• Published 16th Jun 2014
  • 1,548 Views, 150 Comments

Gokai-Ponies - Kamen Rider SEGADash

A Gokaiger Sequel, the Mane 6 must fight off against the remains of the Zangyack Empire with the powers of the 40 Super Sentai.

  • ...

Kyoryu Teamwork

"The... Gokaigers?! How is this possible?!?!" Crageson roared.

“Somehow those ponies got to the Ranger Keys before us, and they had the Gokaigers’ equipment with them,” Tankdom noted.

"Oi... what's with all the noise? I'm trying to do something over here!" A new voice complained as a dinosaur-themed being walked in, with blue skin while wearing a pale blue-silver armor that resembled a knight, but it almost looked tear-stained as his eyes also had a look of eternal sorrow in them.

"We've got a problem Tearsome! The Gokaigers are back!" Onichan Jizo informed.

"How sad... luckily, I know just the Action Commannder to ask to dispose of them," Tearsome informed.

“Well then… bring this Commander in,” Onichan ordered.

A door then opened up, revealing a being that was clearly themed after a pump, with the handle on his head and spouts out his chest and in place of his right hand; his primary colors were green and blue with his blue arms looking like hoses of sorts.

"I am Kamenpump," the Action Commander said, bowing.

“Kamenpump, your mission is clear. Destroy those blasted Kaizoku and bring me the Ranger Keys at once!” Onichan snapped.

He bowed, and then walked off, Tankdom seeing someone standing in a nearby room, her body covered by a black cloak, and her violet eyes visible. He said nothing to her, not noticing a Green Senshi Ranger Key in her hands.

"They're all real," Twilight said, looking at the Super Sentai books around the shelves.

“I know! Totally awesome, right?” Rainbow Dash smirked, as she was with Twilight that day.

Twilight wasn't sure how to respond, beyond looking at her GokaiRed Key.

“What’s wrong?” Rainbow asked Twilight.

“I’m just a little nervous about all of this…” Twilight admitted.

“What exactly are you nervous about?” Dash asked, still a bit confused.

“Being a Gokaiger and all that jazz,” Twilight answered.

“It’s gonna be awesome, Twi. I know it usually comes with all these responsibilities we have to worry about, but I’m sure we can handle it with no problem,” Dash assured, “Remember how we were able to take down those Neo-Goumin?”

“Yea I know…” Twilight nodded.

“Trust me, we can handle these guys.”

Twilight gave a nervous shrug, before Dash recalled something. “Oh right! Rarity wanted to meet with all of us, not sure why though…”

“Well… I guess we’d better go meet up with her then,” Twilight shrugged.

Thus, the two were off, as they walked through Ponyville, they heard various ponies talking about the Gokaigers, but they couldn’t clearly hear what it was they were saying.

“Seems news of the Gokaigers spread rather quickly,” Twilight noticed.

It wasn’t long before they met up with the others at the Carousel Boutique where Rarity worked.

“Hi girls,” Fluttershy smiled, as the two sat down in seats that had their names labeled on them.

“So what’s up?” Dash asked.

“Rarity said she has some new clothing for us… or something like that,” Fluttershy told her.

Rarity then trotted in, with a bulletin board of sorts, which had several designs on them, the first of these being an outfit for an alicorn that had a white shirt, black and red vest, a red pirate coat trimmed with gold, as well as having a black skirt. The second had an outfit for an Earth pony, consisting of a black shirt, a blue leather jacket, and some gray pants. Then, there was an outfit for a unicorn, which had a black and white striped shirt, a yellow coat of sorts with a (black leather skirt. The next outfit for an Earth pony had a sort of green plaid shirt with a green coat that had golden decorations on it, and a (insert color) skirt. The next one was designed for a pegasus, and it consisted of a white dress with pink details on it, and a pink coat with white fur underneath. Finally, the last outfit design, also designed for a pegasus, ha a grayish silver shirt with a black vest, a bandana that’ll show off some of the mane of the wearer, black pants, and a rainbow styled skirt attached to the black pants.

“I made all of these for us,” Rarity informed.

“...Uh… no offense Rarity, but may I ask why you designed these outfits?” Twilight asked.

“I’ve heard the pirate look is in because of us,” Rarity informed, as they heard ponies screaming from outside.

“...Really? Everypony is suddenly into pirate outfits? The stallions and colts I understand, but even the mares and fillies are into it?” Dash asked, “That’s a lot of hype over a new outfit style.”

“No, they’re running in panic from something!” Twilight said, seeing some sort of kaijin from behind the ponies.

“What the heck is that?” Applejack gawked.

“Any ideas Dash?” Twilight asked the rainbow mare.

“Must be enemy forces!” Dash said, as the six ran to hide, and then brought out their Ranger Keys.

