• Published 20th Apr 2012
  • 1,017 Views, 15 Comments

Surreal Joy - LaxBrony

Fel wakes up and finds himself in a body unfamiliar to him. Hilarity and confusion ensue.

  • ...

Day 4:Frasier


Flying was even better than I had thought it would be. Making holes in the clouds and causing weather by stomping a bit of water vapor. Twilight had to magically pull my tail back a few times to make sure I didn’t go into space. She admitted, though, that I could go higher than several pegasi who had been flying for years. After pulling me back for the fourth time (and the sky had darkened quite substantially before I was yanked back), Twilight used some rope to keep me from flying away again.

“There,” Twilight grumbled as she finished tightening the rope. “Now quit flying off so I can tell everypony the situation.”

“Didn’t we do that yesterday?” I asked. “And by the way, nopony seemed very interested in what you had to say, exactly as I had predicted.”

“Well, my friends seemed pretty concerned.”

“I’m sure they were.” I said rolling my eyes.

I look behind me to see a pink pony bouncing toward us.

“Hey Twilight, who’s thi- GUAAAAAHAA!” The pink pony gasped, and she bolted right past me and Twilight in a pink blur.

I laughed uncontrollably at this outburst while Twilight looked at me with concern and surprise.

“You’re not even the least be scared or confused at what just happened?”

“No of course I’m not. I know its Pinkie Pie just being Pinkie Pie.”

“How do you know who she is? You’ve never been here before… Have you?”

“Well, no. But from where I come from we know a great deal about Equestria.”

“You have books on alternate dimensions in your world?” her face lit up.

“We don’t really have books on the matter, but we do have Internet and television.” I noticed a very puzzled look on Twilight's face and decided not to try and explain the concept of television and internet.

“Which I guess now that I think about it is some form of a book.” I said trying to convince her so she didn’t start asking questions that would drag on and on.

“So, I don’t really need to introduce you to all of my friends?” She said with a bit of disappointed sadness in her voice.

“Oh, no! By all means introduce me to your friends. I’d love to see them in pers- um, pony rather than just words on paper.”

“So, who do you want to go meet first?” She asked me.

That’s when I became acquainted with the floor again. Something slammed into me from the side sending me forward in a cloud of dust.

A hazy cyan figure approached me and spoke to me, “Omigosh, I’m so sorry, I’ve been trying to get this new trick down, but I always seem to smash into the ground.”

“Is it just coincidental that she happens to smash into EVERYONE in fanfics? Or, I guess, real life?” I shook my head. “God, this feels so storybook.”

I grunted and stood up facing who I knew was Rainbow Dash. “Then why don’t you fly higher?” shaking my head from the daze.

“Well, excuse me, it’s not my fault! I go as high as I can before it starts to become hard to breath!”

“What is this trick anyway?” I asked curiously, somewhat less annoyed.

“I’m trying to fly down as fast as I can, and just after I hit Sonic Rainboom speed, I pull up and close my wings to glide through the air.”

“Sounds fun, I’d like to try it. But Twilight here-,” I jerked my head in her direction, annoyed, “-doesn’t like that I’m flying so darn high.”

“Just how high are you flying if she keeps pulling you back? More importantly, what’s your name?”

“I’m Frasier.” I said shaking Dash’s hoof. “I don’t really know how high I flew, but the sky started to get really dark when I was up there before SOMEPONY-” I looked accusingly at Twilight.”-yanked me back to the ground and tied this stupid rope around me.”

“It gets darker the higher you go you know.” Dash pointed out.

“But does it turn completely black?” I asked her curiously.

“How should I know? It’s impossible to breathe that high up!”

“What are you talking about? I can breathe just fine up there. Here, watch.” I said trying to fly. I looked back at Rainbow Dash and remembered the rope Twilight had tied onto me.

“Uh, a little help here, Rainbow Dash?”

