• Published 28th May 2014
  • 955 Views, 3 Comments

Enough of the Drama Queen - JusSonic

Rarity's drama nature, a search for a missing friend, and a trip to a Land of Dirty are the main focus in this fanfic!

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Chapter 5: Fuji, the Great Pony Destroyer!

Chapter 5: Fuji, the Great Pony Destroyer!

The scene opens back up to what happened before, after the recent event that took place where everything should have been fine. But then a trap spell of such power, the Seal of Umbral was cast and now it has seal off the Mystic Ponies Mystic Magic, leaving them as weak as to be now Equestrians. But that is not all, soon arriving on the scene are two more troublemakers who are allies with the Apocalypse Ponies from connections to Wilco: Winslow the Devious Troll & Fuji, a giant size pony. Soon Fuji lifts up his left front hoof, which was a giant katana which the blade’s form looks like a boomerang. “POWWFRUUVVHHMMM….” Then with one swing of that hoof, the giant’s blade had completely smashed and chops off a nearby building in half without even putting much effort into it. “Grufruvhmmm…” Then the giant was slowly moving his blade up off the ground as the scene shows Fuji now made a path to get through a building where the Mane Six, their band of friends; Big Mac, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Nyx, Pipsqueak, Dinky Doo & Twist & the currently weaken Mystics stood watching this giant.

“Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-haaahh….” Winslow was heard making his maniacal laughter during this time, as he still was in Fuji’s right hoof that held him up to watch things below. “Allow us to introduce ourselves. I am Winslow the Devious Troll, in service to assist Dr. Lizardo and ally to the Apocalypse Ponies.” He introduced himself to the group below to know him before their deaths. “And with me is your destruction, the Great Pony Destroyer himself, right Fuji?” He made a sly conniving smile in stating to introduce his giant friend.

Fuji remain silent while he watched this without having any say in the manner. Then Winslow was heard laughing more of his maniacal laughter in basking in this glory of terror upon them. Pretty much, everyone was still staring in wide-eye shock as they were staring right at the jaws of that which was unnatural, a giant pony creature.

“A-A-a monster,” Pipsqueak squeaked out to say in seeing this, never in all their lives have they seen a pony THAT size, it was like a true monster.

“So…” Dinky Doo slowly spoke in staring at what was seen here. “It looks like this is the end…” The little filly spoke off in seeing that with them facing such a monster, they may not stand a chance with their current circumstance.

“Hey, how can you say that?” Spike protest in seeing the CMC members feel like it’s over before it’s begun.

“Yeah, we face off against giants…well, mostly some, but still…” Phobos was protesting to say while also having a hard time doing it.

“But….that thing there looks way tougher!” Twist stated in fear that the giant before them doesn’t look normal, the giant pony looks like a capable fighter.

Pretty much a few of the Land Of Dirt citizens that saw this were dropping like flies, even a few of the CMC members dropped down in actually…accepting their fated ending.

“Great, if the sun wasn’t out, I could still do some work as a Vampire Pony.” Terrorcreep complained in seeing that if the sun wasn’t so high, then his bloodline of being a Vampire Pony wouldn’t get burn up by the sunlight.

“And if the Mystic Magic wasn’t sealed up, this giant wouldn’t seem so tough!” Arthur stated from seeing that their own situation of having their Mystic Magic sealed has left them with a disadvantage.

“This might be a harder battle for even the Mane Six or Ben to fight on their own.” Jenny spoke in concern, with the Mystics temporally down, their hope lies on the strong Equestrians…but can they handle this?

“Yes, this was note in the reports…that there was a giant even within this area.” Smartscar stated that they were unaware that there was even a remote hint of a giant pony in the area.

“Heheheeeeh, yes, normal Equestrians must know when to give up. Even the now powerless Mystics,” Winslow remarked this fact with a sly smile in putting salt in the gang’s wounds. “You should all meet your end honorably!” He was really putting the pressure on the group to just give up and meet their end here.

Many that heard this could only stare with frowns and upset faces, of all the times to face something that looks like an obstacle too big to fight now under the worse circumstances; this would be an unlucky day.

“Dammit…” Jan cursed from seeing how their situation has truly turn for the worse. “We came this far, all of us fighting through our beliefs…and taking down Swordstruck…” The group has finally managed to handle Swordstruck and Rarity has overcome her issue, only to get this matter of their present issue. “Now at the very end…, our Mystic Magic is sealed and we get a monster like this!” He complained off in seeing that this was one threat that is making their state far more harder.

“We can’t give in! I don’t know about the rest of you, but neither of us have the intention of giving up.” Ben spoke off in stating this serious factor of not wanting to give up without a fight. “None of us are gonna die here.” He issued this matter that they can’t give in just yet.

“But…will it work out this time….? I haven’t finished healing every pony.” Fluttershy spoke with concerns that she was using her Rosin Crystals to perform some magic healing and they are still not fully healed up yet.

“Right, we got lucky in handling that jerk Swordstruck issue!” Rainbow Dash nods in knowing they just finished that matter and now they got another debt to settle.

“An' fightin’ now might be pushing’ our luck!” Applejack stated in some honest thought of this issue.

Much of the gang and crew are seeing that they are still a bit tired out from their fight against Swordstruck and his troops, and now they have to fight against a giant pony out of nowhere, it’s likely pushing their limits.

“Not yet!” Twilight spoke forth with a determine tone that earn the attention of everyone during this hopeless state.

“Nuuuaah?” Winslow replied off stump, what was this creature thinking when the situation was an obvious issue to all?

“Everypony listen….it’s not over yet!” Twilight spoke these words to help encourage them, “If we give in now, then what will happen when we truly have to face the strongest enemies; the Three Lords. I’m not speaking as a princess, but as a pony who doesn’t want her home to be turn into a place ruled by such evil!”

Hearing those words helped the Mane Six, Spike, Phobos and Nyx regather their courage.

“Twilight’s right, I may not like getting dirty, but it’s at least getting dirty with free will!” Rarity spoke off with a serious face in knowing they can’t give up so easily.

“Right; we’ll keep fighting the good fight!” Pinkie Pie nods in pumping herself with energy right up again.

“Right, so what if a monster appears, even if the world comes to an end with us in a disadvantage without Mystic Pony backup….” Phobos was nodding off in going on of the situation until he was cut off from making the mood sound too gloomy.

“Phobos,” Nyx scolds her pal while transforming into her Adult Battle Form. “Despite the matter, we will stand and fight till our last breath!” She declared this off of what the heroes shall do here.

“Right, you guys sit this out until Twilight or any of us can figure out how to disable this Seal of Umbral Spell.” Spike nods to say this to the Mystics, they can’t do much with their magic sealed and left them weaken, the others have to handle this one.

“Oh, brother….” Winslow remarked off to say in seeing and hearing such dribble. “It looks like you don’t understand your current situation at all.” The heroes here, despite having the Mystics be weaken and the tired heroes about to face a giant monster, they still have such strong urge of energy to perform some resistance. “Let me be the one to inform you of your position. You don’t even have a one in 10,000 chance to survive.” He issued to explain the calculation that the ragged bunch of fighters here doesn’t stand a chance. “Situational analysis from a logical viewpoint, point one…” He issued to say this while showing off one finger from his troll body. “I’ll start with the possibility of you even surviving against any of the Three Lords. From all logic, this is very close to zero.” The group is hearing this logic from a smart foe in what he can tell of the situation even before it happens. “It’s because the Superior, Dark Curse, even Lord Grimmore, possess powers to which they let other strong warriors compete for things end too quickly for them and they need extra workers for their cause.” An image showing the Three Lords and the amount of magic they have from the Superior, Dark Cure & even the Demon God Grimmore on his throne show such terrible power that it’s frightening. “Dead creatures return to the underworld, not here.” He stated this claim about those that fight any of the Three Lords are likely dead fighters walking to go back to the land of the dead than be in the world of the living.

Hearing this made some of the gang felt upset and ticked off, how dare the troll even say that they stand no chance.

