The Dance Of The Mash

by Rated Ponystar

First published

Button Mash asks Sweeite Belle to a Winter Ball Dance at Canterlot, problem is he doesn't have the tickets. Meanwhile, Sweeite Belle learns a secert that has been kept hidden from her for years.

Button Mash had been planning this out for years, ever since that one Heaths Warming Eve where Sweetie Belle kissed him. He was going to ask her out on a date. He's got the perfect idea, taking her out to the Canterlot Winter Ball after Hearths Warming Eve. Only problem is that he doesn't have tickets, but he knows somepony who does. Somepony he's going to regret working for.

Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle is getting prepared for her date with the one boy she's had a crush on for a long time. However, her entire world is rocked when she learns of a secret she was never meant to learn and questions everything in life.

Will this Hearths Warming Eve end up being a season of memories or a season of sorrows?

Edited by CommanderX5 , JumbledThought and Corpulent Brony.

Art work done by RoyalRainbow

Chapter 1

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The hallowing death cries of the lizardmen echoed across the Forest Realm as Button Mash, Knight of the Sky Domain, used his mace to bash the skulls of five of them at once thanks to the increased range bonus he received from the last area of the level. He stood proudly in front of his fallen foes while their blood stained his shining silver chainmail and ocean-blue armor, from leg protection to the helmet. He gritted his teeth while blocking another blow from a gargoyle with his shield. There was no way he was dying now. Not after they came this close to finding the lair of the Spider Queen.

He smashed the monster away before looking at his companion, the Sorceress of the Forsaken Province, who was wielding her magical wand while blasting their enemies from afar. She too was close to death as the white unicorn was barely able to stand, her yellow robe torn nearly to ribbons. Button Mash nearly laughed when he remembered Sweetie Belle telling him if Rarity saw this outfit ruined, she would have torn through all the evil forces in a burst rage.

He shook his head, now was not the time for thinking such things. They needed to find food to heal themselves, or else they were finished. After a few more minutes of fighting, their enemies had finally fallen, giving them a moment to breathe.

“I... really... hate this.. level,” muttered Sweetie Belle in between breaths. “I still think... being a Valkyrie... would have been a better choice before we started this...”

Button Mash gave her a weak smile. “Relax, Sweetie. We’re almost at the final level. Once we beat the Spider Queen, we’ll be able to leave this Celestia forsaken realm. Besides, you’ve been doing great. I wouldn’t be surprised if we managed to get third place by the end of this.”

Sweetie’s check blushed a bit before she looked at Button with renewed confidence building up inside her. “You’re right! Let’s keep going! I didn’t waste twenty bits just to end it here! Let’s look for a chest and see if we can find some food.”

Nodding in agreement, Button split up from his partner as they searched around for a chest or any kind of item that could help them. They had no magic, weak health, and their bonuses were running out. They needed a serious miracle item if they were to have any chance of surviving. Button winced as he walked through the swampy ground, which smelled worse than a Port-a-John that the construction crews often used. Thankfully, his search was rewarded with the sight of a golden chest not too far from the right side of the corner, hidden behind some rocks.

“Sweetie Belle! I found it!” shouted Button, rushing towards the chest with renewed vigor. He eyed the chest with a glint of greed in his eyes, wondering what fortune he would get. Sweetie Belle soon galloped beside him, and the two stopped in front of it. After placing his hoof on the chest, he looked at Sweetie Belle with pleading eyes to which she giggled and nodded.

Holding his breath, he opened the chest... and out came a skeleton pony wearing a dark cloak with evil glowing eyes. Both heroes looked at the one known as Death who raised his pony hooves before they shouted out into the sky, “Oh, come on!”

It was the last words the heroes spoke before Death drained their remaining life force, leaving them nothing more than corpses on the ground before he vanished into thin air.



“Stupid! Rotten! Piece! Of! Junk!” cried out Button Mash as he kicked the Gauntlet arcade machine over and over again while Sweetie Belle watched, not bothering to do anything to stop him. Truth be told, she herself wanted to blast the accursed game with her horn for the cheap surprise, but she was fine letting Button do all the work.
She did make sure to check to see if any of the arcade staff was watching; but, thankfully, their gazes were elsewhere. Sweetie wasn’t worried about being banned for life since Button was their favorite spender and she was always with him, but even they had limits on what he could get away with. Like the time he reprogrammed House of the Zombie Ponies so that every time a zombie was hit, it made a fart noise, thought Sweetie Belle, giggling at the small amount of juvenileness that the game-obsessed colt still had despite being sixteen.

Eventually, Button Mash calmed down before he could make any more dents in the arcade machine and turned to Sweetie Belle with a maniacal smile. “Well, now that my bloodlust has been momentarily satisfied, what should we play next?”

Biting her lip, Sweetie Belle looked at the clock and saw that it was close to the deadline her parents gave her today. “Actually, those were my last bits. I only have enough cash for the train ride home.”

“That’s what you get for spending most of your money on the karaoke machine,” said Button, pointing to the singing booth where a few colts were wincing at an elder pony singing Moonlight Vocal Band. Sweetie Belle blushed, eying the heart on her flank with a musical note on it. Ever since she and her fellow crusaders got their cutie marks, they had been using their talents nonstop at any opportunity possible.

“W-well, anyway it’s getting late, and I should be heading back to my sister’s. Since it’s a school night, she’ll want me back in time to double check my report for tomorrow.”

Button Mash blinked and tilted his head. “What report?” he asked.

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes and prepared for another “Button Panic” as she liked to call them. Clearing her throat, she replied, “Oh, nothing. Just the report for science class that’s due tomorrow about the periodic table. You know, the one we’ve had a whole week to work on.”

Wishing she had some popcorn, Sweetie Belle watched as Button’s eyes widened and his beanie that he still wore after all these years, stopped spinning. Despite the sounds of gunshots, explosions, and points being collected from the various arcade machines surrounding them, Sweetie Belle was pretty sure she could hear Button’s heart beating from where she was sitting. A nervous twitch appeared in his right eye a few times before he placed his hooves over his head and screamed as he suffered a nervous breakdown.

A few others turned to see who was yelling; but, upon learning who it was, they quickly turned back to their games without a care. Sweetie, having been used to this for years, just sat down and waited for the panicking pony to tire out as he ran back and forth, sweating up a storm. “Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I forgot about it! I’m screwed! Doomed! Game over with no more continues!” He grabbed Sweetie by the shoulders and started shaking her. “You have to help me, Sweetie Belle! My Mom’s been on my case about my grades since my last report card! If she finds out I forgot to hand in another assignment, do you know what she’ll do?! She’ll ground me, take away my games, then send me off to military school where I’ll be inspired to join for real, then I’ll be sent into battle when a war breaks out, lose a leg, be discharged, forced to travel around like a homeless bum asking for change because I’m a war vet, and then die alone in some abandoned alley with nopony but the rats who will feast on my flesh and bones! And it will be all because I failed to give my report!

A swift blow to the head knocked the blabbering colt to the ground. He staggered back to his feet, shaking his head to clear the stars from his vision. Sweetie Belle lowered her hoof and smiled at him and asked,“Better?”

“Yeah, thanks,” replied Button Mash, gulping for air.

With a sympathetic smile, Sweetie Belle wrapped her foreleg around his neck and winked. “Come on, let’s get to the station so we can head home. On the way, I’ll give you my notes, and if you work all night, you can maybe get a C+.”

Button’s mood instantly improved as he smiled and walked towards the exit with a small jump in his step. “Have I ever told you that you are the coolest mare I know?”

Sweetie Belle only giggled as they exited the arcade and headed for the Canterlot train station which, conveniently, wasn’t too far from where they were. “Just be glad we share most of our classes together. Or else you’d be sent back to elementary school in Ponyville.”

“Ugh, I sometimes wish,” said Button Mash, looking at a few snobby unicorns in fancy dresses that were somehow walking perfectly with their heads being held up high and their eyes closed. Despite it being winter and snowing, the nobles were still too busy gallivanting in clothing that was obviously not made for the cold. “Why can’t we have a middle school and high school in Ponyville? I hate coming here and learning about things I could learn at home instead.”

“Because if you did that, you’d never get any social interaction,” commented Sweetie Belle.


The two made it to the ticket booth and quickly paid just as the train arrived. Once inside, they quickly found a pair of seats on which to rest their haunches while Button Mash took out his Joyboy. He was ready to turn it on, when suddenly Sweetie Belle levitated it from his hooves and put it back in his bag while taking out a pencil and notebook paper. “No Joyboy, Button. You want to get a decent grade without your mom killing you? You get writing, mister. “

“Aw, but Sweetie Belle, just fifteen minutes?!” begged Button Mash, whimpering and doing his best puppy-eyed impression. He then winced as his own notebook was bashed against his skull eliciting a few grumbles.

“If you’re gonna act like a puppy, I’m gonna smack you like a bad puppy,” said Sweetie Belle with a grin.

Button looked ready to whine a bit more, but soon sighed and gave into defeat. Sweetie Belle shook her head. You’d think he’d learn by now that I always win.


Thankfully, years of helping Button Mash, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom with their homework had made it easy to help her friend get the notes he needed. All that he needed to do now was to stay up all night writing the report and he would be out of hot water. Maybe he’ll charm our teacher with that creative writing of his, thought Sweetie Belle as she glanced at the book with a quill next to it on his flank.

It shocked everypony the day Button Mash got his cutie mark in writing after winning a short story contest Ms. Cheerilee had them enter in fourth grade. Button, however, was ecstatic as he believed storytelling was an important component of games, and he was hoping it would help him get a job at Biomare or ToldTellingGames.
But Sweetie Belle knew that he wrote more than just stuff for games as she had personally seen his work: Tales and poems he had written about adventures, romance, tragedy; he was amazing and she wondered why he was reluctant to show off his talents. Sweetie Belle, having gotten over her stage fright long ago, was always up for singing a tune or impressing somepony; not too different from Apple Bloom with her woodcraft or Scootaloo with her scooter stunts. But Button never boasted of his writing talent, just his gaming talent.

When asked, he just shrugged and figured it wasn’t important. She glanced at him, playing his Joyboy as usual, and smiled. “You really are such a simple guy, you know that?”

“Huh?” asked the colt, looking up from his game.

“Nothing,” said Sweetie Belle, shaking her head. “I’m going to the snack cart to get a drink. Want anything?”

“No, thanks,” answered Button Mash, going back to his hoofheld.

Nodding, Sweetie Belle got off her seat and headed down the car to the next one, carefully making sure to cross over without falling. Entering the next cart, she almost wished she hadn’t. Buying a latte were none other than Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, her two old bullies who she, thankfully, didn’t interact with that much anymore. Back when they were younger, with only one school in Ponyville, she and her friends had to deal with their torment day in and day out. With so many middle schools and high schools in Canterlot, it was easy enough to get to one without those two heckling her.

Wearing the fancy blue and silver uniforms of their upper class school, the two teens turned around and smirked at Sweetie Belle. “Well, well, well,” said Diamond Tiara, running a hoof through her long mane, “It’s our good friend, Sweetie Belle. What’s up, loser?”

“Just getting a drink, Tiara, but now I’m not sure I’m still thirsty,” grumbled Sweetie Belle. Despite bullying them less as they got older, the two brats still saw themselves as better than every other pony. Some things never change with time.

She turned to leave when Silver Spoon whispered, “I bet she just wants to get back to her geeky coltfriend. Right, Tiara?”

“Totally, Silver,” replied Diamond Tiara. “It must be so sad knowing that he’s the best she can ever get. Imagine their foals?” Diamond gagged. “Ugh... they’d be both nerdy and airheaded. A double trouble.”

Turning around, Sweetie Belle’s face was aflame with fury as she glared at the two. “Leave Button alone!” she said, gritting her teeth. “And he’s not my coltfriend! Just a colt who happens to be my friend!”

“Ooooh, somepony’s defensive,” joked Diamond Tiara, giggling beside her best friend.

Sweetie Belle was about to yell back, but remembered what her sister said about dealing with rude ponies. “Don’t talk back, just ignore them. But if they won’t shut up, make them shut up.”

With a simple telekinesis spell, Sweetie Belle took the hot lattes out of the hooves of the surprised rich fillies and dumped them on their heads, much to their irritation and shock. While Silver Spoon was fretting about her wet uniform, Diamond Tiara was glaring daggers at Sweetie Belle. “That was not funny!”

“Then why am I smiling?” asked Sweetie Belle with a cheeky grin before she turned her back and retreated into to her car.

She ignored the curse words Diamond Tiara was saying behind her as she felt an overwhelming satisfaction in shutting the two up. Honestly, just because Button and I go to school together, hang out a lot, and I happen to find him a great friend doesn’t mean we’re a couple... even if I want us to be...

