• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 8,018 Views, 394 Comments

Rainbow Rocks: Unfinished Business - Gadman85

After the battle of the bands, Twilight has something on her mind regarding the Dazzlings. Sunset has also had some things on her mind regarding Twilight.

  • ...

A Picnic and Bo's Pizza Palace

Twilight gave a moan as she woke up and stretched. She looked around the room and then next to her. She was a little surprised to see Sunset was still in bed asleep. Twilight wasn’t sure, but this might be the first time she woke up before her friend.

The pony princess took in a deep breath and noticed the sunlight streaming in from curtained windows as she heard the sounds of morning from outside. She currently felt more peaceful and happier than she had in this world before. Twilight guessed it was because they had finally made contact with the Dazzlings and it went a lot better than she thought and feared it would.

As her eyes once more scanned the room, a smile came to her face as they settled on the sleeping Sunset Shimmer next to her in the bed. The purple haired girl actually couldn’t help but blush as her eyes continued to rest on the sleeping beauty next to her. She watched as Sunset’s chest rose and fell with the even sound of her breathing. Twilight couldn’t help but lean in closer to Sunset. “I can’t believe she’s been letting me use her as a body pillow without any complaint. She really is wonderful,” she thought as she watched.

After a little longer, Twilight blushed and once again thought, “Beautiful…” she then watched for a couple of seconds more and shook her head as she got out of the bed quietly and smiled. “Time to pay her back for her generosity a little,” she thought as she went to take her morning shower.

{-} {-} {-}

Sunset rolled to her side and stretched out on her bed with a half awake moan. It was at this time her body seemed to realize something was wrong. Sunset’s blue eyes opened wide as she felt around for her snuggle buddy. She soon heard the sound of Twilight humming in the kitchen and was surprised she felt a little disappointed she didn’t get her usual couple of minutes to enjoy being Twilight’s pillow.

Can a princess even cook?” she asked herself in wonder as she looked in the direction of her kitchen. She then took in a deep breath through her nose and smiled at the pleasant scents in the air. She got out of her comfy bed and made her way to the kitchen.

“Good morning, Sunset,” Twilight greeted her cheerfully wearing an apron and holding a spatula in one hand. “Breakfast is almost ready, just a little longer. I hope you don’t mind that I borrowed your apron.”

Sunset smiled brightly as she said, “I don’t mind, especially if you’re making some breakfast for me too.”

Twilight gave her smile in return as she said, “Of course I’m making some for you. I wanted to again thank you for helping me out with this mission of mine.”

“No problem. But I’m kind of surprised you can cook. You know being a princess and all,” Sunset half teased.

Twilight playfully rolled her eyes as she placed some food in a serving bowl and said, “You know very well I wasn’t always a princess.”

“Yeah, but Spike,” Sunset countered easily with a playful grin.

Twilight blushed and said, “He may be a better cook than me, but I can still cook and I do so often. Besides… the little guy loves my cooking.” She gave a smile and a small sigh to herself as she started placing the food on the already set table.

As Sunset sat down, Twilight added quietly, “Thanks again for letting me borrow your journal to send him messages to see how he is holding up. I know it's made things easier on him. He really wanted to come along.”

As the fiery haired girl served herself some eggs and hash browns she said, “Don’t mention it. I’m actually surprised you were able to convince him to stay back there and not come with you.”

Twilight gave a giggle as she poured some syrup on her waffles and said, “Once I told him he would be staying with Rarity for part of the time it was easier. He has a not so subtle crush on her. I’m not entirely sure if Rarity knows it or not anymore.”

She gave a puzzled frown as she added, “I used to think she was just humoring him since he’s still a baby dragon. Then I started to realize how often she would ask him to help her with stuff. He was always eager and she did always give him thanks, but never more than she would anyone else really. And I'm pretty sure she isn't the type to take advantage of a baby dragon.”

Sunset gave a chuckle and said, “Well if she’s anything like Rarity here than she might not know of his crush. Rarity is a very good friend, but she does get very much caught up in herself at times.”

Twilight gave laugh as well and nodded. “Yep, pony Rarity is like that as well. She has gotten better about it. It still can cause problems though. She came across this book that gave her the power to make whatever she thinks of a reality. She ended up making all of Ponyville more fabulous with crystal building of different colors and a blinding bright gold road.”

The two gave a bit of a laugh as Twilight continued, “It took Cadance, Luna and me forever to get it sorted out. The book was cursed it turned out, but only Rarity could get that carried away so quickly even if that was the case.”

Twilight then gave a different puzzled expression as she said, “I still haven’t figured out how she almost always has a fainting couch with her whenever she gets in her dramatic moods.”

