• Published 29th Jan 2015
  • 4,852 Views, 53 Comments

Ponies and The Protagonists: A Video Game Story - TheGamemaster451

When video game heroes and villains are thrust into the (for the most part) happy world of Equestria, everything quickly descends into chaos.

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Chapter 2: Sneak Attack!

Ponies and the Protagonists

Chapter 2

Sneak Attack!

The journey to the Space Pirate base was, for the most part, uneventful, if not tense. Pit, Mario and Link were flying along with Samus, while Kirby was once again traveling with Fox. The flight was silent. The only interruptions were the occasional navigational chatter or flying creature passing by. Link took the time to stare out the window at the night sky, pondering their current situation. Insurmountable odds? Nothing out of the ordinary. Possible sinister plot playing out in the background? He’d seen it before. The team’s worst enemies banding together?

Now that was something a little out of the ordinary.

Link sighed, leaning back in his chair situated on the deck of the ship. The cockpit’s bridge wasn’t that small, about the size of a living room sans pilot’s seat, but the banks of computers and storage compartments lining the walls gave the space a cramped feeling. Mario was idly playing “Don’t Let the Balloon Touch the Ground,” with a fireball replacing the aforementioned balloon, while Pit was raiding the ship’s supply of rations with a gleeful grin.

“That’s my food, you know. You eat it, you pay for it,” Samus yelled just as Pit was about to take a large bite out of a pile of recently-freeze-dried food, arm cannon raised menacingly. The angel paused, brow furrowed as he glanced between the sandwich and the instrument of death, and gently placed the food back down with a look of longing.

“Probably wouldn’t have even been that good,” he muttered crossly.

“It’s for the best, anyway,” Samus called again, watching the gunship blast shields crawl over the windshield. “You’ll want to activate your restraining band. Blue button on the side of the chair,” Samus began flicking several switches, keying in a few commands before finally placing her hand on the throttle handle. She turned, a wicked smile playing across her features as she jammed the rod forward.

Link and Mario had barely managed to smack the button in time, bands of energy trapping them like lunatics in a hyper-futuristic straitjacket, along with a large headboard to prevent any serious spinal injury. Pit unfortunately, still standing after trying to steal Samus’s lunch, had launched himself face-first into the chair and smashed the button so hard Mario expected it to come out the other side. Pit was now wrapped snug as a bug… facing the wrong direction. When the ship jumped into relative speed, three of the four occupants were praying for mere bumps and bruises. The fourth’s was more along the lines of “serves him right.”

“G-FORCE IN MY FACE AGAIN!” Pit somehow managed to scream despite the face-numbing speeds. His purple wings were splayed outwards and swinging crazily, leaving Mario with several mouthfuls of plum-colored feathers.

Wait, purple? Plum-colored?

Mario rubbed his eyes, before realizing the gesture was futile. They had made the jump into multi-dimensional space. Colors were shifting in a display of rainbow madness, the predominantly gray interior becoming a pastel nightmare of sea greens, dandelion yellows, teal blues and crimson reds. Loose objects around the craft, thrown to the rear with the ship’s rapid acceleration, began to float haphazardly as gravity relinquished its hold.

Mario could now feel that the only thing preventing him from floating away were the restraining bands around his body. On the other side of the ship, Link noticed his arms looked much bigger than normal before they suddenly extended like snakes, writhing around before coiling up on the floor. The ship’s computer became overloaded with information and alarms blared as temperatures changed from searing heat to deathly cold in moments. Motion sensors and sonar detected objects that didn’t exist and communications systems went on the fritz.

And then, just as suddenly as it began, the chaos stopped. Colors returned to normal, gravity stabilized as various objects fell to the floor (a particular sandwich landing on Pit’s face, who by this point had quite lost his appetite) and the computer began to run a diagnostics check on the now normalized systems, slowly realizing the odd experience had no negative effects and returning to standby mode to await any commands.