Sweetie Belle sighed as she leaned against the wall and looked out the snowy hills out of the window. The truth was, she did like her best friend. Ever since that Hearth's Warming Eve when he sacrificed his most important game for her, she had slowly began to notice him in a new light. Nopony had ever done such a kind act for her before, and when he said how special she was it made her feel closer to him. And sure, he was weird, but in a cute way. After she and her friends finally got their cutie marks, they started hanging out with other ponies while still remaining as best friends. From everypony she befriended over the years, Button was no doubt on the top of this list.

But then came puberty.

That “new light” became evident as “feelings” when all the symptoms Rarity told her about how mares acted with colts were what she had whenever she was with Button. It wasn’t like how the stories put it on the whole blushing and sweating all the time cliche. It was about feeling a warmth in your heart whenever you spent time with each other. How much you care about that pony, and the determination to be there for for them in their darkest hour, sharing their hardship.

That became evident when Button’s parents got a divorce. A tear fell down her cheek as she remembered her friend, crying in his room while holding on to Sweetie Belle like his own personal lifeline. She saw a side of him that she never saw. One so depressed and filled with sorrow that she gave up every day she had to be there for him. And while it was a terrible time, she couldn’t help but love the touch of their fur against one another as they held onto each other so closely that she could feel the beating of his wounded heart.

Glancing at the beanie her friend had on his head, Sweetie Belle sighed and wished that she could tell him her feelings, but was it worth the risk? He’s my best friend. I don’t want to ruin things between us.

Realizing she was just standing in the middle of the train, she collected herself and headed back towards her seat. “That was quick. Where’s your drink?” asked Button Mash, looking up from his seat as Sweetie Belle sat down.

“Oh, I found something else that cured me of my thirst,” said Sweetie Belle, cryptically. The sweet taste of revenge.

“Oh, okay...”

Sweetie Belle sighed and layed her head down on her seat. Everything was great. She was heading home, the weekend was coming up soon, she had a fun afternoon with one of her best friends. Not to mention get a chance to totally embarrass Diamond Tiara. Nothing could ruin this moment.

“Um, Sweetie Belle,” whispered Button Mash, who stopped playing his game, but didn’t once look away from it.


Taking a deep breath, Button Mash lowered his Joyboy before he turned to her, looking deeply into her eyes, and asked, “Will you go out with me?!”

A long silence stood between the two as Sweetie Belle slowly turned towards a blushing Button Mash, or rather at his shaking form that was only one step away from a mental meltdown. Their faces were slowly covered in a shade of red as Sweetie Belle’s mind had to stop and reboot itself before trying to rationalize what just happened. Oh my Celestia! He asked me out! He asked me out! Okay, what do I do?! Do I say yes?! No?! No, wait, of course I want to say yes! Is this a dream?! Am I awake?! Am I dead?! Wait, why would I think I’m dead? Then again, I feel like my heart just stopped, so maybe I am dead. Okay, wait, I can feel my lungs rising up and down. I’m alive. Oh, right, need to answer... what is my answer?!

“If...” Button Mash spoke again as he rubbed the back of his head. “If... if you don’t want to... that’s fine. I was just... well...” He looked up and quickly said. “Ohlookwerehome! Gottagoseeya!”

Sweetie Belle barely had time to react when he grabbed his bags and made for the door. “Button, wait!” She raced out of the train doors, bumping into a few ponies as she chased the fleeing stallion until they were outside the station. Seeing him about to head out towards his home, she decided to shout out, “I wanna go out with you!”

Button grinded out to a halt, kicking up snow before he turned around with a stunned look. “W-what?”

Smiling, Sweetie Belle walked over to him and nuzzled his cheek. “I’d love to go out with you, Button.” She then raised an eyebrow. “But... why ask me? I mean... is it just as friends or...”

He sighed and pawed the snow. “Truth be told? I... I’ve always liked you. I’ve wanted to ask you out... but... I was afraid you just thought of me as a friend.”

Sweetie Belle stared at him before laughing. She felt her stomach tickle as she did her best not to fall down and slam all four legs on the cold ground. Button Mash backed away before Sweetie Belle grabbed his waist and pulled him close. “You want to know something? That’s why I didn’t tell you that I liked you...”

Eyes widened, Button Mash’s jaw dropped a bit before he began to chuckle. Wrapping his forelegs around his best friend, he whispered, “Guess we both were acting silly, huh?”

“Yeah,” whispered Sweetie Belle as she closed her eyes while resting her head on Button’s shoulder. She didn’t care if Diamond TIara and Silver Spoon walked down the road and saw them in their embrace. She didn’t want this to end. Him and her, holding each other in the middle of winter. A paradise of silence and cold around them as their feelings warmed them like a freshly dried quilt. “So what will we be doing on our... date?” She nearly squealed the moment this word left her mouth.


She looked up and saw him biting his lip while a sudden cold chill went down her spine. She turned her head for a moment to the side and grit her teeth as this scene reminded her of one of Rarity’s novel. Please do not let it be a misunderstanding... She looked at Button with awkward smile while small bits of snow started to melt around her. If this is one of those cliche moments where it turns out that it is one big misunderstanding because he didn’t finish his sentence, I swear, I am going to bury him alive in the snow. She asked, “You did plan to ask me out for a date?” while her stare spoke ‘choose your words very carefully,’ “Did you?”

“O-of course I did... we...” she saw him shift his head a bit towards the station, before beaming her a smile. “We’re going to the Canterlot Winter Ball!”

Sweetie Belle didn’t think she could get surprised again after that last revelation, but she decided to take a page out of her sister’s book and rear back. “Whaaaahaatttt?!” She shook her head before asking, “How in Equestria’s name did you get tickets for the Winter Ball! They’re expensive! You didn’t sell your games again, did you?!”

Button Mash grinned. “Relax, I’ll tell you when we get there. Just be sure to be prepared for it, okay?”

Sweetie Belle gave a toothy smile and jumped in place with excitement. She! At the most famous ball besides the Grand Galloping Gala! She was going to be the envy of so many ponies, even her sister would collapse in shock!” She reached out and kissed Button on the cheek before rushing in the direction of Rarity’s house. “I’ll see you later, Button! Thanks again! The Winter Ball! Woohoo!”


Button Mash continued his fake smile until Sweetie Belle was out of site. He then glanced at the poster he saw advertising the ball and winced. How the hell am I going to get tickets?!

Chapter 2

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“Button, you are the biggest moron in the entire world!” said Rumble, shaking his head before going back to his hot chocolate and marshmallows.

“You know, you could be a lot more helpful by giving me advice on what to do instead of sitting here, drinking my hot cocoa, and telling me things I already know!” argued Button Mash, glaring at his friend. He turned to his other pal across the dining room table, who was busy adjusting his digital camera. Featherweight looked up before shrugging and going back to his gadget. “Augh, you’d think my fellow schoolmates and gamer bros would have my back when I’m in a mess!”

“There is a problem, and then there is a buckup. This is a buckup,” answered Rumble, shaking his head. “I still don't understand what in Celestia’s name caused you to say that you had tickets to the Canterlot Winter Ball. The only thing harder to get into besides that is the Grand Galloping Gala. It takes literally over a thousand bits to even get one ticket, let alone two.” Rumble raised an eyebrow. “You’re not gonna sell a really high priced game again for the tickets, right?”

“No, I promised Sweetie Belle I wouldn’t do that again,” answered Button Mash, rubbing the back of his head. “Besides, I already did the math, and not even selling all my games could get half a ticket for that ball. I’ve got to find some other way to get inside.” Noticing confusion on his friend’s face, he added, “I can do math too, you know.”

“You could always just tell her the truth and save yourself from looking like an idiot,” suggested Featherweight. “I’ve dated before, and I can tell you that most mares expect their coltfriends to do stupid things.”

“Yes, but you didn’t see the look on her face when I told her we were going,” Button Mash said before sighing. “It was... like she had a dream of hers come true. She looked so happy that we were going out, I mean... she even said she liked me! Me! I’m just a dork who likes video games, why would such a sweet and pretty mare like her like me?” asked Button Mash, looking at a photo on the wall of his first birthday party in Ponyville with Sweetie Belle by his side. She was the only girl in school at the time who didn’t look at him funny or call him a weirdo behind his back. Sure, her friends Apple Bloom and Scootaloo treated him okay, but they weren’t even close. They either only hung out when Sweetie Belle was involved or said hello on the streets.

“Dude, you should have just ask her out for a dinner or a movie. Why go so far for one mare, even if she is that cute?” asked Rumble.

“She’s not just cute. She’s special...” whispered Button, closing his eyes and resting his head on his foreleg.

Sweetie Belle, she was different. She was his best friend, his longest friend, and the one who he would do anything for. Everything about her made Button feel more frozen inside then an Xbox having a red ring. It was small at first, just noticing the cute smile she had or the giggle that always made him laugh along side her. And as they got older, she became more beautiful than any character in a video game was. Princess Zelda? The DOA girls? Tifa Lockhoof? They were nothing compared to the grace and beauty that Sweetie Belle had; her curly hair, deep emerald eyes, the figure she had maintained. Especially her fla—Woah! Too far man! Think rated E thoughts.

But more importantly, both had been with each other in the darkest of times. He was there when she lost her stuff in the fire when they were little. And she was with him as support when his parents split. There was a level of trust both had shared with each other that they couldn’t share with anypony else. And the fact that Sweetie Belle was the most joyful pony in the world, no matter how bad things got? It made him want to hold her and never let go. I don’t know if it’s love or not.... but I want to be closer to her. I want more than friendship, and hopefully… she wants that too. That’s why I have to make this perfect.

“Hey, I’m curious about something,” asked Rumble, leaning forward. “We all know you had a crush on her for years now, anypony could see that. Why ask her now? What kept you so long?”

Button nervously rubbed his hooves together as he did his best to ignore not only Rumble’s stare, but also Featherweight’s who put his camera down and listened. “Something happened that made me realize I need to try and change my life. It’s been rough for both me and my mom since dad left us and she’s been doing her best to be happy again. A special kind of happiness. I wanted to do the same, so I thought the best way to do that was to do something similar.”

Both colts eyes widened as they looked at each other before Featherweight asked, “You mean... your mom is dating again?”

“Yeah, it was a shock for me too. I don’t yet know who this special somepony is, but she said she would introduce us this Hearths Warming Eve,” answered Button Mash with a smile. “But I’m glad she’s moving on. I figured it was time for me to move on as well, so I decided to just go with what I always wanted to do and ask Sweetie Belle out.” His smile faded before he shook his head. “But enough about that, I need to figure out how I’m going to get those tickets before the ball.”

“Why don’t you ask Princess Twilight?” suggested Rumble. “Sweetie Belle is one of her best friend’s sister. Maybe she would understand if you explain the situation?”

“She won’t do that. I did an article in the paper where she offered to give ponies tickets to the Crystal Empire’s Grand Sapphire Ball, and she got swamped with so many ponies wanting tickets that she had to summon all her guards to restore order,” said Featherweight, shaking his head. “I doubt she’s gonna do that anytime soon. If word got out she gave one ticket away to a stranger, it will be chaos all over again.”

After cursing a bit in Humongorian, Button Mash said, “I need to find somepony who is rich enough to get the tickets. But the only other rich pony besides Princess Twilight would be... be...”

Their eyes went wide open as a certain mare came to their heads. Rumble quickly shook his head. “No. No way. Dude, that’s suicide! She’ll make you do something horrible! You and I both know it!”

“Dude, you're better off just working non-stop for the cash,” suggested Featherweight. “She’s a demon, and nothing good will come from associating with her. Hay, she doesn’t even like you!”

Button Mash shut his eyes and debated his options. Either go beg to the brattiest, richest, and the most snobbish pony that Button Mash had ever met in his entire life, or risk seeing Sweetie Belle hurt because he couldn’t keep his promise on giving them a great date?

He opened his eyes and prayed to all the gaming gods for strength as he got up and made his way towards the door, his friends silently watching him with sympathetic glances. His destination?

Rich Mansion.


“What am I going to wear?! What am I going to wear?! What am I going to wear?!” shouted a panicking Sweetie Belle as she paced back and forth in her sister’s boutique. Only one day after learning that she was going on a date with Button Mash, and she was already freaking out.

Rarity walked over to her sister and took her by the shoulders, forcing her to look straight into her eyes. “Sweetie! Sweetie Belle, listen to me! Take deep breaths and calm down. Your date isn’t happening tomorrow, you got time.” Sweetie Belle nodded and slowly began to do the breathing exercises Twilight taught her a long time ago.

Rarity assisted by doing the same thing, following in sync with her younger sister until the two of them were sitting on their haunches, completely relaxed. “Thanks, Sis. Sorry for getting so worked up. I just... I just can’t believe this is happening. I’m going on a date with Button Mash. To the Winter Ball in Canterlot!” She joyful cheered and hopped around like she was eight years old again before leaping into the air. Landing on the nearby sofa, she gave a dreamy sigh. “It’s like something out of a fairy tale.”

