• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 8,018 Views, 394 Comments

Rainbow Rocks: Unfinished Business - Gadman85

After the battle of the bands, Twilight has something on her mind regarding the Dazzlings. Sunset has also had some things on her mind regarding Twilight.

  • ...

Adagio’s Plan

Author's Note:

This is a warning for Kasugami… and anyone else that might be concerned. There are some epic descriptions of food in this chapter. I’m talking nice and fairly fancy stuff, especially the latter half of the chapter. So if you are affected by reading about food and get hungry or something then be prepared. :moustache: If it isn’t something that gets to you then don’t worry about it.

Adagio and Aria looked to each other as they sat and waited for Sonata to join them. They weren’t going to broach the subject without Sonata, but that didn’t stop them from thinking things up about each other. It also didn’t stop them from feeling a little nervous. They didn’t know what the other would want to talk about and that made them wonder if they had really missed something important.

Why would Aria need to talk about something badly? She hasn’t really had too much trouble as a human.” Adagio thought as she looked over her twin tailed friend. She may not be certain what was going on, but she was determined to do what she could to help and support her friends after talking to Twilight.

Adagio, needing to talk? What does she want to talk about? We aren’t in trouble financially are we? No, that can’t be it. It has to be something else,” Aria thought as she made ‘casual’ glances in the curly haired girl’s direction. She didn’t know what the issue was, but she was going to help if she could.

{-} {-} {-}

Sonata gave a hum without noticing as she finished up in her bathroom. She decided to brush her teeth along with other things. At the same time, she was wondering what it was her friends wanted to talk about. “I really hope it isn’t anything bad…” she said with a frown as her humming stopped.

If it was something bad, would they be so eager to talk about it?” a voice in Sonata’s head asked. She went back into the room and they started their talk.

{-} {-} {-}

After a little time passed, Aria and Sonata looked at Adagio with a little shock. Aria spoke first, “So you feared we would leave you? Alone?”

Adagio gave a slight nod.

“We never would, Dagio!” Sonata said her lower lip trembling a little. She felt like she had to be the strong one here, even if she had her own concerns and worries running around in her head.

“It’s not just that…” Adagio started as she hugged her knees. “Part of me feels like maybe you two would be better off without me being around so much.”

Adagio turned to Sonata. “Especially you, Sonata,” she said. She took in a claming breath before continuing, “You’re actually very amazing. You seem to be very good at reading other’s emotions. You make friends everywhere easily. I feel like… I feel like I’m holding you back.”

Adagio looked down to the ground. “I feel like if you left us you would easily get an actual fairy tale ending and be happily married with a family and everything. I’ve actually been a little jealous of you at times, Sonata. You’re such a natural social butterfly. You’re easily the most popular at work between us three with customers and co-workers.”

Adagio sunk her head in her legs. “I’m being selfish. I know you could do better without me around, but I also don’t want you leaving me. At the same time, I don’t want to hold you back. I want you to succeed and achieve whatever happiness you want out there…”

Sonata couldn’t hold back anymore and she quickly grabbed Adagio in a tight Sonata hug. “But that happiness I want more than anything includes both you and Aria no matter what!”

Adagio held the blue haired girl tightly and rubbed her back feeling warm inside from the hug. She then looked to Aria and said, “I feel the same way about you, Aria. If you wanted to leave you could and I have no doubt you would find your own happiness as well.”

Aria gave up on trying to act tough or cool and sniffed a little as she hugged both Adagio and Sonata. While she hugged them she said, “It’s funny really… I was fearing much the same this whole time.”

The others slowly broke off their hug and looked at Aria to continue. “I’ve been struggling trying to figure out how I even fit in. I felt like you two were pretty much a complete set if that makes sense. I felt like I wasn’t needed. I was supposed to be the tough one. Before losing our powers I was the cool rebellious one... I want to just be Aria, but I’m scared what that will mean and if maybe you two will get bored of having me around.”

Aria blushed as she looked away a little and said, “I’m not really the cool tough one… I sometimes like cute and girly things.” She gave a smile as she affectionately touched her pink heart pendant around her neck. “When I go to the park to jog and run. I don’t do it just to exercise… I do it to play with the younger kids we see there a lot.”

Her face turned a brighter red as she said, “I like it when they call me Cool sis Aria. I get a little scared and worried if they get hurt. I feel relieved when they turn out to be alright and laugh it off. Am I even allowed to be like this?” she asked more to herself than the others.

Aria was caught off guard when Sonata gave her a surprise hug and said, “I always liked watching you play with the kids in the park. It’s nice seeing you that happy.”

“I like it too,” Adagio added with a smile. Her smile widened when she added, “I like it when you get all ‘girly’ over something ‘cute’. It’s much nicer than when you were always sour about everything.”

Aria gave a sniff and a smile, “So you two already knew.” She then gave a relieved chuckle as she added, “Sunset was right that I didn’t have anything to worry about and it would be good to talk about it.”

“So that's why Sunset wasn’t there with Twilight tonight…” Adagio said causally.

“You two went and spoke with Sunset and Twilight?” Sonata asked looking between the two. Both girls nodded.

“I wasn’t sure what to do. I wanted to ask someone that could help me understand, so I didn’t screw things up with you both,” Adagio said first.

“Same here. I figured Sunset could help me figure things out so I wouldn’t lose you two. I figured she went through something similar with her friends at CHS,” Aria said.

