• Published 16th Jun 2014
  • 1,548 Views, 150 Comments

Gokai-Ponies - Kamen Rider SEGADash

A Gokaiger Sequel, the Mane 6 must fight off against the remains of the Zangyack Empire with the powers of the 40 Super Sentai.

  • ...

Scooting Imagination

Back in Ponyville, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were attending school, and each member was just waiting until their teacher, Cheerilee, walked in.

“Alright everypony, settle down. Now, you all remember that today you’re to talk about the papers you wrote about a hero or group of heroes last night,” she reminded, “Okay? Who would like to present first?”

Scootaloo raised her hoof up high, a gleaming smile on her face.

“Ah yes, Scootaloo, please come on up,” Cheerilee replied as the young pegasus filly smiled and proudly walked up.

“I wrote my paper about the newest heroines to grace Equestria. The Kaizoku Sentai Gokaigers! Now before anypony starts saying they’re bad because of whatever, I think they are great heroes; when we were essentially threatened, these mysterious six ponies came and saved us from a terrible fate. I personally wonder who is underneath the suits, and I hope I can meet them one day,” Scootaloo summed up her paper. A few loose applause came from around the class, and then Scootaloo handed her paper to her teacher.

Later that day, the fillies and colts had just walked in after recess and Ms. Cheerilee sat up front with a set of the papers she graded.

“Okay everypony, I’ve graded your papers and will be handing them back to you,” Cheerilee informed, walking around and handing each one their grades, then she came across the CMC.

“Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, let me say I really enjoyed your papers; you both get As on them,” Cheerilee told the fillies, handing them their papers back.

“So… how did I do? I bet I got an A+!” Scootaloo said happily, as Cherliee sighed, and handed her the paper, “WHAT?! An F?!”

“I expect to see you after class today, young filly,” Cheerilee told Scootaloo.

“Ouch…” Applebloom and Sweetie Belle said as Cheerilee moved on and handed the rest of the papers back.

“Sorry about that Scootaloo,” Applebloom apologized.

Afterschool, most of the fillies and colts left, except for Applebloom and Sweetie Belle who were waiting outside for their friend. Inside, Scootaloo sat at her desk with Ms. Cheerilee looking down on her.

“...I… I don’t understand… why did I get an F on my paper?” Scootaloo asked, confused.

“Scootaloo… how can I put this bluntly? You know there’s a clear differences between good ponies and bad ponies, right?” Cheerilee started.

“Oh… that’s the reason? Yes, I know that, Ms. Cheerilee, but you forgot that the Gokaigers saved us from those Neo-Zangyack; they were just trouble!” Scootaloo insisted.

“Are you talking back young lady?” she inquired.

“...Sorry ma’am,” Scootaloo sighed, wanting to continue her point, but she knew it was pointless here.

“Now, I know you don’t want to keep this F. So, here’s what I’m going to do, you have all of Spring Break to write a new paper, about REAL heroes, understand?”

“...Yes ma’am…” Scootaloo nodded.

“Good. So have a good Spring Break Scootaloo,” Cheerilee smiled as Scootaloo walked out, looking a bit sad, soon meeting up with her friends.

“So, what’s the news?” Applebloom asked.

“She told me I can rewrite my paper during Spring Break… only I have to write it on ‘real’ heroes… should’ve known she still thinks that the Gokaigers are bad ponies like most everypony in Ponyville…” Scootaloo sighed.

“So… what are you going to do?” Applebloom asked.

“Guess I’ll try and find Rainbow Dash to re-write my paper,” Scootaloo figured.

Later, Scootaloo arrived at an orphanage, which was painted green on the outside. Sighing, Scootaloo walked in, ready to tell her caretaker the news.

The caretaker was a male unicorn pony with red fur, a purple mane, blue eyes, and a Cutie Mark that was actually three letters: TQG, the Q being a dark blue while the others were white.

“Raito,” Scootaloo said.

“Hi Scootaloo. What’s wrong?” Raito asked, seeing how Scootaloo looked.

“I got an F on my hero paper and I need to re-write it.”

“Why’s that? Who’d you write it on?” Raito wondered.

“The Gokaigers.” Scootaloo said honestly.

“I don’t see how you got an F,” Raito admitted with a smile, placing his hoof on Scootaloo.

“Anyway, I’m going to spend Spring Break with Rainbow Dash so I can re-write it. She told me she went to the Crystal Empire, so can I go?”

Thinking for a moment, Raito just smiled at the young filly.

“Sure, it’s alright with me, but you’ll need supervision, so Mio will have to go with you, okay?” Raito informed.

“I don’t mind, I actually like Mio,” Scootaloo smiled, before a thought came into her mind. ‘Wait… Raito, and Mio? And that symbol for his Cutie Mark… nah. I’m just over-imagining things.’

“In any case, you’d better go pack some stuff, Spring Break’s gonna last a week, and if you’re gonna spend it writing that paper, I suggest you pack enough stuff so you can enjoy the trip,” Raito informed.

Scootaloo gave a nod, before rushing to her room, and a female Unicorn walked down. This Unicorn was very similar to Raito, but her coat of fur was a bright shade of yellow, her mane was brown, her eyes were brown, and her Cutie Mark was actually the same as Raito’s.

“So full of energy and imagination,” this pony, Mio, said with a smile.

“Yea… she sure is…” Raito nodded in agreement, “Reminds me a bit of us.”

