Surreal Joy

by LaxBrony

First published

Fel wakes up and finds himself in a body unfamiliar to him. Hilarity and confusion ensue.

Fel wakes up one day to find himself a pony. He has always loved the thought of being one and now he gets to experience it firsthand. The only problem is, he wakes up on Earth. What will everyone think of a small pony supposedly appearing out of nowhere?

Day 1

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“BZZT BZZT BZZT BZZT” My alarm clock woke me with a start. I groaned and rolled over trying to ignore the obnoxious buzzing of its sounds when it turns itself off.

“Hmm that’s odd” I thought but, I didn’t care and rolled over to catch a few more Z’s to no avail.

My mother blew open the door about ten minutes after my alarm clock and yelled at me to get up and get ready for school. Knowing there was no point in arguing, I slid out of bed after she left. I walked a short few steps and paused.

“Something doesn't seem right” I thought. I shrugged it off thinking It was just because I just woke up and went to fetch some clothes from my dresser. I realized I seemed smaller than the dresser but didn’t think much of it. When I reached for the handle of the dresser to open it, I heard a dull thud as my hand came in contact with the handle.

“What…?” I tried to open it again in vain and then looked down at my hand. I gasped in surprise when I saw a chestnut colored hoof where my hand usually was and stood on my legs to look myself in the mirror resting on top of the dresser.

“SHIT!” I exclaimed as I fell over in shock.

I got up again to look at the mirror and confirmed what I saw before. The fourteen year old kid I thought I would see was no longer there. Instead, I saw a three foot seven chestnut brown unicorn colt. I sat there for at least five minutes gaping at the young colt in my mirror and rubbed my eyes but the mirror showed the same colt as it had before without any sign of showing otherwise.

“This isn’t right… What’s going on?” I thought in frustration.

I turned around, and headed to my bathroom and splashed some water on my face as best I could having hoofs and all. I than looked up in the bathroom mirror and still, the image was the same. I went back down on all fours and looked around for something, ANYTHING that would prove this wasn’t real but I found nothing to prove otherwise.

I then turned to the wall and furiously smashed my head into it multiple times trying to wake up but instead, all I was rewarded with was a throbbing pain and nothing more. I sighed.

“I’m a pony… Wait……. I’M A PONY!!!” I somewhat squeaked with excitement and ran to my mirror to recheck. Yup, there’s no doubt about it, I was a unicorn colt staring at his own reflection in a mirror that showed nothing but the truth. I squeaked again (yes probably not the most boyish thing to do) and ran around my room bounding and laughing with pure joy!

“I can’t believe it! I am a PONY! No not just anypony but a UNICORN! I can’t wait to use my magic or… OR…..” I stopped. “What DO I do?” I thought aloud. I heard my mother coming down the stairs and I leaped into bed and hid under the covers.

“Oh god she can’t see me like this, she’ll FREAK!” As she entered the room, I groaned and tried to keep whatever she may see covered so it would appear that I was in pain.

“What’s wrong Fel?” she asked in a sweet voice.

“It’s my stomach. I don’t feel so good.” I replied.

“Do you want to stay home from school? Is it that bad?” I faked a small whimper.

“God that was HORRIBLE I sound like such a big damn baby!”

“Well, if it’s THAT bad I guess you could stay home, but remember that you will have more make-up work tomorrow too.” My mom reminded me with a stern voice.

“I know…” I said still faking the whimpering. “Ugh…”

“Ok I will leave you to rest.” And with that, she left the room closing the door behind her with a small *click.*

“Whew! Now that THAT is over and done with…” I sat up in bed and thought, “If a unicorn is supposed to have magic, than I should probably have some too.”

Looking for the smallest object to try some magic on, I started to concentrate on it. A dim but warm light green light partially lit the room as I felt the unicorn magic working and I got so excited I completely lost focus and the glow vanished. I tried again, focusing very hard on the pencil that sat on top of the desk just across the room the dim green light slowly lit again but I ignored it and kept concentrating on the pencil. To my amazement the pencil started to glow and levitated a few inches off of the desk before the magic glow quickly vanished and it landed back on the desk with a hollow tap. I let out a slow sight and facehoofed at my own lack of concentration.

“C’mon Fel FOCUS!” I muttered to myself and looked up at the pencil for a third attempt.

This time, the glow was slightly brighter and the pencil floated but a few inches off of the desk.

“Now let’s see if I can actually move it.” I tried to imagine the pencil effortlessly floating toward me and it got about halfway there before falling and hitting the ground.

“Jeez, this magic stuff is somewhat exhausting! I can’t believe the ponies on the show make it look so damn easy!” I sighed and tried for the fourth time.

I had the pencil float to eye level and once again imagined it moving toward me. This time, I was able to get it about a foot in front of my face and dropped it with a contented sigh and drifted off to sleep for even this small feat had left me worn out.

I woke up some time before lunch and I kept practicing my levitation spell on gradually larger objects. I moved some books around and some small trophies I had on my desk and I had an idea. One of my friend’s is always on Steam school or not and he is a brony. Plus, everyone at school knows that I myself am a brony so; why not tell him about it? I know at first he will take it as a joke and laugh at me for it but I bring my laptop over to me anyway.

“Hold on… How am I supposed to type without fingers?” I sat there and thought of solutions for at least an hour when it dawned on me.

I looked at my desk and picked nine more pencils from the desk and levitated them over to me. I than positioned them over my laptop where there erasers where over my keys and typed in the password to unlock my computer.

“Oh man this is going to suck. Levitating a few objects for even a short time leaves me exhausted. But ten at a time… I won’t be able to stay chatting with him for long.” I quickly make sure the mouse is plugged in and open up a Steam chat with my friend. I type to him,

“Herro.” I have to wait a bit before he responds but that’s ok because he was probably in class and would now be going to lunch. I then get a reply from him saying,

“Harro. Where are you?”

I chuckle a bit and quietly say to myself, “Am I really doing this?” I sighed and typed in,

“Dood I’m at home and you will not believe what happened.”

“What happened?”

“You know My Little Pony?”


“Well this is weird to say haha”

“… Wat”

“I’m a pony.”

“Lolz I know /)”

“nonono I mean like an actual pony… well… actually a unicorn”

“LOL you’re weird what did you smoke last night?”



“Frasier…buddy I’m serious here”

“you mean to tell me. That you as of right now are a pony”


“right whatever. And you are completely serious… no jokes.”


“HAHAHA god your so dumb”

“Ughhhhh… he doesn’t get it!”

“Arright I know you don’t believe me but I will show you that I am 100% serious and now I am quite literally 20% cooler :3”

“*facepalm* wat…”


“get on skype.”


“skype! ima call you and show you”


I then open up skype and video call him to which he declines. And I quickly return to the Steam chat to ask him what’s going on.

“hey, Frasier whats up?”

“Gota go to class. Good luck being a unicorn lolololololol”

Then he ends the call. “Dammit now I have to wait… Oh well, I’m tired from all that magic typing anyway.” As I drift off to sleep, I chuckle to myself. “I still can’t believe this is happening.” And with that, I soundly slept with a stupid grin on my face.

Day 2:Confrontation

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Journal Entry Day 2

My alarm clock woke me up again this morning, and I had to lie about being sick to my mom again.

“Should we take you to the doctor?” she asked me.
“No, I think I’ll be fine after today,” I responded quietly.

She left the room with a disappointed and concerned sigh but didn’t argue because she knows that I don’t get sick often but, when I do, it is usually something that will keep me down for an extended period of time. I still kind of hate myself for having to do this, but I knew her reaction would not be positive. Up until lunch I had a little more practice with levitation on large objects and got to the point where I could lift my dresser about a foot off of the ground.
“What else can I do with this magic…? Telekinesis and Teleportation are the two most basic spells a unicorn can learn, but I won’t dare attempt teleportation, namely because I worry about how much noise it will cause.” Soon after I finished practiced levitating things some more, my stomach growled loudly.
“Oh man… I haven’t eaten since two days ago at dinner! I’ve just stayed down here so long trying to keep a secret from my mom that I’ve completely forgotten to feed myself!”
Suddenly, I hear my mom come down the stairs and I dive under my covers.

“Hey Fel, I’m going to run a few errands and I’ll be gone for a couple hours… Do you think you’ll be alright?”
I quickly respond, “Yeah, mom. I’m sure I’ll be fine. I just need some rest to get rid of this. It’s nothing too terrible.”

I assume she glances back at me with a look of worry on her face but I can’t really tell because I am turned away from her. Once I hear the car start up and leave, I quickly jump out of bed and run to my first real obstacle… Stairs. I had to take it slowly enough to make sure I don’t catch a hoof on the stairs and fall on my face. I walk into the kitchen and open up the pantry to grab some Cheerios and pour them out for myself.

“I hope I can still eat cereal, being a pony and all.”

I am delighted to find that my sense of taste hasn’t been altered at all and find the Cheerios as satisfying as ever. After a few more bowls of this and finally stopping the horrible hunger that tore at my stomach, I went downstairs to brush my teeth.

“Well, life hasn’t changed too much after becoming a unicorn… The only noticeable difference is that I’m only three and a half feet tall and have to bring things to me with magic.”

I walk to my bed, open up my laptop and remember that I promised Frasier that I would Skype him today. Thankfully I called during his lunch hour but he declined again.

“what’s wrong this time?”
“meh, skyping at school seems like a bad idea”
“there’s not enough time to get into a real conversation”
“I’ll call you after school. its Friday anyway so I can put off my homework till later.”
“ok fine”

I decided to take this last hour of alone time to try my hoof at teleporting. I have read many fan-fics, and that it is supposedly very simple. All I have to do is concentrate VERY hard on where I want to appear and imagine myself appearing there. I picture the basement just outside of my room standing next to the couch facing the Television. I squeeze my eyes shut and concentrate very hard on this image for a good minute before I feel the warmth of my magic working

“Stay focused” I tell myself, “We wouldn’t want anything bad happening would we?”

I sit there with the image of where I will be for a good minute before I hear a loud explosion. Before I know it, can’t see anything and my ears are ringing loudly. When the temporary blindness clears, I look at the hellish scene in front of me.

“Oh. My. God. What the hell have I done!”

I found myself standing in the middle of a charred ring of carpeting with small flames eating away the rug on the edges of the ring.


I rush to my bathroom, grab a cup between my hoofs as best as I can and start pouring water all over the ring to douse the flames.

“Oh my god… there is a HOLE in the floor and its disintegrated the middle of the couch!”
I stare at the humongous crater I made in the middle of my basement until I hear the garage door opening.

“Oh no…” I quite literally jump into bed and cover up as fast as I can.

“She’s going to come down here obviously, there’s so much smoke and she’ll think something has happened to me.”

Then, I hear her scream.

“Oh gooood nooo! DAMMIT!”

She sprints down the stairs jumping the last four and turns to see the crater. If the ringing in my ears stopped before, it returned now with the banshee scream that my mom let out. She then bolts into my room and finds me still safe and sound in my bed and runs to hug me. But, when she turns me around to hug me she sees what I have become. Both her and I are in the same state of shock. And then, the inevitable happens. She screams at the top of her lungs, turns around to run out the door but I quickly close it with my magic before she can get out. She runs headlong into the door and falls over unconscious. I can’t help but laugh aloud as this happened; there is nothing more comical than someone running into a door and falling right back over.

The humor was short lived. “She knows… She saw me! What do I do now? I should take her up to her room and get her in bed and hopefully she will pass this off as a dream. But I will have to eventually show up sometime this weekend…”

I push away the thought and start pulling my mom toward the stairs.
“I could probably float her up to her room without much of a problem… Whatever, I’ll try that.”

It proved fairly easy regarding the fact that she was about a hundred pounds lighter than my dresser. Once I got her into bed, I tucked her in and stared for a few moments. She looked rather happy for someone who just saw a small horse in replace of their son. Then again, she was unconscious. The quiet ticking of the clock snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked at the clock.