“Wait, wait, wait… She actually has a fainting couch she can use at any time?” Sunset asked. Now that she thought about it, she could see that fitting Rarity’s character.

Twilight gave another giggle as she said, “Yes she does.”

After the two shared a giggle, they got to eating their breakfast of waffles, eggs and hash browns with Orange juice. Twilight had insisted on having orange juice when she can on this mission. Apparently pony Apple Jack made a habit of replacing her own stores with apple juice. Twilight didn’t mind apple juice, but she liked some variety every so often.

As the two washed the dishes together, Sunset asked, “So what did you want to do today?”

Twilight looked to her friend and replied, “Actually I kind of wanted to take it easy today. It was nice how you took me to look around the city some more yesterday, but I don’t really want to do something like that today since we’ll be meeting with Adagio and the others this evening.”

Sunset looked in thought as she replied, “We can do that, but it might get kind of boring just waiting here all day… Do you want to have a picnic for lunch at least?”

Sunset didn’t really know what she would do if she just lounged around all day with Twilight. She wasn’t opposed to the idea and even really like it, but she didn’t want to accidentally do something because of her growing feelings for Twilight and regret it later. If they went outside, she could possibly distract herself if needed.

Twilight gave a smile, “That sounds lovely, but we have to go and get one of those amazing cupcakes I’ve seen in the bakeries in this world.” Twilight managed to almost hide her drool without Sunset noticing.

Sunset gave a smile as well. “Sounds like a plan. I know of a great spot for our lunch.”

{-} {-} {-}

After taking much longer than was probably sane to decide on which of the delicious cupcakes they each wanted, the two girls quickly finished up shopping for everything else they needed for the picnic. Once they loaded everything into Sunset’s car, they were on their way to the picnic spot. “So where are we going?” Twilight asked.

“Oh I don’t want to tell you. It wouldn’t be a surprise if I did,” Sunset said with a smile as she drove. Twilight gave her a half frown, but didn’t press the issue. She wasn’t really opposed to Sunset’s surprises.

They drove for about fifteen minutes and arrived at a familiar park. “Here? That really isn’t much of a surprise, Sunset,” Twilight said as she gave her friend a small confused frown.

“Just wait and see. We’re in the same park, but we’re going to a different part of it,” Sunset said with a smile.

Twilight stepped out and grabbed her half of the load and followed. They quickly took off in a different direction from last time. Twilight’s curiosity was peaked and she wasn’t hiding it as she took in their surroundings.

Soon Sunset headed down what barely looked like a path and motioned for Twilight to follow. The pony princess was extra curious now. Soon she heard what sounded like running water and some birds chirping as she followed Sunset. It was hard to really see anything through the trees apart from the path ahead.

It wasn’t long until they suddenly emerged into a clearing and Twilight gave a gasp. “I take it you like it?” Sunset said with a knowing smile a few seconds after the gasp. Twilight nodded to her friend and started looking around the area.

There was an old stone table with benches under a wonderfully blooming tree to the left side. Straight in front of them was a good sized pool of water just below a small waterfall. The pool of water flowed into a stream which next flowed out to the right of the clearing.

The ground of the area was covered in a short but lush grass with wildflowers here and there. There were a few trees in the clearing while bushes and more trees formed the edge. “It’s beautiful…” Twilight said breathlessly as Sunset made her way over to the stone table.

“I found it after the Fall Formal. We’re right at the edge of the park. I was surprised that few people ever seem to come here, but it's pretty well hidden. Unlike ponies, humans aren’t generally very keen on using faded footpaths and such. So I guess that’s why,” Sunset spoke as Twilight made her way over and sat down across from Sunset.

“Thanks for sharing this place with me, Sunset.” Twilight gave her friend a smile. Sunset felt warm at Twilight’s words and smiled back.

As the two set up their picnic, Twilight quickly realized Sunset let her have the side with the better view. The purple haired girl couldn’t help but give a warm smile to that. “She’s so very considerate and kind,” she thought as she looked over the girl sitting across from her.

The two friends took their meal mostly in silence as they just enjoyed the atmosphere of the clearing and each other’s company. However, as they started their cupcakes a thought came to Twilight. “How did you end up finding a place like this after the Fall Formal?”

Sunset’s eyes widened a little and she placed her cupcake down. “Like I told you, it wasn’t exactly easy at first. Sometimes it was too much for me and I just felt like I had to get away you know. I actually cried to myself a few times after that. I'm still not sure if it was out of self pity or honest regret over the things I had done to the others.”

Twilight gave a nod in understanding. “So have you brought the others here?”

Sunset took interest in her cupcake once again and said, “Not really. I kind of kept this place to myself.” She then gave a sigh as she continued, “I still sometimes use it as a special retreat. I mean the others are wonderful friends, but well… I just sometimes feel as if I’m just tolerated even now at times.”

