• Published 3rd Sep 2014
  • 2,395 Views, 222 Comments

A New World, a Fearful Way - Votederpycausemufins

After Arceus moves all the pokemon and former humans to Equus, Lea finds that being an umbreon here, isn't all it seems to be. Especially where she ended up.

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ch. 31 broken

Everyone was restless. After the events of the previous day, the guards had been on high alert. Silver wing, who had been helping out at the police station for Midnight when he was away, had come back to the poke center and was guarding the entrance. Citrus and Bluegrass had also come in to help after hearing what had happened the day before.

Caddi and Blissey were serving lunch, trying to make it seem like nothing was wrong, but a few of the pokemon could tell that they were nervous about something.

Lea hadn’t been allowed around the younger pokemon that morning. She had stayed awake all night and was now acting like more of a tired shell of herself. The only time a normal reaction had been gotten out of her that day was when Matrix had fallen down the stairs. For that short moment, Lea had forgotten about everything that was going on.

The one who seemed most concerned with her was Ziggs, but that was mainly due to him being oblivious to what else was going on. Whenever he asked his dad what was wrong with Lea or if she could play with him, Linoone just told him “Not now.”

Because of this, Ziggs had been asked to watch Lea since he had nothing else to do. He warned the others if something Lea was doing needed to be fixed, like when she had started to fill a cup with water and didn’t stop pouring when it was full.

As everyone was working on cleaning up lunch, Ziggs kept trying to talk to her. Eventually he did something that made many of pokemon and ponies around gasp or look up in surprise. Caddi even dropped a dish she had been holding in her magic.

“Can we please play now? Matrix can’t play, Daddy’s too busy, and everyone keeps telling me you can’t either but you haven’t been doing anything today. So can we pleeeeeeeaaaaaaassssssssse play?”

“Not now.”

For the first time that day, other than when she was acting completely normal, Lea had spoken.

“But why not?! Why don’t you want to play?!”

The others hoped he might be able to get another response from Lea, but just when it looked like she would say something else, she collapsed. When Ziggs ran over to help her. all he told the others was that “She feels really warm.”

“What?!” Angela yelled before running over. “Blissey, over here! Lea has a serious fever! She’s burning up!”

A few of the ice pokemon that were staying in the sewer section with the water pokemon were asked to come upstairs to help her cool down. Lea was brought to an extra room on the first floor so she would be left alone. Midnight set up a cot for them to place Lea on while Citrus had got to grab a pillow and a sheet to lay over the cot.

“How did this happen?! She didn’t have a fever earlier!” Angela said. “Matrix, you were helping her out right before lunch. Did she have any signs of a fever then?!”

“I didn’t see or feel anything. It’s like she got it while Ziggs was talking to her.”

Angela started to lose it. “Lea, you have to snap out of this! Do you think Kya will want you like this when she comes back?! Do you want her to find her mom dead!”

“Woah!” Caddi yelled. “What are you talking about! She’s not going to die!”

“I’ve seen this before a few times. Back when I was still being used as a tool, some of the other pokemon were just so fed up with everything that they just seemed to lose the will to go on. I’m stupid for not noticing this earlier! Lea! What about your dad?! He’s still has to be out there! All you ever wanted to do was find him. Do you really want to give up that chance because of something we can stop?! Who was the one who didn’t want to lose her family?! It was you! And now you’re going to cause exactly what you didn’t want! I’M NOT GOING TO LOSE ANOTHER SISTER!”
Everyone started to freak out at this point. Angela had gotten so stressed out that she had started to charge an attack. Matrix started to freak out a bit more when he recognised it as Megahorn.

Everyone had just gotten Angela out of the room and started to calm her down when something happened. The whole room froze as a voice entered their minds.

Greetings Equestrians! Ponies, Pokemon, and various others. I am Lord Arceus… I bring good news this time, a revival of a popular (And harmless) activity from our world. A Pokemon Contest Spectacular will be held in Canterlot five days from now. A spectacle that displays the inner and outer beauty of our kind that everyone can enjoy. Both entry and participation is free for all who wish to come. The creator of this Contest, and myself, hope that with the gesture and display of our culture, that relations between our kind will improve. To those entering, I wish you luck and for those wishing to watch this event, I hope you find it a spectacle that you will never forget.’

For a few seconds after the announcement, no one moved. Then, Angela started to yell again. “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?! We are having a crisis over here and he thinks an announcement about a contest is important enough to broadcast to everyones minds?! Is he out of his mind?!”

“Angela! There are children around!” Linoone said, referring to her crude language. “What would Lea think about this?”

“I think she might do the same, just in her more child friendly ways. I, on the other hand, have gone through more than you have, and I don’t want anything more and I think-” Angela cut herself off. She slowly raised a paw to her head before also lightly rubbing it. Finally she quietly mumbled a short list.

“Headaches, glameow with hypnosis, nightmares, voices in my head, doing stuff I can’t remember.”

Angela bolted for the room Lea was in, but she was blocked. “Why do you need to go it there, Lea needs to rest.”

“I figured out who Ire and Quarry are working with. I can find them too. I’m hoping if I tell her she’ll get better. Lea listen I-!” Angela had started to call into the room before she stopped again.

Her friends were confused when she turned and started to leave.

“Angela, what’s going on?” Caddi asked.

“Matrix! Linoone! With me!” Was all she said.

As they were leaving, Midnight told Caddi, “Kiwi, can you follow them? I want to make sure somepony can contact us if something goes wrong.”

“Got it!”

Both groups had left the building, and neither of them had noticed the courting pokemon lying unconscious to the side.

“Are you kidding me?! How in the world did you do that?” Glameow said as she and Mightyena raced from the building.

“That wasn’t me. I guess Arceus decided to help. But you know what that means.”

“I KNOW… what it means! Careful, she’s slipping!”

“Don’t worry. I’m not going to be letting my masters down today.”

“We better hurry, there’s no telling when they’ll notice. Good new is that absol is the same one Grumpig was looking for, so we should have a problem if they find us before Ire can finish the job.”

“Are you going to explain what’s going on?” Matrix called ahead to Angela, who was a bit farther ahead. Linoone would have no trouble keeping up with Angela, but he was one of the slowest in the group. The only one of them slower than him was Sparks, and he was still young.

“The pokemon… that I used to… work with…” Angela told him in bursts when she turned her head. “Ire and Quarry… are using them… figured it out… got to hurry… Lea could be in-”

Linoone had to stop suddenly as Angela came to a halt in front of an alley. Matrix caught up just as Angela started to go down it. Looking down, both he and Linoone were horrified to see Ire, Quarry, and a few other pokemon. One of the pokemon was a grumpig who was currently holding Lea so she couldn’t escape.

Author's Note:

short chapter is short because next long chapter shall be long.
Aus, Stag, Thad- I know you all read my story, can you pm me your predictions for next chapter, it's a big & important one and i want something special. (plus i refuse to start writing next chapter until i have one)
readers, you can do the same if you wish.
thanks to Aus and Zeus (mainly aus) for making and sending Arceus' announcement
btw, as you can probably tell, this is day 26. the next chapter will also be day 26.
now guys, i also have one condition: even if i finish the chapter AND have it edited, i'm not uploading unless i get to see comments, mainly because it makes me feel unimportant when i write this for you guys but you don't give any feedback.
i read that feedback. because of it, the story has been shaped in ways i didn't originally think of. You guys help make the story.
anywho, i'm off to draw and hope to see some messages and stuff from you guys soon!