“ACK! It’s 3:30! Frasier said he would call me after school!”

I hurry downstairs and in my rush, skip a step and tumble down the remaining stairs and land at the base of the stairs with a loud *BAM!*

“Owwwww,” I moan as I get up slowly and tread lightly to my room. I sit up on my bed and open my laptop rubbing my head with my foreleg, I could feel a bump beginning to form already and shook my head at my stupidity.

I clicked the Skype icon on the lower right corner of my laptop (which by the way I am proud to say I can now press individual buttons on my laptop without the help of pencils, as well as use the mouse) and find that Frasier has tried to call me, five times.

I quickly call him and to my surprise, he actually answered this time. We had our video off at this point so as not to surprise him so quickly. His was off because he hadn’t activated it and me because, well, I can’t be sure of who’s watching his screen. He talks first, as usual.

“Herro!” Frasier says.


“Soooo what did you want to talk about again?”

“The fact that I’m a freakin’ unicorn from my little pony.”

“Hahaha Sure. Why no video?”

“Because I want to be absolutely sure that:
1) You are not around anyone that would be concerned about this and
2) That you will not freak out as much as my mom did.”

“Wait your MOM saw you?”
“Yah…She didn’t take it very well and she’s out cold in bed right now.”
*sigh*”Ok are you ready?”
“For what?”
“To see.”
“Ok hahah go for it.”

I then turn on my video and smile awkwardly at the camera and brace for impact. The response I got was not really what I had expected. Complete silence. And then he yells out in a surprisingly joking voice:

“What the hell? Oh you got a new pony! Cool! Can I pet him?”

“... No dude it’s me. Fel.”

I then position the laptop at the corner of my bed facing my room and stand up in front of the camera.
“All I see is a pony with a-- wait, what the heck is that on its head...?”
I dip my head and explain for the third time,

“I told you before, I became a unicorn over night. I have no idea how but It happened and now I’m not sure what I should do.”

“Wow, so that seriously is right you that I’m looking at right now.” Frasier said.

“Yep. It’s me, Fel. As a unicorn...”

“You know what this means right?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you’ve read My Little Dashie right?”

“Oh come on dude, that just a fanfic.”

“Do you really think that right now? You better start believing in those fanfics Fel. You’re in one!”

“Oh, ha ha. I bet you’re proud of that one. But seriously. What do you suggest I do? I can’t just show up at school like this!”

I could tell Frasier was in deep thought by his thoughtful expression and scrunched eyebrows. After about five minutes of silent thought, he spoke.

“You know, you could always just--” The door to my room suddenly swung open and my mom walked in. I was in a sitting position and had no time to jump into my bed before she was in my room. I quickly turned around and our eyes met. Frasier said quietly,

“Good luck with this one...”
And with that pleasing thought, he disconnected.

After a few moments, my mom finally broke the silence. “A-are you one of those ponies my son says he loves?”

I thought miserably, “Alright. Here we go.”

“Yes, I am from the My Little Pony cartoons.”

“Where is my son?”

“Mom, it’s me...Fel.”

“What do you mean?”

“Mom listen, I am Fel, just no longer human, I am a unicorn. Listen to my voice, is it not the same voice of your son that you’ve known and loved for 14 years? I know this may be really weird, and even I’m not sure exactly what happened. But there’s one problem, I have no idea how to, or if it’s even possible, to get back to my normal self.”

After a silence that seemed to last forever, my mom spoke up.

“Nothing you said explains the crater in the middle of the basement.”

“Oh, hehe yeah. Um... You know how I’m a Unicorn?”


“Well, as a unicorn, I can use the magic that is held in my horn perform things like telekinesis.” I said as I levitate a chair behind her so she could sit. She looked like she was about to pass out again anyway.

“I also tried to use its power to teleport but, you saw how well THAT turned out.”

She laughed weakly and said, “You know, you’re going to have to pay for that couch.”

“Aww, really?”

“Yes Fel, really. Just because you are a unicorn,” she stifled a laugh, “Doesn’t mean I love you any less, or that you are any less responsible for the mess you made.”

“So you’re okay with me being a unicorn?”

“Well of course! It’s so much better than being a slug or any other invertebrate.”

“And here I was thinking she would disown me in a rather cliche sort of way.”

“And you’re sure you’re okay with this?”

“Sure. It is very strange, but you’re my son, and you’re okay. I hope I don’t need to treat you too differently.”

“Well, I am pretty sure I won’t be able to eat meat ever again. Other than that and not having hands anymore, I think life won’t change too dramatically.”

“Glad to hear it.” She bent down to give me a hug and I returned the embrace. It was kind of awkward because I am now much shorter than her and I can’t fully wrap my arms around her anymore but, a hug is a hug and I now know that she will accept me no matter what I look like.

The next few hours were used to plan on what to do when the rest of the family comes home. We all knew my little brother Jake would want to run up and hug me being the little ten year old brony he is. We were pretty sure my dad’s initial reaction would be to stare at me like he did when I showed him My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic but than would laugh it off as a joke because of his great sense of humor. My sister would be the hardest one to explain it to because she despises the fact that I even watched that show and now that I actually am sort of part of the show, she would probably try to kill me.

When dinner time came around, my mom made dinner and stalled everyone for a while so that I could get ready to show them what I had become. I took a good hard look at the mirror and said to myself.

“Well, no going back. Once they know they know and all will be fine. At least that’s what mom thinks.”

“Feeell!” My mom called from the top of the stairs.

“Comin’!” I called back

At the top of the stairs I saw my family at the dinner table. My brother and dad reacted just like I thought. Jake stood up and yelled “pony” then rushed over to hug me. I looked up at my dad and he had the exact look of confusion and embarrassment that I knew he would have. It was my sister’s turn. She didn’t notice me at first but when she looked up, she choked on the milk she had just drank and began a fit of coughing. I started to laugh like I would at anyone who was choking on just water or milk. Then, my dad started to chuckle too as he had the epiphany that I was a little pony.

“Wow, my family is so predictable. It’s kinda sad.” I thought. Throughout dinner, there were many questions about how this happened and if there is any way to fix it. To these questions, I had no answer but one question came from my dad that he would usually ask me if something odd was going on in my life.

“Fel, are you happy?” he said in a tone that made it clear that he was completely serious.

“Yah of course! I’ve just dreamed of things like this and now it’s a reality! Of course I am happy.”

That seemed to lighten him up.

“Alrighty then. If you’re happy, I’m happy.” he stated and began to dig in once more. The rest of the meal was fairly quiet as everyone enjoyed their ribs except me. I just had a few apples and a bowl of Cheerios. Then my dad looked up and sniffed.

“What’s that smell? Smells burnt.”

“OH! I forgot to tell you that there is a small crater in the basement.”

He dropped his fork with a clatter, “WHAT?!”

“Yeahhh well, as a unicorn, you saw I can do magic and levitate things.” I lift up my empty bowl as an example. “Once I tried to teleport someplace else and the result was a small explosion and a burning crater in the floor.” I smiled sheepishly.

“What did you burn?” He said with a sigh.

“The couch.”

“Aw c’mon Fel. You really need to be more careful.”

“Hey, magic is unpredictable!”

“I’m joking kid. Calm down.” he said with a chuckle

“Heheh... Yah.”

"But you still have to pay for the couch."

"Yes dad, I know."

I scooted back from the table and let out a big yawn.

“Well, I’m gonna get to bed.”

My mom spoke this time. “So soon?” she asked.

“Yah, magic takes its toll on me and it wears me out.”

“Alrighty then!”

I brushed my teeth and slid into bed. Sleep came quickly. My dreams were the usual dreams of fun filled adventures with the mane six when Twilight Sparkle approached me with a very serious look on her face.

“Excuse me but, who are you?”

I respond with the happy grin I usually wear in my dreams. “My name is Sketch. Who are you?”

“What are you doing on Earth?”

“I- What?”

“How did you get there?”

I remained silent. I was shocked at these sudden questions.

“What an odd dream.”

“I have no idea. I just woke up here.”

“Listen, there isn’t any time. There is a place near your location that is commonly known as Puma Park. This place has the strongest magic footprint within a mile of you. Meet me there at twelve o'clock noon tomorrow. I will explain a little more in detail.”

Day 3:Arrival

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Journal Entry Day 3

I woke up this Saturday morning at eight o’clock and got ready for the day like I usually do. The only two people who are up this early on a Saturday are me and Jake so we can watch My Little Pony, when it comes on at nine. I finished getting ready at about eight thirty and had time to mess around with magic and show off to my little brother. When it was time, we sat on the couch and turned on the television. We were happy to see that it was on just as we turn on the T.V and quickly select the Hub. It’s just a rerun but it was my favorite episode “A Friend In Deed.” We watched through the episode and sang along to the Smile Song that Pinkie Pie sings grinning ear to ear. The show ended at nine thirty and I opened up my laptop to call Frasier and tell him to come over. He got to my house at about ten thirty and I greeted him at the door.

“Hey Frasier. How goes it?”

“It goes good. Hi Mrs. F!” he called as my mom walked down the stairs.

“Oh, hello Frasier. I didn’t know you were coming over.”

“Yeah, Fel called and said that I should come over because he wanted to check out something out at the park that he saw on a walk.”

“When was the last time you ever went on a walk Fel? Probably not recently, because of your, uhm…Changes.”

“Well, yeah last time I was on a walk was Wednesday, but I could have sworn I saw something shiny by Puma Park.”

“How are we going to disguise you Fel? You can’t simply walk outside like… That.” Frasier said as he gestured to my body.

“Hmmm… We have a mop right?” I asked my mom.

“Yes, why?”

“I could drape it over myself and look like one of those mop dogs.”

“I see how that could work. But, what about that horn of yours?”

“We hope nobody pays close enough attention?”

“If you really want to do this, I’m okay with it. But please, try to be careful and be aware of other dogs.”

“When are we going to go to the park?” Frasier asked me.

“We should leave around ten til’ noon.”

“Why wait until noon?”

“Because last time I saw the shiny thing it was bright out. And I want to be able to find whatever this thing is.”

“Okay well, that’s in about an hour so what do we do until then?”

“I’ve wanted to try teleportation again. I probably won’t cause as much damage because there already is a crater where I would practice teleporting.”

“OH OH OH! Do it now!” Frasier exclaimed clearly excited.

“Alright here I go.” Before I close my eyes to concentrate I see my mom looking around furiously and chuckle to myself.

“She’s probably looking for a cover spot. I don’t blame her after what happened in the basement.” I thought to myself.

I opened my eyes moments later thinking nothing had happened. When I looked up, I was in the crater in the basement.

“Wha- How did that happen without making some sort of sound? Furthermore how did I not know that it happened?”

Frasier ran down the stairs beaming and hopping with joy.

“Dude that was awesome! How did you do that so quietly? You just kind of disappeared without any flash or explosion or anything!”

“I have no idea how! The first time I tried to teleport I left this huge crater in the floor.” I looked down indicating the crater I was standing in.

“Well who cares? I mean you sat there for like, ten minutes before anything happened but it was almost like you didn’t use any effort at all!”

“Ten minutes? It took me that long to even disappear?”

“Yeah, I guess. I mean, that probably is a little too long especially if you want to get somewhere fast. But progress is progress right?”

“I guess you’re right. C’mon now that we are down here let’s play some Xbox.”

“Okay!” Frasier replied quickly.

We then spent the next half hour playing some Halo. Even though I was a pony, I still won by a longshot because with magic, I don’t have to worry about where my hands are and what buttons I am able to press at the same time. My magic just allowed me to move everything I wanted when I wanted without accidentally doing something I didn’t want to do with clumsy human hands. After about a half hour of this, we went upstairs to eat a quick lunch. Frasier warmed up a hotdog when I ate something I never thought I would eat, a salad. It was actually pretty good, but then again, I was a pony and I probably developed a fine taste for leafy kinds of foods now. When we were done we put our dishes in the dishwasher and got ready to go to the park.

