t plants in the audience they use,” she answered as Twilight nodded.

Sunset eyes then gleamed a little as she took a turn to gush about it. “I loved the color effects they did with the paint and everything. The lighting as well and all of the funny antics they got up to even if they were very much playing the role of unfunny and silent people. And the dancing at the end that was so much fun!”

Twilight grinned to this and nodded. “I really have to say that was the way to top off the day.” She then leaned in real close and gave Sunset a tight hug.

Sunset returned it and giggled a little as she said, “I hope you’re still up for dinner though. We really need to eat something after all we did today or we’ll be dead tired tomorrow.”

Twilight made “Feh!” sound as she cutely made a hand that gesture that was both human and ponyish. “I’ve done all nighters lots of time before! I bet you have too. I mean you also were Celestia’s personal student. I don’t care how smart you are there’s no way you didn’t do at least one all-nighter. We can handle it.”

Sunset smiled as she nodded. “Okay. So I’ve done plenty of them as well. I still don’t like doing them on an empty stomach. That was the main point I was making.” Sunset then gasped. “Don’t tell me Princess Twilight couldn’t figure that out.” Sunset then gave a mock glare as she said, “Were you only paying half attention to me?”

Twilight blushed then rolled her eyes as she said, “Hello! We just left a show unlike anything I have ever seen before. Pardon me for still being caught up in it.” She then gave a smile that was a little embarrassed she was caught and Sunset found cute.

“I’ll forgive you this time…” Sunset said pretending to be super serious. She then grinned and said, “It really was something else! I liked the smart phone app skit.”

“You know if it wasn’t for this trip I wouldn’t understand what a smart phone was. I would be like, ‘Is it a phone… with a degree?’ or something like that,” Twilight said as the two laughed together as they approached the restaurant Sunset chose.

“This place looks cool,” Twilight said as they entered it.

“Yes, it does! And it has some really good outside seating with a great view. That’s why I reserved it when I got the tickets for today,” Sunset said. The restaurant was called the Golden Light Veranda. The place was very well known for the beautiful sunset's you could watch from it. The name came from how the placed looked gold in color from across the lake when the sun light hit the place. It was a bit of an odd mix of a crowd here. It was close to the theme park so you had people dressed like people did for a day of fun, but you also got a lot of people who would wear fancy clothes when they came here to eat.

Once they were seated and placed their orders, Sunset and Twilight took in the view of the area around them. They could see both the lake reflecting the moon lit sky and part of the park. There was also a cool but welcoming night breeze. Twilight was perfectly fine now, because they had made an earlier stop to get their clothes and everything. They were leaving after their meal and the ending fireworks show Sunset wanted to surprise Twilight with and hoped it might lead to something really amazing.

“I wanted to think you again, Sunset. For today. For everything. I’ve never had such a wonderful time before like this. I… I…” Twilight trailed off and seemed as if she was stuck on what to say next.

Sunset’s heart actually beat faster in response. “Is she going to be the one to confess?” Sunset thought and felt way too much happiness at such a notion that was most likely not going to be true.

“I’ve said it before, but I wouldn’t have been able to do everything without you,” Twilight said with a small smile and Sunset was both happy to hear it but also a little crushed. Twilight gave a sigh, “The truth is I wouldn’t have been able to save Canterlot High from the sirens in the first place if it wasn’t for you. You of all of us saw what needed to be done. We would probably have never stopped arguing while we were under the stage.”

Twilight looked down in shame, “I may have not said it before and I know you noticed, but I also did as well. In the end before you got us to stop arguing we were actually feeding them energy and they hadn’t even used their powers on us because they couldn't. So, thanks for that as well, Sunset.”

Sunset was speechless and smiling at the same time there was maybe a tear on her cheek, but no one noticed. She instead of saying something, found a way to hug Twilight from across the table without knocking anything over. Twilight returned the hug and the two held it as Sunset figured out what words she needed to say. “You’re welcome, Twilight. And Thank you for saying that,” Sunset said. None of the others had noticed that or really thanked her for her help that day. It was kind of understood they were thankful to her, but actually hearing it was really something more and so very heart warming.

The two might have held the hug longer as they looked into each other’s eyes, but the waiter cleared his throat. “I have brought your meals,” he said to them casually. The girls broke their hug and each thanked him as they hungrily looked at their food. Sunset was a little disappointed their moment didn’t continue, but also relieved it hadn’t. Her plan was for them to have their moment and everything right as the fireworks went off during dessert.

{-} {-} {-}

Twilight sighed in contentment as they both waited for their desserts to arrive. They enjoyed their meal mostly recounting their favorite parts of the day and the things they saw as well. Twilight gave a chuckle causing Sunset to raise an eyebrow in question. “Sorry… I just can’t believe you were the one who got scared at the haunted house earlier.”

