• Published 9th Dec 2014
  • 7,260 Views, 256 Comments

The Dance Of The Mash - Rated Ponystar

Button Mash asks Sweeite Belle to a Winter Ball Dance at Canterlot, problem is he doesn't have the tickets. Meanwhile, Sweeite Belle learns a secert that has been kept hidden from her for years.

  • ...

Chapter 4

“... and that’s the whole story,” muttered Sweetie Belle, holding on to her pillow. She had cried a bit during the retelling of the most shocking revelation of her life, but it felt good to let it out again. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were silent the whole time, but their wide eyes and open mouths were no similar to Sweetie Belle’s when she found out.

While the two were processing what they had just learned, Sweetie Belle leaned against the wooden wall right next to the last pages of the old CMC lists of cutie mark attempts. It had been a long time since the three of them hung out at the tree house, not since they shared one last sleepover after Scootaloo’s cutecenera. With all three of them now with cute marks, it was time to move on and grow up, but not before having one last final moment as crusaders.

Those days were the best days of her life, and she sometimes missed them along with the innocence she once had. I wonder how I would have taken it back then if I knew Rarity was my mother.

Apple Bloom took a deep breath before she started twirling her long red ponytail. It was a habit she had developed as she grew her hair, usually when she was nervous. “Ah... Ah don’t know what to say. Ah mean, who would have thought. Rarity is yer real mama...”

“I can’t believe she lied to the whole town!” shouted Scootaloo, crossing her arms. Her mane was styled just like Rainbow Dash’s, no surprise, but the biggest difference of all was the leather jacket she wore and spiked collar around her neck. According to Scootaloo’s step-parents, she was going through her ‘rebellious phase’ in life. “So what are you gonna do about this? Never speak to Rarity again?”

Apple Bloom glared at Scootaloo. “Don’t ya think that’s a bit harsh?”

Snorting, Scootaloo counter argued, “And is lying to your daughter her entire life any different? Besides, I wasn’t being serious, but I wouldn’t blame Sweetie Belle if she decided to go through with it. Can you imagine if your sister told you she was your mother? Or Big Mac saying he was your father? How would you react?”

Sweetie Belle raised her head and focused on a pondering Apple Bloom. Truth be told, she wanted to ask that question to both of them and get an idea on what she should do. The difference between her and her friends was that Sweetie Belle was always raised by a full family (at least she believed so). Apple Bloom was raised by her older siblings, and the recently deceased Granny Smith, since her parents died shortly after she was born. Scootaloo was actually raised in an orphanage for six years in her life until she was adopted by an earth pony couple and moved to Ponyville. She never knew who her real family was, but had been planning to find out when she was older.

“W-well, Ah would be surprise at first, maybe a bit angry,” admitted Apple Bloom before she smiled. “But Ah’d be happy to know Ah had a mama or papa all this time. Besides, Applejack and Big Macintosh raised me like Ah was their daughter, so it wouldn’t be so bad.” She then raised an eyebrow to Scootaloo. “What about y’all? What if Rainbow Dash was yer mama?”

Scootaloo bit her lip and growled. “Honestly? I’d be angry... even if it was Rainbow Dash.” Both of the other crusaders stared at Scootaloo like she had two heads. “I know I like her as my big sister and all... but I’ve always wondered why did my real parents abandoned me? Did they die? Did they not want me? Couldn't afford me? Was I kidnapped? I wanna know so badly. I love my step-parents, always will. But if I found out somepony held all those answers, and didn’t tell me? Hay yeah I’d be pissed off.”

Sweetie Belle sighed. “That doesn’t help me much, girls. I don't know what I'm going to do.”

“Well, do ya think maybe Rarity had a good reason to lie to ya?” asked Apple Bloom.

“Probably didn’t want to ruin her career,” scoffed Sweetie, seeing no other reason as to why Rarity would do it. She levitated a photo of her and her friends besides their sisters right next to the club house. “I’m not gonna know until I talk to her, huh?”

