• Published 28th May 2014
  • 953 Views, 3 Comments

Enough of the Drama Queen - JusSonic

Rarity's drama nature, a search for a missing friend, and a trip to a Land of Dirty are the main focus in this fanfic!

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Chapter 7: Prelude to Tirek

Chapter 7: Prelude to Tirek

Pinkamena smiles back in her little room and says, "They done it; the evil darkness is gone; they won."

The others are happy about that as Golden Heart says, "That is very good to know and now they will be coming back."

The others nod as she says, "Indeed but for now all get back to what we are doing." The gang nod as they return to what they been doing as Pinkamena says, "This story is not over yet readers; keep watching."


Hours had passed, Twilight and her friends returned to the Smart Brains. Corp, relieved that their mission here is now done. They spotted a Mystic Soldier's coming towards the group.

The Mystic Soldier bowed as he spoke to Smartscar, "My Lord! Your father and mother are here!"

"What?! Why wasn't I informed of this?!" Smartscar ask, shocked and alarmed to hear this.

"Because his lordship's father and mother were told by your mission and purpose, therefore, they were taking care of your business company."

"Where are they now?"

The Mystic Soldier points to a factory, explaining, "Inside the Military Vehicles Factory!"

Smartscar and his friends entered the factory, crossing a large hall of manufacturing military vehicles. They saw a white Unicorn, with blond short mane and tail dressed in cyan robe and had Chinese advisor headwear and his Cutie Mark is a Demonic Fan and Brush, and a female black Unicorn, with a brown long curly mane and tail, and her cutie mark is Demonic claws, instructing the ponies about the work.

"Well, looks like we met some more Mystic Ponies." Ben said in amusement.

"So who are these two?" Spike asks Arthur curiously.

Arthur sighed, "The white one will be our father, Cunning Fury, and the black one will be our mother, Madam Nagwhiny."

Cunning Fury snaps at a worker angrily, "You Imbecile! I said add a little powder to the Heavy Tanker, not more; Honestly; how did my son manage to get these imbeciles up and running?!"

Nagwhiny cleared her throat, trying to keep her love under control, "Now, now, my dear, watch your temper."

Cunning groaned angrily, "Yes, my love. I won't."

"Grandfather! Grandmother," Jan exclaims as he run over to his grandparents. The two turns to see him, Smartscar, Arthur and the rest coming over as if to welcome them.

Cunning chuckled out loud, "Well, well, well, if it weren't my sons and grandson. I wonder what took you long."

Smartscar bowed, saying seriously, "Father; Mother. We are back."

Nagwhiny smiled while saying gently, "I'm glad you are all back. How is your journey?"

Arthur sighed, groaning a bit as he explains, "Back from some painful fighting."

"Arthur!" Cunning exclaims, a bit annoyed as if Arthur was being a lazy slob again.

"Chill, father; I wasn't trying to be fooling and lazing around."

Smartscar nodded as he explains to Cunning as to what had happened, "I owe it to Arthur for saving my flank, even though that was foolish."

"Uncle! That wasn't funny!" Jan snaps, scolding his uncle for saying that way about Arthur. "My father is a hero, even though he's quite embarrassing."

"Jan..." Arthur said, a bit touched yet embarrassed by what Jan just said about him.

Jenny patted Jan's mane, saying, "That's quite impressive, Jan. You defended your father."

Jan smiled while admitting, "Yeah. But my ambition is still becoming a Mystic Councilpony."

Cunning chuckled lightly, "Like his father, his uncle and his grandfather, ambition always been our interest. Though I really wish my son to be more ambitious..."

"Father..." Arthur groans, a bit embarrassed by the next set of words.

"Never mind that," Smartscar said with a chuckle. Then he got serious while adding, "We need to deal with our prisoners."


Within the top office of Factory, Swordstruck and his Rogue Mystic Ponies knelled down, with their legs tied up by the ropes before Cunning Fury and Madam Nagwhiny. It's time to punish these traitors for the attempted assassination of Smartscar and the kidnapping of Rarity and the CMC.

Swordstruck groaned angrily, "How could this have happen?! To be defeated by a mere Equestrian, a weakest, lousiest and pathetic Unicorn?! How embarrassing! I am the Chosen One! I will not tolerate such defeated by these fools! Having these Equestrian Ponies as our allies is nothing but -!"

"IMBECILE," Cunning Fury yells out in fury causing the Rogue Mystic Ponies to yelped in shock and even Twilight and her friends were alarmed by this. "Honestly! Who do you think you are and what you're doing, and especially following the old fool Councilpony's foolish doing?! Do you actually think that you and your colleagues can actually prove yourself as worthy as others; COMPLETELY - STUPID!"

"Wow! That was harsh!" Twilight exclaims in surprise by Cunning Fury's words.

"Right, this pony is rough and dramatic like I am." Rarity said speechless.

"He's crazy with that bad temper of his." Phobos remarks with a grunt, making Nyx frown at him. "Well, he is!

"Now you know why I was born with a dramatic attitude." Arthur said with a shrug to the Equestrian ponies.

"And why I had a bad temper." Smartscar said, nodding. The two brothers got their habits from their father.

Cunning Fury continues berating these traitors, mostly Swordstruck, making them shiver, "If you are truly the Chosen One, then STOP - BLAMING - OTHERS! Your foolishness knows NO - BOUNDS! HONESTLY! I - WOULD - HAVE - PREPARED - PROPERLY - AND - MADE - SURE THAT -"

Nagwhiny interrupts before her husband goes too far, "My lord. That is quite enough. The only thing you're about to get is a heart attack. And trust me; you now know why Lord Azure had you retired because of your overdoing dramatic."

"Well, Rarity, what did you learn here?" Twilight ask Rarity in hopes that she learns something from here.

"Yes, I can understand now how being overdramatic can be a problem." Rarity said seriously. Her overdramatic could freak folks out...or even give her one Tartarus of a heart attack.

Cunning Fury groaned angrily, "Fine... I wouldn't want to have a heart attack again... That is the reason why I had my son taking over as Mystic Councilpony of Earth. Can someone take these Rogues out of my sights! I wish to speak with my children and Nightmare Moon's parents and friends - ALONE!"

"My Lord; Your language, please," Nagwhiny said to Cunning Fury calmly. Even Arthur, Smartscar, Ben, Twilight and their friends are worried. What is Cunning Fury going to do to them or say? And calling 'Nyx' 'Nightmare Moon'?!

"I meant Nyx's parents. Honestly, I like Nightmare Moon's name than Nyx. It's too - CUTE!"

Smartscar sighed, shaking his head while apologizing, "Father, mother, my apologies for inconveniencing you so."

Nagwhiny sighed, "Smarty-poo, shouldn't you be grateful of our visits?"

"Mother! Not the nickname!" Smartscar exclaims, a bit embarrassed by the nickname. He sighed, "Yet you were right. I was. I have no doubt that you and father can handle thousands management of business."

Cunning Fury nodded while glancing at the captured Swordstruck and the traitors. He then ask, "Tell me, my son, how do you intend to punish these insubordinate traitors?"

"I will have my base of researching and studying on Ponyville forfeit. After seeing how capable of her friend, Rarity is, dealing with Swordstruck, I will not have any argument. Swordstruck and those who sided with him - will be imprisoned for years."

"Oh? But their lives will not be taken? And even you want to know the truth?" Cunning Fury asks and scoffed as if his son's idea was weak. "I would have put all of them to the sword and making these mortals to have a public beating, allowing us to deal with the situation."

