• Published 9th Dec 2014
  • 7,260 Views, 256 Comments

The Dance Of The Mash - Rated Ponystar

Button Mash asks Sweeite Belle to a Winter Ball Dance at Canterlot, problem is he doesn't have the tickets. Meanwhile, Sweeite Belle learns a secert that has been kept hidden from her for years.

  • ...

Chapter 7

Button Mash and Silver Spoon arrived at the hospital in record time. The two were relieved to learn that Rarity was going to be okay and just needed a few days of bed rest in the hospital. After learning of her location, the two made their way side by side. Button decided now was the best time and turned to Silver with a smile. “Hey, Silver? Thanks for helping me back there. I can’t believe I came that close to kissing that ugly butt of Diamond’s.”

“You’re welcome. Trust me, I’d rather kiss Discord’s butt then Diamond’s,” laughed Silver Spoon as they turned the corner. Blushing, she muttered, “By the way, we’re you series about letting me come to your family’s get together on Hearth's Warming Eve?”

“Of course! I always invite my friends to come over! It’s the least I can do for everything you’ve done for me,” said Button as he put a hoof on her shoulder. “And I’ll do my best to show everypony that you really are kind. I promise.”

“T-thanks,” said Silver who looked at him with teary-eyes before shaking her head. “It’s too bad you’re Sweetie Belle’s. You are kinda cute when I really look at ya.” She saw the blush on his cheeks and giggles. “Relax, I know you care about her a great deal. You slaving yourself to Diamond Tiara is proof of that. Just promise me you both will have a good time.”

Button was about to reply when he saw Sweetie Belle coming towards them with a surprised look on her face. Rushing to her, the two hugged as Button quickly asked, “How’s Rarity?”

“She’s going to be fine,” said Sweetie Belle with a smile. “I already talked to... um, jeez do I call them Grandpa and Grandma now?”

“Huh?” asked both Button Mash and Silver Spoon.

Sweetie Belle quickly noticed her former bully and looked at her with anger. “What the hay is she doing here?!”

Silver Spoon gulped, but Button quickly came to her defense. “Sweetie, I know this is going to sound completely weird, but Silver Spoon is a good pony. She’s our friend.”

“... Huh?!” asked Sweetie Belle who looked like she had just been told is snowed in July.

“Look, I have to confess something to you... and if you hate me or don’t want to go on the date with me that’s fine. But it’s time I told you the truth,” said Button with a heavy sigh.

So he proceeded to tell his crush everything. How he lied about having the tickets. Becoming Diamond Tiara’s slave. Silver Spoon revealing how she hated being Diamond’s friend. Diamond’s order to kiss her butt, which really made Sweetie Belle want to kill her for doing so, and Silver Spoon standing up for him.

“... and so we left, but not before she gave me the real tickets,” said Button, showing them to her. “I’m sorry I lied to you. I just wanted to make our first date special. Please forgive me.”

Sweetie Belle rubbed her temples and just chuckled. “First you sell one of your games for me. Then you’re willing to be Tiara’s slave just to make me happy. I don’t know if I should punch you for being so stupid or kiss you for being so sweet.” She looked at him and slowly pecked him on the cheek. “I’ll settle the latter for now, but promise me you won’t do something so stupid again.”

“I promise,” said Button Mash as he handed her the tickets. “Happy Hearth's Warming Eve, Sweetie Belle.”

“Thanks,” said Sweetie as she leaned up and kissed him on the lips this time while taking the tickets.

She then looked over at Silver Spoon who stood there, nervously pawing her hoof at the floor. Sweetie Belle gave a small smile before walking over and hugging her old enemy, much to the earth pony’s shock. “Thanks for stopping him from doing something stupid. Again.”
“T-thanks... I’m so sorry for everything...” whispered Silver Spoon, slowly hugging back.

“I know,” said Sweetie Belle as she broke the hug and smiled. “I don’t know how the other Crusaders will take this, but you can count on me for support.”

Button smiled at the scene and felt that everything had turned out for the best despite a rough few days. Guess this is going to be one of those better Hearth’s Warming Eve.

“Excuse me?” asked a voice behind them as they turned around and saw Doctor Stable, one of the resident doctors in the hospital, walk up to them. “Ms. Belle? I hate to interrupt your talk with your friends, but I need to go over a few things with you as well as your... um...”

“Mother?” asked Sweetie Belle causing the other two to look at her in shock. “Sure, just give me a few minutes.”

“No problem,” said Doctor Stable with a smile before he turned to Button Mash and held out his hoof. “It’s also nice to finally meet you, Button.”

“Uh, thanks?” asked Button as he shook the hoof.

“Oh, I take it she didn’t tell you?” laughed Doctor Stable. “I’m the one that has been dating your mother recently. I hope we can get along well.”

“Bwah?” said Button Mash, eyes widened as Doctor Stable left. Needless to say, both Silver Spoon and Sweetie Belle were also shocked.

“You’re mom is dating Doctor Stable?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“Rarity is your mother?” asked Button Mash.

