• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 8,017 Views, 394 Comments

Rainbow Rocks: Unfinished Business - Gadman85

After the battle of the bands, Twilight has something on her mind regarding the Dazzlings. Sunset has also had some things on her mind regarding Twilight.

  • ...

Thoughts and Letters

Princess Twilight Sparkle gave a sigh as she woke up a few days after her trip to the human world and the battle with the Sirens. She frowned as she fixed herself up for the morning. There was something that quickly grabbed hold in her mind after everything while getting ready. She wasn't very happy about what the thought was, much less it took a couple of days to register.

Why didn't I think about it sooner… What became of the Sirens…? If they are just normal girls now, don’t they deserve a second chance?” Twilight knew some wouldn't understand that easily, but she already learned her lesson with both Discord and Sunset Shimmer.

She also now knew friendship was something that needed work from everyone involved. She hated to admit it, but she hadn't really lived up to her new title with Discord. Something that ended up hurting them all.

She knew she failed at living up to her title again while helping with the Sirens. “At least in that case, I felt pressure to solve it on my own and didn't see what was right in front of me. For the little that matters…” The pony princess gave a sigh before heading down for breakfast.

“I’ll tell you what. As much as I liked those Milk Bone things on the other side. Nothing beats a real breakfast with pancakes!” Spike said cheerfully as he served himself some breakfast and noticed Twilight enter the kitchen.

Twilight giggled at her favorite dragon as she readied her own breakfast. “I can understand that, though I never tried those Milk Bones. I was a little tempted by what they called Bacon, but Sunset kind of steered me away from it for some reason. I’ll have to ask her about that some time.”

{-} {-} {-}

Sunset gave a stretch as she woke up next to Pinkie and the others. A few days after Twilight left again, Pinkie insisted they all needed another slumber party to cheer up. Sunset didn't really complain about this, since she liked her friends a lot. She also missed Twilight like they did, maybe even more than them. She was usually more than okay just being around the others though.

Later in the day after using the stage to practice for the real Music Showcase, Sunset found herself writing a letter to Twilight with a smile on her face. The fact she could write Twilight anytime helped Sunset "cope" with the loss she felt once their pony princess friend returned to Equestria.

Dear Princess Twilight,

It seems odd writing to a different princess, but I like it. I know you haven’t been gone for long, but I’m missing you already. I think it has to do with the fact none of us really got to properly catch up while you were here. We kind of had to worry about the Dazzlings trying to take over the school and all. I hope sometime we’ll have a chance to actually talk. I suppose this book will help until then. I’m really glad I remembered it after all of these years.

We just finished practicing for the actual Music Showcase. As you remember right before you had to head back, Principal Celestia announced we would have the real event. We were all glad for this since the last one got out of hand “due to unforeseen circumstances”.

It really is impressive how much pull she seems to have in this world.

We all get to have the event on the same stage our fight with the Dazzlings took place…

Sunset had to pause for a couple of seconds at this. “I wonder what happened to them anyways…” She was half tempted to write that out, but she didn't want to make a big deal out of it. Part of her thought she should, but another part thought it wasn't really her business and she still had enough to worry about on her on.

She got back to writing after rereading her letter to pick up her train of thought.

…I guess she has connections with all of the right people in the area or something. Scary how a principal can have so much power despite only being in charge of one school. It’s a good thing she mostly uses that power for good it seems.

Everyone is excited about getting to play on the stage and the surrounding city is really excited as well. This time we are holding the event, like originally planned, for a fundraiser. They are selling tickets cheap to people who wish to watch it. This time it won’t just be the school there.

Things are really starting to look up for me here after helping take care of the Sirens. Rainbow seems to have learned her lesson for the moment about not trying to always hog the spotlight, especially around her friends. I do wonder for how long, or if it will stick though. Is pony Rainbow like that as well?

Well I don’t really have a whole lot more to say at this moment. I’m new to this friendship thing, but I’m learning. I hope you don’t mind me asking you for advice sometimes. You are the Princess of Friendship after all and my friend.

Your Friend,

Sunset Shimmer

Sunset had a small smile as she finished the letter. She had lied a little in it. She actually had a lot to say. She just wasn't sure how or if she should write it. She really needed to figure things out on her own, but she didn't want to do something that might unintentionally harm the friendship she had with Twilight.