Samus held in a sigh, inwardly relieved they had made the trip. While none of the group would ever admit it, jumping between dimensions was something no one enjoyed doing. There were too many stories of failed trips resulting in utter destruction of the travelers, and besides that, the experience just felt wrong. Nothing in that space was natural.

Suddenly realizing she hadn’t scanned the area, Samus inwardly cursed herself, hastily punching in commands and lifting the blast shields. The view was a much different one from the one they had just left. The craft had apparently exited the wormhole and directly entered the planet’s lower atmosphere. While it was still nighttime, the first vestiges of dawn were peeking up from the horizon. Bare desert sand shifted about on a stiff breeze, huge mounds of it piled haphazardly around the landscape. But what really caught the eye was couple of miles ahead, where a sudden plateau of sandstone jutted from the ground like a giant’s fist, extending thousands of feet into the sky. The enormous rock had the added prestige of being the only landmark around in what seemed to be a flat, endless desert.

With the only motion on the grid being Fox flying his Arwing alongside them (he had thankfully made the trip as well), the scanners immediately moved into the second phase. The scans reported two details: beneath the piles of sand were a system of catacombs, which Samus dismissed immediately, and that Space Pirate communication signals had been detected, with their origin being the huge plateau. Samus thought that was odd, normally the Space Pirates were much more secretive and a lot less cliche with their base locations, but seeing as they didn’t really expect anyone to disturb them, and probably being the only stable ground for hundreds of thousands of miles, it did make some sense.

Using a zoom function built into the windshield, Samus scanned the top of the plateau. The base itself was a very ominous sight. Lots of black communications arrays, black aircraft hangers and just… black objects. The actual structure was very angular, shielding arrays and life support systems all rising upwards in a jagged clone of the plateau in miniature. Huge bay doors dominated one side of the fortress with smaller doors for personnel placed strategically around the front of the building. Ramparts with futuristic crenulations spiraled around the structure like the threads on a screw. Small towers interjected between walkways for the patrolman’s use.

The impression was a blending of an ancient castle and modern technology, and even if Samus hadn’t known who the occupants were, she would have had a pretty good idea.

“You alright over there?” asked Fox’s voice, startling Samus out of her musings.

Samus depressed a button on the comms. “We’re all clear over here,” she said, twisting to look at her passengers, “Except for Pit. He’ll probably need a moment for the world to stop spinning,”

“So… dizzy.”

“Hey Samus, what’s your call? Try for a stealthier approach, perhaps?” Fox asked, surprising Samus. Fox was a squad leader and someone who wasn’t afraid to charge headfirst into danger, so for him to ask for this kind of advice was definitely out of left field.

“I’ve never been all that stealthy when it comes to fighting the Space Pirates… but it’s always good to keep them on their toes.”

In the Arwing several feet to the left, Fox smiled. “I figured if we’re dealing with a Space Pirate base, I might as well get a second opinion from the mistress of fighting Space Pirates herself.”

Samus grinned at the compliment. “Thank you very much.”

The two pilots dove, speeding low along the ground at half their normal speed to avoid detection. In Samus’s gunship, the occupants were prepping for a fight. Link had his bow out, slinging it over his back and buckling a quiver to his belt alongside a bag of explosives. Mario was packing a small bag with a number of plants and random objects, such as a…penguin suit? Samus shook her head. Mario had an assortment of strange powers, paradoxical when compared to his very basic looking fighting style. Finally, Pit was holding a blue-and-gold metal bow with razor sharp edges, the string a line of energy. Samus watched nonplussed as Pit made a drawing motion, a blue arrow surrounded by two golden rings forming as he did.

“Seems like none of us packed light,” Samus muttered, checking her own weapon’s systems.
[Weapon’s Systems Check Initiated]


[Power Beam Online. Wave Beam Online. Ice Beam Online. Plasma Beam Online]

[Missile Launcher Online. Ammunition Stores at 100% Capacity]

[Morph Ball Bomb Online.]

