Behind the Scene

by Ponyess

First published

I found myself in an unfamiliar bed that was not mine, this is where the story begun. I just knew something was wrong and I am changed.

I had found myself in an unfamiliar bed that was never mine. It is where my story begun.

If I was to learn what happened before or who I truly had been is up to the Ponies of the village caring for me.

The first thing to come to mind is the pink mare coming over with Cup-Cakes. Apparently, she had an invested interest in my well-being.

Is it Morning Already: 1

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I had apparently found myself in a bed. This wasn’t where I use to sleep. Something is wrong, I feel the residual effect of a dull headache and my body hurts, just not all that bad, I guess. If only I could recall the day before, but there is just a white haze of blankness.

I can clearly feel a quilt covering my body. This is clearly a bed. There is something unsettling about the entire scene, so I open my eyes and slip the quilt off of my right foreleg.

As weak as the light is, I instantly realised something is off. My hide is shimmering and shiny, just not in the manner of the Crystal Ponies. I guess it is more of a clear cast covering my body, as if it needs to be held together.

Folding the quilt to the side, up against the wall, I soon managed to slip out of bed. That is when I realised that the clear rubber cast in fact did cover my entire body, making my shiny all over. If it had been the end of the story, I guess I could have been content, but then I realised something had been added to my features, a pair of wings. Why in all of Equestria had some Pony added wings to my features with this clear cast?

When I realised I could actually control my new wings, I groan and almost fall to the floor where I stood, mere feet from what was to pass for my new bed.

What ever did possess the Pony who set my cast, if they gave me these wings? I was trapped between the joy and the joy. I once had acquired the Alicorn Amulet in order to gain the power, even if it had been for an ill purpose. I had regretted it, once I came to my senses, just after pulling the amulet off of my neck.

Regular casts can never give you functional limbs you never had, as strong a Unicorn as I had been before this hit me, but I knew as much. There may be spells for giving me wings, but that would take a pretty good Unicorn to realise, most likely lasting a few days to a week.

As I gathered myself once more, I noticed how my shiny hooves had grown more elastic with the cast, not a stiff hard shell in order to hold my bones in place. Something was clearly off here. What ever insane Pony would pull this kind of a joke on me, if I had truly been injured, or beaten down for the purpose of pulling the prank at my expense?

If I had been beaten, the Pony would have robbed me, but what did I have, short of my hat and cloak, worth taking? The one thing I had to lose at the time would be my dignity.

Then I see the hat and cloke was in a wardrobe with clear glass doors. Stored as a visual prop, but I knew they had been the once that belonged to me.

I made an effort to make the room look good, so I extended my magic and made my bed, the one thing that wasn’t tidy in the room. Then I walk towards the wardrobe, only to hear a strange squeaking noise with each and every step I take. The same noise followed my every move, including the flapping of my wings, when I enjoyed the attempt to flap them.

My magic clearly still does work, but if I had wings, what was up? Maybe I should examine the room, for as long as it was mine. Just hoping it isn’t a prison. I saw no signs of either the ward, or the jail, though.

If I could find no sign of restrictions, magical or physical. I can move as I please, for all I could see. Although I haven’t moved outside of the room, so this was a fairly rudimentary and premature assessment on my part. Yet, it made me feel better at this point.

There is a rustic aesthetic to the room, I guess. The floor and walls are solid wooden panels, but shinier than I had been expected. Everything is shiny in the same teasing manner, as if they had been covered it with the sam rubber cast they had encased me in?

The room is fairly barren, just the bed and the wardrobe, not even a window. Yet, there is apparently a door, if it leads to anywhere, other than the room I am in, I guess it would be highly convenient. I had started to feel cooped up in the cramped space.

As I tried to open the door, I soon found it sliding to the right. With that, I stumbled into the living room. A table with a sofa up against the wall, then another sofa to the right. The next is a wall lined with bookshelves, empty and void. Everything is the same wood as it had been in my bed room. The same shiny rubbery tease as well.

Then I found the door to the kitchen, and the one to the mare’s room. There is a third door leading to a shower. The final door leading to the hall.

As I examined the rooms in turn, I found them empty and void of any personal possessions or effects. They are just rooms where I can eat, relieve myself, shower, or leave my home, for all I knew. If I could in fact leave my home, assuming the door on the other side of the hall actually did lead out, which I chose to assume at this point.

With nothing better to do, I could as well sit down in my sofa. I chose to see it as mine, since it is in the home I am in. Maybe I should be grateful towards who ever did give me this home? With all the strange and different details, but it is at least a home.

