• Published 4th Jul 2014
  • 4,475 Views, 228 Comments

Epic human child in Equestria crossover to end all human child in Equestria crossovers of epic crossover-ness - darkmage1997

All the favorite children in Equestria are all brought into one dimension. Nuff said.

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Chapter 4: Toby and Chris's Stories

The ponies, Josh, Nyx, and the beings of harmony, all huddled around Toby, because they knew how hard it was for him to tell his story. Taking a deep breath Toby then spoke, "Just like Josh's story, I lived happily on Earth with my Mommy. She was one of the best people I ever had in my life. She was always there for me, when I was sick, when I was scared, and when I was in pain. But one day, sometime before my fifth birthday, I was waiting for mommy to come and pick me up from school and I noticed she was later than usual. After awhile, my daddy came and picked me up, and what he told me broke my heart, and my world." Toby said with tears already stinging his eyes. Drake became concerned.

"Hey, if you don't want to say it, then we won't force you to," he said trying to comfort him.

"No, it's ok, thanks for trying to keep me calm. Anyway, he t-told me that mommy w-was in a terrible a-accident, and t-that she..." he said trying to hold back his tears, "... she died," Toby said with a quiet whimper. This made everyone he hadn't met gasp. "Not long after her death, Daddy started to be mean to me. He called me names, he yelled at me, and he even went as far as blaming Mommy's accident on me," Toby said before trying to regain his composure. The others were horrified that a father would do such things to his only son. "After a year of abuse from him, I decided I have had enough, and I prayed to the stars for a new home and a new family that would never be mean to me, ever again." He stopped and looked up at his mother and Luna. "And it was that night that my wish came true. Auntie Luna used her magic to bring me to Equestria, and she put me by the Everfree Forest, because that was where my Momma Fluttershy lived. Auntie Luna made it so that me and Momma could meet. After Momma took me in, she took me around Ponyville to meet her friends, who are also my aunties." This made everyone surprised. "The next day, Momma and my aunties took me to go and see Aunties Celestia and Luna, and I told them my story. The day after I met the princesses, Momma and my aunties all held a big party to welcome me to Equestria, there, I also met auntie Cadence and Uncle Shining Armor," Toby continued, ,looking at the crystal couple who had warm smiles on their faces. He then saw that Nathan, Guard, and Skyla all have surprised looks on their faces.

"So, mah Mommy and Daddy are your aunt and uncle?" Nathan asked with curiosity.

"Yep, and the day after the party, Auntie Luna and I talked about her past, and she helped remind me that Mommy would never want me to keep blaming myself, and I remembered the locket she gave me, and how she said that no matter where she is, she would always be close to my heart. And when Momma and her friends all asked me to stay in Equestria, I then asked her to be my Momma. And she agreed, and we were the happiest mother and son in Equestria that day. The day after, there was another party at Sugarcube Corner, which was to celebrate Momma adopting me. And that day, the heart that I had that was broken by all the horrible things that happened to me was finally healed, and I was able to find great friends," he said looking at the crusaders, Diamond Tiara, Josh and Nyx, "As well as a gorgeous fillyfriend," he said with a blush looking at Silver Spoon, whose face went up in an atomic explosion type blush. "And I even was able to say goodbye to mommy bye playing the piano at a talent show," Toby continued which put a warm smile on everyone's faces.

"That's the most beautiful thing a child can do for their parents," Bolt commented.

"Yep, and the week after the talent show, I spent each day with my aunties," Toby continued with a smile which then soon turned to a frown. "But the day after spending the day with Auntie Rarity, we were called to see Auntie Celestia and Auntie Luna. They said they wanted to show me a dark secret that my daddy was keeping from me. His first memory, we saw that he and mommy were having a fight about how I was getting more love than he was from mommy, and when mommy left for work, Daddy said that if he can't have mommy's love, then I wouldn't either. The second memory that Auntie Luna showed us broke me even more than I have ever been. It was daddy that killed mommy," Toby said trying to hold back a flood of tears. Everyone gasped in horror. 'How can a daddy do that to his wife and son?!' they all thought angrily. "Daddy was then brought before me so he could admit that what he did was wrong, and my family all said what they thought of him. When it came time to give my daddy his punishment, my family were all giving suggestions that I really didn't want to happen to daddy. Then when I thought I couldn't get to my family, my mommy came to me, dressed as the angel she always was to me. She told me that I needed to listen to my heart. When I was picked to give my daddy his punishment, I forgave him because mommy always taught me that if I hold a grudge against someone for too long, I would become mean like them, and I don't want to be mean like daddy was to me. I then told Auntie Celestia and Auntie Luna that I wanted him to be sent home, with a little help from Discord." Toby continued. This drew some giggles from everyone who knew Discord. "And ever since then, I've been happy," toby finished his story. He looked up to see that everyone was teary eyed and Melody ran up and gave him a comforting hug.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you," she said with a few quiet sobs.