The two just looked at each other and laughed.

*** On The Big Day***

Hearth’s Warming Eve had passed by this point but it was still being felt in Canterlot. Most of the decorations were still up in the upper levels of the city in preparation for the Winter Ball. Carriages were lined up side by side outside of the Royal Palace where the ball was to take place like every year with hundreds of those rich enough to afford the tickets celebrating. Unlike the Grand Galloping Gala, the Winter Ball was celebrated with more exciting dance and music, tales of the end of the year and resolutions for the upcoming new one.

This year, two teenagers were attending it for the first time. One was dressed in a fine tuxedo that belong to his father that his mother had kept while he decorated it with a green bow. In his coat pocket was a gift his own father had given to him that he kept close by ever since he got it. A golden pocket watch that was handed down from father to son since as long as can be remembered. To Button Mash, this was the greatest gift he had ever gotten as it showed that his father still loved him.

The other one was dressed in a light ice blue like dress with smooth silk and warm gloves. She had a sapphire saddle on her back with said jewels decorating it. Her perfectly curled hair was assorted with jewels that sparkled with the small headband she had. Her mother had worked tireless to create this dress for her and when Sweetie Belle saw it she was in love with it in an instant. It even made Button’s jaw drop to the floor when he saw her wearing it when he came to when he came to pick her up.

A few heads turned upon seeing the young couple, mostly because they had never seen before. However, the two didn’t care as the walked side by side with their tails entwined. They made it to the ballroom where a dance was already in session.

“It’s amazing,” said Sweetie Belle, getting teary-eyed. “I can’t believe we’re actually here.”

“Yeah, kinda intimidating,” said Button, gulping as he saw a few older ponies eyeing them with disdain.

Sweetie Belle made him turn his head around and she smiled at him. “Who cares what they think. All that matters is that I’m with the pony I love most in the world.”

His fears disappearing, Button looked up and giggled. “Hey, mistletoe.” The two of them looked up and saw that one was indeed above them. “Remember when that happened last time? You gave me the first kiss of my life.”

“How about then I reply that?” said Sweetie Belle as she pressed her lips against his. The two held each other as their lips did their work. For a long time, they could only hear the music playing as well as the sound of their own hearts thumping in unison. When the kiss broke, the two felt more happier then they had in their entire lives.

“Shall we dance?” asked Button Mash, holding out his arm.

“We shall,” replied Sweetie Belle, grabbing it.
The two made their way to the dance floor just as a new one was beginning.

Author's Note:

And at last we come to the ending. I originally made this for last years Christmas but you can see how well that turned out. If it looks a bit rushed... its because it was. Sorry.

I hope you enjoyed this! I'll come with a third story to follow this when things get lighter for me in the future. Merry Christmas everyone!

Comments ( 22 )
DT42 #1 · Dec 25th, 2015 · · 1 ·

6764607 Ture but it's still good.

Aww, what a beautiful final scene. Can't wait to read your next story!

I really thought that Diamond's dad would be the on Button's mom was dating.

Great job. Thanks for the story.

It's good to see this story finally brought to a conclusion. I wish there was a little more resolution for Button's family, but overall a satisfying enough conclusion to this tale.

Merry Christmas, Ponystar!

And that was a nice end to a very good story. As unnecessary as the Rarity-being-Sweetie's-mother plot line was, I'm very glad I read it. :twilightsmile:


Because you did so, it not only shows but hurts the story overall.

Wait, a third? Confirmed?!
Look buddy: I like my ButtonBelle alot more than the next guy, but sheesh! Take a break!
Even though you sometimes rush things, you are the third best writer I know.
Take your time....
But knock 'em dead!

6786703 Yes I am.

Your point?

Lythe #10 · Jan 1st, 2016 · · 1 ·

You had a story I was really enjoying that you had so much left to grow into with it and instead you rushed it. To be entirely honest, I'd rather you just left it incomplete than post this half baked chapter. The rest was good, you could even make the whole Sweetie being Rarity's daughter work, but... Just a big disappointment. I wish I hadn't read this last chapter. I really hope you reconsider and give this story an ending done right.

They are not half siblings

daw, did feel a little rushed, but was sweet all the same. Am I bad for wanting to see Diamond Tiara get her just deserts though?

That's it... No resolution with Money Mash... Is there a part three? Too many cliffhangers...

A nice sequel to the original. This is an improvement where instead of Button selling a precious game, he has to put up with Diamond Tiara. His resilience shows his love for Sweetie instead of personal sacrifice like in the original.

The B Plot of Sweetie being Rarity's daughter feels like it could be its own separate story but that's probably cause I read the story Dear Sweetie Belle.

Overall, I look forward to the sequel.

Wherever you got the cover art from, it is really really good. Like really

Are you still planning a third part to this series?

I’d love to read it. No rush or pressure though, you do what you want.

This would highly benefit from a part 3, since too many plotlines have been left unfinished or rushed.

Great story. Hope to see more in this universe. :twilightsmile:

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