“Let’s get to it girls!” Twilight announced.

“Gokai Change!”


As the monster, who happened to be Kamenpump, was attacking the town, GokaiRed jumped in and kicked him dead in the face.

“Gokai-” GokaiRed was about to start, when a can hit her helmet. “What the?”

Before the new Gokaigers could say anything, they saw a lot of the ponies in Ponyville holding various objects as if ready to throw them in one way or another. And the targets, the Gokaigers.

“What’s this for?! You should be throwing things at the bad guy!” GokaiSilver stated.

“We are throwing them at the bad guys!” Lyra shouted.

“We’re not the bad guys!” GokaiSilver snapped in response.

“Yea you are! It’s because of you, our city is being attacked!”

Kamenpump couldn’t help but laugh at this, as the Gokaigers were still being beaned by various items.

“This is just rich! I don’t even have to eliminate you fools!” Kamenpump laughed.

The six couldn’t believe that they were turned on, before GokaiRed used her magic to teleport them out of sight, and they de-henshined.

“What was that all about?” Applejack asked.

“Why did everypony think we were the bad guys? We aren’t teamed up with the monster,” Pinkie added.

“Uh girls, I think I got a reason. The new Zangyack leader said she wouldn’t attack if nopony interfered with their search for the Ranger Keys,” Dash informed.

“Why would they listened to her?” Fluttershy asked, confused.

“We were the ones who interfered, so now… they’re blaming us for them attacking…” Twilight figured.

“...Oh…” the other mares gawked, Twilight slumping her head down in shame. They were all silent, not knowing what to say or do.

Meanwhile, Onichan was watching a recording of what just happened, and was laughing like crazy.

“Oh, this is just rich!” she laughed like crazy.

“But your mission to get the Ranger Keys still stands, don’t forget that.” Crageson informed.

“I understand, and thus, I shall go back soon.” Kamenpump said, as he walked off.

Back down on Equestria, the Mane 6 weren’t doing so good, knowing all of Ponyville was now against them. Essentially branded as criminals in Ponyville, they were forced into hiding. They were still in Twilight’s house, simply trying not to cry.

“Now what do we do?” Fluttershy asked in sobs.

“I don’t know, Sugarcube. Nopony here trusts us, and it seems even our family is against us,” Applejack sighed, a knock then came from the door, and Twilight sighed.

“There’s nopony here,” Pinkie said.

“Would you guys just open the door?” Spike asked from the other end of the locked door.

“Spike?” Twilight gawked, opening the door and quickly letting him in before closing it and locking the door again.

“What is wrong with you all? You’ve been like this all day,” Spike inquired.

“...Didn’t ya hear about what happened recently?” Applejack asked.

“The new team of Gokaigers got hit by stones and such,” Spikes responded.

“Well-” Applejack was about to start when Rarity covered her mouth, and the six went into a group hudle.

“Should we tell him?” Pinkie asked.

“Pinkie, it’s Spike we’re talking here. I’m sure we can trust him with this information,” Dash told her.

“But… what if he turns on us?” Twilight asked fearfully.

“Why’re you of all ponies doubting him, Twilight? You’ve known him longer than any of us,” Dash reminded.

“I’m scared…” Twilight sighed, a few tears falling from her face.

“...Okay Twilight… let me tell him, ok?” Rarity sighed, as Twilight gave a wordless nod.

With that, the Mane 6 broke the huddle and Rarity approached Spike.

“Can you promise to keep what I’m about to tell you a secret, Spike?” Rarity asked.

“Okay,” Spike nodded, when Pinkie trotted over. “Pinkie pie promise?” she added.

Spike sighed at first before nodding and performing the actions while reciting the Pinkie Promise, “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

“Okay…” Rarity nodded, taking out the GokaiYellow Ranger Key.

“Wait, isn’t that…?” Spike gawked.

“Gokai… Change,” she said weakly.


“Wait… you’re the… Gokaigers?!” Spike gasped.

“Yep,” AJ responded.

“Oh… wow… I don’t know why everypony’s all mad about you guys; you were awesome! I saw your entire fight and…” Spike started to ramble before Twilight stuck her hoof in his mouth.

“Not now Spike. As much as I’m glad you’d supportive of us, everypony else isn’t,” Twilight sighed.

The six were saddened by this. “So are you six just going to hide here the rest of your lives?” Spike asked.

“...I hope we don’t have to,” Fluttershy whimpered.

“There’s gotta be somepony in Equestria who can trust us,” Dash sighed.

Twilight then began to think of an idea until she remembered something important.

“Maybe there is. But we’ll need to go to the Crystal Empire, and we’ll need to bring the keys with us just to be safe,” Twilight told the others.

