• Published 5th Oct 2014
  • 5,152 Views, 339 Comments

Discord's Birthday Gift - UniqueSKD

Discord gets Pinkie Pie a special gift for her birthday. For one day, the hyperactive party pony gets to have...HIS powers.

  • ...

Discord's Birthday Gift - Chapter Four

Author's Note:

Apologies for such a small chapter, folks. But wow...it's been a while hasn't it? How many birthdays has Pinkie Pie had since last I came back to this fanfic, eh?

Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy all inched themselves away from the very angry Applejack, who was currently beating the living snot out of a reasonably panicking draconequus, who tried in vain to crawl away from the farm pony's pounding and pouncing with as much dignity he could still keep intact, only to be dragged back to rinse and repeat the attack on draconequus. Anime reference for the win.

"Don't you think we should, you know, maybe help him?", Rainbow Dash asked, wincing as Applejack brought her hoof down on top of the poor draconequus again.

Twilight had already contemplated that course of action, but she shook her head. "We should probably wait until Applejack calms down. It's risky to struggle with her in her state. Besides, this isn't the first time Discord's been in this situation."

"He said he was sorry for what happened at the orphanage, Twilight," Fluttershy quietly said from behind her pink mane.

"If Discord was sorry darling, then he wouldn't have turned the place into a giant gelatin dessert in the first place," Rarity spoke up.

"At least the children had plenty to eat in the end...right?", Fluttershy pointed out.

"Yeah, but they literally ate themselves out of house and home, Fluttershy," said Twilight.

"Um, girls? Earth pony killing draconequus here?" Discord interrupted, desperately wrestling in futile vain with Applejack, who simply knocked him back to the floor again. Fortunately for him, the farm mare was starting to tire out from the smackdown she'd been dishing out on Discord. Her assaults were becoming slow and exhausting, and the orange pony was panting heavily, though she still wore a very angry look on her face.

A minute later she stopped beating the living snot out of Discord, who lay on the ground in the fetal position shaking. Yes. Just imagine that right now. Pretty humiliating for a former god of chaos, isn't it?

Discord, groaning in pain, somehow was able to pick himself up from the ground. His right eye had a very black bruise, and he appeared to be missing his large tooth and part of his antler, amid a number of scrapes and marks which made the ponies cringe when they saw them. Fluttershy on the other hoof, gasped and fainted.

"Darn, Applejack, you went to Ponyville on him," Rainbow Dash remarked in awe. She knew Applejack could get fierce, but this? The rainbow pegasus made a mental note to tread carefully around Applejack the next time they ever had another Iron Pony contest.

"As much as I don't agree with violence, darling, I must agree with Rainbow Dash," Rarity said, taken aback by Discord's bruises.

Applejack spat on the ground and adjusted her Stetson hat. "Nah. If I really wanted ta hurt him, he'd need wheels to get places once I was through with him," Applejack growled down at the pathetic sight that gulped at her threat. She jabbed a hoof toward his face. "Now Discord, you're gonna fix this mess, an' you're gonna do it right now!"

Discord ceased his shaking and looked up at Applejack. "N-Now now, Applejack. Don't you think you're being just a little bit over-the-top about all of this?" he asked. "I mean, your hyper friend Pinkie Pie seems to be having a whale of a time, doesn't she?"

Everypony looked over at Pinkie Pie in the distance, where she was playing keepy-uppy with a huge Blue Whale. They turned back to Discord, deadpanned frowns on their faces. Discord threw his mismatched hands up defensively. "Okay, she materialized that whale AFTER I made the pun!"

Twilight stepped up beside Applejack and looked down at the draconequus, visibly not amused. "Because giving Pinkie Pie the powers of Chaos is like trusting Queen Chrysalis with the Crystal Empire's crystal heart - it's bound to end in complete and utter disaster for everypony, if not the whole kingdom of Equestria!"

She prodded Discord's chest with her hoof. "Now call Pinkie Pie over here and take back your powers before she decides to make the sky rain lollipops or whatever," Twilight demanded sternly.

Discord gulped loudly and started to twiddle with his thumbs, a nervous expression on his face. "Yes. Well, uh...about that, miss Twilight..."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "What is it, Discord?"

"So, remember how I gave your energetic pink friend, well, ALL of my powers earlier?"

Twilight narrowed her eyes. "Yes?" she replied slowly.

"And remember how I said she would have those powers for a day?"

"What is the problem, Discord?" Twilight exclaimed in frustration.

