The Changing Heart

by TheChaosMage

First published

A once proud changeling soldier gets knocked unconscious from the force of Cadence and Shining Armor's love. His connection form the queen severed, He must now try to find a place where he truly belongs. This lead him back to Canterlot to start anew.

Lynx a once a proud changeling soldier under the command of Queen Chrysalis when she invaded Canterlot. Thrown into the equestrian forest by Princess Cadence and Shining Armor's Love spell lynx gets knocked unconscious. The result changed Lynx, and caused the connection to his queen to fade away. Lost and confused he quickly decides to try and start life over as a pony. Transforming himself into a White Unicorn, he re-enter's Canterlot in hopes of starting a new life, all the while his Queen clawing away at his mind trying to re-form her army from the shadows.

Chapter 1: Lynx

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Chapter 1: Lynx


The city was in chaos, Queen Chrysalis’ plan was in full force and the invasion had begun. Ponies where running and screaming in terror as changelings hunted them down for their positive emotions. She had captured Celestia, had Shining Armor under her complete control, and completely neutralized the Elements of Harmony. She sent telepathic messages to her children, controlling them and taking away their free will. “Feed my children!” She commanded them, knowing no better they complied willingly.

A grey pegasus with sapphire eyes was backed up against the wall of a dark alley. Several changelings began backing her into a corner. Lynx stood firm at the front of his brethren. He laughed, a slight Insect-like hiss to his voice. He had been chasing this mare all over Canterlot, she was skilled at flying and evaded him well but now she was trapped.
“Please no!” she cried begging for her to be spared whatever horror the changelings had planned for her. Her hooves pushed some of the lesser drones away as they tried encasing her like the rest of the ponies. “Leave me alone!” She cried out again.
Lynx looked at her plainly and stepped forward his long green mane drooping over his looming green eyes. “You can’t stop us.” He said a soft hissing to his voice as he approached.
Chrysalis looked back in shock seeing the two ponies united in love preform the spell that would ultimately lead to her banishment. As she left through the window, her cries could be heard by her soldiers as they too got swept up along with her and the cocoons encasing the ponies crumbled away.
Lynx looked on in shock as he too was thrown back, the energy produced seeping into his body as he was thrown through the air. Lynx was thrown down in the forests of Equestria while the rest of his brother's and sister's landed much closer to the hive and the Equestrian border.


Crashing and snapping branches on his way down he fell clean into some ponies house along with a large branch of the tree it rested beside. A glowing green goo leaking from the back of his head as darkness fell around his eyes. Feeling light headed and gravely sleepy he shut his eyes, and for a moment he swore he couldn't hear his queen’s voice.
Waking up he slowly lifted his head and rubbed the spot where he had hit his head. Removing his hoof he saw the green goo and his eyes widened in a rush of panic getting to his feet and looking around frantically. “I’m alive, but where am I?” he asked in his insect-like voice echoing through the remains of the destroyed house.
His wings making a soft hum he flew out and looked around the surrounding forest. “Where are you my Queen?” He asked seemingly talking to nothing. He got no response, no voice in his head telling him what to do.
He started looking around more worried now that he couldn't hear his queen’s voice, he didn't know what to do now, his connection to his queen was severed and he was confused. “Please answer me my queen, it's your humble servant Lynx!” He shouted into the sky but there was no response. He was all alone.

Wandering the forest he began wondering if the queen had perished in that flash of light. He felt his heart beating in his chest as he walked, and a odd tingly feeling swept over his body. Did the love spell severe his connection to his Queen? If so, what else did it do to him? Each step he took felt like another perversion of his queen's will. She had guided each step he ever made from the time he was hatched and he knew no different.

BOOM! He looked up at the sky wide eyed as a ripple of rainbow coloured light streaked across the sky. It was majestic and beautiful and he watched it right up into the rainbow faded from view. His memories flashed to the fact that one of the elements of harmony had a rainbow mane. Was she the one responsible for such an act?

It didn't matter he had to keep moving, if the guards where searching for changeling stragglers then he would surely be found soon. He decided to turn and walk towards the origin point of the rainbow ripple, from there he would at least be able to find his way back to the hive.
He paused for a moment remembering that he still looked like a changeling. He knew he couldn't just stroll in looking like that so for the first time in his life, he needed to sit down and think of a way to remain undetected.
His mind wondered back to a time when he was just a small hatchling back in the hive. He had just become old enough to have his first feeding and was given the white unicorn stallion they had captured to feed upon.
He already knew what happened to him after that so there was no way of that coming back to haunt him, was there? Lynx shook the worry out of his mind and transformed into the unicorn, his coat was snow white, he had emerald green eyes with dark circles under them and a long ash coloured mane.
Trotting up to the gates of Canterlot was the easy part, getting past the guards that stood in front of it was not.
“Stop right there!” The guard on the left side of the gate shouted as he pointed his spear at lynx’s neck. His golden armor gleaming in the sunlight, he looked Lynx up and down inspecting him closely.
“Is there a problem?” Lynx asked, his voice was sly now and his insect-like hiss was completely disguised in this form. Looking at the spear so close to him he gulped, if he was any closer he wouldn't be breathing.

“Don’t you know there was an attack on Canterlot, and the princess has ordered us to not give any pony entry no matter what.” The Guard said still holding his spear steady ready to strike if Lynx made one wrong move.
“Do I look dangerous?” Lynx asked looking at him, “I lost my home, a large branch came down and crushed every last thing I own, I just wanted to find out if I could live in Canterlot, but I guess i’ll just live outside.” Lynx started walking away. “Hope it doesn't rain.”
The guards looked at one another before shouting at him. “Hey stop! You can come inside, but if we get any funny business outta you, your gone.” The guards warned him before opening the gate.
Lynx nodded, “I promise you wont regret this!” He galloped as fast as he could through the main gate looking back and snickering. “Ponies will believe anything, incompetent fools, no wonder we caught you off guard.”
Canterlot seemed almost deserted, everypony was still at the royal wedding that had recovered from the changeling invasion. As night fell and the faint sounds of music began to fill the air around Canterlot. Lynx pace did not change however a he galloped towards the music, he was almost drawn to the beat and lyrics. As he got closer he could make out a mare’s voice echoing through the streets.
It wasn't just any mare however. Coming to a skidding stop he panted softly listening. It was the voice of one of the bearer's of the Element's of Harmony, Twilight Sparkle.


Remembering that ponies name he came to a sudden realization, what was he going to do for a name? Lynx didn't exactly seem like much of a ponies name and might give him away as soon as he told somepony. He sat down on the sidewalk and thought about it long and hard as the minutes flew by.
As Lynx sat there he looked up and saw fireworks exp loading in the sky. It didn't take him long to spot a single gleaming star in the sky among the cluster of fireworks. “I guess your my lucky star huh?” Lynx said as he looked up at it. Then it hit him, why didn't he call himself Lucky Star it was catchy and gave him the cover he needed. He turned his head to see the bride and groom’s carriage strolled down the street.
Lynx stood up and walked down the street into the market. As the night went on, he pondered what he would do next as he slowly strolled down the dimly lit streets. He needed to find a way to fit in around these ponies, but where to start? He had no ones personality to mimic this time, would he have to use his own? Not watching where he was going he bumped into some pony falling back.

The Mare he bumped into stood up and stretched her wings out making sure they where not damaged before looking at Lynx. “I’m so sorry for bumping into you? Um? Hey I don’t think I know you. Whats your name?”
Lynx flinched as he finally got a good look at the mare. His ears drooped almost flattening to his head as he looked on her. Of all the ponies he could run into why in name of Chrysalis did it have to be her.

Chapter 2: Nightmares and Sweet Drinks

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Chapter 2: Nightmares and Sweet Drinks


The grey mare stood up fixing her mane and smiled at him, her big blue eyes staring into his. "Are you okay?" she asked a hint of concern in her voice.

"Y-yeah I'm fine... Um..." He looked around frantically as he panicked seeing the mare he once tried to steal every happy emotion from. "I got to go!" He galloped off down the ally way back the way he came.

Slightly confused she flapped up her wings soaring over him and landing right in front of him legs spread. "Hold on a sec!" She fixed her slightly messy hazel mane. "I didn't get your name stranger, I'm Storm Dancer."

He looked around back peddling. "I'm Lucky Star." He said looking at the mare who now had him trapped. He felt trapped, with her wings she could easily catch up, and while he could just fly out, he didn't want to blow his cover. "Look Storm Dancer I'm sorry I bumped into you."

She giggled and smirked at him asking "Apology accepted, so why did you run? Got someplace you need to be?"

He shook his head, he actually couldn't think of an excuse, and he couldn't exactly tell her he was a changeling, that would cause more trouble. "No just the opposite actually, my house was destroyed by a tree branch and I was just trying to think of where I could stay when I bumped into you and I...."

"Panicked?" She said finishing his sentence for him her brow raised high. "Well if your struggling with a place to stay you could always live with me until you get back on your hooves."

He looked at her wide eyed and gave a small smile a bead of sweat running down his temple. "I wouldn't want to impose, it might be awhile until I'm on my hooves."

"Nonsense!" She exclaimed while laughing. "Its no trouble at all really. Besides my home is just waaay to big for one pony."

"I don't know." He said backing up, trying not to make eye contact. "I mean I've never done this sort of thing with some pony before." He said looking at her.

"Alright I can take a hint, but if you ever change your mind." She walked up to him smiling. "My door is always open." With those words she shot into the sky like a bullet vanishing into the night sky.

He let out a deep sigh of relief knowing she was gone know. "Storm Dancer, I'm sorry." He trotted back down deeper into the alley. He came to another stop and looked into a barrel of water beside a restaurant looking in his reflection. "Am I able to change?"

"Every pony is able to change, its just who you want to become is the real question."

Lynx, Looked up shocked before seeing the pony emptying the trash into a collection bin, "You really think so?"

The pony nodded giving him a small smile before returning to work.

After hours of wondering Lynx found a nice inn to stay in and stepped inside. "One room please" he said putting on a smile as he walked towards the inn keeper.

"Ten bits" The inn keeper said, his voice gruff and tired from staying awake this long.

"Ten bits?! I don't have that kind of money!" Lynx exclaimed as he looked at the inn keeper in disbelief that a pony would be so stingy.

"No bits, no room." He lifted his hoof and pointed to the couch in the lounge. "You can sleep there if your so hard pressed for shelter."

Lynx nodded and went over to the couch laying down on it staring at the door before slowly dozing off to sleep, his dreams wondering to a place far away from here, a place he recognized very well.


As he slept his mind Drifted back to his home back in the hive, it wasn't far from where the queen would sit as she watched her thousands of children crawl around the hive. He was no exception, he would often crawl around next to the throne as one of three unique soldiers her words whispering in his mind.

"Lynx, when we invade Equestria I want you to feed on as much love as you can. You have already proven yourself more capable than most of your siblings. I have every confidence you wont fail me." Her voice comforted him in his mind.

"Yes my Queen." He would always respond with his insect-like voice and stand at attention to his queens side.

The drones constantly brought in new prey completely taken over and acting like zombies. They were his queens cattle, and he would be thrown whatever scraps she did not need, to increase his power.

His dream then fell through to the battle of Canterlot as they were destroying the city, he looked around shocked and confused as to what just happened, he was just in the throne room a second ago.

A guard swung his spear at Lynx. "Get out of here you filthy beast!" He shouted at him.

Angered Lynx Blasted the guard, looming over him and he saw Storm Dancer from behind the helm instead of the male guard that he was fighting, backpedaling he bumped into another changeling.

The changeling turned around shouting at him. "Hey watch it!" But instead of the insect-like hissing voice he came to expect from his own kind it was Storm Dancers.

He looked around frantically not understanding what was going on. Looking up at the castle he then heard his queen shout and get thrown back along with the rest of them. He shut his eyes tightly expecting the pain of the crash.

He instead was pushed forward held down by two guards when he opened his eyes and he saw her, Princess Celestia was standing there looming over him looking down with judging eyes.

"Do it" she commanded.

Noticing he was in his pony form he felt a warmth as a magic spell hit him from one of the guards, he turned back into his changeling form looking up in fear. But when he looked up he saw Storm Dancer.