“Situational analysis from a logical viewpoint, point two…” Winslow spoke off to say while showing a number two finger sign, as he moves onto the second discussion. “A study of your current combat abilities…” He stated from having a look at the current standard work of all those that have fought against Swordstruck and even the Mystics. “Well…other than the Mystics here, it’s amazing that the Mane Six & Ben Mare along with aid from a black filly, baby Dragons and a regular Earth stallion could have lasted this long. However, as a result of the harsh fighting…you are beaten & bruised all over. Frankly put, you don’t have much strength left, not enough time to have heal up and now the Mystics magic is sealed.” The group was hearing all this, the guy was stating how while the Equestrians showed much spunk, the results show that now the group are now in a complete exhausted state.

Hearing these claims of weird enemy logic was really starting to make some of those hear get really ticked now.

“And, situational analysis from a logical viewpoint, number three.” Winslow spoke to declare the third finger sign in where to explain this next issue of manner. “A study of the combat abilities of one of the Three Lords group: The Apocalypse Ponies.” He spoke that this third discussion will be about one of the groups of the Three Lords of Equestria. “This will be easier to display than explain in words…” He stated that he won’t need to explain, it’s much better…to show. “Fuji…” He made a sneaky grin on his face to look up at the giant, giving him some sorta signal.

Fuji heard this order as he slowly moved his head. Then with a twitch of his left hoof on his weapon, it twists a bit now.

“FIRE,” Ben shouted out this command as everyone from their group fired off their magical attacks all at once. With this, not even a giant could dodge all that heavy firepower….

Suddenly, Fuji’s sword glowed to interacts the magical attacks as he jabbed it straight at them and then…..the powerful attacks were completely eradicated without a trace. Like they were cut and vanished or absorbed by what looked like glowing jade on the blade.

“Hugh? All there attacks got absorbed!" Apple Bloom gasped off to say in seeing what feat was done here.

“But how was that even possible?” Scootaloo asked off worried by seeing this action.

“Right, he didn’t use any magic.” Sweetie Belle questions the matter that didn’t make sense to them.

“That blade…it’s crafted and forged from normal steel metal with a are jagged mineral: Rune, with strong properties that allows it to cut things without a tangible form like lightning, fire, water, & smoke.” Rushstrike spoke in recognizing the features of such a weapon that has a rare material made into it. “That unique jagged sword which cannot cut anything physical, looked to be forge crafted as a second connector blade edge for the sides of that weapon to keep if from canceling the need to cut obstacles like opponents. It’s both a weapon for combat to harm a physical warrior and stop any magic, what a deadly combo.” He can see the major problem this giant may present to them, and even if the Mystics had their magic, this could still prove difficult.

“You all need to get out of there!” Jenny yelled out in terror, she won’t like what will happen next, but….

Fuji proved to be far quicker than the others imagined as he swung forth his blade to jab and swing it. “Claspowwfrvuhmmm…” The Equestrians used their best defenses usages: Ben wore his Iron Boots, summoned his Golden Gauntlets to wield his Hylian Shield & Megaton Hammer to be used as heavy blockers. Rarity used her Eternal Gems to create a white wall, Fluttershy cast her Crystal Peta’s Return Shield, Twilight & Adult Nyx cast their best barrier spells just as the attack impacted the gang to hold their ground while the others pushed from behind to give it their all. But the end result was still unpleasant, Fuji’s strength had managed to send all the Mane Six group and their defenses across the field, their magic disburse from the giant’s strong & unique weapon that weaken their defenses while they scuffled across the field.

“Huuuugh,” Big Mac & the CMC members gasped in seeing this, what should have stop even a giant’s swung blade was proven a failure.

“Because of those points, one, two, and three…there can be only one conclusion!” Winslow was smirking wickedly in stating that the logic conclusion of things has come into picture here. “You have virtually no hope! Only death awaits! And the Triforce will be ours! And maybe we’ll take the pink pony back and give her to Dr. Lizardo.” He pointed his staff cane out in making this declaring matter. And then he went into a mad cackling moment, where it looks like they have already won now.

Now a lot of the gang members were really feeling like they were hating this braggy troll.

“So what about it?” Rainbow Dash’s voice is heard complaining about the issue that made certain members turn. “I never did care much about logic anyway!” She issued to make this claim about never been one for being a brainiac.

“She’s right, no matter what ye say partner….” Applejack slowly spoke when she and the others were getting up.

“We will believe in our friendship to keep us going!” Pinkie Pie spoke off this firm tone of her voice to not surrender.

“We made it this far and sure we’ll be pushed down again and again, getting dirtier and dirtier, but so what!” Rarity stated about no matter how much they end up getting dirty, they’ll just need to stand up again.

“Too many of our friends here need help, if we just cower, then….everyone would be like me. I don’t want that.” Fluttershy spoke in not wanting anyone to cower in fear like what she does, she wants to help out.

“Are you lot crazy, you’ll be dead if you don’t stop!” Terrorcreep snapped off that the group of Equestrians are nuts.

“You’re not healed enough to fight him or this giant.” Jenny stated the worse odds in this situation.

“Rushstrike, Smartscar, can’t we do anything?” Arthur asked off the two if they can do anything at all.

“Uncle,” Jan spoke with concern to his uncle, but both Rushstrike & Smartscar were silent, they were in deep thought of how to get out of this.

“Its fine, you guys, Big Mac, try to keep them and the CMC safe.” Ben smiled a bit in trying to put on a brave face.

“But…” Big Macintosh was about to complain, but…

“Please, we can’t let any pony die!” Adult Nyx spoke in not wanting this argument to go on any further.

“We will try to keep standing up, if we let the Mystics die, then our hometown becoming a base will be the less of our worries.” Twilight stated how the last thing they want is the death of important Mystic Ponies. “We’ll believe we can do this, cause that’s what being there for a friend means.” Those words spoken made some feel like their courage started to build again, even Smartscar felt almost touch there.

“Right,” The baby Dragons responded in full on agreement here.

“You think a thing like friendship will save you if you believe in it?” Winslow spoke off in hearing this dabbled stuff that was not getting through to him. “Before death, are you getting confused between dreams & reality?” He asked off if the heroes are letting their near death make them hallucinate. “Hmph, I, who have been living several times longer than you and in service to Dr. Lizardo, will teach you plenty.” He spoke like some scolding teacher to a bunch of disobedient students. “If you believe, you will be betrayed. That is how the world operates. Even the Mystics know that, after what happened to Shadow Dragon.” He spoke in stating this issue fact how when one has belief in someone, it’s likely they’ll betray that trust, as it has happened before.

“Hey pal! He was a friend before the likes of the Dark Mystics pulled his strings!” Terrorcreep snapped off in hearing this weirdo even bring up such a subject.

“He’s right, as long as we believe…we’ll make the impossible possible. You may think we’ll let your words get us down, but they’ll make us stronger!” Ben stated how they won’t let this enemy get them down, they’ll not give in.

“I agree; I may have a hard time living up to the belief of being a good ruler, but I don’t wanna lose my friends if it’s to help!” Twilight spoke from knowing that she may have hard times being a good princess, questioning her judgments on how to be a ruler, but she knows what she CAN do here.

At this moment, some background music is heard called ‘Hitenmitsurugiryu’ from Rurouni Kenshin OST 3.

“Fine then, have it your way. Die with such beliefs, foolish ponies!” Winslow issued forth with a wicked eye sight in issuing the command, to kill off the heroes.

Soon Fuji takes the first of his steps in moving the big body on his. “Powwfruvhmmm…” Just one hoof stomp causes a quake and shake things up that it causes Big Mac. to help get the little CMC out of the way while the now near Equestrian Mystics were force to get away. But the only ones that weren’t able to move a bit, were…Ben, the Mane Six, the baby Dragons and Adult Nyx as they each kept stern firm expressions.

“Applejack,” Big Mac & Apple Bloom cried out to see their sister in danger.