Discord gulped again. He picked himself from the ground and brushed himself off. He then turned to the five ponies and gave a weak smile. "Well...you see, princess...I, um...I can't actually, well...I can't take back my powers from Pinkie Pie."

Everypony stared at Discord in shock. "What?" they asked in unison, dumbfounded.

"I said I can't take my powers away from Pinkie Pie," Discord sighed. "When I said I was going to give her all of my powers, I literally meant ALL of my powers. And since the deal was that Pinkie Pie would have my powers for a day, I can't get them back until either she decides to willingly give them back to me, or when the day ends and night begins. I'm sorry, everypony; I'm powerless to do anything."

Everyone continuing staring at Discord, eyes twitching. Until a few moments later when Applejack tackled him once again.


Comments ( 47 )

5338553 Well, you're already a better writer than me for that line then. XD

I've never been good at long stories. I've always wanted to try to write at least ONE good one, but I just can't ever seem to stay motivated enough or feel like I can keep the reader interested. Writing is a lot harder than it looks, and I've learned writing stories is difficult without inspiration to keep you focused on the task.

I can't write stories often as such, nor update them properly. My story collection is a mess, but my mistakes are ones other writers can learn from at least, so I can take comfort in being useful like that.

Poor Discord. I bet those fangs are evened up now! :rainbowlaugh:

You can always borrow from other authors if you add your own spin. Read lots of stories and assemble bits of them all into your own thingies. True originality is all but impossible, after all. Anyone writing a creative story is all but universally standing on the shoulders of those that have come before. The chapter is almost frustratingly short, yes, but you can expand it another time or just move on to the next. If anything, you might be subconsciously or otherwise experiencing an idea overload because of how many directions you can go at once. Pinkie is wild enough. Pinkie with chaos powers of Discord... :twilightoops:

And in this case, go read a ton of comedy fics. Some random and slice of life would probably help as well.

You had the creative storytelling chops to get this far, after all.


I hope everything gets set back to how it was once the day's up, to be honest Discord's my favorite mlp villain, next to Nightmare Moon

Good luck with the next few chapters :twilightsmile:

5338789 I know. It's that bollocks, eh?

Waited a whole month for 300 words. lol.

I mean, I'm not that much better. A lot of my stories are on hiatus as well, but at least I'm working on them the best I could.
One of my upcoming updates is at 14k+ words.

5338820 Seriously, I really just cannot seem to write much right now. I am struggling with an animation for my YouTube channel already as well, which I am trying to devote a bit more time towards cause' I want this video to be decent to show my subscribers I appreciate their support and stuff.

Writing...it's hard for me. I don't know how to keep a story going. I do shorter stories as a result, because I cannot write a longer story however much I want to. And I really want to try and write just ONE long story that everyone will love and like.

This story sadly doesn't seem to be it. I am so sorry for wasting your time and hope you're not too pissed with me. I just...struggle, okay? I'm not a good writer and it sucks but it's the card I was dealt.

I'm not pissed. Just a little disappointed cause I know you can do better.
But you're also becoming an animator? That's cool. Honestly I won't judge you at all if you're pursuing different hobbies and talents.

However that pillow thing is a little weeeird.

5338859 I've done a bunch of animations on my YouTube channel, but they're also not overly brilliant cause I don't have great composers and artists and voice actors like other animators have. Lucky bastards. I ask around as well. EileMontyVA ignores me and a few others tell me to get lost till I am worth the time.

So yeah fuck them assholes. XD

I hate people who are pretentious like that. Not exactly being upstanding members of our community.
Honestly if you're having trouble finding VAs, you might as well go with the silent films approach. Just let your animation tell the story and nothing else.

If you still want to include music, go with royalty-free musics. They're musics that are completely free and you won't get copyright strikes for using them. Kevin Macleod is one of the more classic examples of music artists who makes royalty-free music.
You can also get them over here at incompetech.com

If you still want voice actors, the best advice I can give you is to spread the word yourself. Make a quick video saying you want to hold an audition for voice actors. It doesn't have to be overly complicated, it can be just you in front of a web camera. Although if you want to try to appeal even more, you can a simple animation of your ponysona talking in your place. It'll show people that you actually know how to animate and would make people consider even more about trying to audition.

5338927 I just want to be someone who made something awesome for his followers/subscribers, something they can really enjoy. If I want to make such an animation, it would have to be special. I want what other animators have, but I need to tell myself, remind myself, that I can't have what they have got. University never taught me the animation techniques I have learned for myself, and I know you think this is a lame sob story but it is true.