"Melody's right, we're all sorry for what your mothers death and the evil actions of your cruel father," Chris said giving Toby's hair a ruffle.

"If you want to Chris, can you tell your story?" Toby asked still trying to calm Melody's crying.

"Ok, but unlike all of your stories, mine is pretty short," he said before taking a seat. "I too was living peacefully on Earth with my family. But one day, I was pulled into Equestria by accident by Twilight," he said and then noticed a guilty expression on Twilights face. "N-N-N-N-N-NOOO! Like I said it wasn't your fault! Anyway, I was taken in by my mother, Princess Celestia, who gave me shelter, and food. I gained cousins in Twilight, Cadence, and Shining Armor. I also had some, rough times with Blueblood," He said and saw Rarity, Nyx, Conner, Timmy and Drake all have faces of disgust on their faces. "I know right? That guy was a real pain in the neck. One day, mom came to break up a fight between him and me an Shining Armor, and it was then, when I called her Mommy. Mom then went to find the royal scribe to enter me as her son." Chris explained before Blueberry Muffins hoof was raised.

"So, that makes you an official prince?" she asked with wonder.

"Yep, but she kept me in the castle for most of my life, because she was scared of how the ponies of society would react. I constantly begged her to let me leave the castle, but she said that I needed to stay in the castle as to not cause a panic. One day, I managed to leave the castle, and explore Canterlot. However, somepony saw me, and I soon ran into the top cat of the Canterlot nobility, Fancy Pants, and his wife, Fleur de lis. We all introduced ourselves and they escorted me back to the castle, where mom was happy to see me safe and sound, but as she was about to scold me, Fancy Pants explained how it was an honor to meet me, so mom sort of went easy on me with the punishment, but it was worth it to meet my newest friends outside of the castle, but the next day, I was given the nickname 'Monster Of Canterlot'. After Twilight left to learn about friendship, my aunt Luna came back to us, our first meeting wasn't the best of times. She thought I was a monster, and tried to chase me out of the castle before mom told her that I was her nephew. It took some time before I forgave her, but I was able to forgive her despite the little, misunderstanding." Chris continued giving Luna a reassuring smile when he saw her frowning guiltily. "And time went on, and I heard mom and aunt Luna arguing about something, and when I went to go see what it was all about, I learned that mom knew a way to send me back to my home planet, but she never told me about it for 14 years. I was so mad at her, I ran away." Chris said, but he gave his mother a loving hug when he saw a sad frown on her face.

"So, why did Auntie Celestia keep you here?" Drake asked curiously

"Because, I wanted a foal. Alicorns, like me and Luna my be immortal, unlike Cadence and Twilight and Nyx, but we are both living creatures too, and our time to have foals passed a long time ago," Celestia explained.

"Right, so anyhow, I made my way through the woods and found myself in Ponyville, where I encountered the Crusaders, who thought I was a monster and ran away when I said I was hungry, and who can blame them? How would you feel if you encountered someone of a different species. After they ran off, I was soon tackled to the ground by Rainbow Dash, and the other elements of harmony who wouldn't even let me explain myself. After some running, I was finally taken down. Twilight tried to convince the others to help me back to library, but it was too late. Mom saw what had happened, and teleported me back to the palace infirmary. You could probably guess I was still mad at her for keeping the spell a secret from me. But that anger was slowly dissipating, and I was asked to give a punishment to the elements that attacked me. But don't worry Toby and Serenity, since Fluttershy didn't attack me, she didn't get punished. As for the others, they weren't allowed to leave the castle until I could. And so began their torture." Chris smirked evilly at the other elements who had looks that begged him not to say what he had them do. "After a while, Mom said that I would be introduced to the kingdom, starting with Canterlot. When I made my appearance, I tripped on the carpet, which made the town think I was attacking them. After Mom called of the conference, I told her how right she was. But then the mayor of Canterlot came in and apologized for the towns behavior, but I reassured him that there were no hard feelings. And since then, I've been allowed to leave the castle." Chris said looking around the room at the shocked expressions on everyone's faces. Just then Kelly spoke up.

"Hey mommy, can I tell my story next?" she asked Twilight.

"I see no problem with that, and if she wants, Crystal can tell her story after you tell yours." Twilight said with a smile.

"Ok, so here's my story," Kelly began to tell her story.

Author's Note:

And here's the next chapter in the crossover! After Kelly and Crystal, who do you want to tell their story?