• Published 2nd Nov 2014
  • 808 Views, 27 Comments

Behind the Scene - Ponyess

I found myself in an unfamiliar bed that was not mine, this is where the story begun. I just knew something was wrong and I am changed.

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Off Stage: 5

Author's Note:

Rarity's POV

“Hiya!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she entered my Boutique.

“Welcome into my Boutique, Pinkie Pie. Who is your new friend?” I responded.

“Hi, Rarity!” Trixie greeted me as she came after Pinkie Pie.

“I brought my new friend Trixie over to you since she feels the urge to have a casual wardrobe she can feel more comfortable in, both on and off stage. She will be entertaining us on the new stage you saw constructed!” Pinkie proclaimed.

“I see, a more sophisticated Unicorn is moving into town. I have been looking forwards to this for quite some time. The way Ponyville is developing, aside from the newly raised Royal castle, it would be about time!” I responded.

“How would a black vest with purple lining look? A matching skirt or dress should put us just about right?” Pinkie suggested.

“Since you did suggest that I wear private clothes off stage, I guess this would set my personality in an interesting light. How would a dark indigo cloak go for my performance?” Trixie responded to Pinkies suggestions.

“Since I have not really seen your performance yet, but a radiant white for the early show should captivate the foals. Let me fetch the fabrics, so that I can show you where I am heading off to?” I pointed out, pulling forth the fabrics I pictured for the respective garments.

“Captivating the foals is important, Trixie. Although the cloak is an important prop on the show, it has to be just right!” Pinkie Pie pointed out in no uncertain terms.

“I will need three separate suits for you, Trixie. One for each part of your day. One for your private and two for your professional side!” I continued as I searched high and low for just the right fabrics.

“How would Gold and Silver threads go with the white for the early performance?” Pinkie enquired.

“On a white day cloak, I would go with gold since it would stand out more. I guess the contrast could make for interesting effect, but even more so on the black cloak for her late performance, Pinkie Pie!” I responded.

“I know how you love to grab the attention of your audience and keep the excited and captivated throughout the entire performance, I have no problem with that, I just want you to experience it in a positive way that can satisfy you, while building up just the right relation to your fellow Ponies. I know the feeling only too well. In a way I feel the same way and suffered as I failed to win the audience. I was crushed and was about ready to pack my things and give up on everything. Thankfully I didn’t. Now I am here to help you on your quest to win the respect I know you burn to have. I just hope I have the time to convince you, you can have what your heart desires!” Pinkie Pie pointed out, point by point.

“I guess I knew you need to be in the center of attention at all times. What I never was told is how close you got to give up on it all. My mark still does speak of the stage and the show I love to perform, even if I can’t recall any of the details around it or the original reasons behind it. Would I earn the respect, by performing on stage?” Trixie responded.

“Entertaining us on stage is a job as any other, if performed well, you can earn your respect. We pride ourselves as being cultivated and sophisticated, enjoying the show is what proves it. Well, right along with wearing the fine suits I create for any and all to wear, for a modest price, I need to make a living like every other Pony. Ponies will pay a fee for watching, which would cover your living!” I pondered.

“Every Pony performs, according to their special, individual talents and capabilities. If performing a magic show is your talent, then it is how you make your living. I am baking and throwing parties, keeping every Pony happy, it is how I make my living, just as my friend Rarity create the suits we wear, for work, every day fashion or parties, great or small. Any suit you may need, she is happy to craft for you. We pay her for her work in order to make sure she can keep providing us with these suits, when we need them!” Pinkie Pie blurted out.

“I love making these suits. I enjoy seeing you smile as you leave with that one suit you enjoy wearing. Thankfully, I can afford to be generous from time to time!” I pointed out.

“If I make you happy, I guess it will be even more fun, wearing the suits and perform on my stage as I wear them!” Trixie suggested.

“I would very much hope so. Sharing a joy in this fashion makes it easier to enjoy yourself. I couldn’t enjoy making the suits more, just because you paid me more for making it. To the contrary, in effect. In part, due you buying fewer and simpler suits from me!” I pointed out.

“While you two enjoy the suits, incidentally, you make me happy while you are at it, just by being happily smiling!” Pinkie put forth in her regular silly manner, giggling all the while, going over details for something and looking over what is on display in my Boutique right now.

“If I make the both of you happy, just by trying on and wearing the suit, then I guess I can’t refuse this offer. I have the feeling I am used to wearing something, even if I can’t recall anything from before I came to Ponyville, just a short while back. It isn’t anything I can put into words, other than the feeling of the fabric against my back. I am looking forwards to see what you can create for me, Rarity. Aside from seeing you smile, I expect others to see me in the proper light, aside from how good I expect it will make me feel!” Trixie pondered.

“I think we can leave you to your work, Rarity. I will look in from time to time to see the progress. Once you have completed the ensemble, I will pick it up the same day!” Pinkie Pie put forth.

“I will tend to this first thing. The first suit should be ready for your inspection by tomorrow!” I proclaimed.

“Then I will be back by tomorrow and see how you are doing!” Pinkie Pie pointed out.

“I am looking forwards to my new wardrobe!” Trixie expressed, smiling back warmly.

A moment later I hear the merry noises of the chimes, announcing my door opening as they left the room. With that, I started to gather the items required; the fabrics, threads and any other detail that would be required.

Then I had this silly impression I had seen this mare before, but if it is the one I think, she would never go along with a charade like this. She was way too full of herself to act nice.

For now, I ignored the notion and went right to my work, barely interrupted by a brief pause for a cup of tea from time to time.

Pinkie Pie and her enthusiasm had sold the idea. Now I am looking forwards to complete this ensemble for the mare. I was looking forwards to get to know her and introduce her to the things I love. Maybe I could see her get to love a good cup of tea, aside from the finer arts of a sophisticated wardrobe.

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