“That sounds like a good place to stay,” Dash said.

“What do the rest of you think? Think it’s a good idea?” Twilight asked the others.

The rest gave a nod in agreement, and Spike quickly sent a letter to the Crystal Empire, explaining the situation.

“Okay, with that out of the way, go home and gather what you need to get girls; we’re leaving for the Crystal Empire tonight,” Twilight instructed.

That night, the other ponies gathered up their belongings, Rarity and AJ leaving notes for their families, and they all gathered outside the library.

“Okay, is everypony ready?” Twilight asked, getting nods from everypony… well… almost everypony.

“Uh… one problem Twilight. Your balloon’s not big enough for all of us,” Dash pointed out.

“Then how are we supposed to get to the Crystal Empire in time?”

“If the Ranger Keys, Mobirates, and my Cellular are real, then odds are that the mecha for the Sentai are real too; you can summon the GokaiGalleon with your Mobirates.”

Twilight gave a shrug, as Dash showed her how to do it, and they waited about five seconds before hearing…


“That… seemed a little loud, Rainbow,” Twilight pointed out before they looked up and saw a huge red ship flying in the sky as a bunch of ropes lowered down for the group.

“This is our way up. Grab a rope mares and Spike,” Dash informed as they did so and they were pulled up into the mecha ship, none of them aware of Luna observing the entire thing. After taking a few minutes to load their belongings onboard, they were off.

“This place looks amazing,” Twilight stated, walking into the main room.

“I’ll say,” AJ nodded.

“Could use a bit of paint, but it’s nice,” Rarity added, as Twilight sighed, walking over to the captain’s chair.

“Better get used to it, because until this all blows over… this is home,” Twilight informed.

“Aw YEA!” Dash cheered.

“Wait… you can’t be serious… are you, Twilight?” Rarity gawked.

“Hey, you said so yourself, pirate is coming into style, so if it works in fashion, why not go for real estate, too?”

“Twilight… can I get some sleep?” Fluttershy asked, fluffing a pillow.

“You can, Fluttershy. We’ll just wait here for now, and wait until later. It’s been rough for us all, so everypony get some rest. You’ll need it,” Twilight told the others.

“Wait… what about cover? The GokaiGalleon sticks out like a sore thumb, I mean how else do you think that the Goseigers found it to launch their attack on the Gokaigers for GoseiKnight’s Ranger Keys.” Dash inquired.

“Good point… I could use a spell to conceal it until we’re ready,” Twilight figured. Suddenly, a letter came for the group appeared in a green fire, which was caused by a burp from Spike.

“A letter? At this time?” Twilight gawked as Spike examined it.

“It’s from Princess Luna,” he noticed, surprising the Mane 6. “She said, ‘Dear Twilight and Friends, I know just what’s going on, and trust me, your secret’s safe with me. I’ll help you out by providing a cover spell to camouflage your vessel, and don’t worry, I know you are true heroes. Good luck to all of you in your new roles. Yours Truly, Princess Luna.’”

The group all simply smiled, before yawning. Each one of them got a pillow and found somewhere to lie down to sleep. Unknown to them, Princess Luna did her spell on the GokaiGalleon, and then she trotted off to allow Celestia to raise the sun.

“...I hope dear sister will understand what is happening as of late, my friends…” Luna mumbled before returning to Canterlot.

Up at the Neo-Zangyack Castle Ship, they were waiting for the right moment to strike Ponyville, when the radar showing the location of the Ranger Keys showed that the dot was moving.

“Nani?! The Ranger Keys are on the move!” Crageson informed Onichan Jizo, as he had noticed this first.

“The new Gokaigers must be retreating from the ponies they so wish to protect,” Onichan figured.

“And we can’t track how they’re moving! We destroyed that ship the original Gokaigers used, right Tearsome?” Crageson asked.

“Oh, uh, I had something to take care of, so I told Sparklefun to do it,” Tearsome informed.

“Sparklefun, get in here RIGHT NOW!” Onichan ordered.

As if on cue, a female figure rushed in, she had golden blonde hair tied into a ponytail, blue eyes on her white smiling face with pink lipstick, a pink and yellow top with puffed up shoulders shaped like hearts, a large skirt that was pink and blue, but almost had the appearance of some sort of tied up hoodie, and she had large yellow boots that almost looked like a combo of sneakers and high heels.

“You called, Onichan-sama?” this female, Sparklefun, panted.

“Tearsome said he passed the task of destroying the GokaiGalleon to you. Did you do it?!”

“Uh… here’s the thing, after we got rid of the original Gokaigers and Tearsome passed the job down to me… I found this thing called a video game, and it ate into my time… so long story short: no, no I did not.” Sparklefun informed, giggling at the end.

