• Published 2nd Jun 2014
  • 819 Views, 14 Comments

To Be The Hero... - Arial Blaze

A brave few must defend Celestia from a secretive assasination attempt, even though she thinks of them as no more than paranoid.

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Entrance To Equestria

Adan saw that there were three distinct kinds of ponies. There were ones that looked almost like regular Earth ponies, as well as unicorns, and pegasi. Adan received stares wherever he went, and some of the younger ones ran away when he approached. They at least seemed to be lacking in hostilities, so Adan didn't mind. Adan was also being extra sure not to accidentally burn things with his powers, as then the ponies might stop tolerating him. Adan walked towards a large tree turned house; as he walked he became increasingly aware of a weird scent in the air, which felt ever so slightly thicker than the air of Earth. It was the scent and feel of raw magic; much more than was found on his Earth.

Adan entered the library and saw Nathan was in another room, having tea with a lavender unicorn. Adan walked past them and up a small staircase. He was curious to about this universe, but learning if he could get out took precedence over small talk.

Talking to her wouldn't get him out of here any quicker, plus he could probably count on Nathan to fill her in. Also, he didn't want to have to answer tons of questions about himself and his universe. When he got upstairs, he saw more books, a bed, and a smaller bed with a spiky purple lizard on it, and a desk in the corner. On or in her desk she might have had notes on the filing system in this library, so Adan heads over to the desk.

On that desk, she has a few photos. Adan sees that in them, there are a few recurring ponies. Two older unicorns, who are presumably her parents, a slightly older male unicorn, who is probably her big brother, a very tall unicorn pegasus, who has no identifiable relation, and a very pretty pink winged unicorn, who was probably her sister. Adan then sees five other ponies hanging out with the purple one a lot, so they were probably her friends. He also sees 3 young ponies who probably weren't related to the lavender one at all. He then looks at a piece of stationery on the desk, hoping that it would tell him who the unicorn was. There was a name in the header, "Twilight Sparkle".

Adan decides that the notes on the filing system were kept elsewhere and decides to try and figure it out himself. Adan turns and goes to walk over to the nearest bookshelf and grab some books when he trips over the lizard. He awakens.
"Twilight, haven't I-" He stops when he realizes that it wasn't Twilight who woke him up. "Who are you?!"

Adan freaks out and accidentally starts a fire under him, but the lizard is flame-proof. Adan's flames were much more potent than normal in equestria, so Adan nearly set the entire library on fire, but the fire was put out with Spike's help.

"Spike, what's burning?" Twilight walks up the stairs with Nathan behind her. She isn't very surprised to see Adan, as Nathan had already told her about him and it wasn't exactly her first time meeting a human.

Twilight and Nathan told Adan all about the lands of Equestria, and especially about its ruler, Princess Celestia, because Adan was interested in her, as she might have been the counterpart to prince Adan's Princess, which seemed likely.
And after that, when Adan asked about Twilight's wings, about how Twilight was a princess, and how she had become one, and how she had restored this library after it had been destroyed.

Adan and Nathan were going to spend the night at Twilight's house. The next day, she'd introduce them to her friends. I wish I could understand Adan's abilities. I have no idea how he channels magical energy. To find out , I'd need to do some rather invasive magical procedures, and I doubt he'd consent to some of them. Twilight thought this as she was looking for blankets for her guests.

4/30 7:15am

Maxy woke up in Dodge Junction. He had arrived there the previous day. After a quick breakfast, he heads on to his job. He was currently separating out cherries for a kind pony named Cherry Jubilee. She had been willing to let him and his friends sleep there for free, but Maxy had insisted that he and his friends would do something in return. So, cherry-sorting it was, for him anyway. Dan was harvesting cherries and Angie was doing something, although Maxy wasn't actually sure what. Maxy was vaguely aware that where he was from, this would be early in the year for cherries, but he chalks it up to either a different variety or magic, which was used to explain a lot.

He worked alone, although there was a unicorn running a treadmill nearby. He didn't talk much, as he was entirely focused on his job. His name was Wild Onion. He was appropriately light green, with a darker green mane and tail. He had a cutie mark shaped like, what else, an onion. Maxy wondered what it meant. He doubted that he'd ever learn.

Adan was still fast asleep and dreaming.

"Just leave it to me okay?" Someone behind him spoke, in a clear, melodic tone. He recognized the voice, but couldn't place it. He turns to see Nathan behind him, even though Nathan wasn't the one who spoke before.

"Adan, let's go, it's creepy in here." Nathan looks terrified of the surroundings, which have become some sort of dark, cramped alley, in what is clearly a bad part of the town. Adan sees someone down at the other end of the alley and runs towards that person. Adan hears Nathan scream and doesn't even look back. He reaches the person, who is female and much taller than him.

"Do I know you-" Adan is cut off by her response.

"No, and I hope you never do."

Adan woke up when Nathan pushed him.

"Get up, Adan! This will be your first time trying pony food! I know you'll like it!" The excited, cheerful tone of voice Nathan was using reminded Adan of his Nathan from his timeline. Sometimes, they acted similarly, but other times it seemed like their name was the only thing they shared.

Adan finds himself recalling his dream. That was actually the most normal dream he has had in a long time.

Comments ( 3 )

"Spike, what's burning?" Twilight walks up the stairs with Nathan behind her. She isn't very surprised to see Adan, as Nathan had already told her about him and it wasn't exactly her first time meeting a human.

Now, I wonder why?:pinkiehappy:

Adan finds himself recalling his dream. That was actually the most normal dream he has had in a long time.

If that was normal then I don't want to know what the usual is!:twilightoops:(But at the same time, I DO want to know.)

Also, great improvement in the writing! It's much better now.:twilightsmile:

4522431 Winged humans.They're still humans and got in with that device.

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