“My god, I thought having a mop on my head would be degrading but a leash too? This sucks.” I said.

“Do you want to be taken by random government officials that will pop out of nowhere because of something as strange as this?” Frasier pointed out.

“I guess you’re right.” I agreed. “Hey mom! We’re going to go to the park now! See you soon!”

“I hope.”

“Okay!” she called back.

The trip to the park took about ten minutes like I had suspected and we were in the middle of the park about five minutes early.

“So, where is this shiny thing?” asked Frasier.

“There is no shiny thing, unless you count Twilight Sparkle as ‘shiny’.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that we are going to see Twilight as herself right here in a few minutes. We just have to wait.”

“Why is she coming here?” He asked excited but confused.

“Well, last night she walked up to me in a dream and told me to come here at twelve because it had the most powerful magic footprint.” I explained and then a thought hit me. “This might be a goodbye.”

“Like a pony-being-on-earth-but-having-to-go-back-to-Equestria-because-he-doesn’t-belong-on-Earth kind of goodbye?” Frasier asked.

“Yeah, I think it would be like that. Well, Frasier, I hope it isn’t that way and—“

An explosion cut me off as Twilight Sparkle appeared right before our eyes in a tiny crater that she had made when she teleported. She shook her head to clear the daze she had experienced from the teleportation and looked up first at me, than at Frasier, who were both blown back a few feet.

“Hello. My name is Twilight Sparkle.” She said as she held out her hoof.

“Pleased to meet you.” I replied and shook her hoof. “But only a little bit.” I thought with remorse. “I’m Fel and this is my friend Frasier.”

“He seems to handle having a pony in his world well.”

“Well, yeah. He was surprised at first but he got used to it.”

After I said that a blue flame appeared between me and Twilight. It was about as big as my hoof and floated effortlessly through the air up to eye level. Nobody spoke out of either wonder or amazement, and it started to float toward me. I didn’t back away because I felt some sort of pull toward it like it was talking to me, begging me to come closer. It felt powerful, it felt wonderful, it felt magical. It came in contact with the tip of my horn and exploded sending forth ten flaming blue tendrils that wrapped around my body. The other two around me exclaimed at the sudden explosion from the small blue flames, but I smiled as the cool feeling of magic and energy swirled around me. The sensation was so amazing that I could not open my eyes to see the horrified faces of my two companions before I blacked out.



I stood there mouth agape as he watched the scene unfold. I would have done something because I thought my friend was in danger, but I just couldn’t because I was in awe. The blue flame seemed to appear out of nowhere and just swallowed Fel whole. To top that off, he didn’t seem scared of what was happening to him, he just stood there eyes closed with a big smile on his face. When he opened his eyes, they were glowing the same shade of electric blue the flame was. Then there was a second explosion. This time the explosion sent Twilight and I flying across the field. When the wall of flame passed us, I expected us to get singed or burnt to ash but instead, the flames were bitterly cold and put a thin layer of frost on everything as it passed. When I finally was able to stand up and break free of the thin layer of ice that stuck me to the grass, I looked up at Twilight.

“What the hell did you do?!” I practically screamed at her.

“I have no idea! I’ve never seen anything like it!” she shivered, looking panicked and nervous. “Not to mention ever felt anything like it. That was REALLY not supposed to happen”

“Where did Fel go?”

“I don’t know, but I am pretty sure it would be somewhere in Equestria.” She stepped back and her horn started to glow.

“Hey, can’t I come with?”

“You can’t come into Equestria! You’re a…human.” She said the last word like it was some kind of ailment or disease.

“Hey, what you just did made me friend get sucked Equestria! He’s my friend, not yours, and I should at least try to help him!”

“Ugh… Fine. But only because I know you won’t let me go without you.”

“Good. Now let’s get going. The longer we wait here the more bad things could happen to Fel. What are the side effects of cross-dimensional travel?”

Twilight looked like she was going to laugh a little.

“You’ll find out soon enough. Anyways, here we go.” Twilight said as her horn started to glow again.

There was a sudden flash and we were soon zipping through a tunnel of thousands of different shades of colors swirling together. Immediately, I started to feel a horrible pain in my back, almost as if it was being torn apart at my shoulder blades. I screamed in agony as the pain kept getting worse. I could feel myself shrinking, changing form, and I started to lose feeling in my fingers and toes.

“Oh my god, what’s going on!? Why does this hurt so freaking much?” I thought miserably.

A few seconds later, the whirling colors started to form a picture, and before I could figure out what it was we came to sudden halt in Twilight’s library. She landed on her hooves while I crashed and slid across the floor into a bookshelf, which promptly spilled every book it carried onto my head. I tried to stand up after digging past The Reference Guide to the Elements of Harmony, but found it difficult because I couldn’t seem to keep balanced on my feet. Then I looked down. I didn’t have feet, I had hooves! I became a pony just like Fel did! I was pretty sure it was all really just a side effect of a human being magically teleported into Equestria, but at the moment I didn’t care. I clumsily walked up the stairs to a mirror to get a better look at myself. What I saw made me fall back on my new tail, which hurt a little. I was a deep blue pegasus with a rather short tail and a spiky mane that I figured would make me look like a comet when I flew. Some of my hair was singed with white. I was the pony that I had dreamed to be!

“Well damn, don’t I look badass!” I thought to myself.

Twilight finished sending a letter to princess Celestia and walked over to me.

“Are you ready to go? Fr- Frasier was it?”

“Yeah, I’m Frasier. In spirit, anyway. Where are we going?”

“You seem to be taking to your new figure quite well.” She said randomly changing the subject. “Can you fly?”

“Let me try.”

I started to beat my wings, slowly at first. I increased the speed of my wings until I had lifted about a foot off of the ground. The rush of adrenaline hit me. I was flying! I beat my wings faster and faster until I hovered ten feet above Twilight. I was beaming down, amazed at what I had just done but Twilight seemed unimpressed.

“She sees pegasi do ten times more than this on a daily basis. Of course she’s not amused.”

“Are you done yet?” Twilight sighed, “We need to get going.”

“Where?” I said still hovering.

“Come down here and I’ll tell you.”

I slowed my wings too fast and I plummeted toward the ground and gracefully crashed and rolled across the floor. I looked up at Twilight and she did her best to stifle a laugh.

“Oh sure, she has time to laugh at my first fail but not share a smile at my first victory.”

“Where are we going?” I asked again.

She caught her breath and said. “We are going to Town Hall to explain the situation.”

“And you think anypony would care about this?”

“Well, of course they will!”

“A strange pony that no one knows was trapped in another dimension and went missing because of freezing cold flames. Yep, everypony will believe that.”

“Yes they will. Everypony in Ponyville has learned to trust me.”

“But nopony has heard or seen about Fel! NOPONY will care.”

“Just!” She took a deep breath, “Trust me.”

“Ok fine.” I finally agreed as we walked out of the library.



“Ugh, my head…”

I look up groggily into the dimly lit room. The only light source was a small blue flame in the middle of what seemed a circular room. The small blue flame made me smile as I remembered the warm feeling it gave me. I tried to stand up to go to the flame again but a sharp pain in my side. I cringed at the pain and fell to the ground.

A raspy voice called from the darkness “You probably should avoid standing and walking for a moment.”

I froze eyes wide and started searching the room frantically.

“Wh-Where are you?” I asked grimacing.

The unknown voice cleared his throat and spoke again. “Oh I’m terribly sorry; I’ve had this nasty tickle in my throat for a few days.

The voice was much more welcoming and lighthearted than the raspy one I had just heard. I relaxed a little knowing that the voice was much more pony like and didn’t sound like something that would want to eat me and use my bones as toothpicks. An electric blue pony with bright red hair stepped from the shadows and started to walk to me. He held a small vial with his silvery magic and floated it over to me.

“Drink this, it will make you feel better.”

The vial contained a light orange substance that had a dull glow. It smelled like someone had thrown you into a large container of different flowers, and they were so strong that you couldn’t smell anything but those flowers. If was overwhelming, and the taste was even more so. While the little mixture smelled of beautiful flowers, it tasted like someone made you eat dirt, than sand, and had you swallow them down with a bottle of ketchup.

“Yeeeeck! What’s in that?!” I exclaimed trying to get the bitter taste out of my mouth.

“I’m not entirely sure,” the unicorn admitted. “But you feel a lot better, don’t you?”

It was true; I stood up feeling both well rested and full of energy. My side, where I figured my ribs were broken, felt completely better. It was amazing that his cutie mark wasn’t a doctor’s symbol. It actually looked like a fire, with icicles coming off of it. I was then able to get a good look at this kind stranger. About half of his horn was missing, almost as if someone dropped something heavy on it and it snapped right off. His face was covered in scars and he had a giant scrape down the left side of his body.

“Jeez, are you ok?”

“Hmm? Oh yes I’m quite fine. As you can see, they are scars and couldn’t cause any more pain.”

“Alright, then. My name is Fel by the way. What’s yours?”

“Fel? What an odd name. It sounds rather, erm, how do I put it? It sounds somewhat demonic. Almost as if you were named after some highly worshipped demon.”

“Gee, thanks. What’s your name Mr. ‘Demon Worshiper’?”

“My name is Pyra Frost, I specialize in the magical elements of fire and ice, the yin and yang of elements.”

“That’s interesting. So you can control both fire and ice like they coexist in harmony?”

“Yes, that’s one way to put it. For example, the flame behind me actually won’t burn you if you touch it. In fact, it will most likely coat whatever touches it in solid ice.”

“So like sub-zero flames?”


“If you don’t mind me asking, what happened to you?” I asked.

“I’m sort of the adventurous type and have had many mishaps in my adventures. As you can see,” He gestured to his horn, “My horn is broken in half but I am still able to use magic. This tends to happen when you have a strong soul and a high magical potential.”

“Fascinating! Also, how exactly did you know that I was on Earth?”

“My dear colt, you are quite curious, aren’t you? You are one unicorn pony that has a particularly strong magical potential.”

“I have some sort of deep down magical power that I haven’t discovered yet and it’s super powerful?”

“Of a sort. But, the great thing is, I can speed up the process, give you your powers quickly and you will be able to perform the magic that every other unicorn can only dream about.”

“Ooooh. I like the sound of that. How do I speed up the process?”

He chuckled manically, “I’m glad you asked but first, you need some sleep.”

“What? It was noon when you warped me into your dimension!”

“Yes it was, but you were out cold with a silly grin on your face for at least eight hours.”

“That long huh? What did you do to me?”

“I simply transported you here. The sheer power of my transportation spell overwhelmed you and you fell unconscious.”

“Alright fine, where do I sleep?”

“Right over here.” He motioned for me to follow.

I tread lightly behind him, careful not to step on shattered glass shards and puddles of unknown liquids. Pyra’s shattered horn shimmered and the blue flame in the center of the room doubled in size, bathing the whole room in a cool blue light. My eyes widened as I took in the whole of the circular room we were in. It had many desks surrounding the center blue flame. Dozens of glass test tubes and flasks were filled with different colored potions. Other tables held small containers of blue flames that seemed to react to the center flame. On these tables, there was also an abundance of ice. Some of the ice was in large blocks and others just encased the tables.

“What’s all this? Isn’t your special talent the ability to combine flames and ice?” I asked.

“All of the flasks and vials are potions I make. It’s more of a hobby than a profession.” Pyra explained. “Ah, here we are.” He came to a halt in front of a couple large blocks of ice.

“These are the beds? You seriously expect me to sleep on a block of ice.”

“No young Fel, I expect you to sleep on the most comforting substance in existence.” He said shoving me toward the ice block.

“Okay…” I said climbing onto the ice. As soon as I got into what would have been my “comfort zone,” the ice started to creep around me around me and I started to panic.

