• Published 9th Oct 2014
  • 6,869 Views, 773 Comments

Liberare Elementis! - GameJunkie7

Kamina is dead, has been for years. After watching Simon's struggles, and his ultimate victory, perhaps now Kamina can let go. But his will is unbreakable, so it might take a little intervention. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Crossover.

Comments ( 21 )

The return of Citrine and Vidal. PLOT TWIST. Love it.:raritystarry:

This chapter made me wonder why there are so few Bleach crossovers. Bleach might be my favourite anime, but half of the fanfics (the few there are) are shitty! It makes me sad. D:

I don't know why I thought of Bleach...

aha, I get it.

how about a fancy Kamehameha?

5610708 Why not make your own bleach crossover? Or you could read A Hollow in Equestria. Unless you want a romantic subplot. In which case, yeah, I got nothin'. After all, Ulquiorra is kind of an emotionless guy.

YEAH VIRAL! finally, someone who'll knock some human sense into kamina!

5610867 I'm not very creative. Also, I already have that one in my favs.

5611376 Ah. Well, just start writing then. Say, a freak occurrence happened for (insert reason here) that has connected the world of Equestria to either the living human world, Hueco Mundo, or to the Soul Society. What happens? Does Ichigo get called in because of experience with "other worlds" no matter how transient the world, or do they send a squad of shinigami to figure out what the hell happened? Are they received positively or demonized almost immediately? Do they wind up in the Everfree, the Crystal Empire, Ponyville, Appleloosa, Manehattan, or Canterlot if you are going to stick them in some place from the show? Do they wind up in some other city or town? How do the ponies, gryphons, dragons, zebras, or what have you react to suddenly some new creature just showing up? If they wind up in the Everfree, are they attacked by some thing? If not, how far are they from civilzation? Do they have to learn how to use magic to be able to use their abilities? Do they go meet the princess/es? If they do, does the meeting produce any affects (or is it effects... can never remember which.) on the world at large or accepted facts? Can they return if they meet some criteria? Message me if you want more set up questions.

5611494 I'm not sure I can commit to a story and see it through. The longest thing I've written was a 5 page position paper for a social studies diploma. I'm not good at writing. I usually am good at picking out spelling errors or wrong words in others' works.

5614376 Fair enough. Not much that can be done then. I probably won't write it because bleach is highly specific, except in the case of Ichigo. Guy has plot armor thicker than entirety of the UNSC Pillar of Autumn. And I would spend the whole story trying to break him.

5614860 Yeah. Ichigo just smacks things with his swords at varying levels of fuck-off-strength.

5614916 Exactly! Compared to him, Uryu is a deep and interestingly complex guy with a plan for every situation. No offence to him, but who goes walking around with sewing supplies?

5616175 ... Well. This isn't awkward. At all.

5616241 I've carried a junior sewer's kit since before Bleach was even published! If anything, I'm Uryu's senpai! Always be prepared!

5616245 And it's still awkward. How often have you had to whip that out? Granted, minor clothing repair is a valid excuse, but only if it bugs you regularly. If it's a hobby, then have fun with it, I guess. If you do it because boredom, might I suggest knitting, or silly putty?

5616275 I frequently have to repair my clothing from wear-and-tear, and considering the ironically fragile nature of pleated cotton, I need to carry patches too these days as just trying to hem the holes shut would make them worse.

Anyway, yeah, it is kinda weird, and people I offer to fix their clothes for look at me like I'm a freak, but hey; I don't have a gaping hole in the seat of my pants that I had a few minutes ago, could you say that? No. You'd have to either walk around in embarrassment until you found a clothing store, or be smart enough like me to carry around spare shorts.


My gog...I'm weird....

Bah! What fun is there in being sane anyway?

"Delivering Elements"? Is Google Translate acting up again? :rainbowhuh:

im not sure if i want it to continue or if this is all there should be because it went so well

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