“Why is that?” Twilight asked with concern.

“I feel like I’m not usually actually included. Like I’m just invited as an afterthought sometimes. Many times when I hear about what everyone has decided to do it's after they have already met up with each other. I’m also usually the last to be invited to most of the things we all do as a group.” Sunset stopped and looked down to the table.

Twilight came over and sat next to her and placed a hand on her back. Sunset looked up and gave her a smile in thanks for the gesture. “You know you can tell me anything right? Sunset? You’ve already helped me out so much so you are more than entitled to let it all out and I’ll listen to you. If you want.”

Sunset gave a nod and continued. A part of her knew she needed this and Twilight would be the best one for her to talk to about it. “I would have understood it at first, but even now this is still the case sometimes. They are great friends and people, but I still feel a little excluded sometimes. I don’t think they do it purposefully, but I feel like they see me as a stand in for you at times. Like they have to have an Equestrian friend, but you aren’t here and are busy with your princess duties. So I will have to do.”

“I tell myself its stupid, but I still feel that way.” Sunset gave a sigh and said more to herself, “I just sometimes feel like I don’t really belong in this world period.” Twilight gave Sunset a hug and rubbed the girl's back some.

“Have you told them you feel this way?” Twilight asked as they separated again.

“No I haven’t. I don’t want to make them feel bad if it is just coincidence. Should I tell them?” Sunset asked as she looked to Twilight.

“I think you should. It’s your choice, but it might make living in this world better for you. There’s also the fact that you can return to Equestria whenever you want. I would like it if you did return to Equestria sometime, but again it’s your choice which world you choose to be a part of in the end. I think you should at least finish school here even if you don’t really need it. Mentioning your feelings to them will be good because they are a sizable part of your life.” As Twilight spoke, Sunset was in thought over her words.

“I think you should talk to them about this and make sure they know it is a serious discussion. I’m sure it will really help you out and it might even help them out as well. If it somehow turns out that your fears are true, which I don’t think is the case, then remember that you can return to Equestria whenever you want, Sunset.” Twilight gave the other girl a warm smile and finished with, “I’ll always be there for you.”

Sunset gave Twilight a tight hug and said, “Thanks.” She would someday make sure Twilight knew just how much such words meant to her. It was one thing to have a good friend you could talk to via phone, or in their case diary, and another to have such an open invitation that wasn’t given just for the sake of being polite.

That was one thing Sunset loved about Twilight. The lavender skinned girl rarely if ever said something to her friends just to be polite. Twilight almost always meant what she said for real. Sunset easily knew this was such a time. She wasn’t sure what she would do with her life. Knowing that Twilight would happily see her return to Equestria if that was what she chose, was yet another thing that meant more to Sunset than she could ever say.

Once Sunset ended the hug, the two girls talked and enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere until they finally left for Sunset’s apartment. There they waited until it was time to get ready for their evening.

{-} {-} {-}

“I can’t wait to see this Bo’s Pizza Palace place. I hope Adagio, Aria, and Sonata can still make it,” Twilight said a bit excitedly as she sat next to Sunset in the car. They were now on their way to meet their newest friends.

“Yeahhhh… me too. Try to remind me to get at least one of their numbers tonight so we can make sure any future plans are still good,” Sunset said a little sheepishly. She was now kicking herself for not getting their numbers sooner.

They were a little early since Twilight was already excited and liked to be early whenever possible. Sunset guessed this might make things easier, they could go ahead and get a table for the five of them and tell the hostess to look for their new friends if the Dazzlings weren't already there as well.

Sunset led the way and opened the door for Twilight. She gave a teasing smile and said, “After you, Princess.” Twilight again played her part but half way through the door she was already giggling. Sunset soon joined her friend’s laughter.

Once they walked up to the hostess, Sunset spoke first. “We’re going to be meeting some friends here and I was wondering if you could tell me if they already arrived.”

“Sure, do you have their names?” the hostess asked with a pleasant smile.

“Adagio, Aria and Sonata,” Sunset answered easily.

The hostess looked at a list on her podium that listed the people waiting for the rest of their group to show up. She gave a frown, “I’m sorry, but I don’t see anyone listed waiting for a party by those names. What are your names?”

“Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer,” Twilight provided.

“I don’t see those names either as anyone waiting for you to arrive. I am sorry,” the hostess replied with a small frown.

“Well, we are early. Do you have any tables for five available?” Sunset asked with an uneasy smile.

“We do have a table open for that many. If you will follow me,” the hostess gave a smile as she led the way to a table.