She rolled her eyes and began untying the rope. When she finished, I flapped my wings to get the feeling of the rope off and started to beat them faster to get a good start. Twilight looked up from the book she was reading while we talked and she got up to stop me. However, it was too late, as I had already shot off like a rocket toward the sky. When she got to where I was standing, she glared daggers at Rainbow Dash. I flew higher and higher, and as the altitude increased, so did my feeling of elation. I looked back, and I saw Rainbow Dash flying behind me. Soon the sky went from light to dark blue, and then to pure black, and as my eyes adjusted, I could see every star on this side of Equestria. I had no idea why I wasn’t dead from lack of air, but it seemed to be that it didn’t matter.

“So, what was that trick that Rainbow Dash was trying?”

Remembering what she had said, I plummeted towards the ground. I reentered the atmosphere, but the air seemed to be non-resistant. There was nothing stopping me from breaking the sound barrier, but the cone that usually formed around Rainbow Dash never came. My mane started to form the aura that made the rainboom, but something was different. Instead of a rainbow, the aura from my hair was blue and light silver. Higher than Rainbow Dash could have imagined, I went over the speed of sound, but there was no huge ring of color. Instead of a huge rainbow ring, I started to glow with blue and platinum colored light and my tail grew a hundred times its normal size. Just before hitting the ground, I pulled out of the dive and soared inches off of the ground. I finally came to a halt in front of the two other ponies. Rainbow Dash was both out of breath, because she had tried to keep up, and her mouth was hanging open. Twilight looked even more surprised than her.

“Well? Was that pretty good?” I asked containing a laugh in my throat.

Rainbow merely nodded her head, mouth still gaping. I looked back at my tail, which gave off a light blue mist. It seemed to sparkle like a constellation. Twilight asked

“Have you ever done that before?”

I said “No, but I can see why Rainbow Dash likes to do it!”

Twilight looked behind me and gasped.

“What is your cutie mark?”

I thought that comment was a bit weird, because when I was teleported came to Equestria, I thought I didn’t have my cutie mark. But sure enough, there was something on my side that I couldn’t completely make out. From what I could see, it looked sort of like a spiral, but it had weird things coming off of it. Flying back to the library, I looked in the mirror. Sure enough, it was a galaxy with wings.

“Well, that was quick, two days in Equestria and I already have my cutie mark! And its space related! What could be better than that?” I thought aloud to Twilight, who had caught up with me.

“Can we get going?” Twilight asked.

“No I think I’ll just stand here and stare at my flank all day.” I replied sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

She glared at me and trotted toward the door. “Well, if you’re not tired of the outdoors, we could go visit Fluttershy.”

“Hmm sounds good.” I replied

Twilight walked and I flew alongside her. I didn’t fly too high to avoid being pulled down again but also low enough so I could talk to Twilight.

“So,” She began, “You seem to be taking your transformation and the travel in between dimensions well.”

“It’s not like I haven’t dreamed of a place like this...”

“You dream about this place?”

“Remember? The Intern- I mean, books?”

“Oh I get it. I sometimes I dream about the books I read.”

“Speaking of, what kind of books DO you read?”

As soon as I had said this I knew it was a mistake. She took a deep breath and was about to start her lecture on books.

“Oh look!” I quickly said. “There’s Fluttershy’s cottage.”

Twilight let out her breath in a sigh and knocked on the cottage door. To our surprise, it wasn’t Fluttershy who answered but her pet Angel.

“Oh! Hi Angel, where’s Fluttershy?”

He just looked up and pointed away from the door. We looked in the direction he was pointing. When we recognised what he was looking at, Twilight’s ears flattened and I swallowed hard. The Everfree Forest.

“Y-You still want to go meet Fluttershy?” Twilight asked me.

“Um... maybe we should go help Fluttershy?”

“No, she can take care of herself in there. Trust me.”

Twilights stomach grumbled. “Well, we better get going to Applejack’s for some food huh?”

“I couldn’t agree more. Bye Angel!” I said waving my hoof which he returned with an angry glare.

“Yeesh, what’s his problem?”

