Epic human child in Equestria crossover to end all human child in Equestria crossovers of epic crossover-ness

by darkmage1997

First published

All the favorite children in Equestria are all brought into one dimension. Nuff said.

This story is a sequel to Party for one, Party for all

One day in Equestria, Toby, Conner, Timmy, Chris, Cory, Drake, Nathan and Skyla, Bolt, Melody, Clover, Echo Dash and Blueberry Muffin, Mike, the Beings of Harmony and Lord Hex, Kelly, Crystal, and Joshua, Guard Armor and Nyx all notice a wormhole opening up in the sky and their Equestrias are all pulled into one. How will they react to this merging of worlds? Probably better than expected and as friends. Except with Hex.

Note: I do not own any characters, they are property the stories they're from.

To clarify things, Toby is from a New Home, in the universe that he forgave Chrysalis and became her friend, Conner is from Heart of Diamonds, Timmy is from Dream come true, all written by the amazing talents of Apoeticheart, Chris is from the Monster of Canterlot (and he will retain his current age), Cory is from Being Brave, Drake is from Her child of the Night, both Nathan and Skyla are from My new Parents and A big brother, Bolt is from Momma's baby boy, Melody and Clover are from my very own, Party for One, Party for all, Echo Dash and Blueberry Muffin are both from Echo Dash, Mike is from Raised on an Apple Farm, the Beings of Harmony and Hex are from the Beings of Harmony chronicles, Kelly is from Blind Trust, Crystal is from Raising a human Daughter, and Joshua, Nyx and Guard Armor are all from New Life in Equestria, which happens sometime after the story, Past Sins.

Prolouge: The wormhole opens (edited)

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It was another peaceful day in Equestria in the life of young Toby Mason, a young lad whose birth mother was killed in a deliberate car accident committed by the heartless actions caused by his cruel father, who abused him in so many awful ways, like yelling at him, hitting him, calling him hurtful things, and worst of all, he blamed his own son for his wife's death. After a year of abuse, Toby prayed to the stars for a new home and family who would never be mean to him. And little did he know, that his wish came true a few days after his momma, Fluttershy, found him. Along with her friends, Fluttershy helped remind Toby what it was like to be loved. Not long after he was adopted, his father was brought to Equestria for Toby to learn that he was behind his mothers death the whole time. Toby, being the caring young boy he is, forgave his father and had him sent home. And on his first Hearts and Hooves Day, he found a fillyfriend in Silver Spoon. Ever since, he was as happy of a boy as they come.

Today, he was hanging out with his Momma, his aunties, and his big sisters, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and they were all enjoying a picnic in the park.

"HEY! What's that up there?" Sweetie Belle asked pointing a hoof in the air towards a dark blue wormhole that began to form out of nowhere.

"I don't know, but what ever it is, it can't be good," Twilight simply replied. But then she noticed that it had no effect of anything, except for three people, one of them being the only person, Toby, Sunset Shimmer, and Chrysalis.

"Look! Toby, Sunset, and Chrysalis are being sucked in!" Scootaloo said racing to try and save her little brother, his other big sister, and friend, who were know scared of being dragged in. When she got close enough to them, some invisible force knocked her away.

"MOMMA! SOMEPONY! HELP ME!" he screamed as they were being sucked into the wormhole, which oddly, was beginning to swirl, as if something was drawing something toward it.

Meanwhile, in Past Sins verse,

"Joshua! Nyx! Breakfast!" Twilight called to her children.

"Good Morning Mommy!" Joshua said walking into a kitchen with his big sister, Nyx.

"Morning Twilight!" she said to their mother.

"And how did you two sleep?" Cadence asked. The sparkle family were visiting Cadence, Shining Armor, and Guard Armor during a fabulous spring break day.

"Pretty good Auntie Cadence!" Nyx said with a smile.

"Yep, so what in EQUESTRIA IS THAT?!" Joshua exclaimed pointing to an Equestria sized wormhole that was forming outside. Just as everyone looked towards the window, Joshua, Nyx, and Guard were all being sucked into the enormous wormhole that was beginning to make a swirling motion.

"JOSHUA! NYX!" Twilight screamed as she tried to run up and save them, only to be blown away by strong invisible force. Cadence and Shining Armor tried to save Guard, but they too were blown away.

"MOMMY!" called the three children being sucked into the wormhole and being spun around as if the wormhole was mixing something.

Meanwhile in mommy Rarity's Equestria (or Connerverse)

While having breakfast with his mommy unicorn, Rarity, Conner noticed an intimidatingly large wormhole, and he was also sucked in, and when Rarity tried to save him, but was blown away by a force. "SAVE ME! MOMMY!" Conner screamed trying to reach for his mother, but to no avail and was sucked up.

Meanwhile, over at Sweet Apple Acres, in another Equestria,

The Apple family, Babs' included were trying to save the human child known as Mike, who was being sucked up by a wormhole, but to no avail. "SOMEONE HELP ME!" Mike yelled reaching out to the Apples.

Meanwhile in another Equestria, in Canterlot Castle,

Prince Christopher Sol, was enjoying a peaceful lunch with his mother, Princess Celestia, before being sucked away by the wormhole. "MOOOOOM! HELP ME!" he screamed as he was reaching for his mother, who was trying to get to him, but was blown back by a mysterious force.

Meanwhile, still in Canterlot in another Equestria,

"TIMMY!" Luna screamed trying to reach her son who was scared to death of the wormhole that was forming just above the castle.

"HELP ME MOMMY!" he called with tears in his eyes before becoming completely engulfed by the wormhole.

Meanwhile, in another Crystal Empire,

"NATHAN! HOLD ON TO SKYLA AND WE'LL SAVE BOTH OF YOU!" Cadence called to his son who was holding a crying alicorn filly.

"AH'M TRYING! BUT THAT THING IS SUCKING US IN TOO FAST!" Nathan screamed in terror with Skyla crying with fear. And pretty soon, they were swallowed up.

Meanwhile (how many more times to I have to keep saying that?), in the Rainbow Kingdom of friendship,

"HOLD ON CRYSTAL! MOMMY'S COMING!" Twilight called trying but failing to hold onto her daughter.

"HURRY MOMMY!" Crystal called to her, but it was far too late, Crystal had been sucked up by the wormhole.

Meanwhile at the Golden Oaks Library,

"MOMMY! WHAT IS THAT?!" called a terrified Kelly who was desperately trying to keep her grip on the side of the library.

"I DON'T KNOW! BUT KEEP HOLDING ON!" Twilight yelled trying to reassure her.

"Oh no! MOOOOMMY!" Kelly called losing her grip and being sucked in.

"KELLY!" Twilight screamed with agony.

Meanwhile, in yet another Equestria,

"HANG ON YOU TWO! I'M GONNA GET YOU!" Rainbow Dash called trying to reach her son and niece.

"HURRY MOMMY!" Echo said scared out of his wits.

"WE DON'T WANT TO BE GOBBLED UP BY THAT WORMHOLE!" Blueberry Muffin added, also scared.

"ALMOST THERE!" Rainbow Dash said before being blown away.

"NOOO! MOMMY!" Echo screamed in fear.

Meanwhile, above the Ponyville Park,

"WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN TRINITY?!" Serenity said absolutely terrified of the wormhole that was sucking her and her fellow beings of harmony friends.

"I DON'T KNOW!" called Trinity also scared. Just then, they all heard somepony screaming.

"LOOK OUT!" called an alicorn bat pony barreling past them.

"WAS THAT..?" Charity started.

"LORD HEX?!" said a dumbfounded Vibrant Sky.


"I HAVEN'T THE SLIGHTEST IDEA! BUT I THINK WE'RE ABOUT TO FIND OUT SOON!" Trinity screamed pointing into the direction of the center of the wormhole.


"MOOOM!" called a terrified Cory, wanting nothing to do with the wormhole. His entire family tried to keep him from getting sucked up. But as soon as they got close enough, they were all blown away. "NOOOO! MOOOM!" screamed Cory before being sucked up.

Meanwhile, in another Sweet Apple Acres,

"MOOOOMA! HELP ME!" Bolt screamed to his mother, Applejack, who was also scared of Bolt being sucked in. When Applejack was close enough, she was sent flying.

"MOOOMA!" Bolt screamed before being sucked up by the wormhole.

Meanwhile (finally), en route to the Castle of Friendship,

"Pinkie, what happened?!" Twilight asked her sorrow filled friend.

"THAT HAPPENED!" she said pointing into the sky, "That wormhole stole my sweet princesses of cupcakes!" she said before curling up into a ball and started to cry.

Rainbow Dash looked up at the wormhole, "Wait! I see Melody and Clover! They're still alive! And it's spinning them around like a tornado would spin something inside it around!" she said giving reassurance to her party friend.

Pinkie had to look up and then she saw more humans, and some fillies and a colt and an alicorn bat pony all joining them. "What in Equestria is going on?" Pinkie asked more confused than ever. Just then, the portal closed, and all of the ponies and humans, except for the bat pony began to fall.

Chapter 1: Reunions and Meetings (Wizard of Oz edit)

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After being swallowed up by the wormhole, Toby was stirred around and around. After some whirling, he noticed some familiar silhouettes beginning to form. Could it be, them? Toby thought to himself focusing on the familiar silhouettes. The silhouettes noticed Toby too, as well as some unfamiliar silhouettes. After awhile, the silhouettes began to materialize, and Toby looked and smiled to see eight familiar faces, and some unfamiliar faces as well. When the unfamiliar faces all met, Joshua and Nyx were surprised to see more human children. After some swirling, it finally stopped, much to everyone's relief, but then they soon realized they weren't standing on anything. After realizing they weren't standing on anything, they began to fall and scream in terror. Vibrant shot off like a rocket to save her friends, and the others that were in danger.

"Humph, typical," Hex grunted to himself before teleporting away.

