• Published 29th Jul 2014
  • 1,239 Views, 101 Comments

The Changing Heart - TheChaosMage

A once proud changeling soldier gets knocked unconscious from the force of Cadence and Shining Armor's love. His connection form the queen severed, He must now try to find a place where he truly belongs. This lead him back to Canterlot to start anew.

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Chapter 11: A Tiny Feeling

Chapter 11: A Tiny Feeling


It had been a couple of weeks since the kiss between Lynx and Storm. Business at the Golden Elixir had returned to normal, and both Storm and Lynx were finally open about their feelings with each other.

Dox was finally working at another register to help take some of the workload from Lynx and serve more customers. He was a little awkward at first but was steadily working his way into the position.

Lynx and Storm, now an official item, often took their breaks together and today was no exception. The two left together and decided on a pleasant stroll through the bright streets of Canterlot.

“Hey, do you think I’m a good pony?” Lynx asked coming to a stop and looking over at Storm before sitting on a nearby bench.

“I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t think you were a good pony,” She responded sitting beside him, “Why would you ask me that?”

He smiled at her, “It’s nothing, there are just some things I’ve done in my past that I’m not proud of. And I want to know if I’ve changed for the better.”

“Well for the record I think you’re a wonderful pony. And no matter what you’ve done in the past, it shouldn’t change who you are now. Do you want to talk about it?”

He shook his head, “Nah it’s not really important.”

“Oh come on you know you can share anything with me!” She teased with a playful shove.

“Alright fine” He smiled and sighed looking up at the sky, “I’ve done some pretty bad things, I’ve hurt ponies for the wrong reasons.”

“W-what do you mean?”

“I mean I did things because some pony else forced me to. I didn’t have the willpower to resist and simply say no. But since that day that I ran away and bumped into you I’ve tried to be better. I’ve been able to think for myself, and forge my own path.”

She placed her hoof on his, “Well no pony will ever force you to do anything you don’t want to ever again. And with Celestia as my witness, I promise to help make sure you stay just the way you are now Lucky.”

“Thank you Storm.” He smiled at her and stood up, “We should be heading back soon, with the way things are going at the Golden Elixir I think they might need us.”

Storm smiled and nodded getting up and giving Lynx a soft kiss on the cheek, “You’re right, where would they be without us?”

“Well without me, Neon would have been doing most of this stuff by himself, until he hired more employees on his own.”

“True, I guess you really helped him out there.” Storm said starting to walk back.

“Yeah, neither Sparky nor Thunder would have joined if I wasn’t already working there.” He chuckled softly walking beside her.

“Hey me too!”

“What do you mean?”

“Well I kinda only joined to get closer to you, but now I can’t imagine going back to my old job, even in light of what’s happened.”

“Well then, I didn’t think I had that kind of effect on you especially way back then.”

“Of course you did, though at the time I just thought it a silly little crush. I would lay awake for hours wondering, hoping you might someday feel the same way about me.”

“Well it looks like those hours weren’t wasted.”

“Mhm.” She rested her head on him the two walking side by side as the Golden Elixir came into view.


Normally Neon was focused on his work and nothing else, but today was different. Today he seemed distracted. He was still mixing drinks like he always did but today but he couldn’t help but glance over at Sparky as she dashed about collecting orders.

Trying to shake off the urge to stare as much as he could, when his break finally came he grabbed one of his drinks and went up to the balcony to think. It was late in the evening now, and he sat in his comfortable chair watching the sun set.

It was rare that he allowed himself breaks, since it was his place of business and he felt like he needed to be putting the most work into it. But the few times he did allow himself a break he enjoyed the rest and relaxation.

With business quieting down, and customers becoming fewer and fewer, Storm (who had caught her boss staring at Para a few times) saw an opportunity. Going up to the balcony she pulled up the spare chair beside her boss, “You look pensive, I thought I would come and instigate what my friend is thinking about.”

“It’s nothing you should worry about Storm,” Neon replied with a smile.

“Come on Neon, we’re friends right? And shouldn’t friends be allowed to confide in one another?”

“Fine, just promise me you won’t tell any of the others especially Sparky.”

“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” Storm sang, excited to finally get the scoop on her boss.