She remembered when Twilight first returned the girl was unsure in taking her hand. Sunset knew it was understandable and things got better soon after that between them. Still she wasn't sure what kind of relationship the two of them had.

The night they talked in the kitchen at Pinkie’s house really meant a lot more to her than she would admit. It helped her feel better about things. She also felt they could relate to each other more than she could her other friends, even if just a little. They both felt pressured in the same way even if the reasons were different.

Sunset wondered what it was Twilight wanted to say but didn't that night. Was it just the pony princess admitting she wasn't sure what to do and asking for Sunset’s help? Was it something different? The fiery haired girl didn't really know.

Sunset just wished she got those words from Twilight, whatever they were. Sunset felt she owed everything to Twilight. The Pony Princess gave her a second chance and even went further by giving her five great friends. The other girls were there for her as Sunset tried her best to make up for the past.

Even if they don’t exactly always trust me yet…” She thought to herself. She knew it was silly to think that, but she couldn't help it. She tried to play off their slips about her past and even though she knew they didn't completely hold it against her. The slips still hurt to hear.

If that wasn't enough, there was the time she tried to help them out and they got angry at her for it. “It was almost as if they believed I really did just as Trixie said and wanted to mess up their show,” she thought to herself. She hoped it was simply the Sirens plans that caused the mistrust, but she knew it wasn't completely.

She had forgiven them for that already, but it still hurt. However, she knew friendship was hard, but worth it. She knew they didn't mean to hurt her like they did. Their snaps during the Battle of the Bands were partly due to the mounting stress in the group as a whole. They were heading to an explosion of sorts already, but Rainbow’s song and actions pushed it further. Then it all came to a boil when they were trapped under the stage.

I’m just glad things worked out in the end and improved our friendships,” Sunset thought with a sigh.

After the battle, they spent a little time with Twilight. The pony princess didn't think she could stay for too long and soon had to return to Equestria, at least they could write her now. Sunset already agreed to let the others write some time if they wanted. They hadn't yet, but were understandably a little wary of magic in general, since it wasn't common in this world.

Despite their thoughts on magic, they were still the best friends she could have ever hoped for and it was all thanks to a pony princess. They had always been there for her even after what she did. The thought about her friends brought a smile to Sunset's face as she closed the journal.

“So what are you up to, Sunset? You seem really happy,” Fluttershy asked softly.

“Oh, I was writing a letter to Princess Twilight and just thinking about everything that's happened again. I really am glad things have more or less worked out with us all so far," Sunset answered, the smile not leaving her face.

“Oooo. Maybe you can read her response to us later?” Fluttershy asked with her big blue eyes reflecting barely contained eagerness.

Sunset gave a nervous laugh as she replied. “I’m not so sure about this one. I kind of asked her about some personal stuff.”

Fluttershy gave a frown. Sunset gulped. “Don’t worry, Fluttershy. I’m sure there will be plenty of letters from her that we’ll all share in the future.”

Fluttershy gave a smile and said, “Okay then. So long as you promise.”

“I do,” Sunset replied.

“Good," Fluttershy's smile grew a little. "Anyways, we all wanted to head over to Sam’s Subs. Are you in?” Fluttershy asked.

“Sure, sounds good,” Sunset answered with a smile as she got up and left with her friends.

{-} {-} {-}

Twilight let out a sigh as she relaxed on her throne. The others were there as well, but all of them were a little unsure what to do. For the moment, they were all just enjoying each other’s company.

“Really this whole Council of Friendship thing is kinda boring. I mean I like hanging out with you guys, but I like actually doing something, you know.” Rainbow said. She then unsuccessfully tried to hide a yawn from the others.

“I do know what you mean, Dear. I can only polish my throne so many times before it gets redundant. As shocking as that may be.” Rarity replied. She once again examined her handy work with a smile.

“I don’t really mind it so much. But I do need to check up on my animals a little more than I have lately. They're feeling a little neglected I fear,” Fluttershy said with a hint of worry in her voice towards the end.

