• Published 4th Jul 2014
  • 4,485 Views, 228 Comments

Epic human child in Equestria crossover to end all human child in Equestria crossovers of epic crossover-ness - darkmage1997

All the favorite children in Equestria are all brought into one dimension. Nuff said.

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Chapter 6: Nathan, Drake, and Conners stories (Edited)

"Well, it all started the night before mah Mommy and Daddy found me," Nathan explained looking up at his mother and father, who smiled back at him, "Ah was gettin' ready for bed at the Lonestar Orphanage, but before ah went to sleep, ah said mah prayers, and ah prayed that ah would be adopted soon. Little did ah know that it was that morning after ah found mahself in a room at the Crystal Empire. At first, ah thought ah was dreaming, but after pinching mahself ah soon learned that it wasn't a dream, but reality." Nathan explained, but as he was about to continue, Cory raised his hand.

"How did you end up in the Crystal Empire anyway?" he asked curiously.

"It happened that same night, when me and Luna saw what appeared to be a meteor that was heading for the Crystal Empire," Celestia explained.

"And we got the surprise of a life time when we saw Nathan was the meteor," Shining explained.

"Right, so, Ah went to explore where ah was, and try to find mah way back to the Lonestar Orphanage. When ah left the room, ah heard voices coming from down the hall. Ah went to go and investigate, but ah heard different voices. Ah was scared that ah knew they weren't the nuns, but mah Mommy and Daddy, as well as Princess Celestia and Luna. They were walking mah way, and ah didn't know if they were dangerous or not, so ah tried to flee, but Mommy caught me in her magic before ah could escape. Ah was terrified beyond all belief, and ah tried asking them to not hurt me, but they soon reassured me that they weren't going to hurt me." Nathan explained further, looking at his mother and father, who nodded and told them to go on. "After we were all introduced, ah asked them where ah was, and when they told me I was in another world, ya can guess how nervous ah was, but Mommy reassured me that nopony would even think of being mean to me. They offered to introduce me to Auntie Twilight and her friends. A little while after that, ah was introduced to them, and they were all surprised to hear mah Southern accent, Applejack especially. After being introduced, they all took me ta Ponyville, where ah could have some more clothes made for me, as well as meet Applejacks family." Nathan continued before being interrupted by Applejack.

"Yeah, and Applebloom was able to find her first true love," Applejack said gaining some 'ooh's from everyone. Applebloom blushed furiously.

"APPLEJACK! Ya didn't have ta tell everyone!" said an embarrassed Applebloom, who looked away from Nathan, who she thought that he thought she was weird.

"Is it true Applebloom?" Nathan asked with a surprised yet flattered tone. It was only a nod that made Nathan blush too. "Well, maybe after we all exchange stories, I can take you out on a date, maybe?" he asked with hope. Applebloom looked up, with a shocked yet tears of joy in her eyes face.

"Um, ok, that would be lovely," Applebloom said happily, yet calmly, but her inner self was yelling 'HE LOVES ME!'.

"Wow, you're already a lady killer, just like me," Shining commented before being hit in head with a rubber mallet. "OW! What was that for?!" he asked his wife, who was holding a mallet with her magic.

"Oh yeah, you're a real lady killer, that's how you were able to ask me out to the prom that one year," Cadence sarcastically remarked to which Shining just blushed.

"Ahem, back to mah story, after a bit of touring, ah had an encounter with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, and they were gonna bully Applebloom, so ah fought Diamond Tiara, which was kind of an easy victory for me, and Auntie Twilight was so impressed with me standing up to bully, that she gave me these bat wings that you see on mah back," he said looking at his wings. But then Diamond Tiara spoke up.

"What do you mean 'easy victory'?!" she asked, obviously insulted.

"Explain how you fell for mah 'look at that bag o' money' trick," Nathan asked, gaining a 'humph' from the pink filly who was now pouting out of embarrassment. "Anyway, that night, we all went to dinner before ah had to go back to the Crystal Empire. Ah was even selected to do some karaoke. After we all had dinner, Auntie Twilight took us back to Crystal Empire, where ah was very surprised to see the nuns from mah orphanage. It was then that Mommy learned that ah was an orphan, and she and Daddy offered to adopt me, which ah tearfully agreed, and the nuns saw no problem with it, so they also agreed to let them adopt me. Ah went back to the orphanage to gather mah belongings, and say mah goodbyes to mah friends at the orphanage. After ah left to go and live in the Crystal Empire, we had a party ta celebrate mah adoption. And a few days after that party, Mommy and Daddy told me that ah was gonna be a big brother soon." Nathan said, before looking at the pink alicorn filly in his grasp.

"So, that's your little sister?" Josh asked looking at the same filly.

"Yep, her name is Skyla," Nathan said introducing the alicorn foal who was just babbling at her big brother.

"You must've been so happy to be a big brother," Clover commented.

"Ah was at first, but after Skyla was brought home, it was nothing but crying and crying. Ah was jealous of all the attention that she was gettin', so ah ran away." Nathan explained, drawing gasps from everyone. "Ah decided that ah should go and see Auntie Celestia and Auntie Luna for love and attention. Then Auntie Celestia told me the story of how she lived with Auntie Luna. Ah then realized how foolish ah was, and the next day, Auntie Celestia brought me back to the Crystal Empire, and when we got there, Mommy and Daddy told me to go to mah room until they would come ta talk ta, but when Mommy came in, she was void of all anger she had at me for running away, and she comforted me, and told me that she and Daddy would always love me as much as they love Skyla, and ever since then, Ah've been happily living in the Crystal Empire." Nathan finished up his story.