Giggling at her sister’s behavior, Rarity walked over to her and nuzzled Sweetie Belle’s mane. “Oh, I knew this day would come, but I didn’t think it would be so soon. My little sister, going on her first date. I always knew that Button Mash was a good choice for you, swear on my dresses.”

Sweetie Belle snorted and looked away from the ceiling to stare back at her sister. “Rarity, when you first met him you two were having a three hour argument on the topic of beanies. He said they were cool, and you called them abominations from Tartarus.”

Rarity scoffed. “Well, there is nothing wrong with a healthy debate once and awhile isn’t there?”

“You were sword fighting with scissors.”

Blushing, Rarity walked over to her workstation and gathered her necessary fabrics she would need. “A-anyway, since I cannot let my little sister go to a ball without a dress, what do you say we make something special that will have you be the envy of the ball. And make Button’s mouth drop down six feet when he sees how dazzling you’ll look.”

Sweetie Belle jumped off the couch and hugged her sister with a tackle. “Thanks, Rarity! You’re the best sister ever!”

“And you’re the best little sister ever.” Rarity smiled before asking, “Could you be a dear and get my designs from my closet? I might have something in my folders I’ve been saving for this special occasion. They should be easy to find.”

“No problem!” said Sweetie Belle, rushing towards the stairs.

She went up and headed towards the halls, while pausing to look at a certain corner that, as hard as she tried, couldn’t help but freeze when seeing it. It brought back a memory that always haunted her, even though it had been years since the incident.


Opening her eyes, Sweetie Belle saw her sister, in her night robe, shaking her awake with a terrified look on her face. “Darling, wake up! This is no time to be sleeping! We have to get out of here!”

Sweetie Belle could smell the horrible smoke coming from the hall as she felt suddenly much hotter than the heating in the house should have been. A grim thought entered her mind as she nervously asked, “W-what’s going on?!”

“There’s a fire in the boutique! We have to get out of here! Now!”

The little filly didn’t need to be told twice. She jumped out of bed and followed her sister down the hall but was force to stop when her sister came to a halt. Looking past her, Sweetie gasped in horror as the flames started spreading up the stairs towards them. “What do we do?!”


Shaking her head, Sweetie Belle opened her sister’s door and made for the closet where she found dresses, naturally, shoes, also naturally, and some file cabinets. Opening one of them, Sweetie Belle used her magic to sort them out until she saw ‘Sweetie Belle’s Designs’ on one of the folders. She levitated the folder with her magic and was about to close the cabinet when she spotted something strange.

“Sweetie Belle’s Birth?” read out loud Sweetie Belle. “Why would Rarity have a file on my birth?” She looked back at the door to make sure nopony was around before she levitated it out and opened it. Her eyes went wide by the first photo she saw. “What... the... what...”

It was Rarity.

And she was pregnant.


Button had never thought that the gates of the underworld were so pretty and pink, but there was always a first time for everything. He once again had to admire the size of the Rich Mansion, making him wonder just how rich Diamond Tiara and her father were. Seriously, it would take three of my houses to fit in here.

Normally, Button Mash would rather enter the mansion in Resident of Chaos then here, but there was no other option. Taking a deep breath, he raised his hoof and rang the doorbell. A kind and sweet melody echoed from inside before it was opened by an aged looking earth pony dressed up in a butler outfit. “May I help you?”

“Y-yes, I’m here to see Diamond Tiara,” answered Button Mash, rubbing the back of this right leg.

“Who may I ask is wishng to see Mistress Tiara?” asked the butler.

Button Mash thought long and hard about what to say. If he just said his name, chances were Diamond Tiara would just turn him away without seeing a single hair of him. He had to answer this in a way that would get the brat’s attention. Gritting his teeth, he answered, “Tell her it’s the geeky video game playing former blank flank that desperately needs her help and is willing to do anything for it.”

The butler raised an eyebrow and stared at Button Mash for half a minute before answered, “Very well.” He closed the door as Button Mash held his breath. A short while later, he returned. “Mistress Tiara will see you, Mr. Mash.”

Button nodded in thanks as he was let inside and gasped. “Woah...”

He hated taking a line from one of his favorite sci-fi show, but it was much bigger on the inside then it was on the outside. The gems padded walls with tons of artwork, the smooth crystal chandeliers on the ceiling, and the sparkling white padded floors; all of it made his mouth drop.

“This way please,” said the butler, guiding a stunned Button Mash down the hall. They took a left and arrived at what looked to be a living room that was three times bigger than his own. The red velvet curtains, the bookshelves that reached as high as the ceiling, the endless couches that looked so soft you could rest your butt on them and never get up. What really made Button eyes boggle at was the size of the TV that seemed to take up half the wall. If he had that to play his games on...

“Thank you, Jeeves, that’s all for now,” said a familiar voice, coming from a chair that had it’s back turned to Button and facing the lit fireplace. The butler bowed and left the room, leaving Button Mash alone with the other occupant.

The chair slowly turned around as Diamond Tiara appeared, smiling at Button with such an amused smirk that made him feel like a bug under the mercy of a spider. She had her hooves touching each other and held in front of her face like some classic spy movie villain, ready to unveil their conquest to take over the world.

“So, Mr. Geeky video game playing former blank flank that desperately needs my help and is willing to do anything for it,” taughted Diamond Tiara. “What do you want?”

Button Mash put Sweetie Belle’s happy face in his mind to remind him who he was doing this for. “I need your help to do something for me, Diamond Tiara.”

A snort from Diamond Tiara jerked her forward before she composed herself. “And why would I help a loser like you?”

Button sighed and ran a hoof through his mane. “Look, I know you don’t like me, and guess what? The feeling is mutual. But you’re the only pony in all of Ponyville that can help me, and I’ll do anything you want to get it.”

“What is it that you want? I’m curious?” asked Diamond Tiara, raising an eyebrow while leaning on the left arm of the chair.

“I need... two tickets to the Canterlot Winter Ball after Hearths Warming Eve,” answered Button Mash.

“Why the hay would you want to go there unless...” Her eyes widen and suddenly she leaned her head back and laughed. “Oh my gosh! You finally did it, didn’t you?! You asked Sweetie Belle out, and you promised her to go, didn’t you?! I bet it was all by accident as well, and you need the tickets so you don’t make a fool out of yourself! Oh, this is as rich as I am!”

“Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up,” growled Button, narrowing his eyes. He waited until she stopped laughing before continuing. “Look, can you help me? Or should I just leave and toss myself into a lake for thinking this would work?”

Diamond Tiara closed her eyes and rubbed her chin. For a few minutes, nopony spoke, making Button wonder if she was toying with him to see how long he could squirm. She opened her eyes and nodded. “Alright, I’ll do it.”

“W-what?!” asked Button Mash, falling to his haunches. “Y-you’re serious?”

“I am, but on one condition,” said Diamond TIara as she pointed at him with a smirk. “You are to be my personal butler until the day before Hearths Warming Eve. You will obey every order I command you to do, no question. If you fail or ignore any order I give, you lose. If you quit, you lose. And you must address me as Mistress Tiara. Do this, and I promise that I’ll give you the tickets. I had no plans on going this year anyway so I might as well be a good little girl this Hearths Warming Eve and be charitable to you lesser ponies. Do we have a deal?”

“I’ll do it, Mistress Tiara,” muttered Button Mash, fighting back the bile threatening to come out his mouth.

Diamond Tiara’s smile grew even wider. “Wonderful, you’ll start tomorrow. Be here 8AM sharp.”

“Yes, Mistress Tiara,” muttered Button Mash as he made his way towards the direction of the door.

It was not going to be a happy holidays for the next two weeks.


A pregnant Rarity.

Her sister had been pregnant.

Sweetie Belle felt her entire world starting to spin as she stared at the photo over and over again. Why was there a picture of her big sister, pregnant, in a file about her birth. It’s like... if... no... no no no no! NO!

Without wasting any effort, Sweetie Belle reached further for more in the file. There were medical papers that talked about Rarity’s health and more pictures of her belly growing bigger and bigger. The single thought that was pounding in her brain caused Sweetie Belle to keep searching. She wanted to be wrong. Maybe before she was born her sister had a child and lost it for one way or another? Maybe it was too painful for her to speak about it? And she, Sweetie Belle, was birthed by her mother and father and named after her lost niece in their honor.

It was better than the alternative and finding out your whole life was a lie.

Finally, she reached the end and fell to her haunches at the two items that finally opened her eyes to the truth. The first was a photo of her, as a foal, in the hooves of a happy Rarity. She had seen enough photos of herself as a baby to know it was her. And second was a birth certificate... with her name on it. There was no name for the place of the father, but there was one for the mother.

Rarity Belle. Age Sixteen.

Tears began to form in Sweetie Belle’s eyes. Rarity wasn’t her big sister.

She was her mother.

“Sweetie did you find... find...oh no....”

Slowly, Sweetie Belle teared her gaze away from the folder and towards her pale sister who had her hooves over her mouth. The two stared at each other. Silent. Unmoving.

“You... you’re...” whispered Sweetie Belle, closing her eyes. “All this time...”

“Sweetie, I can explain,” whispered Rarity.

“Explain?” muttered Sweetie Belle, before she opened her raging eyes and threw the file at Rarity. She was so stunned she didn’t even flinch when it hit her in the face. “Explain that!”


“All this time I thought I was your sister!” shouted Sweetie Belle as she stood up onto her rear hooves, growling. “But in reality I was your daughter?! Why didn’t you tell me?! Why hide this?! Why make me grow up thinking we were siblings all this time?!”

“I can explain!” shouted Rarity, stepping forward. “I was going to tell you when you were older! Really! I never meant to hurt you, Sweetie Belle!”

“Yeah?! Well, great bucking job!” shouted Sweetie Belle, stepping back and heading towards the exit. “Don’t touch me! Don’t even speak to me! Just.... just! Gah!”

“Sweetie! Sweetie Belle! Please!” cried out Rarity, but Sweetie was already rushing down the stairs.

She could her Rarity’s scream her voice over and over again as she ran as fast as he could to her parents house.


Her grandparents house.

Chapter 3

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For the first time in his life, Button Mash woke up around six AM. Never before had anypony managed to bring him up earlier than seven fifteen, and that was if they were lucky. The young gamer had a reputation for heading to bed late and waking up just as late unless it was a midnight release for a game he desperately wanted. It almost didn’t occur to Button why he was waking up until he saw a large note on the wall that made him groan: “Get to Diamond Tiara’s house.”

He rubbed his sleepy eyes before opening them widely, wishing that he was just seeing things, that yesterday was nothing but a nightmare. He smashed his own face with a hoof a few times, and after failing to wake up, he lowered his head with a pout on his face. After murmuring to himself with a sad tone, "why me?”, Button got out of his bed and made his way towards his bathroom for a quick refreshment.

After attending to his hygienic needs, he made his way to the kitchen where his mother was making coffee while watching the toaster. When she saw him, right before her very eyes, she quickly looked at the clock and then at Button again. “Um, good morning, sweetie?”

“Morning, Mom,” answered Button as he grabbed a s'mores flavored Pop-Trot from the cabinet and started chewing it. “Can’t stay for long. Busy for the next few days.”

“Doing what? Normally, I need a crowbar to pull you out of bed. Where are you going this early?” asked Loving Care, raising an eyebrow while sipping her coffee.

Button bit his lip as he thought of his options. I can’t let Mom know what I’m doing. She’ll tell me not to do it, or worse, she can tell Sweetie Belle. Guess I gotta use an excuse.

“I’m... doing a part time job. To pay for a gift for Sweetie Belle,” answered Button Mash, halving the truth a bit.

A smile decorated his mothers face as she pressed her hoof against her heart, looking upon him with pride. “Oh, that’s so sweet. Button, you're going to make a perfect coltfriend for her after your date.”

“Don’t think you think that’s going a bit too far in assuming. I-I mean I want to be, but come on, it's our first date,” said Button, rubbing the back of his neck with a dreamy smile. A thought crossed his mind as he then turned to one of the framed photos on the wall with him and his entire family. A picture that reminded him of better times. “Mom... what was your first date with Dad like?”

The smile Loving Care had on her face was quickly dashed as was the joy in her eyes. He saw a bit of what she had when his father’s infidelity was revealed: pain, betrayal, and depression. “Your father... he took me out to see a play: Spectre of the Opera. My favorite. We held each other’s hooves the entire time and had our first kiss at the end when he escorted me home.” A brief smile appeared on her lips before she shook her head. “Sometimes I wonder what happened to the same stallion who waited a full half hour for me when I told the cabbie the wrong directions by accident. The stallion who once proposed to me at Rainbow Falls. That father who rushed out of work twice when you and your brother were both born.”

