• Published 20th Apr 2012
  • 1,017 Views, 15 Comments

Surreal Joy - LaxBrony

Fel wakes up and finds himself in a body unfamiliar to him. Hilarity and confusion ensue.

  • ...

Day 2:Confrontation

Journal Entry Day 2

My alarm clock woke me up again this morning, and I had to lie about being sick to my mom again.

“Should we take you to the doctor?” she asked me.
“No, I think I’ll be fine after today,” I responded quietly.

She left the room with a disappointed and concerned sigh but didn’t argue because she knows that I don’t get sick often but, when I do, it is usually something that will keep me down for an extended period of time. I still kind of hate myself for having to do this, but I knew her reaction would not be positive. Up until lunch I had a little more practice with levitation on large objects and got to the point where I could lift my dresser about a foot off of the ground.
“What else can I do with this magic…? Telekinesis and Teleportation are the two most basic spells a unicorn can learn, but I won’t dare attempt teleportation, namely because I worry about how much noise it will cause.” Soon after I finished practiced levitating things some more, my stomach growled loudly.
“Oh man… I haven’t eaten since two days ago at dinner! I’ve just stayed down here so long trying to keep a secret from my mom that I’ve completely forgotten to feed myself!”
Suddenly, I hear my mom come down the stairs and I dive under my covers.

“Hey Fel, I’m going to run a few errands and I’ll be gone for a couple hours… Do you think you’ll be alright?”
I quickly respond, “Yeah, mom. I’m sure I’ll be fine. I just need some rest to get rid of this. It’s nothing too terrible.”

I assume she glances back at me with a look of worry on her face but I can’t really tell because I am turned away from her. Once I hear the car start up and leave, I quickly jump out of bed and run to my first real obstacle… Stairs. I had to take it slowly enough to make sure I don’t catch a hoof on the stairs and fall on my face. I walk into the kitchen and open up the pantry to grab some Cheerios and pour them out for myself.

“I hope I can still eat cereal, being a pony and all.”

I am delighted to find that my sense of taste hasn’t been altered at all and find the Cheerios as satisfying as ever. After a few more bowls of this and finally stopping the horrible hunger that tore at my stomach, I went downstairs to brush my teeth.

“Well, life hasn’t changed too much after becoming a unicorn… The only noticeable difference is that I’m only three and a half feet tall and have to bring things to me with magic.”

I walk to my bed, open up my laptop and remember that I promised Frasier that I would Skype him today. Thankfully I called during his lunch hour but he declined again.

“what’s wrong this time?”
“meh, skyping at school seems like a bad idea”
“there’s not enough time to get into a real conversation”
“I’ll call you after school. its Friday anyway so I can put off my homework till later.”
“ok fine”

I decided to take this last hour of alone time to try my hoof at teleporting. I have read many fan-fics, and that it is supposedly very simple. All I have to do is concentrate VERY hard on where I want to appear and imagine myself appearing there. I picture the basement just outside of my room standing next to the couch facing the Television. I squeeze my eyes shut and concentrate very hard on this image for a good minute before I feel the warmth of my magic working

“Stay focused” I tell myself, “We wouldn’t want anything bad happening would we?”

I sit there with the image of where I will be for a good minute before I hear a loud explosion. Before I know it, can’t see anything and my ears are ringing loudly. When the temporary blindness clears, I look at the hellish scene in front of me.

“Oh. My. God. What the hell have I done!”

I found myself standing in the middle of a charred ring of carpeting with small flames eating away the rug on the edges of the ring.


I rush to my bathroom, grab a cup between my hoofs as best as I can and start pouring water all over the ring to douse the flames.

“Oh my god… there is a HOLE in the floor and its disintegrated the middle of the couch!”
I stare at the humongous crater I made in the middle of my basement until I hear the garage door opening.

“Oh no…” I quite literally jump into bed and cover up as fast as I can.

“She’s going to come down here obviously, there’s so much smoke and she’ll think something has happened to me.”

Then, I hear her scream.

“Oh gooood nooo! DAMMIT!”

She sprints down the stairs jumping the last four and turns to see the crater. If the ringing in my ears stopped before, it returned now with the banshee scream that my mom let out. She then bolts into my room and finds me still safe and sound in my bed and runs to hug me. But, when she turns me around to hug me she sees what I have become. Both her and I are in the same state of shock. And then, the inevitable happens. She screams at the top of her lungs, turns around to run out the door but I quickly close it with my magic before she can get out. She runs headlong into the door and falls over unconscious. I can’t help but laugh aloud as this happened; there is nothing more comical than someone running into a door and falling right back over.

