• Published 16th Jun 2014
  • 1,548 Views, 150 Comments

Gokai-Ponies - Kamen Rider SEGADash

A Gokaiger Sequel, the Mane 6 must fight off against the remains of the Zangyack Empire with the powers of the 40 Super Sentai.

  • ...

A Bad Blast from Dash's Past

“So Twilight… what do you think of my childhood house?” Dash asked.

“Very nice place,” Twilight admitted. Dash simply looked around her room, trying to keep from anything being awkward.

“So Twilight, what are your parents like? I mean, I’ve seen them… three times, and I don’t know much about them.” Dash inquired, flying onto her bed. “Still fluffy…”

“Oh… well…” Twilight started, thinking of how to respond. “They’re both kind, sweet and supportive. My mom’s name is Twilight Velvet, and my dad’s name is Night Light. They’re probably the best parents I could ever have.”

“Cool… so you’re named after your mom?”

“Yea… where’d the name Rainbow Dash come from?”

“Oh. From what I was told, it was because of my rainbow mane, and the fact I dashed out of my mom,” Dash answered.

“Wow… quite a story,” Twilight admitted.

“Oh… that kaijin was another FAILURE!” Onichan shouted, now feeling better, but angry as all heck.

“...At least she’s not sick anymore,” Sparklefun muttered.

“Ah… anger,” Crageson smiled.

“Well now what?” Nekomed inquired, as Tearsome walked in.

“Don’t worry Jizo-sama, for I have-”

“NO! All of your Action Commanders are USELESS! I’m hiring a bounty hunter to go after the Gokaigers!”


Back at the Galleon a bit later that day, Twilight was working on a letter with Spike, but not to Celestia, but rather, Twilight’s mom and dad.

“Uh, Twilight, may I ask why you want to send a letter to your parents now of all times?” Spike asked out of curiosity.

“I haven’t sent a letter to them in a long time,” Twilight told him, “I just want them to know I’m doing good… leaving out the information about me being a Gokaiger and all… you know.”

Thus, Twilight began to get to work. “‘Dear Mom and Dad, I’ve been doing great. Been spending time with my friends, doing… princess-y stuff. I’ve continued to strengthen my friendships over the time I’ve been away, and I must admit, other than being with my friends, nothing truly eventful has occurred. Just letting you know I’m doing alright and wondering how you two are doing. I hope to hear from you again. Your little filly, Princess Twilight Sparkle.’ ...Oh. ‘PS. Out of curiosity, would you be okay if I said that I liked a mare instead of a stallion?’”

“A… mare… instead of a… stail- what?” Spike said in surprise. “Where’d that come from?”

“Oh… no reason, Spike. That’s something between me and them for now, okay?” Twilight insisted. Spike sighed, finished the letter, and sent it off. But then he burped up another letter, this one from Princess Luna… seemingly.

“That was some odd timing,” Twilight admitted before reading the letter. “‘Dear GokaiRed, I have recently heard you were collecting the remaining sixth senshi Ranger Keys. I have managed to find the one who had the other keys, and take them back. Meet me in the Everfree Forest so we can make the exchange. From your Mistress of the Night, Princess Luna.’ Hmmm…”

“Something wrong Twilight?” Spike inquired.

“Something seems… off about this letter… but I can’t quite put my hoof on it,” Twilight answered.

“Wait! It mentioned the Ranger Keys I use! Oh boy!” Dash smiled, rushing to the helm. “We are now heading for the Everfree Forest!”

“Rainbow! Wait! Don’t you think we should…” Twilight started, but it was too late as Dash was already directing the galleon to the forest in question, making Twilight groan.

“Sorry Twilight… just go so excited…” Dash apologized, as the Mane 6 began their way in the Everfree Forest.

“I can see that, Rainbow, but I feel something’s wrong about all this,” Twilight told her.

“And you said you couldn’t put your hoof on what it was, exactly, right?” Fluttershy asked.

“Well… yes, but… wait, when did you hear that?” Twilight responded, a bit scared. “Were you eavesdropping?”

“No.” the others responded.

“...Okay then,” Twi nodded, sorta scared.