A long silence lasted between the two before Button sighed and apologized, “I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have asked. I didn’t mean to make you feel sad.”

“It’s not your fault,” answered Loving Care, giving him a warm smile. “I loved your father and he was once a good pony. Maybe some part of him still is. I can’t dwell on the past forever, I know that.” She walked over, placing her coffee down before she hugged her son. “Don’t let what happened to me hinder you this holiday. You deserve to be happy, especially with Sweetie Belle. Besides, I’m not unhappy either. I’ve... found love again.”

“When am I going to meet this special somepony of yours?” asked Button, grinning.

“Soon, sweetie.” She kissed him on the cheek. “Soon. Now get going. You’ve got work to do.”

Button Mash groaned. “Don’t remind me...” He walked over to coat rack nearby and took his red scarf and jacket. “I’ll get dinner out, so don’t wait up for me! Also your toast is burning!”

Loving Care quickly turned around with a gasp just as Button exited via the back door. Cursing, she rushed over to the smoking toaster. She popped out her toast and blew on the black ruined slices but they were long burnedf. Sighing to herself, she was about to put in a new piece of toast when the door knocked.

Rolling her eyes, she walked towards the door and opened it. “Let me guess, Button, you forgot...forgot... oh, Celestia...”

It wasn’t her son, but somepony who looked very much like him. He had a darker brown coat then Button, his mane was dirty blond, yet held a shade of lighter blond. His eyes were still the same she had fallen for so long ago, but held very little of the spark that glimmered. It was a face she had not seen since the final procedures at court, where she and him signed the divorce papers.

“Hello, Loving...” whispered Money Mash, her ex-husband.


Button tried to keep himself calm and collected as he walked towards the Rich’s Mansion, but the fact that his IPony kept playing Video Game Boss themes while on shuffle mode only made him more queasy. He didn’t know what horrors Diamond Tiara was going to subjecting him through, nor did he feel like he was going to get through this without some sort of trauma. How the hay did I get into this mess? Oh, right. I can’t think before I talk.

Arriving at the front door, Button pressed the doorbell and waited for permission to enter. Sure enough, the same butler from last time opened the door and eyed him with a dull expression. “Mr. Mash?”


“I am the one who you will be replacing for the next few days. In the bathroom to your left, you will find the attire you will need to wear while acting as a butler for Mistress Tiara. Have you had any butler experience?”

“Does watching Batmare and his butler count?” asked Button with a nervous grin.

“... good enough I suppose.” He then stepped out of the house, but not before turning to Button and placing a hoof on his shoulders. “Good luck, old chap. You’re going to need it.” He then sighed, turned away, and without warning smiled like an insane patient in an asylum.”Freeeeeeedom!!” he shouted while doing cartwheels out towards the road, laughing maniacally.

Button stared at the laughing old pony for brief moment before entering the house and closing the door.


Upon seeing himself in his new uniform, Button had to admit that he looked quite good in a tux. Almost like he was an Agent 007, ready to save the world, drink hard cider, and have a lovely night with a hot mare. Of course he was soon brought back from his small daydream when the sound of a bell ringing echoed in the hallway.

“Ooooh, Button!” sang the shrill voice of Diamond Tiara. “I need you to come here for a minute!”

Sighing, Button did his best to keep a straight face as he walked down the hall until he was in the living room. Diamond Tiara was at the same chair as yesterday, with a small silver folding table that held her breakfast consisting of poached eggs, toast, tofu bacon, grapefruit, OJ, and tea. All Button could do was stare at it while his stomach growled in fury over the simple breakfast he had not to long ago.

“Yes, Mistress Tiara?” asked Button.

“I would like you to fluff my pillow and then add more wood into the fire. This place is getting way too cold,” ordered Diamond Tiara, happily sipping her OJ.

“Yes, Mistress Tiara,” answered Button as he took the pillow from behind Tiara’s head and began to fluff it. So far nothing too bad.

When that was done, he put it back in its proper place where Diamond placed her head down and sighed in satisfaction. Walking towards the fireplace, he was about to put more wood in when Diamond then ordered, “Wait, I think a little more fluff is needed for the pillow.”

Rolling his eyes, Button put the wood down and walked over back to the chair where he to the pillow and fluffed it for a full minute. All while Diamond Tiara continued to smile at him as if he was a fish and she was a rod. He placed it down for her to use again, and then started to make his way towards the fireplace. After placing a few logs inside, he got ready to leave when Diamond Tiara’ mouth opened once more.

“Oh, Button? I need you to feed me.”

“W-what?!” shouted Button, slowly turning red. “F-feed you? What are you, four?”

I will not be spoken to like that. I had a long day and I’m still so tired. If you could feed me that would be great. Or I can test the new toilet we installed by flushing some tickets,” taunted Diamond, narrowing her eyes.

Unable to take the risk, Button bit his tongue before bowing to his new master. “I apologize, Mistress Tiara. I won’t question you again.”

“See that you don’t,” said Diamond Tiara. She put her hooves behind her head and opened her mouth. “Now feed me.”

Button stared at Diamond Tiara for a bit before he, hastily, grabbed the knife and fork. Cutting up the eggs, he scooped some up before looking at Diamond Tiara’s wide open mouth. Despite wishing he could shove the entire plate down her throat, Button carefully put pieces of egg into Diamonds mouth, letting her chew and swallow before continuing. This went on for some time until Diamond Tiara took a sip of her tea and gagged.

“Ugh! This tea is cold and horrible! Get me some hot Green Jade Tea instead of this dirt,” shouted Diamond Tiara, proceeding to throw the tea in Button’s face.

“Yes... Mistress Tiara,” mumbled a soaking Button Mash as he turned around and wiped his face.

“And I need my pillow fluffed again when you get back!”

Oh, Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Cadence, and Faust. Shoot me now! thought Button, silently weeping in his head.



It was all lies.

All those Mother’s Day cards were for the wrong pony. All the Sister Hooves Social Events they had won were all for naught. And her father? Who the hay was he? Was he alive? Dead? If Magnum Belle was her grandfather, who was it that helped give her life? All of these questions plagued Sweetie Belle after a night of yelling and crying. Her face was completely drenched in tears as she hugged one of her stuffed animals, staring at the blank ceiling for hours.

Her parents had tried to enter her room and ask what was wrong. She pretty much told Grandma and Grandpa to leave her alone. That all but silenced them for the night.

How could her family do this to her? How could Rarity? The one pony she looked up to more than any other? All this time she had been calling that mare sister when in truth she was her mother. Her mother. Now that she thought about it, certain things in Sweetie’s life began to make sense. She always wondered why her so called “parents” always let her stay at Rarity’s for so long, to the point where she was barely in the house. Why it was always Rarity who went to Parent Teacher Conferences or took her for checkups at the doctor. Why Rarity always planned her birthday parties when other parents did it for their children.

Were they ever going to tell me? Was I suppose to never find out? I had every right to know! thought Sweetie Belle. She looked at her stuffed animal, a white fox that Rarity had given her on her tenth birthday. Imagining her sweet, darling mother’s face instead, Sweetie Belle growled and punched the doll across her room.

A knock on the door soon followed and Sweetie Belle turned away from her door. “Go away!”

“Sweetie Belle, its Mommy. Please, I need to talk to you,” asked the voice from the other side.

“You’re not my real mother!” shouted Sweetie Belle.

There was a brief silence, followed by a sigh. “Yes, I’m not your real mom. But I am still older than you and I raised you as if you were one. It doesn’t matter if you’re my grandchild or my daughter, or a distant niece. I need to speak to you, now.”

Rolling her eyes, Sweetie Belle unlocked the door with her magic, but continued to keep her back turned towards her fake mom, Cookie Crumbles, who walked inside. Cookie sighed as she sat down on the bed and placed her hoof on her granddaughter's shoulder. “Sweetie, I know this... this is a lot to deal with, but you must understand. We never wanted to hurt you. Especially, Rarity.”

“Well, she did. She did and I hope she’s happy,” muttered Sweetie Belle, clenching her eyes shut.

“Actually, she was here last night. Crying just as much as you were. She wanted to talk to you, but I convinced her to give you time to sort through what you’ve learned,” said Cookie.

Sweetie Belle, slowly opened her eyes and looked past her shoulder. “Y-you did?” Her grandmother nodded. “Why?”

“Because I knew this day would come. Either you would find out and freak out or when we finally told you, you wouldn’t take it well.” Cookie shook her head. “It’s almost a relief to finally have this secret out. I just wish you were of the age we had planned to tell you at.”

“You really think I would take this well? No matter how old I was?!” shouted Sweetie Belle, sitting up and wiping the tears from her eyes. “All this time... all this time you all lied to me! Why did I have to be raised into thinking my mother was my sister?! And where is my father?! Who else knows about this?!”

Cookie bit her lip and closed her eyes. “Your sister was your age when she had you. If anypony in town knew she had been pregnant it would have ruined her. Even worse, if the fashion industry knew... they wouldn’t even look at her.”

“So Rarity’s career was more important than me, huh?!” growled Sweetie Belle as she saw a photo of her mother and slammed it down shut. “Figures, that’s all she cares about.”

“If she didn’t care about you, Sweetie Belle, she wouldn’t have had you,” snapped back her grandmother, standing up. “Rarity loves you. She loved you when she had you and always has. She may have not been your mother in public, but she raised you better then either your grandfather or I could. She could have put you up for adoption, or even aborted you, but she wanted to care and love you.”

Sweetie Belle didn’t answer. She was instead trying to fight back all the times that Rarity had been very motherly to her. Like the time she scraped her knee and started crying when she was a very little filly. Rarity bandaged it up and kissed her knee so many times it made her giggle and forget the pain. Then there was the time Rarity had gone out of her way to miss three important clients so she could see Sweetie Belle in her school play of The Sound of Harmony. And finally, there was the fire. The fire that haunted her still to this day. How Rarity was willing to sacrifice herself so that Sweetie Belle could be safe. She knew her sister had faced danger before and she was always worried for her life, but that night she truly felt that she had seen Rarity for the last time until she leaped out of her window.

As much as Sweetie Belle wanted to hate her mother... she was finding it hard to. “What about my dad? My real dad?”

“I don’t know. Rarity refuses to tell us,” answered Cookie Crumbles, shaking her head. “All she ever said was that he wanted nothing to do with you or her. Maybe she’ll tell you the story, but I’m... worried about what you might hear.”

Sweetie’s heart sunk even deeper into her chest. If Rarity had refused to tell her parents about her father that could mean a number of things. Did he really not care and just left without saying anything? Or maybe he was decreased? Something might have happened and he died before she was born. A cold grip upon her throat seemed to choke her as she thought of the worst possible outcome. That he had forced himself upon Rarity. That she was a product of...

Shaking her head, Sweetie Belle swept such thoughts away as she felt the need to take a long hot shower. “And... the last one? Who else knows?”

“Only me, your fath—I mean grandfather—Rarity, and some of the staff in a hospital in Trottingham. We stayed in our summer home while Rarity was pregnant and had you there. Apart from them, nopony else knows you are Rarity’s daughter. Not even members of our own family.”

“... What happens now?” asked Sweetie Belle, sighing. “I can’t... I can’t just ignore this...”

Cookie sighed and walked over to the door. “This is between you and your mother, Sweetie Belle. But please believe me when I say that you two need to talk and you need to believe that your mother never meant to hurt. What you do is up to you, but know that Magnum and I have loved you as both our daughter and our granddaughter. Nothing more or less.”

With that said, Cookie closed the door behind her as Sweetie Belle sat back on her bed. Wondering what in the name of Celestia she was going to do. She needed to talk to somepony about this... or someponies.

Taking out her cellphone from under her pillow she quickly sent a text to the two ponies who she could always count on.

“Meet me at Tree House. CMC Emergency. Sweetie”

Chapter 4

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“... and that’s the whole story,” muttered Sweetie Belle, holding on to her pillow. She had cried a bit during the retelling of the most shocking revelation of her life, but it felt good to let it out again. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were silent the whole time, but their wide eyes and open mouths were no similar to Sweetie Belle’s when she found out.

While the two were processing what they had just learned, Sweetie Belle leaned against the wooden wall right next to the last pages of the old CMC lists of cutie mark attempts. It had been a long time since the three of them hung out at the tree house, not since they shared one last sleepover after Scootaloo’s cutecenera. With all three of them now with cute marks, it was time to move on and grow up, but not before having one last final moment as crusaders.

Those days were the best days of her life, and she sometimes missed them along with the innocence she once had. I wonder how I would have taken it back then if I knew Rarity was my mother.

Apple Bloom took a deep breath before she started twirling her long red ponytail. It was a habit she had developed as she grew her hair, usually when she was nervous. “Ah... Ah don’t know what to say. Ah mean, who would have thought. Rarity is yer real mama...”