[Power Bomb Online. Ammunition Stores at 100% Capacity]

[All Systems Online]

Good, thought Samus, who briefly considered adding some of her weaponry that was in storage. She hadn’t used her Nova Beam in quite a while. Deciding she had enough destructive power on her person already, Samus closed the menu and peered out the windshield.

Oh crap.

Rising from the sand was a field of turrets, huge anti-aircraft guns swiveling to aim at the two ships approaching the plateau.

“Mario! Pit! Link! Strap in, NOW!” Samus yelled, furiously bringing the ship’s weapons online.

The three did as they were told, though they hadn’t seen what was outside the window. When Samus yelled, people did what she said and got out of her way.

“Why didn’t the scanners pick this up?” Fox yelled over the communication link.

Samus swore. “They did. That system of catacombs must have been an underground defense system.” Samus ground her teeth. Sure enough, when the scan of the catacombs flashed on the screen again the thermal readings were abnormally high and “Rule one, Aran. Never disregard information,” she chastised herself.

After unequipping her arm cannon, which had materialized during her weapons check, Samus grabbed the control wheel in a grip that could have crushed a metal rod. She yanked the wheel to the side as the turrets opened fire, the shots zipping through the air where Samus’s ship was only moments ago. Fox and Samus flew erratically, trying the through off the aim of the gunners below. Fox was performing his trademark Barrel Roll, deflecting walls of enemy fire that would have shredded the craft in an instant. Samus was using her ship’s multi-directional thrusters to zoom straight up, backwards, diagonally and every other direction you could think of to evade the enemy fire. From behind her, Samus could hear the sounds of retching. Apparently Link had had a late lunch.

The blasts were surprisingly easy to dodge, at least for the experienced pilots. The gunners were leading their shots but failed to even attempt predicting their wild movements. Samus was confused, until she noticed a pattern in the attacks.

“Fox! They aren’t trying to kill us!” Samus yelled, straining to be heard over the buzz and hum of enemy fire.

“Really?” came Pit’s yell from the rear, “cause it sure seems like it!”

“The shots aren’t being aimed that well! I think they’re just trying to herd us away from the base.”

“Or to stall us until the cavalry arrives,” Fox’s voice was tinged with a forced calm.

Looking ahead, Samus growled as she saw what looked like a swarm of bees moving in formation, but upon closer inspection was actually a fleet of Venomian and Space Pirate air forces moving in on their position.

“Is it just-ah me, or are the bad-ah guys getting much more-ah clever?” Mario asked, nerves tinging his voice with an Italian accent.

“Seems like it…” If looks could kill, Samus’s glare would have completely and utterly vaporize the approaching ships.

An explosion rocked the ship, cracking the side windows. Pit and Link jumped, the physical, rather than hard-light, straps budging slightly before snapping them back in their seats. Samus, mentally yelling at herself for forgetting the turrets, began evasive maneuvers once again.

“I’m never this forgetful…” Samus muttered.

“Probably just an off day,” Pit called helpfully from the backseat.

“Or maybe it’s because the Space Pirates are never this prepared,” Link wondered, sounding slightly woozy.

“Is there-ah anything we can-ah do to… help,” Mario asked, managing to quash his accent with the final word.

“This is a one-man ship,” Samus said, swerving to the left. “You can’t help aside from shutting up and letting me focus.”

A shot clipped the craft, rocking the ship and causing Samus to unleash a string of curses. Looking out the side window, Mario was alarmed to find the approaching fleet was almost on them. The ships opened fire, sending a pulsating wave of death towards the Arwing and Gunship.

Samus and Fox dove, evading the aforementioned wall of death by mere inches. Then they switched directions, momentum carrying them back upwards straight into the belly of the swarm. The fighters attempted to break away, but before they could, the Protagonists retaliated.