Once both Sunset and Twilight were sitting down, Twilight spoke up, “Can you lead our friends here? Their names are Adagio, Sonata, and Aria in case you forgot. You can recognize Adagio by her hair. It really stands out and is memorable. It is light orange with yellow streaks and... massive.”

Sunset gave a giggle to Twilight’s description as the hostess gave a confused nod. She would mark down the names on the list. “Your waitress will be Fan Service. She will be with you shortly.”

Soon after the hostess left, a girl that was beautiful and cute to a point that most would find her likable arrived with a wonderful and friendly smile. She had red and brown hair tied in a curly ponytail and her figure was perfect without being too pronounced and causing jealousy.

“Hello,” she cheerfully greeted the girls. “I’m Fan Service and I will be your waitress for tonight. How can I help you tonight? I heard you are waiting for a few friends. Would you like a menu and some drinks?”

Twilight gave a smile, “That would be lovely. Thanks!” The waitress took their drink orders and gave them menus before she left.

Sunset then gave a giggle and said, “I can’t believe you told the hostess to recognize Adagio by her hair.” The fiery haired girl then gave a louder giggle as Twilight blushed and looked to the side.

“Well I mean it’s true… Her hair is that noticeable. Not that it’s a bad thing. I actually kind of wish my hair was like that. Instead it is just plain and straight.” Twilight gave a frown as she spoke.

Sunset gave her a smile and said, “Come on, Twilight. I think your hair is nice the way it is. I know more than a few girls who would wish they had your hair. Don’t let that get to you.”

Twilight gave her a smile as the waitress returned with their drinks and a smile. Twilight went with a Root Beer mixed with extra vanilla after she learned they had one of those really cool soda machines at Bo’s Pizza Palace. Sunset ordered a Sprite mixed with grape. Once they had their drinks the two friends started talking to each other as they waited.

{-} {-} {-}

Three former sirens almost ran into the restaurant where they were meeting their new friends. Adagio, Sonata, and Aria were running a little late because they didn’t realize how thick traffic would be. It was kind of a side effect to the fact they pretty much walked whenever they could, because it was more enjoyable for them. They could drive more now than before, but something about walking to the nearby places they went for business together really made them feel happy.

“I hope we aren’t too late. I would hate for Twilight and Sunset to give up on us because we’re late,” Sonata said with a frown.

"It's not our fault... We didn't know traffic would be that bad," Adagio said with a matching frown.

“Let’s just remember to get Sunset’s cell phone number next time we see her. It really takes us former immortals and Equestrians a little effort to get used to things like that. I think they'll be waiting for us at a table… At least, I hope they will.” Aria said in a calm voice that belied the anxiousness she actually felt.

“Not exactly the best first impression as friends…” Sonata said as they opened the door and entered.

“Wow… She wasn’t lying about the hair…” Was the first phrase they heard when they entered from under the hostess’ breath as she looked the trio over.

She then gave them a friendly smile and asked, “Are you three Adagio, Sonata, and Aria?”

The three girls only gave nods since they were caught a little off guard by the hostess. “Follow me then. Your friends are waiting for you.”

Both Aria and Sonata gave giggles as the hostess’ words registered with them. Adagio rolled her eyes, but soon gave a smile for a split second. She quickly came up with a plan for both of her new friends since teasing was something friends did. Right?

As the trio followed the hostess, Adagio gave each Sonata and Aria a look and they straightened their faces. They both had a feeling about what their former leader was going to do and they decided to see how it played out. Sonata had to suppress a giggle as they followed the hostess.

It didn’t take long for the hostess to lead them to their friends. She gave a smile as she told them who their waitress was, took their drink orders and left. The trio sat down with indifferent faces as Twilight and Sunset gave nervous smiles. “Hello you three.” Twilight greeted.

Adagio gave a halfhearted frown as she said, “It was interesting how we didn’t have to give the hostess our names. She took one look at my hair and seemed to know who I was.” Twilight seemed to shift a little nervously. “You wouldn’t happen to know why that was would you? Princess?”

The Princess of Friendship gave a nervous laugh as she looked to the side. Sonata couldn’t hold it in anymore and gave a giggle as she said, “Adagio’s hair really does come in handy. Doesn’t it?” Aria then joined in on the giggle as well.

Adagio then rolled her eyes playfully and gave them a smile as she confidently said, “What can I say? My hair is amazing.” The trio of girls then burst out laughing as Twilight and Sunset felt a little at ease and joined in the laughter.

“Actually Twilight admitted she was a little jealous of your hair shortly after we sat down,” Sunset said with a smirk. Twilight gave a blush and a slight nod.

Adagio and the others smiled at this. “I love my hair, but it does take a lot of extra work, especially in the mornings unfortunately,” she said with a sigh.