When we arrived at Sweet Apple Acres, we found Applejack doing what she does best, bucking apples with Big Macintosh. I’ve never seen Big Mac buck for apples before because they never showed it on T.V., but now that I actually see him doing so, it’s obvious that he is much stronger than Applejack. What takes Applejack a powerful buck with both legs took Big Mac one seemingly leisurely kick with one of his hind legs. Applejack looked up and approached Twilight and I.

“Howdy Twilight, who’s yer friend here?”

I stepped forward and held out my hoof. “Hi, I’m Frasier.” She returned the hoofshake with such energy it shook my whole body.

“Howdy Frasier, what can I do fer you and Twi here?”

“We actually came here to talk about the events taken place and for a bite to eat.”

“Oh, about this Fel character?” Applejack asked.

“See Frasier? I told you somepony would care.” Twilight said.

“Alrighty then,” Applejack said, “Come on let’s get something ta eat. And if you don’t mind me askin’, what’s goin’ on with yer tail and yer mane?”

I looked back at my tail and it was still glowing and shrouded in the silvery blue mist.

“Hmm, I don’t really know. I thought the effects would have worn off my now.”

“Effects?” Applejack questioned.

“Yeah, I did something similar to a sonic rainboom and there was this silver trail where my tail was and when I landed this mist was around my mane and tail.”

We walked over to a table and Applejack set down some apples for us to eat still pondering what I just said. When she looked up her eyes widened in fear.

“Um, you feeling okay there bud?” she asked with obvious concern.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Why?”

She beckoned Twilight over and they both stared in horror at me.

“Oh come on, I’m not THAT good looking am I?” I said jokingly.

Twilight rolled her eyes, “No your eyes, they…they’re...”

“They’re as red as apples.” Applejack finished.

“That’s odd, last time I checked, they were blue.”

“Not any more they ain’t.” Applejack said, still not breaking her stare.

“You know, we should probably go see the doctor about this. Maybe it’s from flying so high and your body is trying to adjust.“ Twilight seemed to like the idea of me bring poked with needles.

“No, really, I feel fine. It will probably wear off sometime soon.”

We ate in silence. I tried to strike up a conversation every once in a while to break the awkward silence but they just stared at my eyes in an uncomfortable way. When lunch started to come to a close, both Applejack and Twilight seemed a little more comfortable with my “condition.”

I let out a loud belch which earned me a glare from Twilight and a laugh from Applejack along with a pat on the back.

“Well, thanks for the food AJ,” Twilight said. “We’re going to head up to Rarity’s to introduce her to Frasier.”

Applejack snorts, smiles, and says, “Well g’luck with her. She might not like that lil’ hairdo o’ yers.”

“Ha ha... Funny.” I call back.

I look back at my tail and realize with relief that the shimmering has gone away.

When we arrived at the Carousel Boutique, we find Rarity doing what she does best. Making and adjusting dresses so that they look absolutely perfect.

I catch myself thinking, “Will she try to put ME in a DRESS or will she make a suit or something?”

I push those crazy thoughts away and step forward to engage in conversation. I have to admit, she was a looker. Wait what? Since when was I interested in a SHOW? I guess that’s the pony side of me though.

“Hello.” I begin.

“Hmm? Oh hello, one moment please, darling. Onnnne seconnnnd annnnd... THERE.” Rarity said as she adjusted a few sapphires on a dress. When she finished, she turned to Twilight and I.

“Why, hello Twilight, and who’s this strapping young stallion might I ask?”

“I’m Frasier. I, uhm, I’m new here.” I said carefully so I didn’t give her too much time to measure me up.

“Well hello to you Frasier but I’m quite sure you didn’t come all the way to my boutique for just some idle chit-chat.”

“A-actually-” I began but never got to finish when she dragged me into a dressing room.

“Ohhhh, no this is bad! This is baaad.” I think worriedly.

“Hmm, interesting. Who does your hair?” She asks me.

“Oh, ha ha. I forgot, I have hair like Phoenix Wright. Great.”

“Uhh, I actually haven’t done anything with my hair ever since I arrived here.” I reply.

“Whatever do you mean?” Rarity asks puzzled. Apparently she hadn’t imagined not caring about hair for longer than thirty seconds.