“Woa woa woa hey!” I yelped jumping out of the ice bed.

Pyra rolled his eyes, “Just get in and relax, the ice will form over you and you will experience the most peaceful sleep you have ever had in all of your years of living.”

“Yah I doubt that.” I snapped back. “But, without you, I would still have broken ribs.” I admitted.

I climbed onto the ice again and lay down. The ice started to form over me and I let it. When the ice had formed above my neck, drowsiness overcame me and I fell asleep with ease.

“He wasn’t kidding when he said it was the most comfortable substance in existence.” I thought to myself quickly falling asleep in the ice.

Day 4:Frasier

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Flying was even better than I had thought it would be. Making holes in the clouds and causing weather by stomping a bit of water vapor. Twilight had to magically pull my tail back a few times to make sure I didn’t go into space. She admitted, though, that I could go higher than several pegasi who had been flying for years. After pulling me back for the fourth time (and the sky had darkened quite substantially before I was yanked back), Twilight used some rope to keep me from flying away again.

“There,” Twilight grumbled as she finished tightening the rope. “Now quit flying off so I can tell everypony the situation.”

“Didn’t we do that yesterday?” I asked. “And by the way, nopony seemed very interested in what you had to say, exactly as I had predicted.”

“Well, my friends seemed pretty concerned.”

“I’m sure they were.” I said rolling my eyes.

I look behind me to see a pink pony bouncing toward us.

“Hey Twilight, who’s thi- GUAAAAAHAA!” The pink pony gasped, and she bolted right past me and Twilight in a pink blur.

I laughed uncontrollably at this outburst while Twilight looked at me with concern and surprise.

“You’re not even the least be scared or confused at what just happened?”

“No of course I’m not. I know its Pinkie Pie just being Pinkie Pie.”

“How do you know who she is? You’ve never been here before… Have you?”

“Well, no. But from where I come from we know a great deal about Equestria.”

“You have books on alternate dimensions in your world?” her face lit up.

“We don’t really have books on the matter, but we do have Internet and television.” I noticed a very puzzled look on Twilight's face and decided not to try and explain the concept of television and internet.

“Which I guess now that I think about it is some form of a book.” I said trying to convince her so she didn’t start asking questions that would drag on and on.

“So, I don’t really need to introduce you to all of my friends?” She said with a bit of disappointed sadness in her voice.

“Oh, no! By all means introduce me to your friends. I’d love to see them in pers- um, pony rather than just words on paper.”

“So, who do you want to go meet first?” She asked me.

That’s when I became acquainted with the floor again. Something slammed into me from the side sending me forward in a cloud of dust.

A hazy cyan figure approached me and spoke to me, “Omigosh, I’m so sorry, I’ve been trying to get this new trick down, but I always seem to smash into the ground.”

“Is it just coincidental that she happens to smash into EVERYONE in fanfics? Or, I guess, real life?” I shook my head. “God, this feels so storybook.”

I grunted and stood up facing who I knew was Rainbow Dash. “Then why don’t you fly higher?” shaking my head from the daze.

“Well, excuse me, it’s not my fault! I go as high as I can before it starts to become hard to breath!”

“What is this trick anyway?” I asked curiously, somewhat less annoyed.

“I’m trying to fly down as fast as I can, and just after I hit Sonic Rainboom speed, I pull up and close my wings to glide through the air.”

“Sounds fun, I’d like to try it. But Twilight here-,” I jerked my head in her direction, annoyed, “-doesn’t like that I’m flying so darn high.”

“Just how high are you flying if she keeps pulling you back? More importantly, what’s your name?”

“I’m Frasier.” I said shaking Dash’s hoof. “I don’t really know how high I flew, but the sky started to get really dark when I was up there before SOMEPONY-” I looked accusingly at Twilight.”-yanked me back to the ground and tied this stupid rope around me.”

“It gets darker the higher you go you know.” Dash pointed out.

“But does it turn completely black?” I asked her curiously.

“How should I know? It’s impossible to breathe that high up!”

“What are you talking about? I can breathe just fine up there. Here, watch.” I said trying to fly. I looked back at Rainbow Dash and remembered the rope Twilight had tied onto me.

“Uh, a little help here, Rainbow Dash?”

She rolled her eyes and began untying the rope. When she finished, I flapped my wings to get the feeling of the rope off and started to beat them faster to get a good start. Twilight looked up from the book she was reading while we talked and she got up to stop me. However, it was too late, as I had already shot off like a rocket toward the sky. When she got to where I was standing, she glared daggers at Rainbow Dash. I flew higher and higher, and as the altitude increased, so did my feeling of elation. I looked back, and I saw Rainbow Dash flying behind me. Soon the sky went from light to dark blue, and then to pure black, and as my eyes adjusted, I could see every star on this side of Equestria. I had no idea why I wasn’t dead from lack of air, but it seemed to be that it didn’t matter.

“So, what was that trick that Rainbow Dash was trying?”

Remembering what she had said, I plummeted towards the ground. I reentered the atmosphere, but the air seemed to be non-resistant. There was nothing stopping me from breaking the sound barrier, but the cone that usually formed around Rainbow Dash never came. My mane started to form the aura that made the rainboom, but something was different. Instead of a rainbow, the aura from my hair was blue and light silver. Higher than Rainbow Dash could have imagined, I went over the speed of sound, but there was no huge ring of color. Instead of a huge rainbow ring, I started to glow with blue and platinum colored light and my tail grew a hundred times its normal size. Just before hitting the ground, I pulled out of the dive and soared inches off of the ground. I finally came to a halt in front of the two other ponies. Rainbow Dash was both out of breath, because she had tried to keep up, and her mouth was hanging open. Twilight looked even more surprised than her.

“Well? Was that pretty good?” I asked containing a laugh in my throat.

Rainbow merely nodded her head, mouth still gaping. I looked back at my tail, which gave off a light blue mist. It seemed to sparkle like a constellation. Twilight asked

“Have you ever done that before?”

I said “No, but I can see why Rainbow Dash likes to do it!”

Twilight looked behind me and gasped.

“What is your cutie mark?”

I thought that comment was a bit weird, because when I was teleported came to Equestria, I thought I didn’t have my cutie mark. But sure enough, there was something on my side that I couldn’t completely make out. From what I could see, it looked sort of like a spiral, but it had weird things coming off of it. Flying back to the library, I looked in the mirror. Sure enough, it was a galaxy with wings.

“Well, that was quick, two days in Equestria and I already have my cutie mark! And its space related! What could be better than that?” I thought aloud to Twilight, who had caught up with me.

“Can we get going?” Twilight asked.

“No I think I’ll just stand here and stare at my flank all day.” I replied sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

She glared at me and trotted toward the door. “Well, if you’re not tired of the outdoors, we could go visit Fluttershy.”

“Hmm sounds good.” I replied

Twilight walked and I flew alongside her. I didn’t fly too high to avoid being pulled down again but also low enough so I could talk to Twilight.

“So,” She began, “You seem to be taking your transformation and the travel in between dimensions well.”

“It’s not like I haven’t dreamed of a place like this...”

“You dream about this place?”

“Remember? The Intern- I mean, books?”

“Oh I get it. I sometimes I dream about the books I read.”

“Speaking of, what kind of books DO you read?”

As soon as I had said this I knew it was a mistake. She took a deep breath and was about to start her lecture on books.

“Oh look!” I quickly said. “There’s Fluttershy’s cottage.”

Twilight let out her breath in a sigh and knocked on the cottage door. To our surprise, it wasn’t Fluttershy who answered but her pet Angel.

“Oh! Hi Angel, where’s Fluttershy?”

He just looked up and pointed away from the door. We looked in the direction he was pointing. When we recognised what he was looking at, Twilight’s ears flattened and I swallowed hard. The Everfree Forest.

“Y-You still want to go meet Fluttershy?” Twilight asked me.

“Um... maybe we should go help Fluttershy?”

“No, she can take care of herself in there. Trust me.”

Twilights stomach grumbled. “Well, we better get going to Applejack’s for some food huh?”

“I couldn’t agree more. Bye Angel!” I said waving my hoof which he returned with an angry glare.

“Yeesh, what’s his problem?”

When we arrived at Sweet Apple Acres, we found Applejack doing what she does best, bucking apples with Big Macintosh. I’ve never seen Big Mac buck for apples before because they never showed it on T.V., but now that I actually see him doing so, it’s obvious that he is much stronger than Applejack. What takes Applejack a powerful buck with both legs took Big Mac one seemingly leisurely kick with one of his hind legs. Applejack looked up and approached Twilight and I.

“Howdy Twilight, who’s yer friend here?”

I stepped forward and held out my hoof. “Hi, I’m Frasier.” She returned the hoofshake with such energy it shook my whole body.

“Howdy Frasier, what can I do fer you and Twi here?”

“We actually came here to talk about the events taken place and for a bite to eat.”

“Oh, about this Fel character?” Applejack asked.

“See Frasier? I told you somepony would care.” Twilight said.

“Alrighty then,” Applejack said, “Come on let’s get something ta eat. And if you don’t mind me askin’, what’s goin’ on with yer tail and yer mane?”

I looked back at my tail and it was still glowing and shrouded in the silvery blue mist.

“Hmm, I don’t really know. I thought the effects would have worn off my now.”

“Effects?” Applejack questioned.

“Yeah, I did something similar to a sonic rainboom and there was this silver trail where my tail was and when I landed this mist was around my mane and tail.”

We walked over to a table and Applejack set down some apples for us to eat still pondering what I just said. When she looked up her eyes widened in fear.

“Um, you feeling okay there bud?” she asked with obvious concern.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Why?”

She beckoned Twilight over and they both stared in horror at me.

“Oh come on, I’m not THAT good looking am I?” I said jokingly.

Twilight rolled her eyes, “No your eyes, they…they’re...”

“They’re as red as apples.” Applejack finished.

“That’s odd, last time I checked, they were blue.”

“Not any more they ain’t.” Applejack said, still not breaking her stare.

“You know, we should probably go see the doctor about this. Maybe it’s from flying so high and your body is trying to adjust.“ Twilight seemed to like the idea of me bring poked with needles.

“No, really, I feel fine. It will probably wear off sometime soon.”

We ate in silence. I tried to strike up a conversation every once in a while to break the awkward silence but they just stared at my eyes in an uncomfortable way. When lunch started to come to a close, both Applejack and Twilight seemed a little more comfortable with my “condition.”

I let out a loud belch which earned me a glare from Twilight and a laugh from Applejack along with a pat on the back.

“Well, thanks for the food AJ,” Twilight said. “We’re going to head up to Rarity’s to introduce her to Frasier.”

Applejack snorts, smiles, and says, “Well g’luck with her. She might not like that lil’ hairdo o’ yers.”

“Ha ha... Funny.” I call back.

I look back at my tail and realize with relief that the shimmering has gone away.

When we arrived at the Carousel Boutique, we find Rarity doing what she does best. Making and adjusting dresses so that they look absolutely perfect.

I catch myself thinking, “Will she try to put ME in a DRESS or will she make a suit or something?”

I push those crazy thoughts away and step forward to engage in conversation. I have to admit, she was a looker. Wait what? Since when was I interested in a SHOW? I guess that’s the pony side of me though.

“Hello.” I begin.

“Hmm? Oh hello, one moment please, darling. Onnnne seconnnnd annnnd... THERE.” Rarity said as she adjusted a few sapphires on a dress. When she finished, she turned to Twilight and I.

“Why, hello Twilight, and who’s this strapping young stallion might I ask?”

“I’m Frasier. I, uhm, I’m new here.” I said carefully so I didn’t give her too much time to measure me up.

“Well hello to you Frasier but I’m quite sure you didn’t come all the way to my boutique for just some idle chit-chat.”

“A-actually-” I began but never got to finish when she dragged me into a dressing room.