“Ah’m just lucky there ain't much to do on the farm currently that Big Mac, Caramel, and Apple Bloom can’t handle. But ya’ll know how it is. There’s always something that can be fixed up and taken care of on the farm somewhere,” Applejack said as she stretched out next to her own throne.

“I love you girls, but like Dashie said this is getting waaaaay boring. Are you sure we can’t go do something today, Twilight?” Pinkie asked as she sat on another one of her balloons. She tried it once before Twilight went to the other world. It became her favorite way to sit after that.

Before Twilight could say anything Spike added his thoughts. “Yah, are you sure? I mean so far this whole Friendship Council thingy isn't what I thought it would be.”

Twilight gave him a questioning look. “What did you think it was going to be, Spike?”

“Well, I thought there would be some kind of magical map of Equestria that would show all major Friendship or Harmony problems that needed to be fixed or something. I mean that happens in comics when superheroes form some kind of group and get a secret base. Didn't you know that?” Spike replied as if this made perfect sense.

“I’m not so sure we’re superheroes, Spike,” Twilight said in response.

“Oh please… Of course you all are. I mean for crying out loud you all defeated Tirek. Defeated Discord and befriended him and then faced him again when he turned sides, before then accepting him back and really befriending him this time. Have you forgotten everything else all of you have done?” Spike asked with a raised eyebrow.

The ponies had various thoughtful looks while thinking on his words.

“I mean if that doesn't make you all Equestria’s superheroes. Then I don’t know what a superhero is. And I know what they are. I've read all of the comics I can after all,” Spike finished with no small amount of pride in his voice. Twilight raised an eyebrow at him while Pinkie snickered.

Applejack just shook her head to it all. The blonde pony knew she was just a simple farm pony and nothing more. It was just what she wanted to be. She just had other things happen in her life with her friends is all.

Rainbow hummed in thought as she grinned. “I think I've got to agree with you there, Spike.”

“See!” Spike answered as if Rainbow’s word was all the confirmation needed in this case.

“I don’t think I really want to be a superhero, not again after that comic book incident,” Fluttershy said as she tried to hide behind her mane.

“We'll totally have to have a ‘We’re Superheroes Now Party’ party. Still so far it’s kind of boring. I’m even running low on balloons,” Pinkie said with a sigh.

The other friends looked up to the ceiling and blinked at the sheer amount of balloons up there. They knew she was blowing up balloons and a lot of them at that, but seeing them actually there was something else. There had to be hundreds of them. Luckily the Council’s room had really high ceilings. Otherwise they'd have to walk through a sea of balloons to get anywhere.

Twilight gave a small sigh no one else noticed. She shook her head and gave her friends a warm smile. “You girls can go ahead and do what you want. I appreciate you all being with me, but I understand you have other obligations. Mine is to sit here in this throne room until I at least figure something else out as Princess of Friendship.”

“Are you sure, Sugarcube? We don’t mind staying with you if you need us,” Applejack said as the others looked to Twilight seriously.

“Applejack’s right, Twilight. You’re our friend and we’re in this together,” Rarity added.

Twilight gave them all a smile. “I understand and appreciate it. However, I can’t expect you all to stop whatever you might be doing at this time. Especially, just to sit here in this throne room with me. If something comes up, I’ll find you all. Please, feel free to go.”

“Yes!!!” Rainbow shouted as she hovered above her throne. Applejack gave her a half frown as the blue pegasus nervously chuckled. “I mean thanks. Like I said I like you girls and all, but I can’t just stay still for too long. You know how it is.”

Twilight gave a chuckle and the others followed. “I completely understand, Rainbow. I’m going to have to work something out. I can’t stand being too still for too long anymore either. I mean if I have a really good book then maybe, but still I like to read while I at least walk in a circle or something. Go on and have fun, everypony.”

The others stood up as well and stretched out before shaking the stiffness from their bodies. They all bid her farewell and left. Twilight stretched as well before sitting back down again and sighing.

She didn't really feel lonely or anything like that. Honestly, she rarely if ever felt truly lonely anymore. With her friends gone though, it wasn't long until the thoughts that had been going on in her head returned. Something her friends had helped keep away being there with her.