“Well I wa-”

“He came from Cloudsdale.” Twilight quickly said.

“Wha no I-” Twilight was staring daggers at me.

“AH! Okay, okay! I see what she’s doing...”

“Yeah.... Cloudsdale.”

I turned back to Rarity who gave me a quizzical look.

“Cloudsdale, huh?” Rarity said. “Tell me, what was your occupation in Cloudsdale?”

“Uhhh well, I- just kinda helped clear up the weather around Cloudsdale.”

“Than what does your cutie mark represent?”

“It’s a galaxy with wings and I am able to fly up into space without a problem.”

“Than why wasn’t your job in Cloudsdale related to that?”

“Well, one, I highly doubt there is any use for a pegasus in space. Two, I just earned my cutie mark today.”

“How odd, to get ones cutie mark at such a late age. No matter, I’ll fix you up a suit in a jiffy. Don’t go anywhere.”

One brief conversation with Twilight later, Rarity trots back gaily into the room beaming with pride.

“I just know you’ll LOVE this. Are you ready?” Rarity says.

“As I’ll ever be.” I respond cautiously. I wasn’t very ready.

I clop into the dressing room and she fits the suit over me.

“Oh please, stop squirming! Honestly, Frasier you’re acting like a child.” Rarity tutted. “And done! Now go and have a look in the mirror.”

I do as I am told and stand in front of my reflection to admire her handiwork (hoofiwork)? What I see amazes me, the fabric on the suit is so light, I hardly notice that I am wearing anything at all. The suit itself is made up of dark material with white sparks and looks like space. But that wasn’t what caught my attention. Whenever I tilted, shifted, or even made the slightest movement, the stars and galaxies on the suit moved! I must have gawked at myself for what seemed forever to the other two because Twilight seemed annoyed and Rarity started to look embarrassed. She finally strode up to me and asked.

“So, do you like it?”

“Of course I like it! This is amazing! How did you get the designs to move around like that?”

“Oh just a little magic in the fabric. It’s nothing special.” She said sheepishly, still blushing furiously.

“Nonsense! This is amazing!” I repeat.

“If you say so, dear. Thank you so much for your opinion.”

“Aw c’mon, you even said yourself that you knew I’d love it.” I reminded her.

“That’s right, I did, didn’t I? Well I’m glad you like it. Keep it. It’s yours!”

“Thank you so much.” I said, returning to the mirror smiling my flank off.

Twilight spoke up, “Sooo, we should get going... It’s getting dark.”

“Wait, hang on... Dark? Isn’t it supposed to be the end of spring? It should still be light out.”

“Oh, so it is, that’s odd. Well, it was a pleasure meeting you Frasier. Keep that hair, I would like to model it for some of my designs.”

“Uhh sure, will do Rarity.” I say smiling. I actually didn’t know if that was a compliment or not.

A few minutes after we are clear of the boutique, I look at Twilight.

“Why is it so dark? It’s only six o’ clock!”

“Hmm, now that I think about it, I’m not sure... It IS near the end of fall I guess.”

“Ah, so it’s almost opposite seasons here. Alright then. I can’t believe I missed Summer, though...”

We arrived back at the library and all of the lights are off. I step inside and start counting down, knowing the inevitable is about to happen. Let the mental countdown begin.

“3... 2... 1...”

The lights turn on and an abundance of ponies jump from their hiding spots to yell “Surprise!” A few seconds later, Pinkie Pie jumps up.

“Surprise!” She screams. “Aw, darn it! Late again!”

I laugh at what’s in front of me and start to walk forward again while a record player starts to blare music. Pinkie bounds over and slams a party hat onto my head and giggles.

“Silly colty, you can’t party without a party hat!”

Rubbing my head, I replied “Ha, I guess not. By the way, I don’t think we’ve had the opportunity to properly introduce ourselves.”

“Oh! You’re right! Silly me!” she says and sits down to stare at me.

After a few seconds of silence she giggles and says, “Well, go on silly!”

“Wha- OH! I’m Frasier.” I say, still a little confused.