Sonata gave them a little pout as she ended the hug and sat back. “I was so very bored you know. I hate being alone when you both have something else going on. Especially when I don’t know what it is.”

Aria and Adagio looked to each other with small frowns before nodding and simultaneously hug tackling Sonata. The two then said at the same time, “We’re sorry, Sonata.”

After they held their hug for a few minutes Adagio said, “Tell us what’s been bothering you, Sonata. We’ll listen completely this time. It won’t be like last time. There isn’t anything else that might unintentionally overshadow what you say.”

Sonata gave a sigh, “Right now there isn’t anything. Though sometimes I do feel like you two are leaving me out. And I mean you both. I’ve thought you two would be better off without me around as well. I sometimes feel like I’m the baby you two take care of, or that you only stay with me out of obligation or something like that. I also feel a little useless compared to you both.”

Adagio and Aria continued to hold her in a hug. Aria spoke first. “You aren’t useless. You’re the reason we have our jobs. If it wasn’t for you, who knows where we would be.”

Adagio then spoke. “You’ve also helped me a lot in general, especially earlier on. It’s a little hard to explain. Like I said earlier, you seem to know when something is bothering us. After that, you always seem to find a way to help cheer us up or at the least help us get over whatever was bothering us.”

Aria gave a frown as she said, “If you ever feel like that again, you can talk to us about it. You’re very important to both us. Friends help each other when they can.”

Sonata gave a sniff as she smiled with tears in her eyes. “Thanks! It really means a lot hearing you say that.” She loved Aria and Adagio. They were both so wonderful. She would have to better herself to feel worthy of friends such as these two.

At the moment, Sonata was glad they went through all they had gone through. Sure it was hard at times, but she felt the three of them came out better in the end after having lost all of that power. They were closer in a way they never could have been in the past. It made her heart feel lighter and warmer than it rightfully should have she was sure.

“You know what all of this means right?” Adagio asked with a smile.

“We totally have to have another sleepover?!” Sonata asked grinning.

Aria gave a smile as she added, “I think that sounds fair to me.”

Adagio gave a giggle as she said, “Of course! It only makes sense.” The three friends then laughed together for a couple of minutes before calling it a night together in Adagio’s bed.

{-} {-} {-}

Adagio gave a content sigh as she woke up after their impromptu sleepover from last night. She took in a deep breath with her nose and gave a pleasant smile. She had to admit there was something about the air of her room when the others slept with her which she really enjoyed.

The curly haired girl gave a soft moan and stretched as she got out of her bed. She usually went straight for the restroom to get ready for the day, but this time there was something else she wanted to look up instead. Adagio turned to look at the sleeping forms of her two most important people before smiling brighter and walking into their living room to check something on their computer. As she made her way, she couldn’t help but give a small giggle and think to herself, “Those two really are very cute when their sleeping. Plus, it feels really nice to sleep with them.

Adagio shook her head. It wasn’t time to think about such things. The former leader had something she really wanted to do for both Aria and Sonata. She just needed to check a few things regarding finances.

The orange and yellow haired girl was nominated as the unofficial accountant for their group once they all had started earning more money and opening different accounts. Aria and Sonata both did the best they could to keep track of their own money, but they sometimes would ask her to double check things just to be sure. She was also in charge of their larger account as well. This was the one where the money for her Dodge Viper went.

All three of them put a percentage of their money in that account to be safe. They were using it to be an account for future large group expenses. This included trips and other things as well. However, that wasn’t the account Adagio wanted to look into at the moment. She logged on to their shared desktop computer and opened up her account to look at the total balance she had.

“That’s nice to see,” Adagio said to herself comfortingly. It seemed their rather frugal expense practices were paying off for her at least. “I can do what I wanted to do for them…” she thought to herself as she made her plans. She wanted to do something for the other two and show them how much they really meant to her. She knew that wasn’t something she needed to do but, “That’s what friends do right?” she thought quietly as she made calculations.

Once Adagio Dazzle had her plans figured out, she couldn’t help but smile and hum a beautiful tune as she got ready for the day. Sonata woke up to hear Adagio humming out loud. The light blue haired girl couldn’t help, but wear a warm smile as she heard her friend hum. She walked over to the door and knocked on it. “Can I help brush your hair again, Dagi?” she asked.

“I haven’t showered yet, so if you really want to you’ll have to wait a bit,” Adagio said through the door before resuming her humming without realizing it.

Sonata gave a smile and said, “I can do that. Let me know when you’re ready. Okay?”

Adagio couldn’t help but smile as she said, “Sounds good to me.” She wasn't really sure why she had come to like having someone else brush her hair, but she did.

{-} {-} {-}

As Adagio took her shower and continued to hum, Aria eventually woke up from her sleep. The first thing she saw was Sonata’s back. The first thing she heard was the sound of a beautiful hum coming from the restroom. She might have focused more on the hum and what it might mean if she wasn’t so groggy. Aria gave a stretch and a mighty yawn as she said, “Morning, Sonata.”

The other girl turned around with a big grin as she quickly lunged forward and gave Aria a great big and tight morning Sonata hug. Aria was surprised but didn’t complain and even returned it. “Morning, Aria!” Sonata cheerfully said. “I’m waiting for Dagi to finish her shower. Then I get to help brush her hair again.”