“I got to brush her hair!” Sonata said without hiding her happiness at the memory. Twilight and Sunset looked at her with smiles and a little awe. It was probably a feat to do so properly.

“Sorry we’re late, but traffic was more of a hassle than we thought,” Aria said deciding she should apologize to their new friends as the others nodded. “Ummm… can we have a number to contact you for the future?” She added.

Sunset gave a nod as she whipped out her cell. “I told Twilight I wished I had done that when we made our plans, actually.” The two then exchanged numbers and Adagio and Sonata did the same shortly afterwards. Twilight actually felt a little left out on this potential bonding experience, but she knew there really wasn’t much need for her to have a cell phone as well since she rarely visited this world and when she did she was always with someone who had a cell and could reach the others.

“So… Have you two ordered yet?” Adagio asked.

“No we haven’t apart from drinks. We wanted to wait for you three,” Twilight answered with a smile.

“Sounds good. What should we order?” Sonata asked Sunset. They knew where the place was, but this was their first time in a place like this in a long time. They didn't really know the menu. They just knew this was the kind of place friends would go to meet up with each other.

Sunset gave them a confident smile as she said, “I know you three probably prefer to eat meat so you can order that kind of a pizza if you want, but I ask that you at least give the pizza we order a try. I think you will find it very surprisingly good to eat.” The three ex-sirens weren’t really sure about that, but they decided it wouldn’t hurt and if it made things better with Sunset what was the problem?

“So two pizzas then?” Aria asked and received nods in reply.

Shortly after their decision was made, Fan Service returned with the trio’s drinks and refills for Twilight and Sunset. “So are you ready to order?” she asked with a smile.

“Actually we are,” Adagio said. Fan Service continued to smile but then actually stared with a hint of awe as she saw Adagio’s hair. She loved it. There was no way she would be able to get her hair like that. They were both curly haired, but Fan couldn’t wear her own hair the same way Adagio did.

“We’ll take a large Veggie Supreme,” Twilight ordered.

“And we’ll take a Meatball feast pizza!” Sonata ordered cheerfully. Both Adagio and Aria nodded with enthusiasm.

The waitress smiled as she asked, “Will that be all?”

“We also want two large salads as well,” Sunset added and the other four nodded as well.

“Alright! A Meatball Feast pizza, a Veggie Supreme, and two large salads. Is there anything else?” Fan asked. The five girls shook their heads to her as she left to go place the order.

{-} {-} {-}

“Mmmmm….” Adagio seductively sighed as she took another bite of Veggie Supreme pizza. The other girls blushed a little and/or giggled at her reaction.

“So let me get this straight… You and your pony friends defeated and then later befriended Discord?” Aria asked with surprise as she moved the conversation to a different topic. Twilight just nodded. “As in Discord, Discord?” They might have mentioned something like this to Adagio, but she and Sonata weren't there for most of that conversation and learning about friendship was kind of a more important deal.

Twilight giggled. “He actually is kind of fun and entertaining at times. But he also very easily gets jealous as a friend as well. We are working on that and he is getting better in his own way.”

“Wow… Just wow…,” Aria eloquently said.

“Forget that!!!” Sonata interrupted. “Tell me more about what it was like to take on Tirek solo!!!! I mean sure you had your friends in the end and more or less curb stomped him at that point, but still Holy Taco Sauce! You took him on alone.” The blue haired girl said as she looked with awe into Twilight’s eyes.

“Well… It was really exciting, but still I preferred my friends, but…” Twilight started as she retold the most epic battle she had ever been in with the sirens. The trio were impressed with the tale and deep down further understood just how out classed they were when facing Twilight and her human friends.

Twilight was okay with telling the Dazzlings her tales, but at the same time she was busy trying to think of something good to ask them about. She really wanted to ask them a million and more questions about Star Swirl and the Equestira they knew, but she felt that would have been wrong to ask them about just yet. She now knew just how much Sunset’s past was a touchy subject for the beautiful girl. She figured that might be the case with ex-sirens as well. Instead she settled for, “So what is it like working at Johnston’s?” She actually was curious what they would think of such a thing.

The three ex-sirens then went on about their life as staff at the restaurant. They talked about their jobs and some about their managers and co-workers. “So it turns out one of our co-workers is also a standup comedian and fairly good if the way he acts at work is anything to go by. Do you two want to go and see one of his shows with us sometime?” Adagio asked.

“That sounds fun!” Sunset said brightly. She then mock whispered to Adagio, “We might have to explain things to Twilight here though. She doesn’t fully understand human humor.”

The other four girls laughed as Twilight playfully rolled her eyes at them. She soon joined in their laughter after she said, “Ha ha!!! Very funny, Sunset.”