“Don’t worry Twilight. I’ll stay close by you, and make sure you aren’t scared,” Dash told her.

“...Thanks,” Twilight blushed a little.

“No problem,” Dash smiled.

“Hold my tail?” Twilight asked, moving her tail close to Dash’s, Dash just nodded as she did so, making the rest of the Mane 6 look at each other, giving their own opinions about this with only facial expressions. Rarity was disgusted, AJ was accepting, Fluttershy’s was confused, and Pinkie’s was happy.

Regardless, they soon arrived at their destination in the Everfree Forest, but Luna wasn’t there.

“Girls, we better go Gokaiger, just to be safe…” Twilight said, as the others nodded, and turned into Gokaiger mode, each one holding their Gokai Sabres and Gokai Guns to prepare themselves.

Then suddenly they heard somepony walk over, somepony all to familiar to Silver.

“Oh no… not him…” Silver gawked as from the shadows came a male unicorn, his fur was black, with a blood red mane, green eyes, and a whip for a Cutie Mark. He looked at a wanted poster, and chuckled, being joined by Neo-Goumin and Neo-Sugoumin.

“What’s going on here?” GokaiRed demanded to know. “Who are you?!”

“Just a lone bounty hunter looking for the Gokaigers… but I never expected all of them to be mares. I would’ve expected at least one Stallion amongst them,” the unicorn answered.

“Yea… well, there ain’t.” Silver stated, holding her GokaiSpear with her tail, shaking a bit.

“What’s wrong with shiny there? She scared or something?” the unicorn taunted.

“...I am NOT scared of you Black Bounty!” Silver shouted, making the unicorn’s eyes widen a bit.

“Well… I’m surprised. I never introduced myself yet, and yet somepony already knows me,” the unicorn, Black Bounty noted.

Silver simply charged forward, and then readied the GokaiSpear, when Black Bounty took out a mix of the Neo-Goumin spear and GokaiSaber, and slashed at GokaiSilver, forcing her out of her henshin.

“I should’ve known,” Black Bounty growled as he approached Dash, “The little filly who bothered my affairs with her mother after her father died.”

“My dad… is NOT dead!” Dash shouted, as Black Bounty smacked her wings.

“Shut up! Your father never came back for you even after all these years, did he?” Black Bounty responded.

Dash was silent, as she was smacked around some more, and then Black Bounty held Dash by her neck.

“You never could fend for yourself. What made you think a fancy silver suit would change that?” Black Bounty scoffed, getting GokaiRed’s attention. Pink charged, before slashing away the Neo-Goumin, but being attacked by something else.

“Nani?!” the other Gokaigers gawked before turning to see a green Jetman that had the theme of an eagle, a black ranger with golden accents, white gloves and boots, a kanji shaped visor, and a large golden piece of torso armor. There was also an odd warrior who looked sorta like a Turboranger, but wasn’t one as the gloves were white and trimmed with gold, he had a mostly gunmetal grey suit with golden accents such as a Y on the chest connecting to two shoulderpads, and a V shaped visor on the helmet. Next was a silver Gaoranger themed after a wolf with one arm being blue, what looked like one of the Gouraigers, but the legs were green, he had a green torso armor that resembled a vest, making the symbol on his chest look like a shuriken, along with his visor on his green and gold helmet. The next warrior was one that was mainly gold and had the vibe of a samurai, but the legs and arms were blue and his helmet resembled the sun somehow, and he wielded a fish-themed sword. Finally, there was an orange senshi that resembled a Go-Onger, but was really a Tokkyuger with the number six.

“Sixth… senshi?” Yellow gawked.

“Seems like it,” Green nodded.

“Split up, me and Pink will help Rainbow Dash! Blue, Green and Yellow, you three handle the sixth senshi!” Red shouted.

“Hai!” the others nodded before they split up. With each of the ones fighting taking out sixth senshi Ranger Keys.

“Gokai Change!”




Blue turned into AbareKiller, Yellow turned into TimeFire and Green turned into Dragonranger before they each took on some of the Sixth Senshi. Gokai-AbareKiller took on GaoSilver, KingRanger and ShinkenGold, Gokai-TimeFire handled Shurikenger and Green Eagle, and Gokai-Dragonranger handled GoTitanium and Tokkyu6.