“Full of imagination, doesn’t know where she’s from, and likes trains… yea, she is like us,” Mio nodded.

“Yea… but she and the Gokaigers have a lot to learn… while you’re there, Mio, could you see if the six are ready for… it?” Raito asked.

“Hai hai, Raito-kun.”

In the Crystal Empire, many Crystal Ponies gathered around Gokai-Oh as it looked like it was about to do something. In the cockpit were all six Gokaigers, in suit.

“So you say we can summon powers of Sentai before and after us, Dash?” GokaiBlue asked GokaiSilver.

“Hai… but I don’t think it’ll work…” Silver responded, a bit hesitantly.

“We won’t know until we try. Let’s pick a Sentai and try it out,” GokaiYellow suggested.

“Let’s go with my favorite team, the Mahou Sentai Magirangers!” GokaiRed said.

“Okay!” GokaiGreen smiled as she, Red, Blue, Yellow, and Pink held up their respective keys and inserting them into the slot.

“Ranger Key, SET! LET’S GO!”

As the back twisted around, the panels opened up, the Crystal Ponies looking on with great intrigue, but when the chest opened… only smoke came out with a strange sproing sound, confusing many ponies, and making the Gokaigers sigh.

“Well… that didn’t work,” Silver said.

“Duh… okay, let’s try Timeranger! Ranger Key SET! LET’S GO!”

They did what they did before, but they only got the same results as before, and the Crystal Ponies down below were beginning to look bored.

“Girls, that wouldn’t have worked with Gokai-Oh anyways, seeing as it was a third of my mech, which I don’t have,” Silver informed.

“Grr… how about Kyoryuger? Ranger Key, SET! LET’S GO!”

And like the last two, nothing came out, and the Crystal Ponies were looking so bored they even began to leave. The Gokaigers simply sighed.

“Well, you were right Dash, the powers don’t work… for some reason,” Twilight said as they walked into the palace a bit later.

“When the original Gokaigers got the Greater Powers, as they were called, they had to be granted to them by the original Sentai,” Dash added.

“So now what do we do? Not like those Sentai guys can get to our world…” Applejack pondered as a knock came from the door.

“Hide,” Dash said, hardly above a whisper.

On cue, the Mane 6 scattered and hid in various parts of the room. The door opened revealing it was… Mio & Scootaloo.

“Hey… where is everypony?” Scootaloo wondered.

“SURPRISE!” Pinkie shouted out, tossing some confetti and jumping out from where she was hiding.

“PINKIE! We’re supposed to STAY hidden; it’s not a surprise party!” Dash hissed before she saw Scootaloo.

“Sorry, force of habit,” Pinkie responded, as Dash flew over and hugged Scootaloo.

“Heya Scoots, haven’t seen ya in a while,” Dash smiled.

“Glad to see you too, Dash,” Scootaloo smiled before something crossed Dash’s mind.

“Wait… what’re you doing here? Don’t you have school?” Dash asked.

“Spring Break. And I gotta rewrite a paper about a hero. I wrote mine about the Gokaigers and I got an F,” Scootaloo explained.

Twilight walked over, seeing Mio was there. “Who’s your friend?” Twilight asked.

“Oh this? This is one of my new caretakers, Mio,” Scootaloo answered.

“Caretakers?” Applejack asked.

“Would you mind if I explain it to them, Scoots?” Mio asked.

“...go ahead,” she nodded.

“See girls, Scootaloo is an orphan,” Mio informed, surprising the Mane 6.


Mio nodded, and then looked at Scootaloo. “Her normal caretakers have gone on a vacation, and then me and my friend Raito came in to watch the kids.”

‘Mio? Raito? Those sound like names of the Tokkyugers? Could she…? No, it couldn’t be,’ Dash thought to herself at that point, not having seen her Cutie Mark.

“Still… to find out that Scootaloo is an orphan… that’s sad,” Fluttershy sighed.

“I’m here to watch over her.” Mio informed with a smile.

“That’s nice of you,” Twilight nodded.

Back up in that Neo-Castle, Onichan Jizo was pacing around, very irritated about her defeats at the hands of the Gokaigers.

“That last kaijin was a failure! We need something new… something we can use to make sure those blasted pirates don’t interfere!” she growled.

Then, Sparklefun skipped in with her usual smile, “I think I got just what you’re looking for,” she figured holding her hands out as a humanoid creature that resembled a tiger merged with an oni walked in; it had red and black striped fur with white in some places, and plenty of horn over its body, with a hint of some peach symbols as well.

“Momoeater, at your service!” the kaijin smirked.

“So… what’s this thing supposed to do, Sparklefun?” Onichan asked her general.

“Eat up imagination! It’ll make kids seem almost lifeless and dead, and then we can use kids to make sure those dumb kaizoku don’t mess with our plans!” Sparklefun informed.

“Interesting… well, what’re you waiting for? Get down there already, Momoeater. When you’re strong enough, destroy those blasted Gokaigers!”

“Hai Jizo-sama!” Momoeater responded, passing by the hooded figure on his way to the teleported.

Meanwhile, Scootaloo was hanging out with Rainbow Dash, the latter trying to help where she could in the Crystal Empire while the former was trying to write notes for her paper.

“Got some info about the story of your Cutie Mark, and… that’s it. What else can you tell me Dash?” Scootaloo asked.