Onichan just growled, irritated at that.

“Those ponies must’ve found a way to summon that blasted ship!” she roared before realizing something. “Which means, it should be out in the open, easy to spot seeing the Kaizoku never bothered to add in a cloaking device of any kind.”

“Uh… it’s not showing up on any radar…” Tearsome informed.

“Grrr… In that case… Kamenpump! Get down there, track the Ranger Keys, and find out where they are!”

Kamenpump gave a bow before heading out.

At the Galleon, Dash dumped all of the Ranger Keys out onto the ground, and had various name tents with each team name and symbol on them.

“Um… Rainbow Dash?” she heard a voice ask as Dash turned to see Applejack walk in, “What in tarnation do you think you’re doing with the Ranger Keys?”

“Organizing them. I’m just going through and seeing what Ranger Keys we do have, and which ones we don’t,” Dash explained.

“What do you mean by that? How many groups do you need to organize these in?”

“Let’s see, there’s 40 Super Sentai teams, add the Go-Busters, Kyoryugers, Tokkyugers, Virtualrangers and Matarangers to the Super Sentai 199, there’s a grand total of… a rough 234 if I did my math right.” Dash informed, picking up a random Ranger Key from the pile, this was TimeRed’s Ranger Key.

“Golly! That’s a lot of keys. So… do we have to divide up the keys between us in terms of who uses what keys normally?” AJ asked.

“Nope, original Gokaigers didn’t do it. Don’t think we should,” Dash said putting TimeRed’s Key to the area with a name tent with the words “Mirai Sentai Timeranger” written on it.

“Jus’ checking,” Applejack nodded. Thus Dash continued to sort the keys, muttering the name to herself, and checking them off on a list with all 234 Super Sentai warriors on them.

“How long has she been at this?” Twilight asked a while later.

“About an hour or so, I reckon,” AJ answered, “She wants to make sure we have every single key, and she’s so dedicated, she’s counted ev’ry single Ranger Key, totaling 234.”

Dash yawned, as she was nearing the end of the pile. “Okay… next key is…” she looked at the red Ranger Key and saw it had a blue visor that almost resembled a sideways hourglass, a number 1 with wings on the forehead, the boots and gloves being white, and the chest having a single large yellow V. “Akaranger…”

She snapped wide awake, gasping at the very sight of the Ranger Key of the very first Red Senshi.

“Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! We got the first ever Super Sentai powers amongst the Ranger Keys! Those of the Himitsu Sentai Gorenger!” Dash cheered like a crazy fangirl.

Twilight and AJ rolled their eyes as Dash put the Key under the tent marked “Himitsu Sentai Gorenger”. She then saw there were only about 24 Keys left in the pile and it was the first Gorenger Key she found.

“Almost there… let’s see…” she pondered, still checking through the keys. “KyoryuPink,” she muttered, putting the Key with the other Kyoryuger Keys, simply looking at it, because KyoryuPink is her favorite Senshi. “Okay… just a few more left…” she yawned.

Later, Rainbow Dash had finally finished sorting the keys, but she noticed that they were missing 48 Ranger Keys.

"So... how many are missing Dash?" Fluttershy asked.

“We’re missing 48 keys, which include most of the Gorengers, a majority of the sixth rangers, all of the Bangai Heroes (which are essentially armored beings on a Sentai not counted as senshi but are still on the team), and 3 entire teams,” Dash answered.

"Wow... bummer for you, huh?"

“It’s not just me, but for all of us, seeing as Sentai don’t work the best when they are alone or separated; they’re meant to work together, and the same would apply to us,” Dash informed.

Fluttershy gave a nod, although she didn't comprehend all of what Dash just told her.

“Confused?” Dash asked.

"Little bit," Fluttershy admitted.

“I promise I’ll explain everything as best as I can when I can, Fluttershy,” Dash told her.

Fluttershy gave a nod before she simply sat down and began to relax a bit.

Meanwhile, Twilight was sleeping in the new captain’s quarters of the ship, seeing she was the leader of the new Gokai-Ponies. But… she was squirming in bed like she was uncomfortable about something.

(Enter Dream World)

Twilight and the other members of the Mane 6 managed to fight off some of the Mane 6 in Gokaiger mode, when they dehenshined however… a horde of ponies surrounded the six, sneering and jeering at them.

“It’s your fault we got into this mess!” one pony snapped.

“You should’ve handed them those keys when you had the chance!” another shouted.

With this, Twilight led the Mane 6, running out of town, but as they ran, more and more ponies were shouting at them, blaming them for their misfortunes, and even calling them the bad guys. Next thing Twilight knew, wanted posters of the Mane 6 were shown all over Equestria, wherever they went.

“Wanted: Princess Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash. Dead or Alive, Unlimited Reward.”

