• Published 30th Apr 2012
  • 2,196 Views, 39 Comments

A face of names - DTFluttershy

The mane 6 each meet there perfect Coltfirend, but Spike and the CMC thinks somethings going on

  • ...

Chapter 10: Rainbow Dash's date

“But. But. But. But...”

“And then she was like this Twilight.”

“But. But. But. But...”

“Are you sure that’s all that happened Scootaloo.”

“But. But. But. But...”


“But. But. But. But...”

“Mm. What do you think Applejack?”

“But. But. But. But...”

“I haven’t seen anythin’ like this before Twilight. Lasso, you’ve met a load of ponies, you seen anythin’ like this?”

“But. But. But. But...”

“Can’t say fer sure. She’s more frozen then a rattle snake at a mongoose rodeo.”

“But. But. But. But...”

Scootaloo had brought Rainbow Dash to the Library where she, Applejack and the recently returned Loose ‘Lasso’ Rope had been talking about his adventures. Rainbow Dash seemed to be stuck in a trance. “She was beaten in a race by some other Pegasus pony. She lost her cloud because of it.”

“I don’t think losing a cloud would make her go into a trance like this,” said Twilight.

“A race shouldn’t either,” conquered Applejack. “Running of the leaves she lost to you Twilight.”

“Maybe,” began Twilight, “losing a race that involves flying could do this to her. I’ve never heard of a story were Rainbow Dash is beaten at flying.”

“Me neither,” said Applejack. “But, I think I may have figured out a way to snap her out of this trance. Ahem. Boy Howdy. Ah can’t believe I found a backstage pass to the next Wonderbolts show. Too bad ah don’t like ‘em much. Ah guess they’ll just go in the trash.”

The next thing anyone knew, Applejack was tackled to the ground by a rainbow streak. Applejack was now on her back with the Rainbow Manned Pegasus on top of her. “DON’T THROW THOSE AWAY I’VE BEEN TRYING TO GET THOSE FOR MONTHS PLEEEAASE GIVE THEM TO ME.” Rainbow Dash was then Lassoed of Applejack and landed on her back. She then began to take in her surroundings. “How did I get here?”

“Well,” began Lasso, “according to the little missy here, you were beaten by a race and was completely frozen. Ain’t seen nothin’ like that.”

Rainbow Dash thought back to earlier that day. She face hoofed. “Ugh. Now I remember. There was some idiot called Star Scream on my cloud, and he never heard of me. How rude. I then challenged him to a race, winner to get my cloud. I then lost the race, and my cloud.” Rainbow Dash face hoofed once more. “And not only that, but now I’ve got a date with him tonight at 7. AND I HAVE TO PAY!”

“Wait,” said Twilight. “Why do you have to date him? And more importantly pay. Borealis and I always split the bill.”

“And as for me,” put in Lasso, “ah always pay the full lot of bits. It’s the only gentlecoltly thing to do.”

“As you are Lasso,” said Applejack walking up to him. “As you are.” She then gave him a peck on the cheek.

“Aw Shucks,” went Lasso.

“Bleugh,” went Scootaloo.

“This is serious though you guys,” said Rainbow Dash. “I don’t want to go on this date.”

“Sorry Rainbow,” said Twilight, “but you should have at least thought of the possibility that you’ll lose.”

“But I never lose.”

“Well you did and you are going on this date. I’ll inform everypony.”

Rainbow only gulped.

Sugar Cube Corner 11:30 AM.

“Ooh we are going to need streamers.”


“No, that’s too many streamers. More Balloons.”


“Ooh, great idea Hokey. But we will need to...”


The two bouncing ponies stopped and looked at Rainbow Dash. “I don’t want this date to go smoothly. The sooner he’s out of my life the better.”

“Well then why did Twilight say you were going to have it here,” asked Pinkie.

“It’s because she thinks I need a coltfriend because everyone else has one. And then we can ‘all date’ or something like that. But I don’t want to date Star Scream. He’s a complete jerk and is completely self-absorbed. Honestly, could you imagine if I was like that?”

No comment from the author.

“Aw come on. That’s not very nice.”

You’re doing it too. Ugh. I’m regretting creating you.

“Anyway,” began Hokey, “what are we going to do with all the decorations? Cakes are away again and we can’t have a party this short notice.”

The two earth ponies thought as Rainbow Dash took in the silence for a moment. “OOH, I KNOW,” they both shouted.

“What in equestrian could you two...?”


“Please tell me your not...” but they were. Pinkie had jumped on Hokey sending both onto the floor there lips meeting and began to make out. “I’ll show myself out.” Rainbow Dash thought it best to leave before things got private.