“Well let’s see,” Dash thought, trying to think of something.

“Man… the only other thing I can think of is when you read to me and the other Cutie Mark Crusaders,” Scootaloo said.

“Oh, you mean the tales of the Super Sentai?” Dash asked, realizing what she meant.

“Yea… I love those tales. Can you read me one again? Please?” Scootaloo asked.

“Oh yea, that’ll be great. I got one, how about the time when the Tokkyugers teamed up with a hero known as Kamen Rider Gaim?” Dash offered.

“Kamen… Rider? What’s that? Wait… you mean like that ‘passing through’ guy from the Shinkenger story?”

“Similar, yes, but this Rider was someone very different,” Dash nodded. “Still wanna hear it?”

“Yes please!” Scootaloo pleaded, as Dash led her into a temporary room, and the two sat down on the bed.

“Okay, this one started when the Tokkyugers arrived in a place called Zawame City; it’s a nice city on the route of Rainbow Line, and for the Tokkyugers, no Shadow Line stop. So, the heroes decided to take a break and take in the sights before watching this small group of dancers who called themselves Team Gaim,” Dash started.

The Tokkyugers were watching the group, and admitted they were great dancers.

“Suddenly, some grunts appeared and began to terrorize the locals,” Dash continued.

“Were they the Kuros?” Scootaloo asked.

“Actually, no, they were not. Remember, I said Shadow Line didn’t have a stop in Zawame. Instead, the grunts were some sort of black and red creatures, with solid red faces. And the one leading them was some kind of giant mole man,” Dash continued.

The grunts and the mole kaijin were chasing people around, and one of Team Gaim began to run away, yet towards the Tokkyugers.

“One of Team Gaim’s members told the Tokkyugers to get out of there for their own safety as she had for the others in the area, but Raito insisted they’d be fine, showing off his TokkyuChanger, but this just confused the girl as a guy in a plaid shirt, orange vest, jeans, and sneakers ran up, holding a belt of sorts along with a lock that had an orange design on the front,” Dash continued.


“Tokkyu Change!”

“As the Tokkyugers transformed, the new guy placed the belt on his waist, shouted ‘Henshin’ and opened the lock, which called out ‘Orange’ before he placed it in a slot on the belt,” Dash continued.


“Eh?” the Tokkyugers and the new guy gawked at each other as they saw each other transform.

=TOKKYU #1!/#2!/#3!/#4!/#5!=

“Naturally… both benefactors were confused,” Dash added on.

“Wait… I saw a bunch of trains flying around…” the orange armored hero pointed out.

“An orange… on his head?” Tokkyu1 wonder, accidentally bumping into Tokkyu2, but he and the orange armored hero just stared at each other for a few moments, their fingers pointed at each other while the grunts and mole monster watched from below.

“What are you?/What are you guys?” Tokkyu1 and the orange hero, Gaim, asked each other.

“Can you picture it in your head Scoots?” Dash asked.

“Yea, completely,” Scootaloo nodded, “But it’s kinda funny thinking of a hero who transforms with a fruit landing on his head.” This got a bit of a giggle out of the filly.

“Not as odd as a group of heroes riding around on an imagination train using trains to henshin, and can switch colors?” Dash added jokingly.

“...Good point,” Scootaloo nodded. “So, what happened next?”

A ring then began to play, and Dash heard it. “Uh… excuse me for a moment…” Dash said, as she walked out of the room to answer her GokaiCellular. “It’s me, what’s up?”

-Dash, it’s Twilight. There’s some sort of kaijin running around town, and it seems to be stealing the energy from young kids. We need you over here pronto!- Twilight shouted.

“What? A kaijin stealing energy from foals? ...I’m on my way!” Dash nodded, hanging up before checking back with Scootaloo. “Uh… sorry Scoots, something came up, and I’m needed. I’ll be back though, I promise.”

Dash then flew off, and Scootaloo gave a small sigh. “Heh, a warrior with fruit on his head… that’s so silly,” she giggled.

Meanwhile, Twilight and the rest of the Mane 6, minus Dash, were hiding out, the Action Commander Momoeater attacking the young Crystal Pony foals before sucking up some sort of rainbow energy like it was juice, actually draining the color out of the young foals.

“That’s just cruel,” Pinkie whispered, remembering to stay quiet.

“That monster needs to be taught a lesson!” Fluttershy added.

“That was one tasty imagination… now let’s find some more kids!” the kaijin shouted, picking up the foal, and tossing it into a wagon filled with other foals, all drained of color.

“That beast is sucking them dry of their imagination? How’s that possible?” Rarity wondered.

“Wait a minute… if that monster is going after imagination then… wouldn’t that mean Scootaloo could be in danger?” Applejack asked.

“...Oh no… I asked Dash to hurry up… she should’ve stayed with Scootaloo,” Twilight groaned.

“What are we talking about?” Dash asked.

“Dash!” the rest of the Mane 6 gawked as they finally noticed Dash there.

“Again I ask, what are we talking about?”

“...We were talking about that monster attacking the foals,” Twilight answered, pointing to the monster sucking the foals dry.

“Yeesh… what’s it stealing from them, aside from color like Discord did to us,” Dash asked.

“He says it’s their imagination,” Rarity informed.

Dash gave a nod, before she readied her Cellular. “Gokai-”

“Shh! We can’t let the kaijin see us yet. And for all we know, Scootaloo could be in danger,” Fluttershy told Dash.