“Hang in there, Rainbow Dash!” Pink shouted as she and Red struggled to get past the Neo-Goumin to reach their friend.

“Leave… me… alone…” Dash whimpered, as Black Bounty cracked a whip at Dash’s wings, causing some feathers to fly off, and Dash’s wings began to bleed.

“Not after what you did to stop me from marrying your mother,” Black Bounty scowled until…

“She said! Leave! Her! ALONE!” GokaiRed snapped, jumping over the Neo-Goumin and delivering a mean drop-kick styled attack onto Black Bounty, forcing him away, and making him drop his weapon. Dash couldn’t move her wings, and Red looked to make sure they were okay.

“Girls! We need to fall back,” Red ordered, taking out a ranger key resembling a ninja, this being red, with a simply rectangular visor but having a golden piece above it with a Circle emblem as well, the wrists and ankles having black bands edged with white, a golden belt, a black lightning bolt over the heart, and a triangular piece near the neck with a yellow tip, white edge, and the inside was black.

Gokai-Dragonranger, Gokai-TimeFire and Gokai-AbareKilled pooled together, and manage to beat the two unfamiliar ones, being Green Eagle and GoTitanium, changing them into Ranger Keys.

“That was easy,” Gokai-Dragonranger noted, picking up the keys in question before turning their attention to the rest of the Sixth Senshi.

“Girls, we’re leaving! Dash needs medical attention!” Red told them.

“What about the…” Gokai-AbareKiller started.

“No time! We’ll be back for them later; let’s go! NOW!” Red insisted.

Gokai-Dragonranger got the keys they managed to beat, and thus they all took out Ranger Keys similar to Red’s.

“Gokai Change!”


So, Gokai-Red transformed into the ninja senshi, NinjaRed, before throwing a smoke bomb, blinding the others to where the Gokaigers were, and when it cleared, all six were gone.

“Grr…” Black Bounty groaned.

Twilight was at the moment, wrapping up Dash’s wings, knowing Dash couldn’t move them.

“Will she be okay?” Pinkie asked, concerned for her friend, as were the others.

“Yea… her wings aren’t broken, but she won’t be able to fly for a little while,” Twilight informed.

“Oh… the poor dear. She took quite the beating,” Rarity noted.

“Uh… how did you know who that guy was Rainbow?” Fluttershy asked.

Rainbow groaned as she opened her eyes to see her friends, then turned to answer Fluttershy’s question.

“After my father disappeared, my mom dated him. And he wanted to marry her, but I knew my dad wasn’t dead, and I kept trying to tell my mom that, stopping Black Bounty from trying to marry her, but in response… he beat me up when my mom wasn’t there… he abused me, doing things around the house to make him look good, and if I didn’t do what he wanted… he would hurt me…” Dash said.

“Oh… my…” Fluttershy gawked.

“And… that wasn’t the first time he brought a whip to my wings,” Dash added, “The first time he did… was because I told my mom that he was nothing but a big stupid jerk, but when she left the room…” Dash started, tears forming in her eyes, as she entered a fetal position. “He hit me… and said I was stupid… I was worthless… a waste of existence… that even Celestia looked down on me…”

“Rainbow… I mean… Dashie…” Twilight responded, stroking Rainbow’s mane with her hoof. “Don’t worry about that now, okay? We’re all here for you.”

“Thank you…” Dash smiled.

“You’re welcome,” they all nodded and smiled.

“So that letter was a fake?” Spike said, looking at it.

“He once faked a letter that said my dad was dead. But… I saw him forge it,” Dash nodded as Twilight looked at the handwriting.

“That would explain why it was written like this; Princess Luna knows who we are, so she’d never call us by our Gokaiger names,” Twilight recalled.

“Twilight… thanks for the help, I owe ya,” Rainbow replied with a grateful smile.

“Dash…” Twilight replied with a slight smile. “Just promise me you won’t use your wings until we know for sure they’re better, okay?”

“For you… I’d promise anything,” Dash told her.

“That’s all I ask of you for now,” Twilight told Dash, giving her a little hug, trying to be gentle so as not to hurt Dash’s wings.