I slowly started to walk towards the sofa up against the wall, shared with my bed room. Yes, from now on I am going to refer to the home, the furniture and anything else within the home as mine.

So long as I keep the individual giving me the home and the one who put me in the situation demanding the cast separate, I can be grateful towards the Pony who gave me my home. I can’t say I am too grateful towards any of the once responsible for any other part of my situation, though.

Just as I was about to sit down, I was distracted by an unexpected noise, as if there was some Pony at the door.

The Pink Mare: 2

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“Knock! Knock!” I hear.

Someone clearly is at the door. Who ever would be at my door? I chose to see, as my curiosity got the better of me. Walking the short distance to the hall, slipping the door to the side, before I opened the door some Pony had been knocking.

“Hiya!” the exuberant Pony, clearly a pink mare exclaimed as the door slid to the right, revealing me in the living room.

“Hiya!” I returned in a surprised and reserved voice.

“I take it you are hungry, since you just woke up!” she exclaimed.

“Makes sense. Though I can’t quite place your face, who are you?” I responded, to the point.

“Good, since I have my saddle bags filled with Cup-Cakes for you. My name is Pinkamena Diana Pie, but call me Pinkie, please!” she responded.

“Thanks, Pinkie. Would you carry the pastries to the table?” I responded.

“Sure thing!” she responded as she slowly slipped the entire stash of light blue Cup-Cakes out of the saddle bag, placing them on my table.

“Since you gave them to me, I guess I could as well try one right away?” I pondered as I picked up one, pulling it out of the aluminum form and to my mouth, before taking a tentative bite, chewing carefully.

“I’ll leave a few out, then I stuff your fridge with the rest!” she pointed out as a confirmation.

“Thanks, I can’t eat all these today, anyway. Saving a few for later would be a good idea, Pinkie!” I responded.

“I baked them all for you, so I am happy to see you enjoyed them. If you go out, you may consider putting your customary cloak on, just in case. In your state, some Ponies may give a less than friendly greeting. We all know you as a Unicorn, though your new wings will be seen clearly in daylight, when you go out!” she explained.

“You baked all these, and just for me? Thanks. Yes, I enjoy the Cup-Cake! I was expecting as much. I would love to go out, sooner or later. Probably before the cast comes off, I can’t stay in here for more than a day!” I responded.

“You are quite welcome, I love baking and seeing you smile made my day. Every Pony in Ponyville would know that, silly Trixie. Sorry, but the cast will not come off that early. It isn’t uncomfortable to war, I hope. You were beaten up pretty severely, when you were found and brought to our village. The cast will keep you together in magical terms well beyond me, since I am a mere Earth Pony. I think a little bit of Alicorn magic went into the creation, though, since Twilly enchanted the cast for your personal benefit. She is after all the one Pony best at wielding magic in our village!” she explained.

“Then you are the baker of Ponyville? Thanks, so my name is Trixy? I guess that would explain both the pain and why I can’t recall much, right now. Earth Ponies grow and prepare the food, I see. Is it the Alicorn magic that is responsible for the wings of my cast? I guess I should thank your friend Twilly, since I have come to enjoy them, as uncomforting and out of place they made me feel at first. Twilly is the Town Alicorn?” I responded.

“Yes, I am the baker and Party Pony of Ponyville. Even if it is bad news, it explains your situation. It is the way of things, Earth Ponies like me are supposed to handle the food, while Pegasi handle the weather and Unicorns wields the magic. Then we have the few Alicorns on the top. You are lucky our village was granted an Alicorn, they are rare, you see. Besides, this is where you live and work, once you get better!” she pointed out.

“If you bake Cup-Cakes like these, they are bound to love you, even before you start throwing parties. I guess that would make sense. So this pain will go away so, I hope!” I responded.

“Oh, they love me, alright. They practically eat out of my hoof, as the expression goes. Could you blame them, since I am the element of Laughter? The pain will be gone and forgotten, by the time you have consumed the last of the Cup-Cakes I just gave you. They don’t even realise, just how far it goes, not that I bother them with the full truth, they don’t want it. I am predicting that you are going to enjoy it here in Ponyville, since the scene is yours. I will show you in a moment, if you don’t mind!” she told me.

“Now you almost sound like a certain Queen Chrysalis, you scare me. With all that power, and you just give me the scene for free? If the pain is gone by the time I consumed the last of these pastries, what did you slip into them?” I enquired.