“No… no… no…” Twilight whimpered as she kept running with her friend, crying the whole way.

“Why sis? Why’d you do this?” Twilight heard Rarity’s sister, Sweetie Belle whimper.

“You shoulda known better than ta git us into dis much trouble!” an elderly female voice, Applejack’s grandma Granny Smith snapped as the rest of AJ’s family jeered at her.

“Twily? How could you do something so irresponsible?!” she heard her older brother’s voice shout.

“...What? We’re outcasts… even to our own families?” Twilight cried.

Suddenly, she stopped as a bright light shone upon her as she saw Princess Celestia looking on down at Twilight.

“Princess Celestia! You’ve gotta help us! PLEASE!” Twilight begged, but the Princess of the Sun just slumped her head down before turning away. “No! NO! Please Celestia! Please listen to me!”

Twilight just cried her heart out, feeling she brought the worst of any punishment onto her and her friends… but then, she took another look up, saw everypony else was gone before it turned to night and Twilight turned to see the Princess of the Night approach her.

“...Princess Luna?” Twilight gasped, still trying to recover from her crying.

“Are you okay Princess Twilight?” Luna asked.

“I… I don’t know, Luna…” Twilight sighed, as tears continued to drip down from her eyes. She then felt a cloth rub up to her eyes, and saw it was being held by Luna’s magic.

“You and your friends are doing a very brave thing, Twilight. I witnessed with mine own eyes the forces you have fought the night before the Neo-Zangyack sent their troops to Ponyville… and after everything you and thine friends did to assist me in my time of need, I know you are not to blame for what is happening,” Luna told Twilight.

Twilight sniffled a bit, before trying to calm down. “I… I…” Twilight tried to say something, but she couldn’t figure out what to say, before she walked over and simply fell to her knees, and Luna gave her a small hug, finally calming the young Alicorn Princess down.

“Thou hast followed what thou thought was right, Twilight. Remember that. You have such great friends to support you, including myself and know this… even if the whole world turns their back on you and your friends, always know that I will be by your side,” Luna said, as she disappeared, and a light began to envelope the dream area.

(Exit Dream World)

Twilight slowly opened her eyes, a smile on her face due to what she heard from Luna.

“Twilight, are you okay?” Dash asked as she trotted in.

“Yea… I am now,” she sighed.

“Well, I came to tell you we arrived at the Crystal Empire,” Dash informed.

“Thanks Rainbow. Let’s go and see it for ourselves.”

Later, the Mane 6 looked out at the Crystal Empire from the bow of the GokaiGalleon.

“It looks amazing even from up here,” Rarity noted.

“Yea,” Pinkie added.

“So pretty in the morning sun,” Fluttershy noticed as the sun was indeed starting to rise and the light of it reflecting through the crystals of the Crystal Empire made it look amazing.

“So Twilight, mind telling us what all that screaming was?” Dash inquired.

“Oh that? ...It was a bad dream… but… I’m okay now,” Twilight assured.

“Ah sure hope so, Twi,” Applejack sighed.

Later, the ponies lowered themselves down in front of the Crystal Palace, leaving the GokaiGalleon parked above them.

“Okay, now all we have to do is explain what happened to Princess Cadence and my brother, and hopefully things will go okay,” Twilight told the others.

“Not on my watch!” they heard a voice shout as they turned to see Kamenpump with a horde of Neo-Goumin, as well as a few beings larger than the Neo-Goumin with blue and black armor, as well as some white attachments.

“Oh great, Neo-Sugoumin, too?!” Dash groaned.

“Leave. My. Family. ALONE!!” Twilight shouted before she charged up and turning around quickly, she bucked Kamenpump hard in the chest, launching him a distance away.

“If you want us to leave you ponies alone, hand over the Ranger Keys!” Kamenpump shouted.

“Over my dead body! Everypony… IKUZE!” Twilight roared as the Mane 6 pulled out their Ranger Keys and Mobirates/Cellular.

“Gokai Change!”








“Kaizoku Sentai…”


With a twirl of her GokaiGun, GokaiRed stood ready with her fellow Senshi.

“Hade ne IKUZE!” she shouted, firing at Kamenpump.

The six charged, ready to get rid of the foe. Red and Yellow teamed up first, taking on a bunch of the Neo-Goumin, and yet the grunts fell rather easily.

“Rarity, help Fluttershy, I can handle this,” GokaiRed told GokaiYellow.

“Hai!” she nodded, rushing over as GokaiRed took on one of the Neo-Sugoumin, and was somehow able to knock it off its feet.

GokaiPink focused on using her GokaiGun, cleverly holding it with her wing as GokaiYellow came in to help.