"So you aren't a pony are you? Just a disgusting Changeling!" She hissed.

He shut his eyes tears streaming down. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to change!" But when he reopened his eyes he was in the same situation in front of his Queen back in the hive.

"That's your excuse for failing?" His Queen asked him a stern look in her eyes.

"N-No I have no excuse for failing you my queen!" He looked at her tearing up. "But when I lost connection with you, I was lost and didn't know what to do."

"So you really have betrayed me... what a shame..." She looked at the changelings holding him down. "end him." she commanded.

He felt the sharp pains of changeling magic against him as his brothers and sisters blasted him with spell after spell.


He gasped awake and shot up standing on the couch, his fur matted to his coat from sweating. He looked around the inn; The lights had been turned off, the innkeeper in his room fast asleep. Wiping the sweat from his brow he laid back down. "What was that dream about?" He rested his hoof over his eyes. "And why was Storm Dancer in it?"

He didn't sleep the rest of the night fearing that the nightmares would come again. The next morning he had bags under his eyes as he stumbled out of the inn and into the morning sun. "Maybe there is something I can do to stop these nightmares."

Stumbling he walked through the streets. Other ponies were all over the busy streets on their morning strolls. Foals played in the streets big smiles on their faces. Mare's and their colts sat at restaurant tables showing love towards one another. Lynx stopped and held his head, being around all this love was driving his changeling instincts up the wall. He looked around, there was love in every direction, trying to shake the urge to feed. He bolted inside a drink shop panting heavily.

The unicorn stallion behind the counter was humming a happy tune when he heard the bell on the door ring. "Welcome to The Golden Elixir." He poked his head up seeing Lynx. "Hold on I got just the thing." He quickly poured Lynx a mixture of juices and rushed it over to him at record speed. "On the house."

Lynx looked at the stallion confused but took the drink sipping it slightly. His eyes widened at the taste and he guzzled the rest wiping of his muzzle. "Wow!" He looked up at the stallion smiling. "That was the best thing I ever drank!"

The stallion smiled and laughed. "Well I'm glad some pony thinks so." He wore an apron over his Aqua coat with his snow white mane hidden under a hat with the shops logo on it.

Lynx felt welcome in this little shop, however when he looked around expecting it to be busy he noticed that the stallion didn't even have a single customer.

Chapter 3: Earning and Understanding

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Chapter 3: Earning and Understanding


The Aqua stallion fallowed his gaze and then nodded with a sigh. "Yeah, I just started and don't have proper advertising yet." He shook his head smiling at Lynx. "I don't even have hired help yet."

Lynx stood up brushing himself off. "Would you like help?"

The stallion's eyes opened wide, "Wait! Are you asking me... for a job?" The stallion was taken aback by how forward Lynx was being.

Lynx nodded softly and made the best smile he could. "Sure, I wouldn't mind working here, and besides I really need the bits." He said trying to seem as genuine as he could. At this point he wasn't exactly going to be picky, he would take any job the stallion gave him at this point.

"The pay wont be much, hardly enough to pay for your home." The stallion confessed looking at Lynx, a hint of concern behind his eyes.

"Well funny story, I actually don't have a home at the moment." Lynx confessed, "A tree destroyed my old home so I decided I would try my luck up here... To be honest its allot harder than I thought."

"Well with the royal wedding finished, things might just be getting back to normal around here." The stallion smiled as he had an idea. "Why don't you try your hoof with the reconstruction committee. They need all the help they can get after those gosh darn changelings blew the city apart."

Lynx felt slightly guilty upon hearing this. What was it making him feel this way, he almost felt like he was going to be sick. Trying to calm down he looked at the stallion. "N-no, I would like to try my hoof here please."

The stallion nodded. "Well if you insist, I cant force you into a job you don't want." The stallion smiled, "And if you need a place to stay, you can always live in the guest room upstairs."

"Oh no, I wouldn't want to impose." Lynx protested.

"Non-Sense! I will not have an employee of mine living on the streets, Understand?" The stallion said harshly before returning to his cheerful demeanor. "Oh and by the way, my name's Neon Comet."

"Lucky Star, its a pleasure to meet you Neon."

"Likewise." Neon replied before turning and going up the stairs.

Lynx let out a soft sigh and looked out the window in the direction of the inn he had stayed at prior. He was worried about the nightmare he had and if it would return under this ponies roof too. And would he be so lucky again to have it go unnoticed.

Returning from upstairs Neon trotted down stairs, he held another hat with the shops logo on it in a magic sheath as it levitated over to Lynx and was placed on his head. "Welcome to the staff, now your first job is to take some of my drinks out to the streets and see if you can get a few bits."

"Yes Sir!" Lynx replied as he walked over to get the tray.


Lynx was out on the streets not far from the shop the tray safely wrapped in a sheath of magic. He didn't think it would be too difficult to make sales however not many ponies seemed interested in trying new things.

A young bright yellow unicorn mare trotted up to Lynx smiling seeing the drinks wrapped within his green magic "I'll take one please."

Lynx smiled as he was about to make his first sale and replied to the mare "That will be two bits."

The mare nodded retrieving two bits from within her vest putting them on the tray.

Lynx levitated one of the drinks over to her.

Taking it within a sheath of her own light pink magic she took a sip. Her eyes widened with delight feeling the rush of flavor flow past her lips and across her tongue. "Wow! this is the best drink I've had in well, forever!"

"Well don't forget to stop by the Golden Elixir if you ever want a fresh one"

The mare nodded and trotted off with her drink.

It wasn't long before more and more pones started arriving to taste the drinks he was selling. He pondered at why all the sudden ponies who shunned the drinks wanted to try one for themselves, either way he wasn't complaining. He had managed to sell the entire tray in the span of one hour after meeting the mare and needed to rush back to get more.

"What!" Neon shouted seeing the pile of bits lynx had just placed on the counter.

"I told you I don't know, its almost like selling a drink to that one mare started bringing in ponies from out of the blue." Lynx replied waiting for another tray to get out and sell some more. The bell ringing at the door startled him as he looked back.

Ponies began trotting through the door looking for the new drink that had been spreading around.

"Lucky behind the counter, we have customers and I need to be mixing, you're on register!" Neon said as he rushed to his station.

Lynx nodded and rushed behind the cash register, as ponies began trotting up to him ordering their drinks.

Neon mixed the drinks in record times, before sending them down to Lynx to receive the customers bits before giving it to them.

Everything was going smoothly, the cash register happily ringing, and there were bits clanging against one another. The Bell at the door rang again as another wave ponies walked into The Golden Elixir causing Lynx and Neon to smile at one another.

"Welcome to the golden elixir what can I get you?" Lynx asked putting on a cheerful expression.

"Oh I think I'll try the strawberry surprise please." A familiar voice said ordering.

Looking up Lynx's ears flattened to his head as he noticed who one the ponies who walked into the shop was.


Neon slide the drink down to Lynx and Storm Dancer who grinned ear to ear noticing Lynx behind the counter. "Hey, your name's Lucky Star right? Glad to see you got a job and at a pretty successful one at that."

"O-oh, H-hey Storm Dancer." He replied shakily remembering his dream from the night before. "How have you been?"

Pulling two bits from her saddle bag she set them down on the counter. "Oh pretty good just thought I would come and try some of these delicious drinks everypony is talking about. Howeverrr I never thought I would bump into you here."


"So Lucky, find someplace to live?"

"Y-yeah, actually my Boss Neon is letting me stay in a apartment just above the shop."

"Cool, well if you ever need an alternative, my door is always open."

He nodded smiling a small bead of sweat dripping from his brow. "Sure thanks again, you have a nice day Storm Dancer."

"Just call me Storm." She said winking at him before taking her drink going off to find a table.

Neon slide up beside Lynx silently, finally having a reprieve from the herd of customers they now had, grinning and rubbing his chin with his hoof. "So, you know that mare?"

Lynx nearly leaped out of his transformation, "S-sort of, we bumped into each other and she offered me room and board once before, but I declined."

"What made you decline an offer like that?" He smiled "Got a thing for her or something?" He asked in a teasing tone.

Lynx blushed looking shocked at neon "N-no its nothing like that." He said defensively.

Neon bumped Lynx in the shoulder "Your secret's safe with me." He said trotting back to his station.

"B-but I don't have a thing for her." He said facehoofing.

As the evening rolled on the flow of customers began to slow as everypony was ready to go home and call it a night. Neon and Lynx spent almost and hour making sure the place was ship shape before going up stairs and calling it a night themselves after closing.

"Well this is your room." Neon said opening a door to a neatly made bed with a dresser for storing cloths.

Lynx walked inside smiling, this was a lot different from the hive he was once accustomed to. However this room had a completely different feel, he felt more comfortable here. "Thanks Neon, this is amazing."

"Nah don't mention it, I'm happy to help a friend." He yawned softly "Well, good night Lucky. I'll be seeing you bright and early for work tomorrow."

Lynx nodded and watched as Neon shut the door, hearing him walk down the hall and into his own room. Lynx turned to the window closing the blinds so no pony could see inside. Transforming back into his changeling form he walked over to the mirror above the dresser looking at his reflection, "I have a friend?"

Chapter 4: Extra Help

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Chapter 4: Extra Help


He stared into the mirror and brought his hoof up placing it on his face. He didn't know what to feel by this sudden realization that somepony actually considered him a friend. His mind trailed off to thoughts of what might happen if Neon found out Lynx was really a changeling. Would he still think of Lynx as a friend? Shaking it off Lynx returned to his pony form and climbed onto the bed.

Te bed was soft, softer than anything he had slept on before. Granted before he slept in a stone hole in the wall back in the hive, and a couch the night before. Nuzzling his face into the pillow he lifted his new blanket over him. The bed was warm and relaxing, he felt all his troubles melt away as his eyes got heavy.

A bright flash of magical light burst through Lynx's window and he shot awake looking around. He then moved slowly over to the window peering out at the scene.

Royal Pegasus Guard flew in racing speeds down the street fallowing something. Flashes of light could be seen from Unicorns blasting magic at something.

Lynx was curious as to what was happening but didn't want to get involved, he just ignored the scene and went back to his bed.

The next morning Lynx woke up to Neon knocking on his door.

"Hey Lucky, you awake yet? its time for work!" He called form the other side of the door.

Lynx shot up grabbing his hat and getting the door opening it with his magic. "Sorry boss.."

Neon smiled bumping Lynx's shoulder "Don't worry about it, We don't open for awhile I just like getting you up early so you can help me prep for when we do open."

Lynx nodded slightly confused but didn't question it, as he really didn't know much about how these sort of things operated, Because this was his first job.

Neon led Lynx down stairs and briefed him on what needed to be done before they opened; Making sure the tables were clean, and making sure the juice ingredients and napkins were fully stocked.

Lynx understood the jobs, they seemed reasonable enough, Grasping a cloth in a sheath of his magic he went to start cleaning the tables. He wiped each table until they were squeaky clean, he really didn't want to disappoint Neon, the first pony to ever consider Lynx as a friend.

Neon was involved with his own prep-work when he heard a knock on the front door, walking over he peered out and then opened it "Can I help you?"


"Yes I think you can I was hoping you still had a job opening here?"

Lynx's ears twitched at the sound of the voice coming from the pony from the door, turning his head his jaw dropped seeing Storm Dancer was standing at the door asking for a job.

"Hehe, well I'm going to be as honest with you as I was with Lucky. The pay isn't that good right now and you would have better pay from wherever your coming from." Neon said honestly.

"Oh I'm not worried about that, I've saved up enough bits to keep myself up on my hooves until this place picks up." She replied with a smile then noticing Lynx's expression and smiling waving a hoof at him.

Lynx waved back before focusing on the last table scrubbing it hard.

Neon smiled at her and nodded a small bead of sweat running down his temple "Well if you insist welcome to the crew of Golden Elixir, I'll go fetch you a hat."

Storm nodded stepping inside "Well that's good because I've already resigned form my last job I would hate to be jobless with the reconstruction still happening."

Neon's eyes widened and then he nodded, before walking into the back room to get Storm a hat.

Storm trotted over to Lynx smiling at him "Need some help?"

Lynx froze before smiling at er "N-no. er, I'm almost done... But I think Neon still needs the napkins and juice ingredients re-stocked."