Back to the humans and ponies, they were all screaming like crazy. "HANG ON EVERYPONY! I'LL SAVE YOU!" Vibrant called trying to reach the group. She was able to save Serenity, Melody, Toby, Bolt and Season, but the others were still falling. "There's no way I can save them in time!" Vibrant said trying to reach the others. But as they were about to land, they were all caught in a lavender magic aura. They all turned to see Twilight and all the other parents all galloping to try and save their children.

"Thanks Twilight, I thought we were gonna die!" Nyx said breathing a sigh of relief with the others nodding agreement.

"Here you guys go," Vibrant said letting the children she caught down on the ground.

"Hey Joshua, Nyx, Trinity, Charity, Serenity, Lucky, Vibrant and Season, long time no see!" Toby said seeing his little sister and cousins, as well as his first human friend and his sister.

"Hey Toby! It's been a while," Joshua said giving his friend a smile.

"It's nice to see you again, big brother!" Serenity said trotting up and nuzzling him under his chin.

"Hey Serenity, it's nice to see you and your friends again!" Toby said patting his sister on her head.

Nyx looked around to see the other children, but the whole world stopped around her when she set her eyes on another human boy. He had blonde hair, and blue eyes, with a blue outfit. She felt her heart beat faster and faster, Is this love I'm feeling? she asked with a blush. The boy noticed Nyx staring at him, and he felt a bit nervous about her eyes, since he never saw a pony with reptilian eyes before. Nyx's heart did the cha-cha when she saw him looking back at her. Yep, it's love. she concluded.

"CONNER! CHARITY!" they all heard the voice of Rarity who was relieved that her son and daughter were alright.

"MUM!" Charity exclaimed running up to her mother.

"MOMMY!" Conner said tackle hugging his mother.

"Wait, did you just call my mum mommy?" Charity asked looking at the human she deducted as Conner.

"Yeah, but you called my mommy mum," Conner said looking at the filly in front of him.

"VIBRANT! ECHO! Thank Celestia you two are safe!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed happily flying to hug her son and daughter.

"Mom! Not in front of my friends!" Vibrant complained with embarrassment, but soon gave in and hugged her mom back.

"I'm so glad to hug you again mommy!" Echo said hugging his mommy. Then, Vibrant and Echo both looked at each other curiously. "Wait, so my mommy is your mommy too?" Echo asked the royal blue Pegasus filly.

"Yeah, I guess so," Vibrant replied with no way to explain the situation.

"Season, Mike and Bolt! You're all ok!" Applejack exclaimed running up to her children.

"Mom! Y'all are embarrassing me!" Season playfully complained hugging her mom back.

"It's good to be back to you mommy!" Mike exclaimed happy to see his mother again.

"Wait, so you two are my mommy's son and daughter too?" Bolt asked looking at the two.

"Uhh," was all the two can say.

"MELODY! CLOVER! LUCKY JOY! BLUEBERRY MUFFIN!" Pinkie said hopping in front of her children.

"MOMMY!" Melody, Clover and Lucky Joy exclaimed hugging their mother.

"AUNTIE PINKIE!" Blueberry Muffin said hugging her aunt. And like with the others, Melody and Lucky looked at each other curiously.

"Did you call my mommy you're mommy too?" Melody asked smiling curiously at the pink filly in front of her.

"I did, and you two called my mommy you're mommy too!" Lucky said with a squee.

"And Auntie Pinkie is my mommy's sister!" Blueberry Muffin said with a soft smile.

"Oh, thank goodness you're alright Toby and Serenity!" Fluttershy was almost in tears when she galloped to hug her children.

"We're ok Momma, a little bit shaken up, but we're ok!" Toby reassured his momma.

"Yes Mommy, Toby's right," Serenity said, backing up Toby's reassurance.

"TIMMY! DRAKE! MOMMY'S HERE!" then they all heard Princess Luna's royal Canterlot voice, and looked up to see the royal pony sisters along with Cadence and Shining Armor running up to their children, not even noticing the guards were out of breath. "OH, that must've been so scary for you my precious angels!" Luna said scooping up her sons in her forelegs.

"It was mommy! But I tried to be brave!" Timmy said almost on the brink of tears.

"Me too mommy! Wait, is my and your mommy the same pony?" Drake asked quirking an eyebrow at the other human in his mothers grasp.

"I guess so, wait, doesn't that make us brothers?" Timmy replied as he looked at Drake.

"That's a good question," the ponies all turn to Twilight with a look as if she knows what's going on. "The last thing I remember was seeing my children, *motions to Nyx, Josh, Cory, Kelly, Trinity, and Crystal* being sucked into a wormhole, and the strangest thing, is that they were all sucked up from different locations." she explained which got the attention of everyone there.

"But what dos that mean, Auntie Twilight?" Nathan asked wanting to know more.

"Why don't we all follow the chaotically colored path and see the Discord? He might be able to shed some light on the subject," she asked. And with a wave of nods, the skipped along the path singing, "We're off to see the Discord, the incredibly chaotic Discord!" and after awhile, they found themselves at Discords castle. With a kind knock, the doors opened to reveal Discord, who was very surprised to see the large group.

"Why hello everyone! What brings you all to my humble abode?" he asked curiously.

"We were wondering if you could answer why our kids were all pulled into that giant wormhole," Celestia explained.

"Oh, so that wasn't a storm?" he asked incredulously. They all shook their heads. "Alright, I believe I can answer your question, but first, come in and make yourselves comfortable." he said standing aside allowing the ponies to come in. After taking seats in his living room, Discord began to explain, "Well, that wormhole was the result of a powerful magic magnetic pull, which activated when whoever adopted a child last," Discord explained.

"Ah get it now! So whoever was the last one to be adopted," Nathan started.

"Then the magic we were all exposed to magnetized," Chris continued.

"And then we were all pulled our own Equestrias together by magic magnetism!" concluded Kelly. Discord nodded.

"Well, then, if it's ok with all of you, I think introductions are in order. My name is Toby Mason," Toby introduced himself with a smile and then looked at the green filly who was hiding in her long pink mane, "And this little filly, is my baby sister, Serenity Meadow, she can be a tad shy, but she's the sweetest filly there is!" Toby said looking at his little sister who was blushing at all the compliments he made of her. Everyone d'awwed at the sight.

"My name's Conner," Conner said with a smile while still in the embrace of his mother.

"And I am Crystal Charity, but you can call me Charity," Charity said with a smile.

"They call me Echo Dash," Echo said while being held by his mother.

"And I'm Vibrant Sky, the fastest filly there is," Vibrant said with a smug smirk.

"My name is Michael, but you can call me Mike," Mike said looking more comfortable being around the others.

"Howdy everyone, mah name is Season Harvest," Season said looking around at the others.

"And my name is Bolt, it's nice to meet you all," Bolt said shyly.

"My name is Melody Smith!" Melody said happily.

"I'm Clover Harver!" Clover said with a happy smile.

"And I'm Lucky Joy!" Lucky said with a beaming smile.

"And I'm known as Blueberry Muffin!" Blueberry said with a smile.

"Prince Christopher Sol, but you can call me Chris," Chris said with a bow.

"Ah'm Nathan, and this is mah little sister, Skyla," Nathan introducing himself, and Skyla, who just babbled and sucked on her hoof.

"My name is Timmy," Timmy said still in a hug like grasp of his mother.

"And my name is Drake," Drake said with a smile.

"My name is Capri-Core, or you can call me by the name I'm used to, Cory," Cory said looking at the other children.

"My name is Nyx," Nyx said with a smile, and she shot a wink at Conner. When Rarity saw this, she caught onto what Nyx was trying to do and gave her a blushing smile.

"My name is Joshua, but you can call me Josh," Josh said with a soft smile.

"I'm Kelly Sombermyer," Kelly said with a smile.

"I'm Crystal! Nice to meet you!" Crystal said with a giggle.

"My name is Trinity Star," Trinity said with a grin.

After all introductions were made, Conner carefully turned towards Nyx, "Um Nyx? If it's ok with you, could you tell us why your eyes are the way they are?" he asked in a small yet polite tone. Nyx's face made an atomic explosion style blush when she heard Conner talking to her.

"OK! But I must warn you, it's a long story," Nyx said before telling her tale.

Chapter 2: Nyx's Story (Read Past Sins for more details)

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"It all started back before the Crystal Empire returned to Equestria, a dark magic cult dedicated to reviving the villain Nightmare Moon kidnapped Twilight to use her blood to help with the revival. The spell was about to be completed but before it could, some Pegasus guards interrupted the spell and most of the cult members were arrested, while others, including the leader, Spell Nexus escaped. The next day, Twilight returned to retrieve her book bag and also find out what the spell was meant to do. When she got to where her kidnappers took her, she found me, scared, lost, and alone. She then took me back to the library where she lived before becoming a princess, and gave me the name Nyx, after a storybook pony from her childhood. She knew who and what I was, so she turned to Rarity for a favor, to make me a disguise to hide the fact that I was an alicorn, and also to cloak my eyes." Nyx explained part of her story and stopped when Vibrant raised a hoof.

"Yeah, that's all fine and dandy, but what does the cult have to do with you?" she asked wanting a further explanation.

"That will come up later, anyhow, after I met all of Twilight's friends, I then began my lessons at school, despite the fact I wanted for Twilight to teach me herself, and on the first day of school, I met the school bullies, who are no longer bullies thanks to my little brother, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. They teased me for wanting to learn more about Equestria's history, and started teasing me with other hurtful things, that's when Applebloom came and told the two to stop or else. Then, Applebloom invited me to come and meet her friends, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. After awhile, they invited me to come and join the Cutie Mark Crusaders, an organization dedicated to helping ponies who haven't earned their cutie marks yet. Later that night, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon lied to me when they told me they want to make up, and they told me that there was a treasure in the Everfree Forest. When I believed them, I came across the ruins of the old castle where the two royal sisters once lived, but as I got closer and more curious, visions of what appeared to be memories started to flood in my head, one of these images made me cry. I saw that I was a lot taller than Twilight, and I was about to hurt her, then it donned on me, on who I really was. I was Nightmare Moon," Nyx continued and this time it was Cory that raised his hand.