“Oh yeah, I know her quite well, since I faced her a while back. She is doing quite well, in Mainhattan, these days. The amusing part is that the Manehattanites are quite pleased with her as well, even if I guess they don’t know who she is. Not that I would let them know. Blueberry and blue food-dye, they are your blue, if you hadn’t noticed that yet?” she put forth with a sly grin spreading all over her face.

“I guess I miss out on too much of the fun, these days. I wasn’t out that long, right? How in the name of Luna did you manage that? Since it is clearly your doing, by the sound of your voice. Blueberry and blue food-dye? Well, they are Cup-Cakes, but still!” I responded.

“You sure do miss out on the fun, but we can fix that, if you are up to it. It is easy to make them love some Pony, so long as they think the Pony is offering them something they desire in the first place. We all know the stories of the Equestrian Heros and the deeds they did, how can we not love and worship them for it? Oh, but wait. I was one of them, saving the land from numerous villains and disasters. Yeah, I can as well admit it, I did introduce her to the Manhatanites and gave her the means to be loved. On the other hoof, every Pony know the number of Changelings on the countryside has been diminishing steadily for years, by now. The amusing thing is that Manehattan is a happier place too. You need to eat in order to recuperate from your ordeal, you know. Pastries would serve the purpose!” she blurted out, still smiling widely.

“I guess I am well enough to see my scene, since you did promise me!” I responded with a crooked grin in return.

“Then we can as well be there, right now!” she responded, bouncing before me towards the door.

“Right there, with you. Just a moment, I think I will pick up my old cloak as you suggested earlier!” I responded.

Good thinking, I guess things will be coming back to you in no time. We all know you are good with magic!” she pointed out as she stopped, just outside the door as I pulled my cloak, before I followed her, the cloak now shrouding my back in its old manner, even if I left the hat in the place she had left it.

“Coming?” she enquired with a teasing tone to her voice.

"Yes, I’m coming!” I responded, as I followed her out the door.

“Good, I will enjoy seeing that again, later!” she taunted, as she lead me up the stairs to the room, just behind my new scene.

--- --- ---

A Flashback: 3

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“Nice job, Twilight, you got Trixie back!” I exclaimed in a slightly amused tone.

“Yes, it was easy. She had been knocked out when I came, no sign of consciousness on her part. Should leave you with all the time you need, in order to do your work!” Twilight responded, grinning back slyly.

“You have done a great job and an equally as good a service to us Ponies and Ponyville. Now, if you would prepare the final ingredient for my gift and treat for her, so I can finish the work as I planned it. You did agree to the plan, before we started!” I pointed out.

“Yes, I know. I will enchant your gel, so that you can finish her cast. Then you can bind her to the scene, as we agreed upon. I am looking forwards to see how you can reform her in the name of your laughter!” Twilight responded with a smile spreading on her face.

“She will be in some pain, but that couldn’t be avoided. Her presence will be a compliment to the cultural venue of our small community. I know she can never quite replace me, but she could keep a few ponies entertained!” I pondered as I saw the flow of glowing Alicorn magic streaming into the clear gel in the glass bottle in which Twilight had poured it, for the purpose of safe storage.

The gel should be good for several more Ponies, but the recipe was detailed in such a way, we had to make more than we could possibly use on a single Pony.

“If you stay up here, I go down to see to Trixie. None can pass, while I treat her or while she is recovering. This is vital!” I pointed out in no uncertain terms, still with a hint of a giggle creeping into my voice.

“I understand. None shall pass. You will be left to care for her!” Twilight responded.

“Good, now I can give her her just treat!” I pondered as I slipped down the flight of stairs, entering the home of the infamous Unicorn by the name of Trixie.

“She will never again fashion herself as the Great and Powerful, except on her stage, it can be her stage name, for an amusing stage performer!” I giggled under my breath, just as I entered the bed room, where the light blue Unicorn lay.

“I did not like her, when she referred to herself in third person as ‘the Great and Powerful’, it just came off wrong!” Twilight agreed.

“A mere amnesia wouldn’t prevent her from going back, you know. That is part of why I asked you for this cast!” I pointed out.

“I don’t trust amnesia or memory loss in any form. She is bound to go back to her old tricks, if nothing is done about it, which is why I agreed to help you out on his!” she continued.

As I reached the unconscious form of the Pony known as Trixie, I stopped, looking at her, since I was to be the last Pony or otherwise to see her as she is now.

“Sorry, I have no regret, as I do what I am about to do to you in a moment!” I mumbled under my breath as I slipped the quilt off of her.