“Rarity,” Sweetie Belle also called out from seeing Rarity in trouble.

“Rainbow Dash,” Scootaloo shouted in seeing her idol unable to get away.

“Pinkie Pie,” Twist called out to the pink pony.

“Fluttershy,” Dinky Doo shouted for the kind Pegasus.

“Twilight,” Jenny cried off in seeing a friend in trouble.

“Ben…Nyx!” Pipsqueak shouted in seeing two ponies that he cares about in danger.

“Spike, Phobos!” Arther spoke the baby Dragons names, but they could not hear his warning.

Those that were still endangered were still too hurt to even move, fly, teleport; not even make any defensive movement. It wasn’t long before a large shadow soon was overcast on the group. Fuji was holding his giant sword above, looking like a giant about to bring the killing blow.

“Get out of there!” Rushstrike shouted in not wanting those foolish Equestrians to die like this.

Soon Fuji was moving his sword to prepare a swift strike of a downward thrust. “Thrupsfrovhmm….” It sounded like a fast bullet movement as there was no stopping it while Winslow smirks evilly in seeing no stopping this now. Everything was moving in a slow motion as many that were too weak or too hurt or their magic seal up could do nothing but watch the act happen.

“Noooooooaaauughhhh,” Smartscar screamed out in seeing the ponies about to die, they didn’t want this….

A blue flash of light was nearly seen where the Mane Six stood as it almost seem to be blinding to all sides. “Claspfrususvhmmm….” Suddenly, a slash bashing sound was heard while the screen views away from the battle in showing the rest of the Land Of Dirt. But it sounded like for certain, that the heroes had been….dealt with…

The CMC soon dropped to their knees, feeling the urge of letting out tears in not believing what happened. The Mane Six were killed before their eyes, everyone else were also killed along with them.

“Um, you guys….gotta see this…” Big Mac responded off with wide-eyes in looking shock to point this out.

Those that heard this cease their sorrow and tears as they looked up with stunt or stump looks in seeing….something truly amazing.

“Geeehh,” Winslow yelps with wide eyes in staring in shock at noticing…something that was not right.

Even those of the Mystics were staring in almost awestruck moment in seeing that which was either a shocking feat or an unbelievable moment of occurrence. As with Ben & the Mane Six bunch that had brace themselves for the impact, something was different that they were still alive and not chop to bits; why?

“We’re dead, right?” Phobos peaks out a bit in thinking they were dead or something.

“Hugh, I…don’t think so.” Spike spoke puzzled as they seem to feel alive.

“Haaah! You guys….look in front of us!” Adult Nyx spoke off from when she open her eyes and her expression showed…a smile on her face.

“Gahhhuuagh….it’s….you…” Ben suddenly looks outward to gasp in surprise, there was someone…that the ponies know that was here.

Then during a dramatic moment that could be the turn of events and a shift in the mood of the background music. There was but a single being that had in the most unbelievable feat seen; a character that stopped the sword swung by a monstrous giant. From the appearance, it’s self physically, he is a tall Earth stallion with a somewhat angular face and a phenomenally develop physique. His mane is jet black and long, and usually kept in a ponytail. His coat is grayish gamboge and his eyes are moderate blue. His attire consists of a set of black pants with European styled boots, and a short sleeved shirt, colored grayish opal. He also wears a floor length, red and white cloak. The stallion appears in his late twenties, but in truth, he is 43 years old. His Cutie Mark that is hidden is of that of a katana being taken out by an inch from a bronze sheath. It was a familiar face that the Sparkle Family knew all to well, the one who lived and survived in the End of Equestria, and who had in all honesty, the actual strength that saved them from Fuji’s attack….it was Hiko Seijuro, the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu Successor, and known as the most powerful swordsman in all of Equestria, even as just an Equestrian.

“Hey princess, thanks for the shout work,” Hiko Seijuro responded off saying while he used his own katana blade that stopped and left a crack mark in Fuji’s weapon. “You, your family and friends, who believed in friendship’s true worth until the very end…have just won.” He smiled off in making this statement with a calm and collective expression over the dire situation.

“T-That is…” Terrorcreep was seen actually gasping in seeing that of which even from the Mystic Realm, know the character here.

“Hiko Seijuro…” Jenny slowly whispered off in wide eye surprise shock, they are now seeing the guy who has earn himself a legend.

“The Successor of the Hiten Mitsurugi Style!” Jan responded off in knowing full well of Hiko Seijuro’s reputation. “Said to be the strongest Equestrian Swordsman in Equestrian, that his strength could rival even Nezho the Ultimate Mystic Warrior & Susano the Great Mystic Pony!” The child of Arthur and nephew of Smartscar exclaimed in knowing full well that this was one stallion whose had incredible strength.

“How can…he’s stopping that attack so easily?” Rushstrike responded in gasping each time, how could there be one mortal pony to do all that, guess the rumors weren’t just rumors after all from what Dragon Kick & Tao have told them.

“Of course, this could be even Equestrians' true potential if they sought it out!” Smartscar exclaimed with a focus face in seeing that if even those without elements had train in such ways, they could gain something of this measurement.

Fuji soon turns to stare his sights below in seeing something has stopped his powerful attack from going through.

Hiko Seijuro saw Fuji’s surprised face and then suddenly gave…..a smile. “GRRRUUAARRUGHHH….” Then he was starting to make a move, then from the guy’s front hooves were bulking their muscle veins to be seen, as like he was gonna actually try a bit harder, “GRUUAARRRUGHHH!” Then with a free right hoof, he sent it to bang against his own sword. “Klurpowwfruvhmmm…” At first, nothing seem to have happened, but then a second later, Fuji’s thrust down sword was ACTUALLY punched off to land away on the ground and away from hitting the true targets that he was protecting.

“WOW! He just knocks that sword off without breaking a sweat!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed off with wide eyes in going bonkers here.

“That….WAS SO AWESOME,” Rainbow Dash cheered off to say in seeing such a spectacularly and awesomeness of a whole new level.

Fuji narrows his eyes in looking a bit serious as if he was seeing a truly powerful foe before him. But Hiko Seijuro soon lowers himself down to show a calm, collective atmosphere about him as he stared up at both Fuji & Winslow.

“To catch and then reflect that monster’s sword…” Arthur was still staring in pure shock that such a pony even existed here, that such strength was like that of being a Mystic Pony, but it wasn’t at all. How so?

Hiko Seijuro soon turns around to look at Twilight’s group of her family and friends. It was also during the moment, that the background music soon ceases being heard.

“What’s wrong, did any of your legs give out as soon as the tension broke?” Hiko Seijuro asked off with a smiling and friendly greeting to those mares, baby Dragons and Ben.

“Eh, we’re fine partner, a bit sore, but fine.” Applejack waved off her hoof to give that they are A-okay.

“Oh my, Twilight darling, when you said you met this fine fellow to help AJ, you never mentioned how handsome that he looked!” Rarity spoke in feeling a bit blushful in front of a dashing stallion, she heard about him from Twilight, but not about how handsome this 40 year old pony was to be seen in his 20s.

“Oh brother, now it’s the third time around!” Spike slaps his forehead in seeing such an action once again.

“Well, he was the one that helped us out, with both an ingredient hunt and helping Ben out with learning more to his skills than his sword.” Twilight smiled off to say how thanks to Hiko Seijuro, her trip to the End of Equestria had some help from the really dangerous parts of a falling mountain island and the next ingredient to gain.

“But what are you doing all the way out here?” Ben asked off this question that was on their mind.

“Hmph, after you all help heal the End of Equestria by removing the curse of the Demon Lords, the danger level had dropped a bit. So I decided to continue my pottery business and just had a buyer from this town.” Hiko Seijuro smiled off to explain himself of events that happens a bit afterwards from the days when the End of Equestria was still a dangerous place. “But who would have thought that I meet up with you five again? And with company, both everyday ponies…to even the most…uniquely different ponies,” He spoke his words in seeing other members of the Mane Six, their Ponyville friends, and even seeing other Mystic Ponies who look like they’ve seen better days. “Now, it’s dangerous, so stay back. The yellow Pegasus mare, you can heal them and everyone else during the time.” He issued off this statement for the group to step aside while he handles this, and gives them time to heal themselves and the others to.

