• Published 18th Jul 2014
  • 1,063 Views, 31 Comments

Lonesome Years - 2006midnight

Some of Luna's thoughts on one of the days that she is on the moon.

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I'll Be Holding on Forever

Princess Luna looked out across the surface of the moon. She saw the same craters, same contours, same everything that she had been seeing for years. I've been here for almost five hundred years sister. I know that this is completely and totally my fault. All my fault for not being able to control my emotions. Believe me when I say that I wish I could've. But what's done is done. I can only hope that someday, if it could ever be possible for me to return to Equestria that I can make things right.

The princess of the night began to walk, as she had done many times before throughout the numerous centuries she had spent on her celestial body. She strode through the barren landscape of the moon, passing all the craters and contours that had become her home. It's foolish of me to think this, I know, but sometimes I get so lonely here Tia. And I just...I just wish you were here. I know you probably hate me for what I did, and, in truth, I would hate me too. But still, I miss you. Being here has made me realize just how wrong I was, how much I love you. You're my sister Tia, and, if I'm honest with myself, I'm nothing without you.

Tears began to well up in Luna's eyes, and yet, she makes no attempt to wipe them away. We were meant to rule together Tia. I see that now; I see that we're equals. And yet, our subjects never saw it that way. They, like me, could never see the truth. You know why? Because even though we are equals when it comes to ruling Equestria, that still doesn't change that you are weak. Without the Elements of Harmony you could not have defeated me. Just like how Sombra defeated you, leaving me to do the dirty work. Your weakness earned me my reputation for being dark, cold, forbidding, and, to some, frightening. If you weren't such a perfect picture of a dainty little princess then maybe out subjects would have seen us as something much closer to equals. Not just the 'nice princess of the day' and the 'monster'. If you actually had a backbone, then I wouldn’t be here right now. I wouldn’t have had to become Nightmare Moon. A sob reverberated throughout the entirety of the empty space on and around the moon. I saw you cry as you took up the Elements of Harmony. It might have only been a few tears, but they were there. And they were enough.

Enough to make me realize what I’d done. To realize how wrong I was. And to remember. To remember who I truly was. Who I truly am. For I am no monster. Luna raised her tearstained face and looked out across the empty void of space towards Equestria. “I’m so sorry, sister. I only wanted to be loved as you were. I never meant for it to go this far.”

I’ve gotten tired of crying Tia. I don’t want to listen to my sobs any longer. All I want is a chance to atone for my mistakes. And yet, I don’t know if I can. I’m scared Tia, scared that I’ve lost my chance. That you no longer care for me. That you might not even want me back. But then I remember the look in your eyes as you used the Elements against me. I saw how torn you were, torn between your own personal desires, and your desire to do what was best for Equestria. And when I remember that, I know that you never hated me, not once. That no matter what I did, you would always love me. Just like I would always love you. At that moment, Luna swung her piercing, teal gaze towards the sun. “Yes, Tia. I love you. More than anything.” And it tears my heart to pieces.

I remember everything clearly now. Now that I’ve had all these years to think. I remember all the times when I would dream of something wild, when I would get angry, or terrified, and even when I felt helpless. And each and every time, you were there for me. You would hold me if I needed you too, you would let me cry into your fur if it would help, you would show me the way when I was lost. No matter what it was, you were patient, you were the only constant, stable being in my life, and now, now you’re gone. And it’s now, now more than ever, that I need you. If only you were here, to hold me tight, like you did when we were young, then maybe I’d be okay. Cause I’d never let go. “I’d never, ever let go, Tia. I’d be holding on forever.” And I’d hope you would as well. We’d only be making it right, since you can never go wrong with love. Together we can do anything, anything at all Tia. If only I could have seen this sooner. Your love is like a shadow cast constantly on me. I wish I could’ve seen that this kind of shadow, is the best kind. But I didn’t; instead, I threw it all away. And now, I don’t know what to do. I really need you tonight, just like I’ll need you forever.

Once I had a life, a life full of love. Yet now, I’m shattering into a million pieces. There’s nothing I can do. At least not for a couple more centuries. Nothing at all. Except cry, and dream.

Once there was a bright, shining sun in my life. But now there are only memories. Only memories of the love shown to me by that sun. Just memories in the dark. There’s nothing I can say. Nothing at all can change my fate.

“Oh, Tia, what have I done?” I know you’ll never quite be the pony you’ve always wanted to be. But I do know that you’re the only pony who saw me for who I am on the inside. For what was in my heart. I know now that there’s nopony in all of Equestria as enchanting and striking as you. There’s nothing, and nopony better than you. And there’s nothing I wouldn’t do, to be able to stand at your side once more. But I’m stuck here. Stuck here while my heart slowly fractures apart.

Princess Luna closed her eyes as she whispered, “Dearest Tia, tonight I need you more than I’ve ever needed you. I need to feel your embrace once more. If only we could have stayed together forever. If only I hadn’t lost sight of what was most important. Then we’d be together. And both our hearts would still be whole.” I don’t know what to do without you. I’m surrounded by darkness. Physically, mentally, and emotionally. I really need you sister. I’m falling apart.

