• Published 18th Oct 2014
  • 4,383 Views, 175 Comments

A Guarding Light - LakieLegion

Adventure, its all I ever wanted. Ironically, once I landed in Equestria after heading to a con and getting given something from this shifty RE4 merchant guy, all I have really wanted, is for the tide of baddies to stop. atleast for a while...

  • ...

Chapter 5, Unforeseen Invasions

~Wolfship Kaliks-Syn, Taniks the Scarred~

Taniks looked over the data currently gathered on the nearby planet from his scout Skiffs he had dispatched across the surface. So far, data had confirmed the existence of intelligent life of multiple species, seemingly pre-industrial era.

Suddenly, a Dreg was all but thrown into his quarters. The Disgraced One groggily stood up from where he had landed upon being tossed into the room.

“What makes you disturb me?” Kaliks growled in his native tongue at the intruding piece of nothingness.

“The Archon and his crew sent by the Kell of Kells has not reported back. We suspect that he has somehow fallen to the locals or the lingering Dark Machines we have been searching for.” The Dreg stated, bowing low. Taniks smashed a fist into a nearby surface, he had sent that Archon to an area that felt oddly dangerous, and he had been right, although the loss of Skolas’ Archon would damage relations with the Kell of Kells and his Wolves.

“Send an invasion force! Stamp out those that would damage our relations with the Wolves!” Kaliks roared over a Ketch-wide intercom system. Various machines whirred to life throughout the Wolfship as Fallen got an invasion force worth of ships ready for planetary entry.

~Inside The Castle of Friendship, The Guardian~

I slowed my breathing, slowing my racing heartbeat and calming myself down. Twilight had managed to get everything in order within an hour or two and right now, she was addressing everypony in town, informing them of ‘an old friend of the Princesses’ (ie, me) being in town.

Soon, Spike would open the door out to the balcony so that I could step out and reveal myself to the populous of Ponyville. However, I was broken out of my thoughts when various sounds came from outside.

Screaming. And the engines of many Fallen Skiffs.

Ghost! Give me The Last Word, Her Benevolence and The Culling! Sounds like we have Fallen inbound I mentally called to Ghost. Almost instantly, my Hand Cannon appeared in my hand and my rifle appeared upon my back. Flexing my fingers around the grip of The Last Word, I burst through the doors to the balcony.

My stomach fell when I caught sight of the current predicament. Ten Fallen Skiffs hovered in the sky above Ponyville, the drop hatches opened and many Fallen Vandals, Dregs and Captains jumped out, Shanks and a few Servitors following behind.

Ponies ran to cover in large groups, herd instinct kicking in. A few stopped in fear and more looked like they were ready to fight, Easily spotted was the chromatic catastrophe that was Rainbow Dash and the ever truthful titan Applejack, bracing themselves in combat stances nearby a large red stallion wearing a yoke around his neck.

I blasted past Twilight and Spike in my sprint. I placed a foot upon the balcony railing in order to boost my leap, quickly firing a short burst of Lift in order to get a bit more height and some speed. I fired another short burst of Lift just before hitting the ground, cushioning my fall slightly as I hit the ground running. Quickly, I reached the side of Rainbow and Applejack.

“Get to safety you two, these guys don’t fuck around” I ordered, keeping my eyes on the various Fallen still jumping from their Skiffs. Immediately I felt the glares of Rainbow and Applejack trying their best to burn through the back of my helmet.

“Like hay we are! This is our home and we’re gonna defend it!” Rainbow snapped, I turned to look at her and hopefully intimidate her into backing down. However, it seemed to be taken in vain, as the rainbow maned mare and all the other ponies in fighting stances glared right back. I smirked behind my helmet.

“I like your spirit, but trust me, these guys are no joke. Those tube-like things they hold? they are ranged weapons like bows but much more accurate and much more dangerous.” I said, hoping to get them to back down, but Rainbow just smirked at me.

“So they’re like the Muskets used by the border guard? Sounds simple enough, we’ve just gotta get too close for them to hit us accurately” she cockily stated.

“Eeyup” intoned the big red stallion, and by fuck was that deep, that was deep enough to make me almost make a mess in my pants if you get my drift. Moving on, big red just stoically stood there(I could swear his short orange mane blew in a bit of a breeze) as everypony else just grinned.

I sighed.