The humor was short lived. “She knows… She saw me! What do I do now? I should take her up to her room and get her in bed and hopefully she will pass this off as a dream. But I will have to eventually show up sometime this weekend…”

I push away the thought and start pulling my mom toward the stairs.
“I could probably float her up to her room without much of a problem… Whatever, I’ll try that.”

It proved fairly easy regarding the fact that she was about a hundred pounds lighter than my dresser. Once I got her into bed, I tucked her in and stared for a few moments. She looked rather happy for someone who just saw a small horse in replace of their son. Then again, she was unconscious. The quiet ticking of the clock snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked at the clock.

“ACK! It’s 3:30! Frasier said he would call me after school!”

I hurry downstairs and in my rush, skip a step and tumble down the remaining stairs and land at the base of the stairs with a loud *BAM!*

“Owwwww,” I moan as I get up slowly and tread lightly to my room. I sit up on my bed and open my laptop rubbing my head with my foreleg, I could feel a bump beginning to form already and shook my head at my stupidity.

I clicked the Skype icon on the lower right corner of my laptop (which by the way I am proud to say I can now press individual buttons on my laptop without the help of pencils, as well as use the mouse) and find that Frasier has tried to call me, five times.

I quickly call him and to my surprise, he actually answered this time. We had our video off at this point so as not to surprise him so quickly. His was off because he hadn’t activated it and me because, well, I can’t be sure of who’s watching his screen. He talks first, as usual.

“Herro!” Frasier says.


“Soooo what did you want to talk about again?”

“The fact that I’m a freakin’ unicorn from my little pony.”

“Hahaha Sure. Why no video?”

“Because I want to be absolutely sure that:
1) You are not around anyone that would be concerned about this and
2) That you will not freak out as much as my mom did.”

“Wait your MOM saw you?”
“Yah…She didn’t take it very well and she’s out cold in bed right now.”
*sigh*”Ok are you ready?”
“For what?”
“To see.”
“Ok hahah go for it.”

I then turn on my video and smile awkwardly at the camera and brace for impact. The response I got was not really what I had expected. Complete silence. And then he yells out in a surprisingly joking voice:

“What the hell? Oh you got a new pony! Cool! Can I pet him?”

“... No dude it’s me. Fel.”

I then position the laptop at the corner of my bed facing my room and stand up in front of the camera.
“All I see is a pony with a-- wait, what the heck is that on its head...?”
I dip my head and explain for the third time,

“I told you before, I became a unicorn over night. I have no idea how but It happened and now I’m not sure what I should do.”

“Wow, so that seriously is right you that I’m looking at right now.” Frasier said.

“Yep. It’s me, Fel. As a unicorn...”

“You know what this means right?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you’ve read My Little Dashie right?”

“Oh come on dude, that just a fanfic.”

“Do you really think that right now? You better start believing in those fanfics Fel. You’re in one!”

“Oh, ha ha. I bet you’re proud of that one. But seriously. What do you suggest I do? I can’t just show up at school like this!”

I could tell Frasier was in deep thought by his thoughtful expression and scrunched eyebrows. After about five minutes of silent thought, he spoke.

“You know, you could always just--” The door to my room suddenly swung open and my mom walked in. I was in a sitting position and had no time to jump into my bed before she was in my room. I quickly turned around and our eyes met. Frasier said quietly,

“Good luck with this one...”
And with that pleasing thought, he disconnected.

After a few moments, my mom finally broke the silence. “A-are you one of those ponies my son says he loves?”

I thought miserably, “Alright. Here we go.”

“Yes, I am from the My Little Pony cartoons.”

“Where is my son?”

“Mom, it’s me...Fel.”

“What do you mean?”

“Mom listen, I am Fel, just no longer human, I am a unicorn. Listen to my voice, is it not the same voice of your son that you’ve known and loved for 14 years? I know this may be really weird, and even I’m not sure exactly what happened. But there’s one problem, I have no idea how to, or if it’s even possible, to get back to my normal self.”

After a silence that seemed to last forever, my mom spoke up.

“Nothing you said explains the crater in the middle of the basement.”

“Oh, hehe yeah. Um... You know how I’m a Unicorn?”


“Well, as a unicorn, I can use the magic that is held in my horn perform things like telekinesis.” I said as I levitate a chair behind her so she could sit. She looked like she was about to pass out again anyway.

“I also tried to use its power to teleport but, you saw how well THAT turned out.”

