• Published 20th Apr 2012
  • 1,015 Views, 15 Comments

Surreal Joy - LaxBrony

Fel wakes up and finds himself in a body unfamiliar to him. Hilarity and confusion ensue.

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Day 1


“BZZT BZZT BZZT BZZT” My alarm clock woke me with a start. I groaned and rolled over trying to ignore the obnoxious buzzing of its sounds when it turns itself off.

“Hmm that’s odd” I thought but, I didn’t care and rolled over to catch a few more Z’s to no avail.

My mother blew open the door about ten minutes after my alarm clock and yelled at me to get up and get ready for school. Knowing there was no point in arguing, I slid out of bed after she left. I walked a short few steps and paused.

“Something doesn't seem right” I thought. I shrugged it off thinking It was just because I just woke up and went to fetch some clothes from my dresser. I realized I seemed smaller than the dresser but didn’t think much of it. When I reached for the handle of the dresser to open it, I heard a dull thud as my hand came in contact with the handle.

“What…?” I tried to open it again in vain and then looked down at my hand. I gasped in surprise when I saw a chestnut colored hoof where my hand usually was and stood on my legs to look myself in the mirror resting on top of the dresser.

“SHIT!” I exclaimed as I fell over in shock.

I got up again to look at the mirror and confirmed what I saw before. The fourteen year old kid I thought I would see was no longer there. Instead, I saw a three foot seven chestnut brown unicorn colt. I sat there for at least five minutes gaping at the young colt in my mirror and rubbed my eyes but the mirror showed the same colt as it had before without any sign of showing otherwise.

“This isn’t right… What’s going on?” I thought in frustration.

I turned around, and headed to my bathroom and splashed some water on my face as best I could having hoofs and all. I than looked up in the bathroom mirror and still, the image was the same. I went back down on all fours and looked around for something, ANYTHING that would prove this wasn’t real but I found nothing to prove otherwise.

I then turned to the wall and furiously smashed my head into it multiple times trying to wake up but instead, all I was rewarded with was a throbbing pain and nothing more. I sighed.

“I’m a pony… Wait……. I’M A PONY!!!” I somewhat squeaked with excitement and ran to my mirror to recheck. Yup, there’s no doubt about it, I was a unicorn colt staring at his own reflection in a mirror that showed nothing but the truth. I squeaked again (yes probably not the most boyish thing to do) and ran around my room bounding and laughing with pure joy!

“I can’t believe it! I am a PONY! No not just anypony but a UNICORN! I can’t wait to use my magic or… OR…..” I stopped. “What DO I do?” I thought aloud. I heard my mother coming down the stairs and I leaped into bed and hid under the covers.

“Oh god she can’t see me like this, she’ll FREAK!” As she entered the room, I groaned and tried to keep whatever she may see covered so it would appear that I was in pain.

“What’s wrong Fel?” she asked in a sweet voice.

“It’s my stomach. I don’t feel so good.” I replied.

“Do you want to stay home from school? Is it that bad?” I faked a small whimper.

“God that was HORRIBLE I sound like such a big damn baby!”

“Well, if it’s THAT bad I guess you could stay home, but remember that you will have more make-up work tomorrow too.” My mom reminded me with a stern voice.

“I know…” I said still faking the whimpering. “Ugh…”

“Ok I will leave you to rest.” And with that, she left the room closing the door behind her with a small *click.*

“Whew! Now that THAT is over and done with…” I sat up in bed and thought, “If a unicorn is supposed to have magic, than I should probably have some too.”

Looking for the smallest object to try some magic on, I started to concentrate on it. A dim but warm light green light partially lit the room as I felt the unicorn magic working and I got so excited I completely lost focus and the glow vanished. I tried again, focusing very hard on the pencil that sat on top of the desk just across the room the dim green light slowly lit again but I ignored it and kept concentrating on the pencil. To my amazement the pencil started to glow and levitated a few inches off of the desk before the magic glow quickly vanished and it landed back on the desk with a hollow tap. I let out a slow sight and facehoofed at my own lack of concentration.

“C’mon Fel FOCUS!” I muttered to myself and looked up at the pencil for a third attempt.

This time, the glow was slightly brighter and the pencil floated but a few inches off of the desk.

“Now let’s see if I can actually move it.” I tried to imagine the pencil effortlessly floating toward me and it got about halfway there before falling and hitting the ground.

“Jeez, this magic stuff is somewhat exhausting! I can’t believe the ponies on the show make it look so damn easy!” I sighed and tried for the fourth time.

I had the pencil float to eye level and once again imagined it moving toward me. This time, I was able to get it about a foot in front of my face and dropped it with a contented sigh and drifted off to sleep for even this small feat had left me worn out.

I woke up some time before lunch and I kept practicing my levitation spell on gradually larger objects. I moved some books around and some small trophies I had on my desk and I had an idea. One of my friend’s is always on Steam school or not and he is a brony. Plus, everyone at school knows that I myself am a brony so; why not tell him about it? I know at first he will take it as a joke and laugh at me for it but I bring my laptop over to me anyway.

“Hold on… How am I supposed to type without fingers?” I sat there and thought of solutions for at least an hour when it dawned on me.

I looked at my desk and picked nine more pencils from the desk and levitated them over to me. I than positioned them over my laptop where there erasers where over my keys and typed in the password to unlock my computer.

“Oh man this is going to suck. Levitating a few objects for even a short time leaves me exhausted. But ten at a time… I won’t be able to stay chatting with him for long.” I quickly make sure the mouse is plugged in and open up a Steam chat with my friend. I type to him,

“Herro.” I have to wait a bit before he responds but that’s ok because he was probably in class and would now be going to lunch. I then get a reply from him saying,

“Harro. Where are you?”

I chuckle a bit and quietly say to myself, “Am I really doing this?” I sighed and typed in,

“Dood I’m at home and you will not believe what happened.”

“What happened?”

“You know My Little Pony?”


“Well this is weird to say haha”

“… Wat”

“I’m a pony.”

“Lolz I know /)”

“nonono I mean like an actual pony… well… actually a unicorn”

“LOL you’re weird what did you smoke last night?”



“Frasier…buddy I’m serious here”

“you mean to tell me. That you as of right now are a pony”


“right whatever. And you are completely serious… no jokes.”


“HAHAHA god your so dumb”

“Ughhhhh… he doesn’t get it!”

“Arright I know you don’t believe me but I will show you that I am 100% serious and now I am quite literally 20% cooler :3”

“*facepalm* wat…”


“get on skype.”


“skype! ima call you and show you”


I then open up skype and video call him to which he declines. And I quickly return to the Steam chat to ask him what’s going on.

“hey, Frasier whats up?”

“Gota go to class. Good luck being a unicorn lolololololol”

Then he ends the call. “Dammit now I have to wait… Oh well, I’m tired from all that magic typing anyway.” As I drift off to sleep, I chuckle to myself. “I still can’t believe this is happening.” And with that, I soundly slept with a stupid grin on my face.