"But how can you be a villain? You seem to sweet," he asked with a quirked brow. The others who were not familiar with Nyx nodded in agreement.

"That will come a little later. Anyhow, Twilight found me in the castle where the last stand off between the Elements of Harmony and Nightmare Moon took place, and she saw that my mane was just like Nightmares, all starry and smoky. I then told her about the images I saw, and she comforted me and told me that even though I was created to be Nightmare Moon, I wasn't Nightmare Moon. Later on, Diamond Tiara's father, Filthy Rich came and visited us to apologize for Diamond's actions, but Twilight chewed him and his wife out for not raising her to be a nice filly, and for the danger she put me through. Later on, there was a play to reenact the defeat of Nightmare Moon that the princesses would be watching, and I was chosen to be Nightmare Moon. I told Twilight about my roll, but at the last second, she said I wasn't allowed to partake in the play. I begged her to let me, but she said no, and wouldn't give me a good reason. And just to make sure I wouldn't leave the library, she gave Owlicious the keys to leave. I tried everything to get the key from him, but nothing worked. Then I tried to use sad eyes to get the key, but as I left, I tripped and broke the wings on the costume, then I really felt like crying, but then I had an idea, being an alicorn, I could just made sure my wings stayed up during the whole play. I was able to get to the play in time for my turn in the spotlight. I was able to do my parts flawlessly, including the evil laugh that Nightmare Moon was able to do. We were all able to finish the play without any problems, except for when Diamond forgot her lines at the beginning." Nyx continued, then noticing Trinity's hoof go up.

"So, even though you were created to be Nightmare Moon, you really aren't?" she asked with intrigued.

"Talk about incredible," Conner commented. It was this one comment that made Nyx's face go up in an atomic explosion type blush and pass out with a lovesick smile on her face. This made Conner worried, "Did I do something wrong?" he asked worriedly.

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure she's fine," Joshua replied. "Maybe I should continue her story?" he asked looking around, and seeing no one making an objection, he took over, "So after the play, there was a BBQ/science fair where all fillies and colts were allowed to present what ever research project they want, and Nyx's was about shape shifting other objects, including ponies, into other objects. She was able to turn Fluttershy into a tree, but then turned her back when she noticed she was drawing a lot of attention. Later, there was a tug-o-war where Nyx competed on the Cutie Mark Crusaders team. There was a lot of stiff competition, but she and the other crusaders were able to win. When they all got to choose their prizes, Nyx chose a kazoo. Meanwhile, Pinkie got the feeling there was a spy, and went to investigate, but everypony thought she was just being Pinkie Pie." Josh explained, but then Bolt raised his hoof.

"Were you there when this was happening?" he asked politely.

"No, I'll tell my story after Nyx's" Josh replied, to which Bolt nodded. "Now then, after awhile Princess Celestia got a hold of what happened at the school house, and became suspicious of Nyx, and looked at Mommy's family records, and found nopony by the name of Nyx. Later, she came to visit, but after a discussion, Mommy reluctantly agreed to let Princess Celestia take Nyx to see if she really was the evil that the cult was trying to revive. But the guilt quickly got to Mommy, and soon chased after to try and get Nyx back, but she was too late, by the time she got outside, the royal carriage was already to far away to reach. But little did Princess Celestia know that she was going to help with the revival of the evil that Nyx was created to be, because Spell Nexus, who was also a professor at Mommy's old school or unicorns in charge of overly complicated spells, had tricked her into giving the final burst of magic needed to make Nyx the evil she never should be ever again." Josh continued before Kelly raised her hand.

"If this Spell Nexus was a friend of Princess Celestia, then how and why did he trick her?" she asked puzzled.

"He was infected with the dark magic of Nightmare Moon, and from what Nyx told me, it was like a cancer that was infecting the brain. Anyhow, after giving the final burst of magic Nyx was required to take, she and the cult members were all teleported back to Ponyville, where she took on the form from which she should never be, Nightmare Moon. After the final revival, the castle that the cult built for her came up from the ground, but before she took her place as the new ruler of Equestria, she went to go and fight Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, and after she defeated them, she banished them to their own respective celestial body." Joshua continued, but then it was Chris that raised his hand.

"How did Nyx banish mom and Aunt Luna to the moon? To that matter, how did she get past the security?" he asked with shock.

"She was more powerful than the two of them at the time, and she was able to put the guards to sleep, even putting Uncle Shining Armor under her influence. Anyhow, after she banished the princesses, she returned to Ponyville to take her place as queen of the night, but while the construction of the castle was still underway, Mommy was able to infiltrate the castle, and try to find and talk Nyx back to being the filly she was supposed to be, she also found Spell Nexus and tried to help him out of the castle, but she wasn't aware that Nexus was behind the construction the whole time, and had Mommy arrested for trespassing. Mommy was later brought before Nyx and they talked about how Mommy just let Princess Celestia just take her away, and after some discussion, Nyx had mommy thrown in the dungeon. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and the other elements tried to stand up to Nyx, using a travelling magician named Trixie. The Elements did look like they were working, but it did nothing to stop Nyx, and after the elements failed to stop Nyx, she then took the elements away, and also took Trixie's cape and hat away, and then ran Trixie out of town while impersonating her. After the mayor delivered the address to the town that the night would last forever, the Crusaders hatched a plan to try and remind Nyx just who she is. They were able to sneak into the castle walls, and went to find Nyx's bedroom. Then they had an idea to ride a dessert cart carrying Nyx's dinner and dessert, to her bedroom. Once there, they helped remind Nyx of all the good times they had together, and Nyx was heartbroken when she realized what she had done to everypony. But then, Spell Nexus came in and had the Crusaders arrested for trespassing. Nyx had ordered their release, but Nexus told her that it was a law, and Nyx reluctantly agreed and went back to ruling. After seeing how miserable some of the crops that the townsfolk had tried to grow, she decided to abandon her decree, and raised the sun. Everypony in the town assumed that Celestia and Luna had returned, and defeated her, and celebrated. Nyx couldn't face them and tell them that she was the one who raised the sun. Nexus was in panic mode when he saw the sun, and tried to alert Nyx of Celestia and Luna's return, but she reassured him and told him that she was the one that raised the sun. After awhile, she grew tired of being the ruler, and left to go and try to think about how to make things right." Joshua continued. Just then, Melody raised her hand.

"Nyx shouldn't be ashamed of what she did, it wasn't her that did all those terrible things." she said looking at the still unconscious filly.

"Yeah, and while she was thinking, another filly named Twist came up and tried to comfort her, saying that she should do what she think is right. Before she left, she invited Nyx to her birthday party, and gave Nyx a peppermint stick. Nyx was shocked at how kind Twist was to her, but then she remembered that she was the princess, and had no time for parties. But remembering the days when she was a filly, she remembered what she and the other Crusaders were trying to do, find their cutie marks. She then, after returning to her castle, she asked Nexus for advice on how she can earn her cutie mark, and he suggested holding court. After court, she learned her talent wasn't in court, so they tried many different things. After a few days of trial and error, Pinkie came to remind Nyx about Twists birthday. Nyx couldn't go out of shame, so she requested that the Crusaders be released, and also sent some fudge to Twists party. Later on, Nexus was unhappy with how Nyx was acting, and then hatched a plan to use Mommy against Nyx, and get her mind back to evil, he used some sort of a 'blessing' of Nightmare Moon, and used a mind control spell. When Nyx went to visit Mommy in the dungeons, Nyx was heartbroken to hear mommy calling her monster, and hitting Nyx across her face. Nexus was feigning surprise when he saw mommy hitting Nyx, and ordered mommy to be executed first thing in the morning. Nyx was too shocked to do anything, but as she saw mommy being taken away, she saw that mommy had turquoise eyes instead of her normal purple eyes. Then Nyx realized that her followers weren't following her because they respected her, they were brainwashed by the same dark magic that Nexus was infected with. She then knew she had to save mommy and the cult and destroy the evil magic forever. When she saw that mommy was going to be hanged, Nyx saved her, and teleported away to the castle of the two sisters. There, Nyx began to search mommy's mind for the blessing. When she found it, she was able to remove the magic from mommy's brain and destroy it. After the destruction of the blessing, Mommy returned to her old self and the two of them were happy to be together again. After the reunion, Nyx told Mommy about her plan to free the cult. After teleporting away again, Nyx found Nexus and did the same with him. After destroying the cancer like blessing in his brain, Nyx then called all of the other cult members to have the magic removed." Joshua continued before Trinity raised her hoof.

"So, she was able to free the cult members completely of this blessing?" she asked looking very intrigued.

"Yep, and not long after freeing the cult, Mommy came to Nyx and asked her to return Celestia and Luna to Equestria. But Nyx was scared of what might happen and asked mommy to leave her alone. After spending a few days alone, Nyx noticed that creatures from the Everfree Forest, including Timberwolves, Ursa Major and Minor, Lupus Major and minors, and manticores were attacking Ponyville. Nyx ten decided to forget her fears and split into six different copies, and they all went to help anyway they could. The copies were able to fend off the creatures and evacuate the townsfolk to the castle. After everypony was safe in the castle walls, Nyx then rejoined with her copies, but because of the damage that each of the copies took, the complete Nyx took the most damage. Mommy begged everypony to help Nyx, but they wouldn't because they saw Nyx as Nightmare Moon, and not the filly that Mommy loved with all her heart. Then, Nurse Redheart asked Mommy to take Nyx somewhere inside the castle where she can treat her better. After awhile, Nurse Redheart came back out and told mommy that Nyx would be just fine. Mommy then came outside and told everypony whose houses were destroyed were welcome to stay at the castle while they were being rebuilt. After a few days of caring for Nyx, Celestia and Luna returned and they were discussing with Mommy the fate of Nyx, who was also trying to prove herself innocent. After telling what she did to help Ponyville, Celestia and Luna thought of a good punishment for Nyx, and asked Mommy to stand out in the hall. Mommy was stressing out, and when she saw a light coming from the room, mommy barged in and saw Nyx was back in her filly body, and Luna was a full grown mare. Celestia explained that Nyx's punishment was to be stripped of all the magic and memories that were never hers to begin with, and was sentenced to live as Mommy's daughter. And some more stuff happened that I think Nyx could explain better than I could." Josh finished up looking at the new faces, which were all filled with shock.