“I can’t believe she lied to the whole town!” shouted Scootaloo, crossing her arms. Her mane was styled just like Rainbow Dash’s, no surprise, but the biggest difference of all was the leather jacket she wore and spiked collar around her neck. According to Scootaloo’s step-parents, she was going through her ‘rebellious phase’ in life. “So what are you gonna do about this? Never speak to Rarity again?”

Apple Bloom glared at Scootaloo. “Don’t ya think that’s a bit harsh?”

Snorting, Scootaloo counter argued, “And is lying to your daughter her entire life any different? Besides, I wasn’t being serious, but I wouldn’t blame Sweetie Belle if she decided to go through with it. Can you imagine if your sister told you she was your mother? Or Big Mac saying he was your father? How would you react?”

Sweetie Belle raised her head and focused on a pondering Apple Bloom. Truth be told, she wanted to ask that question to both of them and get an idea on what she should do. The difference between her and her friends was that Sweetie Belle was always raised by a full family (at least she believed so). Apple Bloom was raised by her older siblings, and the recently deceased Granny Smith, since her parents died shortly after she was born. Scootaloo was actually raised in an orphanage for six years in her life until she was adopted by an earth pony couple and moved to Ponyville. She never knew who her real family was, but had been planning to find out when she was older.

“W-well, Ah would be surprise at first, maybe a bit angry,” admitted Apple Bloom before she smiled. “But Ah’d be happy to know Ah had a mama or papa all this time. Besides, Applejack and Big Macintosh raised me like Ah was their daughter, so it wouldn’t be so bad.” She then raised an eyebrow to Scootaloo. “What about y’all? What if Rainbow Dash was yer mama?”

Scootaloo bit her lip and growled. “Honestly? I’d be angry... even if it was Rainbow Dash.” Both of the other crusaders stared at Scootaloo like she had two heads. “I know I like her as my big sister and all... but I’ve always wondered why did my real parents abandoned me? Did they die? Did they not want me? Couldn't afford me? Was I kidnapped? I wanna know so badly. I love my step-parents, always will. But if I found out somepony held all those answers, and didn’t tell me? Hay yeah I’d be pissed off.”

Sweetie Belle sighed. “That doesn’t help me much, girls. I don't know what I'm going to do.”

“Well, do ya think maybe Rarity had a good reason to lie to ya?” asked Apple Bloom.

“Probably didn’t want to ruin her career,” scoffed Sweetie, seeing no other reason as to why Rarity would do it. She levitated a photo of her and her friends besides their sisters right next to the club house. “I’m not gonna know until I talk to her, huh?”

“You don’t have to do it now, Sweetie Belle, but I think it might be best,” said Scootaloo. “Are you gonna tell your coltfriend?”

Sweetie Belle blushed as she threw a glare at a laughing Scootaloo. “We’re not dating... yet...”

“Well, if goin’ to a fancy shmancy winter ball ain’t a date, then Ah don’t know what is,” chuckled Apple Bloom, before giving her unicorn friend a hug. “Ah think it’s sweet that ya two are goin’ out.”

“More like it’s about time you two did,” said Scootaloo, rolling her eyes. “Seriously, you two are so obviously in love with one each other that you had it plastered to your foreheads. Although, I still don’t know what you see in him.”

“You still don’t like him after all these years, Scootaloo?” asked Sweetie Belle, frowning at her friend.

Rubbing her hooves, Scootaloo said, “It’s not that I hate him. He’s a nice guy, and I do feel sorry for what he went through a few years ago. But he’s such a... dork.”

“Yeah, but he’s adorable too. I guess you can say he’s adorkable,” teased Sweetie Belle. The three giggled at the word that fitted their beanie wearing friend completely. “But to answer your question? No, he’s got enough on his plate worrying about the dance. I don’t want to trouble him with my problem.”

“Fair enough,” said Scootaloo as she got off the ground and made for the door. “I’d hang around longer, but my folks want me back for decorations. If you need anything, Sweetie Belle, I’m just a call away.”

The two said their goodbyes before Scootaloo left. Apple Bloom turned to Sweetie Belle and asked,”When are ya gonna confront yer sister?”
Sweetie Belle thought about it and answered, “Tomorrow. Today’s just been crazy enough as it is.”

“Want me to go with ya?”

“Thanks, but this is a... family thing,” answered Sweetie Belle with a forced smile. Truth be told, she would rather have an army going in with her to deal with her sister, but she knew it was only between them.

A mother. And her daughter.


Loving Care gently sat down and handed over her ex-husband the coffee she made for them. She still didn’t know why she was letting him speak, let alone enter her house. All these years and not a single phone call, letter, or message about what he was doing. His absence causing nothing but worry as Button kept asking about his dad, and she couldn’t answer his questions. The only reason she made any effort to contact him was because Money Mash was her son’s father, and he still loved him despite what he had done. When no replies came, she had assumed that he just didn’t care about him and that further drove the nail of hatred she had for the stallion she once loved.

The ticking of the clock echoed in their ears as neither adult drank their coffee, instead they just focused on each other. While Loving Care’s eyes were full of rage and disgust, she noticed that his eyes held none. In fact, they looked rather sad.

“I’m glad to see you’ve been doing well for yourself,” said Money Mash, deciding to take a sip. He let out a small smile. “I missed your coffee.”

“I don’t miss you asking for it,” replied Loving with a cold tongue.

Sighing, Money Mash shook his head. “I deserve that.”

“You also deserve a lot more.”

“I don’t doubt that,” replied Money, shaking his head. “Look, you can go ahead and unleash your anger on me all you want, but I’m here for a good reason.”

“If it’s to get back with me, let me tell you something. I have another special somepony, and I’m ready to move on. I don’t love you anymore Money, and I never will again,” growled Loving Care, as she closed her eyes. It hurt saying that, but the truth had to be told. “You... hurt me... you cheated on me, and ruined this family. You hurt our sons, you hurt our marriage. Why? Why did you stop loving me?”

Money Mash didn’t answer, he just closed his eyes and leaned his head back. “I never did...” She raised her eyebrow as he continued, “Despite what you may think, Loving, I loved you when I cheated on you. I still do. I love you and the kids, but I don’t deserve it because I made a mistake. One I doubt I’ll ever earn your forgiveness for, but I accept that.” He sipped his coffee again. “Being on the road so much... working all the time... I just got lonely. At first, it was just flirting with ladies, simple stuff. I don’t know how it got out of hand or when, but that doesn’t excuse what I did. I know that.”

“You could have asked for a different job, one more closer to your family,” muttered Loving, shaking her head at the excuse.

“Yeah, but I loved doing what I did. Not the cheating, my work,” replied Money Mash.

“Somehow I doubt it.”

Money Mash rubbed his temples. “Look, we can play this game all day, but I’m here for a reason.” He sighed. “I’m here about my son, Button.”

Loving snorted. “Oh, so you remember he exists.”


“No!” shouted Loving, smashing her hoof on the table as her nostrils flared. “Button has spent years trying to get in contact with you! He still loves his father, and while I have no right to prevent him from feeling like that, I sure do as hay have a right to know why you decided not to answer all the messages he left for you! Did you know he blamed himself for what happened to us?! That he thought he was the cause of everything?! That he was willing to give up all his games and more to just have us get back together?! I held him and wiped his tears while you were doing whatever it was! Bucking your whores probably! If you think your sins were hell for me they were hell for Button even more!”

Loving wiped a few tears in her eyes as she felt a feeling of relief enter her chest. She had wanted to say that for a long time. Looking at her ex-husband, she saw he was tearing up as well and she, briefly, wondered if she went to far. No, he deserved it. However harsh it was, he deserved it.

“Tell me why... why now of all times...” whispered Loving Care.

“... three reasons,” whispered Money Mash, lowering his head. “First was because I was ashamed.” He covered his face with his hoof. “I failed him as a father, just as I failed you as a husband. Gibson hated us both, that was much was certain when he left his note to tour with his band, but I thought Button hated me more. I ruined our lives, and I couldn’t face him after what I had done. I didn’t know how to explain myself to my youngest son who only asked why did I hurt you. I was a coward. I bucking coward because I was to ashamed to tell him why.”
He then glared at Loving. “Don’t get the wrong idea of me, Loving Care. I love my sons. I love them both just as much as you do. I may have been a bad father, but that don’t make me out to be an unloving one.”

Loving Care didn’t say anything. She could tell my his voice alone that he was telling the truth on that. It didn’t make her happy, but she could at least respect that he loved their sons. Although, we both failed with Gibson. She tearfully thought of her oldest son and wondered where they went wrong. Dropping out of college, ditching his old friends for those thugs, partying every night. When the two of them tried to knock sense into him he just cursed his mouth off at them and left to live with his bass guitarist. Communication was only by letters at that point. When he learned they were divorcing he called them both “cunts” and said they would never see him again. They didn’t dare tell Button the full truth, because he adored his older brother so much.

She could still see them years ago, playing Call of Loyalty together on the TV against the zombies. Laughing and loving each other like real brothers. That was the Gibson she loved, the very cool big brother. Not the one that said his brother was annoying weed turd who he wish he never had. Oh my baby boy. What happened to you?

“The second reason is because of Gibson though,” whispered Money Mash, his voice growing sorrowful. “I found him, Loving. I found out boy.”

Loving Care gasped and held her hooves against her mouth as her eyes began to water. Her mind flashback to every moment she had with her oldest son in as split second as she washed away all her hatred for concern. “Is he okay?! Please tell me Gibson is okay!”

The shaking of her ex-husband’s head only made Loving’s heart sink further. “He’s... not well, but he’ll get better. I’ll make sure of it.”

“W-what happened?” asked Loving, although she was dreading to know.

“His so called ‘band’ decided to try and tour in other nations besides Equestria. They started out fine, but Gibson...” he shook his head. “You know how it is with rock stars. They get full of themselves. Become arrogant. Party too hard. Buck every mare they can from here to Minotora.” He took a long sip of his coffee. “Eventually, the band just... got tired of his antics. He screwed up too many times and they just dumped him in the middle of the street in Grifftania. I spend all those years after our divorce trying to find him. I was suppose to look after him and I did everything I could. When I finally found him he was drugging up, homeless, and broken... but when he saw me he dove into my arms and cried. I cried with him. We just....”

He sniffled as he reached out an held the hoof of a crying and despairing Loving Care. “We got him help. He’s in Manehatten with me and we’re getting him help. But I can’t help him alone. He needs his mother. He needs you.”

Loving Care nodded her head furiously. “Y-yes. I will. Anything to save my baby.” She could only imagine her son and what he went through all alone. All the drugs and pain. I couldn’t protect him. Faust above, I couldn’t protect him.

“T-thank you for saving him,” whispered Loving, truly meaning it with all her heart.

“It’s fine,” whispered Money Mash, sighing. “I won’t fail him again, Loving. I promise you.”

If this was any other day, she would have not believed him. But deep in her heart she knew that this was a promise he could keep. Money Mash may have been a bad husband, but she knew now he was no bad father. A different father would have given up on a son like Gibson. A different father might have declare he didn’t have such an ungrateful screw up as a son. But he’s not like them. He’s not.

“Where is he now?” asked Loving, making a note to rush over to her oldest son as soon as she had a free chance.

“Burkly’s Rehabilitation Center,” answered Money Mash. “Come whenever you want, I’ll make sure he knows. Just one thing...” He sighed and shook his head. “You can’t tell Button about what happened to his brother.”

“W-what?! But he deserves to know!” shouted Loving Care. “He’s been just as worried about him as he is about you!”

“And I agree, but that was one of the conditions Gibson wanted when he went in rehab. He doesn’t want Button to know, and I quote, ‘what kind of a loser his big brother turned out to be’,” answered Money Mash. “I barely got him to agree to tell you. Besides, Button many not take it well.”

“T-that’s true...” whispered Loving Care, sighing as she looked to a photo of her sons right next to each other during the “Brother Hooves Social” one year. Covered in mud and holding the second place trophies. “He might blame himself again for what happened.”

“One day we’ll tell him, but only when Gibson gets better.” Money Mash then tilted his head. “So, what has been happening with Button? I... I want to know...”

I guess it’s fair. He did tell me about Gibson, thought Loving Care. “He wants to be a Narrative Designer for video games, so he’s been thinking of trying to go to a good writing college. He’s been getting in school, thankfully, and has made new friends over the years.” She then grinned. “And guess what? He’s dating Sweetie Belle.”

For the first time since he got her, Money Mash smiled with joy. “You’re kidding? Seriously? I knew those two would get together. It’s about time I say.”

“Yeah, it’s almost when we... were kids...” Loving Care’s smile faded as the room became awkward once more. She closed her eyes, but couldn’t fight off the good times she had with Money Mash. Her childhood friend. Her old sweet heart. Her heartbreaker. “What if... what if they end up like... us?”