Aria actually felt a little jealous after hearing this oddly enough. She didn’t let it get to her though. She would just ask/demand Adagio let her brush her hair next time or something like that. She wasn’t really sure why that had suddenly become a goal, but now it was.

Soon after Aria came to this decision she heard a pretty sing-song voice say, “Sonataaa. I’m ready for you to come brush my hair.”

Sonata lit up as she replied, “Coming!” She gave Aria another quick hug and vanished into the restroom. Aria saw Adagio in there with nothing more than a towel loosely wrapped around her body holding a brush in her hand.

“Good morning, Aria!” Adagio called with a smile before Sonata entered and closed the door.

Aria was actually a little bewildered by this greeting. Adagio wasn’t unpleasant in the mornings, but she was very rarely, if ever, this happy in the mornings. Aria simply groaned and then plopped back down on the bed.

{-} {-} {-}

After the three of them finished their morning showers, they were all seated waiting for breakfast to be served. It wasn’t going to be much longer until it was ready. Adagio started fixing breakfast after both Sonata and Aria decided to take their own showers.

Adagio was still unknowingly humming as she fixed up two waffles, two eggs and two pieces of bacon for each of them. She made sure to make the eggs the way they liked them. This meant scrambled for her along with Aria and Sunny side up for Sonata. She also managed to find just the right percentage of juicy and crispy for their bacon slices. She finished off with glasses of the fancy juice they bought recently. “Who would have thought Orange Strawberry Banana juice would be so tasty,” she thought to herself as she poured their glasses.

When everything was served, Aria couldn’t help but whistle. “Wow Dagio… You really went all out this morning.”

“Yeah! Waffles!” Sonata proclaimed as she raised her fork in the air and smiled as she started to eat her breakfast.

“I felt we should have something good after last night is all,” Adagio said as she started her own breakfast.

As they ate, Adagio spoke up again. It was time to put her plan into action. “Do you two have something really nice to wear? If not, then we need to go shopping.”

Sonata looked up from her eggs and swallowed before asking, “What do you mean by nice?”

Adagio thought how to best put it for them to understand without saying too much. She kind of wanted her plan to be a surprise. “Something you would wear for a night out on town in a kind of fancy way?” She sort of said/asked.

“Like a dress of some kind? Like what we umm… wore that night?” Aria asked with her voice trailing off a little towards the end.

“A dress but not really like that kind of an outfit. Something nice but not as flashy. If that makes sense.” Adagio took a sip of her juice as her two friends thought over their wardrobe.

“I’m not sure…” Aria said with a half frown. She didn’t really do dresses often since she was the ‘cool tough’ one after all. She preferred her usual kind of attire, but she liked the idea of having a dress or two to wear every so often. She started thinking about the money in her own account and the cost that might have.

“I don’t have anything like that really. I mean we used to have clothes like that, but we rarely kept them because of the whole ‘you can’t wear the same dress twice’ thing.” Sonata said with a frown before then giving a grin and saying, “I’d like to have something like that though.”

Adagio shifted a little uncomfortably as she said, “I have some dresses myself, but nothing really modern. I kind of kept a few because I liked them.”

“I guess we’ll have to go shopping then if you really think we need to have something like that,” Aria said as she finished off her bacon.

“I’m always up for shopping,” Sonata said with a smile. She really liked going out with her friends and it was fun to see them try on different things too.

“Then I guess we have to decide if we consider this a ‘group’ purchase or if we use our separate accounts,” Adagio said.

“Are we still going to follow that whole don’t wear the same dress twice thingy?” Sonata asked with a frown. She then added, “I always kind of thought that was stupid really. I mean you shouldn’t wear the same dress like twice in a row because it would be dirty, but other than that I don’t really see the problem.”

“I don’t think we need to worry about that anymore, Sonata. I don’t know about you two, but I find myself thinking such rules are rather silly and not economical. I’m also less concerned about what people who really care about such 'rules' think,” Admitted Adagio. She really mostly only cared about her friends’ thoughts regarding such things, but that was it.

“I don’t care either. We wear the same thing multiple times when it comes to work anyways,” Aria said as she stretched.

“Then how about we make it a group purchase if we are going to wear them more than once. That way we can maybe get two or three each? You know to have a kind of rotation thing going,” Sonata said.

“Do you agree, Aria?” Adagio asked. If they ever did something as a group purchase, they had to all agree with it.

“Yep sounds good to me,” she replied.

“Then we can take care of the shopping trip tomorrow,” Adagio said as the other two nodded. Aria and Sonata wondered why Adagio brought this up, but they decided to just wait and see.

{-} {-} {-}

After another ‘sleepover’, this time in Aria’s bedroom, the three girls made their way to the mall where they bought their pendants. It was away from any possible encounters with CHS students and the place was actually very nice. The three felt at ease here and just enjoyed their trip together.

As they walked toward the store they wanted to buy their dresses from, Aria gently caressed the pendant around her neck. The three of them were wearing their much beloved pendants, since they knew they would wear them for any kind of outing fancy or otherwise. This meant it was important they wore said pendants while searching for dresses to make sure they matched together. Plus, the three friends really loved their new pendants.

They stopped at a soda fountain and cookie stand for a few minutes before continuing to the actual store. Sonata couldn’t help but smile one of her large Sonata smiles at the scene. She loved being here with her two most important people and wondered if things could have been like this sooner if they hadn’t possessed their old hunger.