"Wait, so Nyx was supposed to be Nightmare Moon, but she really isn't?" Conner asked curiously.

"That's right," Josh replied with a smile.

"Whoa, you'd think we were listening to a thriller story," Nathan commented.

"But that raises the question, how did you get to Equestria Josh?" Echo asked politely. Toby and all the adult ponies bit their lips, because they knew that Josh's story was really sad and depressing. Josh opened his mouth and began to explain.

Chapter 3: Joshuas Story and Fillies

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"It all began when I was still living on Earth with my Mommy and Daddy. They made their living as scientists. Anyway, I lived with them for 6 years. And sometime after my fourth birthday, they were working on some sort of machine, and they wouldn't tell me what it was they were building, but they let me help in any way I can. Then came my 7th birthday, I was woken up by loud booming noises coming from outside. When I looked outside, I saw huge flaming rocks falling from the sky. So I rushed downstairs to my parents lab and what they told me was that the world was coming to an end." Josh said with a stray tear rolling down his cheek. This made everyone who didn't know him gasp. "They told me that they knew about since my fourth birthday, and never told me because I was to young to understand at the time. They said that the machine would send me to another world. They wanted me to live a happy life. But they said they couldn't follow me because there wasn't enough energy to send all three of us. I was really sad that they couldn't come with me, but mommy gave me a locket with a picture of us at my fourth birthday, and she told me that as long as I had the locket with me they would always be with me in spirit. After giving my mommy one last hug, daddy gave me a letter and told me to give it to the first person I met. Then they started up the machine and I gave one last goodbye to mommy and daddy. But as the portal closed, I saw the most horrible thing in my life," he said before tearing up a little. Just then, Crystal came over and gave him a hug.

"Shh, it's ok, you don't have to say it if you don't want to," she told him.

"She's right, we know what ya must've seen, and we don't want to force ya to say it," Nathan said also trying to calm him down.

"Ok, after, I left Earth, I found myself in a starry area, and that's where I met Luna and Celestia. The two of them comforted me, and asked me how I got to that place, from which I told them, and they were also saddened for me. I gave them the note that daddy gave me, and brought me to Canterlot Castle. Once there, we had breakfast before Celestia took me to Golden Oaks Library, where I met Spike, Nyx, and Mommy. Celestia told them about what I had been through, and they too comforted me. After Celestia left, Mommy and Nyx took me around Ponyville. The first of Mommies friends we met was Pinkie Pie, but when she saw me, she gasped and ran off. I was worried that I scared her, but Mommy and Nyx reassured me, and told me that she went to put together something special for me. After the brief encounter with Pinkie, we then continued to go and see Applejack, and once we got to the orchard, we met up with Applebloom. She took us to where Applejack was, and we all introduced to each other, Applejack showed me around the farm, showing me where they keep the apples for winter, how they make grape juice, and I even met their dog, Winona. After we left the farm, we went to go and see Rarity, but Rainbow Dash found us first, and once we were introduced, she showed me her sonic rainboom. After she left, we went to go and see Rarity. There, we also met Sweetie Belle, and soon after meeting her, I met her sister, Rarity, who made an outfit for me. Once she had all my measurements, we left to go and meet Fluttershy. As we were walking, I noticed we were close to the Everfree Forest. I asked mommy why we were so lose to the forest, and she said Fluttershy preferred to live out here because it was so quiet. I then learned that her special talent was caring for animals. Once she and I were introduced to each other, she let me help her feed the birds. After that, Nyx invited me to come the Crusader clubhouse, there after learning I was an only child, she offered to be my big sister. After I agreed, we met Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, along with Scootaloo and Twist. We all had pizza, and Twist gave me a peppermint stick for dessert and they let me join the crusaders. After lunch, they took me on a tour of Ponyville. While we were touring, we met Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara, and they didn't really like me all that much. They would've kept picking on me if not for Babs Seed." Josh continued before Melody raised her hand.

"Who's Babs Seed?" she asked sweetly.

"She's Appleblooms cousin, who live in Manehatten." Applejack replied.

"Right, so after we finished the tour, Nyx and I headed back to the library. When we got there it was really dark inside, and when I flicked the lights on, I was surprised to see that Pinkie had set up a party to welcome me to Ponyville, and Equestria. While I was going to get snacks, I met Derpy Hooves, and she introduced me to my hot fillyfriend, Dinky Doo, and her other daughter, Sparkler." Josh said giving a blush at the memory of Dinky. Twilight giggled at his blush. "Anyway, the party was really nice, and I met a lot of nice ponies, like Vinyl Scratch, and Lyra Heartstrings, and her friend Bon-Bon. After the party, Rarity gave me a new set of clothes, including some pajamas. After everyone left, me and Nyx decided to call it a night. After some time, Twilight adopted me, which is why I keep calling her mommy." Josh said.

"Wow, so what does Dinky look like?" Chris asked with a quirked eyebrow looking behind Josh.

"Oh, she has the most magnificent purplish gray coat, and the most beautiful yellow mane and tail, why do you ask?" Josh said looking up at Chris. Suddenly, Josh's vision went black. "ACK! WHO TURNED OUT THE LIGHTS?!" he said in a panicked tone.

"Guess who, Joshie," said a familiar voice. All the color drained from Josh's face as he looked behind him and saw Dinky staring at him with a blushing smile on her face.

"DINKY!? When did you get here, and how much did you hear?!" Josh asked with an embarrassed face.

"Oh, I got here with the girls as soon as you finished Nyx's story, and I heard every word you said, including how hot I am," Dinky said her blush growing as she leaned in and kissed Joshua. Josh's eyes then made a powering down sound, and went black. The other fillies went over to their families and or lovers.

"Hey sweetie pie, how's it going?" Silver Spoon asked bantering her eyelashes at Toby who blushed at the movement.

"I'm doing good Silver Spoon, thank you for asking," Toby said with a deep blush as she kissed him.

"Hey Nathan," Applebloom said with butterflies in her belly.

"Hey Applebloom, it's nice to see ya again," Nathan said with his Southern accent that made Appleblooms heart do a flip. As they were all conversing with one another, Josh lit up his hands, and snapped Nyx out of her unconscious state. This made everyone very surprised.

"How did you do that?! I thought only unicorns and alicorns could do magic," asked a shocked Trinity Star with the others hanging their jaws open with shock.

"Oh, yeah, after mommy adopted me, I was affected by a transformation spell that was slowly turning me into a pony. Celestia and Luna then tried and succeeded in finding a spell that would turn me back into my human form after the transformation was done." Joshua explained. Then, Bolt raised a hoof.

"Is that what you are? Humans?" he asked looking around at the others with a curious look.

"Ok, but were you able to find the cause of the transformation?" Charity asked curious to know.

"Yes, it was the work of King Sombra," Joshua replied. This made everyone gasp.

"But I thought we defeated him," Vibrant said with shock.

"Yeah, but when he kidnapped me, he told me that a piece of him survived, waiting for the perfect chance for revenge. But he wasn't able to hold me for ransom for long, and then Mommy and her friends were able to banish him to somewhere where he would live out the rest of his life without magic," Josh explained.

"Whoa, ok, so now, if you want Toby, can you tell us your story?" Chris asked politely.

Chapter 4: Toby and Chris's Stories

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The ponies, Josh, Nyx, and the beings of harmony, all huddled around Toby, because they knew how hard it was for him to tell his story. Taking a deep breath Toby then spoke, "Just like Josh's story, I lived happily on Earth with my Mommy. She was one of the best people I ever had in my life. She was always there for me, when I was sick, when I was scared, and when I was in pain. But one day, sometime before my fifth birthday, I was waiting for mommy to come and pick me up from school and I noticed she was later than usual. After awhile, my daddy came and picked me up, and what he told me broke my heart, and my world." Toby said with tears already stinging his eyes. Drake became concerned.

"Hey, if you don't want to say it, then we won't force you to," he said trying to comfort him.

"No, it's ok, thanks for trying to keep me calm. Anyway, he t-told me that mommy w-was in a terrible a-accident, and t-that she..." he said trying to hold back his tears, "... she died," Toby said with a quiet whimper. This made everyone he hadn't met gasp. "Not long after her death, Daddy started to be mean to me. He called me names, he yelled at me, and he even went as far as blaming Mommy's accident on me," Toby said before trying to regain his composure. The others were horrified that a father would do such things to his only son. "After a year of abuse from him, I decided I have had enough, and I prayed to the stars for a new home and a new family that would never be mean to me, ever again." He stopped and looked up at his mother and Luna. "And it was that night that my wish came true. Auntie Luna used her magic to bring me to Equestria, and she put me by the Everfree Forest, because that was where my Momma Fluttershy lived. Auntie Luna made it so that me and Momma could meet. After Momma took me in, she took me around Ponyville to meet her friends, who are also my aunties." This made everyone surprised. "The next day, Momma and my aunties took me to go and see Aunties Celestia and Luna, and I told them my story. The day after I met the princesses, Momma and my aunties all held a big party to welcome me to Equestria, there, I also met auntie Cadence and Uncle Shining Armor," Toby continued, ,looking at the crystal couple who had warm smiles on their faces. He then saw that Nathan, Guard, and Skyla all have surprised looks on their faces.

"So, mah Mommy and Daddy are your aunt and uncle?" Nathan asked with curiosity.