I'm just having a bad time. If I can just find that spark of life again, maybe I can be better, if not decent...

Hey honestly, most of the animators in this fandom that I know of are mostly self-taught. If you really want to learn about how to animate better, just go watch a livestream of an animator you know who does livestreams. A lot of artists on the internet will tell you that studying how another person draws or animates is the best way to learn if you don't have the money to go to an animation class.

And if you're still worried that your video won't be special, don't freaking worry about it. Not matter what or how you animate this video, it'll always be special because you took the time to make something for your followers. It's really the heart that counts, not how advanced the animation is. I know that's a cheesy statement and you probably heard it a lot of times in movies, but honestly there's a reason why that message gets repeated because it's true.

5339000 Well, hopefully this Christmas Special I'm working on will show my Subs how much I'm trying to improve for them.

I'm also thinking of considering finding anyone who can play an instrument and just paying them to create some jingles for my videos soon. I've tried to play a few myself but I got such a major fucking headache trying to understand score sheets for pianos. It made no sense to me even when I looked up tutorials. I made a small composition on my YouTube channel, but I never can like my own videos. I look at them and I feel sad, because I always want to give my viewers something better, and I believe I can once I get out of this damn funk I'm in.

Honestly, talking to you is giving me a little hope, so please accept my appreciation for your help. I think I'll leave this story alone for a while and try writing shorter stories again. Long stories just isn't for me right now.

Well alright then. Glad I could help you feel a bit better. Good luck with your stories, mate.

5339035 Thanks. Check back in this chapter later on in the week or so. I'll rewrite this chapter and make it longer. You take care, and Merry Christmas to you.

Sounds like a plan, and merry Christmas to you too.

5339230 I know it's late notice, but, I don't remember if I wished you a Merry Christmas. So, even though it is late now...

Merry Christmas.

Oh, and now, Merry February. :)

Heh I think you did already.:twilightsheepish:

When is a next chapter going to be.

5746895 I don't know. I was thinking of putting this story on hiatus. But...

I'll see what I can do about making a start tomorrow afternoon. But I kinda don't really do well with writing lengthy stories since I never seem to be able to keep them going and keeping the readers interested. But if one person is reading my crap then I suppose I could try and carry it on...

(reads story description)

...We're doomed.:rainbowderp:

Anyone know why this was featured after the last chapter was published over two and a half years ago?

8090132 It was written, and then unpublished for nearly three years. I just came across this story and thought, Well, I wanna do something before I head to bed. Let's add a bit more to this chapter and publish it for ghits and siggles.. And that is how this popped back up.

Am I a terrible person for this? I suppose I am.

So, are you going to finish the story? It looks so interesting, but I don't want to become invested in a story that won't be completed. I'm still struggling with Celestia's Daughter and New Perspectives remaining incomplete, even though they are awesome stories.


Posting a comment on a story this old might be a little ...peculiar, but I had an idea to chuck at the author's head to see what sort of splatter pattern it might generate upon impact.

Pinkie is, at this point, drunk with power and having a wonderful time I see. Discord has been using his power for, well, a little more than 3/8 of an eternity or so, and understands the little quirks and not to say "dangers" but perhaps the little Oopsies that would be best avoided.

Suppose our favorite Pinkonequus stumbles into just exactly such a mildly disconcerting situation.

"Pinkie? did you really think the power of a draconequus was limitless? That you'd never run out?"


"Yes, yes. I'm aware of the obvious fact that you can't actually speak at the moment, being composed of turkey tapioca on a bicycle seat. These things happen now and then at the deep end of the chaos pool."


I'm glad you find your situation both delicious and energetic! I always did as well, but shall we continue our discussion?

... ... ..?

This is not the time for petroleum jelly--though I really never believed I'd say such a thing.


Repeat after me: "I return thy power thus, Oh thou great Draconequus!"

... ... ..!

Shove a fermented herring WHERE???

An aside to Twilight: "This might take a while."

Why did I get a message of a chapter 5 for this story just now?

8090298 I don't know. I used to really like writing fanfics, but then I came across assholes and clopfics and Meeester, and the magic kind of died for me. I don't know if I'll finish this story or not.

I mean I have a YouTube channel where I have way more people following me than on here. So between my page on this site and my channel over on YouTube, which one do you think I'm naturally going to be more invested in?