“Oh so-wait. Scoots?” Dash gawked, a bit confused.

“Man… I’d thought the Gokaigers would’ve shown up by now. Slurping imagination out of these kids like a good smoothie is getting boring. All I could ask for is a straw,” Momoeater groaned.

“That’s it, I can’t just sit here,” Dash groaned, preparing her GokaiCellular anyways. “Gokai Change!”


“Dash, WAIT!” Rarity shouted, but she was too late as GokaiSilver already rushed out and kicked Momoeater in the back.

“Eh? Oh… Gokaiger…! GOKAIGER! Finally, it’s about time you show up!”

“Shut up, will ya? I got somepony to keep from you, so I’m here to make it quick,” Silver growled.

“Oh… so you're harboring a kid with a boundless imagination? Sounds yummy~” Momoeater said, a bit of drool dripping down.

“Oh shoot… Now I’ve got more of a reason to get rid of you!” Silver growled, pulling out her Gokai Spear and charged, spinning it around and trying to attack the tiger-oni. The kaijin then picked up a foal, and GokaiSilver stopped almost instantly.

“What’s wrong there, Silver?” Momoeater taunted, as he put the kid down, and kicked GokaiSilver to the ground. “Ha ha ha! You’re completely helpless when little foals are involved, aren’t you?”

“SHUT UP! Gokai Change!”


“I’m going to save those foals, and keep Scootaloo safe from you!” Gokai-KyoryuGold shouted. “Three Zyudenshi load- oh shoot…”

“What’s wrong? Low on power?” Momoeater scoffed, readying claws for combat.

“Oh no…” Gokai-KyoryuGold groaned before Momoeater slashed at her with his claws multiple times, forcing her out of Gokai-KyoryuGold mode, and then out of Gokaiger mode.

“Oh my… Dash is in trouble,” Fluttershy noticed as she and the rest of the Mane 6 were still hiding, “Shouldn’t we go and help her?”

“Good idea,” Twilight nodded.

“Gokai Change!”


“Dash, we’ll cover you! Go back to the Crystal Palace, get Scootaloo and run for it!” GokaiRed told Dash.

“Right… be careful, this guy is tough!” Dash told them before flying right back to the castle.

At the palace, Dash barged into her room where Scootaloo waited.

“Scoots!” Dash shouted.

“Dash? What’s going on?!” Scootaloo asked as the cyan pegasus grabbed her.

“No time to explain. We have to get you to safety, QUICK!” Dash responded before… one of her wings was slashed at, causing her to plummet to the ground, injured. “What the… OW!”

“Thought you could get away, could you?” the two heard a voice laugh maniacally before it revealed itself to be Momoeater approaching Scootaloo.

“Get your mitts off her!” Dash snapped, about to transform again, only for Momoeater to knock her GokaiCellular out of her hoof and then pick up Scootaloo and absorbing her imagination, turning the poor orange filly gray.

“SCOOTALOO!” Dash gasped.

“...Too bad for you… she had the most delicious imagination I’ve tried yet…” Momoeater smirked before holding the filly over his shoulder.

“Scootaloo, run for it!” Dash yelled, as she tried to get up, and did a move like the flying front Rider Kick.

However, Momoeater caught the mare’s hoof with ease.

“You really think that could stop me?”

Dash simply growled, before kicking Momoeater with her other back hoof. “Scootaloo, run!”

“...run…” Scootaloo responded in a monotone, almost with no emotion period, but she barely did anything, like she was completely drained of energy.

“Not like she could do that,” Momoeater scoffed, as he picked up Scootaloo, and then took off, Dash tried to fly after him, but couldn’t even lift herself off of the ground.

“I heard a commotion, what’s going on? Is Scootaloo okay Rainbow?” Mio said, rushing in.

“...No… Scoots… was captured!” Dash responded, feeling ashamed of herself.

Mio looked at Dash, helping her up, her horn glowing with yellow magic, healing Dash’s injured wing.

“Wow! That feels better, thanks. Wait, were you a nurse pony on the side?” Dash wondered.

“Yea. Anyway Dash, close your eyes for a moment.” Mio told her.

“What? Why?” Dash asked, confused.

“Just do it,” Mio insisted as Dash shrugged before doing so.

“Now imagine yourself beating that kajin for foalnapping Scootaloo,” Mio continued, as Dash nodded. “Can you picture it?”

“...I sure can,” Dash nodded with a smirk on her face, “I can totally see me… whooping that guy’s flank!”

“Good. And you have the power to do it, Silver-chan,” Mio smiled, making Dash’s eyes shoot wide open in realization.

“Wait… Silver? How’d you…?” she started before recognizing Mio’s color, recalling her name, and finally noticing the Cutie Mark, “...Mio… you mean you’re…”

“I see you figured it out. Hai, Watashi wa… Tokkyu3,” Mio nodded, a faint image of the Tokkyuger flashing in front of her body for a moment as Dash’s jaw nearly dropped.

“How’d you… get into our world?” Dash gawked, as Mio simply returned the GokaiCellular to Dash.

“That I can’t explain, Dash. But remember, Imagination is a great power. Be sure to never forget it as you save Scootaloo… Silver-chan,” Mio smiled, placing the GokaiCellular back in Dash’s hooves.