“You like those guns, huh?” Yellow asked Pink before holding out her GokaiGun to her. “Care to trade?”

“Sure thing, heads up!” GokaiPink shouted, throwing her GokaiSaber to Yellow, who tossed her GokaiGun in response, both ponies catching the weapons very easily.

“Nice,” Yellow complimented, going for a real hack and slash method on the Neo-Goumin.

At the same time, GokaiBlue was holding off multiple Neo-Goumin with her sword as GokaiGreen was seemingly getting a little overrun.

“Shall we try trading weapons as well?” Green asked.

“Why not?” GokaiBlue responded before tossing her GokaiGun to Green.

At the same time, Green tossed her sword to Blue, and both ponies managed to beat the enemy troops. The six then converged around each-other, ready to fight Kamenpump.

“Okay everypony, let each go for a Dino Sentai,” Dash suggested, pulling out the key for KyoryuGold (which was Pteranodon themed with the dino-head looking like said dino and having two spiked shoulders instead of just one), but the other five exchanged a confused look about what Dino Sentai she meant. “What? I mean teams like Zyuranger, Abaranger, and Kyoryuger… teams themed after Dinosaurs… like KyoryuRed and KyoryuGold here for instance.”

“Oh!” the others nodded, GokaiBlue pulling out another Kyoryuger key (this being blue and the main theme being that of a Stegosaurus), Twilight pulled out a Ranger Key that was like KyoryuRed’s (being themed after a T-Rex), but it was different as the chest had a gold and black symbol resembling a T-Rex footprint, it had gold edges on the boots and gloves, it had white triangles all over its body, and the helmet was more like the head of the dino with the visor resembling the mouth while the mouthpiece was the same as the rest. Rarity pulled out a yellow key similar to Twilight’s, but it was themed after a Pteranodon, and Fluttershy revealed yet another Pteranodon themed Ranger Key that was colored pink, but had white diamonds going around the torso, the white gloves and boots had a similar effect with pink diamonds going around, the helmet had a smaller portion of pink for the Pteranodon itself, and it had a silver mouthpiece similar to that of the Goseigers. Finally, Green revealed she had a black key similar to Pink’s, but it had the theme of a Wooly Mammoth instead of the traditional dinosaur.

“Alrighty, let’s go Kyoryu ladies!” GokaiRed said.

“Gokai Change!”




With that, the Gokai-Ponies transformed into the forms of their respective keys.

“A kyoryu barrage?” Kamenpump sighed.

“Ikuze!” Gokai-AbaRed shouted.

“Hai!” the Gokai-Dino Senshi nodded before charging in.

First to attack was Gokai-AbaRed, who swung a huge T-Rex themed rod at the Neo-Goumin and Neo-Sugoumin. Next in came Gokai-Mammothranger, who jumped all over the place, swinging a huge black, yellow, and silver axe using just her tail, easily knocking over another Neo-Sugoumin. Gokai-KyoryuBlue then struck next, using her Gaburicaliber against the Neo-Goumin, as well as tripping a couple over.

Kamenpump began to walk back as the three pterodactyl senshi approached him.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Gokai-KyoryuGold asked, wielding a large blue and gold sword that resembled a Pteranodon’s head while Gokai-Pteraranger held a bow and Gokai-AbareYellow had a pair of daggers that looked like yellow Pterodactyl heads.

“Ptera… where are the tricera and tyranno?” Kamenpump wondered.

“You don’t have to worry about that for now,” Gokai-KyoryuGold smirked while the other two looked at her, confused. They all shrugged before they charged in, Gokai-Pteraranger jumping into the air before firing energy arrow at Kamenpump. This was followed by Gokai-AbareYellow attacking with the daggers before Gokai-KyoryuGold jumped up and delivered three hard slashes at the Action Commander.

“Onore…” he grumbled, as Gokai-KyoryuGold loaded three battery like devices into the sword.

“Three Zyudenshi set!” Gokai-KyoryuGold smirked before lifting the blue lever on the blade.

“Mind helping me with this, the weapon’s kinda heavy,” Gokai-KyoryuGold asked Gokai-Pteraranger and Gokai-AbareYellow.

“Sure,” they nodded, helping by gripping the blade’s handle with their tails. And then the attack flew through the air.


With that, the three swung the sword so hard and fast, it sent a huge thunderous shockwave with lightning at Kamenpump, literally shocking him and forcing him to back off.

The six then all smirked, going back to Gokaiger form.

“So, do the Gokaigers have a powerful blaster weapon?” GokaiRed asked GokaiSilver.

“Yea, the GokaiGalleon Buster,” Silver nodded as a large twin-barreled cannon themed after GokaiGalleon appeared above them before the six Gokai-Ponies caught it. “Everypony, stick your Ranger Keys into the slots in the buster.”