“Ohhhh, no this is bad! This is baaad.” I think worriedly.

“Hmm, interesting. Who does your hair?” She asks me.

“Oh, ha ha. I forgot, I have hair like Phoenix Wright. Great.”

“Uhh, I actually haven’t done anything with my hair ever since I arrived here.” I reply.

“Whatever do you mean?” Rarity asks puzzled. Apparently she hadn’t imagined not caring about hair for longer than thirty seconds.

“Well I wa-”

“He came from Cloudsdale.” Twilight quickly said.

“Wha no I-” Twilight was staring daggers at me.

“AH! Okay, okay! I see what she’s doing...”

“Yeah.... Cloudsdale.”

I turned back to Rarity who gave me a quizzical look.

“Cloudsdale, huh?” Rarity said. “Tell me, what was your occupation in Cloudsdale?”

“Uhhh well, I- just kinda helped clear up the weather around Cloudsdale.”

“Than what does your cutie mark represent?”

“It’s a galaxy with wings and I am able to fly up into space without a problem.”

“Than why wasn’t your job in Cloudsdale related to that?”

“Well, one, I highly doubt there is any use for a pegasus in space. Two, I just earned my cutie mark today.”

“How odd, to get ones cutie mark at such a late age. No matter, I’ll fix you up a suit in a jiffy. Don’t go anywhere.”

One brief conversation with Twilight later, Rarity trots back gaily into the room beaming with pride.

“I just know you’ll LOVE this. Are you ready?” Rarity says.

“As I’ll ever be.” I respond cautiously. I wasn’t very ready.

I clop into the dressing room and she fits the suit over me.

“Oh please, stop squirming! Honestly, Frasier you’re acting like a child.” Rarity tutted. “And done! Now go and have a look in the mirror.”

I do as I am told and stand in front of my reflection to admire her handiwork (hoofiwork)? What I see amazes me, the fabric on the suit is so light, I hardly notice that I am wearing anything at all. The suit itself is made up of dark material with white sparks and looks like space. But that wasn’t what caught my attention. Whenever I tilted, shifted, or even made the slightest movement, the stars and galaxies on the suit moved! I must have gawked at myself for what seemed forever to the other two because Twilight seemed annoyed and Rarity started to look embarrassed. She finally strode up to me and asked.

“So, do you like it?”

“Of course I like it! This is amazing! How did you get the designs to move around like that?”

“Oh just a little magic in the fabric. It’s nothing special.” She said sheepishly, still blushing furiously.

“Nonsense! This is amazing!” I repeat.

“If you say so, dear. Thank you so much for your opinion.”

“Aw c’mon, you even said yourself that you knew I’d love it.” I reminded her.

“That’s right, I did, didn’t I? Well I’m glad you like it. Keep it. It’s yours!”

“Thank you so much.” I said, returning to the mirror smiling my flank off.

Twilight spoke up, “Sooo, we should get going... It’s getting dark.”

“Wait, hang on... Dark? Isn’t it supposed to be the end of spring? It should still be light out.”

“Oh, so it is, that’s odd. Well, it was a pleasure meeting you Frasier. Keep that hair, I would like to model it for some of my designs.”

“Uhh sure, will do Rarity.” I say smiling. I actually didn’t know if that was a compliment or not.

A few minutes after we are clear of the boutique, I look at Twilight.

“Why is it so dark? It’s only six o’ clock!”

“Hmm, now that I think about it, I’m not sure... It IS near the end of fall I guess.”

“Ah, so it’s almost opposite seasons here. Alright then. I can’t believe I missed Summer, though...”

We arrived back at the library and all of the lights are off. I step inside and start counting down, knowing the inevitable is about to happen. Let the mental countdown begin.

“3... 2... 1...”

The lights turn on and an abundance of ponies jump from their hiding spots to yell “Surprise!” A few seconds later, Pinkie Pie jumps up.

“Surprise!” She screams. “Aw, darn it! Late again!”

I laugh at what’s in front of me and start to walk forward again while a record player starts to blare music. Pinkie bounds over and slams a party hat onto my head and giggles.

“Silly colty, you can’t party without a party hat!”

Rubbing my head, I replied “Ha, I guess not. By the way, I don’t think we’ve had the opportunity to properly introduce ourselves.”

“Oh! You’re right! Silly me!” she says and sits down to stare at me.

After a few seconds of silence she giggles and says, “Well, go on silly!”

“Wha- OH! I’m Frasier.” I say, still a little confused.

“Hiya Frasier!” She says vigorously shaking my hoof. “I’m Pinkie Pie, party thrower extraordinaire!”

She bounds over to a table littered with deserts and punch bowls. I scoop myself some punch and gulp it down quickly. I hadn't realized how thirsty I was up until now. To the left of the punch is a batch of freshly baked cupcakes. I shudder as I remember reading that damned fan-fic Cupcakes but, I shook the feeling off, remembering it’s just a fan-fic and has no incorporation to the show whatsoever. Sort of. I trot upstairs to work my suit off, fold it, and place it in a drawer near my bed. Most of the night was a blur of dancing, mingling, and eating. At one point Rainbow Dash directly approached me.

“Hey Frasier, wanna race? Let’s see what you’ve got!” She asked enthusiastically.

“Pardon?” I asked around a mouthful of cupcake.

“I’ve set up some cloud rings outside and a finish line. First one to the end wins. You in or not?”

“You’re on!”

I turn to the room and shout. “Hey everypony! Me an’ Dashy here are going to have a little race! Who wants to see me leave her in the dust?”

Rainbow knocks me upside the head. “DON’T call me Dashy...”

“Ow, dang it! Sorry. I won’t.”

A loud cheer erupts from the room and we all rush out of the library. Rainbow Dash and I take our places at the starting line. Three panels of glass are lined up in front of us and magic lights them up. Red... Yellow... GREEN! We blast from our places on the starting line and zip through the first ring. Behind me, I hear the cheering of a whole crowd of ponies. Rainbow decides to show off and starts doing, loop de loops and corkscrews. I roll my eyes and push myself harder, easily passing the multicolored competition and zooming through the third ring. She looks forward in surprise and tries to catch up to me. I turn around, lazily floating on my back and fly through the fourth ring.

“It’s no use Dash, I am immune to to air resistance, there is nothing slowing me down!”

“I don’t know how that’s possible, but there’s one difference! I’m looking forward!” She says taking a sharp right turn.

“What? Awww shi-” I think just before I smash into a tree. No, not into, clean THROUGH it. I groan in pain and shake my head, both from the pain and my stupidity as I take off after Rainbow again. I catch up to her by the ninth ring and pass her by the seventeenth. I zip through the twentieth ring and see the finish line. Everypony is there cheering and stomping their hooves. I smile smugly when I notice something out of the corner of my eye. I turn and see a chestnut unicorn pony staring at me.

“Fel? Oh my god... FEL!” I yell and turn towards him flying at full speed.

As it turns out, Fel was either taking insane pony workout lessons or it was a lifelike statue. One way or another, there was something as hard as rock, and I smashed straight into it and collapsed to the ground. My head is throbbing with pain as I stand up and look at the rock. Fel is gone.

“Bu-What? he was RIGHT THERE a second ago...”

Rainbow Dash lands next to me laughing and prods me with her hoof.

“Hey Frasier... What’s up? Couldn't finish the race?”

“I could have sworn I saw my friend right here.” I said poking the rock. Staggering, I managed to walk a few paces.

“Uh, dude, thats a rock.” She says mockingly.

“I know damn well it’s a rock!” I snap back. I think that snappy comment came from the place it my brain closest to where I hit the rock. She recoils, her eyes wide with fear and shock.

“I- I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you like that. I just, um, thought I saw somepony here but I guess not.”

“Hey, its alright. I get that you really miss this friend of yours. Maybe you should sleep on it. Especially after exhausting yourself like that and after smashing headlong into a rock.” She says suppressing a smirk.

“Yeah I guess you’re right. Thanks.” I say back. Suddenly I take off toward the finish line and beat her by a mile. Laughing, I trot back to the library to find Twilight already asleep. I look up at the clock, 9:30 P.M. pony time.

“Ugh,” I yawn. “Yep, definitely time to hit the hay. So to speak.” I whisper to myself chuckling at my pun. I slip into bed and stare for a few minutes. I can’t seem to fall asleep. I look up at the ceiling and start to feel dizzy.

“Whoa... that’s bizarre I- ughhhh.” I moan just before I black out.

Day 4:Fel

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I woke up with a start panting with cold sweat pouring down my face.

“Ohmygodohmygod. Calm down… Deep breaths…” I let out a sigh. “That dream was messed up! Never in my life have I ever had a horrible dream that was so... REAL.”

Pyra came trotting in with a potion floating in front of him.

“Drink this; it will make you feel better.”

I quickly snatched it with my magic and gulped it down, grimacing at the taste.

“Thanks, how did you know I wasn’t feeling well?” I asked puzzled.

“Well, for starters, you woke up screaming and sweating in the middle of the night. Two, you split the bed in half with
your magic.” He told me nodding his head toward the broken block of ice behind me.

“What exactly was going through your mind while you were dreaming?” He asked.

“All I can remember from the dream was somepony was cutting odd symbols into me all over my body. Then they would kill me, revive me, and do it again.”

“That sounds awful. Do you have any idea what could have caused this dream?”


“Could it have been a vision?”

“A vision… Like of the future?”

“Yes, do you think you saw the future?”

“No way! I’ve never experienced anything like it! Maybe it was because of the ice bed?”

“It could be. The beds are designed to uh, immerse the sleeper in their dream.”

“Okay, that’s weird. But cool at the same time. Now I’m scared that if I sleep in that again I would actually suffer the pain I did in my dream.”

“I’m very sure it doesn’t work like that, little Fel.” Pyra said with a chuckle.

“Alright, so when do we get to find my ‘inner power’ and stuff?”

“Right,” He looked up at the clock which just struck seven, “now.”

We walked over to a table with many beakers and vials strewn across it. He walked over to one of the Bunsen burners and thrust it down with his hoof. I heard stone grinding on stone behind me and turned around to see a section of wall rising up and revealing a set of stairways.

“Just wondering, why do you need a secret passage? No offence, but it doesn’t look like you entertain a lot of guests here.”

“Well, the inside of these walls are enchanted and keep any traces or hint of magical energy hidden from the ‘radar’ of unicorns with the ability to detect it.”

“So whatever is behind this wall is very powerful?”

As I said this, I could feel the warm touch of magic enveloping me. I sighed with giddiness while the magic tendrils wrapped around me and almost latterly pulled me into the room. We trotted down a spiral staircase that seemed unnecessarily long and clopped into a giant anti-chamber. I stood in the doorway in amazement at what lay before me. The best way to describe it is an upside down cannon barrel made of glass with thousands upon thousands of wires connected to it. Inside of the chamber was a table which had leather bonds strapped to it. Also, there were four pools of different colored liquids in each corner of the room. Tubes sprouted from these pools and also were connected to the chamber in the center of the room. Next to the center chamber, was a room made out of metal and had dials and switches. I thought it was safe to assume that this was the control room. Pyra Frost came over and closed my mouth chuckling.

“Ho-How do you power that thing? More importantly, what is it?”

“This is what will aid you to bring out your powers.”

“How?” I asked with a hint of fear in my voice.

“Calm down kiddo, it’s painless….. Mostly.” He said barely audible.

I knew he was just trying to make it sound better but from all of the wires connecting to the thing, it looked like the experience would be… electrifying. I laughed at my own little pun and trotted into the chamber. I stare at the table in the middle before climbing into it. Pyra comes to strap me down and reassures me that the process is almost painless.

“What we are going to do here-” he began with a raspy voice before clearing his throat. “is attempt to channel energy through through the liquids into your body.”

“What’s in that soupy stuff in the corners?” I ask

“Energy and magic.” he simply says.