Storm nodded "Okay where can I find the items to re-stock them?"

"To be honest I don't really know myself, they should be in back but I'm not entirely sure on the exact location."

Neon came back with a hat wrapped in his magic and approached Storm placing it on her head. "Welcome to the team. Now, would you mind being a waitress? I think it would be nice for ponies to just come, sit, order, and relax while sipping quality drinks."

"I wouldn't mind at all but what will that leave Lucky to do?"

"Lucky will be still on the register giving you the customers total for their bill." Neon Replied.

Storm nodded "Okay boss." She smiled before looking back to Lynx who had finished the last table.

"Alright Boss where are the napkins and extra drink supplies." Lynx replied placing the cloth down.

"Just in the back in labeled sections, you should be able to miss what your looking for."

Lynx nodded starting to walk to back room.

Storm fallowed him, "I'll help if that's okay?"

Lynx nodded as they both walked into the back room, Lynx grabbed the spare napkins in a sheath of his green magic while storm loaded the drink re-fills into a saddle bag to carry them all out to the front.

Once they both carried everything out and put it in the place it needed to go, Neon flipped the sign to open and Lynx took his place behind the counter while Storm took her place at the entrance. Neon rushed to his mixing station, the team was ready for the days business.

For the first while everything was quiet, it wasn't until about an hour after they opened that ponies began coming in. Storm informed them of the shops new system and ponies happily accepted the change taking their seats. Storm proved no slouch darting from table to table collecting orders and giving them to Lynx and Neon so they could price them out and get the ponies what they ordered.

Lynx was amazed at Storm's speed on her hooves and wondered how much faster she was in the sky. Shaking it off as he got another order pricing it out and noting which table it belonged to. He already had a collection of notes now posted on the wall beside the register on which table ordered what. Surprisingly he was great at multitasking with his magic, writing down new notes and adding to old ones he had posted.

Neon was the most impressive mixing like no tomorrow filling an order almost as soon as it came in. Customers had their drinks and space quickly filled up even pouring out onto the tables outside.

Between recording orders for Storm and pricing those out in his head, Lynx also had the job of taking customers orders who needed take-out orders and passing them off to Neon.

Neon was silently concerned in the back of his mind about his friend. That was soon shattered when he saw the fierce determination in Lynx's eyes as he worked.

Lynx greeted each customer with a smile as he took their order always keeping an ear open for Storm to give him another order for ponies who where staying.

It wasn't long before Lynx saw a familiar face, the young yellow unicorn from before.

She trotted in looking around at the ponies sitting and enjoying the drinks, smiling she pulled out a notepad writing a few things down before going over and sitting down at a table in the far corner of the floor.

Storm was quick to greet her with a welcoming smile, "Hi there, welcome to the Golden Elixir. My name is Storm Dancer."

"Hello Ms Dancer, may I have a menu please?" She asked politely.

"Certainly I'll be right back." Storm dashed off to collect a menu and then came back placing it in front of her. Seeing another pony flag her down she smiled at the yellow unicorn. "I'll be right back, I just need to take care of another customer than I'll be happy to take your order." And like a bolt of lightning she zipped over to help the other pony.

The unicorn glossed over the menu and decided on the Neon Blitz after seeing its contents. She placed down the menu and waited for Storm to return.

Storm rushed over smiling, "So sorry about that, have you decided on what you would like?" she asked.

The unicorn nodded, "I'll have one Neon Blitz."

Storm nodded, "Great choice." She rushed over to Lynx giving him the order so Neon could get to work.

Lynx typed it in while Neon mixed her drink. Neon placed the glass on the tray on top for the counter getting back to work. Once Neon was finished Storm took the drink and placed it down in front of the yellow unicorn.

"One Neon Blitz, enjoy." Storm said before going to help another customer who was flagging her down.

The shop was busy with ponies nearly every table was filled and the outside tables had ponies out chatting on them as well, enjoying the sun with their drinks.

The young yellow unicorn took a sip of the drink through the straw and smiled before taking out her notepad writing down a few things before looking around seeing all the happy ponies. Putting away her notepad she sat and enjoyed her drink in the comfortable chair.

Storm soon returned to check on her, "How's everything?" She asked

The Unicorn smiled as she finished her drink, "Simply amazing, I think I'm ready to pay my bill."

Storm nodded rushing over to Lynx, "I need the bill for table twelve Lucky."

Lynx nodded grabbing the bill from the wall and handed it to Storm, "Here you go."

Storm smiled taking the note and rushing over to the unicorn not wanting to keep her waiting and placed the bill.

She smiled at the bill pulling out the necessary bits as well as a tip before standing up and walking out.

Storm scooped up the bits trotting over Lynx so he could put the bill in the trash and the bits in the register.


As the day went on traffic slowed, despite this they still had a steady flow of walk-ins. Lynx was washing his station while he had a moment and his ear perked at the sound of two mares gossiping at the table closest to the register.

"Did you hear about that big scene the guards made last night?"

"Yeah I did, something about some changelings getting into the city right?"

"That's the one, I heard about it from my special somepony, he said they cornered and trapped about four of them trying to get some couple in an ally."

"Well its a good thing they were stopped, I wouldn't sleep at all tonight if I knew a changeling was free in the city. I mean how could any pony after what those monsters did?"

Lynx cringed softly hoping no pony would notice. If they only knew that they were only a few meters from one of the 'monsters' that they feared so much. It was then he noticed he was remarkably hungry when he heard a loud growl from his stomach. What would he do for food? He was so used to getting his nutrients from the love of ponies he didn't know what he was supposed to eat now. He had no idea what pony food would taste like or what effect it might have on his body.

"I know what you mean, well its I'm just glad my special somepony stopped them when he did."

"Yeah, I'm glad the royal guard are on top of the situation too."

They finished their drinks paying and then walking out. Lynx felt sick as well as hungry, what if somepony found out? he would be doomed, and with having no idea about what they would do to him if they found out his mind delved into the possibilities. Shaking it off he focus on the fact he was hungry he went over to Neon. "Hey is there any chance I could take a break to eat something?"

Neon tossed a doughnut at Lynx's head, it twirled around and rested on his horn. "Here help yourself, I always keep a box on hand encase I get hungry while on the job."

Lynx nodded levitating the doughnut off his horn at took a bite, the sweet sugary goodness made him smile. He had never tasted food so delicious and his taste buds thanked him for it. He devoured the doughnut quickly and smiled at Neon. "Thank you."

Neon smiled as he finished a doughnut himself "That's what friends are for, and besides why should I hog them all when a friend is hungry and needs something, to do so would just be rude and selfish."

Lynx nodded softly, he was happy that Neon was his friend and made Lynx one so quickly. And the doughnuts where a great benefit. Lynx made a silent vow to repay Neon's generosity in someday, though he wondered if he really could survive on doughnuts alone? Taking more he stuffed his face until the growling in his stomach subsided.

The last of the customers began leaving and ponies returned to their flat's for the night. Upon the last pony leaving Storm flipped the open sign to closed and walked back over to Neon and Lynx who where sitting back over at a table. "Well that was a busy work day huh?" She asked as she sat down at the table with them.

"Eyyyyup." Neon said leaning back before looking at them both, "You know what? Its kinda late, and I don't really want to force either of you to cook so why don't you stay for dinner Storm."

"Aw thanks Boss." Storm replied.

"Just call me Neon you two, boss just seems a little too formal."

Lynx and Storm both nodded as they watched Neon get up to go get dinner.

Lynx looked at Storm as a faint blush spread across his face, he didn't really get a good look at her before when they were working but now that he actually saw her wearing the hat over her mane he couldn't help but think she was beautiful.

Storm noticed his blush and smiled, "What is it Lucky?" She asked him while they waited for their dinner.

"N-nothing at all." He said looking back down at the table.

Storm giggled bumping Lynx's Shoulder with her hoof, "Liar." She moved her chair closer to him, "Spill it Lucky what's on your mind; be honest."

Lynx gulped as he looked over to her noticing she was closer to him, "u-uh well I just thought you looked kinda cute in that hat storm."

"Kinda cute?"

Lynx nodded.

"Well you don't Look so bad yourself." She said back smiling before Neon brought in some hay fries along with some dandelion sandwiches. "Yum."

Neon placed a plate in front of each of them and sat back down, "To a successful second work day." He said as he lifted his fork.

"To a new job!" Storm shouted as she picked up her fork.

"To two of the greatest ponies I've ever had the pleasure of meeting." Lynx said as he looked at them both picking up his fork, he noticed they were both smiling at him before they each started eating. He began to eat as well, he was surprised to learn that Neon was an amazing cook as well as Drink mixer. He never had pony food before so trying it now was an experience he wouldn't trade for anything in all of Equestria.

Chapter 5: A Storm of Questions

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Chapter 5: A Storm of Questions


The remainder of the dinner was pretty quiet, and once Storm left, Lynx and Neon finished closing up and went to their respective rooms.

As Lynx stood in front of his mirror he looked to the open window as the curtain ruffled slightly, closing the window with his magic he peered out seeing no pony around, going back over to his mirror he sighed softly and in a blaze of green fire turned back into a changeling.

Once again he found himself looking at his own reflection, pondering for a moment as he tried to remember the reason why he changed. He was drawing a blank as to when he actually began to feel this way. Giving an unamused stare at his own reflection he groaned banging his head on the dresser that the mirror lay upon.

A knock on the door caused him to stop beating himself up and transform back into the form of Lucky Star. "Was I being too loud?" He asked himself trotting over to the door and finding a very tired Neon Comet standing on the other side.

"What are you doing in here that's causing all that banging?" He asked in a groggy almost half asleep voice.

"Um trying to think, but punishing myself for not figuring it out." He admitted, wondering just how long had he been doing that. Neon looked like he had already been asleep for at least an hour.

"What you thinking about?" He replied rubbing his eyes awoken by his friend and now slightly curious.

Lynx slightly panicked he couldn't just flat out tell Neon what he was really thinking about. Neon would likely call the guards and then his new life would be over. Thinking fast he thought up a tiny fib to tell his friend, "I was just trying to figure out something Storm said to me."

"And that is?"

"Well you see... When you went to go make dinner I complemented Storm on the hat she was wearing telling her she looked cute in it.. Then she said you 'you don't look so bad yourself'... I'm not sure how I should feel about that?"

"How long have you been in those woods?" Neon asked showing himself into Lynx's room sitting down on a chair, "The mare likes you man."

Lynx blushed looking away sitting down and rubbing his burning cheek, "Nah that can't be right..."

"Look I don't know what chemistry you two have, or even if you have any at all, but I don't think she's playing the subtle card. So even if you have lived in the woods all your life you should be able to pick up on the fact that she likes you." Neon said rolling his eyes getting up and going to the door, "Now if you would refrain from banging your head any further-" A yawn cut him off as he stepped through the door, "This pony would like to get some sleep." And with that Neon vanished down the hall and into his room.

Lynx was left sitting there having completely forgotten everything he was worrying about before, his eye softly twitching in confusion, "Whaaat?!"

Lynx sat there for a good long while before going to bed, unable to sleep he continued thinking over what could possibly cause such a rapid change. But yet another knock totally destroyed his train of thought once more, but this one was odd, it was coming from his window?


Upon finishing dinner Storm began walking home in the cool brisk air of the Canterlot night. Her cap was still resting atop her head, stepping through a puddle which reflected Luna's light almost perfectly, only to be ruined by her hoof.

She turned her head hearing the sound of clopping hooves behind her but saw nothing. Ignoring it she began to walk again only to have the clopping return as well, "I know your back there!" She said turning instantly to see the unicorn behind her.

The mare gasped falling back the sound of armor clanging against the ground.

Storm noticed the golden armor worn by the Canterlot guard and flushed rushing to help the guard pony up, "I'm so sorry!"

"No don't worry about it, I probably should have been upfront with you anyways." The young sounding mare said as she was helped back onto her hooves.

"Upfront with what?" Storm asked, curious as to why she was being fallowed.

"Well you see, with the captain of the guard out on his honeymoon, and with most of the guards are still recovering form the changeling attack, the royal guard had to hire some extra help."

"And this has to do with fallowing me how?"