Fluttershy’s cottage. 2:30 PM

“YOUCH. Careful were your sticking those needles Fluttershy. I want some blood left by the end of the day.”

“Well maybe if you didn’t squirm I wouldn’t have to jam needle into you Rainbow. If um, that’s okay with you?”

“Well maybe if your coltfriend wasn’t such a coward, he can hold me still.”

Rainbow Dash was at Fluttershy’s cottage getting a dress fitted. Rarity was still out of town so Fluttershy had agreed to do Rainbow Dash’s dress, having knowledge of sewing. Blue Muscle meanwhile was hiding under the table, his head turned away from the two mares. “Fine,” said Rainbow Dash, “I’ll try to stand still.”

“What actually seems to be bothering you Rainbow Dash,” questioned Fluttershy. I thought you would have wanted to go on your date.”

“I don’t. It was just a silly little bet that I never should have agreed to. The sooner it’s over and done with, the better. I mean, if you had to go on a date that you didn’t want to go on, would you make a fuss of it? Fluttershy?”

“Uh, oh sorry Rainbow Dash. I was distracted. So what were you saying?”

Rainbow Dash looked round the room, to see what would distract Fluttershy. All of her animals were outside, she couldn’t see any out the window. It didn’t take long to realise what she was distracted by. “As I was saying Fluttershy, I don’t want to go on this date. I mean,” she blushed, “I suppose it has been a while since my last date, but still I think I should be able to choose who I go on a date with, and not because of some silly YOUCH! WOULD YOU STOP STARING AT HIS PLOT!”

Rainbow Dash’s outburst had caused Fluttershy’s cheeks and ears to go red with embarrassment. It had also caused Blue Muscle to emerge from underneath the table, with a blush as full as Fluttershy’s. Before either of the two Pegasus mares had a chance to say anything, Blue Muscle had darted upstairs to hide. Fluttershy stared crossly at Rainbow Dash. “What? It’s not my fault he’s a wimp.”

Fluttershy finally drew the line. She cut the thread and stood back. “There done,” she said flatly.

Rainbow Dash looked in the mirror. “But Fluttershy, it looks to good.” Fluttershy had actually done a simple flowing white gown with blue stitching to match Rainbow’s coat. “It needs to be about 20% less awesome.”

“I’m sorry Rainbow Dash but other things have come up. I’ve now got to go and calm my little blue cat down.”

“LITTLE! He’s twice the size of Applejack’s brother.” Fluttershy merely hmped and went upstairs. “Wait Fluttershy. I’m sorry okay.” Clearly Fluttershy wasn’t listening, so Rainbow Dash decided to take her leave. “I’m really not going to try at this date.”

Rainbow Dash’s home. 6:55 PM

Finally, everything was prepared. Rainbow Dash had been given a Spa treatment earlier in the day, thanks to Rarity’s connections and Twilight (still being affected by the cloud walking spell) was with her in her house, still trying her best to convince her that going on this date was a good thing. Rainbow Dash though was stubborn. “I don’t understand why I should still go on this date. He guy is a complete jerk.”

“Don’t be so pessimistic Rainbow Dash. I’m sure that behind that description you’ve given us, he’ll be fine.”

“You just want us all to have colt friends so that none of us get jealous of each other.”

“No Rainbow. I just want to help you.”

“I’m still not going to enjoy it.”

“I’m sure you will,” said Twilight. “I bet you any money that brown Stallion will turn up at that door in a bow tie and a bouquet of flowers any second.”

15 Minutes later

“Any second.”

Another 15 minutes later

“See Brown! No wait, that’s maroon.”

Yet another 15 minutes later

“That’s it. He didn’t bother to show up,” but before Rainbow Dash could to bad mouth the stallion, the doorbell rang.

“Ha,” went Twilight. “I told you. Now I bet he is there with a Bow tie and flowers.”

Rainbow Dash went to open the door and as she did, all she saw was Star Scream struggling with his bow. He was wearing a rather cheap and nasty tuxedo that smelt like it had been vomited on by an Ursa Minor. He finally got to his hooves, but his bow tie was a complete state. “Stupid Monkey suit.”

“Then why did you buy it,” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Well one of us has got’s ta put in the effort,” said Star Scream as he eyed up Rainbow Dash’s dress. “And it was dirt cheap.”

“Smells like you just got it out of the dirt,” retorted Rainbow Dash.

“Well excuse me for putting on my best cologne and getting you some freshly pinked flowers.”

“You see Rainbow,” interrupted Twilight. “I told you he would be a gentlecolt. He’s in a tuxedo...” Twilight recoiled, finally getting a whiff of the suit and the cologne, “...and he also brought flowers. Just look at them aren’t they... Hey wait. Those are my hibiscuses.” Twilight quickly took the flowers back from Star Scream.