“...Hai,” Dash nodded, flying out of the palace to go after Momoeater.

Momoeater soon arrived at a lot of sorts, with the kaijin putting Scootaloo in a box with other foals, all drained of their imagination and energy. “Man… that kid was the best meal I’ve had all day!”

“Stop right there, kaijin!” he heard two voices shout at the same time, one he knew as the voice of GokaiSilver while the other was a male voice foreign to him.

However, he didn’t have time to counter before he was kicked aside by two hooves, one cyan and the other bright red. It turned out to be Rainbow Dash and… Raito?!

“Minna! C’mon, get up!” Raito responded, rushing over to the nearly exhausted foals, “You just gotta picture it, your Imagination, and reclaim it!”

“Eh? ...EH?! Raito… omae wa… Tokkyu1?!” Dash gawked, as Raito looked at the pegasus for a moment, a faint image of Tokkyu1 flashing in front of him for a moment like Tokkyu3 with Mio.

“Neo-Goumin, attack!” Momoeater roared as the grunts appeared, getting the attention of Dash and Raito.

“Raito-sempai… let me take these jerks down,” Dash insisted, pulling out her GokaiCellular and GokaiSilver key, “You help the kids reclaim their imagination.”

A few gun blasts came in, as the rest of the Mane 6 showed up.

“Minna,” Dash smiled.

“Sorry to keep you waiting Dash,” Twilight apologized.

“Let’s fight!” Dash said.

“Gokai Change!”








“Kaizoku Sentai…”


With a twirl of her GokaiGun, GokaiRed and her teammates prepared to charge.

“Hade ne ikuze!” GokaiRed shouted as she and GokaiBlue, Yellow, Green, and Pink attacked Momoeater, while Silver rushed over with Raito to help the foals.

“Imagine anything!” Raito insisted.

“Like that’ll help! I ate all of their imagination!” Momoeater scoffed while battling.

“You’re wrong! You may have sucked them dry of some energy, but imagination is boundless, eternal, and you can’t just take it away!” GokaiSilver shouted, making the foals gasp, but Scootaloo was the first to step out and she began to focus as hard as she could, trying to imagine something… then, something came to her mind.

It was one thing, seeing the Gokaigers save her. As if on cue when she began imagining, Momoeater began to glow with a rainbow aura and began to clutch his stomach.

“URK! Oh… I don’t feel too good,” Momoeater groaned before… screaming out loud, as Scootaloo’s imagination was restored, along with her color.

Suddenly, Scootaloo began imagining more simply the Gokaigers beating up the kaijin, but now she thought of them transforming into a particular sentai and doing so.


GokaiRed gave a nod, as the team pulled out the Tokkyuger Keys, apart from GokaiSilver, who didn’t have hers.

“Gokai Change!” they shouted, inserting the keys.


This time, the five Gokaigers were surrounded by a rainbow aura as the chest patterns from Tokkyu1 and Tokkyu4 appeared before all five of them, slamming into their chests and forming Tokkyuger suits. For Red and Green they were the same as before, but for Blue her number was 2, Yellow’s 3, and Pink’s 5. This was followed by miniature trains flying around them on railroad tracks, each one wrapping around the helmets of the Gokaigers the slowly changed into those of the Tokkyuger, Red and Green’s were like before, but Blue’s was a different model of bullet train while Yellow and Pink’s were more like subway trains. Finally, the transformation finished when the rails attached onto the Gokai-Tokkyugers’ helmets.

(Cue Music: Ressha Sentai Tokkyuger Opening Theme)





“Tokkyu5!” Scootaloo announced all of the Tokkyuger calls, before the Gokai-Tokkyugers could handle the rest.

“Shouri no Imagination, Ressha Sentai… TOKKYUGER!” the Gokai-Tokkyugers shouted together.

“Shipatsu Shinkou!” Gokai-Tokkyu1 finished before the five charged at the Neo-Zangyack forces.

“Victorious imagination? What’s that supposed to mean?!” Momoeater exclaimed.

“That’s none of your business!” Gokai-Tokkyu2 shouted as the five used some bulky silver blasters on the Neo-Goumin.


“Now this is fantastic!” Gokai-Tokkyu5 noted, easily blasting the Neo-Goumin without any troubles, as Mio arrived by Raito’s side, seeing this.

“Heh, she can hold her own easily.” Raito noted.

“They all can I see,” Mio nodded before each of the Gokai-Tokkyugers pulled out the individual Tokkyuger weapons.

“Signal Hammer!”

“Platform Trigger!”

Gokai-Tokkyu2 & 3 being the first of the five to do so, Gokai-Tokkyu2 blasted more grunts before Gokai-Tokkyu3 jumped in and pounded them with the hammer.

“Bridge Claw!”

“Tunnel Axe!”

Gokai-Tokkyu4 and 5 were up next, as they both slashed at some Neo-Goumin that got away from GokaiSilver, and both easily moped the floor with them.

“Rail Slasher!” Gokai-Tokkyu1 shouted at last, charging at Momoeater and slashing at him with ease. She then glanced over at Gokai-Tokkyu3, seeing the Signal Hammer, and then Gokai-Tokkyu1 walked over. “Hey Rarity, can I try being Yellow for a bit?”