As the trio made their way to the dress section of the store, Adagio couldn’t help but smile and feel very warm in her heart. Seeing Aria and Sonata so happy and at peace was probably one of the greatest gifts she felt she could ever receive at this moment. She would make sure the three of them were always together in their life somehow. She wondered if she could ever repay them for this feeling in her heart ever. “Does it matter? We can just keep doing wonderful and fun things with them for as long as possible to fulfil that feeling,” that voice inside told the curly haired girl.

Adagio also made a mental note to thank Twilight in some way for helping her with this matter. Sure a lot of it depended on the ex-siren, but that didn’t mean Princess Twilight’s counsel didn’t really help out. Adagio hoped her plans with her best friends would really please them. She kept quiet about them, but that was only because she wanted them to be a surprise for the others. She was really relieved her friends didn’t mind going along with her on this matter.

“Ooooo… this looks really cute! And so does this! And this!” Sonata said as she looked at a few different dresses. It seemed she was favoring the dark fuchsia ones more than the others. The light blue ponytailed girl took three dresses to the changing rooms cheerfully.

A few minutes later Sonata stepped out of the fitting room. She was wearing a dark fuchsia strapless dress which ended just above her knees. The girl smiled, a little nervously if Adagio wasn’t mistaken, and asked, “Sooooo… What do you guys think?”

Aria and Adagio looked to each other after they looked over the dress and smiled. “It looks perfect for you!” Adagio said smiling brightly.

“Yeah. I think so too. It looks great with your hair and the color of your pendant,” Aria added.

Sonata gave a relieved smile. She really liked the dress and it wasn’t too expensive. “Glad you two think it looks good.” She then disappeared only to shortly reappear in her normal attire again. She deposited the other two dresses on a counter so one of the sales associates would tend to it later.

Aria seemed to have decided she was next. She took a few different dresses into a changing room. All of them were black. The twin tailed girl came out three times wearing different dresses. She couldn’t figure out which one was the best and trusted her friends to help her out there.

In the end, Aria chose a black dress with two straps and it ended a few inches above her knees. It was also rather form fitting. The dress showed off her curves and fit body fairly well. At the same time, Aria looked as if she could spend hours in the dress and feel just fine and comfortable. If Adagio was still her old self, she might be jealous of how good Aria looked in the new dress. Fortunately, that wasn’t the case anymore.

It was now Adagio’s turn to look for a new dress. “I wonder why we took turns picking out dresses,” she thought to herself as she looked through the dresses. She found herself drawn to purple colored ones. She really liked that color and felt it went well with her skin and hair tones.

It surprisingly didn’t take long for Adagio to find a couple of dresses she really liked. As she went into the dressing room, she felt a little flutter in her chest. She really hoped Aria and Sonata liked the dress she picked out in the end.

The dress she decided on was a purple strapless which seemed to curve over her breasts a little. The skirt portion of the dress had multiple layers. One of layers was semi-transparent. It also had a silver colored fabric belt with intricate designs a couple of inches below her breasts.

Aria and Sonata both gave her looks before they smiled. “That’s beautiful, Dagi!” Sonata said.

Aria blushed a little as she said, “Yeah. It looks really good. I love how it brings out your… uhhh… natural colors.” Aria wanted to be more girly and truly believed what she said, but it wasn’t easy to change her speech patterns and mannerisms. She was too used to her 'cool and tough' girl thing.

{-} {-} {-}

It was evening and they were on their way to somewhere. “So where are we going?” Sonata asked from the backseat of Aria’s car as they made their way to the mysterious destination Adagio had in mind for that evening.

“You’ll see,” was the only answer Adagio gave as she drove. Aria was in the front passenger seat and she had to admit she felt a little nervous letting Adagio drive her car somewhere without telling them the destination. She held her pink heart pendant with two fingers as they drove.

“We’re almost there,” Adagio said as they turned another corner and she entered a parking garage. “We’ll have to walk a little way from here, but not too far.”

“We’re downtown?” Aria asked as Adagio parked.

“Yes we are,” Adagio answered.

Aria wondered what they were doing here. She knew there were a lot of bars here, but they were only physically 18 they couldn’t enter them legally and they weren’t going to do something that might kick them later like fake ids. They had gone to bars before when they were sirens, but that was when they had their magic and could sing their way out of any possible trouble. They couldn’t do that now and they really didn’t want to have to pay fines or anything like that.

“This is kind of exciting!” Sonata said as they walked out of the parking garage and followed Adagio. She was loving this. She liked the downtown area even if they couldn’t enjoy the place to its fullest.

Adagio was about to enter a restaurant when the others stopped and Aria gasped. Adagio looked to them with a nervous smile. “Dagio… This is… Fanciful Taste. What are we doing here?”

Sonata recovered first and smiled brightly as she answered, “Obviously we’re going to eat, silly.”

“But…” Aria started before she was cut off.

“I wanted to show you two how important you are to me. I already got us reservations and tonight dinner is on me. Don’t worry about cost or anything. Let’s just enjoy the night. I already planned it out in my budget so that isn’t a problem. Get whatever you like,” Adagio said with a blush as Sonata gave her a surprise Sonata hug.

“Why didn’t you tell us?” Aria asked.

“I wanted it to be a surprise. That’s why I asked you two if you had dresses at breakfast a couple of days ago,” Adagio answered.