I pulled the cap out of the container holding the gel, pouring enough to start working her over. I could see the clear gel spread out slowly over the coat of the mare before me. I had to work fast, not because I feared any Pony intervening, but she could wake up at any moment, for one.

Placing my hooves on her body, on the spot where the gel was slowly spreading outwards, carefully massaging in the rubbery gel into the coat.

I had placed the gel just out of her reach, just in case. The trick to this magic is that the gel was drawn towards the body it is intended to cover. If Unicorn magic is tricky to an Earth Pony, it is simplicity compared with the Alicorn magic I had before me. Just seeing the gel slowly spread out caused me to giggle.

I had started at her back, just below her neck, slowly working my way down, then continued to the right and left, enjoying the slippery feel the gel lent her coat. From there I continued up her neck, then down her right foreleg, all the way down over the hoof. Only to follow the same process with the left foreleg, then her hind legs, left and right.

The gel had flowed over her entire body and up over her face. Now I teased her mane, only to continue with her tail. Taking a step back, only to enjoy the look of the now fully gel covered Pony.

The clear gel slowly curing into a solid coat of rubber. The I could clearly see how a pair of wings developed, making her into what could pass for an Alicorn, just like the magic poured into the gel had demanded.

Once her wings had formed fully, they folded on her back, just the way the wings would on any Pegasi, or Alicorn, which looks the same anyway. It shouldn’t take her too long to see and learn how to make use of her new wings, even if it would take her longer to master them. That isn’t a problem, she has enough time to enjoy it on her own.

Carrying the still unconscious Pony Trixie on my back, all the way to the bed we had set aside for her was fun in a strange an unfamiliar way.

Once I had carried her to her bed, I slipped her down and placed her quilt over her, allowing it to cover her in the fashion we always use to cover ourselves while we sleep.

As I had pulled the quilt over her, I let go of it, taking a step back in order to examine and enjoy the sight of the Pony we just prepared, for what I had in mind for her.

Not my fault she had been such a prideful and boasting mare. Had she been acting nicer, not resorting to lies and unpleasant behaviours, I had made due with merely inviting her, I guess you could say that she had crafted her own fate, after all.

Had she been more like Vinyl Scratch, she would happily have taken the stage I was offering her in order to perform before us. Wowing us with a dazzling performance, allowing it to be a just payment. Even if we could have compensated her for her efforts.

--- --- ---

A Scene - My Stage: 4

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The pink mare who had presented herself as Pinkie had shown me to a new stage, just a flight of stairs over where I had so recently been cared for. Even if I may have been unconscious, most of the time.

What is pleasing me, is the fact that I could feel the pain dulling down as she had presented me with a few muffins to eat and leading me up the stairs. Maybe the food would indeed do me some good. I guess the fresh air would be beneficial to my well-being as well, not that I could say this early.

“This is your stage, if anything is missing on the scene, make sure to let me know in order for me to provide it for you!” Pinkie pronounced, just as we had gotten up to the ground level, allowing me to see the back of the stage for the very first time.

“Let’s see, the curtains are there, the floor seems solid. I can’t see any problems, this far!” I responded in earnest.

“Good, yet I trust you to explain what is missing, once you do find it!” she pointed out, in a tone of voice that made it feel as if it had been close to a threat.

“I wouldn’t make you insist on it!” I responded, knowing better than to say anything stupid at this point.

“If there is anything you need, you make sure to let me know. I am commonly found at the Sugar-Cube Corner. If you don’t know where it is, I have left a map in your home, it will point out every location you need to find. I could show you where I work, since it is where you will find me, most of the time!” she continued.

“I guess it would be nice to see the place and if you work there, that would be prudent, right?” I suggested.

The floor under my hooves had been made out of red Cherry wood, the same goes for the walls and all other details, aside from the curtains. Naturally, the wood had been polished to give me a rubbery feel under my hooves, no chance of slipping or tripping.

I am not sure if I like the gesture the rubbery feel and the clear polish manifested, but what could I do? I didn’t feel as if it was the time to ask her to change anything, not right now. If it was for my benefit, or a cruel joke, who’s to say?

Once I had moved past the curtains, I could see the scene on which she had intended for me to perform. She implied that I was a wizard. Performing tricks on the stage in order to amuse Ponies, Mares, Stallions, Fillies and Colts alike. I guess I could give it a try, after all the effort I sensed she had put into this endeavour.