“Well, well, who are you, you little cutie.” Twilight was now disgusted at this colt’s behaviour. “How about afterwards you and I go back to my place.”

“I have a coltfriend you know.”

“Well, if you ever feel like ditchin’ the loser.” Star Screams attempt to ‘woo’ Twilight were interrupted as Rainbow Dash grabbed him by the collar, and dragged him out of the house.

“Come on you,” she said through gritted teeth. The two left with Star Scream still waving at Twilight.

As the door slammed shut behind them, Twilight groaned. “Now I understand why Rainbow Dash didn’t want to date him.” Then something dawned on her. “How am I meant to get down?”

In the skies above Ponyville, Rainbow Dash was scowling at Star Scream, as he kept trying to fix his bow tie. “What the heck’s wrong with you,” she asked.

“I know. This bow tie is too much.” He then simply undid the tie and threw it behind him.

“I mean purposely flirting with my friend even though you’re meant to be going on a date with me.”

“Hey, you clearly don’t want to be on this date, so I got’s too keep my options open.”

“Well if you know I don’t want to go on this date, why are we going on this date?”

“Because the bet says you’re paying. I can’t deny a free meal.” Rainbow Dash gritted her teeth as she remembered that part of the bet. He hoped he forgot. “Anyways, we’res we goin’.”

“We’re going to the Green Clover. It’s were my friends and I hang out some time.”

“Sounds like a nice place.”

Rainbow Dash really wanted to get this date over and done with as soon as possible, so she tried to fly a little faster. “Yo Rainbow, ya mind slowin’ down.”

“Why,” said Rainbow Dash smugly. “Am I flying too fast for you?”

“No. I just can’t enjoy the scenery.” Rainbow was puzzled by this that she did slow down to allow Star Scream to catch up. “New Horsey ain’t exactly thrivin’ with nature. Rather dirty actually.”

“I would have thought you liked it dirty.”

“Yeah, but even a city slicker like me likes ta look at nature from above. I find it rather, peaceful compared to the bustling streets of the place.”

Rainbow Dash was taken rather aback by this. She would have thought that someone like Star Scream would hate a place like Ponyville. The two had now slowed to a gentle flap of the wings and as Star Scream looked down onto the land, Rainbow Dash did the same. She had lived in Ponyville for many years now as part of the weather patrol, but her herself had yet to take things slow. Alright she had, but that had slowed to a sleep, and rarely took in the beuty of what was around her.

She had never quite understood why somepony would even want to stay in Ponyville for very long. She had even questioned why she was still there herself even before she met all her wonderful friends. The only reason she could think of was she was waiting for the golden opportunity for when she would be able to join the Wonderbolts. But seeing Ponyville like this, just in the time of Twilight and the street lamps were just coming on, she realised something. ‘This town ain’t that bad,’ she thought.

The Green Clover soon came into site and the two Pegasus’ descended down to the door of the Restaurant. As they entered, they got a good look at their surroundings. Rainbow Dash and her friends normally ate outside and she hadn’t even considered dinning on the inside. But the night was predicted to be colder than usual so, it was choice of freeze, or be surrounded by snobs. It was a very close call.

The place was not that crowded. Rainbow Dash could see there were a few other couples on dates, two high class business ponies accompanied by what she assumed to be their daughters, snickering away. One table that caught Rainbow Dashes eyes was in the far corner, were two unicorns, one white furred and the other blue, in hooded cloaks, covering their faces. The blue one was mumbling something as the taller and seemingly more comfortable of the two shrugged it off, as she dived into some cake.

Then, a waiter turned up. “Table for two please,” said Star Scream.

The waiter, being a pony from Prance last time Rainbow Dash checked, didn’t take well to Star Screams own accent, and her record here had also been, not best. “Good evening Sir and Madam. If you would like to follow me to your table, I shall get your menus.”

The two Pegasus’ followed the Prench Stallion. Rainbow Dash could just feel him judging them. “And I thought my accent was stupid,” said Star Scream. Rainbow Dash giggled. The waiter looked over his shoulder and glared at them. Rainbow Dash and Star scream simply looked away as if a teacher had caught them talking to each other in class.

“Here we are Sir and Madam, your table.” The table itself was not in a great position in the restaurant. It was fairly close to the toilets so customers would be passing by regularly.

Rainbow dash was disgusted. “Couldn’t you put us somewhere else,” she asked.

“Sorry but every other table is booked out for this evening.”

“The place is empty,” cried Rainbow Dash.

“Sorry, but we cannot help it if ponies cancel.”

“Ugh, fine,” said Rainbow Dash. The two took their seats and the waiter gave them their menu’s. He then trotted off to go and serve another couple.