Aria might have asked more questions, but Sonata was ready to go and she grabbed them both by the hand and led them inside. Once inside, she let go of their hands and tried to calm herself down some. This was a place you had to have manners in after all.

Aria straightened up and recovered from her shock. It was too late to ask anything else and she had to admit she was kind of excited too. They had eaten in many fancy places in the past, but this was the first time they did as humans and more importantly as friends.

“I have a 7:30 reservation for three under the name Adagio,” the curly haired girl said to the host.

The man looked up the name and gave them a nod and a smile. “This way ladies,” He said with a bow and a motion with his hand for them to follow. “We chose a great spot for you three. It’s near the fountain in the back.”

They all three took in the sights of the place as they followed the host to their seats. The man was very polite and friendly to them. This was one of the things he liked about his job here. It was nice when people visited for their first time as they took the place in.

He finally stopped by a table towards the back. Along the wall was a small pool with a fountain that trickled and gurgled quietly. The host seated each girl in turn before giving them their menus. He even gave them a wine menu which they set aside immediately.

“Your waiter tonight will be Ramone. Will you be partaking in any wine tonight?” He asked. It was hard to guess how old they were from just looking at them alone. The restaurant decided when this was the case the employees would ask if they wanted wine. If the customers said yes, they would check their IDs.

“No we won’t,” Adagio answered politely. He then bowed and excused himself back to the front.

After he left, the girls looked around the place again. Sonata quickly pulled out her cell phone and used its camera to take some pictures of the place. Sure they had been to places like this or even fancier before, but this was still a fresh experience for her. “Smile!” she said as she quickly took a picture of Aria and Adagio who managed to smile just in time for the photo.

Aria looked over and pointed towards the bar. “Look at that! I bet it would be cool to work at a bar like that.”

The bar was large with fancy lights which covered the center part in a rectangle. There were easily six rows of these chandelier like lights. The counter was made of a frosted glass and it looked like there were lights inside the counter as well. Several people were talking to each other as the bar tenders poured their drinks. “I’m surprised they aren’t being showier in their pouring or something,” Aria said as the others looked at the bar.

“If we’re still in the area once we’re 21, I say we come here again. I bet this is the kind of place that uses sommeliers,” Sonata said. The other two were a little surprised she managed to say the word without any trouble. “What?” she asked innocently as they looked at her.

“Oh nothing… sorry…” Adagio answered in reply while looking away. As if on cue, a couple of waitresses walked out from part of the restaurant wearing a different outfit from the other wait staff. They were each carrying a wine bottle with care to separate tables.

Sonata might have given each of her friends incredulous looks in return, but it was at this time a young well-dressed gentleman approached their table. He gave them each a smile as he walked up to them and said, “I’m, Ramone. I shall be waiting on you beautiful ladies this evening.”

The girls looked him over as he handed out their menus. He was decently tall with tanned skin and his dark hair was slicked back stylishly. He held himself with a certain level of confidence and poise. He definitely looked the part of a waiter for such a refined restaurant.

“Would you like to hear or specials tonight?” he asked. The friends gave him nods. “Good,” he simply said before taking in a deep breath. “We have three specials tonight. The first one is our seafood special….” He then started to list and describe the specials.

“Those sound lovely, but I think we would still like to see the menu,” Adagio said with a smile once he finished listing them.

Ramone gave a nod and said, “But of course, Ma’am. What could I start you off with to drink?”

“I’d like a Lemongrass Jasmine Iced Tea,” said Sonata with a smile as she looked at the non-alcoholic section of the drink menu which was already on their table. Ramone gave a nod.

“I’d love to have a Rosemary Blueberry Smash,” Aria said with a curious look in her eyes. It looked good. She hoped it was just as good.

“I’ll take a Virgin Cucumber Mojito. I also think we’d each like water as well,” finished Adagio.

“I will get your drinks then,” Ramone said as he dismissed himself.

The three friends took a moment to look over the menu and nodded in thanks as a different young man came by and filled their glasses. Aria looked at the menu and the prices and gave a half frown as she looked up at Adagio. She then asked, “You’re sure about this, right? Adagio?”

Adagio looked to her friend and gave a smile as she said, “Yes. I’m sure, Aria. I already told you two I wanted to do something special for you both. You two both mean so much to me that I can’t really put it in words. Besides. Let’s have fun tonight. There isn’t anything wrong with going all out every so often together. Especially if I already planned for it. Don’t worry about it. Just try not to order that five course meal on the menu that costs about 100 dollars.”

“Awww….” Sonata started with an over exaggerated sigh and frown. “That’s what I was going to order….” Adagio blinked in shock at Sonata despite the tone. The light blue haired girl then gave a giggle as she said, “I’m joking. I swear I’m joking. You should have seen your look. That would be insane to get that much food. I wouldn’t even be able to eat it all. I don’t want a repeat of that taco night.” She finished her statement with a blush as her friends laughed at her joke.

“I think I’m going to get this seafood sampler plate. It looks super delicious and it has a bit of everything I want on it!” Sonata said as she grinned to her friends. It might even make for a good second meal.

“Oooo… That does look good…” Adagio said with a dreamy expression. She then gave a determined nod and said, “I think I’m going to get one of these steak dinners though instead. I haven’t had a good steak in a really long time,” the curly haired girl said and managed to not drool at the prospect of her dinner yet to come.