“Oh, um….well, yes…I can. Um, thank you…for taking in the burden, sir.” Fluttershy sorta meekly blush by her shyness from hearing such a request

“Truly….thank you, you saved us…” Twilight smiled with feeling like she was very happy that someone saved them when it look like it was gonna be over for them.

“That was amazing, you’re still as strong as last we saw you.” Adult Nyx smiled off to say, the last time they saw this guy’s strength was a long time ago and it’s still as sharp as ever.

“Hmmm….and I can sense that much of you and your group have gotten a bit stronger.” He stated from seeing Twilight, Nyx, Spike & Phobos, they have gotten stronger since last he saw them and the group with them was fairly stronger too. “You been working hard, haven’t you, young Benjamin?” He spoke towards Celestia’s child as the one who fought him in a battle against swords; the master can tell if a student has gotten any better.

“Hah, yah, I’ve acquired some new feats, like you wouldn’t believe.” Ben sheepishly said in feeling that despite his experience of getting stronger, he might still not stand a chance against this guy.

“Now then….Shall we begin?” Hiko Seijuro spoke to turn his full attention now forward across…right at the giant pony monster. “I see…” He spoke from looking like he was studying his opponent from first glance now. “Eyes full of spirit, unlike anything I’ve seen recently.” He spoke riddled words as if stating an issue of who he was talking about. And during the moment, a background music called ‘Fallen Angel ~ Haiiro No Tenshi’ from Rurouni Kenshin OST 3 was heard. “That single strike was rather done well, too. Grasping the inside of the hand at the moment of impact…You followed the basics of martial arts very well…” He was stating out some strange technique facts as if they were performed while he and Fuji seem to be looking at the other.

Fuji seem to move and narrow his eye sights in the powerful opponent before him as this guy seem much more than an Equestrian, but was not a Mystic if not under the effects of the Seal of Umbral.

“So you are the famous Hiko Seijuro…the one said to be truly, the strongest Earth Pony in Equestria.” Winslow spoke off in his glaze being focus on this sudden new character that has entered the battle. “Dealing with Fuji’s giant sword…” It’s clear that this was one foe that was truly a very strong opponent; the Apocalypse Ponies have heard some data about this guy from when he helped the Sparkle Family in the End of Equestria. “However, no matter how strong the ant…it is no match for a mammoth!” He squeezes his eyes to patronize the swordsmen that even if this guy was strong, he’s not even a Mystic Warrior or Ultimate Mystic Warrior, and hence, a mortal that can die by their hands. “There is no Equestrian that can match Fuji, the Great Pony Destroyer, the monster of the century!” He smirked off proudly in stating that there is none that can even stand a chance against Fuji, Mystics or Dark Mystics perhaps, but mere Equestrian ponies, even an Alicorn, don’t stand a chance against a true monster.

“Old troll, if you’re going to talk to yourself, do it elsewhere.” Hikio Seijuro spoke off with his eyes shut and smiling as he was actually not paying attention at all.

“Geeeh,” Winslow gritted his teeth in hearing that remark, this guy….he wasn’t paying him any mind at all; the rude effort.

“I’m talking to Fuji, the giant pony.” Hiko Seijuro issued off to open his eyes, in stating that he was not speaking to Winslow, but to Fuji instead.

At this sudden moment, Fuji had heard this message to know…that someone was speaking to him; Then from the glowing blank eyes behind the mask faded to reveal pink eyes as Fuji’s real color eyes that weren’t seen earlier.

“Talking…” Sweetie Belle responded off in hearing this right with confusion.

“'Ta dat monster?” Apple Bloom spoke off that last bit while still puzzled.

“Can words really get through to that monster?” Scootaloo asked off in not being so sure that Fuji would listen to anyone else other than Winslow.

“They can, if you knew what the creature truly was.” Smartscar responded off in having a feeling that what he knew wasn’t off and Hiko Seijuro could tell right away.

“All I needed was one swing of your sword!” Hiko Seijuro stated off in stating a sword fact about Fuji here. “Your sword spoke volumes about you…” He spoke these words as humble statements that was both a comment and credit to how Fuji performed his swordsmanship.

Fuji’s pink eyes were seen wiggling a bit as if what he heard was making him begin to…almost react differently.

“You’re not the big lug the old troll thinks you are.” Hiko Seijurp stated off to say in knowing that Fuji isn’t as dumb as Winslow makes the guy to be or how he’s seen in front of everyone else. “Moreover, you aren’t a monster!” He stated this declaring fact, that in the truth of the reality it’s self despite what is seen by others….Fuji is not actually a monster.

Winslow started to show some concern in seeing what Hiko Seijuro was doing and looked to Fuji, he couldn’t be really taking in these words, could he?

“You are a true martial artist, one of the few remaining!” Hiko Seijuro was issuing this with a very more strict and firm tone of being serious.

Fuji suddenly moved his eyes to stare down at the powerful swordsmen stallion, feeling like his words were reaching the giant.

“What?” Winslow yelped in seeing and hearing this, Hiko Seijuro somehow managed to know all that from one sword swing and in such a dangerous situation; can one even keep track of all that?

“Until now, none have understood you for who you are.” Hiko Seijuro spoke with words of sympathy and understanding of knowing about Fuji’s deeper feelings. “Your strange shape…It has caused you to be misunderstood, and you’ve had a very painful life, living far from your original homeland.” He was speaking words of knowing full well that Fuji was misunderstood because of his shape to other ponies of the small species, but smaller. “But Fuji…You should put an end to that.” Hiko spoke in stating the giant before him needs to put an end to living from his terrible past events. “Stop being used by someone who is stupid compared to you.” He stated that Fuji shouldn’t be used by someone stupid like Winslow.

Then at that moment, Fuji’s left hoof holding his sword shook it which earn some attention. Fuji’s eyes soon stare off into space, as if hearing those words sent a force impact to his inner self at this moment. Could what Hiko Seijuro be saying be true to him, can it all be…true.

“S-stupid,” Winslow held his cane in looking a bit mad in hearing that someone just called him stupid just now. “You mean me?” He asked off in feeling like Hiko Seijuro was saying he, a brilliant scientist and assistant to Dr. Lizardo was stupid, nonsense.

“You see anyone else to take it?” Terrorcreep smiled in liking this action, it was too funny. This strong Equestrian was getting under their enemy’s fur skin.

“You are a martial artist.” Hiko Seijuro spoke forth in actually trying to help Fuji out from where he stands; not as an enemy’s monster….but something else. “Regain your pride!” He softly spoke in wanting Fuji to regain that which he had lost long ago and regain it now.

“Geeeihhhi-heeeehhhh….” Fuji was seen trying to bite a bit of the rope around his mouth that tied down his helmet to his head. But he seem like he was almost ready to lose it here from hearing all those words.

“Don’t lend him an ear, Fuji!” Winslow shouted off in trying to regain control over the giant pony to not listen to Hiko Seijuro. “All you need to do is listened to what I tell you to do!” He was holding his cane up in commanding that Fuji pay him attention and not the enemy, though it was annoying the heroes to hear him say such things to control one’s life. “Without me or Dr. Lizardo, you would have been gone long ago!” He was bringing up something of the past up for the giant to remember about his life being saved. “Don’t forget, you owe us!” He sternly issued how Fuji owes everything to the creatures of science for saving the giant.

“Geeeehiiii-hheeehhhh….” Fuji was seen gritting his teeth and struggling with his movements as if fighting something of an urge of what to do; listen to those that helped him or the words of one who sees more to him than a monster.

“You need to thank us!” Winslow shouted off that Fuji needs to continue to show his gratitude to those that saved him no matter what. “Fuji!” Winslow called out to the giant’s name, but from his eyes staring off into the distance…was almost seemingly elsewhere. “Listen to what I have to say!” Winslow yelled out for the giant to continue to hear him out.