“Hai!” they nodded as Blue, Green, Yellow, and Pink inserted their keys into the respective slots, while Red inserted hers into the back slot before twisting it. “Ranger Key! SET!”


“Let’s make this extremely showy!” GokaiRed shouted as the buster charged up with energy before the sail, that was a scope, targeted Kamenpump.

As the Buster was primarily held by GokaiRed, the other Gokaigers held on to help her with the recoil.

“GOKAIGALLEON BUSTER!” they shouted as Red pulled the trigger.


With that, two blasts came out of the barrels before they merged into an aura version of the front of GokaiGalleon before ramming straight into Kamenpump, slashing right through him.

“I hate you kyoryu… and I hate Kaizoku MORE~!” Kamenpump roared before collapsing, which created a huge explosion that somehow didn’t damage anything around the spot he fell to.

“Wow! That was huge!” GokaiPink gasped.

“Yea, they usually are,” GokaiSilver added.

“I guess we have a lot to get used to, Dash,” GokaiRed figured.

“ONORE! Nekomed!” Onichan shouted back on her vessel before another female figure walked up.

With a primary color scheme of red and purple this female had large cat paw-like feet and hands, an outfit that looked like it was sewed from various scraps of material to make a sort of nurse’s dress with an apron (a cat’s tail popping out between the seams), and on top her head of red wild hair that reached her waist was a white nurse’s hat with the red cross nestled inbetween two car ears, showing off her yellow cat-eyes and pink skin. She was also holding some sort of book in her right arm.

“You called, Onichan-sama?” the cat-girl creature asked.

“One of our monsters was destroyed by the new Gokaigers! Do your job and revive it already!” the leader of the Neo-Zangyack snapped.

She nodded, and then formed a violet orb in her right paw while chanting something in a mysterious language, then she opened the book that was now glowing silver before with a loud meow she sent the orb down to Equestria.

The orb collided with the remains of Kamenpump before they reformed and grew into a giant, which caught the attention of everypony in the Crystal Empire, including the Gokaigers.

“What in the world?!” GokaiPink gasped.

“Uh… Dash? What just happened?” GokaiRed asked.

“It turned into a kaiju!” GokaiSilver answered.

“A what?” GokaiYellow gawked.

“It means giant monster.” GokaiPink said.

“How’d you know that?” GokaiBlue asked.

“I studied Neghiponese,” GokaiPink responded.

“Which is very similar to the Japanese the original Sentai spoke,” Silver added, “But enough of that. Twi, summon GokaiGalleon, we’ll need it and our individual mechs to take down the kaiju.”

“Gotcha!” GokaiRed responded.


With that, the red ship flew over before the ponies grabbed the ropes and were pulled in.

“Wait, what about you Dash?” GokaiRed asked.

“I can’t call in my mech yet. Guess I’ll handle crowd control,” GokaiSilver figured, jumping out and flying around to keep the Crystal Ponies safe as the GokaiGalleon flew closer to Kamenpump.

“Ok… uh… how do I control this thing?” Red wondered, pressing a button, which fired the portside blasters.

“That was close, but he’s on the starboard side!” GokaiGreen shouted.

GokaiRed looked at the control console, and fired a set of blasts from the starboard side.

“Okay, I think I got this. Okay, ready to deploy girls?”

“Yea!/Hai!” the four other Gokaigers nodded.

“Okay, GokaiMachines… Hasshin!” GokaiRed shouted as she pressed another button, releasing a yellow GokaiTrailer, a white & pink GokaiMarine, a green GokaiRacer, and the blue GokaiJet.

“Sugoi!” GokaiPink smiled.

“Now THIS is something!” GokaiBlue noted.

“Let’s show them the real super power of team-” GokaiGreen started.

“DON’T! EVEN!” GokaiRed shouted.

“Why’d you respond like that, Twilight?” GokaiYellow asked.

“I don’t like that line!” GokaiRed responded.

“Okay… in any case, we should fight back before this guy destroys the Crystal Empire,” GokaiBlue responded.

“Yea! Ikuze!” GokaiRed shouted.

With that, each of the mechs began firing at the Action Commander, however Kamenpump fired a blast from one pump, with GokaiJet getting GokaiMarine out of the way.

“Hey gals. I found a combination button… ya think?” GokaiBlue responded.

“Why not?”

“Let’s do this!” GokaiRed smirked.

“Kaizoku Gattai!”

With that the GokaiTrailer and GokaiMarine shifted to form legs, which connected into the silver ports in GokaiGalleon, that were the jet engines. The Galleon itself also shifted parts around before the GokaiRacer and Jet connected with fists coming out to form arms. The bladed tip of the bow came off as the bow split in half, revealing a head with black “hair”, a silver face with green eyes, and a bandana with the Gokaiger symbol on it. In the cockpit, all five Gokaigers appeared before the former wings of GokaiJet formed the hat of a Commodore, which the mech place on top its head before wielding the blades.