“They won’t!” shouted Money Mash, glaring. “Button is a better kid then I was and he wouldn’t do anything to hurt Sweetie Belle. I know he won’t.”

Loving nodded. “You’re right. He’s too sweet of a kid to do that.” She cleared her throat and asked, “What’s the third reason?”

“What?” asked Money Mash.

“You said there were three reasons why you wanted to reconnect with Button, what’s the third?” asked Loving Care.

“It’s... it’s nothing...” whispered Money Mash, looking away.

“Money...” said Loving, being careful to keep her tone to a normal level. “Look... I admit I got mad earlier, but you’ve come this far... you can tell me what the third reason is.”

Money Mash slowly turned around and face his ex-wife with a sad smile and teary eyes. “Do you believe in karma? The idea that bad stuff will happen to you if you do bad things? I love you.... and Button... and Gibson... but I ruined it. I ruined us all. And now I’m paying for it.”

“M-money?” asked Loving as a bad feeling began to grow in her chest.

He sighed.

“I have prostate cancer...”

Chapter 5

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They say you had to sacrifice a lot for love, but Button Mash didn’t know if they would admit being a slave counted as going too far. Diamond Tiara was not just a monster, she was the Queen of Tartarus. She made Button Mash do everything from cleaning all the floors in the giant mansion to massaging her hooves and washing them. Six. Fricken. Times. Whatever they were paying the servants in this place, they were not paying enough.

“Oh, Button!” sang Diamond Tiara from the other end of the room where he was busy rearranging a six foot bookshelf.
“Yes, Mistress Tiara?” asked Button, faking a smile.

“I think I want to go for a walk,” said Diamond Tiara as she got up from her couch and put her book down. “While I’m gone I need you to shovel the walkway, unclog the second floor bathroom on the left, and make me lunch.”

“Yes, Mistress,” whispered Button, who sighed upon thinking of all that workload he had to do.

“After all that, you can head over to your home for whatever it is you commoners do,” said Diamond Tiara as she got up and made her way to the door. “And fetch me my coat and scarf!”

For a split second, Button thought about finding the scarf and using it like the wires wielded by Agent 47 from Hitpony. He was pretty sure there was a cellar nearby. All he had do was drag her in, hide the body, lock it, leave quietly, and pretend that none of this ever happened. No, stop. Think of the tickets. Think of Sweetie Belle. Think about how you're already in trouble with the police after last years Nightmare Night incident. He shivered in how much grounding he got for that. How was he suppose to know that scaring a dragon made them belch fire uncontrollably and burn down anything near it?

He managed to find the pink coat and purple scarf before giving it to his Mistress of Annoyance. She happily smiled at him and left the mansion much to Button’s relief.


There was at least one advantage to being an avid videogame player when you're doing a boring task like shoveling snow. You had a plethora of music in your head to play inside. While he was having the Knightblazer theme from Wild Hooves 2 playing in his head, he noticed somepony coming up the walkway and scowled. Great, just what I need. The other brat.

Silver Spoon’s eyes widened as she saw Button Mash who simply glared at her. Just because he had to be subservient to Diamond Tiara didn’t mean he had to be it for her other rich jerkish friend. “What are you doing here?” she asked, tilting her head.

“Shoveling,” muttered Button Mash as he continued his work.

“I can see that, but why?” asked Silver Spoon. “This is Diamond Tiara’s house.”

“Because Mistress Fatflank can’t do anything by herself and likes to ensnare ponies into doing her bidding for rewards like the black widow she is,” muttered Button Mash before wincing. Ah, crap. Now she’ll tell her I said that and I’m screwed.

To his surprise, Silver Spoon snorted and then giggled at his joke. This made him stop shoveling and stare at the silver earth pony who gave him a warm smile. “Do you want a hoof?”

Button nearly felt his jaw fall off by the way it so suddenly dropped. Silver Spoon? Wants to help... me? Either that crazy pony in Canterlot who held that “End Is Neigh” sign was right... or Silver Spoon was just being kind. Either way, I’m not doing this on my own.
“Um, sure,” said Button Mash as he pointed to a second shovel. Silver Spoon grabbed it and began to work side by side with him. They didn’t say anything to each other, nor did they glance at one another. It was awkward for Button Mash, but Silver Spoon seemed to find it all normal.

What’s her game? asked Button Mash as they reached the halfway point.

“So, what’s she got over you?” asked Silver Spoon, finally breaking the silence.

“Um...” Button debated over whether or not to tell her the truth, but decided since she had helped him it was okay. “I promised Sweetie Belle to take her to the Winter Ball in Canterlot for our first date, but I don’t have the money for it. Diamond Tiara offered to pay for the tickets if I was her servant.”

“So you finally asked her out, huh?” asked Silver, smiling at him.

Although he sighed, Button blushed and rubbed the back of his neck as he remembered Sweetie Belle saying “yes” to his question.
“Y-yeah... to be honest I didn’t think she would want me.”

“You have to be blind not to see that she’s always cared about you,” said Silver Spoon with a laugh. “I mean, there was a running bet to see how long it would take. I wonder if it's still around?”

“Oh, come on,” grumbled Button as he shook his head. “We couldn’t have been that predictable? Seriously?”

“More so than Pip and Dinky,” pointed out Silver Spoon, shaking her head. “But what you're doing? I think it’s sweet. You must really love Sweetie if you're willing to go this far to please her for your first date. I mean, Diamond is a psychopathic bitch after all.”

“Huh?!” shouted Button Mash as he turned around and faced Silver Spoon with a confused look. “Did... did you just call your best friend a...”

“Psychopathic bitch?” asked Silver Spoon, turning around with a sad smile. “Yeah... I did. And it’s true.”

“But... you’re her best friend,” pointed out Button, who was starting to wonder if this was some weird alternate dimension that he fell into. I think I hear the Dawning Zone’s theme music playing somewhere.

“Guess that means my acting school are better than I thought,” said Silver Spoon with a giggle. “Maybe I should try becoming an actress in Applewood.”

“You mean... all this time?” asked Button, blinking. “You’ve only been pretending to be her friend?”

“Not exactly,” said Silver Spoon as she moved a few strands of hair from her face. “Look, what do you have left after this?”

“Unclogging the second floor toilet and making her lunch.”

“Don’t bother with that. The second floor bathroom is broken and always has been, she was just making you waste your time and energy,” said Silver Spoon, rolling her eyes. “And as for the lunch, just say I ordered you not to since I came over to see if she wanted to grab a bite to eat. Let’s finish this and have some cocoa before Diamond comes home.”

As she went back to work, Button Mash stared at the mare who had made him question every past encounter he ever had with her. He suddenly felt like he had hit a riddle in a game that he had to solve in order to move forward. Still, he would have to wait until the they were done with the snow to find out.


With the added help, it didn’t take long for the two to wipe clean the snow. Button also finally ditched the butler outfit and laid comfortably on the couch as Silver Spoon came over with two hot cups of cocoa. Accepting it with thanks, Button Mash sipped his mug a bit while waiting for Silver Spoon to sit down and explain.

After some quiet drinking, she began. “I guess it's no surprise when I say that I was a brat when I was younger.”

“No offence, but I still kinda see you as one...well, until now at least,” confessed Button Mash.

“Yeah, but that’s my own fault,” said Silver, sighing. “Both Diamond and I have been friends since we were foals. Our parents knew each other, and thus we were always doing things together. It sort of wasn’t a surprise when the two of us became best friends. I won’t say that my behavior was great, I mean both of us were raised to think we were better then everypony else because of our wealth and business sense.”

“Funny, Apple Bloom says Mr. Rich is a nice guy,” said Button Mash raising an eyebrow.

“He is, but he was always busy with work while his wife handled raising Diamond Tiara. And trust me, she was just as bad as her daughter is,” said Silver Spoon, shaking his head. “It only got worse when they got divorced. Diamond was seven at the time, about a year and half before you moved to town. Diamond blames her father for the divorce and prefers spending time with her mother in Manehatten. The only reason she doesn’t have custody rights is because she was the one caught cheating.”

“Geez, that is one messed up family...” whispered Button. Almost like mine...

“Yeah, at least my parents love each other,” whispered Silver. “Diamond got worse and more bossy. I didn't think anything about it when I was younger, but as I got older..."

“You noticed how much of a jerk she was?” asked Button, snorting.

“... actually it was more like how everypony thought we were jerks...” whispered Silver Spoon as he put the cocoa down and wrapped her hooves around her waist. Biting her lip and lowering her head, Silver whispered, “I know... what you and others think of us. I’ve heard it growing up and never though much of it... but the more I heard it... the more I learned what ponies thought of us... I started to think maybe we were in the wrong. Maybe my behavior was wrong. I didn’t think I was a jerk or bad, but everypony else thought I was.” She looked at Button Mash with a sad smile. “Do you know what it’s like to realize everypony your age and even older hates you? It’s... it’s very painful...”

“I...” Button didn’t say anything. Calling Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon jerks was normal for him and for so many that he knew. It was like a second nature to call the brats what they were because of how they acted growing up. I didn’t think she really cared.

“Any idiot could see at this point they’ve been acting wrong this whole time, and it hit me like a brick wall,” said Silver Spoon, shaking her head. “But when I told Diamond this, she didn’t care. She thought they were just jealous and deserved to know where they stood on the pedestal of life, which was being beneath us. To be honest, I think she just enjoys hurting ponies.”

“So why stay friends with her?! Get new friends!?” shouted Button Mash in frustration.

“Don’t you think I’ve tried!” shouted Silver Spoon, getting up and growling. “But everypony thinks I’m just pulling a prank on them or doing something that will make them end up embarrassed! Nopony trusts me because of my past behavior! And Diamond Tiara is the only friend I have because of that! Even though I don’t want to be her friend anymore, I rather have her then nopony!” She took a big gulp from her mug and slammed it on the ground. “I want to have new friends, but what can I do when everypony I know thinks I’m just a rich brat all the time? I want to change, but nopony is willing to give me a chance... I just.... I just don’t want to be alone. So I have to pretend to still be that brat that Diamond loves to be with. That same pony who is just like her. Because as much as I hate being her friend, I hate being alone more.”

Button looked at the saddened face of Silver Spoon and realized that she was being truthful. Never in his entire life he would of thought one of the terrible trio would have such feelings about themselves. He slowly got up and walked over to her, giving her a hug. “It’s okay. It’s okay.”

Silver just stood there in silence as a huge blush appeared on her cheeks. She slowly wrapped her hooves around him, but then a few second later she gently pushed him away. “You should go home.I’ll tell Diamond I just ordered you to get lost.”

“um, okay. Thanks,” said Button as he got up and made his way to the door.

Once he was out, he sighed and turned his thoughts to what he learned. Although a small part of him said to dismiss Silver Spoon’s story as a hoax, he realized that he was thinking just the same as everypony else when it came to her and Diamond Tiara. Button didn’t even want to know what it was like to have everypony hate or despise you because of what you did in the past, no matter how much you wanted to move on.

I think she really does want to change, thought Button as he walked through the snow. I guess I feel bad for her, but what can I do? Should I even do anything?

He closed his eyes. This was all too much for him, and he had already done more than enough work thanks to Tiara. What he wanted now was his bed.

I hope Mom’s had a better day then I have.


Loving’s cup had shattered into the floor the moment she put her hooves up to her mouth in shock. She stared straight into her ex-husband’s eyes to see if there was any sort of lie hidden in his face. Even a cruel joke would be better than the truth. However, the longer she stared at him, the more she realizes he wasn’t kidding. Her former husband... her former best friend in the world... was dying.

“Money... I... how...” choked Loving who tried to find the words to say. What did you say to a dying man, especially one who you once loved so much.

“Gibson reacted the same way when I told him,” muttered Money as he took a sip. “I learned it last year. Docs say I got eight months to two years left before it goes critical... then it’s in Faust’s hooves.”

Tears began to fall down Loving’s cheeks as she reached out and held his hoof. He squeezed it hard and took a deep breath as Loving lifted it and gently kissed it. She may have hated him. She may have blamed him for a lot of things. But there was no way in Elysium and Tartarus that she wanted him to die.

All her past rages against him, the outbursts and insults he had said to his face and behind his back. All of them made her feel like scum for saying such things to him. She could only imagine how Gibson was taking all of this, and she felt her heart cry out for the moment Button was going to hear it. “Oh, Money... I’m so sorry... I’m so so sorry...”

“It’s okay,” said Money Mash as he patted her hoof. “To be honest, I’m mostly at peace with it... but I wanna make sure I can make up for my mistakes before I... go...”

“Whatever I can do to help,” said Loving, no longer with rage behind her voice, but pure concern.