"Swordstruck and his Rogues are no longer to any be trouble to us... But if they are alive, we can use them." Smartscar said calmly to his father. "And as for Ponyville, I had Arthur, Jenny, Terrorcreep and Rushstrike taking turns in examining and observing of how the event went for these ponies. And we might find the answer that we were looking for. That way, we wouldn't ruin our alliance."

Cunning Fury smiled while speaking, "I see; A decision that suits the times. A wise course of action indeed, son."

Smartscar shook his head as he admits to his father, "No. I learned everything I know from observing your genius."

Cunning Fury scoffed, impressed. Smartscar did as well. Both of them laughed and chuckled out loud like they had the most brilliant plans or being evil they ever had.

"Shucks, these two got one interesting father-son relationship." Applejack remarks to her friends impressed.

"Oh yes, despite their bad tempers, the two get along well." Fluttershy said calmly.

"Yeah, makes me wish I've known my own dad." Ben said in sadness, not remembering his own father.

"I'm sure you will find him someday, Ben." Twilight said, patting a hoof on her love's back.

Arthur sighed, "Here we go again."

Jan shakes her head while asking in disbelief, "Did Uncle Smartscar and Grandfather Cunning Fury had to laugh when having the best plan?"

Jenny sighed, "Welcome to our family."

Nagwhiny sighed in agreement, "You had no idea."


The Mane Six and the RDTAU class are preparing on heading back to Ponyville, now that their adventure here is done. As they prepared on doing so, Rainbow notices Smartscar approaching her, holding something in his mouth.

Rainbow Dash groans in annoyance, "Well, what do you want now? I already admit that my college wasn't real, okay?"

Smartscar smirked as he spoke, "It is now." The Councpony begins giving three licenses to Rainbow Dash. "You are officially founder, headmaster, teachers, coach and dean mother of Rainbow Dash's Totally Awesome University."

Rainbow's reaction; She eagerly takes the license, laughing and flies around, saying, "OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH!!!! My college is now real; oh yeah, awesome, yeah!"

"Oh great," Twilight groaned, slapping a hoof to her face. "Now she will never shut up about her college."

"Awww, it would be awesome for a college for any ponies to come in to be in Ponyville." Pinkie said to Twilight happily.

"Right, as well as little foals can get in at any time, darling." Rarity said in agreement with a smile.

"I know, I know...but still!" Twilight groans, knowing that Rainbow will want to bug her for a building now.

Rarity then spots Smartscar coming over to her now. The white unicorn asks puzzled, "Lord Smartscar?"

Smartscar give a rose to Rarity, smiling as he said, "An apology for my reaction to you earlier."

Rarity smiled, giggling, "Oh. Don't worry about it, darling. I have learned my lesson very well. Not to be overdramatic and over-loving someone may cause the problem."

Smartscar smiled, kissed on Rarity's cheek while adding, "Let's stay as friends for now."

Rarity giggled gently, bowing as she respond, "Thank you, Lord Smartscar."

Smartscar whispered to Rarity, "A word advice, Rarity; Tried to take a date on someone, who really likes you." He pointed at Spike, giving the white unicorn the idea of sorts.

Rarity winked, saying, "Okay."

The white mare heads over, having a bit of a chat with Spike, getting the baby Dragon a bit excited. Arthur chuckles to his brother, "Nice going, brother."

"It's the least I can do for my friends." Smartscar adds proudly to Arthur.

"So Button Mash, you promise to tell us." Sweetie reminds her good pal Button Mash. "How did you meet Wuzubu?"

"Oh that. Well, after my depression, I came here, trying to figure out what to do with my life and try to cheer up myself." Button Mash said, beginning the story. "I came across some poachers kidnapping some animals and tried to stop them."

"Bad move, huh?" Phobos asks with a chuckle, eating a candy bar of sorts.

"Yeah, very bad move; Anyway, I would've been dead but then Wuzubu appears, attacking those creeps. I was able to save him at some point and after we got those poachers to buck off and trot off, we became good pals, helping each other ever since."

"Hey there, Button Mash," A familiar voice exclaims as the gang saw Flare Tiger arriving with a smile.

"Flare Tiger," Twilight ask Flare Tiger, surprised to see her own pal. "What are you doing here?"



Flare Tiger walked across the land filled of animals as she kept herself until she found some bear-traps as she sighed with anger.

Flare Tiger groaned, "Why do Poachers lay down bear-traps? It's uncool!"

Flare Tiger cast magic to pick up the bear-traps as she cast a spell on them which sent them into the storage where all dangers type of the weapons' go. Flare Tiger noticed a shadow cast upon her which got her bit freak out when she turned around and face to face with the Wuzubu.

Flare Tiger screamed in fear, "Aaaahhhhh!"

Flare Tiger was unable to move as Wuzubu sniff her curiously, unfortunately, to his surprise due to his sniff on Flare Tiger, it cause her to faint down in fear. Wuzubu stared at Flare Tiger with curiousity until the sound of the young colt is heard. It's Button Mash who ran toward to Flare Tiger as he was very worried and fearful for Flare Tiger's life.

Button Mash yelled, "Ma'am? Are you okay?!?"

Flare Tiger woke up and saw Button Mash as she lay up with overjoy, not aware of Wuzubu stll here. Flare Tiger hugged Button Mash.

Flare Tiger smiled while saying, "Button Mash! Thank god, ya' okay!"

Button Mash giggled, "I'm okay! How did you know my name?"

Flare Tiger chuckled, "Because Ah heard from ponies who are worried about ya' whereabouts! Ya' ma was very worried!"

Button Mash chirped, "Oh, I kind of was lost around here, did you met my new friend?"

Flare Tiger spoke, "What's ya... talk..."

Flare Tiger didn't finish when she looked around and noticed Wuzubu then faint which got Button Mash worried.

Button Mash whines, "Oh, no; Ma'am; Are you okay? Wuzubu, could you help her? She's very nice if she care for me!"

Wuzubu nodded as he picks Flare Tiger up and walked toward Lord Smartscar's factory as Button Mash is following him.


Flare Tiger woke up and noticed Lord Smartscar sitting there and chatting with Button Mash which got Smartscar's pay attraction due to Flare Tiger sitting up with curiousity.

Smartscar smiled, saying, "Ah, you're alright, this little fellow, Button Mash, told me that you fainted from the sight of Wuzubu, care to explain?"

Flare Tiger gulped, "First, he looked like Sasquatch aka Big Foot and second, it's gave me bad memory of mah encourage with the dangerous one, his name is Southern Sasquatch."

Smartscar nodded as he continues, "Ah, I promise you, my friend, Wuzubu, is a very harmless creature. He's a crossbreed of the Big Foot with a Wood Monster. He's very overprotected over the animals. Since the poachers try to hunt here, Wuzubu is one who will take care of it. Could you tell me your story about your encourage with um...the Southern Sasquatch; Right?"

Flare Tiger nodded as she answers, "Eeyup, due to mah journey, Ah was across with him, unfortunately, he's very angered as he did attacked me and leave me bleeding to death."

Button Mash gulped, "How you're able to survive?"

Flare Tiger smiled as she answers, "Ah had an ability to heal mahself, however, Ah knew if he found out about mahself and would attack me again, so Ah decided to teleported mahself out of the area."

Smartscar smiled as he speaks, "I see, could you explain what he look like?"

Flare Tiger sighed, "He's like a Bigfoot, but had claws, which make him very dangerous. Ah always know which type of the Big Foots since Ah learn of it."

Button Mash gasped, "There are more of them?"