{-} {-} {-}

Once the five girls finished eating, they decided to make the best of the pizza palace. They went and played the games in the arcade area after they paid for their meals. They all five had lots of fun and Sonata turned out to be very good a Skeeball and several other games of that nature. Adagio seemed to actually be good at many of the arcade games as well.

However, it was Aria and Sunset that really surprised the others. The two girls ended up with a bit of a fun and friendly rivalry with each other on pretty much every kind of game. “I’m telling you, Sunset. I will whoop your ass on that motocross game,” Aria said with a grin. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

Sunset had a matching grin as she answered, “You bet your ass I’m sure. I got a motorcycle license and almost bought a bike, but decided a V8 Mustang GT was better suited for my plans.” Aria seemed to give Sunset an approving look. “I do still practice motocross during my free time. I’m good enough at it to beat Rainbow Dash and send her home crying…”

Aria raised a skeptical eyebrow. She remembered Rainbow Dash a bit and that girl was probably the least likely to cry for anything. Sunset blushed a little and added, “Okay… So she would just be frowning… Still doesn’t change the fact I can even beat her.”

“You’re on! Just remember. I ain’t Rainbow Dash. I know how to do this really well. I even had a bit of a stint where I was pro with it.”

Sunset just gave a smirk as she said, “Well then I guess you will know not to cry too much when I beat you.”

Twilight, Sonata, and Adagio just exchanged looks with each other at how serious the two girls were taking an arcade game. Sonata was actually a little excited on top of everything else though. The other two girls eventually shrugged and decided to at least watch.

{-} {-} {-}

“Oh come on!!! That doesn’t count as a full win!” Sunset shouted with a frown.

“Heh… yes, it does and you know it does, Sunset. Look at your second win for proof,” Aria countered.

“Fine! That just means we’re tied 2-2… We need a tie breaker,” Sunset said. Aria nodded to this.

The two girls were then lost in thought as they tried to figure out the best way to break their tie. “That was amazing you two!!!” Sonata cheered. “I can only imagine what it would be like to ride with either of you two on a real motorcycle.”

Aria and Sunset then both raised their eye brows in shock. “That sounds like a good idea,” Sunset said.

“I agree. So doubles?” Aria asked Sunset.

“Doubles,” Sunset replied. The two then smirked at each other.

“What do you mean by doubles?” Twilight asked.

“We mean to show who is really the best by having someone ride on back. It will be a little harder since you have to account for your balance along with your passenger’s balance,” Sunset explained.

Twilight could see some logic with that, but she didn’t think it would really matter for this game. She could see what Sunset was talking about if they were racing on something in real life. In the end, she just chalked it up to being a human thing and went with it. It sounded like it could be fun anyways without having to worry about getting into a real wreck.

“Adagio,” Aria said.

“Yes?” the curly haired girl asked in return.

“You’re riding on the back,” Aria more or less commanded.

“Awww…. I don’t get to ride?” Sonata asked, not at all hiding her disappointment.

“You would be too excited, even if it is just a game,” Aria replied.

Sonata mulled over the answer before giving a shrug and a friendly chuckle in reply. “I guess you’re right about that.”

“I’ll make it up to you someday, Sonata. Don’t you worry,” Aria replied as Sonata gave a smile.

Adagio then sat behind Aria and decided to wrap her arms around the other girl. Aria had to admit she didn’t expect that, but she also wasn’t really opposed to the feelings inside her at the action. “I’m trusting you, Aria. And this better be fun,” Adagio said quietly to the twin tailed girl. Aria blushed and gulped as she nodded before her blush quickly disappeared.

Sunset turned to Twilight and before she even spoke, the pony princess gave a heartwarming smile and an excited nod. She quickly held on to Sunset as she sat close behind the fiery haired girl. Sunset blushed and couldn’t help, but smile at their proximity with each other. Twilight was also blushing as she smiled and intentionally moved closer to Sunset and held on a little more tightly.

Sonata frowned for a second because it looked like a lot more fun than she thought it would be to ride on back, but then she smiled and said, “I guess I’ll just have to be the cheerleader! Go Go Go Aria! Hurray Hurray Sunset!”

“Wait! Why are you cheering for both of us?” Aria asked as she shot the ponytailed girl an incredulous look.

“Duh… Someone has to cheer for both sides or it isn’t fair,” Sonata answered with ease. Aria blinked and decided her friend made sense in a Sonata way.

Aria then gave Sunset a smirk as she said, “Don’t think Sonata’s cheering makes that much of a difference for you. We’re still going to beat you two.” She then felt a little warm as Adagio decided to hold her even closer. Despite what the outcome would be from this, Aria decided that all three of them would share a bed again tonight. It was just so much comfier that way, she was sure of it.