Aria felt more at ease hearing where her friends were thinking food wise and looked at her menu once again. Her mouth began to water as she looked at the Garlic and Herb Pork Roast. Then next to it she saw a lamb chop dinner. She almost gave a whine as she looked between the two on the menu. She was so lost in trying to figure out her meal that she didn’t notice their waiter return. She mentally cursed his timing even if it was more or less perfect as far as being a waiter was concerned.

“Your drinks my ladies,” Ramone said as he placed their drinks on the table for them. Sonata immediately took a sip of her drink and gave a sigh of contentment to its taste. Ramone managed to remain professional and kept from giving a good hearted chuckle at her reaction.

“Are you three ready to order?” He asked politely.

“You two go ahead and order first,” Aria said to her two friends as they looked at her for confirmation and she nodded.

“I’d love to have the seafood sampler plate,” Sonata started.

“Good choice. Do you want the soup, salad, or sautéed vegetables?” he asked.

Sonata gave a cute hum in thought before saying, “I’ll go with the salad this time with blue cheese dressing.”

“My favorite dressing. If I may say so myself,” Ramone said before turning to Adagio.

“I want the Steak and Scallop dinner with the Manhattan sauce,” she ordered giving a smile in anticipation of her meal.

“Excellent choice. How do you want your steak?” Ramone asked.

“Medium,” she answered easily. “I’ll take the salad with the house dressing,” she added answering his would be next question.

Ramone gave a smile as he said, “You really caught on quick.” He then turned to Aria.

Aria gave a frustrated sigh. “Which do you recommend? The Garlic and Herb Pork Roast or the Balsamic Brown Sugar Lamb chops?”

“Both are great choices. But our head chef tonight prides herself on her Pork Roast. It is her specialty,” He answered with confidence.

“I’ll take that then. I was kind of leaning towards it anyways. I think I’d like soup,” Aria said with a nod to herself.

“Might I recommend the butternut squash and apple soup then? It is a good match for the roast and something few people have experience before. Our chefs are all very good at making it,” Ramone said with a smile.

“That sounds perfect actually,” Aria said with her own smile. It had been awhile since she had a good butternut squash and apple soup.

Ramone marked it down on his notepad. “I’ll be back with your soup and salads then,” he said as he headed off to the kitchen.

The three girls started talking to each other as they waited for their salads and soup. When there was a bit of a break in conversation, Aria gave a nod to herself as she suddenly said, “Alright. I think I want to brush Adagio’s hair next time.”

“What brought this on?” Adagio asked with a small giggle.

“Well Sonata’s already done it twice. I just want to see what the deal is. That’s all…” Aria answered with a blush as she looked to the side briefly.

“I don’t want to trouble you, but if you really want to brush my hair you only have to ask,” Adagio answered back with a smile.

“I know. That’s what I’m doing,” Aria replied easily while not meeting her friend in the eyes.

Sonata gave a louder than she wanted thoughtful hum as she looked at her cell phone. “What is it, Sonata?” Adagio asked.

“I’m just trying to think of the best way to get a picture with the three of us is all…” she said in thought just as Ramone returned with their soup and salads.

“If you wish I could take it for you,” he said as he placed Aria’s soup down for her. Aria’s mulberry eyes lit up as she inhaled the scent of her soup. It was wonderful.

“Sounds good to me,” she said. She wanted a picture, but she also wanted it done quickly so she could enjoy her soup. Sonata’s raspberry eyes lit up as she smiled brightly to that and she handed her camera to Ramone.

The light blue harried girl quickly went and placed herself between Aria and Adagio as she grabbed them in a hug. The two girls smiled and easily placed a hand around her in return. Ramone crouched down a little bit and lined up the shot before taking it and a couple more for good measure.

“Here you go. I managed to get the fountain in the background,” he said as he handed the camera back to Sonata.

Sonata looked at the picture and gave an impressed, “Oooo… That’s a great picture!” She then showed it to her two friends in turn.

“Is there anything else you wish for at this time?” Ramone asked.

“I think we’re good for now. Thank you, Ramone,” Adagio said with a pleasant smile. He gave a nod and went check on his other tables after placing their salads.

“You do realize you will have to send us each copies of those pictures right.” Aria said to Sonata. Sonata gave a nod in reply.

Once the trio got into their first courses, they were mostly silent just enjoying the start of their meal. However once Aria gave a light moan in pleasure at the taste of her soup, the other two girls couldn’t help but giggle as their friend blushed.

“It must really be good,” Adagio said.

“Of course it is.” Aria replied simply as she took another taste of her soup with her still burning red cheeks.

Right before their main meals arrived they each got a refill on their drinks. Ramone soon appeared with a tray and their food. “Seafood Sampler Plate,” he said before placing Sonata’s meal in front of her.

All three girls gave a collective “Ooo…” as the food was placed before their friend. The plate included a buttered Lobster tail, baked scallops, a skewer of grilled garlic shrimp, and a small fillet of grilled salmon with a lemon butter glaze. It also had a small assortment of veggies on the side.

“That looks amazing, Sonata…” Adagio said with a hint of awe in her voice. Sonata clasped her hands together and gave a mental squee at the feast which lay before her as she nodded to Adagio.

“The steak and scallop dinner,” continued Ramone with a smile and a mental chuckle. He loved it when his customers where obviously happy with their meals. The fact they were beautiful girls helped as well.