Flare Tiger giggled, "On Earth, Eeyup, it had more than ya think. It's the first time for me to see Wuzubu which is here..."

Smartscar smiled as they're chatting each other calmly and resting as Flare Tiger could sense that the other elements would come which she's familiar with and knew it; Button Mash agreed to wait along with Flare Tiger for other coming over for visiting.

End Flashback

"So wait, Smartscar knew that Button Mash was around here the whole time?" Twist asks with a pouty look. "Why didn't he say so earlier?"

"Pinkie Promise," Button Mash points out to Twist who blinks and shrugs, accepting this. "Anyway, it's good to go home again; Uh, Wuzubu, buddy? You won't mind being alone, right?"

Wuzubu nods, growling as he hugs Button Mash, saying, "Be...good..."

"Yeah, I will miss you too, big buddy."

Wuzubu lets go of Button Mash and heads off, going back into parts unknown. Flare smile, saying, "Ah'm sure Wuzubu won't forget ya. Friends are never easily forgotten."

"Yeah, I know, I know." Button Mash said with a smile to Flare. As long as both friends won't forget each other, the friendship will always remain.

"All right, class, when we get back, a chance to show how to cheese somepony off. Like so." Rainbow said with a devilish smirk as she pulls out a bottle of dye, spraying it right onto Rarity's mane, making some members of her class trying not to giggle.

"Rarity, your mane," Spike gasps in surprise upon seeing Rarity's mane turning gray a bit.

"Oh, yes, it is a sight, isn't it?" Rarity giggles as she took out a mirror. The white unicorn blinks her eyes then looks horrified as she saw how gray her mane is suddenly becoming.

Rainbow smirks as she countdown silently, "5, 4, 3, 2..."


Back at Lorcan's hidden room, the Dragon just got the report of what happened from a certain spy. As he speaks with Michael, the scarred Dragon comments, "Malice, huh; Looks like the Superior's getting 'friendly'."

Suddenly a familiar mare is heard screaming from faraway, her voice echoes throughout the room, "My mane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Lorcan groans as he grabs some earplugs and reads his book, "Peace and quiet..."

"Give me those." Michael groans as he tries to get the earplugs from his pal. This could take a while.


At this moment, it was a long travel back with a few stops here and there (with a repaired job to Rarity's mane), but soon the Mane Six and their large travel group return to Ponyville. And much of the citizens were there while Celestia & Luna awaited to see many that have return home. But the biggest surprise was seen many of the Pegasus Ponies were carrying by ropes and a large sheet was…a GIANT PONY, which made much of the normal citizens feel concerned of there being a giant of their species. But the Royal Sisters explained to them that Fuji is no monster, and won’t be treated like one, as Twilight reported that he is a kind being. Right now, the Pegasus Ponies were soon landing on the ground in almost exhaustion; flight traveling with heavy load is tiring, especially when it takes a whole town/village/population group to do it. Soon Twilight’s group approach Celestia who smiled to welcome them.

“Welcome back my little ponies, you must have had quite the adventure.” Celestia smiled off to say in being glad to see those she cares about have return here safe and sound.

“More than you could ever imagine and I speak with plenty of experience here….um, not to be rude or anything.” Rarity responded in how she must have dealt with so much, she’s a mess than ever before, but after thinking about it again, she was speaking to royalty and didn’t wanna be rude in stating facts to the princesses.

“No harm at all.” Celestia calmly responded to say in completely understanding, the group had quite an adventure.

“Still, we like to hear everything you had experienced.” Luna spoke in feeling they want a full report straight from the horse’s mouth than by a scroll report.

“Well, aunt Luna, it’s like this….” Ben begins to say in how to tell about their experience to the Land Of Dirt.

Soon Ben was explaining things that took a half hour, but they got all the details in from when the gang left home, they were attacked, ambushed a few times, fought Swordstruck & his band of Rogue Mystics. And toping it off were encounters from the other group of the Three Lords of Equestria; the Apocalypse Ponies lead by the Superior, those like Warring Malice to Winslow and the former giant ally Fuji. And if anything else, it was their close calling against Talos, if not for the luck they had along with helpful friends like the Wuzubu creature and perfect timing aid by Hiko Seijuro, they all be dead.

“I am very proud of you all.” Celestia smiled forth in being exceptionally proud of those that have done so much. “I’m sorry for such measures, especially on you Twilight.” She knows that Twilight has had problems with being a princess and what she should do; Celestia only hopes the mare isn’t feeling more heavy about not being up to the course.

“It’s okay Princess Celestia, I still may hold some feeling of second thoughts of my role as a princess, but…that doesn’t mean I can’t try to be the best I can, for all ponies' sake.” Twilight spoke in feeling a bit okay with her known role of what she is and that she must try to overcome the hardships….to be a better princess.

“Yeah, plus, we got your back if it’s kinda heavy for you to take in.” Rainbow Dash smiled to came and pat her friend on the back to lighten up.

“Hhmmm….” Soon Fuji begins to move from his spot and is seen wearing a different outfit. He wears on a purple kimono with red star-flower shape designs as it seems most of which he wore during the battle was pack away in a giant sash bag.

“I feel so happy that during our trip to come home, we could help Fuji recover and get to know him.” Fluttershy smiled so say this from feeling glad that in the end, they did something good, and boy was it a big deal.

“Right, who knew as a young stallion, he wanted to leave his home to explore our vast wonderful world?” Pinkie Pie shrugs off to say in understanding such an emotional eagerness to wanting to see some amazing sights.

“Not only is he a giant wit' super strength, an' seems like a master swordsmen, but he’s also a farmer, like us Apples.” Applejack spoke off to mention something else about what Fuji is that’s hard to look pass. “Why besides all dat stuff fer fighting battles, wit' his peaceful life, he could help in 'de crops field, especially fer his size, can make a large field be done faster than normal size ponies.” She stated out the many good points that Fuji can do in helping farmers and their crops, it be a big, and we mean BIG help.

“Just imagine how fast we get done in 'de fields.” Apple Bloom spoke in thinking how exciting such a moment would be for them.

“And imagine how great it be to have a giant as a friend.” Sweetie Belle smiled off in thinking that having a giant as a friend be the biggest and best thing ever.

“Can you imagine if Diamond Tiara brought her mean bodyguard Maxin Talos and we bring Fuji, we can guess who win in the end!” Scootaloo smiled off in thinking how crazy it be if the CMC had Fuji stare down Maxin Talos, Diamond Tiara’s bodyguard quake in fear.

“Come on girls, let’s not be silly. Sure those ideas sound nice, but we gotta talk it over with Fuji too.” Nyx spoke to reason with her friends to think about another matter at hand here.

“Speaking of talking, Princess Celestia & Luna, is there a way we can help get Fuji back home to…wherever the Land of Giant Ponies is? I read the book of that being where they live, but I never believed they were real until we came to meet a real LIVE Giant.” Twilight spoke off to ask her request in helping to get Fuji home to a place some could have thought might never even existed.

“Don’t trouble yourself Twilight; we will help to allow transportation for Fuji to return to his homeland.” Celestia smiled down to calm her faithful student and princess friend that the Royal Sisters shall help as much as they can.

“Very so, we’ll use our magic to…shrink him down to our size before sailing on our ships since being a giant will require an Alicorn to help keep the spell in check so the boat won’t sink.” Luna spoke humbly in stating this manner of what they’ll do to insure that Fuji gets home and they’ll need the magic of an Alicorn to make sure they keep Fuji from breaking the ship.