“I know that I can’t make up for my cheating as a terrible husband, but I want to make up for being a bad father to our sons. I’ve already started with Gibson, now I need to work with Button.” He pulled out something from his coat pocket. It was a small red and green wrapped present with a card attached to it. “I... I don’t have the courage to yet face him. Nor do I know what he will think when he sees this... Please give this to him at Hearth’s Warming Eve. If he still loves and cares for me... I guess we’ll go from there.”

Loving nodded and took the small present. “He loves you, Money. I know it in my heart he does.”

Money gave her an appreciated smile before sighing. “Don’t tell Button about my cancer. I want to tell him when I’m ready.”

“I understand,” whispered Loving Care as they both got up and made their way to the door.

She watched as he prepared to go out and leave. While she waited, Loving wondered what she should do or say. Should she hug him? Kiss him? Her thoughts went back to her new coltfriend and she wondered if he would understand.

“Loving,” said Money Mash as he looked at her with a small smile. “Thank you for listening. And Happy Hearth’s Warming Eve.”

“H-h-happy Hearth’s Warming Eve to you too...” said Loving.

With one last nod, he opened the door with a blast of cold air rushing over Loving before it was closed. And upon hearing the door slam shut, she realized she was all alone again. Only then did she fall to her haunches and cry.


It didn’t take long for Button to arrive home, the aches in his body now hitting him like a sledgehammer. He was going to nap and nap like a boss when he got to his bed. Opening the door, he quickly shut it and announced his presence. After taking off his clothing, he went inside to see how his mom was doing, only to freeze up.

His mother had a wine bottle out along with a glass that she was finishing up. Oh no.

“Mom... what happened?” asked Button, who recalled only two times when her mother drank. At parties, and when something bad happened.

Loving Care just sighed and shook her head. “I was just thinking... about your father and I...” She closed her eyes and stared at one of the two pride and joys she loved more then anything in the world. “He’s a good stallion, Button. Never forget that.”

“I.., I thought you hated him,” said Button nervously.

Loving closed her eyes. “Honestly, I don’t know what to feel...”

There was an awkward silence between the two as Loving refilled her glass. “Well, I’m going to take a nap. See ya.”

Loving just nodded as she went back to her drinking. Button paused before he left the room to stare at his mother for a bit before he sighed and made for his room.

Whatever happened could wait until he got some Z’s.

Chapter 6

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Sweetie Belle made her way down the street towards her sister’s place with numerous emotions going through her. The shock that her big sister was really her mother was starting to wear off, at least for a bit. She still didn’t know if she was going to forgive Rarity or not for this, but she knew that she wanted answers. Depending on what those answers were... it was up for debate.

Hard to believe just a few days ago we were picking out my dress for my first date, mused Sweetie Belle as she stopped in front of the boutique and sighed. I wonder... would things have been better off if I never found that folder?

She shook her head before raising her hoof and knocked on the door a few times. There was no answer. “Rarity?! It’s Sweetie Belle, open up!” she shouted as she knocked again. It was then that a certain smell hit her. She had smelled it only once when she and her friends got stupid drunk one time at the Apple family’s hard cider cellar. She had been grounded for months for that.

Concerned, Sweetie Belle went for spare key in Rarity’s welcome mat and opened the door. The smell of alcohol washed over her and nearly made her puke. Ugh! Almost smells like a brewery...

It didn’t squander her fears at all. Rarity didn’t drink that often, and she only drank enough to be tipsy. However, the aroma that was spreading inside the living room was almost worse than Berry Punch’s house. Covering her nostrils with a nearby tissue from a tissue box, Sweetie Belle searched through the house shouting her moth-Rarity's name. She occasionally found wine and cider bottles around the house, all empty and recently used.

Each bottle only made Sweetie Belle want to find Rarity even faster.

When she reached the stairway she gasped at what she saw. “Rarity!” shouted Sweetie Belle as she rushed over to the fallen mare who was bleeding from her head, a small puddle of it decorating the carpet.

“Ugh... Sweetie...” moaned Rarity, her eyes droopy and glazed. Her mouth was covered with saliva and she had ruined mascara over her eyes from crying. Her hair was fizzed and her fur looked to be unwashed for days.

“Oh my Faust, what happened!” shouted Sweetie Belle as she knelt down and took the tissue she had to stop the bleeding.

“All my fault.... my sweet daughter... I’m so sorry... all my fault...” whispered Rarity, over and over again.

Damnit, she’s drunk! thought Sweetie Belle as she levitated her phone and called for 911.


After shocking his mother for a second time in waking up early, Button Mash took off for Diamond Tiara’s house with the intention of doing the little brat’s requests again. That was until he saw an ambulance carriage heading straight for Sweetie Belle’s sister’s house. Everything froze for one moment before he rushed as fast as he could. A small crowd had gathered, but Button Mash was no longer the little runt he was years ago. He pushed his way through until he could see Rarity being taken into the ambulance while a worried Sweetie Belle watched.
He rushed towards her as she spotted him before they embraced.

“What happened?” asked Button, looking at Rarity as she was saying something in a sluggish tone.

“I don’t know! I think she got drunk and fell off some stairs...” muttered Sweetie Belle, looking unsure what to do or say.

“Miss. Belle?” asked one of the EMT’s as he came forward. “You’re sister keep saying she wants her daughter, but as far as we know, Ms. Rarity doesn’t have a daughter.”

Button raised an eyebrow as Sweetie Belle bit her lip and sighed. “I’m her daughter.” This made Button and the EMT look at her wide eyes. “I’m her daughter. It’s complicated, but I’ll accompany her.”

“A-alright then,” said the EMT as he rushed to tell this to his co-workers.

A million questions went through Button’s head as he and Sweetie Belle looked at each other. However, seeing the frightened and worried expression in his crush’s eyes made him put these aside. Button placed his hooves on her shoulders. “Look, I don’t know what’s going on, but Rarity needs you. And I think you need her. Go with her, I’ll come to the hospital later.”

“T-thank you,” responded Sweetie Belle with a smile before nodding. “I promise I’ll explain everything.”

“Hey...” said Button as he stopped her from entering the carriage. He didn’t know why he was saying this now of all times but he felt like he had too. “I love you.”

“I-I love you too,” said Sweetie Belle with a smile before she entered the ambulance. It activated it’s magical lights and sped away as ponies began to talk about what just happened.

Button Mash watched as the carriage faded until it was a speck. A sigh of relief came upon him as well as a blush upon realizing that both he and Sweetie Belle just confessed their love to each other. Over her sister’s accident, wow I can’t tell if that’s cliche or random... Wait wasn’t there suppose to be something I was suppose to do?

And then it hit him. “Oh crap! I have to get to Diamond Tiara’s house!” shouted Button Mash as he rushed as fast as he could. “Horseapples! She’s going to be angry that I’m late!”


Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle watched Rarity closely as they continued to drive towards the ambulance. Opening her eyes, the drunken mare slowly looked at her daughter and muttered, “Sweetie Belle? Is that you?”

“Yes,” whispered Sweetie Belle as she took one of Rarity’s hooves and held it tight. “I’m here.”

A sob escaped from Rarity as she choked, “I’m s-s-s-s-sorry... for everythit-t-thing...”

Sweetie Belle only increased her grip as a few tears escaped her as well. “I know.”


Button had, once again, cursed that he wasn’t as athletic as he wished he could have been. He had been meaning to get in shape each year, but he always procrastinated. Just as he got up to the mansion’s door, he looked at his phone and saw that he was only one minute late. Figuring this was alright, he calmly opened the door and closed it before heading to the living room.

“Hey, I’m here. Sorry about that. I-”

“You’re bucking late!” shouted Diamond Tiara on her chair while slamming her cup of hot coco on a nearby table. Dressed in a pink and white night robe, the rich filly glared at Button Mash who gulped. She walked over and growled at him. “My servants are to be on time! Always!”

“Yeah, what did you do? Play your games too much and over slept in your underwear?” laughed another voice. Button turned to the couch where he saw Silver Spoon smirking and looking at him like he was an idiot. He was about to retort and ask what her problem was when he remembered their conversation yesterday.

For a split second, he thought about spilling the beans to Diamond Tiara just to get back at Silver, but he had more important things to worry about when Diamond Tiara opened her mouth. “Maybe those tickets aren’t that important to you? Or maybe Sweetie Belle isn't’ that important to you?”

“Hey, Sweetie Belle is important to me!” reported Button Mash, growling. “And the reason I was one minute late was because there was an ambulance at her house and I wanted to make sure she was okay.”

“Is everything ok?” asked Silver Spoon, with actual concern.

“She’s fine. Rarity, just had an accident...” answered Button Mash.

Snorting, Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes. “Knowing that drama queen she probably sprained her hoof and is acting like she’s got cancer.”

After reminding himself that he was not allowed to hit a girl, Button Mash took a deep breath. “Look, can I just get into my uniform and get this day over with?”

“Hmmm,” taunted Diamond Tiara as she tapped her hoof to her chin. With a grin, she continued, “I don’t know... you attitude isn’t the best, and you were late. You haven’t called me Mistress Tiara like you are supposed to either. Maybe it’s time I just simply fired you and let you look like a loser to that stupid marefirend of your’s.”

Sweat began to drip down Button’s back neck as he gulped. The image of a broken hearted Sweetie Belle kept playing in his mind. Gritting his teeth, he closed his eyes and did his best to act humble. “I’m sorry, Mistress Tiara. Please forgive my behavior, and my lateness, and let me get to work. Please let me still get the tickets.”

Keeping his eyes closed, Button prayed that there was some shred of mercy in Diamond Tiara’s heart. Finally, after a few minutes of silence, she responded. “Okay, fine...” He opened his eyes and sighed with relief, but the devilish grin on her face didn’t leave. “But only if you do one thing. If you don’t, you lose.”

“A-anything!” shouted Button Mash, although his chest started to clench his fear over what was going to happen. He glanced at Silver Spoon who was looking even unsure herself.

Taking off her robe, Diamond Tiara turned around, presenting her rump in front of him. “Kiss my flank.”

Button Mash reared back, blushing like mad, as he stared at Tiara’s plot. Turning away in disgust, he shouted, “What the buck?! Are you sick?!”

“No, I’m just letting you know your place. You kiss my rump, so that you know who is your better, or you lose your ticket,” replied a smiling Diamond Tiara. “Look at this way, it might be the only decent tail you get. I doubt Sweetie Belle has the galls to even take you in bed.”

“You’re psychopathic little-”

“Finish that and those tickets go down the toilet!” shouted Diamond Tiara, fury in her eyes. “You will kiss my plot or I will kick you out of this house and maybe even charge you with trespassing! I can do whatever the buck I want! You wanna know why?! Because I’m better than you! Now pucker up or else!”

Button Mash stared at Diamond Tiara in disbelief, even SIlver Spoon was no longer pretending and looked at her best friend with shock. Yet Diamond looked absolutely serious. My Faust... is she really this mental? What... I thought she was just a brat... what is with her!?

“Ugh, fine. I might as well then add cherry on top,” growled Diamond Tiara. “If you kiss my plot, I’ll give you the tickets. No other commands required. Do it and it's all yours.”

Button just stared at the flank in front of him. If he did this one humiliating thing, he could have the tickets and make Sweetie Belle happy. They could go to the ball. Dance. And start the relationship he always wanted. On the other hoof, he would forever have to deal with the shame of lowering himself to such a standard to do this. Diamond Tiara would forever hold this over his head, and she would always remind him subtly.

Could he really do this? Sacrifice his pride for love?

Was Sweetie Belle being happy really worth the shame of kissing this brat’s butt?

A tear dripped down Button’s cheek. He prepared to lower himself and pucker up his lips, but all he saw was Diamond Tiara being knocked off her hooves and crashed into a nearby dresser that nearly collapsed on her. Button blinked his eyes a few times before turning to Silver Spoon who lowered her rear hooves from her kick.

Groaning, a teary eyed Diamond Tiara slowly got up and gave her best friend a death glare. “Silver Spoon?! What the bu-”

“Shut the hay up you stupid bitch!” shouted Silver Spoon with such fury in her eyes it froze Diamond and Button up. Her voice echoed across the entire mansion and even scared some crows outside. “You are the most psychopathic, evil, cruel, bratiest whorse I have ever seen! You were going to actually force him to kiss your fat plot like some sadist?!”

“W-what are...” Diamond Tiara seem absolutely flabbergasted by this turn of events. It only made her more shocked as Silver Spoon marched over, picked her up by the neck with her hooves and slammed her to the wall.

“All these years I had to deal with your manure! Seeing you boss others, bully them, make them cry and feel like dirt! And to my everlasting shame I went through with it even though I wanted nothing more than to stop! Well, this is the last straw! I am through with you! And if it takes me the rest of my life to see to it that I make up every bad thing I ever did under our so called friendship I will do so even if it takes me to my grave!”