“Aww…” Fluttershy and Pinkie went.

However, Rarity looked disgusted at the idea of two mares falling in love, again, but AJ just blocked Rarity’s view for everypony’s sake.

“Thank you,” Rarity thanked in a whisper.

“Just keep these thoughts to yerself, Rare. No need to spoil a happy moment,” AJ told her.

“Noted,” Rarity responded.

A little bit later, Twilight was in Dash’s room on the Galleon, keeping the pegasus occupied, as they were playing a board game. Twilight rolled the dice, and got a 4.

“One, two three, four,” Twilight counted moving her game piece forward up to a star spot, she then took a chance card. “‘You get a big bonus and get to move forward ten spaces,’ Sweet!”

“Oh, lucky,” Dash muttered, as Twilight won. “Well, congrats Twi, you win.”

“Yea, I guess I did bear you, for real, this time. Unlike when you threw the game to keep reading Daring Do,” Twilight responded.

“Yea… that’s true,” Dash chuckled nervously.

“Yea… little Reading Rainbow,” Twilight chuckled.

“Reading Rainbow?” Dash asked.

“Oh. I haven’t told you. I’ve been working on a children’s book based on that. I’m gonna call it ‘Reading Rainbow’. And the idea kinda came from my nickname for you after I found out you like to read. Wanna hear what I got?” Twilight asked, taking out a small book that was hand drawn and hand written.

“...Sure,” Dash smiled as Twilight smiled as well, opening the book.

“‘Rainbow Spectrum is a performer pony. She loves to fly in the sky,’” Twilight started reading, showing the drawing of a mare that looked like Dash with magenta fur.

“Looks a bit like my mom,” Dash noticed.

“‘Rainbow flew around a lot, but got hurt. She was put in the hospital, and her friend, Dawn Sparkle gave her a book to read,’” Twilight continued, showing a pony who looked like Twilight on the next page, except she had white fur. “‘But Rainbow didn’t like to read. Thinking it was for yolkhead ponies,’” she showed a picture of Rainbow Spectrum refusing to take a book from Dawn.

“Oh yea… that was like when you introduced me to Daring Do,” Dash chuckled nervously as Twilight continued.

“‘But when nopony was looking, Rainbow started to read, enjoying the book,’” Twilight continued as the next few pages showing scenes of Rainbow’s character reading the book, and the events that happened after her hospital stay. “‘But then, she had to leave, and she didn’t know what to do. She wanted to finish her book.. So, she snuck into the hospital to continue reading it one night. However… she didn’t find the book, saddened, she left, and asked Dawn Sparkle for a copy of the book, admittedly ashamed of telling Dawn that she liked it. But Dawn just smiled as she gave Rainbow not just her copy of the first book, but every book in it’s series.’” She showed Dash pictures, one of Rainbow Spectrum sneaking around, leaving the hospital after sneaking, and then asking Dawn Sparkle for the book.

“‘Then, she fell in love with reading, and gained a nickname, Reading Rainbow. So always know, reading is a good thing. The end’” Twilight finished, closing the book.

“Wow… and… I inspired you to write that?” Dash gawked.

“You know the old saying ‘write what you know’.” Twilight replied, making both mares giggle at this before looking at each other with big smiles.

“Sorry that I knocked off reading… and called you an egghead,” Dash apologized.

“Don’t worry about it, Dashie… I forgive you,” Twilight told her.

Dash giggled a bit. “You’re sweet.”

“You may not admit it, but sometimes Dashie… so are you,” Twilight admitted as well.

Dash blushed a bit, smiling at Twilight. This caused Twilight to blush as well as they got closer to each other. They got a bit closer, when something hit the side of the GokaiGalleon.

-MINNA! We’re under attack!- Fluttershy’s voice shouted.

“Nani?!” Twilight gawked, getting right to her hooves, “Rainbow, don’t go from this spot. I’ll be right back!”

Twilight looked outside, and saw some giant Neo-Sogoumin.

“Mou! I’ll be back Dash, I promise,” Twilight replied as she ran out of the room.

“...Okay,” Dash sighed.

“Kaizoku Gattai!”