Looking closer, this stage is set so high, none could enter it from the crowds, the onlookers, enjoying my show, from what I could see. Maybe I should have taken it as a hint.

There was however a door in the back, far out of sight from the audience. This would be no problem for me even if I had been the mere Unicorn I still did recall in the back of my mind. This one vague image is all I have of who I had once been. Something did hold my memories back, even if I had not realised it, maybe I never would. I guess that would be for the best.

Even a Unicorn could levitate down to the ground, now I am an Alicorn, I could fly down any time, easy as that.

“I take it any Pony who is to visit me would use the door on the back? Although I guess I can fly out on the front!” I pointed out.

“Most of us would enter through that door, yes. You can fly out any time, it is part of the reason you have your wings, you know. I could walk right in, if I wanted to, just as any Pegasi could fly in, or any Unicorn could levitate in, but it is not polite. This is your home!” she pointed out with a crooked smile with a sly aftertaste to it.

“Thanks, I guess. It will just take some time for me to get used to my new wings. If this is indeed my home, I can see how it is less than appropriate to just walk in. I guess I like my privacy too. That sure is something I could get used to!” I responded.

“If I told you that you would feel just as uncomfortable if you lost your new wings in as short a time span as a week to a month, would you believe me? Your first home of your own as a stable address, I take it. I thought as much, every Pony likes her privacy. I know you will get used to it soon enough!” she teased.

“This scene does look a bit large for just one performing Pony, even if she happens to be an Alicorn, wouldn’t you say?” I pondered.

“If it is merely for performing magical tricks, it is. You will have room for any and all props you feel the need of, just as you can practice on your flight here, if you feel like it!” she pointed out.

“Since you brought it up, does this mean I would ask you, or is there any other Pony you wanted me to forward my requests to, Pinkie?” I enquired.

“You could ask around, for whatever you need, but it would be easier if you asked me. I know everyone in Ponyville intimately, so I know who to ask and what is possible to acquire!” Pinkie responded.

“I guess it could be convenient to have a Pony behind me in order to find what I need. I may be good at performing magic or magical tricks, but I hardly know any Pony in town. I would have plenty of time to practice and plan my next performance. I do feel like having a walk outside, unless you have a good reason for me to stay indoors? In which case I would be either a patient or a prisoner!” I pondered.

“I guess we could see you as a patient, but you seem to be well enough to go out for a walk. I wouldn’t want you to feel imprisoned or cooped up. Since you don’t know me all that well, I am a party Pony and need to see every Pony and others happy. If you did doubt it, this does include you just as much as it includes Buffalos and Griffons. I want you to feel welcome and enjoy your stay in Ponyville!” she pointed out in no uncertain words.

“For some reason, I feel naked without a cape or cloak. Since you suggested I need to separate my on-stage persona from my everyday life, I would have a different outlook when I go out on own. Where would I go if I need something to wear? I know we are not in a big city, but some Ponies does wear something, right?” I put forth.

“For clothes, I would go to Rarity, she is the best Ponyville stands to offer. She could get you both casual and work wear, at least for your line of work!” Pinkie Pie suggested.

“Maybe we could go there right now. You did tell me to ask you for what I may need, so we could as well have this sorted right away!” I suggested hopefully, looking up to the pink mare before me.

“Yes, we could. Since you are rising the question, we should go now. If you don’t mind, we could even take a stroll around the town, once she finished your first suit?” she suggested, nodding agreement on what I was currently hoping for.

Off Stage: 5

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“Hiya!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she entered my Boutique.

“Welcome into my Boutique, Pinkie Pie. Who is your new friend?” I responded.

“Hi, Rarity!” Trixie greeted me as she came after Pinkie Pie.

“I brought my new friend Trixie over to you since she feels the urge to have a casual wardrobe she can feel more comfortable in, both on and off stage. She will be entertaining us on the new stage you saw constructed!” Pinkie proclaimed.

“I see, a more sophisticated Unicorn is moving into town. I have been looking forwards to this for quite some time. The way Ponyville is developing, aside from the newly raised Royal castle, it would be about time!” I responded.

“How would a black vest with purple lining look? A matching skirt or dress should put us just about right?” Pinkie suggested.

“Since you did suggest that I wear private clothes off stage, I guess this would set my personality in an interesting light. How would a dark indigo cloak go for my performance?” Trixie responded to Pinkies suggestions.

“Since I have not really seen your performance yet, but a radiant white for the early show should captivate the foals. Let me fetch the fabrics, so that I can show you where I am heading off to?” I pointed out, pulling forth the fabrics I pictured for the respective garments.

