• Published 5th Oct 2014
  • 5,145 Views, 339 Comments

Discord's Birthday Gift - UniqueSKD

Discord gets Pinkie Pie a special gift for her birthday. For one day, the hyperactive party pony gets to have...HIS powers.

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Discord's Birthday Gift - Chapter Two

The definition of 'normality'.

Normality (also known as normalcy) is the state of being normal. Behavior can be normal for an individual (interpersonal normality) when it is consistent with the most common behavior for that person. Normal is also used to describe individual behavior that conforms to the most common behavior in society.

This is the definition of 'normality' according to Wikipedia. For the citizens of Ponyville, the definition of 'normality' is a little bit different, more or less involving parasprite swarms, masses of pink ponies, the never-ending antics of three particular fillies that sometimes leave the town close to ruin, the Everfree Forest coming to life and attacking civilians, and the occasional spontaneous bursting into random song now and then.

Today was going to be another one of these normal(?) days for the ponies of Ponyville.

The peace and quiet that had previously been present that day in the town of Ponyville was shattered abruptly by the sound of constant giggling and childish squealing that echoed from within the establishment of Sugarcube Corner. The ponies out and about today who passed by the place would shoot strange looks or stand and stare as the building literally bounced up and down, even somehow uprooting itself and doing a huge flip in the air, shaking the ground as it landed back in place, very surprisingly without so much as an indication of any structural damage. At least on the outside, anyway.

Suddenly, the front doors of Sugarcube Corner flung open, with force near enough to part the doors from their hinges. The onlooking mares and stallions, fillies and colts, all let their jaws drop to the ground as from out of the establishment a pinkish blur zoomed straight out and hovered above the ground, allowing everypony to gaze upon a most bizarre creature. It's shape and form and design at first led the bystanders to mistake 'it' for Discord, but the pinkish coloration along with the candy floss mane, coupled together with a pair of large blue eyes, had them quite baffled, to say the least.

"WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! That was super duper fun! Don't you think so, guys?", the draconequus Pinkie Pie (yes, Pinkie Pie's a draconequus now, as a side effect of receiving Discord's powers, surprise twist!), looking over her shoulder at the five ponies, as they stumbled out of Sugarcube Corner in a daze. Their only response was a groan as they collapsed into a pile. Another groan, albeit a louder and pained one, sounded from the pile as Discord fell out into the street as well, landing right on top of the five friends, his eyes rolling and stars spinning around his head, an impish grin plastered on his face.

"Let's go again! Let's go again! Let's go again!", he chanted in his gleeful daze.

"NO!", cried the ponies underneath him in unison.

The (currently former) spirit of Chaos frowned and stuck his tongue out. "Fun-killing party-poopers," he muttered.

"Hee hee! Why're you on the floor, silly fillies? There's no fun to be had down there!"

The sound of giggling got the ponies attention, as they all looked up to see the pink draconequus snapping her new lion-paw fingers, making various items appear from out of thin air, mostly an assortment of confectioneries and sweets. By the time the friends had gotten up onto their hooves, there were about ten piles of sweeties and candies towering as high as Sugarcube Corner. Discord looked at the piles and nodded his head. "Well, she certainly seems to have learned how to control her new powers rather quickly, though personally I'd have summoned something a little more than a year's worth of cavities." He strolled up to one of the piles and picked out one of the candies, popping it in his mouth. "Oooh! Snozzlewozzleberry! One of my favorites!", he exclaimed.

He turned back to the Mane Six (well, Mane Five rather, seeing how Pinkie Pie isn't exactly a pony for the duration of this story, so I'll be referring to them as such, reader. Yes, the author breaks fourth walls too), holding a handful of candy. "Would anypony like to try some of -?". He stopped as Rainbow Dash was suddenly right in his face.

"PINKIE PIE!?!", the cyan pegasus yelled as she pushed her muzzle against Discord's face. "Of ALL the ponies to give your stupid powers to, you chose Pinkie Pie? Are you INSANE!?!"

Discord was about to reply, when Rainbow shoved a hoof in his mouth. "Forget it, Discord. I already know the answer."

"Oh come now, Dashie. There's no need to be such a sour puss just because it wasn't yourself getting my powers," Discord remarked, putting his hands on his hips and tut-tut-tutting. Rainbow Dash scoffed and turned her head away. "That...that has nothing to do with anything!", she answered defensively.

Discord narrowed his eyes and smirked. "Hmm, I bet it's not."

The rest of the Mane Five trotted towards Discord and Rainbow Dash at this point. Fluttershy approached Discord, who suddenly looked a little worried. "Discord," the usually-shy-pegasus started sternly, "I want the truth from you, mister. Is this all some kind of mean trick you're playing on poor Pinkie Pie?". She narrowed her eyes and gave the mad creature a hard look.

Discord threw his hands up in front of himself. "Kind Fluttershy, I give you my word that there were no ill intentions in what I have done. Honestly, I wished only to give Pinkie Pie a very special gift to make today her best day ever!"

Fluttershy's stern expression slightly loosened up.

Discord continued. "Might I also add, Fluttershy, that not everypony here has been totally convinced by my reformation? Say, your friends, for instance. So long as a former villain as handsome and witty as I is free to roam, these ponies" - he gestured to all the ponies gathering around Pinkie Pie, watching in awe and bewilderment as she began to juggle her head and eyeballs - "will never truly trust me. So, what better way to earn their trust than to show them all that I am willing to part with my magic for a day, and coexist with the civilians of this town as a harmless and totally trustworthy member of its community?"

"But why do so today? Why not any other day?", Rarity asked, stepping forward.

Discord shrugged. "I dunno, it's what the author of this story decided."

Author's Note:

Sorry for this not being a great chapter. I am not used to writing stories with more than a single chapter.

Oh, and for the love of Celestia, Luna, and even Lauren Faust, stop posting those darn letter bombs in my mail. Or at least spell my name right before you mail them! Jeez!

- UniqueSKD