“Kansei, Gokai-Oh!”

“Twilight, I think it might be a good idea if we called in the Ressha!” Yellow suggested, taking out Tokkyu3’s Key.

“Good call, Rarity,” GokaiRed nodded as the other Gokaigers followed suit and inserted their keys.

“Ranger Key, SET! LET’S GO!”

Then they formed Tokkyu-GokaiOh.

“Kansei, Tokkyu-GokaiOh!”

And with that, they began to fight off the Neo-Sogoumin, not noticing Tokkyu6 break into Dash’s room and kidnap her.

“HELP~!” Dash managed to scream, getting Red’s attention.

“Dash! Grr… fight these guys, I gotta save Rainbow Dash!” Red told the others.

“The Neo-Zangyack told me to simply bring you guys to their leader, they never said you had to be alive!” Black Bounty said, pulling out a whip again, however… it was destroyed by some blasts, and then Twilight flew in, and she flew fast… and a mach cone began to form around her.

“What the…?!” Black Bounty gawked as both he and Dash saw this.

“...Twi…” Dash smiled as Twilight continued to pick up speed before…

“NOPONY MESSES WITH RAINBOW DASH AND GETS AWAY WITH IT!!” Twilight screamed as she did it, a Sonic Rainboom left in her wake, KingRanger, GaoSilver and Shurikenger tried to stop her, but Twilight simply charged at them, turning them back into Ranger Keys, and using her tail to send them into the Galleon, which were caught by GokaiPink, Yellow, and Green, respectively.

“...She did it…” Dash realized, recognizing what Twilight just did.

“IMPOSSIBLE!” Black Bounty shouted, as Twilight smacked him, and grabbed Dash.

“You okay?” Twilight asked.

“...I am now,” Dash nodded with a smile, hugging Twilight tightly. Twilight turned around, knocking ShinkenGold and Tokkyu6 back into Ranger Key mode, before flying back to Tokkyu-GokaiOh. “There. You should be safe now.”

“...Thanks Twi,” Dash replied before suddenly… kissing Twilight, much to her surprise. “...Sorry… I don’t know where that came from,” Dash apologized when they parted.

“We’ll talk later,” Twilight told her, transforming back into GokaiRed and rejoining the other Gokaigers in the cockpit, “Okay ladies, let’s scrap these flying tin cans!”

“Gokai Tokkyu Densha Giri!” they shouted as the mecha charged and slashed at all the Neo-Sugoumin, making them explode, but Black Bounty also began falling in the process. But he ran off, to plot and scheme again.

“Well Rainbow?” Twilight asked later, with the others watching.

“Please don’t tell me that you like her!” Rarity said.

“Rarity! Just calm down about dat, okay?!” AJ snapped at the unicorn.

“Sorry…” Rarity responded, as Spike walked over, curious about what was going on.

“Well… I honestly think you two look kinda… cute,” Fluttershy admitted with a smile, making a “squee” sound in the process.

“So, what’s the deal Dashie?” Pinkie added, jumping up and down over and over again.

“Well…” Dash started, a huge blush visible on her muzzle. She then realized there would be no more point in hiding it, and sighed. “...I confess… I love Twilight, okay?! Don’t judge me!”

“So… you really are bi-sexual?” Rarity asked.

“What’s that mean?” Fluttershy added.

“It means she likes both stallions and mares… on the deeper level,” Applejack explained with Rarity shuddering at the thought.

“Nope,” Dash said. “I only like other mares… not sure why… what would a term for that be?”

“I think the term for that would be… lesbian,” Pinkie guessed.

“Pinkie’s right,” AJ informed, as Rarity looked like she was about to get sick. “And Rarity, if you’re gonna hurl, do it in the restroom, please?!”

Rarity nodded, and then rushed off.

“Now that she’s outta the way, Dash, continue, if you please,” AJ requested.

“Why? So the rest of you could bash on me for liking other mares?!” Dash started to cry until Twilight approached her and smiled before kissing the pegasus, to her surprise.

“We’re not gonna bully you, we just wanna understand your perspective,” Fluttershy told Dash.