“Eh? Well, okay…” Gokai-Tokkyu3 shrugged, about to pull out the Ranger Key she used when…


“Eh? What’re you doing?” Gokai-Tokkyu3 gawked as Gokai-Tokkyu1 messed with a wrist-mounted device that had a toy train in it before 1 removed the yellow train and her red engine, swapping the positions of them.

“Just trust me Rarity,” Gokai-Tokkyu1 said, as she and Gokai-Tokkyu3 flipped the flap back down.


Suddenly, the chest symbols seemed to pop out before rotating, changing the colors and helmets of the Gokai-Tokkyugers, but their numbers remained the same. Then, the chest symbols returned as Gokai-Tokkyu3 tried to figure out what happened.

“EH?! What the heck is that?! It’s imaginative, but it doesn’t make any sense!” Momoeater shouted.

“That’s the idea,” Gokai-Tokkyu1 smirked, holding up the Signal Hammer.

“Huh… she’s reminding me of you, Raito,” Mio giggled on the side.

“I can see why,” Raito agreed.

“Eh? Sugoi! Hey Fluttershy, wanna trade Ressha?” Gokai-Tokkyu4 asked Gokai-Tokkyu5.

“Eh?” the pink senshi gawked as Gokai-Tokkyu4 did what Gokai-Tokkyu1 did.



“Huh? What’s the point of this? It’s like some sort of silly toy gimmick.” Gokai-Tokkyu5 pondered.

“Don’t look at me; it’s fun!” Gokai-Tokkyu4 giggled as she charged around with the Bridge Claw. Meanwhile, Gokai-Tokkyu5 looked at her weapon, before lifting it with ease.

“Wow… she can lift that as easy as you and Hikari,” Mio commented.

“Yea, I noticed,” Raito nodded.

“Whoa! This seems to be getting a lil’ crazy here with the color changes girls,” Gokai-Tokkyu2 noted.

“But it’s fun! Oh, let me try that one!” Gokai-Tokkyu4 asked, trying to take the Blue Ressha, but each time she tried, Gokai-Tokkyu2 moved her hoof away.

“No way, Pinkie, you’re just going crazy now,” Gokai-Tokkyu2 responded before…

“Yoink!” Gokai-Tokkyu4 giggled, able to take the Blue Ressha and swap it with the Pink Ressha.


“Here I go!” Gokai-Tokkyu4 smiled, blasting like nuts.

“Gimme that back!” Gokai-Tokkyu2 snapped, but she soon got surrounded and was forced to use the Bridge Claw to clear them out.
“Not gonna happen cousin,” Gokai-Tokkyu4 responded.

“Okay you little fillies, don’t keep that up for too long, you won’t hold those forms if you do,” Mio responded from the side.

“Eh?” the Gokai-Tokkyugers all looked confused, before they shrugged, but Gokai-Tokkyu1 and Gokai-Tokkyu2 walked over to Mio and Raito. “What’s that mean?” the two asked.

“You can’t just keep up the Norikai forever, even we couldn’t,” Raito informed.

“But since you’re only borrowing the forms, you’ll wear out the power a little faster and may end up reverting to Gokaiger form faster,” Mio added.

“Pinkie, I need that Ressha back!” Gokai-Tokkyu2 shouted, running after Gokai-Tokkyu4.

“Yea… we should switch back…” Gokai-Tokkyu1 added.



“So… shall we finish this using their bazooka?” Gokai-Tokkyu3 asked.

“Sure thing,” Gokai-Tokkyu1 nodded, the five tossing their weapons up before getting into position with the bazooka of the Tokkyugers, the Renketsu Bazooka, “And since this freak drank young foals’ imaginations like a milkshake, I say we finish him with a shake. Hissatsu: Milkshake Flood!”

After loading the silver train that acted as a bullet, it began to charge before they fired it, and a milkshake appeared from the silver train, and then it sprayed the contents from the straw from the shake.

“WAGH~! This is too much! Who came up with this, anyway?!” Momoeater gawked.

“She did,” the four Gokai-Tokkyugers said, pointing at Gokai-Tokkyu1, while Mio and Raito facehoofed.

“NO! That’s not the joke!”

(End Insert Music)

But regardless, an explosion occurred, sending the rainbow waves of imagination back to the foals, restoring their color, and this even granted Scootaloo her Cutie Mark: a rainbow colored train.

“Well, that’s just great. And a milkshake… honestly, how does that make any sense?” Onichan groaned.

“I dunno,” Sparklefun shrugged.

Back in Equestria, the Gokai-Tokkyugers returned to their normal Gokaiger forms.

“I’m… not done yet!” Momoeater roared, as sparks flew off of him.

“Okay, now for the GokaiGalleon Buster!” GokaiBlue shouted before they summoned the blaster in question.

“Okay, who should use the charge this time?” GokaiRed asked.

“I can do it. Sides, I read that GokaiYellow never fired the thing anyway,” GokaiYellow offered.

“Then you’re up,” GokaiRed nodded as she, Blue, Pink, & Green inserted their keys on the side before GokaiYellow inserted her key in the back slot.


Momoeater then looked at the Gokaigers, as he moaned a bit.



The group fired the blast, which turned into an aura version of GokaiGalleon like before before impacting with Momoeater, finally making him crackle with red electricity before he collapsed and exploded.

“They did it!” Raito cheered.

“ONORE! NEKOMED!” Onichan roared in anger.

“Hai hai hai…” Nekomed sighed, as she sent the purple orb down to where Momoeater was destroyed.