“You don’t have to do it now, Sweetie Belle, but I think it might be best,” said Scootaloo. “Are you gonna tell your coltfriend?”

Sweetie Belle blushed as she threw a glare at a laughing Scootaloo. “We’re not dating... yet...”

“Well, if goin’ to a fancy shmancy winter ball ain’t a date, then Ah don’t know what is,” chuckled Apple Bloom, before giving her unicorn friend a hug. “Ah think it’s sweet that ya two are goin’ out.”

“More like it’s about time you two did,” said Scootaloo, rolling her eyes. “Seriously, you two are so obviously in love with one each other that you had it plastered to your foreheads. Although, I still don’t know what you see in him.”

“You still don’t like him after all these years, Scootaloo?” asked Sweetie Belle, frowning at her friend.

Rubbing her hooves, Scootaloo said, “It’s not that I hate him. He’s a nice guy, and I do feel sorry for what he went through a few years ago. But he’s such a... dork.”

“Yeah, but he’s adorable too. I guess you can say he’s adorkable,” teased Sweetie Belle. The three giggled at the word that fitted their beanie wearing friend completely. “But to answer your question? No, he’s got enough on his plate worrying about the dance. I don’t want to trouble him with my problem.”

“Fair enough,” said Scootaloo as she got off the ground and made for the door. “I’d hang around longer, but my folks want me back for decorations. If you need anything, Sweetie Belle, I’m just a call away.”

The two said their goodbyes before Scootaloo left. Apple Bloom turned to Sweetie Belle and asked,”When are ya gonna confront yer sister?”
Sweetie Belle thought about it and answered, “Tomorrow. Today’s just been crazy enough as it is.”

“Want me to go with ya?”

“Thanks, but this is a... family thing,” answered Sweetie Belle with a forced smile. Truth be told, she would rather have an army going in with her to deal with her sister, but she knew it was only between them.

A mother. And her daughter.


Loving Care gently sat down and handed over her ex-husband the coffee she made for them. She still didn’t know why she was letting him speak, let alone enter her house. All these years and not a single phone call, letter, or message about what he was doing. His absence causing nothing but worry as Button kept asking about his dad, and she couldn’t answer his questions. The only reason she made any effort to contact him was because Money Mash was her son’s father, and he still loved him despite what he had done. When no replies came, she had assumed that he just didn’t care about him and that further drove the nail of hatred she had for the stallion she once loved.

The ticking of the clock echoed in their ears as neither adult drank their coffee, instead they just focused on each other. While Loving Care’s eyes were full of rage and disgust, she noticed that his eyes held none. In fact, they looked rather sad.

“I’m glad to see you’ve been doing well for yourself,” said Money Mash, deciding to take a sip. He let out a small smile. “I missed your coffee.”

“I don’t miss you asking for it,” replied Loving with a cold tongue.

Sighing, Money Mash shook his head. “I deserve that.”

“You also deserve a lot more.”

“I don’t doubt that,” replied Money, shaking his head. “Look, you can go ahead and unleash your anger on me all you want, but I’m here for a good reason.”

“If it’s to get back with me, let me tell you something. I have another special somepony, and I’m ready to move on. I don’t love you anymore Money, and I never will again,” growled Loving Care, as she closed her eyes. It hurt saying that, but the truth had to be told. “You... hurt me... you cheated on me, and ruined this family. You hurt our sons, you hurt our marriage. Why? Why did you stop loving me?”

Money Mash didn’t answer, he just closed his eyes and leaned his head back. “I never did...” She raised her eyebrow as he continued, “Despite what you may think, Loving, I loved you when I cheated on you. I still do. I love you and the kids, but I don’t deserve it because I made a mistake. One I doubt I’ll ever earn your forgiveness for, but I accept that.” He sipped his coffee again. “Being on the road so much... working all the time... I just got lonely. At first, it was just flirting with ladies, simple stuff. I don’t know how it got out of hand or when, but that doesn’t excuse what I did. I know that.”