“Try not to die out there and stay in groups in order to split their attention, I might have some use out of you guys later” I said, grinning once more under my helm as I started to move towards the various Fallen, but Ghost stopped me before I could get too far.

Give me a minute, I’m going to unlock some latent abilities in them, I won’t take long He stated as he appeared. Just as quickly as the shard of light appeared did he finish what he was doing. I unlocked some latent combat abilities along with a bit of instinctive knowledge, I’ll explain in more detail later, but just remember, trust what your instincts will tell you and you’ll know what to do Ghost quickly explained before disappearing into me once more.

“You guys better survive” I stated before dashing off to fight the invading Fallen.

Author's Note:

Invasions! Fallen! Unlocking Potential! :flutterrage:

:unsuresweetie: I... need an Adult...

:pinkiecrazy: I am an Aduuuuuuuuult!

I'm leaving this here simply because I want to see if anyone wants to do a crossover :pinkiehappy:

I guess I'll leave it a week or two to see if someone'll hop in or not before saying 'fudge it' and doing it solo :applejackunsure: don't wanna leave you guys hanging for another six months, y'know? :derpytongue2:

Comments ( 40 )

I can do it tommorow

Hm... Gilgamesh might be available, but you'd have to be ok with him showing everyone up. Like 'grabbing a starship out of orbit an smashing it into the invasion force' levels of showing up.

Then gain, it might be best to let some other displaced have their chance.

Do you just want someone to back your guy up? If so you can use my Titan.

I mean I know the rules for Displaced fics is that anyone can use the markers you guys give out. I mean I don't have a story or anything but the lore you guys have can work around that. That way even if you don't get someone else to show up for a crossover your guy isn't left holding the line by himself.

Like with what 6137823 said, maybe there could be a sort of "Phantom" system in place? Just in case there are no crossovers available your Guardian can call upon the Light of two other random guardians like a sort of Matchmaking system?

If you do decide to do so, I shall offer my level 34 Titan to the fight.

6137707 as much as I'd enjoy Gilgy showing up, I think that level of stuff would be pretty overkill, especially seeing as this is only the beginning of a major arc :rainbowderp: don't exactly want Taniks to die before he gets to show his ugly mug on Equus, y'know? :derpytongue2:

6137823 6137910 that actually sounds like a cool idea! I might actually use that for major battles that I don't get any fellow displaced to show up for

6138656 Yeah, I think would be best. I'll keep watching though.

6138673 although, if you've fought either of the two raids final bosses in Destiny (or seen videos of them if you don't play :derpytongue2:) you'll know for sure who I think Gilgamesh would be perfect for :pinkiehappy:

6138656 Hell it wouldn't be that hard to set up either. A merchant got your guy into this mess, so its only fair another helps get you out. Xur and the Nine are such mysterious characters don't ya think?

6138692 I've give them a look, if nothing for the curiosity of seeing how a raid in a shooter game even works.

6138694 I like how you think! :rainbowdetermined2: maybe the nine really are void dwellers? :rainbowlaugh:

6138733 Ill give bungie points for creativity when it comes to their endgame content, but like most raid based gameplay, its grindy and RNG is NOT fair, especially when looking for a preferred weapon

Uhhh... ummm... what is that 'I need an adult' thing from? I mean, obviously they're using scenes from Dragonball Z, but is that from some sort of parody or something? What ever it is... I want more.

I would love to do a cross over, I have a Li Sayoran with Sakura cards, and a Twilight who ended up Mass Effect.

6148666 the flashbacks are the past, seriously, it's 2000 years before Twilight

I can't wait to see what happens when the Skolas Displaced show up. XD

6157332 I guess you can say im a bit of a Destiny hipster then :derpytongue2: I hate it, I don't have it and I would only keep it to say that I have a complete collection of exotics. other exotics that I don't like include Red Death, Bad Juju and Vex Mythoclast, literally because everyone uses them for the simplest of things... I have seen ALOT of people use Gjallarhorn for stupid things, including killing bosses that can easily be beaten with any bloody un-upgraded Legendary weapons...