“...It’s just… I’ve been bullied so much as a filly, and most of those who bullied or hurt me were colts… so… I took on my tomboyish nature to hide that soft part of me… and part of that bullying made me hate colts… so I told myself back then, I would never fall for anypony who was the opposite gender of myself,” Dash confessed, tears falling from her eyes now.

“Black Bounty knew this, and he used it to keep me in line… and if I ever rebelled, he said he would tell my mom… I was so scared of what she would think…” Dash continued.

“Really? ‘Cause from what I saw in Cloudsdale, she actually looked happy for you,” Twilight pointed out.

“Well… he told her, and that’s what drove my mom to kick him out of her life. She still likes stallions…” Dash stated.

“No… no no no no!” Dash screamed rushing to the stairs, Black Bounty having told her to throw away her little teddy bear, but Dash had refused, so Black Bounty went to go and tell Sora that Dash is a lesbian.

“Sora, I’m afraid to say your filly’s been more trouble than she’s worth. She won’t listen to me, and not only that, I have some news to tell you about her. Rainbow Dash is a lesbian,” Black Bounty informed Sora Storm.

“Really…?” Sora said, a bit in disbelief, as she saw her daughter by the top of the stairs. “...Why were you prying on my daughter and her interests?!”

“I simply found out,” Black Bounty defended, as Sora sighed.

“Rainbow Dash, please come down here,” Sora told her daughter as Dash nodded and walked downstairs instead of flying down like she would’ve normally. In her hooves was her teddy bear, and the young filly was scared.

“Dashie, Black Bounty told me you’re a lesbian… is this true?”

“...Y...Y-Yes…” Dash whimpered, ashamed that her mom found out.

“Why?” Sora asked.

“...Because… the colts kept bullying me… so was Black Bounty,” Dash answered.

“What?” Sora asked, turning to her boyfriend. “Is this true?”

“...Well… no, she’s lying” he responded.

“...Black Bounty… I would think I’d know if my little filly is lying or not, and she’s telling me the truth. Right Dash?” Sora responded.

“Yea mommy,” Dash nodded, holding her teddy bear close.

“Fine! Yes, I don’t like her! She’s annoying, stupid, disobedient, pathetic, and the most idiotic filly I’ve ever met!” Black Bounty shouted, making Sora gasp in shock before that shock turned to anger.

“...Black Bounty… I never want to see you EVER AGAIN! GET OUT NOW!” Sora demanded, practically kicking him out of the house.

Dash was crying onto the couch, as Sora walked over to her. “Rainbow Dash… why didn’t you tell me?”

“Three… reasons. 1. You wouldn’t believe me normally… 2. Daddy’s not dead, but he made you think he is… 3. …” Dash paused.

“The last reason…?” Sora asked.

“*sighs* he… he threatened to reveal I’m a lesbian… and I didn’t know what you’d think of that…” Dash answered, crying her heart out. Sora however, picked her daughter up, and hugged her.

“Mom…?” Dash asked, confused.

“I’m not mad Dashie. I may like stallions still, but I want you to be happy with your own preferences,” Sora answered, wiping Dash’s tears with her wings.

“Uh… that means…?” Dash asked, a bit confused still.

“If you like fillies more than colts, that’s okay by me. I just want you to be happy,” Sora told her.

“Thank you mommy! Uh… that mean guy isn’t coming back… is he?”

“Dash… I’m going to forget that he even entered my life.” Sora informed.

“...Forget who entered your life?” Dash asked, surprising Sora before she saw Dash give her wink, seeing she was already playing along with this.

“Nopony. So Dashie… do you mind me asking why you like fillies as opposed to colts?” Sora asked.

“Well… the colts at flight school always bully me… I didn’t bring it up because I didn’t want to be a tattletale, and… they did so many mean things… I promised I wouldn’t fall for a colt ever for as long as I live,” Dash told her.

“Well Dashie, I want you to be happy, and I really hope anypony you fall for, is lucky enough to return the feelings,” Sora replied, making Dash smile and sniffle a bit.


“And that’s the case,” Dash responded, as Rarity walked in, having heard everything Dash had said.

“Rainbow Dash… I guess that’s an… okay reason,” she admitted, “...I guess if I grew up in as harsh a life as that… I might’ve felt the same way…”

“Thanks Rarity,” Dash replied.