Samus’s ship was equipped with two multi-directional Power Beam turrets, two retractable missile launchers and a rear mounted, retractable Plasma Cannon. Fox’s Arwing was equipped with extremely powerful dual Hyper Laser cannons and Bombs that could destroy entire formations of ships instantaneously. Both craft were capable of defeating more numerous and larger crafts with ease.

So when the two pilots found themselves in such a favorable position, they didn’t think twice about eviscerating the fleet from the inside out. Power Beams were fired with deadly precision, clipping engines, fuel tanks and causing general chaos and lots of explosions. Hyper Lasers flashed, the blue beams cutting through ships like hot knives through a wall of butter. Samus’s computer, always the overachiever, had decoded the Space Pirate comm signals and was now receiving the unintelligible grunts, command giving, and crazed yelling that made up most radio chatter.

The turrets below had ceased their fire, most likely realizing the chances of them hitting what was approximately 5000 friendly ships opposed to the two enemies was too high to risk. That hesitation was all the two pilots needed.

Samus and Fox rocketed forward, using the disoriented enemies as highly effective meat shields before breaking cover and zooming towards the base. The enemy fleet was in no position to pursue after the almost surgical attack by Samus and Fox, and by the time the turrets had swiveled into position, they were too late. If they opened fire now, they would risk the chance of destroying the base, which was definitely not an option. They could only scramble into their transports as the two ships approached the plateau.

Samus sighed, turning to check up on her passengers...

Just in time for a blast of energy, shot by either an extremely accurate or incredibly lucky, to collide with her ship.
The craft lurched forward, thrusters spluttering as it touched down on the sandy ground with a metallic groan. A message appeared on the inside of the windshield, proclaiming that a few non-vital systems and part of the main engine had been damaged. Noticing the blackened hull and the way Fox’s ship listed as he landed, she assumed he had been hit with a similar blast.

Samus turned to check on her passengers—again.

“You guys okay back there?” she asked calmly.

The reply was a chorus of groans. Pit was massaging his forehead with eyes closed, Link was clutching his stomach, and Mario was popping some red-and-blue pills into his mouth. The plumber handed a few to Link, who accepted them gratefully.

“Tell me when the world stops spinning,” Pit said.

“It’s stopped. C’mon, we have to be ready before the party starts,” Samus said, placing her helmet on her head and equipping her arm cannon. The other three team members groaned again but rose from their seats, stretching battered limbs.
Samus opened the cargo bay door, rolling out from behind the cover with her weapon raised. Seeing no enemies—yet—she beckoned for her three passengers to follow, pausing briefly to run her hand across the blackened hull and mutter a curse. A few feet to the left, the Arwing cockpit swung open with a pneumatic hiss. Fox hopped from his seat, wearing a backpack with his blaster drawn. Kirby drifted down slowly, wearing a yellow baseball cap with cartoonish eyes and two small wings on the side. On top of the hat was a blade, almost like a plume on a helmet, curved to fit Kirby’s head. Reaching behind him, Kirby grabbed the back of the blade, plucking it from the hat and holding it menacingly in front of him. The six team members moved slowly towards the base, eyeing the desolate surroundings.

And then suddenly, their surroundings weren’t so desolate anymore.

The main doors of the base opened and out loped six Pirate Troopers, hands raised as they leveled their wrist-mounted cannons with murder in their flaming eyes. A small battalion of Bokoblins, red pig-like beasts wearing primitive skins, dashed around the left side of the fortress, squealing and swinging their thick swords or drawing back composite bows. From the battlements above them appeared several Skuttler troops, huge skulls with one large eye and purple tentacles for limbs. Some leapt down with bone clubs in tentacle, and others hoisted comically-large cannons to their shoulders (if tentacles even have shoulders). Alongside them were Hammer Bros., arms cocked and ready to throw their heavy payload. Purple Dreamland Sword Knights, backed up by red Heavy Knights, marched forward with weapons drawn. Finally, a huge Venomian Desert Rover, a strange tower-like vehicle on tank treads equipped with dual laser cannon, wheeled around the right side of the structure.
It was an impressive show of force. At least, it would have been had their opponents not been the Protagonists.

