• Published 4th Jul 2014
  • 4,485 Views, 228 Comments

Epic human child in Equestria crossover to end all human child in Equestria crossovers of epic crossover-ness - darkmage1997

All the favorite children in Equestria are all brought into one dimension. Nuff said.

  • ...

Chapter 7: Melody, Clover, and Cory's stories and the prophecy of harmony

"I started to live at an orphanage at the age of two, after my real mommy and daddy had died," Melody said with sorrow in her voice. This made everyone gasp. "I was sent to live in an orphanage since I didn't have a legal guardian to look after me, and unfortunately, the caregivers at my orphanage were some of the meanest people on the face of the Earth," Melody explained, with some tears already rolling out of her eyes. "The caregivers would always beat me and the others for crying, having dreams, wanting sweets, tripping and breaking something, or even w-wanting f-friends," she sadly said. This horrified everyone, being an orphan was harsh enough, but not being allowed to make friends was over the top.

"These 'caregivers' shouldn't even be allowed to be near an orphanage if this was how they treated somepony," Trinity commented with her fellow element of harmony friends nodding in agreement.

"Quite right, friends should be allowed to be made freely, and not by someponies standards," Charity added.

"I know, anyway, after two years of torment, I decided that me and my friends at the orphanage have had enough abuse, and I wished for a better life for me and the others," she continued before smiling up at her mommy and looking beside her, she smiled at her sister, "And the next morning, I met my Mommy, Pinkie Pie, and my sister Clover, and after we were introduced, Mommy took us to meet her friends, and then that night, Mommy let us meet Mr. and Mrs.Cake. The next morning, they took us to meet Auntie Celestia and Auntie Luna, who helped us uncover the truth of my cruel orphanage. When we got to Earth, we had the help of a samurai warrior by the name of Shade Goodrivers, who also helped prove the caregivers guilty," Melody explained, but then she saw Conner's hand go up.

"What's a samurai?" he asked curiously.

"A samurai is the highest level of warrior class someone can achieve. They fight for the weak, and always fight with honor," Twilight explained.

"Right, anyway, Shade, with the help of Discord, was able to help prove the caregivers guilty, and they were sentenced to the remainder of their lives in jail," Melody explained with a frown on her face, "But the head of the orphanage wouldn't let me or any of the orphans off, so she tried to take me by force using chains," she further explained, which made everyone gasp. "But luckily, Shade was able to use his sword to slice the chains, and after that, the head of orphanage was dragged off with the other staff people, Shade bought the orphanage, and ever since then, I've lived happily with Mommy and my sister Clover," Melody concluded her story, smiling at her sister and Mommy. She looked up to see tear filled looks in the eyes of the other children.

"Gosh, that's harsh, even for an evil caregiver," Cory commented, shaking his head in shame at the thought of caregivers like that.

"Yeah, but you have a new family and all of us as friends!" Lucky Joy said, trying to lift everyone's spirits.

"Right, and I take it you came from the same orphanage, Clover?" Vibrant asked the former princess.

"Well, no, I never lived in an orphanage or any building that's under the comfort of a castle," Clover explained.

"What do you mean?" Mike asked the brunette girl.

"Well, I originally was a princess of Transylvania, but I never wanted the life of a princess, if it meant no friends or sweets," Clover explained. This made everyone gasp again.

"So, you wanted to life like a regular pony?" Bolt asked incredulously.

"Yep, but my mean Mommy and Daddy wouldn't let me outside the castle, or near any of the villagers. They said that friendship is a waste of time and money, which I never cared about, as long as I had someone to play with." Clover continued.

Toby spoke up this time, "So how were you able to escape those awful parents of yours?" he asked, worried for the ex-princess.

"I wished on a star, and my auntie Luna brought me to Equestria, where I met Mommy and Melody, and everything that Melody explained happened, with the trial, and the evil caregivers, and Discord. Anyway, we came home after a party we had to celebrate my and Melody's adoption, courtesy of Mommy and Shade, we went to tour Ponyville. It was sometime during that day that Aunties Celestia and Luna went to tell my ex-mommy and daddy that I would no longer be living with them, and that I found a happier life here in Equestria," Clover explained, her smile soon turning into a tear filled frown. "But, after we finished up with the tour of Carousel Boutique, Mommy and all my aunties, uncle Spike, and my friends with the Cutie Mark Crusaders all were saddened, and when I asked them what was wrong, I soon learned that M-m-mommy and D-daddy just gave up on me, and said th-they never wanted to see m-me ever again," Clover said with a few quiet sobs. This horrified everyone, and Cory could sympathize with her, since his parents just abandoned him with out warning.

"I though all Mommies and Daddies were supposed to be nice, and loving towards their kids," Conner said, also saddened at how cruel Clovers parents were.

"True, b-but I decided to let it go, and not to let it bother me," Clover said, regaining her happiness rather fast. "Anyway, it was also after Auntie Fluttershy's cottage that I met my possibly true love, Rumble," Clover said with a blush. "I haven't gone to school yet, since it was still summer time when that huge wormhole thing sucked me and Melody up, but up until that one moment, and continuing after we were reunited with Mommy, that we've been living happily in Equestria," Clover concluded her story with a smile. She looked up to see that everyone still had saddened looks on their faces.

"Well, we're sorry for what you both had been through," Nyx said, with everyone nodding in agreement.

"To be honest, I can relate to what you girls have been through," Cory said, with a sad shake of his head.

"Really?" Melody asked surprised.

