• Published 2nd Nov 2014
  • 806 Views, 27 Comments

Behind the Scene - Ponyess

I found myself in an unfamiliar bed that was not mine, this is where the story begun. I just knew something was wrong and I am changed.

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The Pink Mare: 2


“Knock! Knock!” I hear.

Someone clearly is at the door. Who ever would be at my door? I chose to see, as my curiosity got the better of me. Walking the short distance to the hall, slipping the door to the side, before I opened the door some Pony had been knocking.

“Hiya!” the exuberant Pony, clearly a pink mare exclaimed as the door slid to the right, revealing me in the living room.

“Hiya!” I returned in a surprised and reserved voice.

“I take it you are hungry, since you just woke up!” she exclaimed.

“Makes sense. Though I can’t quite place your face, who are you?” I responded, to the point.

“Good, since I have my saddle bags filled with Cup-Cakes for you. My name is Pinkamena Diana Pie, but call me Pinkie, please!” she responded.

“Thanks, Pinkie. Would you carry the pastries to the table?” I responded.

“Sure thing!” she responded as she slowly slipped the entire stash of light blue Cup-Cakes out of the saddle bag, placing them on my table.

“Since you gave them to me, I guess I could as well try one right away?” I pondered as I picked up one, pulling it out of the aluminum form and to my mouth, before taking a tentative bite, chewing carefully.

“I’ll leave a few out, then I stuff your fridge with the rest!” she pointed out as a confirmation.

“Thanks, I can’t eat all these today, anyway. Saving a few for later would be a good idea, Pinkie!” I responded.

“I baked them all for you, so I am happy to see you enjoyed them. If you go out, you may consider putting your customary cloak on, just in case. In your state, some Ponies may give a less than friendly greeting. We all know you as a Unicorn, though your new wings will be seen clearly in daylight, when you go out!” she explained.

“You baked all these, and just for me? Thanks. Yes, I enjoy the Cup-Cake! I was expecting as much. I would love to go out, sooner or later. Probably before the cast comes off, I can’t stay in here for more than a day!” I responded.

“You are quite welcome, I love baking and seeing you smile made my day. Every Pony in Ponyville would know that, silly Trixie. Sorry, but the cast will not come off that early. It isn’t uncomfortable to war, I hope. You were beaten up pretty severely, when you were found and brought to our village. The cast will keep you together in magical terms well beyond me, since I am a mere Earth Pony. I think a little bit of Alicorn magic went into the creation, though, since Twilly enchanted the cast for your personal benefit. She is after all the one Pony best at wielding magic in our village!” she explained.

“Then you are the baker of Ponyville? Thanks, so my name is Trixy? I guess that would explain both the pain and why I can’t recall much, right now. Earth Ponies grow and prepare the food, I see. Is it the Alicorn magic that is responsible for the wings of my cast? I guess I should thank your friend Twilly, since I have come to enjoy them, as uncomforting and out of place they made me feel at first. Twilly is the Town Alicorn?” I responded.

“Yes, I am the baker and Party Pony of Ponyville. Even if it is bad news, it explains your situation. It is the way of things, Earth Ponies like me are supposed to handle the food, while Pegasi handle the weather and Unicorns wields the magic. Then we have the few Alicorns on the top. You are lucky our village was granted an Alicorn, they are rare, you see. Besides, this is where you live and work, once you get better!” she pointed out.

“If you bake Cup-Cakes like these, they are bound to love you, even before you start throwing parties. I guess that would make sense. So this pain will go away so, I hope!” I responded.

“Oh, they love me, alright. They practically eat out of my hoof, as the expression goes. Could you blame them, since I am the element of Laughter? The pain will be gone and forgotten, by the time you have consumed the last of the Cup-Cakes I just gave you. They don’t even realise, just how far it goes, not that I bother them with the full truth, they don’t want it. I am predicting that you are going to enjoy it here in Ponyville, since the scene is yours. I will show you in a moment, if you don’t mind!” she told me.

“Now you almost sound like a certain Queen Chrysalis, you scare me. With all that power, and you just give me the scene for free? If the pain is gone by the time I consumed the last of these pastries, what did you slip into them?” I enquired.

“Oh yeah, I know her quite well, since I faced her a while back. She is doing quite well, in Mainhattan, these days. The amusing part is that the Manehattanites are quite pleased with her as well, even if I guess they don’t know who she is. Not that I would let them know. Blueberry and blue food-dye, they are your blue, if you hadn’t noticed that yet?” she put forth with a sly grin spreading all over her face.

“I guess I miss out on too much of the fun, these days. I wasn’t out that long, right? How in the name of Luna did you manage that? Since it is clearly your doing, by the sound of your voice. Blueberry and blue food-dye? Well, they are Cup-Cakes, but still!” I responded.

“You sure do miss out on the fun, but we can fix that, if you are up to it. It is easy to make them love some Pony, so long as they think the Pony is offering them something they desire in the first place. We all know the stories of the Equestrian Heros and the deeds they did, how can we not love and worship them for it? Oh, but wait. I was one of them, saving the land from numerous villains and disasters. Yeah, I can as well admit it, I did introduce her to the Manhatanites and gave her the means to be loved. On the other hoof, every Pony know the number of Changelings on the countryside has been diminishing steadily for years, by now. The amusing thing is that Manehattan is a happier place too. You need to eat in order to recuperate from your ordeal, you know. Pastries would serve the purpose!” she blurted out, still smiling widely.

“I guess I am well enough to see my scene, since you did promise me!” I responded with a crooked grin in return.

“Then we can as well be there, right now!” she responded, bouncing before me towards the door.

“Right there, with you. Just a moment, I think I will pick up my old cloak as you suggested earlier!” I responded.

Good thinking, I guess things will be coming back to you in no time. We all know you are good with magic!” she pointed out as she stopped, just outside the door as I pulled my cloak, before I followed her, the cloak now shrouding my back in its old manner, even if I left the hat in the place she had left it.

“Coming?” she enquired with a teasing tone to her voice.

"Yes, I’m coming!” I responded, as I followed her out the door.

“Good, I will enjoy seeing that again, later!” she taunted, as she lead me up the stairs to the room, just behind my new scene.

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