"Yep, and the day after the party, Auntie Luna and I talked about her past, and she helped remind me that Mommy would never want me to keep blaming myself, and I remembered the locket she gave me, and how she said that no matter where she is, she would always be close to my heart. And when Momma and her friends all asked me to stay in Equestria, I then asked her to be my Momma. And she agreed, and we were the happiest mother and son in Equestria that day. The day after, there was another party at Sugarcube Corner, which was to celebrate Momma adopting me. And that day, the heart that I had that was broken by all the horrible things that happened to me was finally healed, and I was able to find great friends," he said looking at the crusaders, Diamond Tiara, Josh and Nyx, "As well as a gorgeous fillyfriend," he said with a blush looking at Silver Spoon, whose face went up in an atomic explosion type blush. "And I even was able to say goodbye to mommy bye playing the piano at a talent show," Toby continued which put a warm smile on everyone's faces.

"That's the most beautiful thing a child can do for their parents," Bolt commented.

"Yep, and the week after the talent show, I spent each day with my aunties," Toby continued with a smile which then soon turned to a frown. "But the day after spending the day with Auntie Rarity, we were called to see Auntie Celestia and Auntie Luna. They said they wanted to show me a dark secret that my daddy was keeping from me. His first memory, we saw that he and mommy were having a fight about how I was getting more love than he was from mommy, and when mommy left for work, Daddy said that if he can't have mommy's love, then I wouldn't either. The second memory that Auntie Luna showed us broke me even more than I have ever been. It was daddy that killed mommy," Toby said trying to hold back a flood of tears. Everyone gasped in horror. 'How can a daddy do that to his wife and son?!' they all thought angrily. "Daddy was then brought before me so he could admit that what he did was wrong, and my family all said what they thought of him. When it came time to give my daddy his punishment, my family were all giving suggestions that I really didn't want to happen to daddy. Then when I thought I couldn't get to my family, my mommy came to me, dressed as the angel she always was to me. She told me that I needed to listen to my heart. When I was picked to give my daddy his punishment, I forgave him because mommy always taught me that if I hold a grudge against someone for too long, I would become mean like them, and I don't want to be mean like daddy was to me. I then told Auntie Celestia and Auntie Luna that I wanted him to be sent home, with a little help from Discord." Toby continued. This drew some giggles from everyone who knew Discord. "And ever since then, I've been happy," toby finished his story. He looked up to see that everyone was teary eyed and Melody ran up and gave him a comforting hug.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you," she said with a few quiet sobs.

"Melody's right, we're all sorry for what your mothers death and the evil actions of your cruel father," Chris said giving Toby's hair a ruffle.

"If you want to Chris, can you tell your story?" Toby asked still trying to calm Melody's crying.

"Ok, but unlike all of your stories, mine is pretty short," he said before taking a seat. "I too was living peacefully on Earth with my family. But one day, I was pulled into Equestria by accident by Twilight," he said and then noticed a guilty expression on Twilights face. "N-N-N-N-N-NOOO! Like I said it wasn't your fault! Anyway, I was taken in by my mother, Princess Celestia, who gave me shelter, and food. I gained cousins in Twilight, Cadence, and Shining Armor. I also had some, rough times with Blueblood," He said and saw Rarity, Nyx, Conner, Timmy and Drake all have faces of disgust on their faces. "I know right? That guy was a real pain in the neck. One day, mom came to break up a fight between him and me an Shining Armor, and it was then, when I called her Mommy. Mom then went to find the royal scribe to enter me as her son." Chris explained before Blueberry Muffins hoof was raised.

"So, that makes you an official prince?" she asked with wonder.

"Yep, but she kept me in the castle for most of my life, because she was scared of how the ponies of society would react. I constantly begged her to let me leave the castle, but she said that I needed to stay in the castle as to not cause a panic. One day, I managed to leave the castle, and explore Canterlot. However, somepony saw me, and I soon ran into the top cat of the Canterlot nobility, Fancy Pants, and his wife, Fleur de lis. We all introduced ourselves and they escorted me back to the castle, where mom was happy to see me safe and sound, but as she was about to scold me, Fancy Pants explained how it was an honor to meet me, so mom sort of went easy on me with the punishment, but it was worth it to meet my newest friends outside of the castle, but the next day, I was given the nickname 'Monster Of Canterlot'. After Twilight left to learn about friendship, my aunt Luna came back to us, our first meeting wasn't the best of times. She thought I was a monster, and tried to chase me out of the castle before mom told her that I was her nephew. It took some time before I forgave her, but I was able to forgive her despite the little, misunderstanding." Chris continued giving Luna a reassuring smile when he saw her frowning guiltily. "And time went on, and I heard mom and aunt Luna arguing about something, and when I went to go see what it was all about, I learned that mom knew a way to send me back to my home planet, but she never told me about it for 14 years. I was so mad at her, I ran away." Chris said, but he gave his mother a loving hug when he saw a sad frown on her face.

"So, why did Auntie Celestia keep you here?" Drake asked curiously

"Because, I wanted a foal. Alicorns, like me and Luna my be immortal, unlike Cadence and Twilight and Nyx, but we are both living creatures too, and our time to have foals passed a long time ago," Celestia explained.

"Right, so anyhow, I made my way through the woods and found myself in Ponyville, where I encountered the Crusaders, who thought I was a monster and ran away when I said I was hungry, and who can blame them? How would you feel if you encountered someone of a different species. After they ran off, I was soon tackled to the ground by Rainbow Dash, and the other elements of harmony who wouldn't even let me explain myself. After some running, I was finally taken down. Twilight tried to convince the others to help me back to library, but it was too late. Mom saw what had happened, and teleported me back to the palace infirmary. You could probably guess I was still mad at her for keeping the spell a secret from me. But that anger was slowly dissipating, and I was asked to give a punishment to the elements that attacked me. But don't worry Toby and Serenity, since Fluttershy didn't attack me, she didn't get punished. As for the others, they weren't allowed to leave the castle until I could. And so began their torture." Chris smirked evilly at the other elements who had looks that begged him not to say what he had them do. "After a while, Mom said that I would be introduced to the kingdom, starting with Canterlot. When I made my appearance, I tripped on the carpet, which made the town think I was attacking them. After Mom called of the conference, I told her how right she was. But then the mayor of Canterlot came in and apologized for the towns behavior, but I reassured him that there were no hard feelings. And since then, I've been allowed to leave the castle." Chris said looking around the room at the shocked expressions on everyone's faces. Just then Kelly spoke up.

"Hey mommy, can I tell my story next?" she asked Twilight.

"I see no problem with that, and if she wants, Crystal can tell her story after you tell yours." Twilight said with a smile.

"Ok, so here's my story," Kelly began to tell her story.

Chapter 5: Kelly and Crystals Stories

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"You can all see how my eyes are right?" Kelly asked pointing to her eyes. Everyone nodded in confusion. "Well, they didn't have the black pupils like most eyes do," she explained with a sigh. Nyx was first to catch on to what she was saying.

"Wait, so you're telling us that you were once...?" Nyx asked before being cut off.

"Blind? Yeah," Kelly replied before gaining a lot of gasps. "And it was sometime after my mommy passed away that I was taken to go and live in an orphanage. The caretakers there were kind to me, giving me braille books and my violin." Kelly said before looking at her instrument. Melody then kindly spoke up.

"Your caretakers sounded like really nice people, unlike the ones from my orphanage," Melody commented with Conner nodding in agreement.

"Wait, so you and Conner were orphans too?" Kelly asked Melody shocked. They sadly nodded.

"I was too, before mommy came and rescued me," Crystal said smiling at her mother, who smiled back.

"Same here," Nathan said with a sad smile.

"Whoa, anyway, the kids at the orphanage weren't the nicest of kids, they always moved furniture around, so when a walked, I would bump into them or hit my head," Kelly explained. "But then one day, I was somehow transported here to Equestria, in the marketplace. I didn't know where I was back then, and I could faintly hear whispers, but even with my excellent hearing, I couldn't make out what they were saying. I then heard Applejack calling out for help, since she didn't know what I was. I walked over to where her voice came from, and then I heard her gallop off. I thought at the time she was scared of me. I then picked up what felt like an apple. When I was about to take a bite out of it, I heard something land near me, and told me that I needed to pay for the apple before I could eat it. I then gave her the apple and said she could put it back. She introduced her self as Rainbow Dash, which I thought was goofy name for a boy, but then she said she was a mare. Then I realized I was in a magic kingdom filled with magic talking ponies, and you can guess how thrilled I was. I then asked if I could touch her face, since that was how I could tell what she looked like. After she said I could, I soon realized she was right, and gave a warm hug." Kelly continued before Trinity raised her hoof.

"Ok, so how did you meet my mom and get your sight back?" she asked curiously.

"Well, as for meeting mommy, Rainbow Dash took me to go and see Twilight, who I can now see isn't a unicorn anymore," Kelly replied looking at her mother. "And as for my sight, that happened after I met mommy and the rest of her friends, had one Pinkie's parties, and met Princess Celestia. She invited me to come with mommy to the Lunar festival, a celebration of a lunar eclipse, which also power a gem stone called the Lunar Crystal, it's a gem that give unicorns a short yet powerful burst of magic energy. And it was also to help Princess Luna get back all her lost power. Mommy used this burst of magic to help give me sight. I was overjoyed to be able to finally see things, including my mommy and her friends. I then hugged mommy, and cried with joy, long and hard. She then took me to see Princess Celestia about something, and when I heard the reason, I was flooded with even more happiness! Mommy wanted to adopt me. I was so happy, I didn't know what to say, except yes. And after Mommy signed the adoption forms, I then hugged my new mommy again, and cried even more with happiness. And since then, I have had nothing but happiness." Kelly finished her story, smiling at her mother.

"Whoa, that story had a bit of harshness in it, but overall, in the end, it was a nice ending," Charity said giving Kelly a sad smile.