There’s nothing I can do, nothing I can say, to change the past, but hope. Hope that when I’m able to return to Equestria that I’ll be able to fix what I broke. And that includes both our hearts Tia. Because I know the truth. I’ve had a total eclipse of the heart. One last tear slid down the night princess’ cheek, and as it landed upon the surface of the moon, it took the shape of a broken heart.

Author's Note:

Please let me know what you think! I really hope that I didn't disappoint those of you who were looking forward to this sequel. And yes, there is one more sequel on the way. :raritywink:

Comments ( 31 )

:pinkiegasp: Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes! *bounds happily in a circle* You took my advice and made a sequel and it's AWESOME!!! :pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp: Eeeeee and a third one oh YES!!!:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: *stares patiently at the screen for it appear* Oh right... Life...:facehoof:

4716076 Thank you so much! I'm glad this lived up to your expectations!:pinkiehappy: And actually I kinda just decided to make two more sequels.:twilightblush:

4716569 :rainbowlaugh: I'm glad you're excited!:pinkiehappy:

Why exactly do you like this so much?:rainbowhuh:

Well... *considers* Luna is my favorite pony for one I guess. I enjoy stories that really touch into her psyche. Also your writing really draws me into the story which I love. It's a gift not many writers have. You seem to be able to truly bring out who Luna was and is and I admire and appreciate that. I've been told I have the same gift so I like to meet people who have it as well.:heart:

4716592 Wow, thank you! Luna is my favorite pony as well. And your writing definitely draws the reader in.:raritywink:

Comment posted by Dustin Lange deleted Jul 21st, 2014

This one was able to get that tear out...:fluttercry:

4729880 In a good way, I hope?

Without a doubt.

I wish I could write like this...

(Click the black thing, just in case you don't know.)

4730142 Thanks! And I know to click the black thing except since I'm on my phone I have to copy it into my notes. :ajsleepy:

And as to what you said under the black thing, you flatter me. Way too much! :twilightblush:

But it's true!

The best I have written is "Vinyl's Night Out", and that is not all that great...

4730232 I just read it, and it is really good! Even though the drunken talk got a little strange at times, but still worth a fave. :twilightsmile:

I'd give you tips on how I write, but I don't actually know. :facehoof:

The drunk talk is where it really killed me...

Thanks for the fave!

4730319 You're welcome! And you really should give yourself more credit. :pinkiesmile:

People always tell me that.
I'll admit that I'm not the worst writer, but I am far from good.

4730385 You are good! In fact I would think that I am far from good not you. :twilightsheepish:

It seems we have reached an impasse...

4731001 Something wrong darling? :duck:

4731039 Just not sure what was so funny.



Thats what is funny...:eeyup:

Okay, your writing is fine. No arguments there. However, there is one thing that strikes me curious. Seeing as Luna is now technically Nightmare Moon here, you'd think there would be a bit of resentfulness in her monologuing. I mean it is a tragedy due to misunderstanding, no doubt there, but still you'd think she'd be unable to see it.

4799467 I see what you are saying, but I wrote it the way I did because in the first story I made it seem as if Luna knew what was going to happen. Therefore, she wouldn't be restless so much as blaming herself, and feeling regretful for what she'd done. Just my opinion.

This is good. You very well convey and make plausible the mixed feelings Luna has for Celestia at this point. We know she loves Celestia -- and we also know she must have resented her, to rebel against her in the first place.

In my fanon, they led the resistance against Discord for a thousand years, helping to preserve the few centers of civilization (such as the Crystal City, Derecho and Lith) which had the magical might to hold out against him, before they finally gained the Elements and defeated him. Then they fought for five hundred years to unify Equestria.

Celestia was the Princess of Peace, and Luna of War. They played a soft-hard social game with those who opposed them for five centuries. What this meant was that Luna led the Equestrian armies and had the hard, dirty job of fighting against foes who were often other Ponies, while Celestia had the jobs of administration, diplomacy and politics.

Luna's best friends were usually found among her officers, soldiers who fought and often were maimed or died for her -- and she had to mourn them and yet remain strong to lead the others. And when she won a war, a generation or two would see the war remembered only by the elderly, and another generation or two would see it forgotten by living Ponies.

The more successful Luna was, the less other Ponies appreciated her. In times of peace, she was a strange, grim and frightening figure, often behaving strangely due to accumulated emotional stress. Ponies enjoyed the peace and prosperity she fought and lost her blood and the lives of her most beloved friends to win; and they rejected her as dark and uncanny.

And they sung hymns to her sister.

That had to hurt.

5456837 I've thought about it kind of like that myself...


In a way it's a microcosm of the general social problem of the role of warriors in a peaceful society. No warriors, and the society goes under before more aggressive ones. But the skills and attitudes of war-fighting are different than the ones valued in peacetime, However, a society run by the warlike would not function very well.. So warriors tend to become alienated from the peaceful societies they protect.

In real life, warriors aren't immortal. If they were, the alienation might be worse -- it's bad enough today for World War Two veterans, who know that the grand struggle of their lives is now just history to most people. What would it be like if veterans of the American Civil War or the Revolutionary War were still alive?

Luna is timelost. The world of her youth is gone forever, and she must live in a strange new one. And this was true even before she was banished.

The same in some ways is also true for Celestia, of course. She's just better at hiding it.

So, yeah -- I'm glad to see that someone else gets it :twilightsmile:

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