“Hiya Frasier!” She says vigorously shaking my hoof. “I’m Pinkie Pie, party thrower extraordinaire!”

She bounds over to a table littered with deserts and punch bowls. I scoop myself some punch and gulp it down quickly. I hadn't realized how thirsty I was up until now. To the left of the punch is a batch of freshly baked cupcakes. I shudder as I remember reading that damned fan-fic Cupcakes but, I shook the feeling off, remembering it’s just a fan-fic and has no incorporation to the show whatsoever. Sort of. I trot upstairs to work my suit off, fold it, and place it in a drawer near my bed. Most of the night was a blur of dancing, mingling, and eating. At one point Rainbow Dash directly approached me.

“Hey Frasier, wanna race? Let’s see what you’ve got!” She asked enthusiastically.

“Pardon?” I asked around a mouthful of cupcake.

“I’ve set up some cloud rings outside and a finish line. First one to the end wins. You in or not?”

“You’re on!”

I turn to the room and shout. “Hey everypony! Me an’ Dashy here are going to have a little race! Who wants to see me leave her in the dust?”

Rainbow knocks me upside the head. “DON’T call me Dashy...”

“Ow, dang it! Sorry. I won’t.”

A loud cheer erupts from the room and we all rush out of the library. Rainbow Dash and I take our places at the starting line. Three panels of glass are lined up in front of us and magic lights them up. Red... Yellow... GREEN! We blast from our places on the starting line and zip through the first ring. Behind me, I hear the cheering of a whole crowd of ponies. Rainbow decides to show off and starts doing, loop de loops and corkscrews. I roll my eyes and push myself harder, easily passing the multicolored competition and zooming through the third ring. She looks forward in surprise and tries to catch up to me. I turn around, lazily floating on my back and fly through the fourth ring.

“It’s no use Dash, I am immune to to air resistance, there is nothing slowing me down!”

“I don’t know how that’s possible, but there’s one difference! I’m looking forward!” She says taking a sharp right turn.

“What? Awww shi-” I think just before I smash into a tree. No, not into, clean THROUGH it. I groan in pain and shake my head, both from the pain and my stupidity as I take off after Rainbow again. I catch up to her by the ninth ring and pass her by the seventeenth. I zip through the twentieth ring and see the finish line. Everypony is there cheering and stomping their hooves. I smile smugly when I notice something out of the corner of my eye. I turn and see a chestnut unicorn pony staring at me.

“Fel? Oh my god... FEL!” I yell and turn towards him flying at full speed.

As it turns out, Fel was either taking insane pony workout lessons or it was a lifelike statue. One way or another, there was something as hard as rock, and I smashed straight into it and collapsed to the ground. My head is throbbing with pain as I stand up and look at the rock. Fel is gone.

“Bu-What? he was RIGHT THERE a second ago...”

Rainbow Dash lands next to me laughing and prods me with her hoof.

“Hey Frasier... What’s up? Couldn't finish the race?”

“I could have sworn I saw my friend right here.” I said poking the rock. Staggering, I managed to walk a few paces.

“Uh, dude, thats a rock.” She says mockingly.

“I know damn well it’s a rock!” I snap back. I think that snappy comment came from the place it my brain closest to where I hit the rock. She recoils, her eyes wide with fear and shock.

“I- I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you like that. I just, um, thought I saw somepony here but I guess not.”

“Hey, its alright. I get that you really miss this friend of yours. Maybe you should sleep on it. Especially after exhausting yourself like that and after smashing headlong into a rock.” She says suppressing a smirk.

“Yeah I guess you’re right. Thanks.” I say back. Suddenly I take off toward the finish line and beat her by a mile. Laughing, I trot back to the library to find Twilight already asleep. I look up at the clock, 9:30 P.M. pony time.

“Ugh,” I yawn. “Yep, definitely time to hit the hay. So to speak.” I whisper to myself chuckling at my pun. I slip into bed and stare for a few minutes. I can’t seem to fall asleep. I look up at the ceiling and start to feel dizzy.

“Whoa... that’s bizarre I- ughhhh.” I moan just before I black out.