"Yeah, but now it's your turn Crystal," Kelly said turning to the girl sitting next to her. Crystal then took a deep breath and explained her story.

"It all started a normal day for me back on Earth, trying to survive in a city with hardly any food, and no shelter," Crystal explained before she saw Cory's hand go up.

"How is that normal?" he asked with horror in his voice.

"Well, it was normal for me, since I never had a mommy or a daddy. One day as I was sulking, I looked up to see mommy looking concerned for me. A first I had no idea if she was nice or not, so I was scared of her. But she reassured me, and asked how I got there, and tried to tell her. but I couldn't bring myself to do it. She then asked how I survived without food or shelter, and I said people felt sorry for me and gave me some food, but they didn't feel sorry enough to give me a home. Mommy then told me that she felt sorry enough, and took me to Canterlot Castle to meet Princess Celestia. We were going in, but a couple of guards stopped us, and asked Mommy to send me back, but she a little 'persuasive' and the guards let us go in. When we got to the throne room, Mommy explained to Princess Celestia of how terrible conditions I was in, and asked for her approval to let me stay here. Then, after some thought, Princess Celestia allowed me to stay with mommy. After meeting the princess, mommy and I headed back home, and snuggled into bed. The next day, mommy took me to meet her friends. And Pinkie threw me a party to welcome me to Equestria. And after sometime, she had me going to school, to meet other kids my age. There, I also encountered Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, who weren't the nicest to me on my first day. On another day, after I came home from school, I found a book that taught how to allow creatures, other than alicorns and unicorns, how to use magic. I asked mommy to teach me magic, and with slight hesitance, she agreed and showed me how I can do magic. So, Josh isn't the only human here who can do magic," Crystal said looking at Josh, who had a surprised look on his face.

"Well, you two aren't the only humans in this room who can do magic," Drake said trying to start up a new topic. This made everyone curious. Then, Nathan flew over to Drake with a curious look in his eyes.

"Are ya sayin' you can do magic too?" he asked flapping his bat wings.

"Yeah, but if I can ask, how do you have wings, and why are they not regular pony wings?" Drake asked with the others nodding in agreement.

"Well, how about we tell our stories next?" Nathan asked.

"Of course, but I think it would make more sense if I told Drakes story, if it's ok with you sweetie?" Luna asked her son.

"Ok mommy!" Drake gave his approval. "But lets have Nathan tell his story first, if it's ok with him?" Drake asked looking at the bat winged boy.

"Very well," Nathan said before telling his story.

Chapter 6: Nathan, Drake, and Conners stories (Edited)

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"Well, it all started the night before mah Mommy and Daddy found me," Nathan explained looking up at his mother and father, who smiled back at him, "Ah was gettin' ready for bed at the Lonestar Orphanage, but before ah went to sleep, ah said mah prayers, and ah prayed that ah would be adopted soon. Little did ah know that it was that morning after ah found mahself in a room at the Crystal Empire. At first, ah thought ah was dreaming, but after pinching mahself ah soon learned that it wasn't a dream, but reality." Nathan explained, but as he was about to continue, Cory raised his hand.

"How did you end up in the Crystal Empire anyway?" he asked curiously.

"It happened that same night, when me and Luna saw what appeared to be a meteor that was heading for the Crystal Empire," Celestia explained.

"And we got the surprise of a life time when we saw Nathan was the meteor," Shining explained.

"Right, so, Ah went to explore where ah was, and try to find mah way back to the Lonestar Orphanage. When ah left the room, ah heard voices coming from down the hall. Ah went to go and investigate, but ah heard different voices. Ah was scared that ah knew they weren't the nuns, but mah Mommy and Daddy, as well as Princess Celestia and Luna. They were walking mah way, and ah didn't know if they were dangerous or not, so ah tried to flee, but Mommy caught me in her magic before ah could escape. Ah was terrified beyond all belief, and ah tried asking them to not hurt me, but they soon reassured me that they weren't going to hurt me." Nathan explained further, looking at his mother and father, who nodded and told them to go on. "After we were all introduced, ah asked them where ah was, and when they told me I was in another world, ya can guess how nervous ah was, but Mommy reassured me that nopony would even think of being mean to me. They offered to introduce me to Auntie Twilight and her friends. A little while after that, ah was introduced to them, and they were all surprised to hear mah Southern accent, Applejack especially. After being introduced, they all took me ta Ponyville, where ah could have some more clothes made for me, as well as meet Applejacks family." Nathan continued before being interrupted by Applejack.

"Yeah, and Applebloom was able to find her first true love," Applejack said gaining some 'ooh's from everyone. Applebloom blushed furiously.

"APPLEJACK! Ya didn't have ta tell everyone!" said an embarrassed Applebloom, who looked away from Nathan, who she thought that he thought she was weird.

"Is it true Applebloom?" Nathan asked with a surprised yet flattered tone. It was only a nod that made Nathan blush too. "Well, maybe after we all exchange stories, I can take you out on a date, maybe?" he asked with hope. Applebloom looked up, with a shocked yet tears of joy in her eyes face.

"Um, ok, that would be lovely," Applebloom said happily, yet calmly, but her inner self was yelling 'HE LOVES ME!'.

"Wow, you're already a lady killer, just like me," Shining commented before being hit in head with a rubber mallet. "OW! What was that for?!" he asked his wife, who was holding a mallet with her magic.

"Oh yeah, you're a real lady killer, that's how you were able to ask me out to the prom that one year," Cadence sarcastically remarked to which Shining just blushed.

"Ahem, back to mah story, after a bit of touring, ah had an encounter with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, and they were gonna bully Applebloom, so ah fought Diamond Tiara, which was kind of an easy victory for me, and Auntie Twilight was so impressed with me standing up to bully, that she gave me these bat wings that you see on mah back," he said looking at his wings. But then Diamond Tiara spoke up.

"What do you mean 'easy victory'?!" she asked, obviously insulted.

"Explain how you fell for mah 'look at that bag o' money' trick," Nathan asked, gaining a 'humph' from the pink filly who was now pouting out of embarrassment. "Anyway, that night, we all went to dinner before ah had to go back to the Crystal Empire. Ah was even selected to do some karaoke. After we all had dinner, Auntie Twilight took us back to Crystal Empire, where ah was very surprised to see the nuns from mah orphanage. It was then that Mommy learned that ah was an orphan, and she and Daddy offered to adopt me, which ah tearfully agreed, and the nuns saw no problem with it, so they also agreed to let them adopt me. Ah went back to the orphanage to gather mah belongings, and say mah goodbyes to mah friends at the orphanage. After ah left to go and live in the Crystal Empire, we had a party ta celebrate mah adoption. And a few days after that party, Mommy and Daddy told me that ah was gonna be a big brother soon." Nathan said, before looking at the pink alicorn filly in his grasp.

"So, that's your little sister?" Josh asked looking at the same filly.

"Yep, her name is Skyla," Nathan said introducing the alicorn foal who was just babbling at her big brother.

"You must've been so happy to be a big brother," Clover commented.

"Ah was at first, but after Skyla was brought home, it was nothing but crying and crying. Ah was jealous of all the attention that she was gettin', so ah ran away." Nathan explained, drawing gasps from everyone. "Ah decided that ah should go and see Auntie Celestia and Auntie Luna for love and attention. Then Auntie Celestia told me the story of how she lived with Auntie Luna. Ah then realized how foolish ah was, and the next day, Auntie Celestia brought me back to the Crystal Empire, and when we got there, Mommy and Daddy told me to go to mah room until they would come ta talk ta, but when Mommy came in, she was void of all anger she had at me for running away, and she comforted me, and told me that she and Daddy would always love me as much as they love Skyla, and ever since then, Ah've been happily living in the Crystal Empire." Nathan finished up his story.

"Whoa, talk about deep," Chris commented.

"And I think Skyla is very cute as a little sister," Melody commented.

"And don't even think of forgetting our date," Applebloom said, fluttering her eyelashes at Nathan, who blushed at the action.

"Well, anyway now I shall tell my sons story," Luna said, looking at the son she was going to talk about. "It all began 10 years after I was released from Nightmare Moons control. I was taking an evening stroll through Canterlot, when I heard what sounded like somepony was crying. Following the crying, I discovered a human foal, without any warmth and looked like he hadn't eaten in a long time. So, being a fair and kind princess, I took him home with me, and I gave him a bath, and fed him. The next morning, I asked my sister if I could be the mother of this small infant, to which she agreed, and I named my new prince, Drake." She explained giving Drake a tender kiss on his head before continuing, "And since his adoption, I raised him like a mother should, with everlasting love and care. After awhile, he was given a magic amulet that gives him magic ice powers. He had some difficulty controlling it at first, but he eventually got the hang of it, and since then, he's been happy." Luna finished Drakes story.

"You chose wisely Aunt Luna," Chris commented.

"Yeah, but Drakes outfit reminds me of an outfit from a video game series called Kingdom Hearts," Toby commented.

"Is that so?" Luna asked her nephew, who nodded.

Just then, Conner looked up to his mother, "Mommy, my story is kind of short, so why don't I tell mine now?" he asked looking up at his mother. Rarity then looked around, and saw everyone nodding.

"Very well, my precious baby boy, but if it becomes too much, then just ask me to take over, ok?" she asked Conner who nodded.

"Ok, my story begins when I used to live on Earth, in the city of New York City, in an orphanage. But unlike the Lonestar orphanage heads, the one from my orphanage was really mean to me." Conner explained tearing up a bit. "Sir would always yell at me for making a mess, a-and he w-would even," Conner took a breath before continuing, "H-he would even w-whip m-me with a big leather b-belt," Conner was able to get out.

Everyone was horrified, Nyx especially, who was fuming with anger on the inside. "HOW DARE THAT MEANIE HURT MY SOON TO BE COLTFRIEND?!" she exclaimed, only to realize that she spoke her thoughts out loud and covered her mouth, but was too late, since Conner looked at her with a shocked expression, along with everyone else.