"Herp Derp! I'm goona run 28 pison and kill da boss almost instantly with 12 Galahorny shots to show off the fact that i'm a retard with a stoopidlee overpowered roket lancher! Herp Derp!

aaaaaaaand there goes one now... :facehoof:

6157796 I hope I can crossover with him :rainbowkiss: would definitely be a standoff until things get explained :rainbowlaugh:

6157903 I accept this challenge!

Ooooh, I like dis!

anyone here who plays destiny on the ps3? i could need some help collecting new weapons and i could nee some players for raids

6354671 personally, I really like the Supers(including the new one next month), the Titan Marks and the armor

but then again, I usually play the more defensible/tanky type of character in any type of game. for example, I use a greatshield in Dark Souls 2 and in Borderlands 2 and Pre-Sequel I use Krieg and Claptrap respectively(both have the highest possible health when built right and can both restore it all in a pinch using their special ability)

6355713 i use claptrap in the pre sequel the siren in borderlands 2 and in destiny the hunter and i may play like no hunter should play like

6355713 do you have destiny for the ps3 its boring to play alone yes the battles are more fun them but i could need a good partner and i had to do the final mission alone because my partner was not able to find the way to the final boss (i did the boss with level 19) but since i finished the game i just cant stop to use the gun the stranger gave me i really like this gun

6361469 sorry man, im an xbox one user :unsuresweetie: would have loved to help you out otherwise :twilightsmile:

6361488 ok and one of the reasons why i asked is i need at least two more people for mission that is maybe on the venus but i am not sure

6361521 so how long have you played Destiny so far? im guessing you must be new if you're stuck on a story mission :derpytongue2:

but at any rate, the best advice I can give you for such a thing is to just do some bounties, level up and then try again. back in the first week after launch I managed to solo the story after breaking the constant missions up with a couple of bounties here and there (yup, I have had the game since day one :pinkiehappy: I actually pre ordered it a whole six months in advance)

6361540 its not a story mission

6361540 i need at least two more player because of ssome red cicrcles that have to be all white at the same time and for that you need to kill the enemies in them and defend that thing but you cant be at 3 places at the same time

6361566 you mean Vault? you do realise that it's usually a 6 man mission? if you're looking for help for raids check out DestinyLFG.net, it's a website where you can post an ad to find people for endgame content if you have noone to do it with

6363263 could be the vault but people are saying you should make it with 6 people i want to make it with three because i like it when its diffiicult

Fucky fucky fucky you

6409734 for the time between chapters or the story in general?

No because you are letting other people finish it instead of you. Also have you ever heard of trove.

6413542 what are you on about? myself and Shagohad12 are doing a crossover, which is basically little more than roleplay between the two of us before we post it to our stories, EVERYONE in the Displaced multiverse does it, so why am I getting shat on for it?

and yes, I have played trove before, but I do not have a computer that can play it, im using a google chrome OS laptop because it is all I have and I have no money

Oh... sorry anyway it's just that most authors don't finish their works. Also I wonder how a trove displaced would work out and I was hoping that you could find someone to do it. You see I just read not write.

6414884 its all good :twilightsmile: the main reason why I haven't updated yet is because 1, I keep forgetting to message Shagohad in order for us to continue writing, and 2, our timezones are completely wonky, its morning for me right now (11:35AM) and im pretty sure it's something like 8PM where he his :twilightsheepish:

also, dunno how a Trove Displaced would be like, I mean, I've seen quite a few unique takes on characters, for example, theres a guy who has a character from a bullet hell game, and how the abilities are explained is pretty cool

although, personally I'd like to see a Killer Instinct displaced, something like Glacius, Sabrewulf, Spinal or Fulgore would be awesome :rainbowkiss:

small bit of advice; you see the double arrow button on the right side of the comment bubble? use that to reply to someone's comment :twilightsmile: it makes it so that the person who wrote it is notified of the reply

6415866 6044533 can the three of us agree on the fact that Exos are the master race and get on with our lives? :derpytongue2:

6415585 ok thanks. Anyway why don't you do a trove displaced fic? Also send challenge accepted meme or just reply for answer.:moustache:

6421955 nah, im good, im bogged down enough as it is, I mean seriously, this is the ONLY story I've updated in the past 6 months or so and im struggling to keep up as it is

6422044 ok gotcha... goodnight

Hey, and yeah, I'm probably never going to finish or even rewrite this story :applejackunsure:

I do appreciate everyone that ever bookshelves or reads this old thing though. If I was ever to come back to writing this, it would have to not be displaced :rainbowlaugh:

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