Once again, the purple orb hit the kaijin, causing it to turn into a kaiju.

"Again with the growing giant?" GokaiYellow groaned.

“This is a normal thing. Alrighty, you guys know what to do,” GokaiSilver said.

“Right,” GokaiRed nodded, dialing up the galleon.


“Kaizoku Gattai!”

Once again, the Gokai Machines joined, and formed GokaiOh.

“Kansei Gokai-Oh!” they called out, as the mecha stared down the giant Momoeater.

“Heh, I’m so hungry, I think I can eat a Sentai mech!” the monster smirked.

“Like heck we’d let you,” GokaiRed responded as the mecha charged and slashed at Momoeater, but the kaijin actually took the swords and slurped them like spaghetti.

“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” GokaiBlue groaned.

“Oh no, this is gonna be real trouble,” GokaiSilver, standing with Raito and Mio down below groaned, as Momoeater then burped up the sabers, and actually used them against Gokai-Oh.

“Whoa!” the Gokaigers screamed as the mecha slammed hard on the ground in pain.

They were able to get up, when a shimmer came from the buckles.

“Uh, the buckles?” GokaiGreen gawked.

“Don’t worry, Green-chan,” Mio assured down below at about the same time, “You should be able to use the Tokkyugers’ Greater Power!”

With that, the Gokaigers gawked before hitting the button on the buckles, revealing the Tokkyuger keys.

“So… what do we do now?” GokaiYellow wondered.

“Maybe we can insert these into the slots like with the Gokaiger Keys,” GokaiPink figured.

“Let’s do this thing!” GokaiRed said.

“Ranger Keys, SET! LET’S GO!” they all shouted.

The flaps opened, but this time, emerging from them were what looked like bits of a red train before the chest opened up, revealing what looked like a steam engine folded up into the chest of the mecha, the colors all being those of the Gokaigers while the front of the engine also had the symbol of the Gokaigers.

“Kansei, TokkyuGokai-Oh!” the Gokaigers in TokkyuGokai-Oh shouted.

“Eh? What is this?!” Momoeater gawked before the mech charged and hit the kaiju with a hard punch.

“Wow…! The Gokaigers are indeed heroes… but I still need something new for my paper,” Scootaloo said, before she turned to see Raito and Mio, simply thinking.

At that point, TokkyuGokai-Oh grabbed back its swords that Momoeater spat at it earlier, connecting them at the hilts to form a naginata, something the original Gokai-Oh didn’t do on its own.

“Sugoi… Gokai-Oh could never do that… it must be the Tokkyuger powers turning what we imagine into reality! Imagination sure is powerful,” GokaiSilver said amazed.

“It sure is,” Raito smiled proudly.

TokkyuGokai-Oh then slashed again, not noticing a small shimmer appear, but Scootaloo noticed, as something fell to the ground, and she was amazed when she saw the shimmer die down. She approached it, seeing it looked like a mecha composed of five different trains.

“Tokkyu-Oh? A Ranger Key for the Mecha?!” she gawked.

“Well whaddya know. The Greater Powers do have more abilities than we thought,” Raito smiled.

“You should give that to the Gokaigers, who knows what it can do,” Mio suggested, as Scootaloo gave a nod.

With that, Scootaloo thought hard, imagining herself flying up to TokkyuGokai-Oh and being able to give the key to the Gokaigers. Then, she opened her eyes before making a huge jump and she found out… she actually WAS flying! She couldn’t believe it, especially when she was told she couldn’t fly due to some deformities before, but now… that was in the past. She focused on TokkyuGokai-Oh, found an opening, and flew right in, rushing towards the cockpit.

“Gokaigers!” she called out, surprising the Sentai with the fact that she got in there.

“Scootaloo?!” GokaiRed gawked.

“How’d you get in here?” GokaiBlue added.

“How’d you know my name… and uh, I saw a gap. Here, use this!” Scootaloo responded, handing GokaiRed the Tokkyu-Oh Ranger Key.

“Eh? What’s this… eh, let’s see and find out!” GokaiRed smiled, as she readied the key.

“Ranger Key, SET! LET’S GO!”

Suddenly, the train in all of the ports of Gokai-Oh split, reverting the pirate-mecha back to its original state. Then, the train became a simple red engine before four more trains appeared beside it. Then, the trains combined and transformed into the figure on the key: Tokkyu-Oh.


“Wow! The train that was docked inside Gokai-Oh became Tokkyu-Oh!!” Scootaloo gawked.

“Sugoi… they summoned Tokkyu-Oh!” Mio said amazed.

“I bet even the original Gokaigers couldn’t do that,” Raito added in his amazement.

(Insert Song: Ressha Sentai Tokkyuger Theme Song)

“Hade ne ikuze!” GokaiRed shouted, slashing Momoeater with the naginata weapon, while Tokkyu-Oh punched Momoeater at the same time.

“UWAAAH! What power…” the kaiju gawked.

“How is it piloting itself?” GokaiPink wondered.

“Not sure,” GokaiBlue admitted.

“Let’s not worry about that, and finish this imagination eater already!” GokaiGreen shouted.

“Okay! Ready Tw… er… Red?” GokaiYellow asked.