Adagio fought hard to keep from drooling a little at the sight of her meal. There was a nice medium steak on the plate covered in the Manhattan sauce. On top of it, there were two sautéed scallops with a light sprinkling of chives on them. Her dinner also had a side of red skinned potatoes. She was eager to enjoy her meal.

“And finally… The Garlic and Herb Pork Roast,” Ramone said as he uncovered the dish and placed it in front of Aria.

“Oooo… Wow!” Adagio and Sonata said together as they looked at their friend’s meal. Aria’s eyes even widened and she barely managed to keep from drooling as she looked at her steaming meal. The pork was a great white color with just the right amount of black and light brown on the outer parts of it. The meal also included a small serving of potatoes and carrots on the side with a beautiful leaf of parsley on top of the roast to garnish it.

“Do you need anything else at this time?” Ramone asked. All three girls quickly shook their heads and he went off to once again check on his other tables.

All three friends took a moment to take in their meal before each took a bite at the same time. All three let out a collective moan of pleasure as their taste buds danced in joy at the first bite of their meals. The three girls then giggled at each other’s reactions before continuing with their meal.

After a few bites, Adagio spoke up. “Try to save some room for dessert… If you can… I kind of had a place in mind for the three of us to go after here. It’s a little bit of a walk, but I think it will be worth it.”

Sonata gave a giggle as she said, “I’ll try, Dagi. But I won’t make any promises… This food tastes too good for that.” Aria gave a vigorous nod in agreement to Sonata.

Adagio gave a giggle as she said, “Well I did say try. I’ll ask again closer to the end of our meal to be sure.” After her words, all three enjoyed a wonderful and relaxed meal together. They made conversation with one another and even traded a few bites of their meals.

{-} {-} {-}

As their meal started to wind down, Adagio spoke up again. “So… did you two save room for dessert?” Aria and Sonata both widened their eyes and quickly decided to save the remainder of their meals for tomorrow.

Sonata gave an uneasy laugh as she said, “Of course we did, Dagio…” She actually forgot about that because of how good her food tasted. Well now she remembered.

“Yeah… You did ask us to save room for dessert after all,” Aria said as she unsuccessfully tried to hide her guilt from forgetting.

Adagio covered her mouth with a hand as she giggled at her friends’ reactions. It was at this time Ramone made his way over to once again check on them. “Is everything alright here, ladies?”

Sonata and Aria were both still blushing as Adagio gave a smile and answered, “Yes we’re good. In fact, I think we would like a carry out each and the check.” Aria and Sonata merely nodded in response.

“Any room for dessert tonight?” Ramone asked.

“I don’t think so. Not tonight,” Adagio answered as both Sonata and Aria showed their agreement with their friend.

“How would you like to handle the check tonight then?” He asked in reply.

“All on one check and I’ll take it,” Adagio answered again with a smile.

Ramone nodded and soon returned with the check and wrapped carryouts. He handed it to Adagio who pulled out a credit card. He soon returned with the receipt which Adagio filled out with a pretty good tip before placing her copy in a handbag.

{-} {-} {-}

Aria gave a groan as she stretched by her car. They went to their car to place their leftovers for tomorrow. Fortunately, they got their carryouts wrapped in plastic to keep the food better. “So where is this dessert place you mentioned, Dagio?” Aria asked.

“It’s a few blocks past where we ate dinner,” she answered with a smile.

Sonata patted her belly as she said, “Sounds good. I’ll have plenty of time to digest before we get there then.”

“Any hints as to what you have in store for us?” Aria asked Adagio.

Adagio took a moment to think before giving a smug grin and saying, “It isn’t your average dessert place.” Aria rolled her eyes, but smiled. Sonata gave a little squee at the excitement of another mystery destination and followed her friends.

The trio talked about many things in fun as they made their way to Adagio’s destination. It took a little time, but they soon were standing in front of a place called Scoop's Ice Cream Bar and Parlor.

“Oooo… Ice cream?!” Sonata asked in excitement. Adagio gave a smile and a nod. Aria looked over the place from the outside and had to admit it looked like a cool place. She wondered what the ice cream here was like.

“I’ve never been here before, but I’ve heard really good things about it. Plus, its ice cream. Kind of hard to go wrong with ice cream desserts,” Adagio said with a soft laugh.

The three friends walked into the shop and saw three seats open along part of the bar. Adagio turned to her friends with a questioning eyebrow. Sonata smiled and nodded as she led the way up to the bar seats. Aria gave a smile as she and Adagio followed their friend. Once the three sat down, one of the ‘bartenders’ gave them a smile and said, “I’ll be with you three in just a moment.”

The three friends looked around the place to take in the atmosphere. It was a nice shop with brick walls and light colored floor tiles. The bar itself was made of marble and cool to the touch. The place also seemed to have a very welcoming atmosphere and they felt like they could talk to each other rather peacefully about pretty much anything if they wanted.

“This has been the best night ever!” Sonata said to Adagio. The light blue haired girl couldn’t contain her excitement any longer. She had called a few nights ‘the best Night Ever!’, but it felt like she truly meant it tonight and it would be hard for any future night to beat it in that category.

“Yeah. I’ll admit I’ve loved tonight, Adagio. It was worth all the wait for this surprise,” Aria answered with a smile.