Sunset looked over to her opponents and then said to Twilight, “Hold on tight, Twilight. I don’t want you to offset my balance too much.” Twilight’s eyes widened a little as she nodded to herself and then held on to Sunset tighter.

Sunset reveled in the feeling of Twilight holding on to her like this and tried her hardest not to smile like a loon. She then focused on the game as it was about to start. She managed to give Aria one last smirk as the light turned green and the racing game started.

When they came across the first turn, Adagio held on a little tighter, but managed to stay otherwise calm and balanced as Aria leaned into the turn. Aria smiled as she knew she had picked right in having Adagio as her rider. Sonata would have been fun, but she would have also been more exuberant during the game. She gave a smirk to Sunset as she looked to her opponent and friend quickly.

“Ack!” Twilight shouted in surprise as they rounded the first turn. She then leaned in closer to Sunset and the fiery haired girl almost messed up the turn in surprise. However, once that was out of the way, Sunset and Twilight held on tight as they continued to race.

Aria and Adagio leaned in closer to the "bike" instinctively and the twin tailed girl turned the throttle even tighter. They came across another turn and the two girls leaned into it as far as the game would let them lean into it.

Aria was enjoying the high definition screen in front of her and got immersed in the race along with Adagio. The only thing they felt was missing were the sounds and wind of the open world you usually had with a motorcycle.

The race continued and despite Sunset’s efforts, Aria was pulling further and further ahead. It was a few minutes later that the game came to an end with Aria the victor. “Oh yeah! We Rock!” she shouted as she high fived Adagio and Sonata gave them a huge hug.

Sonata then said, “I was cheering for you two the whole time! I’m so glad you won.”

“You were cheering for them as well,” Adagio said with a smirk.

“I know but that doesn’t change the fact I was cheering for you two!” Sonata said in sing song voice with a bright smile as the three laughed together.

Aria then turned to Sunset and said, “See that! I told you I would win.”

“Yeah…” Sunset said in a slightly dazed voice as she continued to relish in the feel of Twilight holding on to her tightly. A few seconds later she gave Aria a smile and said, “Good game, Aria.”

“You bet it was. Now were 3-3 on games… I still can’t believe you’re that good at fighting games.”

“So are you two going to have another tie breaker?” Adagio asked with an amused voice.

“Obviously,” Sunset said with a smile.

“What game are you two going to do this time?” Twilight asked as she and Sunset got off the bike, though she didn’t really break her hold with Sunset too quickly.

The two competitive friends then looked around the arcade area for a suitable game to decide their competition that neither wanted to end just yet. They were having too much fun and so were the others.

A set of Mulberry eyes and a set of Cyan eyes both lit up at the same time as the two decided what they wanted to have as their “Tie breaker”.

“Air Hockey!” both girls said at the same time. The girls then charged for the recently open Air Hockey table. The others looked to one another and just shrugged as they followed.

It didn’t take long for Aria and Sunset to pick their side of the table as the other three just watched from the middle. “You ready for this?” Sunset asked with a smirk.

“Of course I am,” Aria replied with her own smirk.

The two girls each focused and waited as the game started. The game quickly heated up, as far as Air Hockey games go at least. Twilight soon moved over to Sunset’s side of the table next to the fiery haired girl, but still out of the way. She wanted a better look than just from the middle.

Sonata soon made her way over to Aria’s side and whisper cheered, “Go Ariaaaa! Score. Score. Scoreeee!”

Aria paying attention to the game, asked just as quietly oddly enough, “What are you doing, Sonata?”

“I’m cheering for you of course,” Sonata replied simply. “Go. Go. Goooo!” she again whispered.

Aria quickly sent the puck to Sunset and gave a quick glance to her side and asked, “Why are you whispering and I thought you were cheering for both sides?” She then saved herself before sending a return back to Sunset.

“That was last game. This is this game. Besides… Sunset already has Twilight’s support. I don’t think she needs mine as well,” Sonata answered with a smile.

“Ooooh here it comes! Get it, Sunset!” Twilight cheered excitedly. It seemed she had abandoned quiet observation for loud cheering. Aria almost slipped when she giggled at Twilight’s enthusiasm.

Adagio watched the game from the middle with a warm smile at the scene. She felt happier than was probably normal for such a scene, but this friendship thing was new to her still and she was beginning to wonder how it was the three of them went along in their lives without it before now. She may not be immortal anymore, but she was okay with that as long as she had her friends.

She also thought it was odd how despite everything they all five easily got along together as friends. She was relieved and happy Twilight didn’t pester her with all of the questions she could tell the curious girl had about their past in Equestria. Adagio could see why the girl was the Princess of Friendship. She was able to put aside her own wants for others, even when it was difficult for her to do so.