“Hugh. It’s kinda like how I grew into big size, but then afterwards return to my normal size.” Spike rubs his head in sorta getting that picture in having gone through such an experience.

“Only they’re gonna keep him small before he grows big, doesn’t sound easy when ye think about it.” Phobos pointed out in knowing what will happen instead is a much bigger deal to tend to.

“Say, has any pony seen where Hiko Seijuro went? I really wanna give him some thanks for the save.” Ben asked off in noticing that the really big hero of the hour was not here, where was he?

“I think he said about selling some pots in town before heading out to travel some more.” Nyx reported in what she last heard of Hiko Seijuro.

Then there were some mare cries, at first, the heroes thought an enemy was attacking, but….that was the opposite.

“Easy now, if you’re not careful, these pots might break!” Hiko Seijuro spoke to calm the crowds that were interested in him and his pottery works, but mostly him it seems.

“I’ll buy five of them!” Cloudchaser raise up to say that she’ll buy some pottery.

“I’ll take ten of those!” Flitter also called out in wanting to buy a few products.

“I’ll buy whatever you made!” Mayor Mare issued forth in saying that she’ll take whatever Hiko made without reason.

“Well, they are nice, but you don’t have to go that far.” Hiko Seijuro kindly spoke in not wanting to be a bother over his simple craftsmanship.

The mares of Ponyville soon blush from feeling almost in love with this stallion, he seem to have a charm that they couldn’t resist.

“Seems like his business got a big boost just now,” Rainbow Dash made a sly smirk in seeing that their strong swordsmen is doing okay.

“Man, you think the mares in town learn from the last time about a handsome guy like Ben not needing the attention.” Pinkie Pie scratch her head in thinking this much attention, would it bother Hiko at all?

“Heheh, I think if he can stop a monstrous foe like Talos and face the fear of death like that, a couple of mares wouldn’t bother him from seeing how strong, tough and heroic he appears.” Ben chuckled a bit in thinking that Hiko Seijuro has fought against things far more dangerous and far more harder than the attention of mares that find his strong hero character and handsome appearance all the great highlights of their dreams.

“Good thing Twilight or at least ’some’ of us ain’t gone crazy fer him.” Applejack raised an eyebrow to nudge her friends in seeing they out of only one of them is remaining in control while as for Rarity, well…

“I like twenty of these pots; I can use them for my next decoration decorum for another designer fashion section.” Rarity was seen within the crowd of the mares as she was wanting to buy much of Hiko’s pottery to use for a fashion show and stylizing a place by her design works.

“Looks like Rarity is feeling like she can’t get enough of him.” Twilight made a little smile in seeing how her generous friend is doing okay.

“Well, he is a great friend to have; he’s very, very strong, and very thoughtful.” Fluttershy smiled to say how they have seen Hiko Seijuro’s strength and it’s as impressive as when Twilight’s family said they met him the first time.

“Come, while Luna prepares to help in Fuji’s travel to return home, let us discuss some matters with our Mystic friends.” Celestia spoke in gathering the attention of the ponies here to plan a discussion of another matter that has been left awaiting some attention.

Soon the group nods in agreement as they and the Mystics turn to head off somewhere to discuss things of importance while Luna flies off to prepare things to help a giant pony get home.


At this moment, we see the Room That Never Was meeting chamber for the Apocalypse Ponies as all their thirteen members along with Merluck were there. They had be viewing the events of Swordstruck trying to deal with the Mane Six group and trying to get Ben & the Mystics which ended in failure, even Warring Malice’s fight, to Fuji’s defeat against Hiko Seijuro to even Talos being beaten by the same Equestrian. It baffled the minds of many of how such events were possible that their targets escape such close encounters.

“Well there goes all that effort to stop the chosen users of the Elements of Harmony.” Deadly Rager issued off stating how the matter was come down to it.

“That and failing to capture Ben Mare’s Triforce element to boot,” Starven Fran pointed out the major issue that was also a bummer.

“Not only did Swordstruck fail, but so did Winslow and we even loss our giant to use.” Suffocator Jill exclaimed the serious matter of how they had some loses here.

“Talos was a perfect weapon, and yet even when the Mystics were weakened, one pony interfered and cost us the win.” Wilco stated in knowing how that their best weapon was useless, thanks to one pony individual.

“Hiko Seijuro, truly, we did not expect him to be within the area or was even that strong.” Merluck spoke with both concern and caution, no normal Equestrian should have won, yet that stallion did.

“Yeah, and thanks to sending out the one that FAILED in the task, it should have been me instead!” R. Chaos rolled her eyes in pointing out a fault by one member here.

“Woah, woah, no need to point the hooves at me,” Warring Malice protest in speaking on her belief of where this came from. “True, I might not have won, but I didn’t lose either.” She spoke in being calm over how this situation was looking.

“Either way, why didn’t you finish them? You had the power of a Talisman and Shendu to give your fire power a major boost, did you not?” Crarity asked in why this mare that’s a 3rd seat in their order didn’t use all of her power to finish off the heroes.

“If I had done that, it would be telling them, they tell the Mystics then the Mystics would learn Dark Curse had some involvement in helping remove the Demons' souls from their bodies and we became vessels. Got it Memorized?” Warring Malice spoke off in explaining how such dumb actions would have been bad for business as they don’t want the enemies knowing of their next to true powers…yet.

“As much as I hate to agree, she has a point. The Mystic Ponies would try to perform some soul extraction process to take the Demon Lords out and place them back in the Demon Realm Prison.” Ms. Moon signed to nod at this subject with a serious face, they can’t have the Mystic Ponies try to recover the Demon Lords' souls, it be almost exposing their secret hideaway then.

“Aaaah, and then we lose out on testing our new powers on them when we wanna be serious!” Psycho Pie pouts in feeling that would be bad for them if that happened.

“They can try, but I’ll show them what happens if they do!” Fluttercruel snapped off with a cruel tone in stating this as a threat.

“For now, you made certain that they didn’t learn much?” The Superior spoke to Warring in asking for other things, like not giving out much of what their organization is capable of.

“Oh course. They only think I’m a part of the order from the cloak uniform we all wear and we travel in using the Corridor of Darkness. And they don’t even know where I stand.” Warring Malice spoke in stating the Mane Six and their bunch only know the few basic matters of their powers, they don’t know the full story.

“But you said your seated rank.” Trix Lulamoon raised an eyebrow in hearing what the mare said.

“Correction, I said 3rd close to being the strongest of another bunch. It’ll keep them guessing.” Warring Malice correctly pointed out this reminder to inform the others here.

“So who’s gonna tell Grimmore 'dat we busted one o' his Copy Crystals?” Liarjack asked off in seeing who does the next issue; tell a terrifying Demon God they broke his stuff, yeah, like they don’t have a death wish to be that stupid.

“I already know…” Grimmore’s voice spoke from where a firry portal soon was emerging near the Superior’s spot before it expanded to appear for all the others to see the Overlord King sitting in his throne; looking like a powerful deity as always.

“Gri….Grimmore,” Trix yelped in never getting over in seeing this scary enemy, he’s far more fearful then the girl’s father and even Dark Curse & Shadow Dragon.

“I sense its destruction, it seem there was a strong force that overpowered your side, Superior.” Grimmore spoke calm and humbly in knowing the state of sensing that which he made was destroyed.

“Yes, but you should not worry.” The Superior spoke in being at ease of knowing of such regards. “Wilco has assured me that we collected the data of how your gifts can power up an element being used as a form of them being a version of darkness.” Superior spoke in stating how from what they learn from Talos, he used the Triforce copied with Shadow Dragon’s Element of Darkness to make it act likes an element under dark influence.