She laughed weakly and said, “You know, you’re going to have to pay for that couch.”

“Aww, really?”

“Yes Fel, really. Just because you are a unicorn,” she stifled a laugh, “Doesn’t mean I love you any less, or that you are any less responsible for the mess you made.”

“So you’re okay with me being a unicorn?”

“Well of course! It’s so much better than being a slug or any other invertebrate.”

“And here I was thinking she would disown me in a rather cliche sort of way.”

“And you’re sure you’re okay with this?”

“Sure. It is very strange, but you’re my son, and you’re okay. I hope I don’t need to treat you too differently.”

“Well, I am pretty sure I won’t be able to eat meat ever again. Other than that and not having hands anymore, I think life won’t change too dramatically.”

“Glad to hear it.” She bent down to give me a hug and I returned the embrace. It was kind of awkward because I am now much shorter than her and I can’t fully wrap my arms around her anymore but, a hug is a hug and I now know that she will accept me no matter what I look like.

The next few hours were used to plan on what to do when the rest of the family comes home. We all knew my little brother Jake would want to run up and hug me being the little ten year old brony he is. We were pretty sure my dad’s initial reaction would be to stare at me like he did when I showed him My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic but than would laugh it off as a joke because of his great sense of humor. My sister would be the hardest one to explain it to because she despises the fact that I even watched that show and now that I actually am sort of part of the show, she would probably try to kill me.

When dinner time came around, my mom made dinner and stalled everyone for a while so that I could get ready to show them what I had become. I took a good hard look at the mirror and said to myself.

“Well, no going back. Once they know they know and all will be fine. At least that’s what mom thinks.”

“Feeell!” My mom called from the top of the stairs.

“Comin’!” I called back

At the top of the stairs I saw my family at the dinner table. My brother and dad reacted just like I thought. Jake stood up and yelled “pony” then rushed over to hug me. I looked up at my dad and he had the exact look of confusion and embarrassment that I knew he would have. It was my sister’s turn. She didn’t notice me at first but when she looked up, she choked on the milk she had just drank and began a fit of coughing. I started to laugh like I would at anyone who was choking on just water or milk. Then, my dad started to chuckle too as he had the epiphany that I was a little pony.

“Wow, my family is so predictable. It’s kinda sad.” I thought. Throughout dinner, there were many questions about how this happened and if there is any way to fix it. To these questions, I had no answer but one question came from my dad that he would usually ask me if something odd was going on in my life.

“Fel, are you happy?” he said in a tone that made it clear that he was completely serious.

“Yah of course! I’ve just dreamed of things like this and now it’s a reality! Of course I am happy.”

That seemed to lighten him up.

“Alrighty then. If you’re happy, I’m happy.” he stated and began to dig in once more. The rest of the meal was fairly quiet as everyone enjoyed their ribs except me. I just had a few apples and a bowl of Cheerios. Then my dad looked up and sniffed.

“What’s that smell? Smells burnt.”

“OH! I forgot to tell you that there is a small crater in the basement.”

He dropped his fork with a clatter, “WHAT?!”

“Yeahhh well, as a unicorn, you saw I can do magic and levitate things.” I lift up my empty bowl as an example. “Once I tried to teleport someplace else and the result was a small explosion and a burning crater in the floor.” I smiled sheepishly.

“What did you burn?” He said with a sigh.

“The couch.”

“Aw c’mon Fel. You really need to be more careful.”

“Hey, magic is unpredictable!”

“I’m joking kid. Calm down.” he said with a chuckle

“Heheh... Yah.”

"But you still have to pay for the couch."

"Yes dad, I know."

I scooted back from the table and let out a big yawn.

“Well, I’m gonna get to bed.”

My mom spoke this time. “So soon?” she asked.

“Yah, magic takes its toll on me and it wears me out.”

“Alrighty then!”

I brushed my teeth and slid into bed. Sleep came quickly. My dreams were the usual dreams of fun filled adventures with the mane six when Twilight Sparkle approached me with a very serious look on her face.

“Excuse me but, who are you?”

I respond with the happy grin I usually wear in my dreams. “My name is Sketch. Who are you?”

“What are you doing on Earth?”

“I- What?”

“How did you get there?”

I remained silent. I was shocked at these sudden questions.

“What an odd dream.”

“I have no idea. I just woke up here.”

“Listen, there isn’t any time. There is a place near your location that is commonly known as Puma Park. This place has the strongest magic footprint within a mile of you. Meet me there at twelve o'clock noon tomorrow. I will explain a little more in detail.”