"Oh it doesn't but, well you see there was an incident last night, a small team of four or so changelings got pat our cities defenses... and we only caught two. So I was tasked with going out and looking for any pony suspicious."

"There's changeling's in the city?" Storm said looking around.

"Oh crap I wasn't supposed to tell you that part, my bad, could you do me a favor and not spread that around?"

"Sure." Storm looked around nervously, the fact that two changelings where stalking the streets genuinely spooked her now. What if a changeling came around the corner and caught her off guard like in the invasion? She still remembered the gleaming green eyes staring into her soul, the sinister fanged smile, the odd mane that set it apart form the others. Shaking it off she noticed the guard was still talking seemingly non-stop.

"-So you understand the importance of not telling any pony right?"

"Um yeah sure, I should really be getting home."

"Hold on a second, I still have to use the detection spell, sorry miss its just standard for anyone who's out this late at night."

Nodding Storm stood still as the spell washed over her doing nothing to change her appearance.

The guard smiled and bowed her head, "Have a nice night ma'am!"

Storm nodded and deciding walking was too slow, rocketed off into the air at record speeds in order to get home as fast as possible. Rushing to get into her house she locked the door and slid the small chain into place. Sure she knew it wouldn't keep a magical changeling out for long, but it was the thought that counted.

Walking over to her hat rack, she placed her Golden Elixir cap on it and walked over to turn on the lights. Her house was just as she left it, over sized and with little furniture to fill the empty space. She silently wished for Lucky to fill that space even offering it verbally to him but he refused and now she knew why, he already had a place at Neon's.

She walked into her bedroom and gazed at her bed with a small smile before collapsing on it, "Oh I missed you" She said nuzzling the soft sheets kissing them softly before rolling over and looking up at the ceiling. She blushed thinking of Lucky at that moment and hid her face in the pillow, "Urg what is it about that stallion that makes me feel this way?"

She lay there with her head in the pillow before trotting over and flicking off the lights, returning to her bed and laying in it, pondering; what made her attracted to him in the first place, was it how hard he worked? No this developed before that, maybe it was just a silly little crush.

Closing her eyes the mare sighed pulling her covers up over herself and falling into a light sleep. Her thoughts of Lucky completely pushing the worry of the two changelings at large out of her mind. Her breathing was soft as parts of her mane drooped over her eyes as she slept.


The young guard walked carefully down the street continually looking for any suspicious ponies, her eyes darting to the sides as a look of worry was stricken over her face. What where the ponies in charge thinking sending new recruits alone to find battle ready changelings?

The mare gulped and nearly leapt out of her armor at the sound of a barrel falling behind her and a cat walking out, looking at her briefly, then darting off.

Shaking her head she looked around sweat building under her helmet, "It was just a cat, of course it would be a cat, but isn't that how it always starts in the movies?" she asked herself as she patrolled the dark streets.

It was then she remembered a spell that might help, her horn glowed softly as a light shone in the direction of where she was looking, giggling in delight and clopping her hooves together, "Yes now I can see!"

Continuing her patrol she saw a shadow dart from ally to another in the shape of a pony, "Hey hold up!" Running after the shadow and shining her light down the ally she saw nothing, and there were no turns in that ally either. "H-hello?" She called out into the darkness not daring to step into the ally.

"Help me!" A mares voice cried out from down in the darkest depths of the alleyway, "Some pony please get this thing off of me!" the voice shouted again.

Galloping at most haste down the alley she searched around for the source, "Yes I'm here, where are you?!" The guard pony cried out looking around trying to figure out where the sound was coming from. She had darted to the end of alley which supported a dead end, but where was the mare in trouble?

The guard pony froze solid as she heard a small thump behind her, she really didn't want to look behind her knowing exactly what she would find.

The voice that came from whatever was behind her sounded like a mare but had an insect-like hiss to the voice, "Oh you ponies, so quick to help one another you don't even noticed a plainly set trap. That's why you will always be put in situations like this... because you value things like loyalty to your fellow ponies."

The young guard mare turned to see a changeling that looked much like a mare with a unique mane that covered one of her soul piercing eyes. Frozen with fear she was not prepared to handle this alone, this was the first changeling she had seen since the invasion. The sight and proximity of the Changeling paralyzed her to the point that she couldn't even launch a defensive spell. It was just like the movies, and now she was going to suffer for it.

"Where is the one they call Lucky Star?" The Changeling demanded.

"I-I don't know any pony by the name of Lucky Star I swear."

"Well then I have little use for you," The changeling grinned transforming into the mare and casting a magic spell upon her that caused her to fall into a deep sleep. "Ponies, they truly are useless." Stripping the guard pony of her armor and putting it on herself the changeling teleported a barrel to the end of the alley.

Encasing the pony in the changeling resin was simple and with the small bit the changeling had placed on the mares muzzle it would keep her from talking until she came back. Stuffing the now captured pony in the barrel she closed it right before another guard walked by.

"Hey whats going on down there?!" The guard hollered down the alley.

The changeling stepped out shaking her head, "I thought i heard something but it was just a cat pay it no mind. Say you wouldn't happen to know a pony by the name of Lucky Star would you?"

The guard stroked his chin, "The name sounds familiar, why?"

"I need to find him, sooner rather than later."

"Part of the Changeling investigation?"

"You could say that," Outside she gave him a cheerful smile, but inside she was grinning ear to ear with a dark and sinister look. This would take less time than she thought, and in the body she was in she would have no trouble finding her target.

Chapter 6: Unexpected Events

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Chapter 6: Unexpected Events


Lynx gazed over at his window curious if it was merely a coincidence, but that curiosity was quickly silenced by three more knocks. Lynx moved over to his window and pulled aside the curtain to discover some pony he had never seen before. There just outside his window was an ash grey pegasus with violet eyes and a short cut mane which was white as snow. Lynx opened his window only to have the pegasus invite himself in and land in the center of the room.

"Shut the window and close the curtains." The grey pegasus ordered in a rather demanding tone.

"And why would I do that?" Lynx questioned as he turned to look at his uninvited guest.

"Because I know what you are Lynx." He responded with a sinister grin growing on his lips.

At a loss for words Lynx closed the window with his magic not taking his eyes off the grey pegasus for a single moment. His entire body shook as the pegasus turned to face Lynx and in flash of emerald fire turned himself into a changeling. Lynx was at a loss and also transformed into his changeling form, "Who are you?"

The changeling snickered, "I'm surprised you don't remember me, we were hatched right beside each other."

"Dox?" Lynx asked in confusion and a new found excitement upon realizing that his intruder was once his hatch mate.

"Yes Lynx," Dox answered rolling his eyes, his changeling form was also unique when compared to the drones. He was a bit larger than most and had a similar mane style to his pony form. He began pacing around lynx's room, "It would seem that you too were affected by the Canterlot Condition"

Lynx looked more confused then ever as he kept a close eye on his hatch mate. "What's the Canterlot Condition?" He asked perplexed at what Dox had just informed him of.


Storm was awoken upon haring a knock at her door. Brushing away her tangled mane she stumbled out of her bed and went to answer her door. Cracking it open she looked out to see the golden armor of a guard pony, "Can I help you?"

"I'm pretty sure you can."

Storm looked up and saw a familiar dark blue stallion, a small smile spread across her muzzle as she opened the door, "What could possibly be so important that you needed to come here at this hour?" She said in a playful tone rolling her eyes as the last lock slid out of place.

The stallion stepped inside and removed his helmet, revealing his short scruffy mane hidden under it, "What I can't be worried about you?"

"Just spit it out runner." She said closing the door behind him.

"Well I figured I'd give you a heads up on a situation that could be rather dangerous. The changelings are back. Now don't panic there are only two of them but I just figured you would be safer to keep you in the loop."

"I already know, another guard pony told me." She said barely able to keep her head up.

"Oh... well okay then... good..." ruffling her mane with his hoof he smiled, "I just want you to be safe, I care about you ya'know?"

"Yeah, I know, don't worry." Letting out a soft yawn she rubbed her eye, "Was that all? I could really use the sleep."

"Uh yeah, sorry for waking you." He apologized grabbing his helmet, and heading out the door, "Goodnight D"

"I thought I told you not to call me that?"

"Couldn't resist." Letting out a small chuckle he beat his wings and took off into the night sky.

Storm watched him leave and closed the door before returning to her bedroom. It wasn't long before her face hit her pillow once more and she drifted back to sleep.

The guard pony rested atop a cloud high above the city. He enjoyed the night shift as it allowed him to look at Canterlot when it was most beautiful, and gave him a sense of pride in the fact that he was keeping the streets safe while every pony else was asleep. Looking towards the market area he saw two faint flashes of green come from one of the windows. He sat there for a moment debating whether or not he should pursue it. "Better safe then sorry." he whispered gliding down to investigate the green flashes.


The guard smiled at the mare, "Well I could have sworn I heard that name come up at the Golden Elixir... Actually yeah I think he's one of the employee's there. Planning on following up on it tomorrow?"

"Most likely, this Lucky Star is some pony of interest to me and I would like to avoid any hassle if I can."

"Why is he so important? Got a crush on him or something?"

"Oh no nothing like that, he's just new in town and I would like to get to know him a little better." Her cheeks blushing a faint shade of pink.

"I get ya, well we better get back to patrol”

"Right." She gave him a fake smile as he trotted off, she knew were and when to find her target, now she just needed to act.

"What progress have you made Para?" Asked a dark chilling voice.

"N-Nothing much my queen, I might have a location on our target." She replied shakily upon hearing the words of her queen piercing her mind.

"Go find your brother's now, Dox has found the target at the Golden Elixir, Do not fail me."

"I won't my queen." She responded trembling at the thought of failing her queen. It wasn't long before she found herself standing at the empty door of the restaurant. Unlocking the door she stepped inside quietly, and took the form of another. She was now a red unicorn with a black mane and teal eyes. The armor of the royal guard now nothing more than a black vest.

Neon, stirred in his sleep unable to rest and soon woke up. His throat was dry and his mane was a mess. Using his magic he pulled the bottle of water over to him and took a short sip before storing it back were it belonged.

The red unicorn slowly crept up the stairs, and pressed her ear to one of the doors hearing the voices of two changeling stallions inside and a small smile spread on her lips. Opening the door she stepped inside and pounced on Lynx taking him to the floor, “Brother!”

Chapter 7: The Canterlot Surprise

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Chapter 7: The Canterlot Surprise


“What the-!” Lynx said as he was immediately taken to the floor, “Para, is that you?”

“The one and only” She giggled climbing off him, “You have no idea how good it feels to see you after so long.”

“It’s only been a few days Para, we saw each other at the siege of Canterlot remember?”

“That was before we all got mutated.” Her gaze shifted to Dox, “Have you not told him about the Canterlot Condition yet? It’s very important.”

Dox rolled his eyes, “Yes I was getting to that before you so rudely- Lynx, pony form, now.” He commanded as he turned into his ash grey pegasus from, and lynx stood taking his form as well.

The guard hovered down and landed in front of the Golden Elixir intending to investigate the green flashes. Knocking on the glass door he waited for some pony to answer.

Neon’s head turned upon hearing a knock at the door. Sighing departed his room and stepped into the hallway, only to hear the voices from Lucky’s room. Doing some investigating of his own he spotted the two other ponies in his employee’s room, “Um Lucky?”

“I can explain, this is-”

“Thunder Trot, and my sister Moon Spark. Lucky here is our brother.” Dox answered quickly to throw off suspicion

“Really? Lucky never mentioned family.” Neon asked raising a brow.

“Yeah sorry about that Neon, to be honest I didn’t even expect them to be here in Canterlot.” Lucky said stroking the back of his mane, “I hope my family didn’t wake you?”

“No, no, I was already awake. But Lucky, next time you have family over; be sure to tell me so I can properly greet them, alright?”

“Will do.” He said with a small smile.

Neon nodded walking downstairs to discover the guard pony at the door. Sighing he trotted over to open it, “How can I help you at this late hour?”

“Excuse the lateness of my visit, but I would like to investigate some strange activity on your upper floors.”

“What kind of strange activity?”

“Oh nothing you need to worry about.”