The others were feeling like the giant was really debating with himself, it almost seem like…he wasn’t truly as evil as when some first saw him.


The scenery changes at the moment, as most of it was grayish from one’s own memory as there was seemingly a large forest area. There were tweeting birds, two of them from a nest high in the trees. A large hoof was seen helping to put a baby bird back in its nest from apparently falling out as the owner seems like a kind & generous soul.

“There he is/There he is!” Two voices were heard from a distance; just as the giant hoof return the baby bird to its family.

Then as if the screen of the scenery was averted by one’s eye sight saw a group of younglings, some colts from another village it seems while they were wielding weapons.

“You ran away all the way over here!” The lead child issued off as if addressing the creature that was a giant. “We finally caught up!” He issued from how the group was trying to catch up to this guy.

Then soon a large shadow of a giant was overshadowing the children.

“H-He’s coming!” One of the colts spoke out frighten of the giant enemy.

“Don’t look away!” The lead colt instructed his group to not turn their backs to the foe.

“Oh, over here, we found him!” Another voice was heard from a distance as the scenery was shifted by one’s eye sight to find….a bunch of grown up stallions in uniforms and wielding guns. There were two children in the center of the large group of grown-ups, but the adults seem almost…wide-eye shock of what they were seeing.

“I-Is that even a pony?” One soldier asked off in not knowing if that was even close to being a pony, it seem….too big.

“It’s not a pony, it’s a monster!” The young colt from the army group snapped off in being blind and foolish to see the giant as not one of them but as a monster.

“Yeah, it’s a monster!” The four colt group with the leader spoke in agreeing to that term of addressing such a creature.

“It will eat all the ponies up if we don’t stop it!” The colt with the grown up army stated off in thinking that this creature was not a regular pony, but a beast that looks like them and wants to devour them. “Please get rid of it quickly!” The colt was barking out the order that they need to kill such a creature without bothering to know for sure if it’s a threat, their fear is what’s guiding them.

“Alright stallions, fire!” The lead captain of the stallion group gave the order to attack.

Soon the screen changed the angle where from the left were the soldiers and the right were the children cornering…a giant pony in the middle of this; that look like Fuji, but he wears on a purple kimono with red star-flower shape designs. But the moment, gun fire shots were fired off and Fuji stood no chance of dodging of escaping as he took the shots to fall on his knees. He was seen in pain, as he was gasping, and reached a hoof to the air of the sun…trying to hold onto his dear life before it fell and everything went blank.

Not long afterwards when those that believed the ‘monster’ was dead, Dr. Lizardo & his assistant at the time Winslow discovered Fuji’s body and managed to save him long afterwards, with plans seen across their faces.


Soon the scene focuses on the present as Fuji’s eyes still stare off in the distance, almost like he was reliving a terrible memory of where he was almost dead because folks misjudge him as a monster before they got to know him.

“Back then, I & Dr. Lizardo were the ones who found you almost dead, covered in blood.” Winslow issued off in reminding the giant pony of the day he would have died if not for being saved by those that found him. “You just need to think about paying us back for that favor!” Winslow was stating off to keep Fuji to follow those that saved him and do their bidding as repayment for being saved.

“Hey, old troll!” Hiko Seijuro was seen looking a bit mad to raises up his voice at the one making the whiny complaints.

“Eeeehhh,” Winslow yelped to look back at the strong Equestrian, somehow hearing that tone somewhat…freaked him out.

“I’m the one talking to Fuji!” Hiko Seijuro narrows his stern eyes in telling the old troll off about speaking to Fuji of his own accord. “You stay quiet!” He narrow his eyebrows further in being strictly serious to not wanting interruptions here or else.

“Eh, scary…” The CMC responded with a bit of a freaked out and yelping reaction to how one Earth stallion could be seen as that scary.

“Boy, you gotta hand it to the guy. He can be even more scary than me or Tao losing out on his Mystic Phoenic Temper.” Terrorcreep stated off in feeling like Hiko Seijuro maybe just an Equestrian, but he can be scary enough to even give some folks, even Dark Mystics the willies.

“Nothing less from Dragon Kick’s old master…” Rushstrike stated how such a strict, firm, and very formidable swordsman like Hiko Seijuro is anything BUT ordinary.

“Fuji, get rid of your armor.” While Fuji was still trying to decide on what to do, Hiko Seijuro was asking him to get rid of his armor which made the giant look down at the small, but strong opponent. “With that heavy armor weighting down your body and soul…you’ll have no chance against me.” Hiko Seijuro was making this suggested claim with closed eyes and a smile in what would get in the way of two swordsmen having a duel. “You’re sure to die with the next strike.” He spoke before opening his eyes in making the claim, that if Fuji doesn’t rid himself of the armor that will get in the way, the giant will die then.

“So, he’s saying he’s really powerful…” Pinkie Pie asked off with wide eyes in almost finding that this guy might be so strong, that he can estimate what is good or bad in a fight or who will win on skill alone before it’s even started; that’s just surprising.

“Well dat seems to tell how conceited he is…” Applejack narrow her eyes in feeling that anyone that feels that they are so strong that they can give advice out must be the real deal.

“Oh, I almost feel like I may really fall for such a cool hero.” Rarity was seen in almost being entrance by such a hero that was unlike any other.

“Great! Now I’m gonna feel like I really gotta work up my A-Game!” Spike sighed in seeing that unless he becomes as cool and strong like Hiko Seijuro or as handsome as him like the other guys, his shots with Rarity are very slim indeed.

“Don’t be fooled!” Winslow snapped off to speak to Fuji to not listen to what he was just told to do. “He’s trying to trick you into removing your armor and lowering your defenses!” He was stating the logical fact of how the foe before them will win that way if Fuji has no strong defense.

“Stabfruvhmm…” Suddenly, Hiko Seijuro’s sword was jab into the ground at the moment. “You’ve been a real martial artist and loyal to a dumb master or two.” Hiko Seijuro was stating Fuji’s true inner spirit and that even if he’s been loyal to those that save him, despite them being so dumb, it is still commendable. “I wish some pony that I know could see your faithfulness…” He spoke in feeling that such a display by Fuji’s actions would be an interesting thing for someone he knows to witness. “But, isn’t it about time that you start choosing battles with your own will?” He asked forth in wanting the giant pony to think independently instead of following orders by others and live as he should as he stares with such calm & collective appearance while Fuji was watching & listening ever still. “Even with all your strength, there are some you can’t defeat.” He spoke these wise words while a breeze of wind blew by to rise tension all around. “One as such as that is before you for the first time ever.” He issued this off as if stating one that even Fuji can’t beat, is before him…awaiting to be defeated.

Soon, Hiko Seijuro was done with his speaking speech of his discussion with Fuji. Now the next act would be…what the giant pony’s response would be…? And also during the moment, the background music was soon done being heard.

“Wow, that kinda speech deserves an Oscar!” Pinkie Pie smiled off to say that from such a long speech, the guy would be awarded from such a speech.

“It seem a little complicated.” Dinky Doo rub her back head in not getting much of that grow up talk.

“Um, did it do something?” Twist asked off in wondering if what was done was gonna do something here now.

“I think…it just did.” Jan stated from having a feeling, what was done here….is taking shape.

The scene focuses on the two strong swordsmen, Hiko Seijuro and Fuji, both gazing at very powerful foes of different sizes of their pony species. Fuji is a giant, it would take a Mystic level warrior or ultimate to handle him, but with Smartscar’s bunch left weaken and seal of their magic, the only truly strong one…was an Equestrian of rare talent and potential. It was Fuji who’s eyes shifted in seeing that which he would do, and it was….by his own accord!

“Grrruuaarrughh….Arrrughh….” Fuji was seen scrunching his teeth on the rope in his mouth until….he snapped it clear off.

“Heeehhh, Fuji!” Soon even Winslow yelped from feeling Fuji move his body upwards to stand on his hind back legs; what was the giant pony doing?