Diamond Tiara tried to open her mouth, but she was too scared to say anything. Even Button couldn’t find it in him to speak. After glaring at her former best friend for a bit while longer, Silver Spoon dropped her and stomped over to her purse nearby before opening it. Inside were two tickets, very fancy blue tickets. Taking a deep breath, she calmly walked over to Button Mash and presented them.

“I’m sorry... I know this isn’t going to be enough for what I’ve done... but I hope it's a start,” whispered Silver Spoon. Button Mash took the tickets and his mouth dropped open at what he saw they were for: The Canterlot Winter Ball. “I had one of my butlers get them in Canterlot yesterday after we talked... I figured I’d give them to you in secret so you would have to deal with this anymore... guess no better time then now.”

Button just stared at the tickets and then at Silver Spoon. He was about to say something but a harsh laugh from Diamond Tiara made the two of them turn to the grinning mare. “You’re going to regret doing this to me, Silver. Nopony betrays Diamond Tiara. I will make you’re life a living nightmare, and make sure you are all alone for the rest of your life!”

However, this smile faded when Silver Spoon turned around and said, “You forget, Diamond. We’ve been friends since we were fillies. And I know everything about you... and everything you’ve done.” The look of fear returned to Diamond Tiara’s face. “Oh yes, I know every dirty little secret you got away with. And sure, I played a part of those, but if admitting them is what gets you out of my life? Well, that's a price I am willing to pay.” She leaned over Diamond Tiara and glared. “Now here is what you’re going to do. You are going to spend Hearth's Warming Eve with your mother this year. And you are going to say that you love it there so much you’re going to move in with your mother. I don’t care what you do there or what steps you need to do, but get out of Ponyville. Leave us all alone and go die alone since that’s what’s going to happen to you if you don’t change you’re ways.”

“You think you’ll be any different? They hate you just as much as they hate me!” spat out Diamond Tiara. “You’ll be alone and forever hated!”

“You’re wrong!” shouted Button Mash as he stepped forward and put his hoof on Silver Spoon’s shoulders, surprising her. “I’m her friend!”

Both rich ponies looked at Button in shock. “Yeah, I’m her friend,” he said, smiling at her. “And I’m willing to forgive her and help her earn forgiveness. If she’s okay with that.” He grinned. “In fact, I would like to invite you, Ms. Spoon, to join me and my family for our annual yearly party.”

“I... I would like that...” whispered Silver Spoon, her eyes getting misty.

“Great, now let’s get out of her and go see Sweetie Belle,” said Button as he motioned to the door. Before he did, he turned to Diamond Tiara and glanced at her. “And you? You can kiss my plot.”

Diamond Tiara said nothing as she saw the two leave.

That year’s Hearth’s Warming Eve, Diamond Tiara went to her mother’s. And she never returned to Ponyville again.


It had taken a few hours, but Rarity was finally well enough to talk. She had only suffered a mild concussion and would need to spend a few days in the hospital due to her blood loss and detoxification. That meant she would be here for Hearth’s Warming Eve.

Sweetie Belle nervously stood in front of the door as she wondered what she was going to say to the mare who had been her sister all her life, but secretly her mother. Deep down, she knew that she still loved Rarity. Her fears and concerns for the mare’s well being proved that. Yet, where did they go from here? How much would change?

Deciding to get this over with, Sweetie Belle opened the door which got Rarity’s attention immediately. “Sweetie...” she whispered as she looked at her daughter with sorrow and guilt. She had her head bandaged up, but she was looking much better. “I... I...”

Sweetie Belle raised a hoof as she sighed and walked over, sitting down on a seat close to the bed and moved forward. “Look... before we start any of this... I want you to know... I don’t hate you.” She looked at Rarity’s straight in the eyes. “Yeah, I am angry. Confused... and very hurt by all of this... but I still love you, Rarity. I don’t know if I’ll ever see you as... a mother... but I still see you as my family... and the one who's always been there for me since as long as I can remember.”

A smile decorated Rarity’s face as she looked to relax from those words and leaned back in relief. “T-thank you, Darling.”

“But I need to know... why didn’t you ever tell me?” asked Sweetie Belle, leaning forward.

Rarity closed her eyes and lowered her head. “I... when I learned I was pregnant... I worried about so much. My life. My dreams. My reputation... but most importantly... I worried about you.”


“Yes,” sighed Rarity. “If word had gotten out that I was pregnant out of wedlock and even before the legal age, I would have faced public scrutiny... but you would be forever hounded by your peers for who you were. You would be bullied, harassed, some might even say you were unwanted... and I couldn't bear the thought of you having to live with that. Even I knew that you would face the worst of the shame if this was all to become public knowledge.” She looked at her sister and slowly raised her hoof, caressing her cheek. “I didn’t want anything to happen to my baby. I didn’t want anything to happen to you...”

Sweetie Belle felt her heart lighten upon hearing this and gave a small smile as tears dripped from her eyes. “And... what about my dad?”
Rarity’s face turned to anger as she huffed. “Your father... his name is Blackwood. He and I dated for a few months and I thought he was the love of my life. However, when I told him he was going to be a father he just abandoned me. Left town completely. He wanted nothing to do with you and I never once tried to contact him again.”

Sweetie Belle thought hearing this would hurt, but she felt nothing. Maybe because she had a father figure in her life and didn’t need another, especially one who fled the coop because of responsibility. “It’s fine... we don’t need to talk about him...” Sweetie Belle got up and made her way to the door. “I’ll go tell the doctor that you’re feeling better. He says you should get some rest as well.”

“Sweetie!” said Rarity, calling her. “I want you to know that as your sister or your mother... you have always been the shining light in my life. And I never once regretted having you.”

Sweetie Belle felt a tear drip down her face as her smile went wide. “Thank you... Mom.”

She heard Rarity gasp, but didn’t look back as she closed the door.

Chapter 7

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Button Mash and Silver Spoon arrived at the hospital in record time. The two were relieved to learn that Rarity was going to be okay and just needed a few days of bed rest in the hospital. After learning of her location, the two made their way side by side. Button decided now was the best time and turned to Silver with a smile. “Hey, Silver? Thanks for helping me back there. I can’t believe I came that close to kissing that ugly butt of Diamond’s.”

“You’re welcome. Trust me, I’d rather kiss Discord’s butt then Diamond’s,” laughed Silver Spoon as they turned the corner. Blushing, she muttered, “By the way, we’re you series about letting me come to your family’s get together on Hearth's Warming Eve?”

“Of course! I always invite my friends to come over! It’s the least I can do for everything you’ve done for me,” said Button as he put a hoof on her shoulder. “And I’ll do my best to show everypony that you really are kind. I promise.”

“T-thanks,” said Silver who looked at him with teary-eyes before shaking her head. “It’s too bad you’re Sweetie Belle’s. You are kinda cute when I really look at ya.” She saw the blush on his cheeks and giggles. “Relax, I know you care about her a great deal. You slaving yourself to Diamond Tiara is proof of that. Just promise me you both will have a good time.”

Button was about to reply when he saw Sweetie Belle coming towards them with a surprised look on her face. Rushing to her, the two hugged as Button quickly asked, “How’s Rarity?”

“She’s going to be fine,” said Sweetie Belle with a smile. “I already talked to... um, jeez do I call them Grandpa and Grandma now?”

“Huh?” asked both Button Mash and Silver Spoon.

Sweetie Belle quickly noticed her former bully and looked at her with anger. “What the hay is she doing here?!”

Silver Spoon gulped, but Button quickly came to her defense. “Sweetie, I know this is going to sound completely weird, but Silver Spoon is a good pony. She’s our friend.”

“... Huh?!” asked Sweetie Belle who looked like she had just been told is snowed in July.

“Look, I have to confess something to you... and if you hate me or don’t want to go on the date with me that’s fine. But it’s time I told you the truth,” said Button with a heavy sigh.

So he proceeded to tell his crush everything. How he lied about having the tickets. Becoming Diamond Tiara’s slave. Silver Spoon revealing how she hated being Diamond’s friend. Diamond’s order to kiss her butt, which really made Sweetie Belle want to kill her for doing so, and Silver Spoon standing up for him.

“... and so we left, but not before she gave me the real tickets,” said Button, showing them to her. “I’m sorry I lied to you. I just wanted to make our first date special. Please forgive me.”

Sweetie Belle rubbed her temples and just chuckled. “First you sell one of your games for me. Then you’re willing to be Tiara’s slave just to make me happy. I don’t know if I should punch you for being so stupid or kiss you for being so sweet.” She looked at him and slowly pecked him on the cheek. “I’ll settle the latter for now, but promise me you won’t do something so stupid again.”

“I promise,” said Button Mash as he handed her the tickets. “Happy Hearth's Warming Eve, Sweetie Belle.”

“Thanks,” said Sweetie as she leaned up and kissed him on the lips this time while taking the tickets.

She then looked over at Silver Spoon who stood there, nervously pawing her hoof at the floor. Sweetie Belle gave a small smile before walking over and hugging her old enemy, much to the earth pony’s shock. “Thanks for stopping him from doing something stupid. Again.”
“T-thanks... I’m so sorry for everything...” whispered Silver Spoon, slowly hugging back.

“I know,” said Sweetie Belle as she broke the hug and smiled. “I don’t know how the other Crusaders will take this, but you can count on me for support.”

Button smiled at the scene and felt that everything had turned out for the best despite a rough few days. Guess this is going to be one of those better Hearth’s Warming Eve.

“Excuse me?” asked a voice behind them as they turned around and saw Doctor Stable, one of the resident doctors in the hospital, walk up to them. “Ms. Belle? I hate to interrupt your talk with your friends, but I need to go over a few things with you as well as your... um...”

“Mother?” asked Sweetie Belle causing the other two to look at her in shock. “Sure, just give me a few minutes.”

“No problem,” said Doctor Stable with a smile before he turned to Button Mash and held out his hoof. “It’s also nice to finally meet you, Button.”

“Uh, thanks?” asked Button as he shook the hoof.

“Oh, I take it she didn’t tell you?” laughed Doctor Stable. “I’m the one that has been dating your mother recently. I hope we can get along well.”

“Bwah?” said Button Mash, eyes widened as Doctor Stable left. Needless to say, both Silver Spoon and Sweetie Belle were also shocked.

“You’re mom is dating Doctor Stable?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“Rarity is your mother?” asked Button Mash.

The two just looked at each other and laughed.

*** On The Big Day***

Hearth’s Warming Eve had passed by this point but it was still being felt in Canterlot. Most of the decorations were still up in the upper levels of the city in preparation for the Winter Ball. Carriages were lined up side by side outside of the Royal Palace where the ball was to take place like every year with hundreds of those rich enough to afford the tickets celebrating. Unlike the Grand Galloping Gala, the Winter Ball was celebrated with more exciting dance and music, tales of the end of the year and resolutions for the upcoming new one.

This year, two teenagers were attending it for the first time. One was dressed in a fine tuxedo that belong to his father that his mother had kept while he decorated it with a green bow. In his coat pocket was a gift his own father had given to him that he kept close by ever since he got it. A golden pocket watch that was handed down from father to son since as long as can be remembered. To Button Mash, this was the greatest gift he had ever gotten as it showed that his father still loved him.

The other one was dressed in a light ice blue like dress with smooth silk and warm gloves. She had a sapphire saddle on her back with said jewels decorating it. Her perfectly curled hair was assorted with jewels that sparkled with the small headband she had. Her mother had worked tireless to create this dress for her and when Sweetie Belle saw it she was in love with it in an instant. It even made Button’s jaw drop to the floor when he saw her wearing it when he came to when he came to pick her up.

A few heads turned upon seeing the young couple, mostly because they had never seen before. However, the two didn’t care as the walked side by side with their tails entwined. They made it to the ballroom where a dance was already in session.

“It’s amazing,” said Sweetie Belle, getting teary-eyed. “I can’t believe we’re actually here.”

“Yeah, kinda intimidating,” said Button, gulping as he saw a few older ponies eyeing them with disdain.

Sweetie Belle made him turn his head around and she smiled at him. “Who cares what they think. All that matters is that I’m with the pony I love most in the world.”

His fears disappearing, Button looked up and giggled. “Hey, mistletoe.” The two of them looked up and saw that one was indeed above them. “Remember when that happened last time? You gave me the first kiss of my life.”

“How about then I reply that?” said Sweetie Belle as she pressed her lips against his. The two held each other as their lips did their work. For a long time, they could only hear the music playing as well as the sound of their own hearts thumping in unison. When the kiss broke, the two felt more happier then they had in their entire lives.

“Shall we dance?” asked Button Mash, holding out his arm.

“We shall,” replied Sweetie Belle, grabbing it.
The two made their way to the dance floor just as a new one was beginning.