The six heroes wasted no time in leaping into action. Mario jumped high into the air, hurling fireballs at the Pirate troops below who, unsuccessfully, attempted to blast the plumber. Link dashed forward, shield raised defensively as he clashed swords with the Sword Knights. Kirby, moving with surprising agility, tossed his Cutter blade into the Skuttler ranks, snatching the blade from mid-air as it boomeranged back after slicing one of the skull warriors clean in half. With calm efficiency Fox began to fire at the Hammer Bros., dancing away whenever their deadly tools came too close. Pit charged, yelling as he fired energy arrows at the Bokoblins before splitting the bow in two and fighting hand-to-hand. Samus alone fought the Desert Rover, dodging the explosive rounds in her Morph Ball before discharging a volley of deadly missiles.

That isn’t to say they escaped without a scratch.

“HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!” Pit screamed as an explosion knocked him into the abyss, managing to catch an overhang of rock at the last second. He scrambled up the side, only to find himself staring down the barrel of a Space Pirate’s wrist cannon. Pit smiled nervously.

“Oh, hehe, hi there.”

The weapon glowed crimson, and Pit was suddenly regretting his decision to join the mission and was wishing he was back in Skyworld, soaking luxuriously in a hot spring.

Before his untimely demise, however, a metal claw on a chain gripped the Pirate’s arm and flung him away, the soldier screaming as it tumbled through the air and disappeared from view. Pit looked up, breathing a sigh of relief as he noticed Link with clawshots in hand.

“C’mon!” he yelled, snatching a Skuttler and a Bokoblin in each clawshot and whipping his hands together, smashing the two monsters together violently and killing both upon impact. The Skuttler shuddered before disintegrating into nothingness. The Bokoblin collapsed to the ground, blackening before exploding into a cloud of purple smoke, an ominous skull visible within.

Meanwhile, Samus was being forced onto the defensive as the enemy vehicle was joined by a small team of Pirate Grenadiers, who hung on the sides of the craft like ticks and fired grenades at the hunter. Samus rolled around wildly, trying to find a window of attack between the frequent grenades and the Rover’s enormous shots. She eventually did, in the form of an arcing blue sphere thrown over her head and sticking to the vehicle with a thud. A second later the grenade exploded, punching through the metal plating like aluminum foil, disabling the gun and knocking off—in either sense of the phrase—the pirates. Looking behind her, Samus noticed Fox with his arm outstretched, grinning like a baseball player that had tossed a perfect fastball and won their team the World Series… or a fastball that had then exploded and destroyed an enemy tank.

Saluting the commando (and firing off a missile at the useless tank just to be sure), Samus quickly dashed to the other side of the clearing, swapping her Power Beam for her Plasma Beam and firing a Charged shot at a Skuttler Cannoneer who had been just about to shoot a preoccupied Mario, who didn’t even notice the small explosion. The plumber was currently engaged in hand-to-hand combat with a rather large Hammer Bro, who had nearly bashed his head in moments before. Ducking a wide swing he swept out his leg, tripping up the turtle before slamming a fireball into its face. The surprised Koopa flew a couple feet into the air before disappearing with a pop. Looking around quickly, he noticed Kirby fighting off a Sword Knight, a Skuttler and two Space Pirates simultaneously. He made to run forward before remembering: it was Kirby.
The puffball was moving through the air with agility one wouldn’t expect out of something that weighed less than a balloon. After all four assailants had over swung in their anxiety to kill Kirby he moved, slashing the Sword Knight across the chest in a fatal blow, which promptly exploded in a shower of sparks. Without breaking pace he threw the Cutter, which sliced cleanly through the air and instantly took down the Skuttler. Ducking beneath the pirate’s scythes, he discarded his power, before eliminating one pirate in the worst possible way: eating him. The trooper’s screams quickly disappeared as it disappeared down Kirby’s gullet. Gulping down the unfortunate pirate, a pirate scythe, Galvanic Accelerator Cannon and a pirate headpiece suddenly appeared on Kirby. Scowling, Kirby leapt forward and fired his newly acquired weapon at point-blank range, immediately eliminating the final pirate.