“Look let me level with you; it is what, two in the morning now? I need to sleep so I can open up bright and early tomorrow morning. Now what I don’t need is a night guard knocking at my door, and keeping me awake for no reason at all.”

“But I saw some a strange light from the upstairs window.”

“You saw a light from the upstairs window huh? Well that was probably me getting a drink of water, which I’m pretty sure isn’t against any law. So either you come back with a legitimate reason to search my home, or go back to catching real criminals.” Neon growled as he shut the door in the guards face before going back up stairs.

The guard stood there blinking for a moment and then flew back up to his cloud mumbling.


Dox waited for Neon to pass before returning to the real issue “Alright then now if there will be no more distractions, I would like to explain a few things.” He scowled shutting the door with his rear hoof.

Lynx nodded and sat down on his bed while Para looked around the room and at Lynx’s new possessions.

“The Canterlot Condition is what our queen has taken to calling the special mutation that has started arising after the failed attempt to rule Equestria. The spell that repelled us on that day imprinted pony traits within our hearts and minds. It freed us from our queens control Lynx. We now have free wills of our own.” Dox shook his head slightly, “But that’s not all either. It gave us emotions, attractions, wants and desires. No doubt you’ve already discovered this.”

Lynx took a moment to take all of this in before giving a subtle nod. Suddenly his attraction to Storm started to make more and more sense, “And this mutation? Can it be fixed?”

“Yes our queen sent us to come get you and bring you back so we can all be reverted together.” Para said looking over her shoulder to Lynx.

“Then I’m not going back.”

Para and Dox both turned to their brother. Dox was furious as he stomped his hoof into the floor, “What do you mean you’re not going back!?”

“I mean what I said, I’m not returning to that life!” Lynx repeated standing up and butting heads with his brother, “I like my new life, and this mutation! I am not going to be her puppet!”

“Are you listening to yourself? That’s the mutation talking you idiot, now come back before you say something even more stupid!”

“For the last time Dox I’m not going back and that’s final, I like having free will, and emotions of my own, I’m in love for crying out loud!” Lynx covered his mouth almost as soon as the words slipped from his lips.

Dox took a step back looking at Lynx in disgust, “You love a Pony? Do you know how disgusting that sounds, you two aren’t even the same species, or does she even know that?!”

Para jumped in between them, “Stop it both of you!” Para turned to her brother, “If Lynx is staying so am I.”

“Damn it Para I don’t need your mutiny on this too.” Dox growled, “We’re going back at that’s final!”

Para teared up looking at her brother, “You can go back Dox, but I’m staying here. Now that I’m looking back with a clear mind, I want to make up for it all. I want to keep these feelings, I want to live!”

Dox looked away confused and angry at the situation he was put into. A choice between his sister and their queen. Looking back at them he grunted, “I need time to think it over... Where can I sleep?”

“I’ll ask Neon; assuming he isn’t already calling the guards or planning to fire me.” Lynx sighed walking out and knocking on Neon’s door, “Hey Neon I need a favor.”

Neon opened the door, “Family issues? I couldn’t make out what you guys were saying but it sounded like it got pretty heated in there.”

“Um yeah family issues, look my brother and sister might be staying awhile so I was wondering-”

“Say no more, I’ll prepare some sleeping arrangements so long as you promise they will be quiet.”

“Thanks Neon, I promise.”

“Thank Celestia, I might actually be able to get some sleep.” Grabbing some keys from his dresser he unlocked another spare room, which was rather empty. Wrapping two sleeping bags in some magic he set them out on the barren floor, “Here I was planning on making this into some kind of living room when I get more bits, but for now it should do the trick of a make-shift bedroom.”

Lynx nodded with a small smile, “Thank you again.”

“No problem Lucky.” Neon said with a short yawn, “Now if you don’t m-mind I’m going to bed before I collapse on that comfy looking floor.” Stumbling back into his room Neon collapsed onto his own bed and fell asleep.

Lynx walked over, and back into his own room, “Okay I got you some place to sleep, but you need to be quiet or we will all be on the streets got it?”

The two nodded and followed Lynx into the room so they could get some rest.

Stumbling back into his own room and crawling into bed Lynx let out a soft yawn, “What-a-night.” It didn’t take him long to fall asleep after that night of excitement.


Dox lay awake, his mind spinning with new emotions and thoughts that conflicted against everything he once thought right. Looking over at his sister comfortably asleep he thought about what Lynx had said. Flipping so his back was to his sister and his face to the wall he thought long and hard what he would do next. The pony side of him wanted him to stay with his brother and sister, while the changeling side longed for his queen’s control. Soon he drifted into a deep sleep unsure about what the next day would bring.

He woke up to the sounds of jingling bells and noisy pony’s downstairs. Sitting up and rubbing his eyes, the first thing he noticed was his sister missing from her bed. Darting up and out the door he rushed down stairs to find her amongst the crowd wearing a hat of all things.

Para waved over to him as she finished taking an order and passing it on to Neon, “Hey brother, good thing your awake, Neon needs some help behind the mixing table; these orders are piling up.”

“Moon Spark, what is on your head?”

“Oh this, this is a hat, pretty neat huh? I got a job here; I figured I gotta start somewhere, right? Oh and please call me Sparky all my new friends are.” She smiled and darted back to get her order to the customer’s.

“Sparky?” Dox asked lagging behind his sister. Looking around for Lynx he spied him behind the cashier. Trotting over Dox sighed, “What have you done to our sister?”

“I got her this magical thing called a job, lots of ponies have them Thunder.”

“We were supposed to be going home.”

“No I believe it was you who was supposed to go home, not us. Sparky wants to stay, so I’m giving her the chance to, now if you don’t mind I have customers to serve.” He said waving up one of the ponies behind Dox, “Sorry about the wait-”

Dox took a step back trying to process all this in his mind, his eye starting to twitch. His mind must have finally broke in two because he started screaming and ran out the front doors.

Neon leaned over to Lynx whispering slightly, “Is your brother going to be okay?”

“I don’t know Neon, I think we broke him.”

“Okay then, back to work.”

Lynx nodded “Back to work.”

As the day rolled on Para became more immersed in her work and enjoyed herself. However she also had time to pick up on subtle looks she caught between Lynx and Storm. Gears began turning in her new pony mind until they came to the conclusion that Storm was the pony Lynx said he loved.

When the day finally ended and Storm left to go home Para confronted Lynx when they were cleaning the back room, “So Storms the one huh?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Don’t play stupid, Storm’s the pony you’re in love with isn’t she?”

Lynx froze in place unable to deny it yet unwilling to accept that someone knew besides Neon.

“Ha! I knew it! Thank Celestia my brain is working enough to have figured that out!” Para Bragged.

“Please don’t tell her!” Lynx begged his sister.

“Oh I’m gonna tell her.”

“Please Sparky I’m begging you.”

“No way, she’s the reason you had the guts to stand up to Dox, so it’s only natural that she knows.” She said teleporting out to the streets and galloping at full speed to catch up to Storm.

Lynx tried to go after her but was stopped by a smiling Neon.

“Please Neon this is a matter of life and death!”

“Precisely why I’m not letting you go.”

“Aw come on!” Lynx shouted trapped in the back room and trying to push his way past the bigger stallion.


“Hey Storm wait up!” Para called out to the grey pegasus.

Storm stopped and turned to see Para running towards her, “Hey Sparky what’s going on?”

“I have something really important to tell you.”

“Oh really? So important you needed to rush after me huh? Let’s hear it.” She smiled to her new friend curious what it was she was going to say.

“Lucky’s in love with you!” Para said in a cheerful voice, a wide smile growing on her face.

Storm stood there for a moment her face beat red and the world around her dead as those words rung in her ears, “Lucky’s...In love, with me?”

Chapter 8: Crashing the Party

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Chapter 8: Crashing the Party


Para nodded a bright grin still plastered across her lips, “Uh huh, he didn’t mention you by name, but after seeing the way he looked at you all day I could just tell.”

“W-why didn’t he tell me himself?” She asked her face still burning a bright shade of red.

“Well my brother’s always been a shy little pony, so it took his sister to give him a little shove in the right direction. What do you plan to do Stormy?” She teased moving behind the mare.

“I-I don’t know, though I can honestly say I need to lie down before my heart gives out.” She said putting her hoof to her breast and taking a deep breath, “Thank you for telling me Sparky, it was very nice of you to do that.” The mare ran past Para, galloping home as fast as she could.

Getting to the door she stepped inside, her cheeks still burning hot from the information, her legs were shaking as she stumbled into her bed and sighed into the sheets, “Maybe there’s some hope, just don’t scare him off by being too forward and we you should be good Storm. Or maybe I should be more forward, hmm.”

Tossing and turning in bed, her daydreams were interrupted by a knock on her door. Curious if it was Lucky she darted to the door. She opened it up slightly, only to be disappointed by a familiar dark blue pegasus stallion, “What’re you doing here?” She asked opening the door for him and letting him inside.

“What, expecting some pony else?” He asked stepping inside looking at her with a soft smile.

“More like hoping it was some pony else,” She grumbled checking outside before closing the door and turning to him. “So what’s up? What are you doing here for the second night in a row?”

“I might have news on the changeling investigation and it involves your boss Neon.”

“You think Neon has something to do with those escaped changelings?”

“Yes, I think he knows something. Or maybe he’s one himself.”

“What!? Runner do you know how crazy this sounds?”

“Yes I do but just listen to me D. Last night I was on patrol and I saw some lights that looked suspicious coming from the Golden Elixir’s top floor windows. Now it was nothing solid but it looked like a flash of green, you know like a changeling transforming!” He said confidently.

“Runner, you know I usually trust your judgment but couldn’t it have been some big misunderstanding?”

“You would think, but when I flew down and asked to search his home he got really defensive and hostile. I think he has something to hide. So for the time being, I don’t want you working there.”

“Hold on a second!” Storm shouted as she glared slowly approaching him, “Are you trying to control my life Runner?! When did I ever give you permission to decide where I work!?”

“Why are you making such a big deal out of this? It’s just some stupid drink shop?”

Her hoof smacked his cheek leaving a large red mark as she pointed to her door, “Get, out...” her tone dangerously low.

“Storm I-”

“I said get out!” She shouted tears running down her muzzle, “You always do this, and I’ve had enough, get out of my house!”

The stallion gave her a wounded look and bowed his head in shame as he slowly left her home shutting the door behind himself. “I’m sorry D, I really hope you can forgive me for what I’m going to do next…” Flapping his wings he flew off to the castle.

Storm stumbled back into her room and sat on her bed wiping her eyes, “J-Jerk...”


Much to Lynx’s dismay Neon was extremely persistent and even went as far as to tie the unicorn to a chair and make him wait. His ear’s perked up at a jingle and he saw Para walk into the door, “Please tell me my secrets safe!?”

“Oh not a chance.” Para teased with a soft giggle at Lynx’s situation.

Lynx’s head dropped a grim expression on his face.

“Oh lighten up I’d day this is a good thing it is out in the open… And she might have actually liked the news ya know?”

“Wait really?” Lynx asked looking at his sister sitting across from him.

“Uh huh, a mare’s blush does not lie.”

Lynx blinked a few times taking in what that meant. Suddenly his chair tipped back and he fell to the floor.

“Lucky!” Para shouted rushing around to check him, “Lucky are you alright?!”

“He’s fine, he’s just fainted.” Neon said smiling as he stepped out from cleaning the back.

“Was tying him up really necessary?”

“Yes, he got really feisty after you left. He even tried bribing, treating, and swearing fealty before trying to dig a tunnel out with a spoon.”

Para giggled, “He actually thought that would work?”

“Heck if I know it was just funny to watch.” he said laughing with her, “I’ll get him to bed if you want to call it a night?”

“Thanks for the help Neon.”

“Anytime, and I was just as eager to get the tension out of the air.”

Para nodded trotting up the stairs and into her make-shift room to find the other sleeping bag empty. Rushing back down she looked at Neon, “Have you seen Thunder?”

“Not since this morning, why?”

“He’s not in his bed.”

“He’ll turn up when he gets hungry.”

“Oooo speaking of which, does this room get room service?” She asked giggling as she trotted down to help him.

“I dunno about room service but I’ll see what I can scrounge up.”

“Thank you very much Neon you’re the best!”