Sunset pouted to that causing Twilight grin. “Not all of us are used to battling monsters of myth and legend on a regular basis. Though I will admit… It got to me a lot more than I thought it would and that didn’t really work out how I had hoped it would,” Sunset defended herself.

“Well it was kind of cute in a way,” Twilight said offhandedly causing Sunset to wonder if they would get another moment tonight already.

“Don’t get you hopes up. Dessert will probably arrive just as it was about to get good,” Sunset thought. Right on cue the waiter returned with their desserts. “Curse this restaurant’s great customer service! Why couldn’t it be one of those places where you wonder if they had to go and fetch the ingredients for your meal? Or find a cow to milk for your ice cream. Well Twilight’s ice cream in this case.

Twilight looked at the ice cream eagerly and more so than she thought was normal. She was wondering if a massive sweet tooth came with her wings or something. She liked sweets but not as much as she had been since that day. It was something to investigate once she returned even if there were only three other ponies and a discord that would have any information on the matter.

She had ordered a mixed three scoop ice cream cone with a waffle cone. The flavors she chose were Cookies and Cream, she would have to find out how to make these Oreo cookies just to make the flavor, and Chocolate Mint. She had two scoops of the Cookies and Cream and one scoop of the Chocolate Mint.

Sunset was wondering if a sometimes-massive sweet tooth came with being a pony. She had always loved sweets, but it wasn’t until she made friends she realized how much she did compared to her human friends. In her group of friends at CHS, Pinkie was the only one more into sweets than her and that was because she was Pinkie. “Though the Princess of Friendship seems to be giving me a run for my money,” she thought with a giggle as she watched Twilight happily lick her ice cream.

The fiery haired girl ordered a drool worthy strawberry pie. It had filling oozing out the sides with plenty of whipped cream on top covered in chocolate sprinkles with some cookie crumbles. The crust of the pie was a deliciously rich golden color. There was even a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Sometimes you had to go with the classics when it came to ice cream.

When it came to their desserts, the girls’ conversation was mostly sounds of delight at the taste of the food.

Sunset checked her watch and noticed it was getting close to the perfect time for her hopefully perfect moment with Twilight. She had finished her pie and Twilight had finished her ice cream and the two were slowing enjoying the last refills on their drinks. Sunset moved in closer to Twilight and reached out to grab the girl’s free hand. Twilight looked to her and smiled. The two actually brought their faces closer together. Sunset looked into Twilight’s lovely purple eyes and blushed a little as the other girl did first.

And wouldn’t you know it!


The fireworks went off and Twilight actually jumped in surprise and looked to see the pretty display. More went off and Sunset gave a sigh as Twilight was entranced watching the show in the sky before them.

Figures the one thing I was planning to use as the back drop for my perfect Twilight moment would be the thing that ruined said moment,” Sunset mentally thought as she sighed again unnoticed by Twilight.

Well… It isn’t all bad,” she thought as a smile grew on her lips. Twilight was holding Sunset’s hand with both of her own as the fireworks display continued and she wasn’t about to let go it seemed. Twilight even cheered at all of the right moments and Sunset realized she may know more about friendship than she will give herself credit for, but when it came to real romance she had a lot to learn and it couldn’t come out of books, movies and TV shows.

Sunset placed her other hand on top of Twilight’s as the two watched the fireworks show together. There wasn’t a waiter to interrupt them this time. There wasn’t food or dessert either. It was just the two of them and all of the couples there together enjoying the view of the fireworks above both the Amusement park and lake.

“Sunset,” Twilight started as she watched the fireworks. Sunset squeezed Twilight’s hands to show she was listening. “This has been one of the best days of my life. I’m glad you’re the one I’m enjoying it with,” Twilight answered as she smiled brightly.

“Me too,” Sunset replied in a voice barely above a whisper but heard by Twilight anyways.

Not bad at all,” Sunset repeated to herself as her heart felt lighter than it had ever before that she could think of in her life.

Author's Note:

To head off possible questions, keep in mind this story takes place in an A/U before Friendship Games and all of the Starlight Glimmer stuff. I just felt I needed to throw that out there in case people were thinking, “But Twilight isn’t alone in the castle with just Spike. Starlight lives there as well.” I’m also not really thinking about paying attention to the stinger at the end of Rainbow Rocks and that reveal, even if it would be fun. (Could change my mind later on this, but not likely)

Plus… Did I really for once not go into descriptive detail regarding wonderful meals they were eating?! Some will be relieved, most probably won’t care, and still others will be disappointed or a mix of disappointed and relieved. Though there was the dessert part, but I don’t know if that counts.

I’m sorry about the long gap before this chapter… I had trouble with this chapter and then I started working on something else entirely on a different site and finished a story there. I have written a good bit for the next chapter and some for the chapter after that one, but I don’t know how long that will take. It has to be really well done. Really well done. Vital to the story well done!