Scanning the area, the six realized that they had cleared out the entire guard force (and unbeknownst to them several squads of reinforcements) within minutes. Only craters and Space Pirate bodies remained as a testament to the fighting that had occurred.

Samus ran for the doors, yelling for the others to follow. “You coming, or what?”
The remaining five followed into the dark and metallic depths of the fortress. Well, most of it was metallic. Segments of the walls would suddenly change from metal plates to earthen walls to mosaics of death and torture, giving the entire place a chaotic feel. Foregoing any form of stealth, the group made its way into the heart of the building, dispatching any unfortunate foes who didn’t get the memo that the Protagonists had arrived. They finally reached a large set of doors, guarded by two drowsy Waddle Doos who were silently stuffed into a nearby storage room. Weapons ready, Samus punched a button on a nearby console, causing the doors to open slowly with a crunching of gears.

Pit was the first through the doors, yelling, “Tremble, evildoers, at the supreme power and handsomeness of Pit, servant of the Goddess of Light and... there’s no one here!” Pit suddenly abandoned his heroic stance and let his arms hang swing limply at his side.

Indeed, the room was empty of life or even any major heat signatures. The area was enormous beyond description, the only objects interrupting the grand vastness being rows of computers packed tightly against the walls and, directly in front of them, a ginormous circular machine, hundreds of feet in diameter, was displayed proudly in the center of the room. The device was a sleek and glossy black and flanked by two massive towers ending in ball-tipped gold rods, which were then surrounded by coils of copper wire. The team could see through the center of the machine another set of large doors with a large sign next to it proclaiming “VEHICLE AND PERSONNEL TRANSPORT” in large red letters.

“I know I’m addressing the elephant in the room here, but what is that thing?” Link asked, pointing towards the behemoth machine.

“‘Elephant’ doesn’t begin to describe this thing’s size,” Samus said, “And as for what it is… I have a sneaking suspicion that I know…”

As she spoke Samus switched to her scan visor, sensors invisibly probing the strange machine until finishing the scan with a small beep. Samus tapped a button on her interface, causing the computer to read the scan aloud.
[Device of unknown purpose. Several key components and energy readings similar to ones detected within Luminoth-made Portal Generators found on your mission on Aether. Proceed with caution.]

Samus, satisfied, began to shut off the scan visor, but was interrupted by a rapidly blinking notification.
[Warning! Device’s Core Temperature Increasing! Protective Measures Recommended.]

“We need to get to cov—” Samus began, falling silent as realized what she was seeing. And even then she only half believed herself.
In the center of the machine there was a large blue ball of light, about as big as Kirby, being fed by a current of plasma arcing from the two huge towers. The air fizzed and crackled with energy as the ball expanded exponentially, soon filling the superstructure. As the edges of the ball touched the edges of the machine, the center became suddenly transparent, exposing not the opposite wall, but a void of darkness. The group began to inexplicably slide forward as some sort of pull dragged them slowly, yet steadily forward.

“Ah, look who decided to drop by?” The deep voice echoed around the chamber before being sucked into the hungry void.

The group spun around, attempting to find the source of the voice. Link however froze, eyes slowly narrowing as he recognized the owner of the voice.


“I sincerely wish I could cross blades with you, ‘hero,’” the King of Evil’s voice boomed from some sort of speaker system, “but, alas, the circumstances prevent it. I presume you are here to attempt to defeat me, yes?”

“You and all your loser friends!” Pit yelled.

“Aw, am I a loser now, Pitty Pat? I’m hurt that you think of me that way,” a different voice now projected from the speakers.

“Hades…” Pit scowled.

“Pit…” Hades growled.