Neon smiled and helped Para drag Lynx up the stairs and into his room before tossing him on the bed and going down to have dinner together.

“So what’s the story with you three, it seems no ponies ever heard of you before?”

“O-oh, we just lived really out of the way is all, our family likes its privacy.”

“I see, so there’s more than just you thee right?”

“You could say that.” She giggled taking a small bite of her food.

“Well that would explain Thunder pushing you and Lucky to go back with him. But there is one thing I can’t wrap my head around.”

“What’s that?”

“Why you and Lynx are so eager to get out of the nest and start over, I’m sure your family is awesome, so why would you leave?”

“Our mother’s a little controlling.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s her house and her rule, Lucky was the first one of us to actually break the rules and step out on his own. Our mother likes all her family in one place so she can keep a close eye on us all. Lucky inspired me to do the same, to break free of that control and actually live like I should.”

“And thunder likes living under his mother’s hoof.”

“I guess so; I think he’s more in the camp of fearing change. He’s always known our mother’s control and I don’t think he understands how freeing being free can be.”

“Well I’m sure with you and Lucky setting such good examples the rest of your family might someday follow in their shoes.”

“I hope so too.” She smiled and looked down to discover she had eaten all her food while they were talking. “Thanks for the food and the nice chat but I think I should head to bed.”

“Alright I’ll wash up, have a nice sleep Sparky.”

“Y-you too Neon.” She smiled and trotted back upstairs and heading to bed.

Watching the mare leave Neon collected their plates at washed then up with a soft sigh, “What a nice filly, I hope she sticks around.” Finishing up the dishes he went upstairs and crawled into bed.


The afternoon of the next day was chaos. Guards had stormed in and began questioning every pony on sight. And leading this investigation was Runner, who guarded the front entrance and prevented any pony from leaving.

Neon Stormed up to them while they began scanning willing customers with the detection spell and letting them leave accordingly, “What is the meaning of this!?”

“Stay back sir official royal guard business!” The guard raised his hoof to stop Neon in his tracks.

“I own this place and I demand to know why you’re here disrupting my customers!”

“Fine, have it your way, we have reason to believe that you are harboring changeling fugitives.”

“This is ridiculous, why would I harbour changelings?”

“I don’t know, but when one of our guards came by earlier this week he was met with hostile and defensive behaviour.”

“It was in the middle of the night!”

“No excuses Mr. Comet, now stand aside or I will have to arrest you!”

Neon growled as he watched the guards scan all of his customers and let them leave before standing him and his employees aside while the searched the shop. Neon watched his anger boiling to a peak as they tore everything up searching for anything changeling related and even went upstairs where Neon hear plenty of crashing and banging.

When the guards returned and shook their head they looked at Neon and his employee’s. “We will now scan you all, and if nothing happens then we will replace all your property. But if so much as one of you is a changeling we will arrest you.”

Lynx and Para looked at one another, as they noticed four unicorn guards step up their horns glowing brightly.

The sudden flash of light passed quickly as the spell washed over them. But much to the guards surprise none of them transformed into a changeling.

Lynx and Para were not totally uneffected however, a burning sensation washed over their body with the light but they tried their best to keep their mouths shut and not show it. They tried to look as normal about it as Neon and Storm.

The head guard looked surprised and turned to Runner a stone cold glare in his eyes, “I thought you said you were certain there would be a changeling here!” He growled.

Runner gulped looking nervous, “B-but sir I actually thought-”

“Thought what Storm Runner!? Thought that your word alone was enough to make the royal guard look like fools!? If the captain were here it wouldn’t just be your hide on the line but mine as well, do you understand!?”

“Y-Yes sir.” Runner looked defeated once more as he looked at Neon and Storm.

“I’m going to let you off with a warning but if this happens again I will personally make sure you are kicked out of the royal guard.” The pony then turned to Neon and sighed, “I’m sorry for the trouble, you won’t have any more problems and we will replace everything we damaged.”

“Thank you.” Neon said with a small sigh watching the guards leave and looking around at his destroyed shop. “You guys start cleaning up, I’m going to check upstairs quick.” He said walking up the steps.

Lynx, Para and Storm each grabbed a broom and dust pan from the closet and began to sweep up the floor. It didn’t take long for the trio to hear Neon scream like a little filly from upstairs.

Coming down like he saw a ghost he looked at Lynx and Para, “Y-you two might need alternate living arrangements for a little while.”

“What!? Lynx asked.

“The upstairs is a total wreck and I’ll at least need a few days to get everything back to proper living standards. And I don’t want you guys living here while I get contractors in here to fix whatever else they damaged.”

“You two could live with me if you like.” Storm spoke up, with a smile.

“I have an extra room for you two and it won’t be any trouble for me to put you guys up while Neon gets this place back to normal. Besides it’s the Least I can do for my brother barging in here with the guard.”

“That pony was your brother?” Lynx asked curiously.

“The one that got in trouble? Yeah that was him.”

“Huh, I don’t see the family resemblance, you’re so nice and he’s so... Troublesome.”

“That’s my brother. So what do you say?” Storm asked getting right in Lynx’s face.

Lynx blushed rubbing the back of his head, “Well that would be up to Par-”

“Yes! We would love to stay with you!” Para interrupted.

Storm and Para let out Squees of Delight as Lynx looked and sighed, “I’m doomed.”

“Oh this is only the beginning my friend, only the beginning.” Neon said patting Lynx on the back.


Giving the two her best hospitality, Storm showed them where everything was and how to find the things they needed. Lynx was the first to have a much needed bath while Para and Storm devised a plan of attack in the living room.

After drying himself off he stepped out to discover the two mares in the living room and sighed, “So where am I sleeping?” He asked.

Storm tapped her fore-hooves together, “Well, I have one spare room...”

“There’s a but coming up isn’t there?”

“Oh big time, please continue Storm.” Para interrupted with a devious grin.

Storm blushed brightly, “But there is only one bed and Sparky already called dibs.”

“So I get the floor, lovely.”

“No! I would never let any pony sleep on the floor in my house. It’s just with mine being the only bed, I was kinda thinking you and I could...” She stopped and looked up to see Lynx’s bright red muzzle.

Lynx was speechless; the mare of his dreams was actually asking him to sleep in the same bed as her. He was dumbstruck, he couldn’t even protest if he wanted to. His chest was tight, his heart beating like a drum.

“I-It wouldn’t be like that or anything! Just you know, so you have someplace proper to sleep while you’re-”

“Yes.” The words slipped from his lips accidentally, his heart was speaking for his non-functional mind. Her face lit up and his heart threatened to explode.

Storm smiled walking to the bedroom, “W-well whenever you’re ready, No rush ya know?”

Lynx nodded and waited for Storm to leave before planting his hoof in his face and listening to Para celebrate.

“I’m a genius! Who’s a genius? I’m a genius! Can I match ponies or what?” Para teased walking to her room, “Good luck.”

Lynx looked down defeated as he trotted over to Storm’s bedroom door opening it and peering inside to see Storm already in bed. With a gulp he slowly creeped inside, and crawled in on the opposite side and under her warm sheets.

Taking a deep breath he relaxed slightly, and nuzzled into the pillow. Her bed was certainly softer than the one he slept on at Neon’s and the scent was much more pleasant. Rolling slightly to see the pegasus he blushed brightly, “Good night Storm.”

“Good night Lucky, oh and one other thing I didn’t get to say earlier.” She rolled over to look him in the eyes as she blushed, “I love you too.”

Chapter 9: A Day Off

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Chapter 9: A Day Off


Lynx awoke feeling very warm, and had little memory of what happened the night before. Though as the world around him began to clear up he noticed he wasn’t in his room and there was somepony else in the bed with him.

Storm had her legs wrapped around him, and her soft body pressed firmly against his back. As his initial state of shock passed he slowly began remembering the events of last night and his face burned with a hot blush.

His stirring must have awoken Storm because she soon let go and sat up to yawn and stretch, looking down at Lynx and lightly rubbing her hoof on his back, “You awake?”

“Yeah I guess so.” He responded sitting up and stretching himself, “Um hey about last night, did anything happen? It’s all kind of a blur after.. You know... You confessed and all...”

Blushed she shook her head, “Um no... Nothing really... Just a bunch of cuddles he he..”

“Oh, um okay then... I think I’m going to get a drink, if that’s okay?”

“Of course it is Lucky.”

Giving her a small smile he climbed out of bed and walked to her kitchen. Opening her fridge he found some bottled water, wrapping one in a sheath of his magic he wandered back into her living room and sat on her couch.

Now that he actually had time to look at Storms house, and wasn’t exhausted from the day of harassment that the guards gave him it actually felt rather comfortable for him. It was of average size for two ponies, and had plenty of Storm’s things scattered about. It didn’t feel empty or cluttered, and her wooden floors were squeaky clean.

Noticing some pictures on the mantle of her fireplace, he decided to take a closer look. The first picture held the memory of a young Storm Dancer standing side by side with a rainbow maned pegasus that he recognized. Both of them looked around the same age, and were both standing on a cloud with Silver and Gold medals around there necks respectively.

The second picture held a dark grey stallion saluting. He was dressed in royal guard and wore a medal around his neck. Looking a little closer, Lynx only grew more curious when he noticed that he wasn’t the same colours as her brother and saw a medal around his neck as well.

The third and final picture was of Storm and her brother. Lynx took a sip as he stared at the stallion, curious if he would give up on trying to prove he was a changeling. He wasn’t wrong, but Lynx couldn’t afford to have himself exposed now.

“What are you looking at?”

The voice made Lynx jump out of his thought and break his hold on the water bottle causing it to fall and begin to spill out some.

“Oh I’m sorry, did I startle you?” Para teased with a small giggled, “Sooo how did it go last night, I want details!”

“N-nothing happened okay, we just slept together and nothing else.” Lynx said trying to defuse his sister, while drawing the water back into the bottle.

“Liar, something happened, so spill it.”

“She confessed her love to me and we cuddled a bit, Satisfied?!” He growled glaring at her.

She glared right back with a large grin on her face, “Not. A. Chance.”

Lynx groaned but was saved by Storm walking in and giving Lynx a small kiss on the cheek.

Lynx’s muzzle burned brightly as he backed away from Storm, “W-What was t-that for?”

“Oh sorry too soon?” She asked looking slightly confused and worried.

“N-not really I suppose, I guess you just caught me off guard.”

“Alright so what are your plans for today you two?”

The two changelings went silent, Since Lynx had been here he was working non-stop and the same went for his sister.

“Based on your expressions I’m guessing you two haven’t gotten out much since arriving in Canterlot huh?”

“Not really, no.” Lynx responded.

Storm sighed, “Alright, I guess I’m taking you both out for a day on the town.”

“Actually, I might go search for our other brother Thunder Trot… I haven’t seen him in a long time and I’m getting worried. You two have fun though.”

Storm was about to offer her help but Para was already out the door before the words could escape his lips, “So I guess it’s just the two of us then, huh?”

“Looks that way. I think I’m going to go brush my teeth.”

“I’ll go freshen up in my personal bathroom.”

“Meet back here in a bit?”



Lynx asked Storm plenty of questions on their tour around town and was very curious about Canterlot and the ponies in it.

Storm answered to the best of her ability only having lived in Canterlot for close to a year herself which caught Lynx’s attention.

“So where did you live before Canterlot?” Lynx asked.

“Oh I lived up in Cloudsdale with my mother, but I decided to move once I was old enough.”

“Why? From what heard Cloudsdale is a paradise for pegasi.”

“Well one of my old friends moved to Ponyville, and I didn’t want to give up the big city life so Canterlot seemed like a good fit.”

“And what of this friend, have you two kept in contact?”

“Not as much as I would like, sometimes I wonder if she’s forgotten me.”

“I doubt it; I mean you’re so memorable that one visit burned your image into my head.” Lynx said with a small laugh.

“Well that’s very sweet of you to say Lucky.” Storm began getting closer to the stallion.

“Heh, um. Storm?”


“Ponies are staring.”

“R-right, sorry.” Storm said returning to a safe distance, “Hey um, why don’t we go visit the castle?”

“Is that allowed?”

“I don’t see why not, in fact I think there’s a tour today.”

“Well I suppose it could be fun.”