The curly haired girl also liked how pleasant, fun, and understanding Sunset was with them as well. During the Battle of the Bands, the three of them were extra harsh on Sunset, yet the girl seemed to be willing to forgive them if she hadn’t already. Adagio supposed this behavior was due to the girl having a better understanding after going through what she did.

We’re really lucky to have been introduced to friendship by these two,” Adagio thought to herself. She knew none of the others from CHS would be as willing to forgive after everything. It was a good thing there was little chance they would run into others from CHS at least. Still even if they did, Adagio felt she, Aria, and Sonata would stand strong together.

“Ha! I win, Blaze!” Sunset cheered as Twilight still caught up in her enthusiasm gave her a hug which caused Sunset to blush and Sonata to giggle.

Aria gave a sigh and said, “So it seems, Shimmer.” She then gave a smile and added, “Next time I won’t go easy on you, but that will have to be another time.”

“Awww….” Sonata said with a frown.

“Unfortunately Aria’s right. We have to work early tomorrow so we should probably leave soon,” Adagio said with a small frown.

Twilight gave them a reassuring smile as she said, “We’ll just have to meet again soon.”

“We’d love that!” Sonata said with a big smile.

“Just give me a call or text and we can set it up,” Sunset said with a smile as they started to head outside. Once outside they talked for a little longer before going their separate ways.

{-} {-} {-}

Twilight smiled to Sunset as they climbed into the mustang, “Well that was a lot of fun! It seemed like they had a lot of fun as well.”

Sunset then gave a grin as she asked, “So... How difficult was it for you not to bombard them with all of your questions about Star Swirl?”

Twilight gave a little whine as she said, “It was one of the hardest things ever! I wanted to ask them so much about everything! But I figured that would be too much too quickly for them. Plus, it wasn’t that bad once I got over my initial eagerness and I mostly put it out of my mind once we started playing games in the arcade.”

“Maybe we'll get to the point with them where you can ask your questions before your mission is really accomplished and you have to head back,” Sunset said as she started the car.

“Yeah… maybe…” Twilight quietly said as the car started.

{-} {-} {-}

As Aria drove them home, the three girls had settled for a warm and friendly quiet. Once they got home, Sonata spoke up with a smile. “Friends really are the best.”

Adagio gave a smile, “I agree, Sonata.”

Aria nodded and said, “We thought we had it all before, but it seems what we had before isn’t much of anything to now.” The other two girls nodded in agreement.

Aria then blushed a little as she said, “Well I was thinking we could have a ‘sleepover’ again tonight, the three of us.” The other two girls looked to her with questioning eyes as she gave a cough and tried to hide her blush as she added, “You know… since I lost to Sunset and all…”

Adagio and Sonata looked to each other and it was Sonata who answered and said teasingly, “Ohhh poor, Aria… She lost in that incredibly intense and impromptu match tonight. I suppose it only makes sense she needs to be cheered up.” Sonata gave a giggle at Aria’s attempt to seem aloof.

Adagio then gave a smile and said, “Well we can’t have one of our best friends be sad now can we?” Sonata shook her head ‘no’.

“It isn’t like tha--” Aria’s retort was cut off as Sonata dragged her and Adagio off to her bedroom.

“I think it should be my bed tonight. It might start to feel lonely if we keep using Adagio’s bed,” Sonata said as if it was common sense beds had feelings too.

Aria might have tried to say something, but Adagio didn’t let her, “Too true. We wouldn’t want that.” The two girls giggled as they all three called it a night.

Aria was very grateful, even if she felt like she shouldn’t have given in so easily to her friends. She really wasn’t sure why it was she liked snuggling up to the others so much, but she really did like it. Maybe she would bother to think more on it some other time, or maybe she wouldn’t. Right now she was just tired and happy to share a bed with her friends once more.

Author's Note:

Well hopefully it wasn't too much of disaster grammar wise. I only read over it twice.

In case anyone has read my small post Friendship Games story, they might recognize some of the things Sunset mentions about how she feels regarding her human friends. I really saw Sunset as having those issues from the beginning and I did allude to them if not outright write them in earlier chapters in this story. However, I did choose to ignore the whole Anon-a-miss thing from the comics for this story. I really hated that part of the Equestria Girls Holiday Special comic. I kind of vented about it in the other story, here I just ignore it.

Also I have had a “vegetarian” pizza before from Papa Murphy's at a party with some friends. Surprisingly, we all actually found it extremely good and it was the first pizza to be finished. I still love pizzas with meat, but don’t completely count out a veggie pizza too quickly.

P.S.: “Unleash the Magic” is now one of my favorite songs of all time thanks to Friendship Games.