“You could have asked for a different job, one more closer to your family,” muttered Loving, shaking her head at the excuse.

“Yeah, but I loved doing what I did. Not the cheating, my work,” replied Money Mash.

“Somehow I doubt it.”

Money Mash rubbed his temples. “Look, we can play this game all day, but I’m here for a reason.” He sighed. “I’m here about my son, Button.”

Loving snorted. “Oh, so you remember he exists.”


“No!” shouted Loving, smashing her hoof on the table as her nostrils flared. “Button has spent years trying to get in contact with you! He still loves his father, and while I have no right to prevent him from feeling like that, I sure do as hay have a right to know why you decided not to answer all the messages he left for you! Did you know he blamed himself for what happened to us?! That he thought he was the cause of everything?! That he was willing to give up all his games and more to just have us get back together?! I held him and wiped his tears while you were doing whatever it was! Bucking your whores probably! If you think your sins were hell for me they were hell for Button even more!”

Loving wiped a few tears in her eyes as she felt a feeling of relief enter her chest. She had wanted to say that for a long time. Looking at her ex-husband, she saw he was tearing up as well and she, briefly, wondered if she went to far. No, he deserved it. However harsh it was, he deserved it.

“Tell me why... why now of all times...” whispered Loving Care.

“... three reasons,” whispered Money Mash, lowering his head. “First was because I was ashamed.” He covered his face with his hoof. “I failed him as a father, just as I failed you as a husband. Gibson hated us both, that was much was certain when he left his note to tour with his band, but I thought Button hated me more. I ruined our lives, and I couldn’t face him after what I had done. I didn’t know how to explain myself to my youngest son who only asked why did I hurt you. I was a coward. I bucking coward because I was to ashamed to tell him why.”
He then glared at Loving. “Don’t get the wrong idea of me, Loving Care. I love my sons. I love them both just as much as you do. I may have been a bad father, but that don’t make me out to be an unloving one.”

Loving Care didn’t say anything. She could tell my his voice alone that he was telling the truth on that. It didn’t make her happy, but she could at least respect that he loved their sons. Although, we both failed with Gibson. She tearfully thought of her oldest son and wondered where they went wrong. Dropping out of college, ditching his old friends for those thugs, partying every night. When the two of them tried to knock sense into him he just cursed his mouth off at them and left to live with his bass guitarist. Communication was only by letters at that point. When he learned they were divorcing he called them both “cunts” and said they would never see him again. They didn’t dare tell Button the full truth, because he adored his older brother so much.

She could still see them years ago, playing Call of Loyalty together on the TV against the zombies. Laughing and loving each other like real brothers. That was the Gibson she loved, the very cool big brother. Not the one that said his brother was annoying weed turd who he wish he never had. Oh my baby boy. What happened to you?

“The second reason is because of Gibson though,” whispered Money Mash, his voice growing sorrowful. “I found him, Loving. I found out boy.”

Loving Care gasped and held her hooves against her mouth as her eyes began to water. Her mind flashback to every moment she had with her oldest son in as split second as she washed away all her hatred for concern. “Is he okay?! Please tell me Gibson is okay!”

The shaking of her ex-husband’s head only made Loving’s heart sink further. “He’s... not well, but he’ll get better. I’ll make sure of it.”

“W-what happened?” asked Loving, although she was dreading to know.

“His so called ‘band’ decided to try and tour in other nations besides Equestria. They started out fine, but Gibson...” he shook his head. “You know how it is with rock stars. They get full of themselves. Become arrogant. Party too hard. Buck every mare they can from here to Minotora.” He took a long sip of his coffee. “Eventually, the band just... got tired of his antics. He screwed up too many times and they just dumped him in the middle of the street in Grifftania. I spend all those years after our divorce trying to find him. I was suppose to look after him and I did everything I could. When I finally found him he was drugging up, homeless, and broken... but when he saw me he dove into my arms and cried. I cried with him. We just....”