“The Dark Element, yes,” Grimmore spoke in having full knowledge of such newly crafted elements by the Dark Mystics. “I believe you plan to use them….when the hour is right.” He spoke in knowing the items are in this order’s clutches and will use them when they see the timing has come for them.

“Oh course, Dark Curse said they were ready, but we needed to know of such capabilities.” The Superior nods while explaining over the manner of how they can use such elements crafted to be like dark versions of any original.

“Yes, Talos was an android that had Shadow Dragon’s blood to coup with two elements he has past experience with; the Triforce & Darkness.” Wilco spoke in speaking a scientific issue of how they used a blood sample of a being that held an element from being good and now being evil, and tried to bring them together. “The results show positive, but without a stable power source, the dark element could hardly be controlled. It seems if we tried them, unexpected effects would happen to us unless we were Dark Mystics.” He explained the outcome if they did not have a good power source to have them control the Dark Elements.

“Great, I beat it’s Guildenstern’s doing in wanting to use any of us as genius pigs.” Deadly Rager rolled his eyes in figuring that freaky Dark Mystic was behind such matters.

“I’m certain they wouldn’t do that.” Ms. Moon spoke in stating this, at least Shadow Dragon wouldn’t give something that harm her, right?

“Who told ya dat, Shadow Dragon?” Liarjack asked off the question which made Ms. Moon become quiet to not look from being asked of the name.

“Do we still have more of those Copy Crystals?” Crarity asked off in changing the subject to a more important matter.

“We do, with them; we can use one single dark element version of the original Elements of Harmony to increase our field of talent and skill to an incredible height.” Ms. Moon explained the matter of how they have plenty of Grimmore’s Copy Crystals, with them, they’ll get more power for their Dark Elements to increase any of them who are qualify to use them.

“As long as we fight those that we’re certain will lose to us.” Starven Fran moan out to say this manner of what they can only hope for.

“For now, I advise to let the situation go by.” Grimmore spoke this as if suggesting these villains not do anything.

“Wait. Are you saying we take a break?” Psycho Pie asked off in not getting that idea at all.

“I’ll give them ponies a break!” Fluttercruel snapped off to say in what she’ll do to their enemies.

“You misunderstand, for very soon the last key will appear, but…we don’t have any reason to fear.” Grimmore spoke from looking like he isn’t very worried at all, like he knows something they don’t.

“What do you mean? If those ponies open the chest, they could get the Element of Light!” R. Chaos stated out the serious badness if the heroes get that powerful element from the chest.

“Haah-Hahahahahaaahhh….” Grimmore let off a maniacal laughter so pure evil, the entire room felt a heavy pressure of a Demon God’s power; it seem Trix was the one still trembling from such dark powers. “Do not worry; it is not the Element of Light.” He spoke in giving this plain answer, what they feared what was in the chest, is NOT the Element of Light.

“How do ye know?” Liarjack asked off in pondering how Grimmore knows and neither Dark Curse nor the Superior knows since they been busting their minds to figure it out.

“I should know, because I knew what it felt like.” Grimmore spoke from his eyes deepening from his vast memory knowledge of the event of what happened long ago…when such a powerful element used with it’s opposite by one pony sealed him away. “Light & Dark, two powerful forces…only Mystic Avatar ever used them, and the Light has been lost ever since, and only that foolish stallion knew of whatever happen to it.” He spoke that the power of the light is lost, none know of where it lies.

“So then tell us. What’s in the chest,” Deadly Rager asked in getting to their main topic, what is in the chest per say?

“Unfortunately, it’s only a small boost of power.” Grimmore waved off his free hand in stating such a boring claim that made the others feel…puzzled. “But rather than us get involved, we’ll let someone else do the dirty work and see how strong the heroes can be…from unlocking the chest.” The mighty Dark Elf exclaimed this plan of thought, let someone else do something in which the heroes shall face a challenge and by then…see what new power they’ll gain.

“I see, wise words you give us, mighty Grimmore.” The Superior spoke to nod his head in understanding what their greatest ally had to say to ease their mind.

“But, just to calm our curious minds, who ‘is’…the someone to do the dirty work?” Trix asked off from feeling that whatever the answer was, it would not be a good thing.

“Hmph-hmph, hmph-hmphm…..that…..is for the fate of evil to decide. Until then…” Grimmore let off an evil chuckle in stating such a matter is a secretand will be left to surprise many.

Soon Grimmore’s fiery portal began to vanish from sight, leaving many puzzled in what was that much about. Sounds like the Demon God knows fully well that the chest the Tree of Harmony brought out is no big threat, maybe it’s true to Grimmore, but what of the others? Still, if it’s not the Element of Light, what else could it be?

“As always, the Demon God has ways of making things harder.” Merluck sighed in feeling this was how things make it harder to get by.

“Merluck, I want you to aid Wilco in perfecting the Dark Elements of Disharmony.” The Superior pointed to his son below in instructing him what needs to be done. “Dark Curse gave them to us, so only he and his top officials know where the Dark Elements are currently kept.” He spoke this in making the claim of only they know where such dark element versions are, none of Dark Curse’s other subordinates know.

“Alright father, perhaps after more test work, we’ll see how strong those items are when used by the members.” Merluck nods in feeling a bit eager to test in how to make the dark elements stable; especially a way to have one member….use all six at once which is what he wants to try in his mind.

“And what do we do about Warring Malice?” Suffocator Jill asked off about handling the mare that fail her mission.

“I believe Shendu gave her problems from not killing the targets and has torture her so. But she cause distress and an unbalance action with the Mane Six….that enough can give us an edge for the next time.” The Superior spoke in stating both the faults and good quality points the mare did in her assignment.

“Fewww, glad to hear that,” Warring Malice sighs in relief to hear this, she’s spare of being punished, lucky her.

“All of you return to your stations, our meeting is over.” The Superior instructed the others in their discussion was over, and they must begin more of their secret work.

Soon all but Trix & Warring Malice vanished in their own Corridors of Darkness to exit the room. When the two ponies stare at the other, one of them had something to say.

“Thank you for….keeping my promise. I’m sorry you got such a blame.” Trix spoke in giving her thanks and apology, she asked Warring to not kill Twilight, and because of her, the mare got in trouble.

“Hey, no problem; Besides, I was going easy on them anyway, you should be more concerned though.” Warring Malice shrugs off to say that she was in no buggy and that it’s Trix who should be more concerning.

“About what,” Trix asked off puzzled, what was she going to tell her.

“About what happens when next time I fight them, it’s no hold bars. And it might not be me, but you instead.” Warring Malice made this serious matter that the next time they are order to deal with the Mane Six, they can’t hold back, even if it’s her, OR Trixie herself, they’ll have to career off their assignments to the letter.

Trixie felt almost like her heart was pounding fast, that would mean…sooner or later, she’ll have to face those she began to become friends to fight them to the end. Would the girl do that, can she even do that, oh the choices!

“Till then, just keep this in mind, I’m a pony of war, and even if I got a Fire Demon telling me to destroy…I might just listen to him. You never know.” Warring Malice shrug off to say that if there is something that has to be eliminated, she do it even without Shendu telling Warring to do it. “See ya!” Warring waved off a farewell to Trix here as she was getting ready to go.

“Right, see you…” Trix slowly spoke with some sadness in her tone now.