To answer for you, it's going to be YouTube. Granted, my content is crap because the stuff I have to work with here is crap also, but at least it's consistent crap that gets more views than the crap I put up here.

8090707 Chapter Five? I haven't even started a Chapter Five! I don't even know if it would be worth doing a Chapter Five! How'd the hell you get a notification for a Chapter Five?

Meeester and the other people who manage this poor site! Fix this s**t!

8090910 Just me being silly, posting an imaginary dialog between Discord, Pinkie, and Twilight.

8091473 Goodness gravy granules, that bio of yours. Whinnybe = Wannabe. Oh god, your sense of humor is worse than my sex life, which is non-existent because I'm afraid of women.

No, your comical description is genius. I can only but dream of being that funny. You earned yourself another addition to your Knights of the Round Table, Sir Lancerlot. Have a follow for that witty bio of yours. You earned it.

8091481 Gravy granules and a follow? I fear you may roux this day.

8091499 Oh don't worry. I hate myself. I want to die. I wish I could die. Die die die. End the pain. Knife to my throat.

8091541 I've got it all planned here. When life becomes too horrible to endure, I'll drive to a nearby wilderness area and walk into the woods with bacon in my pockets. So far, it hasn't ever got quite that bad.

8091602 Why would you bring up suicide on a story about a birthday gift gone wrong, you sick person?

8091624 I was driven to a brief episode of mental illness because you didn't enjoy my pun on the word "roux."

8092130 I've never heard that word. I apologize immensely, sir.

The complaints so far are:

1. Even without hes powers Discord is far larger than any pony and could easily keep AppleJack from doing any real damage with little effort.
2. Comic abuse of a character is only funny when it's deserved and in this case Discord has done nothing wrong. Pinkie is the one thoughtlessly causing her friend to suffer.
3. Pinkie is thoughtlessly causing her friend to suffer. This is totally OOC and the reason Amy Rogers nearly ruined what could have been the best episode in the entire show Filli Vanilli.

I get your trying to make a comedy here but at this point your making it more about Discord and to be honest it's starting to look like a episode of sponge bob torturing squidward for no reason. I'll keep an eye on it and continue to read. You have a decent idea and I always like Discord/Pinkie Pie interaction so here's hoping it turns out well.

It's what they make gravy granules from. That's what made it the most hilariously potent pun in the history of puntastic punoramic punishment!

Alas, twas not to be. Woe be my lot, and ...Pinkie Pie is giving me one of those "looks" nobody wants to see.

Right, then! Setting that aside! Annoying Pinkie is a thing we DO NOT do! Ever! :pinkiecrazy: < Excellent...)

8092247 Well, the complaints are respectfully taken into account, but the thing is I'm not really too fussed about what people think of the story. It's just a dumb ridiculous bit of writing that just lucked out and got featured a couple of times. I don't mean to sound rude or like a douchebag here but OOC and all that stuff was never taken into account when the story was started.

And for the record, my way of thinking at the time was that the Mane 6 would just be pissed that Discord gave his powers of Chaos to a pony who is known for being hyperactive, thus he was responsible for her sudden change in behavior. Also while I appreciate you calling this concept a 'decent idea', I myself don't really think it is. At the time this was started it probably was, but now? I think it's outlived its potential, or what of it existed to begin with. But then again perhaps it can rise like a phoenix and be reborn into something close to a worthwhile story.

8092280 I should probably mention I am quite a bit of a retarded mongoloid s**t-for-brains, so most stuff you mention to me may go over my head as if they were mortar shells whizzing above a feces-covered trench back in World War One.

8092247 Oh, and in response to Discord being larger than Applejack, let's think of all the characters in other media who have defeated foes that tower way above them.

Sonic faces off against giant monsters and robots.

Mario faces off against Bowser; regular AND giant-sized.

Judy the rabbit from Zootropolis took down animals waaaaay larger than herself in the movie.

Link bested Ganon, who's bigger and supposedly stronger than him.

Samurai Jack slices through huge robots in the classic cartoons, and even in the new series.

And in the latest ScrewAttack DeathBattle, Voltron defeated the Megazord, which towered over it.

My point is that the size of a character doesn't mean jack-diddily-squat. After all - the bigger they are, the harder they fall.

8092347 What one is today is not necessarily what one will be tomorrow, else we would never learn to walk or dress ourselves.

#draconequus now exists! please help it grow by tagging your fiction with #draconequus!


Discord dies and Pinkie keeps chaos forever

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