He sniffled as he reached out an held the hoof of a crying and despairing Loving Care. “We got him help. He’s in Manehatten with me and we’re getting him help. But I can’t help him alone. He needs his mother. He needs you.”

Loving Care nodded her head furiously. “Y-yes. I will. Anything to save my baby.” She could only imagine her son and what he went through all alone. All the drugs and pain. I couldn’t protect him. Faust above, I couldn’t protect him.

“T-thank you for saving him,” whispered Loving, truly meaning it with all her heart.

“It’s fine,” whispered Money Mash, sighing. “I won’t fail him again, Loving. I promise you.”

If this was any other day, she would have not believed him. But deep in her heart she knew that this was a promise he could keep. Money Mash may have been a bad husband, but she knew now he was no bad father. A different father would have given up on a son like Gibson. A different father might have declare he didn’t have such an ungrateful screw up as a son. But he’s not like them. He’s not.

“Where is he now?” asked Loving, making a note to rush over to her oldest son as soon as she had a free chance.

“Burkly’s Rehabilitation Center,” answered Money Mash. “Come whenever you want, I’ll make sure he knows. Just one thing...” He sighed and shook his head. “You can’t tell Button about what happened to his brother.”

“W-what?! But he deserves to know!” shouted Loving Care. “He’s been just as worried about him as he is about you!”

“And I agree, but that was one of the conditions Gibson wanted when he went in rehab. He doesn’t want Button to know, and I quote, ‘what kind of a loser his big brother turned out to be’,” answered Money Mash. “I barely got him to agree to tell you. Besides, Button many not take it well.”

“T-that’s true...” whispered Loving Care, sighing as she looked to a photo of her sons right next to each other during the “Brother Hooves Social” one year. Covered in mud and holding the second place trophies. “He might blame himself again for what happened.”

“One day we’ll tell him, but only when Gibson gets better.” Money Mash then tilted his head. “So, what has been happening with Button? I... I want to know...”

I guess it’s fair. He did tell me about Gibson, thought Loving Care. “He wants to be a Narrative Designer for video games, so he’s been thinking of trying to go to a good writing college. He’s been getting in school, thankfully, and has made new friends over the years.” She then grinned. “And guess what? He’s dating Sweetie Belle.”

For the first time since he got her, Money Mash smiled with joy. “You’re kidding? Seriously? I knew those two would get together. It’s about time I say.”

“Yeah, it’s almost when we... were kids...” Loving Care’s smile faded as the room became awkward once more. She closed her eyes, but couldn’t fight off the good times she had with Money Mash. Her childhood friend. Her old sweet heart. Her heartbreaker. “What if... what if they end up like... us?”

“They won’t!” shouted Money Mash, glaring. “Button is a better kid then I was and he wouldn’t do anything to hurt Sweetie Belle. I know he won’t.”

Loving nodded. “You’re right. He’s too sweet of a kid to do that.” She cleared her throat and asked, “What’s the third reason?”

“What?” asked Money Mash.

“You said there were three reasons why you wanted to reconnect with Button, what’s the third?” asked Loving Care.

“It’s... it’s nothing...” whispered Money Mash, looking away.

“Money...” said Loving, being careful to keep her tone to a normal level. “Look... I admit I got mad earlier, but you’ve come this far... you can tell me what the third reason is.”

Money Mash slowly turned around and face his ex-wife with a sad smile and teary eyes. “Do you believe in karma? The idea that bad stuff will happen to you if you do bad things? I love you.... and Button... and Gibson... but I ruined it. I ruined us all. And now I’m paying for it.”

“M-money?” asked Loving as a bad feeling began to grow in her chest.

He sighed.

“I have prostate cancer...”

Author's Note:

And we're back.... with very depressing stuff.

Next time we'll jump back onto Button and Tiara.

Also, no, Button and Sweetie Belle are not related in anyway.

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