Soon the last two members vanished from sight by their own Corridors of Darkness before those two vanished and left the room empty. The scene goes black afterwards with more puzzling mysterious left unsolved it seems.


Soon many of the pony citizens were waving farewell while near the edge of their town, Luna had used magic on a boat to help make it fly by aid of her own Nightmare Moon squad unicorns. Fuji was seen in the boat, about shrunk to a mini-giant form, but able to be on the boat as it flew. Many were saying their goodbyes and comeback soon talks. The Mane Six’s group was with Celestia in saying their goodbyes.

“Goodbye….see you all someday soon,” Fuji was heard saying his farewell to the group that was below, and especially his new and true friends like the Mane Six.

With that, the flying boat vanished when it went so far across the distance…we couldn’t see any trace of it. That was it, now Fuji was heading home, and Luna was gonna make sure that he got there safely. The Mane Six group felt a little sad to see a new friend go, but they knew this was for the best, and it wasn’t permanent, they would see their giant pony friend…someday.

“Oh, I miss him already.” Fluttershy spoke in feeling like she misses Fuji already, he was like a giant animal that needed some kindness from such hardship, but she knew this and to be done.

“There, there Fluttershy, he ain’t gone fer good!” Applejack patted her fried on the back to ease the girl.

“Right, the princess just told me, that Fuji is welcome in Equestria as he’ll be seen as a friend than as a monster.” Twilight spoke in giving her friends the good news that will help lighten their spirits a bit now.

“It’s from what’s inside and not from what’s outside, that counts.” Ben spoke to tap his chest in knowing that such a feeling was the most important thing to be seen.

“Just like you were as the Demon Pony,” Pinkie Pie smiled off to say in remembering such a day, never judge a book by its cover…at least not all the time.

“So how long till Aunty Luna comes back, Grandma Celestia?” Nyx asked forth this question that was on her mind.

“She’ll be back in time to rise the moon, she and I know where the giant pony homeland is.” Celestia spoke this with a smile on her face.

“And who knows, maybe someday, we’ll suddenly stubble to find that island of giant ponies and have an adventure there and meet up with Fuji too.” Pinkie Pie looked to the camera to break the fourth wall in stating this issue of what to expect in the future; while making her friends stare at her weirdly for that action.

“Riiiight, you keep telling yourself that.” Rainbow rolled her eyes in telling the pink pony to tell herself this.

“Look, there’s Hiko Seijuro, he looks to be leaving.” Phobos pointed out in seeing someone was apparently about to leave.

“Goodness, so soon?” Rarity gasped in hearing this to rush over.

“Yeah, it seems so.” Spike replied off to say in seeing this to and then saw Rarity was gone and he quickly followed.

Soon much of the gang saw Hiko Seijuro getting his cart with some pottery left to take with him before he saw who came to see him off.

“Oh, hello everyone….Celestia, you seem doing well.” Hiko Seijuro smiled off to say this in seeing who was here and greeted the princess of the sun.

“It is good to see you, old friend; I haven’t seen you since a terrible war happened.” Celestia spoke humbly in seeing another old friend she knows and hasn’t seen for some years.

“Well, nothing you can do about that. But still, you have found quite some unique heroes here.” Hiko Seijuro shrugs off to say the first part of the discussion before looking to the new gathering of heroes here. “Give them time to sharpen their skills and they’ll make decent warriors yet.” He pointed out how much of the Mane Six, Ben and any other cable fighters can be a decent bunch to help out fight the good fight.

“Do you have to leave; you haven’t even seen some students of yours that are here?” Celestia asked in thinking that this stallion was going so soon, when he could meet those he hasn’t seen in some time.

“Wait, old students?” Rarity asked off in hearing this suddenly?

“She’s talking about the sword training that he gave my brother Shining Armor and Golden Heart long ago.” Twilight pointed out to her friends of those that had some good training from Hiko Seijuro which amazed them to say the least.

“Hugh, wonder if Flash Sentry ever got trained by him?” Applejack asked off in pondering such an idea?

“Maybe it was his dad and the guy trained his son to know some of the ways of swordsmanship.” Pinkie Pie spoke off a sudden random thought that came to her that made the others stare at the pink pony as if she somehow knew the answer while not even trying to say so.

“For now, I need to continue doing my business, but since the End of Equestria has become somewhat quiet, maybe you’ll pop in for some tea sometimes like the old times.” Hiko Seijuro smiled off to say in giving an invite to Celestia to drop by, now that his area isn’t as terrible as it once was before.

“Yes, I like that. I could bring Luna and other old friends too.” Celestia smiled to humbly nod to the invite, it'll be nice to catch up about some old times.

“Hmph, yeah, like some old Mystic friends, hope they ain’t giving yah the hard time.” Hiko Seijuro closed his eyes to issue how the Mystic Ponies can sometimes give Celly hard times and he knows some issues himself.

“Some do, some do, it just depends.” Rarity shrug off to say that some that are nice like Tao are easy to speak while others like Smartscar in the beginning are hard to figure out. “I do hope we’ll meet again?” She asked from staring lovingly at the handsome stallion.

“Uuugh,” Spike moans in seeing that he’s losing the girl he has a crush on to a really true dashing warrior here.

“We will and until then…you seem to have a guardian Dragon angel looking over you.” Hiko Seijuro smiled to say this while also giving a little hinted message to wink near Spike’s direction.

“Hugh?” Spike yelped from seeing that, was the guy saying that stuff to Rarity…about him being her guardian?

“Yo, I think he’s talking about you!” Phobos pointed to Spike to ask the question himself.

With that, Hiko Seijuro moves off with his cart while heading off with such a majesty sunset in the horizon. Many that saw him leave could never let this image out of their sight. Soon the guy was gone, but they felt they’ll see him again someday soon.

“There goes one very brave, compassionate and thoughtful pony you ever see.” Fluttershy smiled to say this of her own thoughts on Hiko Seijuro.

“Not to mention who’s awesomely strong!” Rainbow Dash smiled off proudly to say this in what she thinks of the guy.

“Yes, we heard ye say it fer de eighteenth time.” AJ rolled her eyes in hearing how Rainbow said Jiko Seijuro was awesome so much, it’s like a broken record.

“I know, let’s have a party from returning from the Land Of Dirt with all the reasons; we found Button Mash & helped some new friends along the way, we help keep Ponyville from during into a base of war and Rarity got over her issues with dirt PAAAAAARTY!” Pinkie Pie spoke off this sudden idea in what they can do here, they can have a party to celebrate this major occasion from their adventure.

“Come on aunt Rarity, let’s go! The rest of us members ask the town’s folk to help with the surprise!” Nyx tug her aunt to follow them, as they got a big surprise.

“Come on now!” CMC spoke in wanting Rarity to come along.

“Oh very well darlings, I suppose a party will be nice to…celebrate my achievement.” Rarity spoke in feeling that such a manner would be nice for her to have here.

“You coming mom,” Ben asks chis mother while seeing the others head on off.

“You head on ahead son; I still have some important palace work to finish.” Celestia spoke to say while flapping her wings before flying off back to the palace in Canterlot.

“Come on Ben, maybe if we hurry, maybe we can join in to see what party theme Pinkie will throw.” Twilight spoke in thinking the two can hurry and join what will be thrown as a party theme.

“Like what?” Ben asked puzzled in not knowing what theme Pinkie would set up for Rainbow’s golf club for whatever deal they had to deal with to help Rarity out.