“But… please don’t expect me to be 100% okay with this… more 85% okay.”

“...Fair enough,” Dash nodded as Twilight got closer to Dash again, making both mares blush, unashamed of their attraction this time.

“So do you remember the day you swore off colts and stallions Dash?” Twilight asked.


Rainbow Dash was flying around, practicing some moves for flight school, when suddenly some clouds were dragged up above her path, and then it began to rain, snow, and thunder.

“HEY! OW! COME ON! OW! KNOCK IT OFF!” Dash screamed in response to the sudden weather being thrown at her.

“Take that Rainbow Crash!” some colts shouted as they knocked Dash out of the sky, and she fell into mud.

“Oh man… not cool…” Dash groaned as she crawled out of the mud. When she was zapped by lightning and rained on, which made it unable for her to fly. “...Those colts… so mean…”

The colts who did it to her flew off. But one stay for a moment. “Take that Blank Flank!” one shouted, before Dash was left alone.

“...That’s it… no more colts for me… Celestia hear me now. I now will never ever EVER fall for a colt ever, but I will let myself fall for fillies and mares, this I promise that I will promise to do as long as I may live!”

“So that’s that. And now, I will admit… Twilight Sparkle… I love you,” Dash smiled, hugging Twilight, and then Twilight looked at her eyes for a moment.

“...Rainbow Dash…” Twilight smiled, returning the hug as the two looked into each other’s eyes, “...I love you, too.”

“Well… the reasons I love you… your voice, your eyes, your kindness, your uniqueness, your smarts, ...pretty much everything about you,” Dash smiled.

“Aww… well, the reasons I love you… your honesty, your competitiveness, your speed, your passion, and your loyalty… you’re amazing,” Twilight smiled, as they had one look into each-others eyes… before they kissed.

“Aww~!” Pinkie, Fluttershy, AJ, and even Rarity, smiled at the sight of this blossoming romance.

Spike’s cheeks then began to puff up, and he held his stomach.

“Spike…” Rarity said.

“No… not this,” he responded, before he spat out a letter. This made Dash and Twi stop their kiss, and see that the letter was from Twi’s mom and dad.

“Oh, I was expecting this. Just… not… now,” Twilight replied, chuckling nervously before opening the letter.

She looked at it, and then squealed.

“What? What is it, Twilight?!” Dash asked.

“Listen. ‘Dear Twilight, Thank you for writing back to us. We were admittedly getting a bit worried with your silence. But we wrote to let you know we’re doing just fine ourselves. Also, we noticed your PS and we just wanted to say, yes. We are fine with you being a lesbian. In fact, as long as you’d be happy (being a lesbian being what you want to be), we are both willing to support you all the way, and wish you luck in finding the perfect mare for you to be with. Hope to see you and your marefriend soon. Your loving parents, Night Light and Twilight Velvet!’ You see, it means we get to be a couple!”

“Wait… what about your brother and sister-in-law… we should ask them too…” Dash said, “Just to be careful.”

“...Good point,” Twilight admitted, “...I’m sure we can tell them. They’ve been willing to support me all these years, why wouldn’t they now?”

“Cause I don’t want to feel the wrath of the Captain of the Royal Guards.”

“Oh… right…” Twilight sighed.

Author's Note:

After such a long wait, I finally update this story here. By now, there's a lot more chapters on Fanfiction, so if you want your Gokai-Pony fix, go check that out. The reason this was held off was because of a story connecting this with MLP: Gaim Sengoku... more on that later. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this after such a long wait, and yes, this chapter confirms the TwiDash pairing, and that me and Pika are indeed TwiDash fans. Just keep in mind we own nothing here, and that Super Sentai (with two exceptions) are owned by Toei, and MLP... well, you get the idea.

Comments ( 4 )

The funny thing is I was just watching Gokaiger..spooooooooky.

Glad to see you included the titanium ranger despite the fact that he wasn't in Go Go V and is the first real power ranger. I wonder how many sentai purest you just pissed off by doing that

I love this chapter and story a lot keep uploading more chapters

Please update and make more chapters

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