“Captivating the foals is important, Trixie. Although the cloak is an important prop on the show, it has to be just right!” Pinkie Pie pointed out in no uncertain terms.

“I will need three separate suits for you, Trixie. One for each part of your day. One for your private and two for your professional side!” I continued as I searched high and low for just the right fabrics.

“How would Gold and Silver threads go with the white for the early performance?” Pinkie enquired.

“On a white day cloak, I would go with gold since it would stand out more. I guess the contrast could make for interesting effect, but even more so on the black cloak for her late performance, Pinkie Pie!” I responded.

“I know how you love to grab the attention of your audience and keep the excited and captivated throughout the entire performance, I have no problem with that, I just want you to experience it in a positive way that can satisfy you, while building up just the right relation to your fellow Ponies. I know the feeling only too well. In a way I feel the same way and suffered as I failed to win the audience. I was crushed and was about ready to pack my things and give up on everything. Thankfully I didn’t. Now I am here to help you on your quest to win the respect I know you burn to have. I just hope I have the time to convince you, you can have what your heart desires!” Pinkie Pie pointed out, point by point.

“I guess I knew you need to be in the center of attention at all times. What I never was told is how close you got to give up on it all. My mark still does speak of the stage and the show I love to perform, even if I can’t recall any of the details around it or the original reasons behind it. Would I earn the respect, by performing on stage?” Trixie responded.

“Entertaining us on stage is a job as any other, if performed well, you can earn your respect. We pride ourselves as being cultivated and sophisticated, enjoying the show is what proves it. Well, right along with wearing the fine suits I create for any and all to wear, for a modest price, I need to make a living like every other Pony. Ponies will pay a fee for watching, which would cover your living!” I pondered.

“Every Pony performs, according to their special, individual talents and capabilities. If performing a magic show is your talent, then it is how you make your living. I am baking and throwing parties, keeping every Pony happy, it is how I make my living, just as my friend Rarity create the suits we wear, for work, every day fashion or parties, great or small. Any suit you may need, she is happy to craft for you. We pay her for her work in order to make sure she can keep providing us with these suits, when we need them!” Pinkie Pie blurted out.

“I love making these suits. I enjoy seeing you smile as you leave with that one suit you enjoy wearing. Thankfully, I can afford to be generous from time to time!” I pointed out.

“If I make you happy, I guess it will be even more fun, wearing the suits and perform on my stage as I wear them!” Trixie suggested.

“I would very much hope so. Sharing a joy in this fashion makes it easier to enjoy yourself. I couldn’t enjoy making the suits more, just because you paid me more for making it. To the contrary, in effect. In part, due you buying fewer and simpler suits from me!” I pointed out.

“While you two enjoy the suits, incidentally, you make me happy while you are at it, just by being happily smiling!” Pinkie put forth in her regular silly manner, giggling all the while, going over details for something and looking over what is on display in my Boutique right now.

“If I make the both of you happy, just by trying on and wearing the suit, then I guess I can’t refuse this offer. I have the feeling I am used to wearing something, even if I can’t recall anything from before I came to Ponyville, just a short while back. It isn’t anything I can put into words, other than the feeling of the fabric against my back. I am looking forwards to see what you can create for me, Rarity. Aside from seeing you smile, I expect others to see me in the proper light, aside from how good I expect it will make me feel!” Trixie pondered.

“I think we can leave you to your work, Rarity. I will look in from time to time to see the progress. Once you have completed the ensemble, I will pick it up the same day!” Pinkie Pie put forth.

“I will tend to this first thing. The first suit should be ready for your inspection by tomorrow!” I proclaimed.

“Then I will be back by tomorrow and see how you are doing!” Pinkie Pie pointed out.

“I am looking forwards to my new wardrobe!” Trixie expressed, smiling back warmly.

A moment later I hear the merry noises of the chimes, announcing my door opening as they left the room. With that, I started to gather the items required; the fabrics, threads and any other detail that would be required.

Then I had this silly impression I had seen this mare before, but if it is the one I think, she would never go along with a charade like this. She was way too full of herself to act nice.

For now, I ignored the notion and went right to my work, barely interrupted by a brief pause for a cup of tea from time to time.

Pinkie Pie and her enthusiasm had sold the idea. Now I am looking forwards to complete this ensemble for the mare. I was looking forwards to get to know her and introduce her to the things I love. Maybe I could see her get to love a good cup of tea, aside from the finer arts of a sophisticated wardrobe.