“Could you finish this later?!” Mario yelled, scrambling futilely for some handhold to prevent death by interdimensional travel.

“I guess we could… I got the last laugh regardless. Anyway, Pitty Pat, I hope you enjoy the little something we left for you and your friends! Ta ta forever!”

And with that the speakers shut off with a hiss, the crackle to be drowned out by the sound of huge steel barricades cranking down over the walls and doors. From behind them rose a large chrome sphere sitting atop a small pedestal, a large screen visible on the front. With a pneumatic hiss, the sides of the orb projected outwards, revealing a sinister-looking black core crackling with power. The display blinked on, large red numbers counting down.

“It’s a trap!” Pit yelled.

“Gee, how’d you figure it out, genius?” Samus scowled, digging her heels into the floor. Something pink caught her eye, and she noticed Kirby suddenly flying towards the portal. Thinking fast she flashed out her Grapple Beam, the coil of energy snagging the puffball’s leg and stopping his momentum. Next to her Fox had also begun to tumble forward into the void but was snagged by Link at the last moment, who had wisely pulled out his whip for just the event. Mario and Pit, who had avoided the worst of the portal’s gravity, turned to the bomb to see the timer ticking down from three… two… one…and then the world exploded.

A rush of heat and sound knocked the four standing heroes off their feet and launched them into the portal. The six braced themselves, hoping the inter-dimensional warping wouldn’t rearrange their atoms beyond repair or completely incinerate them. However, the catastrophic warping never ended up happening.

Instead the team was suddenly spun through the nebula as if they were caught in a cyclone, dislodging the heroes from each other and sending them flying in completely different directions through the inky blackness.

Author's Note:

Hey guys!
Sorry about the hiatus between uploads, I'm kind of a slow writer (and effectively writing two chapters doesn't help in that regard)
Hopefully the gap in between chapters won't be as large.
Also, if anyone reading this has also read my blog about the position of Music Pickerer, you should. Because it's cool. And stuff. Yeah.

Comments ( 18 )


"I don't know all the details," Palutena added, "but from the reports I've seen, he... boomed."



“Hades…” Pit scowled.
“Pit…” Hades growled.
“Could you finish this later?!” Mario yelled

My thoughts on the scene from KI: Uprising. :rainbowlaugh:

Great story I hope we get to the good part soon!:rainbowdetermined2:

I am immensely impressed with how well written the story is. Everything is so engaging and plentiful descriptive at best.

Keep it up man.:twilightsmile:

All the comments make me so happy :fluttercry:
Thanks to everyone who has taken time out of their (possibly) busy lives to read my story :pinkiehappy:

The turrets below had ceased their fire, most likely realizing the chances of them hitting what was approximately 5000 friendly ships opposed to the two enemies was too high to risk.

That doesn't sound like Space Pirates to me. From my understanding, Metroid's Space Pirates care very little for individual losses and casualties, and are willing to overlook just about any losses as long as the larger goal is accomplished. That's underscored by the fact that many of their troops are prisoners and slaves (see Prime 3) and their attack fleets have included kamikaze-style boarding pods (see Prime 3 again). In fact, considering that Samus Aran has been a consistent thorn in their side for years and wrecked many of their operations, I'd imagine the Space Pirates are willing to kill her at any cost.


6231343 I'm so sorry, I feel your pain :fluttercry:
Luckily, because I won't be writing in two chapter increments, the third chapter will be written much faster.
Potato :derpytongue2:

A fave, as promised, now.... DONT DISSAPOINT ME...

I can't Wait for the 3rd chapter! :pinkiehappy:

It's like every time I start tracking a story, it suddenly stops updating. Or mabey I'm just impatient... NAW!

6782087 Naw, I'm just lazy. I hope to remedy that soon.

In the same way that Half-Life 3 will be out soon.

this is the down right best fanfic EVER!

Comment posted by Thewildwolflink deleted Sep 26th, 2018
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