“Of course...”

He finishes strapping me to the table and walks into the control room. I watch him through the glass as he fidgets with dials, levers, and buttons. He lifts up a rock from a tray and places it into a glass container, closing the lid. After a few minutes, he looks at something I cannot see at the angle I’m at and smiles satisfactorily.
His horn glows to amplify his voice and he asks me, “Are you ready?”

“I’m as ready as I could be...” I shout back

A switch pull later and the chamber starts to hum. I look the the tubes in the water and they start to extract the liquids. I watched the purple substance slowly work its way up the tube. and above the chamber. It combined with the other three colors (orange, blue, and yellow) and oozed out of a grate at the top. The liquid turned a neon green and started to cascade down toward me. I gave Pyra a worried glance to find him in a relaxed position with his hooves propped up on the desk.

“That is the most human position I’ve ever seen a pony in”

The green ooze kept pouring down until I felt it touch my horn. It was definitely sticky but it was freezing cold. It reached the base of my horn and I heard an explosion. I quickly looked at Pyra in the control room to see him jump from his chair at the noise. I chuckled at the sight but then I saw him frantically pressing buttons and switching switches with a panicked expression on his face. I would have panicked myself but I lost consciousness.

“Wow...” I thought, “I lose consciousness way too much nowadays. I’d be surprised if I can spend a whole day without blacking out.”

It didn’t seem like I had blacked out though, I could feel, I could smell, I could hear, but I couldn't move anything except for my head and eyes. I looked up and saw a figure approach me. He, no SHE, it was a mare. She was a bright green like the substance that poured over me. Her mane and tail were a bright blue and the magic around her horn was a deep red. I looked for what she might be doing with her magic when I saw it: a dagger. She slowly clopped up to me smiling warmly at me with an expression that was somewhere between affectionate and maniac. I looked down and suddenly, I was strapped to a table and she was standing right over my with the knife. Her face stoic, she pulled the dagger across my chest and started to carve a symbol into me. She stopped cutting for a moment and touched her horn to the bloody symbol on my chest and whispered.


As soon as she said this, blue flames erupted from the wound like the one that lit the main room. I felt a familiar warmth as the flames danced along my chest and around my entire body. Along with this feeling of warmth, everything became much more clear. The straps that were holding me down could be broken with enough force.

“Force I don’t have.” I thought with a sigh.

All feelings of joy were lost when I felt steel bite into my left shoulder. I scream in agony while the green mare carved another symbol into my skin. Tears were streaming down my face at this point, but the green mare didn’t let up or show any signs of letting up. She touched the symbol again and and whispered.

Red flames burst from the symbol in my shoulder and spread across my body. I felt a surge of power and strength and remembered the bindings that held me down. I found I was able to move my body again and strained my muscles and the bonds snapped as if they were made of paper. I leapt off of the table and charged the mare. She dipped her head and shot a bright red bolt of magic at me. The bolt hit me and my body fell to the ground completely paralyzed.

She calmly trotted over and set to work on my other shoulder. I would have writhed in pain but I was paralyzed so, I couldn’t. When she was satisfied with the result of tearing apart my body, she touched her bloody art with her horn for a third time and whispered.


Green flames spewed from the symbol in my shoulder and again, wrapped around my body. Another surge of clarity coursed through my body and I realized, this mare was trying to help me with something but, I didn’t know what. This was probably the process Pyra was talking about.

All three symbols on my body spontaneously exploded in their own color of flame. they combined together at the center of my body and formed a brilliant white flame. The flame tripled in size crackling and waving peacefully. Then, the flame started to waver. It became more wild and spewed superheated magic everywhere. The flame grew more intense and as quick as the flame had started its tantrum, it abruptly stopped. The flame was no longer a peaceful white, but a dull boring shade of grey.

The green mare tutted and shook her head looking at me with dissatisfaction.

“I’m sorry,” She whispered. “I thought you were the colt I was looking for.”

“Wait... What do you-”

The last thing I saw was a flash of steel and a dagger being quickly drawn across my neck.

I came to gasping for air. Sirens blared and the room smelled like burning rubber and wires that overexerted themselves. The green ooze still covered me all except for my mouth which I was thankful for. I used magic to wipe the stuff from my eyes and looked around. Pyra Frost was running around frantically and feebly trying to cool off the circuits. I smiled at how silly he looked. Suddenly I remembered what had happened. The pain came back to me as if it had all happened suddenly. I arched my back in pain and looked down to see the scars of the runes the mare had carved into me. The runes glowed their respective color, and the liquid flowing out of them was not my blood, but the brilliant blue that made up the mare’s mane. I look up, my vision blurred from the tears of pain and silently wish for everything to just...

“Stop.” I whispered quietly. Suddenly there was a huge flash from my horn. I blinked away my tears and felt my jaw drop.

Everything had frozen. Not like Pyra could freeze things, but literally everything was stuck in time.

If I had a mirror, the look of astonishment would have probably made me laugh my flank off. I had done this. Everything is frozen because I wanted it to be! This is awesome! I savor the feeling of complete control but the eerie quietness of frozen time is too much.

“Go.” I say.

The room returns to its former chaos, but the pain from the markings had finally subsided. I sigh with relief and magically undo the bonds holding me to the table. The first thing that I noticed was how easy it was to perform magic. Pyra rushed up to me and checked me over in alarm.

“Are you alright?” He yelled over the alarms.

“Almost painless my ass!” I yell back.

He looks at the markings and the “blood” flowing out of them and shudders.

“What the hell happened to him?” Pyra thought.

“I have no idea.” I respond.

Pyra stood wide eyed and stared at me.

“What?” I ask.

“Did you just... Read my mind?”

“I don’t know. Did I?”

“What is your name?” He thought

“Shouldn’t you know that my name is Fel by now?” I reply to his thought.

“Aha! I knew it! You ARE reading my mind.”

“You thought that? That sounded like you were saying it.”

“Strange. It doesn’t sound any different at all?”

“Well, hold on, think something.”

“Do my thoughts sound strange in any way?”

“Uhh, yeah. It DOES echo a little bit.”

“By the way, what the happened while you were unconscious? Your eyes were moving like you were dreaming. And there are these...Symbols all over your body.”

I let out a sigh and begin to tell him about the strange green mare and what happened in the dream. He only interrupted a few times to ask questions about details.

“Hold on,” Pyra said after I had finished. “Wasn’t this the dream that woke you up in the middle of the night?”

“Yeah, I guess your right. I had a similar dream. You don’t think that has anything to do with this, do you?”

“Than it must have been a vision of the future.”

“Hmm yeah. Oh, by the way, I stopped time.”

“You WHAT?” Pyra asked astounded.

“I stopped time.” I repeated lamely.


“I wanted everything to just stop, and it did here I’ll show you.”

“Oh nonononono wait!”

Everything around us stopped. The alarms went silent, the electricity and sparks spewing from split wires were frozen in mid-air. Pyra emitted a sound that sounded like someone who was both shocked and had just been slugged in the stomach.

“I...I wha?” Pyra stuttered.

I laughed at how surprised he was and trotted over to one of the broken wires. Using my magic, I easily mended the wire and moved to the next one.

“You gonna help?” I call to Pyra.

He slowly nods and gets to work. We quickly fixed all of the important wires and tubes that would set off alarms. Pyra went into the control room and shut everything down.

“Alright Fel, everything should be good to go.”

With a silent thought, everything resumed.

“Soooo, now what?” I ask Pyra.

“We train.”

“Train? Like train my magic?”


I had noticed he’s gotten a lot more casual in his speech and his actions but, I decide to ignore it because it makes me feel a little more comfortable. We trot up the staircase again and he closes the wall on the entrance.

“Oh look at that.” Pyra said. “You got your cutie mark.”

I smirk at this remark as I would at any manly voice saying the words “cutie mark” but what he said was true. I had a cutie mark on my flank. It looked to me like three leaves half in, half out of a circle. The three leaves touched at the center of the grey circle each a different color. The one that pointed straight up was blue, the red leaf was pointed toward the middle at a top right to lower left slant, and the green leaf mirrored the red leaf.

“Mind, body, and spirit.” I whisper to myself remembering what the mare had said before the colored flames erupted from the symbols.

“We spent more time in there than I would have liked.” Pyra finally said. “Fixing up the machine and all.”

“No, remember? We didn’t spend any time at all fixing the machine.” I reminded him.

“What are you- oh... right.”

“Haha. So, where are we gonna train?”

“On top of the mountain.”

“That’s what we are in? A mountain?”

“Yep. The thick stone walls of the mountain also help conceal the magic in this place.”

My stomach growled its opinion and I remembered that the last time I had eaten was when I was on Earth.

“Ugh,” I moaned as the thought of food made my stomach twist in pain. “I need something to eat first. What kind of things do you have to eat?”

“I’ve gotten use to the diet of mostly mountain grass.”

“Um, yeah, I’m not eating grass...”

“What else are you going to eat?”

“Cereal.” I say matter-of-factly.

“Good luck finding that on this mountain. The nearest town is a couple hundred miles away.” Pyra informs me.

“Luck has nothing to do with it.” I say casting him a mischievous glance.

“This better work...”

I concentrate on a bowl of Cheerios and how it would look on one of his tables. I heard a crackle as my horn started to work its magic but something was wrong. Usually, my horn would glow a calm green but when I used magic now, it was the sickly grey from the flames and the grey from my cutie mark. Eventually, the magic did my bidding and on top of one of his tables, appeared a bowl of Cheerios.

“Hmm, you have more magical talent than I would have thought.”

“Don’t underestimate me.” I say cheerily spooning myself some much needed food and ignoring the strange phenomenon with my horn.

We ate and discussed exactly what happened in his little simulation and I had to repeat the story a few times for him to shut up. The only time I had to actually eat was when he pondered what I had just told him.

“Back to the present, you were just able to uhhh, create that bowl of cereal out of thin air?” Pyra asked.

“Yeah, pretty much, I’ll bet I could just create or destroy anything if I really wanted to.”

“Hmm, see that beaker over there?” He said pointing his hoof at a tipped over beaker on one of the tables.

“I want you to completely obliterate it.”

“That’s all? Okay.”

With a quick thought, my horn started to glow its sickly grey and the beaker on the table shattered sending glass shards everywhere but in our direction.

“Now put it back together.” Pyra instructed me.

With another simple glow of my horn, the glass shards flew from their places on the floor and formed the beaker again. It looked seamless.

“I’m surprised,” Pyra said. “Even with my magic, I’d have to use some sort of glue to put it back together. Even then it probably wouldn’t be able to hold any liquids.”

“Yeah. I can basically just think of what I want to do, add a little magic to it, and it happens. I could probably kill you if I really wanted to.” I said menacingly with my horn glowing.

Pyra took a step back eyes wide. “Y-you aren’t REALLY going to do that are you?”

“Well of course no-”

Pyra collapsed.

“OH SHIT! WadaIdowadaIdio? I gotta- eh... wait...”

I imagine him standing where he was a few seconds ago and him breathing, with his heart and brain functioning correctly. I had to concentrate really hard and it took a lot out of me but eventually, he gasped and twisted on the ground.

“Oh thank god...”

It took about an hour for him to muster the strength to speak and when he does, it is exactly what I had expected him to say.

“You... ass...”

“Ehh-heh-heh...Yeahhhh. Sorry. I didn’t mean to. Honestly.”

“At least you were able to revive me.”

“Yah but it took a lot of effort.”

“You’re like a god you know?”

“Like a god...” I say voicing my thoughts aloud. “Heh. I can create life and destroy it as I please. Damn, that sounds evil...” I stare at the ground in deep thought for a few seconds. “Lets get outside and out of this gloomy cave.”

“Alright then.” Pyra said, keeping his distance this time.