“Gruuarrruughhaaahhhh,” Fuji was heard making a battle cry while suddenly at this moment, the heavily fitted armor was starting to fall off that made even the old troll on Fuji’s right hoofed yelp down on his bottom, “GRUUAARROOAARRRRUGHHHH!” Soon with the fall of the helmet, the true face behind the armored giant monster was revealed as he was seen screeching out, much to those that saw this. “Gruuhahahahauauahhh….” The guy was letting off some aching wail sounds while many saw the falling of his armor falling off. “GWOOUUUAARRRROOUURRRUGHHHH-aaahhhhhhhh-aaahhhh-aahhhhh….!” Soon without much armor covering him, all saw Fuji was making a loud wail with his head positioning upwards as his very loud voice was echoing & heard across all of the Land of Dirt. Maybe even almost all over Equestria itself maybe.

“Man! And I thought Rarity had a loud voice!” Rainbow Dash held her ears in hearing this guy make such a loud wailing sound, he’s probably beat Rarity’s high scream voice record.

“Think other ponies could hear him?” Pinkie Pie asked off in feeling this loud yell could be heard very, very far away from where they are.

“Ponies from Equestria and the Mystic Realm can hear him!” Terrorcreep remotely issued how such a loud yell could be heard so far, that it might even reach the Mystic Realm.


Pretty much, what was said may as well have been true in this case.

Then within the same dungeon where Goldie's group are, Pinkamena and others are still doing their usual thing. Then without warning, the place begins to shake before everything begins to shake too much that it causes a fine shelf stuff to fall and Sombra & Autumn Gem that were climbing up a ladder to research some books when they yelped. There was a loud wail of a familiar voice of a giant stallion's lungs being heard now.

"WHAT IS THAT?" Golden Heart yelled out to ask the question over the noise.

"I HAVEN'T THE SLIGHTEST!" Havis yelled back in not knowing an answer for this.

"SENSORY INDICATES A VERY LOUD YELL! SUCH CAPABILITIES ARE BEYOND AVERAGE PONY ABILITY! EVEN FOR RARITY," Omega was stating this as loud as possible, but even he did not know.

Gold Wing was squeaking all crazy from the noise while flying pass everyone.

Soon after a few bit moments have passed, the wailing noise was settling down now. The group was recovering from that unknown outburst, as for Pinkamena, she was sitting on her chair with her hooves to her ears in having anticipated this event.

"Told you to brace for that, didn't I?" Pinkamena stated this to her friends that were still very much surprised. "And also Autumn and Sombra, save that for the room next door after a disaster is done." She turn to state this over to the two old lovebirds.

We see Autumn had fell on top of Sombra, their lips were kissing the other. Apparently after they fell off the ladder from the shaking by a loud wail noise, the results were this. The two stopped kissing to both blush as the mare gets up as Sombra brushes himself off and stands to.

"To let you know, she fell from the shaking. That WASN'T Intentional!" Sombra decreed this issue to let this stand firm of what happened was not intention for the old lovers to get away with.

Autumn Gem nods and calms herself down after hoping that situation was believed to be bought.

"Hehehehe, yeah, you’re probably right. But you both liked to be all nice and warm together and kissing still, right?" Pinkamena was giggling at the scene while accepting this reply but with a new twist of knowing what the two really wanted. She makes a few kissing sounds as the group chuckles while Sombra & Autumn Gem blush to look a bit awkward at the moment.

"Well the gang is doing well. And boy, will there be a big surprise awaiting us too." Pinkamena spoke off to say while going back to her reading while leaving everyone as confused as ever.


From afar across the Valley of Dirt, the mysterious cloak and hooded figure that cast the Seal Of Umbral watched what was unveiling here that seem….different than planned.

“What are Winslow and Fuji doing now? Dr. Lizardo & Wilco were very clear about the mission task.” The mysterious cloak enemy asked off in somehow seeing and hearing some commotion going on as if knowing that wasn’t a part of the original planning by what Dr. Lizardo and Wilco issued out. “If they butch this up, then it appears…Talos….we need to step in.” The mysterious figure revealed himself of who he was now.

The camera was zooming away from this powerful foe as he was going to continue to watch what will happen from afar.


Now the scene opens up to the outskirts of the Land Of Dirt of the town the heroes are still in from what’s happened. During which background music was heard, it was called ‘Ishin Tenpuku Keikaku’ from Rurouni Kenshin OST 3. And it was being heard while the scenery was moving across the town until we reach….where the event with a giant pony was station….

“WOOAAHUUUAAAAAAAAHHHH-Aaaahhhhhhhhhh……” Fuji was still shown letting off a very long lasting wail cry, as his open mouth was still heard during what has happened from Hiko Seijuro’s discussion. “Wuuuuaaaaahhhhhhh-Aaaaaaahhhhhuuuuaahhh…..” Even as one looks closer, he almost looks and sounds to be in far more greater pain even without having been injured.

“Wow! I think he not only broke Rarity’s screaming record but the longest of continuing that cry when some would lose their voice!” Pinkie exclaims, impressed.

“I say you’re random Pinkie, but….now might not be the time.” Rainbow Dash stated while rolling her eyes.

“Gurhaaahh-uuugh….” Everyone was watching what Fuji was doing as it sounded like his long lasting wailing was over, and then…a different sound was heard more softly. “Haaaugh-Aaahh….” When Fuji lowered his head down to be seen by all, there was something different, he not only looked JUST like an Earth stallion besides being a giant, but from his grit teeth, his was….crying. But there was more, the tears almost seem a mix of sadness, but something…more.

Many that saw this were a bit stump or shock that a giant monster that look like a pony was capable of shedding tears.

“He’s crying….” Spike spoke off with a stump look in seeing Fuji, even as an enemy, was crying before them.

“Tears…” Smartscar spoke with a solid face in knowing full well of the situation’s development. “They are tears of joy.” He issued what it was that was seen by the giant’s expression.

“Tears of joy,” The CMC repeated that off in hearing that correctly, someone was crying, but instead of being sad, are happy with joy.

“It’s probably the case that…this giant pony, Fuji, has never been seen as anything but a monster by any pony in his life. He might have come from another area, outside his homeland of giants and explored Equestria, only to meet with tragedy.” Smartscar explained the matter of what may have been the hard course on Fuji, as many see the giant pony’s body almost trembling from being somewhat…happy, after such a hard life among normal ponies.

“Goodness. The poor dear,” Rarity spoke in feeling a bit sad towards the giant.

“Oh, I feel sad for the poor thing. He must have been a kind giant, but no pony came to know it.” Fluttershy spoke in feeling bad for the giant pony.

“Gotta admit, learnin’ de truth, in an honest opinion, feel bad fer de big guy.” Applejack spoke in feeling sorry for Fuji.

“Yes, however, Hiko, didn’t overlook his sadness, and his martial artist’s soul…” Smartscar issued off how Hiko Seijuro had managed to see the truth of Fuji’s soul, as a swordsmen, one from another.

“And now, Fuji is answering to that.” Rushstrike responded in understanding what Smartscar is talking about over the situation.

“Hiko Seijuro…” Arthur slowly spoke off to say while the guy saw what was an impressive image of Hiko Seijuro, almost like he was seen as a warrior of such magnetite, that even if one was a Mystic, appearing before him would seem like nothing and would not react in the slightest. “What a marvelous stallion. Now I see why he’s said to be even on a rival level to even Ultimate Mystics.” Arthur announced this with an awe expression; truly, this stallion was more than an average Equestrian.

“But since he took his armor off, isn’t he even stronger now?” Phobos asked off in thinking that now the opponent has a new advantage against Hiko Seijuro, since the guy advised him to fight much better without wearing that slow armor. “Isn’t that gonna be a bad thing?” The Moon Dragon was stating how things could be bad for their side when they had the advantage.

“Man, you’re an idiot, Moon Dragon! That’s the good part!” Terrorcreep issued off to say this without any concern, but it sorta annoyed Phobos to be called an idiot.