"Nyx, you're in love with me?" Conner asked, very surprised yet flattered at how she exclaimed her feelings by accident.

"Uh, yeah," Nyx said, with all her coloring draining away out of embarrassment.

"Well, I'm flattered that you think of me like that, but I'm just too young, and I'm a human," Conner said trying to let her down easy.

"Why do you assume that species and age matters? I mean, I'm just a year or two younger than Silver Spoon, and she and I date," Toby said to Conner, while looking at his fillyfriend with a lovey dovey look in his eyes, which was copied by Silver Spoon.

"Same with my and Dinky," Josh said, looking at the blonde boy.

"Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to try. Ok Nyx, after we all get used to the our new friends, I will take you out on a date," Conner said, looking at the black filly with a smile.

"REALLY?!" Nyx asked excitedly, only to see a playful 'you are to act like a princess' look on her mothers face. "Uh, I mean, ok, that would be lovely, thank you," Nyx said more calmly, but her inner self had a fire in her eyes yelling 'YEAH! I MIGHT WIN HIS HEART!'

" Anyway back to my story, after taking too much abuse, I finally decided to run away, but as I was running, Sir yelled at me 'And don't you ever think of coming back! You're just a waste of space and fresh air!', and so I ran to an ally to try and hide, but the next thing I knew, I was in an ally in Ponyville," he then looked up and smiled at the white unicorn mare that was his mother, "Then mommy found me, and she brought me home, and gave me some food and some warm and comfortable clothes. That was the first time anyone was ever nice to me. The next day, Mommy took me to meet her friends and after that, we all went to the Grand Galloping Gala, where Princess Celestia and Princess Luna wanted to meet me, but during the gala, we encounter Prince Blueblood, who made me trip and spill punch on Mommy's dress, I was scared of how she would react, so I had to flee." Conner further explained, gaining annoyed groans from Nyx, Celestia, Luna, Timmy, Drake, and Chris.

"I swear, why can't that guy ever learn how to appreciate everyone, other than fellow royalty?" Chris asked annoyed at Bluebloods antics.

"Well, anyway, after mommy found me, she rocked me to sleep, and the next day was the biggest surprise of my life, Mommy said she was going to adopt me, and show me only love, and ever since then, I've been living happily with Mommy and Aunt Sweetie Belle," he said looking at the two unicorns that he loved to no end. Looking up, he saw Nyx coming over to give him a comforting hug.

"I'm so sorry that you had to go through all that," Nyx said giving Conner a kiss on the cheek. This surprised the both of them, and both were blushing furiously.

"You know Conner, your story sounds a lot like my story," Melody commented, looking at the young boy.

"It does?" Conner asked surprised. Melody nodded.

"Mommy, is it ok if me and Clover tell our stories next?" Melody asked looking up into her mothers eyes.

"I see no problem with it, so, ok," Pinkie replied, giving her daughters a warm smile. And after taking a deep breath, Melody began her story first.

Chapter 7: Melody, Clover, and Cory's stories and the prophecy of harmony

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"I started to live at an orphanage at the age of two, after my real mommy and daddy had died," Melody said with sorrow in her voice. This made everyone gasp. "I was sent to live in an orphanage since I didn't have a legal guardian to look after me, and unfortunately, the caregivers at my orphanage were some of the meanest people on the face of the Earth," Melody explained, with some tears already rolling out of her eyes. "The caregivers would always beat me and the others for crying, having dreams, wanting sweets, tripping and breaking something, or even w-wanting f-friends," she sadly said. This horrified everyone, being an orphan was harsh enough, but not being allowed to make friends was over the top.

"These 'caregivers' shouldn't even be allowed to be near an orphanage if this was how they treated somepony," Trinity commented with her fellow element of harmony friends nodding in agreement.

"Quite right, friends should be allowed to be made freely, and not by someponies standards," Charity added.

"I know, anyway, after two years of torment, I decided that me and my friends at the orphanage have had enough abuse, and I wished for a better life for me and the others," she continued before smiling up at her mommy and looking beside her, she smiled at her sister, "And the next morning, I met my Mommy, Pinkie Pie, and my sister Clover, and after we were introduced, Mommy took us to meet her friends, and then that night, Mommy let us meet Mr. and Mrs.Cake. The next morning, they took us to meet Auntie Celestia and Auntie Luna, who helped us uncover the truth of my cruel orphanage. When we got to Earth, we had the help of a samurai warrior by the name of Shade Goodrivers, who also helped prove the caregivers guilty," Melody explained, but then she saw Conner's hand go up.

"What's a samurai?" he asked curiously.

"A samurai is the highest level of warrior class someone can achieve. They fight for the weak, and always fight with honor," Twilight explained.

"Right, anyway, Shade, with the help of Discord, was able to help prove the caregivers guilty, and they were sentenced to the remainder of their lives in jail," Melody explained with a frown on her face, "But the head of the orphanage wouldn't let me or any of the orphans off, so she tried to take me by force using chains," she further explained, which made everyone gasp. "But luckily, Shade was able to use his sword to slice the chains, and after that, the head of orphanage was dragged off with the other staff people, Shade bought the orphanage, and ever since then, I've lived happily with Mommy and my sister Clover," Melody concluded her story, smiling at her sister and Mommy. She looked up to see tear filled looks in the eyes of the other children.

"Gosh, that's harsh, even for an evil caregiver," Cory commented, shaking his head in shame at the thought of caregivers like that.

"Yeah, but you have a new family and all of us as friends!" Lucky Joy said, trying to lift everyone's spirits.

"Right, and I take it you came from the same orphanage, Clover?" Vibrant asked the former princess.

"Well, no, I never lived in an orphanage or any building that's under the comfort of a castle," Clover explained.

"What do you mean?" Mike asked the brunette girl.

"Well, I originally was a princess of Transylvania, but I never wanted the life of a princess, if it meant no friends or sweets," Clover explained. This made everyone gasp again.

"So, you wanted to life like a regular pony?" Bolt asked incredulously.

"Yep, but my mean Mommy and Daddy wouldn't let me outside the castle, or near any of the villagers. They said that friendship is a waste of time and money, which I never cared about, as long as I had someone to play with." Clover continued.

Toby spoke up this time, "So how were you able to escape those awful parents of yours?" he asked, worried for the ex-princess.

"I wished on a star, and my auntie Luna brought me to Equestria, where I met Mommy and Melody, and everything that Melody explained happened, with the trial, and the evil caregivers, and Discord. Anyway, we came home after a party we had to celebrate my and Melody's adoption, courtesy of Mommy and Shade, we went to tour Ponyville. It was sometime during that day that Aunties Celestia and Luna went to tell my ex-mommy and daddy that I would no longer be living with them, and that I found a happier life here in Equestria," Clover explained, her smile soon turning into a tear filled frown. "But, after we finished up with the tour of Carousel Boutique, Mommy and all my aunties, uncle Spike, and my friends with the Cutie Mark Crusaders all were saddened, and when I asked them what was wrong, I soon learned that M-m-mommy and D-daddy just gave up on me, and said th-they never wanted to see m-me ever again," Clover said with a few quiet sobs. This horrified everyone, and Cory could sympathize with her, since his parents just abandoned him with out warning.

"I though all Mommies and Daddies were supposed to be nice, and loving towards their kids," Conner said, also saddened at how cruel Clovers parents were.

"True, b-but I decided to let it go, and not to let it bother me," Clover said, regaining her happiness rather fast. "Anyway, it was also after Auntie Fluttershy's cottage that I met my possibly true love, Rumble," Clover said with a blush. "I haven't gone to school yet, since it was still summer time when that huge wormhole thing sucked me and Melody up, but up until that one moment, and continuing after we were reunited with Mommy, that we've been living happily in Equestria," Clover concluded her story with a smile. She looked up to see that everyone still had saddened looks on their faces.

"Well, we're sorry for what you both had been through," Nyx said, with everyone nodding in agreement.

"To be honest, I can relate to what you girls have been through," Cory said, with a sad shake of his head.

"Really?" Melody asked surprised.

"Yep, and if you all want, I would like to tell my story next," Cory asked, looking around the room, and all he received was a round of nods. "Ok, well my journey started out with my parents abandoning me at an airport at the age of ten, and my terrible life began at an orphanage, that shutdown after awhile, leaving me with hardly any food, and a cruel private school, where not even the nurse was sympathetic, as she would just give the patients painkillers and tell us to suck it up. If that wasn't bad enough, the principal ruled out friendship and all school clubs. Any student caught making friends or participating in club activities were severely punished, either being used as an example of what not to be like, or being kicked out," Cory explained. This horrified everyone. A school nurse not caring about the students, and not being allowed to make friends or participate in club activities was just awful.

"Your Mommy and Daddy just left you?" Toby cried in despair. which Cory solemnly nodded.

"Well, I for one, hope that those brutes are put of their jobs," Charity said, sticking her nose up in disgust.

"Yeah, well, there are some details I'll explain to you later. Anyway, I finally had enough, so I ran away, until I found some sort of an old shack that had a portal to Equestria, and I decided that since I had no idea where I was, I decided to explore, and try to find out where I was," he said, before giving the cutie mark crusaders a soft smile, " I found my self in some sort of junkyard, where I encountered the crusaders, who took me back to sweet apple acres, were I scored a job as a stable boy, as well as a roof over my head. I helped out where I could on the farm, even helping Applejack out with her trips into town, where I encountered Rarity and Pinkie Pie, where I also scored a job as Rarity's assistant, where I helped her with carrying her bags when she took me to Canterlot with her, which I was happy to help out with," Cory said, smiling at the unicorn and two earth ponies, who smiled back.

"You really deserved a better life than that miserable sounding old one," Crystal said, smiling up at Cory.