Soon they arrived to see in an instant movement, Rarity was screaming as she slide down a slide into….mud….no, CHOCOLATE! That’s right, you seen water parks, well the town was turn into a chocolate park theme land. Everyone was getting messy, Tough was seen wrestling Big Mac in a chocolate pit wrestle match. The CMC were scarfing down lots of chocolate in an eating contest….which Pinkie Pie was wining. And Rarity ended up in a pool filled with chocolate, and as she pokes out, she is seen laughing in actual not having a problem being this dirty or messy, since nobody complains about chocolate. Even Spike & Phobos ate chocolate covered gem-stones, chocolate on the outside, gem on the inside; the kind dragons love the most. Pretty much, everyone seems to be enjoying this crazy party while the Sparkles stared in being overly amazed by such a setup.

“Hugh, a party where there’s mountains of chocolate as a mud pool for us to dive in. I did not see this crazy party coming!” Ben spoke off surprise in staring at all this, but never saw the sly eye Twilight gave him, “Woooahh!” Then Ben yelped from when Twilight push him down a chocolate slide to land in a chocolate pool to get covered in chocolate to look like the chocolate monster from a lagoon.

“Hmph-hmph, neither did me pushing you in there!” Twilight giggled a bit in having some fun with her love here.

“Oh, I’m gonna drag you into the chocolate mud!” Ben playfully said from using his magic to fly off the chocolate pool to fly after Twilight.

“Gonna have to catch me!” Twilight challenged the chocolate covered Ben while flying off.

Soon the ponies around were laughing and having a fun time in watching this exciting little party go on. It’s definitely gonna earn title of MESSY party theme that’s almost like playing in the mud….but made of chocolate.


Within Tartarus, deep in the center of the heart of the greatest of evil, lie the castle of where the worse of the worse resides: Grimmore. And we soon see the most powerful Dark Elf sitting on his throne as he was mediating over something as he felt his power grow and grow with more magic surging through him. Then suddenly, he opens his eyes to see his throne room, and seems focus on something else that has earned his attention.

“Well, well, well, so…it seems the dawning is coming near.” Grimmore smiled forth in having his all-seeing eyes witness some sorta feat happening.

“My lord, what had you so interested so suddenly?” Ji-Ga-No flew in from nearby in seeing that the Overlord King of Tartarus has something in mind.

“The box that the Tree of Harmony gave out, the final key is almost upon the Equestrians.” Grimmore spoke forth in issuing the certain item of power is almost to be revealed.

“What will this mean? How strong will they become?” Ji-Ga-No asked off curious of how strong the heroes can become from this new addition feat.

“I believe I have just the solution.” Grimmore smiled off in stating he has a way to resolve the issue of that question.

Then Grimmore held up his left hand as it glow light blue…as if preparing something. Then from the outskirts of Tartarus from one of the plains of the numeral areas of torturing souls, one soul that was by a matter of physical shape that had no image of who it once was…turn into a ball of light and flew off towards the Dark Elf’s castle. And once it arrived, it stood within the throne room as if about to await what was likely the Demon God snatching it to be present.

“This soul that came here to be tortured shall go forth and have another chance at…revenge.” Grimmore smiled forth in registering this evil soul of what he’ll grant to it.

“The soul of Tirek; I thought he was completely destroyed!” Ji-Ga-No spoke off surprised, he recognizes the soul, it belongs to the ancient enemy of the ponies long ago and from his last death of defeat.

“He was, but this fragment managed to slip in and has been serving out time in being tortured within Tartarus,” Grimmore issued forht to explain what has happened that the soul here was truly Tirek, that was but one last remain of his original self. “But now, let’s give him a small….upcoming.” The Dark Elf exclaimed from having to ‘aid’ this former villain of terror in an hour of need.

Then from Grimmore unleashing a strange magical aura from his glowing blue hand, the soul sphere began to twitch a bit. And it was starting to turn blacken with a morale of feeling something urging and aching it. And then when it was about finished, something began to lie on the floor, and then it soon got a cloak to hid it’s appearance. But make no mistake about it, this strangely small form was still the soul of Tirek, but now….he’s ALIVE once again!

“Where….am…I,” Tirek creature spoke while his face was hidden under the hood, but his voice….it sounded different than it used to.

“Gahahahahaaaaahhhh! Well, well, if it isn’t….the mighty Tirek.” Ji-Ga-No laughed off cruelly in bear-witnessing a fearful terror brought back, only now…he looks worse for wear. “You look far more worse off than you were years ago!” The Metallic Dragon exclaimed from how the form Tirek is now currently seen is much worse than before.

“Ji-Ga-No; Then that means….” Tirek responded from getting his bearings before recognizing the area, he’s in Tartarus, which belongs to….

“Welcome back to the living once more, Tirek,” Grimmore spoke forth in being the true Demon God that was standing higher then all living creatures, like Tirek was s mortal soul in the presence of he who revived him.

“My body….what…has happened?” Tirek asked forth in looking and hearing himself, something has changed him from being reborn suddenly.

“You were destroyed by a surprising twist of both the Elements of Harmony & the newly Rainbow of Light, both your body and soul were completely eliminated.” Grimmore explained forth the cause of what has happened to Tirek to his present condition. “But I managed to save but a piece of your soul that slipped out and had it come to this prison.” He pointed out that he had drawn in the last bit of Tirek’s soul to Tartarus.

“My body….it feels so…weak.” Tirek spoke from where he stood up, but felt uneasy as he saw himself in the cloak and hood, that he was…not as what he once was.

“Yes, an unfortunate side-effect from the rainbows, I may have revived you, but you’ll have to do something on your own.” Grimmore shrug off playfully in stating that he revived this fallen villain, but his body has changed, thanks to the heroes that defeated him and left him in such a state.

“Unless the mighty Tirek decides to serve he who is TRUE Power, the Demon God himself; Lord Grimmore,” Ji-Ga-No declared that if Tirek wants help, he must pledge allegiance to Grimmore to recover the state that he’s in.

“I…am…Tirek, I am my own lord….not his! If I am struck being in in my new currency, then I shall change it myself!” Tirek spoke in rejecting to give himself up, he is not weak minded to give in so easily.

“Very well, then I’ll let you seek your revenge.” Grimmore closed his eyes in seeing if this foe wants to do things his own way, he’ll allow Tirek his chance.

“Trussvhmm….” Soon a red portal appeared before Tirek, leading towards the ruin palace of the Royal Sisters.

“And what do you want in return?” Tirek raised an eyebrow in thinking that the Demon God wants something in return for the favor in helping him?

“Nothing…I simply thought you deserve another shot, you may be weak, but you’ll grow strong again…” Grimmore shrug off his shoulders casually in saying he’ll ask nothing from Tirek, what he does from here on in, he’ll let this old villain of the ponies do things on his own. “For at this time, the Elements Of Harmony are back with the Tree Of Harmony, your enemies are now defenseless.” The Dark Elf opened his eyes to smile in presenting this intriguing news to Tirek to learn about.

“No Rainbow Of Light, no Elements of Harmony, and no Megan to interfere.” Tirek responded in hearing all this, the very items & pesky human that ruin his plans from not once but twice are now out of his hair. “Finally, I shall have my time once again!” He made a small sly smirk in feeling this was perfect, he’ll get his revenge; carefully thought, he is just starting up again.

Then Tirek leaves through the portal before it close, leaving those in the room to say what they want now.

“Do you think that he’ll succeed this time?” Ji-Ga-No raised an eyebrow if his lord believes Tirek will succeed now than he did in failing in the past.