“HEY! What’s that supposed to mean?” Phobos snapped off against the creepy Vampire Pony, is he saying he’s dumb.

“Well he’s a little irritating, sure, but…” Twilight spoke off firstly in knowing how seeing Hiko Seijuro act like such a pony, but…

“When he acts that much of being like a hard case to deal with….I even have no choice but to think that he’s really cool.” Adult Nyx smiled off eagerly in liking how cool this Earth stallion swordsmen is in such a state.

“That’s true, he’s a hard guy to figure out, but he’s a good pony at heart, and he helped me out from before.” Ben smiled off to say this as the gang continues to watch this scene.

Soon at this moment, Fuji was lowering his right front hoof down and gently let off Winslow who seem to still be in shock of what’s happening. “F-Fuji…” He was softly speaking out to get himself standing up again, what was happening with the giant that was supposed to listen to him.

“N-N-Now, let…” Fuji was seen trying to speak his words for the first time, a bit rugged and hard for him to say it seems…

“Fuji…” Winslow stared up with sweat drops forming, the giant pony he and Dr. Lizardo had to obey was going to fight…on his own without listening to his orders.

“LET’S GOOOOOO,” Then Fuji made a serious battle face, even from his leaking tears, he was yelling out a battle cry for the two swordsmen to begin.

“An honest fight,” Hiko Seijuro responded to say while gating his sword out of the ground, got into a stand while still smiling.

“Gruffrouvhmmmm….” Suddenly, as Fuji was lifting up his own weapon in his left front hoof, it let off a slash wind current that almost blew the gang, but not Hiko Seijuro. Fuji soon made a step forth in getting himself ready; even one footstep is made to sound like it’s gigantic when heard, “GRUUUAAARRRUGHHH-HAARRRAAAAUUGHHHH!” Fuji then made a loud battle cry roar as he held up his giant katana blade across his right side. He was now getting into his fighter position against a worthy foe.

Hiko Seijuro remains calm, cool, collective while he was in his stance. As everyone else, Equestrians, Mystics and even Winslow stared off at what will be a fight to remember.

Fuji soon raised himself up in a giant stance of wielding his weapon in his right hoof now as he made certain his pose left now openings. Now both were giving the other the stare off, both Fugi & Hiko Seijuro keeping their eyes on each other’s movements. Fuji only managed to hold up his giant katana blade over his head, keeping himself in the ready mode. Soon everyone was watching carefull, as both swordsmen were just perfectly still.

“They stopped…” Big Mac questioned off in seeing neither side was moving to attack, why?

Both Hiko Seijuro still smiled while Fuji stared down, both were a serious focus in their eyes. Their eyes said it all, they were watching…studying…and waiting…

“Reach…” Rushstrike spoke off something with a clear focus face.

“Hugh?” the Mane Six and their friends looked to the guy in hearing him say such a thing.

“I’m guessing that where Fuji stopped is just barely outside Hiko’s reach.” Arthur explained the statement of what the giant pony was doing while preparing to face his strong foe. “The reach of a sword is like a barrier, when dealing with a master of his level.” He issued this as an explanation of how a sword works, from how Hiko kept his own pose stance as his basic form. “Fuji can’t step in any further…This statement will continue for a while.” He explained that even for a giant pony like Fuji, he’s being careful when facing a powerful swordsmen like Hiko Seijuro.

“Hmmmm, they’re right, I also picked up on knowing that lesson. But, the decision will be made in an instant.” Ben spoke off to say from seeing that the decision of the two facing the other, will be made shortly soon. “The deciding factor will be how Hiko retaliates from Fuji’s full-power swing!” He stated how even someone like Hiko must know how to retaliate against a giant’s powerful attack.

“I hope so Ben.” Twilight spoke with some concern feelings from this situation. “If the battle here doesn’t get decided in an instant, then…this whole area of the Land of Dirt maybe reduced to rubble!” She felt that if the decisive moment is not settled, this whole area will be destroyed.

“It’s okay mother, we don’t have to worry about that. We have a friend that’s helping to keep hope alive, even Granny Celestia acknowledges his strength. I’m sure he can win!” Adult Nyx smiled to say this while having a confident mood about they having nothing to lose or fear, Hiko Seijuro will help them out.

Now the focus of the scene draws near both Hiko Seijuro and Fuji as neither has moved an inch, but neither is about to make the foolish mistake. This is what separates those who have train by the sword to know how to react that it won’t be a costly mistake.

“What’s wrong? Are you afraid of me?” Hiko Seijuro asked off towards Fuji if he was feeling a bit hesitated from about to take a swing at him. Then the guy made a crack confident smile as he was perfectly comfy and not worried at all; truly a master of the sword that he is.

As for the giant pony himself, he has heard this comment, and knows about it was a lure him to lose himself. But while some may lose their cool, he shows much calmness & well-knowledge experience in how to handle this.

“Here I come.” Fuji spoke off with a smiling and joyful expression towards Hiko Seijuro as he will now make the first move. Then he moves his left hoof upwards towards his right and they both are grasping his giant sword.

“What! Two-handed style,” Jan yelped off to say in seeing what Fuji was going for, and from the earlier seen of the giant’s swings; this could be a problem.

“Oh no; and the damage done with one was massive, two will be devastating!” Terrorcreep cringed in feeling this situation just got a hell of a lot worse while the Mystics magic is sealed.

“Oh, the perfect tactic,” Winslow suddenly became wide-eye surprise with pride and joy in seeing where this fight was going. “That way, your power is doubled! Even against a Mystic who use magic would not block RuneSavor’s ability to cut & absorb magic by canceling their effects.” Fuji has clearly brought up a good plan, not only will his physical strength be immersive, but even against any powerful magic, even Mystic Magic, would not be enough to withstand this. During this moment, the background music was soon over…

“GRUUOOOOUUUAAAAaoohhhhhh-Aaaahhhhhh….” Fuji was soon making a loud battle cry here, a sudden glowing blue force of magic was occurring, as everything was about to move off instantly quick, “HUURRAAARRRUUARRRRUUGHHHH!” Fuji then hurl all of his strength on his giant sword; RuneSavoir, and soon….thrust it down with all his mighty giant might. “POWWWFRUUFRUVHHHMMMMM…..” That one swing was enough to bash and create a gigantic cloud of dust over the area. “” And from Fuji’s one swing it’s self from a full power strike, it was causing all of the houses to be torn apart by a incredible shockwave.

Even the other Equestrian residents with the gang that were watching this yelped from feeling that strong hurricane force blowing against them.

“Wwaaahhhh….” Many of the CMC members yelped from the dust clouds while they held onto Big Mac.

Traces of steam was rising upwards from where Fuji was in his pose and his left front hoof held up his giant sword upwards in the air from delivering a full crescent swing strike.

Even more of the others were being blown or just barely trying to keep themselves from being knocked away by such a powerful pressure of wind.

“Waahahahahaaaauughhh….” Pinkie Pie was seen rolling across the ground like a ball from what knock her off.

“Guuaaaughhaahhhh….” Spike & Phobos were also seen yelping from being sent across the ground when Adult Nyx tried to help grab them by her magic.

The rest of the Mane Six that remain along with Ben just brace themselves from the force of the wind force pressure. Even the Mystics were holding their ground, thought weaken still kept themselves from being sent flying.

“Man, what power….we barely stopped it at half hoof use, but two!” Ben exclaimed from seeing such a devastating force at work, he hopes that Hiko Seijuro is okay.

Soon at last, the calm was finally entering the scene, and what was seen was…a large crater hole that filled in the spot for an entire district. Unknown at the moment, the Seal of Umbral began to react weirdly from a portion of the ground was devastated, which seem to attract Smartscar’s attention. But soon the scene focuses on Winslow as he was approaching the large crater to inspect Fuji’s work and of Hiko Seijuro’s presence was….gone.