“Kansei, GokaiOh!”

“Huh?” Kamenpump gawked as the mecha appeared right before him.

“Wow…” GokaiBlue said in amazement.

“Why didn’t we bust these things out earlier?” GokaiGreen asked.

“It’s not a smart idea to bring them out when there’s no kaiju around!” they heard GokaiSilver shout from below.

“Okay” GokaiGreen replied.

“Well, let’s take this bloke down, girls!” GokaiBlue insisted as they controlled the mech to charge and it attacked Kamenpump with its blades, making his arm pumps get crumbled up.

“OH NO!” Kamenpump exclaimed.

“Let’s finish this now… uh Dash? How do we finish this?” GokaiRed asked.

“Insert the Gokaiger Keys into the slots in front of you; you’ll be able to do the Gokai Star Burst!” GokaiSilver shouted. “Oh, and when you turn the keys, you gotta shout out ‘Ranger Key set! Let’s Go!’ Okay?”

“Okay. Let’s do it, girls!” GokaiRed shouted, all of them pulling out their keys and inserting them in.

“Ranger Key, SET! Let’s Go!”

This caused the ports in GokaiOh to open up, the ports in the limbs revealing loading cannon balls before the chest opened to reveal a HUGE cannon.

“GOKAI STAR BURST!” they shouted before the mecha fired the cannonballs rapidly at the Action Commander, destroying Kamenpump in a HUGE explosion!

“YOSHA!” GokaiSilver cheered below.

After a little while, Twilight and the group managed to hide the GokaiGalleon, and walk in to where Princess Cadence is, all in their normal forms.

“Twilight, you’re back. Did you find anything out about the chest’s contents?” Cadence asked.

“Yes, and we’re here because of it. Uh… can your guards please leave?” Twilight asked.

“Of course,” she nodded, dismissing the guards, as Shining Armor walked in.

“What’s going on here?” Shining Armor asked.

Twilight let out a sigh, and then looked at the two. “What I’m about to tell you is secret between me, my friends, Spike and Princess Luna. Don’t tell anypony, okay?”

“Okay,” they nodded.

“Okay…” Twilight nodded before she teleported the chest in and showed the contents, holding up her Gokaiger key, specifically, “These are the legendary Ranger Keys thought to be a myth.”

“You mean they’re real?” Cadence gawked.

“Yes. And then we gained the powers of the Super Sentai teams, and now the ponies of Ponyville hate us, so we came to hide here!” Twilight explained, trying hard to keep calm.

“You mean… the pirates who attacked the invaders of Ponyville, the Neo-Zangyack, were… you girls?” Shining Armor gawked, having gotten word from some of the royal guards stationed there.

“Hai…” Twilight nodded.

“...That was a brave thing you mares did,” Shining said, surprising the Mane 6.

“You think so?” Twilight asked.

“Absolutely. I had a feeling those creatures couldn’t be trusted, but I never expected my own sister and her friends to stand up to them like that. Despite what anypony else may say… I’m proud of you sis,” Armor smiled at his little sister.

Twilight teared up and hugged her brother, who simply hugged her back.

“And you should know Twilight, if my husband trusts you with this, so do I. And if we are to assume that it was you who attacked the monster earlier, you are indeed great at protecting everypony else like you have,” Candence added.

“So… can we hide out here for a little while? Cause all of Ponyville hates us,” Dash asked.

“Yes, you can stay with us,” Cadence nodded. “Do not worry, I will attempt to clear things up in Ponyville with help of the Princesses if I am able to… not that I can share this secret.”

“Thank you so much,” Twilight said, hugging her sister-in-law.

“You’re welcome, Twilight,” Candence smiled.

Author's Note:

Sorry for not posting this up yesterday, but I had some family with me yesterday. Not only that, but I was trying to work on other stories over on fanfiction, including one that I highly recommend you read over there. I'd post it here, except it has tons of references to two other stories that share its universe and I figured you wouldn't get if you didn't read them for yourselves. So again, check out my profile on fanfiction, KKD Silver, to check out these stories for yourself. So just hang tight, and I'll get MLP Gaim/MLP: Gaim Sengoku's next chapter up very soon.

DISCLAIMERS: As with most, neither Kamen Rider SEGADash nor Pikatwig own any of the franchises involved, including, but not limited to, Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger, Super Sentai, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, or anything else used here; they are owned by their respective owners such as Toei, Bandai, Shotaro Ishinomori, Hasbro, Lauren Faust, The Hub, etc.