“Alright then,” Smiling, she led Lynx to the front gate, only to discover that tours were closed until further notice. “Sorry about this Lucky.”

“Oh no, don’t worry about it, I’m sure they have a good reason.”

“You sure?”

“Absolutely.” He smiled at her and began to walk away with her, “Thanks for showing me around, now that I’ve got my bearings on where everything is I think I can get around on my own.”

“Aw tired of my company already...?”

“N-no it’s not like that! It’s just, that now I’ll be able to get around on my own if you’re not available or if I decide to go on a walk to clear my head or something.”

“I see... Mind if we go pick up some stuff from the market?”

“I don’t mind, I couldn’t help but notice your fridge was rather empty.”

“Yeahhh living by yourself you tend to only pick up groceries when you need them.”

“Alright then, to the market it is!”

Storm giggled trotting close beside him as the two went to the market to pick up some food and other necessities.


Para spent most of the day asking around Canterlot if they had seen Thunder Trot. Managing to dig up on lead she found him twitching in a corner of a dark ally.

“Come on Dox, what the heck is wrong with you?”

“How can you and Lynx just accept this so easily? Being so deformed that we aren’t even changelings anymore.”

“Is that so bad?” She asked sitting beside him and pulled him close brushing his tangled mane from his face, “So were different, that just means that we’re special. Me and Lynx don’t want to go back to being nothing more than drones following our queens orders.”

“But why?”

“I can’t tell you, that’s something you need to figure out for yourself. But what I can tell you is to trust your heart. If you want to go back to our queen then go, I won’t judge you and neither will Lynx. But if you want to stay, know that you have family here. A real family, in the form of myself and Lynx.”

“When did you get so wise?”

“I dunno, about the same time that I set up Lynx with a super-hot pegasus.”

“That pony he said he loved?”

“That’s the one, turns out it was the other waitress. So after work I caught up with her and told her how our brother felt. One day later the two were sleeping in the same bed.”

“Did they-”

“Do you really think they would tell me if they did?”

“Good point...”

“Okay what’s really on your mind?”

“I don’t know if I can just accept a normal life as a pony like you and Lynx. While I no longer feel like a pure blooded changeling, I don’t feel like much of a pony either. It’s the grey area that the three of us are sitting in that has me frightened... All these new feelings that I feel are so strange and alien. I don’t know how to handle them, or where to even begin to make a choice.”



“Take your time, but take a bath too; neither ponies nor our queen will take you back if you smell like you jumped in a pile of dung.”

“Alright Para... Thanks”


“Being a good sister.” He said standing up, “So back to the Golden Elixir?”

“Nope, back to Storms place. Me and Lynx are crashing there for the time being, you can sleep on the couch in the room I’m sleeping in. After you take a bath.”

“What happened to staying at the Elixir?”

“Long story...”

“I’ve got nothing but time.”

“Alright then suit yourself...”


Storm and Lynx were busy packing Storms fridge with the new groceries. Lynx was primarily the one putting them away as his levitation made it much easier to place items inside than Storms hooves.

Storm smiled and gave Lynx a quick hug, “Mind finishing up here?”

“I don’t mind, so long as we eat something relatively soon.” He said hearing his stomach growl, and the sight of food not making it any easier.

“Have an apple to tide you over.” She giggled and walked out into her living room. Her ear’s perked to the sound of some pony knocking on the door and she went over to answer it.

Behind the door she discovered Para and her very dirty brother to which Storm was quick to halt before he came inside, “You wait here, you are not dragging all the muck into my house. There is a hose around the side, use that to wash off your hooves until you can get a proper bath alright?”

“Your house your rules,” Dox sighed as he walked around the side to find the hose.

Para walked inside and smiled, “So where is Lucky?”

“In the kitchen putting away the groceries. I figured I would pick some up seeing as it’s not just me living here anymore.”

“Sorry, we don’t mean to be a burden.”

“Nonsense, I offered. And besides it’s what friends do right?”

“Right.” Para smiled, her innocent smile turning to a sly grin, “So what did you two do after I was gone?”

“W-What do you mean?”

“Don’t play coy with me. Were friends right?”

“But he’s your brother?”

“So? A sister needs teasing ammo doesn’t she?”

“I suppose... I know I wouldn’t be this excited about learning what my brother and his special somepony are up to.”

“Are you two special someponies now!?” She asked sounding far too excited.

“N-No! We’re just very close now, that’s all I promise.”

“How close?”

Storm was silent as her cheeks burned slightly, “Not yet special some ponies, but close enough that I can kiss him on the cheek without it being weird.”

“I see...” Para’s attention was soon drawn elsewhere when she heard her brother grunting and water hitting the side of the house, “How hard is it to use a hose!?” She shouted trotting around to help him.

“Very hard if you don’t have a horn.” Storm said with a small giggle, going back into the house to prepare to make a dinner for four.


As the four ate at Storm’s dinner table there was a rather awkward silence. Seeking to break the silence Storm cleared her throat to draw attention, “Soo... What do you three think of changelings?”

“Where did that come from?” Lynx asked nearly choking on some of his food.

“I’m just curious. And besides, after yesterday I think it’s a subject that we all have on the mind.”

Lynx gave her a small smiled and sighed, “Well I’m not really sure what to think. I wasn’t in Canterlot when they attacked so I don’t really have any encounters with them to base an opinion from.”

“They’re mindless drones following a power hungry queen.” Thunder Trot said staring into his drink and pulling attention away from his brother. “What about you Storm? What’s your opinion?”

“Hey what about me?!” Para interjected.

“Oh I’m sorry, let’s hear the love-guru’s opinion on changelings.” Dox responded rolling his eyes.

“Now I want you to keep in mind this is just a theory. But what if changelings weren’t actually that different from ponies? I mean sure their queen controls them, but what would happen if that control got taken away? I think they wouldn’t be any different from any of us.”

“That’s a good theory Sparky.” Storm smiled, “Guess it’s my turn huh? Hmm, what is my opinion of Changelings... well based on my encounter with some during the invasion they terrify me. The way they crawled on the walls, the way their eyes just peer deep into your soul. And I think the thing that scares me the most is the fact that they can transform into the pony you love most.”

Lynx looked over at Storm hiding the fact his stomach was now in a knot from the fact that he was lying to the mare he loved. And now he was just praying to all that was good in the world that she might never find out the truth.

Chapter 10: Moving Forward

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Chapter 10: Moving Forward


Lynx moved slowly through a grass field, the moon was high in the sky and nopony could be seen in any direction he turned. He was still in his white unicorn form, and carefully took a step forward, only to hear a voice from behind him.

“You don’t think this will last do you?”

Lynx turned staring himself dead in the eyes, but this wasn’t the eyes of the unicorn, but the soul piercing sapphire of a changeling. A changeling with a strikingly similar mane cut. “Who are you?”

“How stupid have you become? I am you, or I was you before you got with that pony.” The last word like venom as it escaped the changeling’s lips.

“Well if you are me then you already know my answer...”

“Say it anyways, I want to hear it from you.”

“Fine, have it your way. Yes I do think this can last, so long as her brother doesn’t push it any further and we are careful.”

“But what if you slip? What if for one second you slip up and say or do something that reveals what you really are?” The changeling chuckled, “Let me show you the outcome.”

A door popped up behind Lynx as the rest of the world faded to black around the two. Lynx turned to open the door and stepped inside. Quickly shutting, the door locked itself and vanished in a flash of emerald. Looking around, Lynx soon found himself at Storm’s front door. About to knock he was stopped when the door opened revealing a frightening sight.

Storm stood there, a hurt look on her face and tears streaming from her eyes, “How could you lie to me!?”

“W-What are you talking about?” Storm asked.

“Don’t play stupid! I know you’re a changeling!”

“What’re you talking about?”

“Moon Spark, or Para, if I’m using her real name told me everything! She was tired of lying, which is more than what I can say for you!”

“Please storm let me ex-”

“No! Get out of here and never come back Luck- No Lynx, I should call you by your real name too... Go back to your queen and leave me alone!”

“Storm I-” Before he could finish the door was slammed in his face and he could hear the weeping coming from behind the door. His heart felt crushed, and he turned to see his former queen standing behind him.

“Lynx it’s not too late to come back, do you really want this future?” She asked.

“So you’re behind this! Get out of my head dammit!”

“Why so hostile Lynx? Is it because I’m right?”

“Shut up! And Stay out of my dreams, stay out of my life even!”

“Fine, but one day you will regret this decision. Mark my words.”

Lynx snapped awake sitting up, his breathing frantic as he realized where he was. Storm seemed to be still asleep. Even though there was little light other than what leaked through the window, he could still make out Storm’s face. Softly brushing her mane from her face he crawled back under the sheets and cuddled close.

Storm woke up briefly and smiled wrapping her hooves around him, feeling something was wrong she spoke softly still partly asleep, “Something wrong?”

“Bad dream.”

“Want to talk about it?”

“Not right now.”

“Alrighty, well I hope you don’t have anymore.”

“With you this close I doubt that’s even possible.”

Storm smiled and cuddled in closer resting her head under his chin, “Good night Lucky.”

“Good night Storm.”


A loud knocking awoke Lynx as he jumped up in surprise nearly bumping into Storm in the process. Getting out of bed and going to the door he peeked out to see Neon.

Neon grinned, “So the rumors are true.”

Lynx let out a heavy sigh, “Well I should have seen that coming.” Lynx said stepping out of the room so he didn’t wake up Storm, “What’s up? Or did you want to talk to Storm?”

“Well I kinda wanted to talk to both of you. You see I’ve finally got everything prepared but...”

“But? I don’t like it when ponies say but”

“I’m more or less curious if you want to move back in... I mean you’re pretty comfortable here, and I would be more than willing to use my two spare rooms for your brother and sister.”

“So basically, you’re asking me to stay here with Storm while Sparky and Thunder get your other two rooms?”


“Why do I get the feeling I’m being kicked out?”

“Don’t think of it as being kicked out. Think of it as me getting your siblings out of here so you and Storm can have this place all to yourselves... Just imagine it, you two here, alooone. The possibilities are endless.”

“S-Shut up Neon!” Lynx grumbled his face beat red.

Neon let out a soft chuckle as he pointed to the door behind Lynx that lead to Storms room.

And there she stood, as if on cue or something looking at Lynx curiously, “Do you not want to stay with me?”

Lynx froze, his blush only burning brighter. When he tried to speak nothing short of a squeak came out.

Neon ruffled his mane and sighed, “Take that as a yes Storm, and by the way, the official re-opening is later this evening. Can I expect you two there or should I have Thunder and Sparky cover your shift?”

“We will be there Neon.” Storm responded with a small smile, “Oh and stop teasing Lucky, that’s my job.”

Neon gave a happy nod and wandered into the living room.

Lynx looked back over to Storm, “How can something so evil look so beautiful.”

“One of the many secrets of this world.” She smiled and kissed his cheek, “Mind waking up your brother and sister while I get some food going?”

“Well I suppose so.” Smiling back at her he wandered down the hall and to the door of his siblings.

Storm smiled watching Lynx go off to wake up his siblings and then went into the kitchen to begin cooking. As Storm worked she heard some pony walk in and turned to see Neon coming in from the living room, “Hey do you want to stay for breakfast?”

“Sure thing but uh, since I know Lucky wont spill anything. How close have you two gotten?”

“We’re sleeping in the same bed, and I occasionally give him a kiss on the cheek, but I wouldn’t say we are an item yet. We’re getting there though.”


“What is?”

“Nothing.” Neon said offering her a comforting smile.

“Oh come on Neon were friends aren’t we?”

“Oh alright, but to be painfully honest I would prefer to keep my mouth shut until I am One hundred percent sure.”

“Well tell me.” She said as she turned around letting their breakfast cook while they spoke.

“I was just thinking, what if Lucky isn’t who he says he is.”

“What? You’ve met him right?”

“Oh I have, which is why it’s just a stupid thought. In any case keep him close. I don’t want my friend being captured by a changeling.”

“Don’t worry, he won’t leave my side.”

“Good.” Neon smiled and watched as Lynx entered and walked over to the fridge to grab a drink.


As Neon walked back he spotted a yellow unicorn standing in front of the shop. Neon sighed and walked up to her, “May I help you?”