We made our way through another set of spiral staircases and hallways. The walls of the cave were as to be expected but the lights in the caves were magnificent. There were light blue crystals and whenever we passed by them, they would shine the brilliant blue that they were. when we passed by a set of the crystals, they would fade out and leave the path behind us in darkness.

I had to ask him. “Pyra, I’ve been wondering. What is death like?”

He casts a glare that would probably kill me but answers the question nonetheless.

“It was cold and dark. Not the kind of thing you would expect. It was not the heaven that you are told comes after death. It wasn’t hell either. It was complete nothingness.”

I don’t question him further because I knew how it had affected his mind. His thoughts are darker and empty yet full of pity and disbelief.

We turn another corner and I see it, the exit. I practically squee with joy and bolt toward the bright light of Celestia’s sun. When my hooves finally touch the cool grass again I collapse and spread out across it.

“Ahhhhhh.” I sigh grinning a silly grin.

Pyra trots over and looks down at me.

“You look ridiculous, you know that right?”

“Yes but I choose to look like this, you on the other hand are the unfortunate one.” say teasingly.”

“Ah shit, that sounded like I have feelings for the guy... Well I guess I kinda do but more of a fatherly thing than anything else.”

“Don’t lie there too long,” Pyra said seriously. “We have work to do.”

“Oh go chew on your mountain grass.” I retort, “What could you teach me anyway? Nothing I can’t do obviously.”

He opened his mouth to speak but changed his mind.

“What?” I ask. “Go on, spit it out.”

“Nothing,” He said with a sigh. “I honestly don’t know what to teach you if you can honestly do whatever you want without any restraint.”

“Oh I have been meaning to talk to you about my magic. You see, my magic used to be green but now its this nasty shade of grey.” I explain pulling up some grass to show him my magic. I realised that the magic seemed closer to black now which shocked me and made me drop the grass.

“Green huh? And now its that shade of grey. Well, I’d say it has something to do with your cutie mark being the same shade of grey. Either that or the grey flame in your simulation dream.”

“Wait what?” I spun around to look at my cutie mark. The circle that encompassed the three leaves had indeed turned a darker shade of grey.

“I wonder why that is.” I thought aloud.

Pyra just shrugged and lowered his head to start eating some grass.

“Oh, you know what I’ve been thinking about doing?” I exclaimed excitedly.

“What’s that?” He asks through a mouthful of grass.

“I’ve been thinking about turning myself back into a human!”

Pyra gasped and started choking on the grass he was eating. When he recovered, he asked me,

“A human? Do you even know what they look like?”

“Didn’t I tell you that I used to be a human before?”

“No, I definitely would have remembered that.”

“Well you DID bring me from an alternate dimension riiight?”

“Yes, what of it?”

I facehoofed and continued. “It’s a dimension of humans and not of ponies.”

“Than how come you were there as a pony?” He asked clearly confused.

“I don’t really know. I woke up one morning like this and just kinda played along with it. Here I’ll show you what I look like in human form.”

Being the arrogant character I am I had to set up a mirror by the clothes to admire myself in. I had noticed the symbols on my shoulders and chest. they looked... Ancient. I summon up a bundle of clothing that I would wear once I turned myself homo sapien again. Pyra looked at the clothes with a puzzled look and I explained that I would probably turn human and be naked. He was curious as to why this was a problem since I seemed fine without clothing as a pony.

“Obviously humans have different anatomy and thought processes than ponies. It’s...different.”

He seemed content with that answer but still seemed puzzled.

I started to think of what I used to look like when I was human. I felt my horn glow its sickly grey as its tendrils wrapped around my body and started to transform me. Sweat formed on my forehead from the strain on my magic when I realized that this would be the hardest thing to do even with my god-like powers. I felt a surge of pain in my hooves -no, wait, HANDS-as fingers started to sprout from them. I bit my lower lip and tried to keep concentrating on the task at hand. My horn had developed a second layer of magic. I screamed in agony and frustration because of the pain and struggle. The adrenaline from the pain seemed to make my magic run faster and a burst of nasty grey energy exploded from my horn. All of my human parts stretched into existence all at once in a surge of pain. I opened my eyes and let out a breath that I didn’t know I had been holding.

My eyes open and I hold out my arm in front of my face and flex my finger. I was human again! Than I looked down and realized that, like I had predicted, was naked. I blushed in embarrassment and scrambled toward my clothes and hurriedly put them on. It was just my casual clothes that I had conjured up. A pair of jeans and a plain black T-Shirt. The mirror reflected my own image and I smiled at how I looked. I got up to my feet to admire myself further. There was an odd itch on my left shoulder and a bright white light shone from underneath. I lifted the arm of my T-Shirt to see my cutie mark.

“Well isn’t that nice, I still have my cutie mark!” I thought to myself

I turn to look at pyra to see his jaw literally on the ground. I almost fell over laughing and walked over to help him close it.

“Ha-how di- What?” Pyra stuttered obviously flabbergasted.

“Ahhh, your surprize is very amusing.” I said with a silly grin.

I turn back to the mirror. Yep, there I was. Five foot seven, semi long brown hair with a slight curl to it.

“Yep, sexy as ever.” I said to myself making a weird face.

“Oh right,” I reminded myself. “Magic!... Wait where does it get channeled from?”

I looked around my body for anything that looked abnormal but found nothing. Then I remembered the runes.

“Hey Pyra I’m going to need your help. Could you get me a piece of parchment and something to draw with?”

“Hm?” Pyra said snapping out of deep thought. “Oh yes, paper.”

He returned to after about ten minutes in which I had the time to lie in the grass and think about how much fun I will have once I get my magic again.

“Here you go.” Pyra said floating the paper and pen to me looking at me with an expression of... terror?

“Thank you.” I said with a warming smile.

I start to draw the symbols that were on my body on the paper. I then hand the paper to Pyra and tell him which symbols to carve into my flesh in each spot accordingly. He looked at me with confusion and went back inside. I followed him in this time because I needed to be strapped to something or I would struggle and run from the immense pain of steel splitting my skin. With a few modifications to the table, Pyra strapped me in as tight as possible. He took a moment to stare at the sketches on the parchment and looked at me.

“Are you sure this will work?” He asked me.

“Yep, this is what gave me my power last time and it should work this time. Just make sure to carve body and spirit into my hands because my shoulder is already covered by a cutie mark.”

He began the procedure of splitting skin with metal. I screamed in pain and struggled to free myself from the bonds. He kept ripping my flesh on my chest and touched his horn to it.

“Mind.” he said, though much more audibly than the mare did..

The familiar blue flames erupted from the carving. Pyra jumped backward, shocked at the sudden outburst. I smiled while the blue tendrils wrapped around my body and knew that this would work as effectively as it had before.
Pyra regained his composure and set to work on my hand. I flexed my fingers trying to get him to stop carving into my hand but I had prepared for this and we had strapped each individual finger down to prevent me from doing so. I struggled to free myself but couldn’t escape Pyra’s horn when it touched my hand.

“Body.” He voiced over the noise of the blue flames.

I felt a familiar power course through my veins. The same red flame burst from my hand almost catching Pyra.

I strained to keep still while Pyra started to destroy my right hand. I was able to tolerate the pain a little more because of the sheer power that was inside of me. When he finished, he touched his horn to my hand.

"Spirit.” He yelled over the two other flames.

Green flame once again spew forth from my right hand and edged toward the center of my body. Both the blue and red flames followed suit and they mixed their colors near my stomach. Pyra watched in awe as the three flames slammed together and formed their bright white flame. Then, like before, it exploded. The flame sputtered and actually sent ash into the air. I looked at the base of the flame to make sure it wasn’t eating away at my flesh. Thankfully, it wasn’t but the flame exploded a second time and abruptly stopped. The flame had turned a demonic and possessed looking black. Pyra walked over to me and floated the knife over my neck.

“Hey nonononono wait!” I shouted. “This is REAL life, I would die for real.” I reasoned.

“Oh!” Pyra exclaimed realizing what he was just about to do.

The flame died down and sank into my stomach. The inky black of the flame quickly flew through my veins temporarily making me look demonic. I shuddered when it rushed to my head and chilled my body.

“Well, that was, different.” I finally said.

“Why did the flame turn black?” Pyra asked. “Wasn’t it grey before?”

“Yeah it was.” I took a quick glance at the cutie mark on my shoulder. “And now the circle on my cutie mark is black too...”

“It is very odd for a cutie mark to actually change since it is what you would be doing for the rest of your life.”

“Yeah... Hey, I could probably do magic right now.”

“Try it out.”

Food came back to my mind and my stomach let me know that it was nearing empty.

“So soon? Whatever at least I can have a nice juicy steak again.” I thought happily.

I concentrated on the table closest to me. The warm feeling of magic enveloped me. My hands started to feel warmer and I realized that that is where my magic was being channeled. I look down at my hands to see them covered in the black flames that recently floated above my body. I let the feeling sink in and let out a satisfied sigh. I. Felt. Badass. But, I needed food so I had a plate with a large T-Bone steak appear on the table. Hungrily, I sat down and started eating. Pyra watched me with extreme discomfort.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

He shook his head as if he were daydreaming. “I’m still kind of getting over the fact that there is a HUMAN in my cave eating meat.”

“Dude, humans are omnivores. We eat meat and green leafy stuff.”

I finished eating and walked over to Pyra.

“So, what do we do now?”

“Honestly, I don’t know. Have you felt that this day has gone by ridiculously slow?”

“Yeah, for the events that occurred, this day seemed like it dragged on for way too long.”

“Yet it’s nine o’ clock.”

“Yep, definitely weird.” I say with a yawn.

I summon up a bed in the same room with the ice blocks while Pyra settles onto into his block.

“Hmm, I should see how Frasier is doing. He’s probably worried sick! Assuming that he made it to Equestria and all.”

Using my mind, I search for Frasier in Ponyville because if he was with Twilight Sparkle, he would probably end up there. I found him lying asleep in Twilight’s library.

“Awww, isn’t that cute.” I think with a chuckle.

My mind/body hovers over Frasier for just a moment before I swoop into his mind. The scene before me was a beautiful valley between two grassy hills and a river flowing between them. Frasier rose from one of the hills and started to trot down toward the river. He stopped just at the edge of the river and looked up. Rainbow Dash trotted over the opposite hill and upon seeing Frasier, she squealed with joy and flew toward him.

“Hey Frasier!” I call out. “Don’t you think it’s too soon to be having these kind of dreams?”

He looked up in shock to find me floating on a cloud eating a small bag of popcorn.

“F-Fel?” He stuttered and the peaceful scene around him evaporated.

“Aww, that was so nice. Why’d you get rid of it?” I ask floating down toward him.

“You- I- You’re alive?”

“Yep. How have you been?”

He laughed. “Ok, seeing as I can go faster than Rainbow Dash.

It was my turn to be surprised. “Faster? You can make a Sonic Rainboom?”

“Even weirder. I turn into some sort of comet, and I am immune to air resistance.”

“Oohoohoo, fun. Did you race her?”

“Yeah, I tricked her by slamming into a rock. I actually thought it was you, though. I swear it was... But yeah, I did win. I actually want to get a job as solar and lunar forecaster, because I can breathe in space!”

I stared at him, surprised again. “You tricked Rainbow Dash by slamming your face into a rock... And how are you going to apply to be a solar and lunar forecaster when the goddesses move the sun and moon by their own?”

He blushed and said “Well, not everypony knows that Celestia has... um... tantrums? Yeah, tantrums. And they cause solar storms. They can interfere with magic, and cause clouds to randomly release their water and lightning. And the moon... well, Princess Luna can make lunar eclipses whenever she wants to as well. I can see them before anypony else, so
I can tell the general population about it so that there isn’t widespread panic.”

The dream started to get fuzzy, and Frasier said “Sorry, time to wake up now! But it's nice knowing that you are ok... but how did you get to be human?”