"Yep, and if you all want, I would like to tell my story next," Cory asked, looking around the room, and all he received was a round of nods. "Ok, well my journey started out with my parents abandoning me at an airport at the age of ten, and my terrible life began at an orphanage, that shutdown after awhile, leaving me with hardly any food, and a cruel private school, where not even the nurse was sympathetic, as she would just give the patients painkillers and tell us to suck it up. If that wasn't bad enough, the principal ruled out friendship and all school clubs. Any student caught making friends or participating in club activities were severely punished, either being used as an example of what not to be like, or being kicked out," Cory explained. This horrified everyone. A school nurse not caring about the students, and not being allowed to make friends or participate in club activities was just awful.

"Your Mommy and Daddy just left you?" Toby cried in despair. which Cory solemnly nodded.

"Well, I for one, hope that those brutes are put of their jobs," Charity said, sticking her nose up in disgust.

"Yeah, well, there are some details I'll explain to you later. Anyway, I finally had enough, so I ran away, until I found some sort of an old shack that had a portal to Equestria, and I decided that since I had no idea where I was, I decided to explore, and try to find out where I was," he said, before giving the cutie mark crusaders a soft smile, " I found my self in some sort of junkyard, where I encountered the crusaders, who took me back to sweet apple acres, were I scored a job as a stable boy, as well as a roof over my head. I helped out where I could on the farm, even helping Applejack out with her trips into town, where I encountered Rarity and Pinkie Pie, where I also scored a job as Rarity's assistant, where I helped her with carrying her bags when she took me to Canterlot with her, which I was happy to help out with," Cory said, smiling at the unicorn and two earth ponies, who smiled back.

"You really deserved a better life than that miserable sounding old one," Crystal said, smiling up at Cory.

"After meeting all of Applejacks friends, they all said that too," Cory simply replied. "Anyway, after awhile, I discovered my special talent, making works of art out of old junk, which I make into jewelry, sculptures, etc. I soon found out that I was a famous artist throughout all of Equestria, ponies all wanting to buy my artworks, which usually ran for about 500 to 10000 bits, depending on what they were. Even Princess Celestia acknowledged my works," Cory continued, smiling up at the alabaster alicorn, who smiled back.

"Well Cory, since you were adopted by Twilight, that makes you royalty too, does it not?" Celestia asked playfully.

"I guess not," Cory simply replied.

"Then there is no need to refer to me or Luna as 'Princess' anymore, since you are a prince now yourself," Celestia explained.

"Sorry, but that my be a habit that may never die," Cory joked, which made everyone in that room giggle, and Celestia nod in understanding. "Anyway, a few days later, I met up with Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Mom, who were just as welcoming as Pinkie, Rarity, and Applejack," Cory said, smiling at his family members, who all smiled back. "After telling them about what I've been through, they invited me to have a better life here in Equestria, where mom and Rainbow offered to help boost my academic and physical traits, since I struggled with both back at my old school. But I had some stress from not being able to write a simple paragraph, to which Mom took me to meet Zecora, who helped me let go of my stress, and after that, I had no more troubles with my school work, or with any of Rainbows teachings. Then, my birthday rolled around, where mom went to my world to find the truth of what happened to my parents and why they ditched me, and it turns out, they only had me until ten for my college trust money," Cory explained further with a frown on his face, which gained horrified gasps from the children and Chris.

"That's so mean!" Lucky Joy said, with her mane and tail deflating.

"Yeah, even my mommy and daddy weren't that mean!" Timmy said, backing up Lucky Joys comment.

"Yeah, but thanks to mom, both of my former parents were arrested, and I was free to live more peacefully in my new home. Then came my birthday/adoption, where I was given my pony name, 'Capricore', though I would prefer if you all kept calling me Cory, which is my nickname now," Cory said, concluding his story.

"Whoa, that was harsh man," Nathan said, trying to keep from upsetting Cory.

"Yeah, but crime doesn't pay, and always has a price, so my ex-parents got their just desserts," Cory said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Yeah, but you did get a great mommy in Mommy!" Trinity said, hugging Cory by the legs.

"Aw, that's true," Cory replied, petting the young alicorn filly behind the ear, when he wondered something, "Uh Trinity, why do you and Season, Vibrant, Charity, Lucky Joy, and Serenity all look like Mom and my aunts and sister?" Cory asked, picking up the purple filly.

"Well, to be honest, and long story short, a kind alicorn king was corrupted by an evil magic turning him into an alicorn bat pony, a prophecy stating that the elements of harmony with a body and mind of their own were the only things who could stop him, and a thousand years later, we were once the elements of harmony, and are now the beings that are to defeat Lord Hex," Trinity explained, wanting to keep things nice and simple.

"Ok, so then, how old are all of you, five years?" Nyx asked, looking at the fillies.

"Well, you got the five part right, but we're actually five weeks old," Trinity explained.

"WHAT?!" Joshua squealed in surprised.

"Trust me, they aren't lying," Toby said, putting a hand on Josh's shoulder.

"So you encountered these girls before too Toby?" Conner asked.

"Yep, according to Trinity, she was practicing a new spell called 'Inner Tranquility', which she said was supposed to find inner peace in the mind, but a sharp pain shot through her head, and transported her and the others to my separate Equestria," Toby explained.

"Huh, so, who's going next with stories?" Mike asked, looking around at the group. "Well, if no one wants to go, can I tell my story?" he asked, looking around, seeing only nods.

"But before we do that, why don't we get lunch?" Twilight offered. It was only a round of grumbles that answered her question.

"Then follow me to my dining room, and I'll have your lunch ready for you," Discord said, appearing by the doorway in a butlers outfit. Everyone giggled at his antics, and followed him to the dining room.

Author's Note:

And here's the 7th chapter. Sorry for being so late, but I was trying to figure out some good ideas. Next time, the ponies all have lunch, and Mike tells his story. Tell me who you want to tell their story along with Mike in the comments below!