"After meeting all of Applejacks friends, they all said that too," Cory simply replied. "Anyway, after awhile, I discovered my special talent, making works of art out of old junk, which I make into jewelry, sculptures, etc. I soon found out that I was a famous artist throughout all of Equestria, ponies all wanting to buy my artworks, which usually ran for about 500 to 10000 bits, depending on what they were. Even Princess Celestia acknowledged my works," Cory continued, smiling up at the alabaster alicorn, who smiled back.

"Well Cory, since you were adopted by Twilight, that makes you royalty too, does it not?" Celestia asked playfully.

"I guess not," Cory simply replied.

"Then there is no need to refer to me or Luna as 'Princess' anymore, since you are a prince now yourself," Celestia explained.

"Sorry, but that my be a habit that may never die," Cory joked, which made everyone in that room giggle, and Celestia nod in understanding. "Anyway, a few days later, I met up with Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Mom, who were just as welcoming as Pinkie, Rarity, and Applejack," Cory said, smiling at his family members, who all smiled back. "After telling them about what I've been through, they invited me to have a better life here in Equestria, where mom and Rainbow offered to help boost my academic and physical traits, since I struggled with both back at my old school. But I had some stress from not being able to write a simple paragraph, to which Mom took me to meet Zecora, who helped me let go of my stress, and after that, I had no more troubles with my school work, or with any of Rainbows teachings. Then, my birthday rolled around, where mom went to my world to find the truth of what happened to my parents and why they ditched me, and it turns out, they only had me until ten for my college trust money," Cory explained further with a frown on his face, which gained horrified gasps from the children and Chris.

"That's so mean!" Lucky Joy said, with her mane and tail deflating.

"Yeah, even my mommy and daddy weren't that mean!" Timmy said, backing up Lucky Joys comment.

"Yeah, but thanks to mom, both of my former parents were arrested, and I was free to live more peacefully in my new home. Then came my birthday/adoption, where I was given my pony name, 'Capricore', though I would prefer if you all kept calling me Cory, which is my nickname now," Cory said, concluding his story.

"Whoa, that was harsh man," Nathan said, trying to keep from upsetting Cory.

"Yeah, but crime doesn't pay, and always has a price, so my ex-parents got their just desserts," Cory said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Yeah, but you did get a great mommy in Mommy!" Trinity said, hugging Cory by the legs.

"Aw, that's true," Cory replied, petting the young alicorn filly behind the ear, when he wondered something, "Uh Trinity, why do you and Season, Vibrant, Charity, Lucky Joy, and Serenity all look like Mom and my aunts and sister?" Cory asked, picking up the purple filly.

"Well, to be honest, and long story short, a kind alicorn king was corrupted by an evil magic turning him into an alicorn bat pony, a prophecy stating that the elements of harmony with a body and mind of their own were the only things who could stop him, and a thousand years later, we were once the elements of harmony, and are now the beings that are to defeat Lord Hex," Trinity explained, wanting to keep things nice and simple.

"Ok, so then, how old are all of you, five years?" Nyx asked, looking at the fillies.

"Well, you got the five part right, but we're actually five weeks old," Trinity explained.

"WHAT?!" Joshua squealed in surprised.

"Trust me, they aren't lying," Toby said, putting a hand on Josh's shoulder.

"So you encountered these girls before too Toby?" Conner asked.

"Yep, according to Trinity, she was practicing a new spell called 'Inner Tranquility', which she said was supposed to find inner peace in the mind, but a sharp pain shot through her head, and transported her and the others to my separate Equestria," Toby explained.

"Huh, so, who's going next with stories?" Mike asked, looking around at the group. "Well, if no one wants to go, can I tell my story?" he asked, looking around, seeing only nods.

"But before we do that, why don't we get lunch?" Twilight offered. It was only a round of grumbles that answered her question.

"Then follow me to my dining room, and I'll have your lunch ready for you," Discord said, appearing by the doorway in a butlers outfit. Everyone giggled at his antics, and followed him to the dining room.

Chapter 8: Timmy, Echo Dash, Mike, and Bolts stories

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Following Discord to his dining room, the ponies were all seated around a very large table, all munching away at their own meals, provided by Discord, "Mommy, would it be ok if I told my story now?" Mike asked, turning towards Applejack.

"Well, Ah see no problem with that, so, do what you like," Applejack replied.

"Alright, my story is similar to Melody's story, with my being at an orphanage after my real mommy and daddy died," Mike explained, as he began to shudder with faint sobs already, which made the other children look on in sadness, "Anyway, I was always picked on by other kids for not having a mommy or a daddy," he said, which made the other kids gasp in shock.

"How can big kids do something like that?" Crystal asked.

"They thought they were better than me, and always picked on me. But when I told my teacher, they would beat me up, a-and throw m-me in an ally way faraway from the o-orphanage," Mike said, as he began to shake with sobs again. The other kids looked at Mike in sadness, "Well, the day after, I found myself in the Sweet Apple Acres barn, and that's where Mommy Applejack came in," Mike said, smiling up at Applejack, "And that's how I ended up in Ponyville," Mike said.

"Whoa, that's harsh," Nathan said sadly.

"Yeah, but at least I got new friends, as well as true love," Mike said with a blush, as he looked at Scootaloo, who blushed as well.

Taking a bite out of his sandwich, Timmy looked up to Luna, "Mommy, should I tell my story next?" he asked.

"If you feel up to it, my prince," Luna said, pulling him closer with a wing.

"Well, my story is similar to Toby's, except I didn't have a loving Mommy like he did," Timmy began, as he looked down.

"What do you mean?" Kelly asked.

"Well, my Mommy and Daddy were just like the caretakers from Conner and Melody's story," Timmy replied, which drew gasps from the others.

"Timmy, would it ok if Mommy took over?" Luna asked her son, who nodded slowly, "Well, I heard his cries of pain that night, and I came to rescue him from his despicable parents," she said with pride, "Then came morning when he met myself and my sister," she added, but then frowned, "But when breakfast rolled around, our despicable nephew, Blueblood came in and starting insulting poor Timmy," Luna rubbed her temples at the memory of her nephew.

"You guys keep bringing up this Blueblood guy," Cory commented.

"Yeah, who is he?" Toby asked.

"Well, at first, I thought he was the most courteous gentlecolt in Equestria. However, that was quickly dismissed during the Grand Galloping Gala that Twilight took us to. He is the most pompous, uncivilized, self centered, obnoxious pony in all of Equestria! I truly don't know what I saw in him," Rarity replied with a huff.

"Agreed. Well, anyway, after a while, I had adopted Timmy as my own son, and that's how he came to Equestria," Luna said. Celestia and the Mane Six noticed she didn't bring up all the awful things Blueblood did to Timmy, but couldn't blame her, since they didn't like what Blueblood did either.

"Whoa, so sorry to here that Timmy," Drake said.

"Well, that's all behind me now," Timmy said.

"Mommy, should I tell my story next?" Echo asked.

"Well, maybe it would be easier if I told your story myself," Rainbow Dash replied. Echo nodded in agreement, "Ok, well, Echo's story began when I received a letter from Princess Celestia. She told me that I was the only one among our friends to not have anyone as a family, and asked me to come to the Canterlot orphanage to adopt Echo when he was a baby. At first, I was unsure, but with Twilight backing me up, I went and adopted Echo, and he's been living with me ever since," Rainbow explained.

"Hmm, so like me, Echo is a human that originated from Equestria too?" Drake asked.

"Pretty much," Rainbow replied.

"I guess the only one to tell his story left is Bolt, but his story is kind of hard as well," Twilight said, giving Bolt a sympathetic look.

"Bolt, if you want me ta tell your story, Ah'm willing ta do it for ya," Applejack said.

"Well, I should at least start out my story, at least before asking you to do it for me," Bolt said. Applejack nodded in understanding. With a heavy sigh, Bolt began his story, "My story began when I was still living in Appaloosa, with my Mommy and Daddy," Bolt began, but stopped when a wave of sorrow washed over him. The other kids noticed this, and quickly became concerned for the colt. Applejack pulled the colt in for a comforting hug.

"Its alright Bolt, Ah'll continue the story if ya want me ta," Applejack said. Looking up at his mother, Bolt nodded, "Alright, anyway, it was Bolt's birthday, and his parents took him out camping. It was during then when," Applejack took a deep breath before continuing, "When his parents passed away," Applejack said, not wanting to go into detail for Bolt's sake. The children all gasped in horror, especially Joshua. "Anyway, that same day, he had made his way into the barn at Sweet Apple Acres. It was then when he met me n' the family. The next day, Ah took him ta meet mah friends, and even Princess Celestia. It was then when Ah asked the princess ta adopt him, and he's been living with me ever since," Applejack said. Diamond Tiara breathed a sigh of relief that Applejack didn't bring up hers and Bolt's rocky start.

"That's so much similar to my story," Josh commented.

"Yeah, we're all so sorry about your loss bolt," Kelly added.

"Thanks guys," Bolt commented. He felt someone hugging him. Looking over, he could see Season Harvest wrapping her legs around him. Applejack and everyone else smiled at this. Then, something came across Trinity's mind.

"You know Bolt, since Auntie Applejack is your mother, wouldn't that make Season Harvest and Mike your brother and sister?" the young alicorn filly asked.

"I guess it would," Bolt replied.

"And wouldn't that make us all like brothers, sisters and/or cousins?" Trinity asked. Everyone looked at her curiously, "Ok, think of it this way; Joshua and Nyx both have Mommy Twilight as their mother, so that makes them brother and sister. And since Cory, Kelly, Crystal and I all have Mommy Twilight as a mother, that makes us their brother and sisters as well," she explained, which made the aforementioned children look at each other with widened eyes, "And since Nathan, Skyla, and Guard Armor are the children of Auntie Cadence and Uncle Shining Armor, that would make them our cousins," she further explained. Everyone's faces just consisted of black dots for eyes. Trinity noticed this, and only one thing came across her mind, 'Well, that reaction was not what I expected,' she thought to herself.