Before I could respond, the dream cut out completely and I was forced back to my body. I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling. I’m going to Ponyville tomorrow under Pyra’s consent or not.

“This will be fun.” I thought aloud with my best impression of an evil laugh that left me coughing.

Day 5:The End

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After waking, stretching, eating, and a quick use of the facilities (which was rather hard because everything was pony sized), I was off. Pyra tried to stop and ask me where I was going but all I had heard from him was

“Hey where are--” before I flashed some place near Ponyville. I didn’t want to just pop right into the center of the town, that would be... lame. So, I transported myself to a place that was relatively close to Ponyville, the statuette garden. Once there, I looked up to see a terrified spirit of chaos trying to ward off harmony with just his claw and paw.

“Hey Discord,” I spoke to the statue, “What do you think went wrong on your little trip back to Ponyville? You obviously had it in the palm of your hands but, when the six little ponies came to stop you, you did nothing. So, again I ask, What went wrong?”

I shot a concentrated beam of magic at the statue and all of the stone burst from Discord’s skin and shot in all directions.

“Ah damn that was a little louder than I had anticipated.” I said to myself as Discord shook off the rest of the stone that had clung to his fur.

He stood up to face me and took a bow.

“I thank you human for what you have done. But tell me, why would you free me, a screw-up, as you put it?” He asked.

“You’re not going to take credit in the least bit for throwing almost the whole of Equestria into chaos?”

“Oh I did as much but you seem to be able to disrupt the effects of the elements of harmony. You seem more than capable of doing whatever it is you want by yourself.”

“That’s easy, I needed entertainment and a demonstration on how to ‘improve’ Equestria. But you haven’t answered my first question, what went wrong on your first outbreak?”

“I think I may have been too cocky.” Discord said with a sigh. “But trust me small human, I won’t be making that simple mistake again.”

We started to make our way to Ponyville. The road turned into soap and I lazily floated on a cloud turnin all others above our heads into cotton candy.

“Fel.” I said breaking the silence.

“Hmm?” the chaos spirit looked at me.

“My name is Fel.” I say simply.

“Alright then. But I have to ask you, how does a human appear in Equestria?”

“Long story short, I was spontaneously turned into a pony in my dimension, sucked into yours, gained Celestia tier powers and turned myself back into a human.”

“Interesting.” He said plainly.

I look up from my cloud and see it, Ponyville, in all its mirth, soon to house beautiful chaos.

“Where do you want to start?” I ask Discord floating higher to see the whole town.

Discord was flying next to me and said. “Real quick I want to do something.”

He snapped his claws and a giant cotton candy cloud appeared over sugarcube corner and started pouring chocolate milk.

“Friend of yours?” I ask.

“The element of laughter had always been my favorite element.” He responded with a sigh.

“Right... Hmm. The sky needs more blue...”

“But that’s the point of the cotton candy. You know to block out the sky?”

“No, how about some blueberry cotton candy?”

“Interesting. But I rather like the pink.”

“Nah lets put some blue in there.” I said and started to change some of the cotton candy clouds blue.

“No, pink.” Discord said sternly and changed them back to fluffy pink cotton candy.








I was on my third lap around the planet making sure everything was going well both on the planet and in space around it. I have to admit, it’s kind of tiring flying around a whole celestial body and keeping everything in check. There even was an incident where I had to guide a meteorite away from the planet so it wouldn’t completely destroy it. But that wasn’t too much of a concern when I saw what I did by my fourth lap. In the small area of land in the much larger land of Equestria is Ponyville. Thankfully it is easy to see from space (relatively) and I could fly back down at any time. The problem was, where there usually is that pinpoint of Ponyville, there was a large mass of clouds that seemed to be flashing from pink to blue and back again.

When I flew down to see what was going on, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Before me stood two humanoid figures floating on clouds screaming at eachother and changing the colors of the clouds. I knew one figure as Discord and this came as a shock to me because he was supposed to be imprisoned in stone. The person he was arguing with was, no was it? Yes it was definitely my friend Fel. What the hell was he doing arguing with Discord, the spirit of chaos?

“Hey!” I yell over their bickering, “What’s going on here?” I might as well find out because the townsponies of Ponyville are most likely freaking out as is.

“Not now Frasier I’m kind of in the middle of something.” Fel said and turned the clouds a deep blue.

“The clouds have to be pink! Cotton candy is PINK.” The chaos spirit said.

“Well blue is...” Fel said cutting off to realize that I was floating right next to him. “Frasier! Awesome to see you bud.” He formed his blue cloud into stairs and stepped down onto flat ground next to where I had landed.

“So, how’s it goin’?” He asked.

“Care to tell me what in Celestia’s name are you doing?” I ask accusingly.

“Well, since I have these badass powers and stuff, I thought I’d have a little fun and released Discord.” Fel responded with a smile.

“Aaaand you do realize that the main six are going to have to use the elements of harmony on you right?”

“Oh think nothing of it! I mean it’s what kept Discord imprisoned right? If I can contradict the magic that imprisoned him, the elements of harmony, than they’re not going to have any effect on my whatsoever.”

“Uh huh, well here they are, time to test that theory.” I pointed out lamely.

My friend turned to the six ponies in front of him and held his arms out. Discord decided that this distraction was adequate and took off to another part of Ponyville to wreak some more havok.

“Alright, you got me, hit me with your best shot.” the human said puffing out his chest.

Twilight looked at him with concern.

“Are you not at all worried that we are going to use the elements of harmony on you most likely imprisoning you?” She asked.

“Actually I think your mind is reeling at the fact that a human is in your fair world of Equestria and not only does he possess magical powers but has released Discord and helped him shade Ponyville in ever changing colorful clouds.” Fel simply stated. “Oh and at this point that you will not have time to experiment on this matter.”

“Whatever you say,” Twilight said rolling her eyes and turned to her five friends. “You girls ready?”

She was greeted with eager nods.

“You know Fel, you could just quit what you’re doing and use your powers for good?” I suggested.

“Nah I’ll be fine.” He said once again spreading his arms.


I must admit, I thought it would hurt more. But when they are called the elements of harmony, pain probably isn’t part of the equation. I sat there with my arms spread and puffed out my chest. I even painted a target on it like Discord had. The rainbow of harmony swept past me and surrounded me lifting me off of the ground. It felt great, like being, how do I put it, relieved? Like you just won a gold medal and after all of the giddy feelings subsides you let out that sigh. When I felt the rainbow swirl finish off, I opened my eyes and looked around.

Nothing had changed.

I thought that at least the sky would have been cleared but it’s not that way probably because Discord had escaped. I didn’t feel any different. In fact, I still felt like making it rain chocolate rain.

I chuckled and looked at the seven stunned ponies in front of me.

“Uh, thats it? That failed miserably...” I said unimpressed.

Frasier shook his head still gawking.

“Dude look behind you.” He said pointing a hoof.

Turning around to see what he was talking about my jaw hit the ground. It was, me, kind of. It was me in my pony form and it stood in a stance that suggested battle.

“Hermerm--” I tried to say.

“What?” Pony-Fel said tilting his head.

I bent over and retrieved my lower jaw. “What the heck?” I repeated.

“The elements of harmony created me. I am the other side of you with a pure soul.”

“Ohhh so that’s what the center of my cutie mark represents. How pure my soul is. I get it now. Because mine is black and yours is white which would mean my souls is impure... Wow that sounded racist.”

“Uh huh. Well, I am here to banish you from Equestria to where you came.” Pony-me said getting back into battle mode.

I could hear Pinkie Pie whispering to the others watching the scene. “Ooo I like this part, but it could be better. You’d really think there would be some epic world battle and the human and the pony-human would almost destroy the world to try to kill each other but really the more eviler one decides that he kinda wants to go home anyway.”

All eyes were on Pinkie Pie.

“*Gasp* Are we having a staring contest? Okay! 1.2.3 GO!”

I chuckled and realized something. “Wow, she’s right, this place is getting boring, I mean Discord is probably having the time of his life right now but I better get ho-” A bolt of white light struck my side cutting me off.

“OW! What the hell?!” I yelled through a grimace.

“Woops wrong spell. Heh uh, sorry I’ll try again.” My pony version said.

“Don’t play coy with me, me. I know you did that on purpose.”

“No I didn’t.” He said innocently.

“Yes, you did.”

“Nope, complete accident.”

“Oh shut up and just whisk me away or whatever before you piss me off and I change my mind.”

“Alright, alright. Sheesh.”

“I’m going with you.” Frasier piped up from the crowd.

“Oh yeah, you're going to want to come home.”

“Before we do though, I’m going to need to be human.”

“Ah! Right.”

A few minutes later there was a re-humanized Frasier standing in front of me, best part of the spell was that he got to keep his wings!

After a test flight and making sure he could still go up in space, he touches down and announces that he’s ready.

“What will happen to you?” I ask the small chestnut pony-me as his horn starts glowing.

“Oh, me? I don’t even exist.”

“Wait, what?”

“Yep, I’m just a figment of your imagination! Everypony here thinks you’re crazy by now but haven’t said anything yet.”

“Grand, now I leave here with everypony here thinking I’m a crazy lunatic.”

“Yep! Have fun!”


“So, who wants to have a we-just-met-a-human-for-the-first-time-but-he-turned-out-evil-but-he-left-anyway party?” Asked the chestnut unicorn.

Pinkie Pie shot up and screamed “I do! But we should probably get mean old Discord back in his statue garden.”

“Good idea.” Fel said and trotted off after the six elements of harmony.


That was the first thing I felt when I came to. I sat up abruptly and looked around. We were back in Puma Park at about noon just like when we had first been transported to Equestria. The sun was shining brightly in the sky and a cool breeze swept through the grass. I turned to Frasier who was standing up and stretching his wings.

“Hey bud, how’s it going?” I ask cautiosly

“Well, I would be doing better if I knew my best friend hadn’t turned evil on my ass.”

“Hey! We fixed that problem. We’re back home and everything can be normal again.”

“And how will things be normal when I can move clouds and fly? Also, you can cast crazy magic that no one has even begun to think about. And, what about the time difference, how long do you think we have been gone? At least three days.”

“Relax man, I made sure to transport us back here on the day we left at the exact same time. We were never missed.”

“Alright fine, but if I get taken in to be experimented on its your ass I'm going to kick.”

“Just remember what you can do with your wings and they can’t catch you.”

“Right.” He said with a sigh and added. “So, this is it.”

“What do you mean?”

“We leave this park as two kids, one with crazy powers and one with wings and that’s that.”

“Yeah pretty much.”

“Well that’s kind of a lame way to end an adventure.”


“Well bye!”

“Yep, see you later Frasier.”


I shot up in my bed and looked around. I was in my room, how did I get here? I just left Frasier in the park. Did I teleport myself here? I tried to use my magic to bring my alarm clock to me and turn it off but nothing happened.

“Well that’s odd.” I thought aloud.

That was when my mom threw my bedroom door open and yelled at me to get my lazy ass out of bed. After she slammed the door behind her I just stared in confusion.

“What the hell is going on?”

I get up and start getting dressed but pause when I look in the mirror. The symbol that was supposed to be carved into my chest was gone. There wasn’t even a scar that showed that it had existed. I looked at my hands and got the same results.

“Was this all a dream? Could I have imagined it all?” I thought to myself.

I sat down on my bed and stared at the floor thinking it through. It was the only possible explanation. Yet, it felt so real. Then again, how unrealistic is that? A kid being turned into a pony? Stupid. Yeah it must have been a dream that’s only logical explanation for what had happened. I assured myself and walked upstairs to eat some breakfast.

Somewhere in Equestria there was a town called Ponyville and it was alive with ponies partying from not just one party, but two. The we-just-beat-Discord-again party and the we-just-met-a-human-for-the-first-time-but-he-turned-out-evil-but-he-left-anyway party. The guest of honor at both parties was a small chestnut brown unicorn colt named Fel. And he was loving it.