"Whoa, talk about deep," Chris commented.

"And I think Skyla is very cute as a little sister," Melody commented.

"And don't even think of forgetting our date," Applebloom said, fluttering her eyelashes at Nathan, who blushed at the action.

"Well, anyway now I shall tell my sons story," Luna said, looking at the son she was going to talk about. "It all began 10 years after I was released from Nightmare Moons control. I was taking an evening stroll through Canterlot, when I heard what sounded like somepony was crying. Following the crying, I discovered a human foal, without any warmth and looked like he hadn't eaten in a long time. So, being a fair and kind princess, I took him home with me, and I gave him a bath, and fed him. The next morning, I asked my sister if I could be the mother of this small infant, to which she agreed, and I named my new prince, Drake." She explained giving Drake a tender kiss on his head before continuing, "And since his adoption, I raised him like a mother should, with everlasting love and care. After awhile, he was given a magic amulet that gives him magic ice powers. He had some difficulty controlling it at first, but he eventually got the hang of it, and since then, he's been happy." Luna finished Drakes story.

"You chose wisely Aunt Luna," Chris commented.

"Yeah, but Drakes outfit reminds me of an outfit from a video game series called Kingdom Hearts," Toby commented.

"Is that so?" Luna asked her nephew, who nodded.

Just then, Conner looked up to his mother, "Mommy, my story is kind of short, so why don't I tell mine now?" he asked looking up at his mother. Rarity then looked around, and saw everyone nodding.

"Very well, my precious baby boy, but if it becomes too much, then just ask me to take over, ok?" she asked Conner who nodded.

"Ok, my story begins when I used to live on Earth, in the city of New York City, in an orphanage. But unlike the Lonestar orphanage heads, the one from my orphanage was really mean to me." Conner explained tearing up a bit. "Sir would always yell at me for making a mess, a-and he w-would even," Conner took a breath before continuing, "H-he would even w-whip m-me with a big leather b-belt," Conner was able to get out.

Everyone was horrified, Nyx especially, who was fuming with anger on the inside. "HOW DARE THAT MEANIE HURT MY SOON TO BE COLTFRIEND?!" she exclaimed, only to realize that she spoke her thoughts out loud and covered her mouth, but was too late, since Conner looked at her with a shocked expression, along with everyone else.

"Nyx, you're in love with me?" Conner asked, very surprised yet flattered at how she exclaimed her feelings by accident.

"Uh, yeah," Nyx said, with all her coloring draining away out of embarrassment.

"Well, I'm flattered that you think of me like that, but I'm just too young, and I'm a human," Conner said trying to let her down easy.

"Why do you assume that species and age matters? I mean, I'm just a year or two younger than Silver Spoon, and she and I date," Toby said to Conner, while looking at his fillyfriend with a lovey dovey look in his eyes, which was copied by Silver Spoon.

"Same with my and Dinky," Josh said, looking at the blonde boy.

"Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to try. Ok Nyx, after we all get used to the our new friends, I will take you out on a date," Conner said, looking at the black filly with a smile.

"REALLY?!" Nyx asked excitedly, only to see a playful 'you are to act like a princess' look on her mothers face. "Uh, I mean, ok, that would be lovely, thank you," Nyx said more calmly, but her inner self had a fire in her eyes yelling 'YEAH! I MIGHT WIN HIS HEART!'

" Anyway back to my story, after taking too much abuse, I finally decided to run away, but as I was running, Sir yelled at me 'And don't you ever think of coming back! You're just a waste of space and fresh air!', and so I ran to an ally to try and hide, but the next thing I knew, I was in an ally in Ponyville," he then looked up and smiled at the white unicorn mare that was his mother, "Then mommy found me, and she brought me home, and gave me some food and some warm and comfortable clothes. That was the first time anyone was ever nice to me. The next day, Mommy took me to meet her friends and after that, we all went to the Grand Galloping Gala, where Princess Celestia and Princess Luna wanted to meet me, but during the gala, we encounter Prince Blueblood, who made me trip and spill punch on Mommy's dress, I was scared of how she would react, so I had to flee." Conner further explained, gaining annoyed groans from Nyx, Celestia, Luna, Timmy, Drake, and Chris.

"I swear, why can't that guy ever learn how to appreciate everyone, other than fellow royalty?" Chris asked annoyed at Bluebloods antics.

"Well, anyway, after mommy found me, she rocked me to sleep, and the next day was the biggest surprise of my life, Mommy said she was going to adopt me, and show me only love, and ever since then, I've been living happily with Mommy and Aunt Sweetie Belle," he said looking at the two unicorns that he loved to no end. Looking up, he saw Nyx coming over to give him a comforting hug.

"I'm so sorry that you had to go through all that," Nyx said giving Conner a kiss on the cheek. This surprised the both of them, and both were blushing furiously.

"You know Conner, your story sounds a lot like my story," Melody commented, looking at the young boy.

"It does?" Conner asked surprised. Melody nodded.

"Mommy, is it ok if me and Clover tell our stories next?" Melody asked looking up into her mothers eyes.

"I see no problem with it, so, ok," Pinkie replied, giving her daughters a warm smile. And after taking a deep breath, Melody began her story first.

Author's Note:

And here is the sixth chapter. It looks like Applebloom is closer to winning Nathans heart, same with Nyx and Conner. Will the two fillies win the hearts of their true loves? Stay tuned.