“Jeez, what’s his problem,” asked Star Scream.

“Well, let’s say I have a bit of a record here.”

“Like what?”

“Oh you know, purposely causing a rain cloud to appear over the restaurant.”

Rainbow Dash then simply went to stare at her menu choosing what she wanted. Unbeknownst to her though, Star Scream was up to something. When she next looked up, she saw that Star Scream had taken the tassel of the menu and placed it above his lip. “Oh look at me,” began Star Scream in a prench accent, “I’m Prench and I don’t care for anypony else because I have bread and cheese.”

Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but giggle. “I wear a burette and whenever somepony attacks me I just surrender because I’m a big Prench blouse.” Rainbow Dash laughed louder. “And speaking of our cheese, it’s much better eating cheese 3 years out of date and having onions with it.” Rainbow Dash was now laughing so loudly that the other ponies had turned their heads to see what the commotion was.

“Ahem.” The two Pegasus stopped their joking as they looked up. Above them, stood the waiter. The two were very embarrassed “Shall I take your order, or do you wish to leave.”

“We’ll order,” said Star Scream.

“What will it be then?”

“I’ll have the Daisy Burger and Hay fries please,” said Rainbow Dash.

“And I’ll have the Lettuce and Mushroom steak. Extra Barbeque sauce,” said Star Scream. The waiter simply rolled his eyes and took the menu’s away. “Douche,” muttered Star Scream.

The meal hadn’t gone down as well as they hoped. There food was late for starters. The waiter insisted that it would take a long time, but when the food did eventually arrive, it was practically cold, which only meant that the waiter purposely waited for it to cool down before serving. Or at least that is what star Scream and Rainbow Dash thought.

But despite the spiteful service, Rainbow did enjoy the rest of her date. Star Scream was actually very polite and really funny, at least in Rainbow Dash’s eyes. Most of her other friends would probably find shoving hay fries up their noses would be rather vulgar, well, maybe not Pinkie Pie, but Rainbow Dash found a childish charm to it.

When the two did finish their meal, the waiter immediately turned up presenting the bill and went away. “Celestia I can’t believe how rude this guy is,” said Rainbow Dash. “It’s he wants us to leave.”

“I say we do as soon as possible.”

“Hold on then, let me get my money.”

“Why,” asked Star Scream.

“Oh did you forget that part of the bet?”

“Know, I’m just saying why do we have to pay when we were clearly not satisfied in our service.”

“So what are you planning,” asked Rainbow Dash suspiciously.

Star Scream got in closer to so that nopony else could here. “I says, we ditch the cheque.”

Rainbow Dash gasped. “You can’t be serious. I’ll never be allowed back here again.”

“Why would you want to?”

Rainbow Dash contemplated this for a moment. “Eh, your right. Let’s go.”

The two Pegasus quickly trotted towards the door, hoping the waiter wouldn’t notice. He did however. “OI GET BACK HERE.” The two were nearly at the door and quickly took off into the sky, leaving the waiter shaking his hoof and talking in his native tongue. “VOUS ETES TOUS DEUX BANNI DE CE LIEU DE VIE! DE VIIIIIIIE!”

The two Pegasus’ flew far enough to be sure that they weren’t being followed. They sat on the grass, their hearts pumping and the adrenalin in their bodies calming down. Dash was the first to speak. “Wow, that was, one of the dumbest, and most exciting things I have ever done in my life.”

“Not the first time I’ve done it,” panted Star Scream.

“Wait, you’ve done this before,” said Rainbow Dash in slight alarm.

“Only when required, like snooty waiter’s that pushes you aside just for pushing you aside.”

“Well, we really shouldn’t have done that. Try not to do it anymore.”

“I’ll try. So, shall I take you home?”

“That would be very gentlecoltly,” and the couple took of for Rainbow Dash’s cloud home.

As the two got to the front door of the cloud home, Rainbow Dash spoke. “Listen, I had a really good time tonight, much better than I thought. You’re alright,” she said as she gently punched Star Scream’s shoulder.

“Yeah, I enjoyed it as well,” said Star Scream. “Listen, it’s a really long flight back to New Horsey, so I was wondering if I can crash here for the night?”

Rainbow then got an idea. “Sure, if you give me some rent.”

“Rent! I haven’t got any money.”

“Well, you can always pay me like this.” With that Rainbow Dash moved towards Star Scream and kissed him long and hard on the lips.

Star Scream almost immediately kissed back. The two soon broke apart after what felt like an hour, and Star Scream said the first words. “I really likes you kid.” The two then trotted into Rainbow’s house as a couple, and for once in her life, Rainbow Dash felt like she didn’t need the Wonderbolts.