“Oh yes you can, I was hoping I could get a job here.”

“Oh well I must admit this is a surprise.” Running his hoof through his mane he thought for a moment, “Have we met?”

She smiled, “No, well not officially anyways. My name’s Strawberry Sunshine, I owned two drink shops of my own, and wrote the article on this place.”

“Waiiit, you’re that yellow unicorn!?”

“The one and only.” She said fixing her mane.

“Well then it would be a great honor. Though there is one thing I don’t understand?”

She raised her brows curiously, “What is that?”

“Why would such a successful pony want to work for somepony else? I mean you’re your own boss right?”

“While this is true, I always wanted to try being an employee for once. Sure owning places like this is nice. But I want to experience actually working again.”

“Well I’m not going to stop you, and it would be nice to have some pony help me behind the mixing stand who actually knows what they are doing... How fast can you learn the menu?”

“How long do I have?”

“About thirty minutes.”

“I’ll be ready in twenty.” A proud smirk spreading across her face.


Neon and Strawberry were standing behind the drink counter and practicing a few new combinations that strawberry felt like disclosing to help bring in more business.

Turning to Neon Strawberry gave him a curious look, “So why did this place get ransacked in the first place.”

“Oh some guard pony thought I was harboring changelings.” He responded rolling his eyes and focusing on getting some practice.

Her interest piqued, she continued to press the matter, “Really? And whose bright idea was it to believe him?”

“I don’t know but it probably killed my business.”

“Maybe, maybe not... Still I am curious about something.”


“If one of your employee’s were a changeling? What would you have done?”

“I don’t know, I trust my employee’s like they’re family. I have a feeling I can trust that none of them have any thoughts of hurting me or my customers.”

“And that’s enough for you?”

“Damn right, what about you? What if someone close to you was a changeling?”

“I’m not sure, but really who can we trust these days.”

Lynx, Para, Dox, and Storm each walked in just then, all dressed in their uniforms except for Dox.

“Oh hey guys!” Neon rushed out from behind the counter to greet them and looked at Dox, “Um Thunder you know you’re supposed to wear the hat when you show up for work right?”

“I’m not here to work yet, I don’t think I’m quite ready to work here.”

“Fine by me, your room is the one you originally slept in, and Sparky you’re getting Lucky’s old room.”

Lynx blinked for a moment and sighed, “Replaced already huh?”

“Oh cheer up bro, it’s not like you have nowhere to go.” Para replied looking to Neon, “Thank you so much for putting up with us.”

“No need to thank me I’m happy to help, alright every pony let’s get ready we will be re-opening soon and I want to be ready for anything that might happen understood?”

Every pony nodded in agreement and went to do their respective jobs while Thunder went upstairs to find his new room. It was very basic having one window and a brand new double bed, dresser, and a throw rug in the center of the hardwood floor.


Work was slow at the start but picked up once the air was cleared and their names were cleared. It wasn’t even close to the original amount of customers they had before the incident, but regulars showed up and others showed up interested in some of the new menu they were providing.

Lynx was more than happy to keep working and when things slowed down that he actually had a moment to think he took a step back and let his mind wander.

At first he was just running through everything that had happened that had made his life so exciting. Reflecting on it all he wondered how in Celestia’s name he had gotten to this point considering the amount of trouble he has gone through to keep his secret, including nearly being discovered by an act of sheer carelessness.

Shifting from the bad to good he remembered that his life was finally looking up. He was now staying with Storm, he had a steady job. And with a few exceptions, no pony suspected for a second he was a changeling. Especially not Storm. Thinking about Storm he began to blush at how quickly their relationship had moved along, he began thinking about what going forward would mean. They weren’t even together yet but he was curious what actually kissing her would be like. For awhile he stood their lost in thought until Para’s voice finally broke the train of thought, “Wha?”

“I said, what are you thinking about?”

“Oh nothing just some stuff.”

“It was Storm wasn’t it?”

“Of course not.”

“So it was about Storm, if it really wasn’t then you wouldn’t deny it. Plus it’s written on your face.”

“Dammit.” He scowled.

“Hmm I’m going to tell Storm, this looks pretty serious.”

“Wait Sparky don’t-”

Para already began bouncing off despite her brother’s protest and went over to Storm who happened to be on break, “Hey Storm.”

“Hey Sparky, what’s up?”

“I think you and my brother should talk.”

“Why’s that?” She asked taking a sip of her drink.

“Because I caught him daydreaming about you and I don’t want him losing his job.”

“Oh...” Storms face lit up with blush for a second, “A-alright I’ll talk to him about it.”

“Thank you!~” She replied bouncing off.

Storm got up and walked over to Lynx, “Um hey can I talk to you for a second?”

“Sure, what about?”

“Oh uh not here, it’s not really something I want to have here. Mind if we go in back?”

“Sure” Lynx turned to Neon, “Can you cover the register for me?”

“Indeed I can, just don’t be too long okay?” He replied walking over to take Lynx’s place.

“Thanks Neon.”

“Anytime.” He said with a bright smile watching the two ponies disappear into the backroom.


“So what did you want to talk about Storm?” Lynx asked turning to look at her.

“Just what you’re thinking about. Sparky says she caught you lost in thought and she’s worried about you.”

“Well you can tell my nosy sister I’m fine.”

Storm let out a soft giggle, “She also told me that you were thinking about me, is that true?”

“She cannot keep her mouth shut can she?” Lynx let out a heavy sigh nodding, “Yes I was thinking about you.”

“C-could you tell me what specifically you were thinking about?” She asked with a bright blush.

“W-well, to be perfectly honest... I was thinking about what it would feel like to really kiss you.” He admitted his own blush sparking up.

“Well I know we aren’t together but...” Storm grew closer to Lynx, “I w-wouldn’t mind seeing how it feels either.”

“S-storm?” Lynx looked at her confused, he wanted to back up but something had him frozen.

Storm closed her eyes and leaned in planting a soft kiss on Lynx’s lips, her face burning with a hot blush.

Lynx stood their frozen in shock for a moment, but as soon as he realized it was happening, that it was real, he could barely believe it. Closing his eyes and accepting, it he leaned in and kissed her back, silently celebrating his first kiss with the mare he loved.

Chapter 11: A Tiny Feeling

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Chapter 11: A Tiny Feeling


It had been a couple of weeks since the kiss between Lynx and Storm. Business at the Golden Elixir had returned to normal, and both Storm and Lynx were finally open about their feelings with each other.

Dox was finally working at another register to help take some of the workload from Lynx and serve more customers. He was a little awkward at first but was steadily working his way into the position.

Lynx and Storm, now an official item, often took their breaks together and today was no exception. The two left together and decided on a pleasant stroll through the bright streets of Canterlot.

“Hey, do you think I’m a good pony?” Lynx asked coming to a stop and looking over at Storm before sitting on a nearby bench.

“I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t think you were a good pony,” She responded sitting beside him, “Why would you ask me that?”

He smiled at her, “It’s nothing, there are just some things I’ve done in my past that I’m not proud of. And I want to know if I’ve changed for the better.”

“Well for the record I think you’re a wonderful pony. And no matter what you’ve done in the past, it shouldn’t change who you are now. Do you want to talk about it?”

He shook his head, “Nah it’s not really important.”

“Oh come on you know you can share anything with me!” She teased with a playful shove.

“Alright fine” He smiled and sighed looking up at the sky, “I’ve done some pretty bad things, I’ve hurt ponies for the wrong reasons.”

“W-what do you mean?”

“I mean I did things because some pony else forced me to. I didn’t have the willpower to resist and simply say no. But since that day that I ran away and bumped into you I’ve tried to be better. I’ve been able to think for myself, and forge my own path.”

She placed her hoof on his, “Well no pony will ever force you to do anything you don’t want to ever again. And with Celestia as my witness, I promise to help make sure you stay just the way you are now Lucky.”

“Thank you Storm.” He smiled at her and stood up, “We should be heading back soon, with the way things are going at the Golden Elixir I think they might need us.”

Storm smiled and nodded getting up and giving Lynx a soft kiss on the cheek, “You’re right, where would they be without us?”

“Well without me, Neon would have been doing most of this stuff by himself, until he hired more employees on his own.”

“True, I guess you really helped him out there.” Storm said starting to walk back.

“Yeah, neither Sparky nor Thunder would have joined if I wasn’t already working there.” He chuckled softly walking beside her.

“Hey me too!”

“What do you mean?”

“Well I kinda only joined to get closer to you, but now I can’t imagine going back to my old job, even in light of what’s happened.”

“Well then, I didn’t think I had that kind of effect on you especially way back then.”

“Of course you did, though at the time I just thought it a silly little crush. I would lay awake for hours wondering, hoping you might someday feel the same way about me.”

“Well it looks like those hours weren’t wasted.”

“Mhm.” She rested her head on him the two walking side by side as the Golden Elixir came into view.


Normally Neon was focused on his work and nothing else, but today was different. Today he seemed distracted. He was still mixing drinks like he always did but today but he couldn’t help but glance over at Sparky as she dashed about collecting orders.

Trying to shake off the urge to stare as much as he could, when his break finally came he grabbed one of his drinks and went up to the balcony to think. It was late in the evening now, and he sat in his comfortable chair watching the sun set.

It was rare that he allowed himself breaks, since it was his place of business and he felt like he needed to be putting the most work into it. But the few times he did allow himself a break he enjoyed the rest and relaxation.

With business quieting down, and customers becoming fewer and fewer, Storm (who had caught her boss staring at Para a few times) saw an opportunity. Going up to the balcony she pulled up the spare chair beside her boss, “You look pensive, I thought I would come and instigate what my friend is thinking about.”

“It’s nothing you should worry about Storm,” Neon replied with a smile.

“Come on Neon, we’re friends right? And shouldn’t friends be allowed to confide in one another?”

“Fine, just promise me you won’t tell any of the others especially Sparky.”

“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” Storm sang, excited to finally get the scoop on her boss.

Neon smiled and took a small sip form his drink setting it down, “I can’t help but notice that I’m staring at Sparky a lot more. It’s odd because I have never had this reaction to a mare before.”

“Do you think you might have a crush on her?”

“I wouldn’t really call it a crush. I mean yeah I care for her, and I enjoy seeing her smile every day when she shows up for work. I even get this odd tingly feeling inside whenever I hear her laugh-” He stopped talking for a moment and stared into space before feeling his hoof collide with his face, “Sweet Celestia I have a crush on my best friends sister...”

Storm giggled, “Well then why don’t you tell her that?”

“I don’t know, I mean sure I might have a crush on her, but why rush? It’s not like she’s going anywhere. And I want to be sure of my feelings before going into something.”

“Well Neon, the only thing I can say then is good luck. I’m not going to force you to date any pony if you’re not ready for it. Just don’t be afraid okay?”

“Me? Afraid? Ha I laugh at the thought.”

Storm smiled and walked inside again and left Neon to his own thoughts once more.

Smiling as she left, Neon finished his drink and watched the sun lowering over the building top heading towards the horizon beyond. Sighing, his smile soon faded, “It would be a lot easier if I didn’t know.”


Storm returned down stairs to see the last few customers with their drinks. Taking a quick peek outside and not seeing any new customers she trotted over to Lynx and gave him a warm smile, “So are you excited for tomorrow?”

“You mean a whole day with you, and no extra work piled on? I couldn’t be more excited.” Smiling back he planted a kiss on her cheek.

The rest of the night right up until the Elixir closed was fairly quiet, no new ponies arrived and the ones there happily drank their drinks before getting up and leaving. Neon returning from the upstairs balcony then flipped the sign closed and every pony began cleaning up the place for night.

Storm and Lynx walked home together after bidding goodnight to their friends. They stayed close the entire time and admired the night sky together. Lynx especially found Canterlot beautiful at night even more so as it reminded him of the night he and Storm first met.

Storm stopped for a moment and pulled Lynx to a stop with her, “Hey Lucky?”

“Hmm what is it Storm?” He asked turning to her.

“There is something I’ve been wanting to do all day.”

“And what might that be?”

“This.” She leaned in and kissed him right in the moonlit streets.

Lynx not hesitating for a moment kissed her back ready for whatever the future might hold.