She didn't share these thoughts with her friends. She knew they would want to help and maybe even demand to help her in the other world if she decided to go there again. They probably wouldn't be as accepting of a “No” from her this time either.

Twilight let her purple eyes wander around the room when she suddenly noticed the book linked to Sunset's glow and vibrate. She didn't notice the smile that grew on her muzzle, nor did she notice the speed she used to get to the book. She just thought about how she was happy and a little excited to already hear from the others again.

She read the letter a few times and thought about her answer before writing back and sending her reply. With that finished, she put more serious thought into what she should do about the issue regarding the other world.

{-} {-} {-}

Sunset let out a tired, but content sigh as she finally plopped down on her wonderful bed in her apartment. It took her some work to procure this place as her home, but it worked out in the end and she loved it. It was perfect after a long afternoon of fun.

After Sam’s Subs, Pinkie begged them to go play laser tag at a place called Fun Zone Plus. Sunset was a little unsure about this at first because she always thought it was something for little boys to do. She was surprised when they got there to see a much more diverse group of people waiting to play. There were still a couple more guys than girls after their group joined, but that was all.

She also never thought about how much fun she would end up having either. Fluttershy managed to actually ‘be assertive’ and only cower half of the time. Applejack and Rainbow Dash, as expected, got into a competition to see who could get the highest score. Pinkie Pie was all over the place and ended up in second overall.

Rarity wasn’t happy with the vest they had to wear, but then one little brat called her ugly and she got angry. She really got into the game after that and surprisingly placed first overall. Sunset remembered the last moment of the final game.

----- Flashback -----

“Call me ugly will you?!” Rarity scoffed as she shot the kid ‘dead’ once again and he realized she was Dress Maker 27, the one who got him the most in all of the games. “You should never call a refined lady such as myself ‘Ugly’ you little brat. Unless you are ready to face the consequences!”

The kid just cowered in fear as he looked at her. No one else dared to interfere with what was happening. “I’m sorrryyy…. I’m sorryyyy ma’am… I won’t do it again. I swear!”

Rarity finally let up on the kid. She got him to his feet and dusted him off and said, “Good. Let that be a lesson to you.” She then gave him a couple of dollars and said in a kind voice, “Now go wash yourself up and have a soda on me and enjoy the rest of your day.” The kid took the money and walked away in a confused haze at what just happened.

“Remind me to never completely piss off Rarity again, Applejack.” Rainbow whispered to her farmer friend.

“Only if ya’ll do the same for me…” Applejack replied.

The others nodded quickly in agreement and smiled when Rarity turned to face them. The Fashionista then gave a sigh and said, “I might have gone a little overboard. Do you all think so?”

They all shook their heads and gave her a chorus of “No” and “Totally didn't”.

Rarity gave them a searching look at their responses until Sunset spoke up, “Hey, why don’t we try bowling next?” Everyone then nodded in agreement as Applejack and Rainbow started going on about their next great competition.

Fortunately the rest of the afternoon didn't have an incident. However, Fluttershy turned out to be surprisingly good at bowling. She got several strikes during their games.

---- Flashback Ends ----

Sunset gave a smile as she further sunk into her bed and relaxed. Soon after she started to relax, she noticed her book glow and vibrate. The girl failed to notice her own excitement as she bounded over to where she kept the book and opened it to read what Twilight had to say.

Dear Sunset Shimmer,

First off, I just wanted to say how happy I was to hear from you already. I was also excited you wanted to write to me for help with friendship matters. I may not have done the best last time I was over there, but that is because I let the pressure get to me.

Regardless, I would be more than willing to help when you want it. Plus having you write to me about friendship reminds me of how Princess Celestia had me do the same when I first moved to Ponyville.

As for Rainbow Dash, Pony Dash was the same, but she learned her lesson even if it took some time. Oddly enough most of the other girls are very similar to how my Ponyville friends were before we finally started learning about friendship together.

I hope you girls will write me a lot about the lessons you all learn when you can. It would be really interesting to see the problems and solutions the human world has compared to Equestria. It will also be interesting to see how everyone grows differently from their pony counterparts.

I really wish I had a chance to study all I could about the human world. However, time and my duties simply won’t allow that. Even if I’m not exactly sure what being the Princess of Friendship means here in Equestria… It sometimes feels like merely a title I was given to keep me satisfied.