Adagio gave a smile as she took in a deep breath. Her heart felt so very warm tonight. The hole also felt as if it had never existed in the first place. She tried not to show it as her best friends, her sisters, her whatever they were, ordered their desserts. She choked up and a few light tears of happiness may have escaped her eyes. She wasn’t sure what to make of this feeling in her chest, but it was a feeling she hoped would stay for a very long time.

Maybe… Just maybe… Starswirl actually did us a favor sending us here. And then Princess Twilight, Sunset Shimmer and the Rainbooms did us another favor by beating us in the battle of the bands,” she thought to herself as the ‘bartender’ returned. She had long since given up on holding a grudge towards those girls for what happened. Her life in many ways had improved since then.

“I’m Soft Cream. I’ll be your server tonight. Are you ready to order or do you three need more time to look over the menu?” Soft Cream asked with a smile.

Sonata looked to her friends and smiled as they nodded to her. “I think we’re ready to order,” she said with a bright smile. “I’ll have a Mint-Chocolate Ice Cream Cake slice!” She ordered cheerfully as she pointed to it on the menu. Adagio couldn’t help but smile brighter and giggle a little at her friend’s excitement.

“I’ll have a three scope waffle cone,” Aria started. “Two Cookie Dough and one chocolate. If that won’t be a problem.”

Soft Cream gave her a friendly smile and said, “That won’t be a problem. Don’t worry.” Soft Cream then turned to the last of the three.

“I’ll have the house special Oreo Cookie shake and glasses of water for each of us,” Adagio said with a smile. She really wished she could try one of the ice creams with alcohol in it. They looked really tasty! However, the Oreo Cookie shake here was actually really well known surprisingly, so that made for a great alternative.

“I’ll get right on those orders,” Soft Cream said with another smile before leaving them.

“So why did you decide on this, Dagio?” Sonata asked innocently.

Adagio took in a deep breath as she looked both of them in the eyes. “I wanted to do something for both of you. I also thought it would be fun for the three of us to do something together and have a wonderful night out.”

Sonata gave her a surprise hug followed quickly by Aria. “Ohhh… I’ve loved tonight! Thanks again, Dagio! I really like being out with you two.”

“I’ve also enjoyed tonight. This was probably the first time I really felt like I could enjoy dressing up and going out. In the past, I treated such things more like a chore despite kind of liking them deep down.” Aria said.

The three soon broke their hug and just in time for their deserts to arrive. All three looked to their ice creams with smiles and maybe a little drool in their mouths. “Here you go!” Soft Cream said as she handed out the orders and glasses of water before heading off to a different customer.

Sonata quickly took her first bite. She also quickly let out a small moan of delight as she said, “Soooo… Tasty!!!” She then took another bite quickly.

Aria took a lick of her ice cream cone. Instead of saying anything, her eyes lit up and she took several quicker licks. Adagio stifled a giggle at her reaction. She felt as if her heart couldn’t get any warmer without burning for all to see. She felt as if a song was growing and desperately wishing to be sung for all nearby to hear. It was only too bad she couldn’t sing anymore Adagio thought briefly.

The curly haired girl took a sip of her milkshake. As she took in the taste of the shake, her eyes widened and she barely contained a moan of ecstasy at the taste. This was unlike anything she had tasted before in her long life. She had partaken in many more luxurious and rarer foods before, but this was something different. Adagio was surprised at how much she loved this milkshake. It was as if her taste buds had only been training until this moment for her. Adagio felt as if she was in a heaven of some kind. She had a wonderful shake to drink. She had her best friends by her side. She felt as if all of that power in the past she had paled so much in comparison to this current feeling.

How is this possible?!” she wondered to herself. If she was a weaker person, Adagio might have been in tears as she drank her shake. She had long since figured the power from before wasn’t worth much of a damn, but now the offerings it provided were so weak they might as well not exist at all. “I’m just having a milkshake with Aria and Sonata… How can something like absolute power over others feel so small compared to this?!” she thought again.

Adagio then decided once again no matter what power tried to seduce her in the future it didn’t matter. She wanted to be with her friends and nothing more. Despite her efforts, a couple of tears dripped into her shake. She was glad no one saw it happen as far as she was concerned. Adagio them hummed a little to herself as she took a break from her shake.

Aria and Sonata both gave Adagio looks as they heard her humming. They smiled to her and thought nothing more about it at the moment before returning to their desserts. It wouldn’t do well to think about something like Adagio’s humming at the moment. They had great desserts to end a wonderful evening with their best friends.

Once Adagio paid for their deserts, after much debating, the trio of best friends made their way back to Aria’s car. Aria had volunteered to drive back home. It had been a wonderful night for them all. As she led the way back she spoke, “You know. I think we should have another night like this with just the three of us again in the future. I also think we should have a night with Twilight and Sunset again sometime.”

“Really?” Sonata asked her.

“Yes. Really. I mean we do kind of owe them a little I think.” Aria replied.

“I like that idea,” Adagio said with a nod.

“I think that would be lots of fun!” Sonata answered cheerfully.

Once the trio returned home, they stayed up a little bit to talk and hang out. In the end, they all decided to have yet another ‘sleepover’ this time in Sonata’s room. The three friends went to bed that night happier than they had been in while.

Adagio was happy that her most important people really loved the surprise she gave them. Sonata and Aria were both thinking of ways they could later do something to show their own appreciation to the others for everything. They each eventually drifted off to sleep and to the pleasant dreams that awaited each of them.