“Yea,” GokaiRed nodded as the five inserted the Tokkyuger keys into the slots like they did for calling forth TokkyuGokai-Oh. Tokkyu-Oh then recombined with Gokai-Oh, and then readied the finisher, a train whistle blew out, and then TokkyuGokai-Oh held onto the naginata weapon.

“Tokkyu Gokai Densha Giri!” they shouted.

“Oi vey, really? That had a serious lack of sense,” Silver groaned to herself on the ground before a rail crossing kept Momoeater from progressing with a long train passing by before the barrier lifted, revealing TokkyuGokai-Oh charging forward with the naginata weapon before slashing right through the Action Commander.

“I’ve heard of bad imagination… but that… just lacked SENSE~!” Momoeater groaned as he blew up.

“SUGOI!” Scootaloo said with joy.

(End Insert Song)

“Well… they did it,” Mio smiled down below, walking over to GokaiSilver with Raito.

“Hey… thanks you two. We owe ya,” GokaiSilver smiled.

“No need,” Raito insisted.

“Well, we’d better get going home,” Mio said, as Scootaloo quickly rushed over.

“Wait! I know who you two actually are, and… I didn’t want you to go without letting me telling you-” Scootaloo started.

“Goodbye?” Raito asked.

“...Uh…yea…” Scootaloo said as tears began to roll down her face, as she trotted over, and Raito hugged her. Then Scootaloo looked at him with tears in her eyes. “You taught me how to truly imagine victory. Arigato Raito-kun… I’ll miss you.”

“We’re glad we can help, Scoots. But don’t forget about us; just keep that imagination ever-flowing, and we’ll meet again. I mean, it helped you get your Cutie Mark; look,” Raito replied, informing Scootaloo of the fact she didn’t notice yet.

“Huh?” she gawked, looking back at her flank and seeing her new Cutie Mark; seeing it brought a HUGE smile to her face. She then trotted over to give Mio a hug.

“I’ll miss you more Mio-chan… you’re really kind and sweet… like the mother I never knew… promise me we’ll meet again one day?” Scootaloo asked. Mio thought for a moment before smiling.

“Close your eyes for a moment Scootaloo-chan,” Mio instructed.

“Hai,” Scootaloo nodded, closing her eyes, and almost instantly she imagined meeting the two Tokkyugers in the future.

“You see it, don’t you?” Raito asked.

“Yea… we will meet again,” Scootaloo nodded, opening her eyes, “Someday… in the future.”

She simply smiled, before turning to GokaiSilver. “Hey… thanks for saving me today… Rainbow Dash.”

“Eh?!” GokaiSilver gawked, “...You know it’s me?!”

“I may not be able to fly, but I can see, I saw when that beast knocked the Cellular out of your hooves,” Scootaloo informed.

“Oh… right,” GokaiSilver chuckled nervously before reversing her henshin, confirming to Scootaloo that she was indeed Rainbow Dash, “Just promise you won’t tell anypony about this, okay?”

“I will. So… what about my hero paper? I still need something,” Scootaloo wondered.

“Well… even if Raito was there to help, you could add in me helping you get your Cutie Mark,” Dash suggested.

“Thanks Dash. Also… are you proud of me?”

“You bet I am, Squirt,” Dash smiled, hugging the little filly. Next came in the rest of the Gokai-Ponies, each a bit nervous that Dash dehenshined in front of Scootaloo. “So let me guess, Twi’s Red, AJ’s Blue, Rarity’s Yellow, Pinkie’s Green and Fluttershy’s Pink?”

“How’d you know?” GokaiRed wondered.

“Just a hunch,” Scootaloo responded.

“...Well, somehow you managed to get it all right,” GokaiRed figured, dehenshining before Scootaloo.

Twilight smiled, and then saw Scootaloo’s Cutie Mark.

“So Twilight… what does my Cutie Mark mean?” Scootaloo asked.

“I’m not too sure… it has the image of a… rainbow colored train, that’s for sure,” Twilight replied.

“I think I can help. Most likely, seeing the Tokkyugers were a team with a lot of focus on imagination, your Cutie Mark most likely refers to your boundless imagination,” Dash figured.

Scootaloo simply giggled a bit, as she was so happy to finally have her Cutie Mark as she tried to fly, only to fall back onto the ground.

“You okay?” Twilight asked.

“Yea… guess my imagination helped me fly,” Scootaloo figured.

“Yea, I’d assume that would be the case seeing how powerful imagination can be,” Twilight guessed.

Dash then helped Scootaloo up, and smiled. “You may be a cripple Scootaloo, but as long as you have that imagination, you’re always special in my book,” Dash told her, making the filly smile.

“Thanks Dash,” Scootaloo replied.

“Aww…” the rest of the group went, as Dash simply smiled at Scootaloo.

“Hey Scoots… you’ll have a big surprise for your friends after you get back from Spring Break, won’t ya?” Dash chuckled.

“Yea… they’ll sure be surprised,” Scoots nodded.

Author's Note:

Now before anyone asks, I know the technical spelling is "ToQger", and in future stories with them from me, I'll be sure to spell it as such. However, we started this before we got used to the spelling, and it was known to us as "Tokkyuger". So, if you don't like it, sorry, but that's how the rest of the story will go with that term.

Regardless, you heard it here folks, in this chapter, Scootaloo got her Cutie Mark. So, what do you think of it? Does it fit her? Let me know in the comments below. As for now, I'd better hurry over to MLP Gaim Sengoku. See you in a bit.