I’m glad to hear things are already going better for you, Sunset. You deserve it. I know you have been trying hard to make up for what happened in the past. There is also how you helped us save the whole school as well. We couldn't have done so without you.

As for you being new to the friendship thing, I think you have a better understanding of it than you give yourself credit for already. Still, friendship is something that everyone keeps learning about even as time passes. I know my friends and I here are still learning about it ourselves at times.

Well, it was great to hear from you, Sunset. I will write you again soon, but there is something I need to take care of over here first.

Your Friend,

Princess Twilight Sparkle

Sunset smiled as she finished the letter. She wondered what it was Twilight would be writing to her about soon. For the moment, she was going to take a nice nap in her warm bed.

{-} {-} {-}

Having read and replied to Sunset’s letter, Twilight made her decision on what to do. She was now going to tell Celestia and Luna about it. They would have to agree with her; she was certain. She was the Princess of Friendship and there really wasn't any need for her in Equestria at the moment.

However, she was needed to help at least three girls in the human world. Twilight was going to make this a quest she did on her own. She was planning to try and get Sunset’s help if she could, but she wasn't going to mention that part of the plan to Celestia unless she really had to.

Twilight would also remind them the now ex-sirens were their responsibility if needed. They shouldn't have just left them to run free in a new world completely unchecked like they did. She also shouldn't have left without finding out what would happen to them.

“I just hope they can learn friendship and won’t try something that will cause even more problems.” Twilight sighed to herself as she got ready to meet Celestia and Luna. Part of the reason she wanted to help the ex-sirens find friendship was so they wouldn't try something which might cause problems while searching for a new power.

She had left Trixie alone and the pony found an amulet that corrupted her and caused Ponyville all kinds of problems. “We lucked out there in many ways. The main way being she was focused on getting back at me and not taking over Equestria,” she thought to herself.

Discord was another example of what can happen without real friendship even in those reformed. They left him alone and treated him badly apart from Fluttershy and look what happened.

No, Twilight knew Equestria needed to start taking care of those they beat if they could. Friendship was powerful and could save ponies and people from really bad problems, but it took work. It took commitment.

The human world didn't have magic. That didn't mean the sirens wouldn't try something to get their power back, or even search for another way to get to a different dimension. This was something to be feared. It wouldn't be all that surprising if their actions somehow caused a new tear in the space time continuum.

Twilight also feared if they had just given up on everything they might do something drastic. She couldn't really live with that on her conscience without at least trying to help. “Besides, if Discord deserved another chance. Don’t they?” the princess thought.

Then there was Sunset Shimmer in the other world as well. Twilight really wanted to see her again. She wanted to be there to spend some time with the reformed Sunset Shimmer. This time without having to worry about saving the world from another evil. She also grew closer to Sunset last time and wanted to talk about so many things without the others around.

Twilight cared about all of her friends, but she wanted to care about them as individuals and not just as groups. She had spent a good bit of time with the other girls separately before she returned. For some reason, she could never get time with just Sunset Shimmer.

{-} {-} {-}

Twilight approached the castle as several guards quickly snapped to attention. She blushed a little at the gesture, fortunately for her it didn't really show. “Can somepony tell me if Princesses Luna and Celestia are free to meet with me?” she asked as she stood in front of the gates.

A couple of the guard ponies looked at each other and nodded. A pegasus guard then spoke. “We can see for you, Princess Twilight. Do you wish to wait for them in the Princess Lounge?”

“Princess Lounge?” Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow.

The guard nodded. “Yes. Princess Luna said with so many princesses now there should be a special room for you all. That way everypony can meet undisturbed for social or business calls.”

Twilight hummed to this and smiled. “Sounds good. Do you mind leading the way?” The guard smiled at her. “Oh and tell Celestia and Luna this is a business call.” With that, two guards bowed and took off to search for the other princesses as Twilight was led to the lounge.

Author's Note:

Well this is my first attempt at a sunlight fic as Twilight and Sunset go on their mission, but that is only going to be half of the story. The other half will be about Aria, Sonata, and Adagio and what their lives are like now and more.