Neon smiled and took a small sip form his drink setting it down, “I can’t help but notice that I’m staring at Sparky a lot more. It’s odd because I have never had this reaction to a mare before.”

“Do you think you might have a crush on her?”

“I wouldn’t really call it a crush. I mean yeah I care for her, and I enjoy seeing her smile every day when she shows up for work. I even get this odd tingly feeling inside whenever I hear her laugh-” He stopped talking for a moment and stared into space before feeling his hoof collide with his face, “Sweet Celestia I have a crush on my best friends sister...”

Storm giggled, “Well then why don’t you tell her that?”

“I don’t know, I mean sure I might have a crush on her, but why rush? It’s not like she’s going anywhere. And I want to be sure of my feelings before going into something.”

“Well Neon, the only thing I can say then is good luck. I’m not going to force you to date any pony if you’re not ready for it. Just don’t be afraid okay?”

“Me? Afraid? Ha I laugh at the thought.”

Storm smiled and walked inside again and left Neon to his own thoughts once more.

Smiling as she left, Neon finished his drink and watched the sun lowering over the building top heading towards the horizon beyond. Sighing, his smile soon faded, “It would be a lot easier if I didn’t know.”


Storm returned down stairs to see the last few customers with their drinks. Taking a quick peek outside and not seeing any new customers she trotted over to Lynx and gave him a warm smile, “So are you excited for tomorrow?”

“You mean a whole day with you, and no extra work piled on? I couldn’t be more excited.” Smiling back he planted a kiss on her cheek.

The rest of the night right up until the Elixir closed was fairly quiet, no new ponies arrived and the ones there happily drank their drinks before getting up and leaving. Neon returning from the upstairs balcony then flipped the sign closed and every pony began cleaning up the place for night.

Storm and Lynx walked home together after bidding goodnight to their friends. They stayed close the entire time and admired the night sky together. Lynx especially found Canterlot beautiful at night even more so as it reminded him of the night he and Storm first met.

Storm stopped for a moment and pulled Lynx to a stop with her, “Hey Lucky?”

“Hmm what is it Storm?” He asked turning to her.

“There is something I’ve been wanting to do all day.”

“And what might that be?”

“This.” She leaned in and kissed him right in the moonlit streets.

Lynx not hesitating for a moment kissed her back ready for whatever the future might hold.

Author's Note:

Sorry that this chapter is a little short, but I promise I will not make a habit of this. Anyways hope you enjoyed and please leave a comment they are always appreciated.

Edited by: Frantic Starz

Comments ( 11 )

added to read later list, until more words appear. Any idea about how long its going to be in the end?

5972158 I'm going to at least try for 20 chapters, though there might be more if I strike some more inspiration.

so... about 60k words? a little shorter than the fanfics I typically read, but then again some people don't like reading long ones either. :unsuresweetie:

so... about 60k words? a little shorter than the fanfics I typically read, but then again some people don't like reading long ones either. :unsuresweetie:

5972182 And that's part of my dilemma. To increase the total word length i need to come up with more content, and if I come up with content that I don't feel the story needs, or I feel shouldn't be there, I personally wont be happy with my work. I didn't set out to make this a long fanfiction, or even the best fanfiction out there. I originally this started out as an easy way to fill up spare time, and slowly but surely it became a labour of love. I am honestly trying my best here, and I know I will probably never reach the level of some of my favourite writers and their works. But if I can make a story that I, myself might enjoy reading in a couple years time, then that's good enough for me. Sorry about going off topic hehe. ^^"

What I'm trying to say is I am sorry its not as long as you might like, but I hope you can still find some enjoyment out of it Just the same.

I'm not really saying I want it longer. And to say if I did, it would of course be much worse if you tried to force more words out to say the same thing. I'm mostly just saying some people are weird about the length of stories that they read. "I only read fanfics under 10k words" for example. Silly.

5972371 I get your point, and thank you for understanding.

I'm really enjoying the story so far and I'm curious to what the end result will be. Keep it up mate :pinkiesmile:

On a side note this story reminds me of this song (which is a good thing because I like this song :twilightsmile:)

please tell me this story isn't dead.

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