“Succeed or not, what will be noted is how the box shall reveal a new power. And whether it’s seen or not, in any event….it’s no loss off my side.” Grimmore smiled off to say in feeling there is nothing for him to lose in this; he’ll just watch how things play out. “For now we shall see, how the game turns again. Yes….Gurhahahah-Haaahahahahahaaahhh!” From his evil smile and soon unleashed evil laughter that filled the castle halls, Grimmore will let things play out to see what happens, weather Tirek wins or the secret box the Mane Six hold is revealed from the final key….the game set here shall decide who will win in the end.

The entire scene goes dark from after that as the evil Demon God has now brought back an old enemy who will now act on his own; what will Tirek do now that he’s return is anyone’s guess.


At this moment, Goldie’s group was hanging out in his sister’s place. Golden Heart and Sombra were doing a little bit of sword practice, Omega was practicing his system’s functions at the target course, Havis was also training to improve his own skills to lead the Light Elves when they are ready. While mostly, Autumn Gem was feeding Golden Wing his meals, as what a phoenix bird eats. And right now, Pinkamena was just relaxing, reading her book without any care in the world while there was a radio playing some catchy tunes to aid for everyone’s presence at the moment….

Or so everything seemed…

Then without warning, something made the radio’s tine changed to play a more….spooky music that started to be heard throughout the room.

“Hey sis, why you change the music,” Goldie asked off what the sudden change of music they were listening was about.

“I didn’t change it. This music it’s….hugh…” She gasped so suddenly, looking frozen in feeling lightly…scared.

“Pinkamena, what’s wrong?” Golden Heart asked in feeling something was not right.

“This is…’The Corridor’…from Tales Of Graces Original Soundtrack!” Pinkamena spoke off in stating the name of this spooky song that is being heard here while doing some fourth wall breaking moment to boot. “It being heard on my special radio of alerting of what to expect of present villains or new ones, is saying….someone of the dead has returned. And worse….it’s our oldest foe from the Mag’ne’s time!” She issued this off as a major alert for them to be on the lookout for.

Those that heard this saw how concern the pink pony’s expression showed, she wasn’t lying or being mistaken.

“I feel it as well. Whatever your sister feels, Golden Heart, I feel a dark force of great evil from a long time ago. I’m betting that’s who we’re both feeling of recalling such evil.” Sombra spoke with a serious face in suddenly feeling the evil and he bets that the pink pony feels it too.

Pinkamena nods her head in agreeing to that they both sense it, this was no lie.

“I’m worried. Is…is it…?” Autumn Gem spoke in feeling worried to approach her love, what if it’s the evil that turn Sombra evil?

“It’s alright Autumn, it’s not the evil of myself, but something just as terrible.” Sombra holds Autumn Gem closely, keeping her safe in his hold.

“Wait a moment, I think I felt it too! It was weak there before suddenly growing & vanishing, but it felt…very familiar.” Golden Heart spoke from sensing something, something really bad.

“Scans have picked up a dark reading of great power, but are unknown to my knowledge & recorded data banks.” Omega spoke in registering the dark power, but cannot determine much of who it is or if’s even the same villain they come across before.

“I feel it too, it’s a huge new dark force. But it seems to be keeping its presence well hidden.” Havis spoke in feeling serious, this evil power…it’s familiar, and it’s trying to not be found out.

No sooner does Golden Heart get to Gold Wing and magically writes a scroll note and gives it to the phoenix. “Get this to the princesses. Celestia & Luna need to know about this threat.” Golden Heart instructed the bird of an important task it needs to do here.

Gold Wing squawks before he takes flight to send the letter off.

Pinkamena looks around to the others while still feeling very concern at this time.

“Twilight and friends better be ready for him, the fate of all life is in there hooves.” Pinkamena spoke forth this message in mystery, for she and many here sense it, it was almost like reentering a nightmare. The nightmare of where the ponies known scariest enemy from Megan’s time, Tirek…..maybe returning to them? And with that after the background spooky theme music was ending, the entire scene goes dark while more mysteries are left in shadow here…

To be continued in "The Prophecy of Rising Twilight" and "Twilight's Kingdom Parts 1 & 2"....

Cast list
Tabitha St. Germain: Rarity, Princess Luna, Crarity
Dee Bradley Baker: Button Mash
Tara Strong: Twilight Sparkle, Ms. Moon
Ashleigh Ball: Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rainbow Droid, R. Chaos, Liarjack, Cloudchaser
Andrea Libman: Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Dr. Pinksano, Pinkamena Diane Pie, Psycho Pie, Fluttercruel
Cathy Weseluck: Spike the Dragon, Mayor Mare, Flitter
Jason Marsden: Ben Mare, Shadow Dragon
Daveigh Chase: Nyx
Chris Sanders: Phobos the Dragon
Michelle Creber: Apple Bloom
Claire Corlett: Sweetie Belle
Madeline Peters: Scootaloo
Alexandra Carter: Twist
Cathy Cavadini: Dinky Doo
William Lawrenson: Pipsqueak
Peter New: Big Macintosh, Various Rogue Mystic Ponies
Josh Grelle: Smartscar
Kaiji Tang: Arthur
Tara Platt: Jenny Savior
Paul Dobson: Jan
Matthew Mercer: Terrorcreep
Keith Silverstein: Rushstrike
Martin Short: Swordstruck
Christopher Sabat: Drillmap
Monica Rial: Warring Malice
Jim Cummings: Tong Fa
Tress MacNeille: Feng Huang
Kevin Michael Richardson: Temutai, Ji-Ga-No
Robert McCollum: Armorspear
Steve Downes: Pikestar
Frank Welker: Wuzubu
Ron Mueck: Fuji
Phil LaMarr: Hiko Seijuro
David Kaye: Talos
Nicole Oliver: Princess Celestia

With special voice appearances by
Vic Mignogna: Lorcan, Omega
Orlando Bloom: Golden Heart
Lara Jill Miller: Autumn Gem
Tim Curry: The Superior, Grimmore
Eric Stuart: Wilco
Kathleen Barr: Trix Lulamoon
Eric Idle: Dr. Lizardo
Jeff Glen Bennett: Winslow
James Sie: Shendu
Jayson Thiessen: Havis the Light Elf
Jim Miller: King Sombra
Kyle Herbert: Cunning Fury
Cindy Robinson: Madam Nagwhiny
Emma Watson: Flare Tiger
Peter Capaldi: Michael Trotter
Tom Hiddleston: Deadly Rager
Cree Summer: Starven Fran
Meredith McCoy: Suffocator Jill
Brian Cox: Merluck
Mark Acheson: Tirek

Author's Note:

Whoa, what a preview to the Season 4 finale, right folks? Well, after a while, it's time to do an AU story and here's what I got in mind...

"Spike the Party Crashing Karmic Trickster (a slight alternate portion of "Best Night Ever"): Instead of going off to Pony Joe's to sulk and drown his sorrows, Spike sneaks around the Gala, discreetly playing pranks on Prince Blueblood every time he does something jerkish."

Hopefully this should be loads of fun. So until next time, folks, read, review and suggest!

The scene with Swordstruck is based on Dynasty Warriors 8's Defeat the Rebels after cutscene from Jin Story Mode.

Madam Nagwhiny is based on Zhang Chunhua (Dynasty Warriors 8) and voiced by Cindy Robinson.

The Chocolate Theme Land is something almost like how Ralph from Wreck-It-Ralph film showed the guy who hated chocolate landed and got messy in mud made of chocolate, but enjoyed it and never been happier.

Comments ( 2 )

Button Mash is not an OC:facehoof:

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