“He did it!” Winslow proclaimed with the sound of being victorious, “So powerful that the corpse is destroyed! If even a Mystic Warrior or an Ultimate Warrior tried to stop that, they would stand no chance.” He was seen sweating up a storm on his face, he was worried for a second, but his worries are over in what Fuji had achieved. “Just as I thought, Fuji…no, the Apocalypse Ponies, is strongest within the Three Lords!” He was issuing that with this, it will be spread far and wide, that none can challenge against any of the Three Lords of Equestria. “Right, Fuji…heeeeuuuaaaauugh?” Then as he turn to smile at the giant for a job well done, his expression turns to grim. Even Fuji seems to show caution of concerns there.

For the scene shows something, the giant sword facing above towards the skies as the clouds clear for the sun rot shine down…

“I have no complaints about that attack…” Hiko Seijuro’s voice was heard speaking at this moment.

“Hugh?” Twilight yelped in hearing that voice, but from where…up?

“Ugh?” Spike and Phobos looked upwards from where the voice came from.

Many of the Ponyville gang and even the Mystics group were looking upwards in confusion.

“Haahhhh,” Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, & Scootaloo soon smiled in seeing something that was nothing short…of a miracle.

The scene shows what was bound to be the awestruck of many that saw this, for from Fuji’s position where his sword was swung upwards…there was an addition to it. There as Fuji looked up, saw none other than…Hiko Seijuro, as he had in the most craziest of stunts pulled; CLING to the giant’s RuneSavor sword. During this dynamite moment, a song called ‘Warrior Suite (Dramatic Battle Theme Moment)’ from Rurouni Kenshin OST 3 was heard playing at this perfect timing. Without a doubt, defining even the use of having wings or magic, he just stabbed his blade into Fuji’s weapon to catch a ride; seriously, Hiko Seijuro even define the laws of how he pulled such a fast maneuver that even the Mystics couldn’t keep up with, or at least caught some of it.

“But it is a shame, Fuji…” Hiko Seijuro smiled off to finish saying this quote he was giving earlier about the attack; it was good, but apparently….not enough.

Instead of looking sad or upset, Fuji was instead…smiling towards Hiko Seijuro. Many that saw this could tell, the giant pony was alright even though what may come next won’t be pleasant now.

“Alright; GO!” Rainbow Dash was seen pumping her hooves up in issuing the strong swordsmen to let it roll now.

Then Hiko Seijuro pulls himself and his sword out of Fuji’s giant blade to be within the air. Fuji was watching to have an open mouth, what was his opponent gonna try to do next here?

“Is he gonna pull out what I think he’s gonna do?” Arthur asked off in almost thinking this guy…is gonna bust out a big move against a big guy like Fuji.

“Lets watch and see for ourselves.” Rushstrike stated what they can do here.

The answer came to many minds as Hiko Seijuro moved his cape away and held his sword; Winter Moon in position for a technique effect.

“Hiten Mitsurugi Style…Ku-Zu-Ryu-Sen!” Hiko Seijuro spoke out these very words of sounding serious as his entire presence began to glow brightly.

A strong bright glowing light from the sun, almost seem to prepare a feat here. Within the rank of godlike speed of that style, a light flashed from Hiko Seijuro, an illusion of nine swords striking forth at once. A form of Japanese Kanji words showed up to where Fuji’s body was frozen and each different kanji. Fuji’s frame was red while the types of attacks in kenjutsu-first, the karatake (downstroke), Kesagiri, the slantwise downward stroke to the shoulder, reverse Kesagiri, right Nagi (belly stroke), left Nagi (reverse belly stroke), right upward cut, left upward cut, and the Sakakaze, upward stroke; Finally, the stroke that pierces at the shortest range to the chest, the Tsuki. All those attacks managed to impact even on a giant like Fuji. A Japanese kanji frame was seen in the background, as Hiko Seijuro was seen across the field with eyes glowing from showing his strongest form while the color scene of everything was normal and everything return to its proper speed length.

Everyone was staring in what had even transpired, and the answer came from Fuji’s weapon still facing upwards to the sky & sun. It was also during this moment that the music was soon done. “Grupvhmm…” It was moving suddenly, but in a strange motion that seems off.

“GRUUAAAAHHHH-Aaaahhhh-WAAAUUUAAAUGHHH…..” Fuji was seen with blank white eyes and gasping mouth, as he was being seen having dealt with an attack so powerful, even a giant could not withstand. “Clopfrusvhhmmm…” And then in that split moment, Fuji’s body lost all balance to begin falling backwards to collide against a building and had let go of his giant sword. “Waaaauuuuoooaaaghhh….” Fuji was seen trying to stretch his left front hoof to the sun, as if trying to reach it like he done in the past to stay alive, but… “Bamgruvhmmm….” But soon that giant hoof drop and Fuji’s entire body had fallen onto the ground while creating a large dust storm that blew around.

At that moment, Hiko Seijuro landed on the ground after his feat of using his technique. “Clrugfruvhmm….” Then afterwards, Fuji’s giant sword fell and jab into the ground right near the giant body laid. The battle was over, Fuji the Great Pony Destroyer…was now defeated by the strongest swordsmen around. Soon much of the others gather around to bear witness the hero that took down a giant.

“Wow, no holding back, hugh…” Applejack made a sweat drop in seeing what a feat, this guy was an Earth pony, but he had strength that not even a giant monster could beat.

“Guess that’s the difference between him, Big Mac, Tough Apple, and even Ben from being so strong.” Fluttershy spoke off in seeing this display.

“Wait? Did he kill this guy?” Phobos asked off from thinking that Hiko Seijuro killed Fuji, sure the foe was working on the enemy side, but….it wasn’t Fuji’s fault.

“No, have another look at his sword’s position.” Smartscar issued from seeing that the group of Equestrians not saw something. “His blade was flipped, like a reverse-blade sword; they are swords that aren’t meant to kill.” He explained that what Hiko did was avoid the full force of his sword’s killing intend use.

“Hugh? Then that means….” Pinkie Pie yelped in suddenly realizing what this could actually mean here.

“With a large body, you have to have the stamina to match.” Hiko Seijuro turns around to speak towards the group in issuing this fact with a smile. “This much won’t put an end to him.” He stated this with a sincere smile that he did not wish to kill a worthy swordsman that was not evil, just lost from guidance.

The group began to smile; Hiko Seijuro was truly a pony that could see the real truth and goodness inside someone.

“Oooooh, I feel that he is so cool! So handsome! Is he free?” Rarity spoke from feeling almost too awestruck from this manner to not even bother to see that she was a REAL mess.

“Oh yes, he truly is!” Jenny smiled in almost feeling like this Equestrian swordsman was so amazing, she almost might fall for him much to Arthur & Terrorcreep’s surprise.

“Hmmm…” Hiko Seijuro just closed his eyes, smile and nod towards Rarity’s & Jenny’s kind words in agreement.

“FORGET IT! I gotta learn how to be as cool as he is!” Rainbow Dash pushes herself in the center to wanting this action.

“Besides Rarity, aren’t you afraid from being a bit messy?” Fluttershy asked in seeing her friend was too messy to go with Hiko anywhere at the time.

“My dear, dirt is nothing compared to what I’ve been through and seen!” Rarity boldly spoke in not even caring about being dirty anymore.

“Huuuugh, there she goes being awestruck by a dashingly good looking stallion.” Spike sighs in seeing that this was gonna be some problem to get use to all over again.

“Ehhh, when he & those other guys leave, then you can be her number one again.” Phobos shrug off to say to pat Spike’s back, when the handsome men are away, Rarity will be his again which cheer Spike up a bit.

“The last attack was wonderful…haven’t seen it in so long.” Smartscar spoke from being nearby in having witnessed the feat of that last attack. “For once in his life, he fought some pony who understood him with all his strength.” As he spoke, the scene shows that Fuji was seen struggling in his movement, blood from the open mouth, but the giant was still alive. “And he spoke through his sword…Fuji is satisfied though he was defeated…” As he has seen battles before, he can tell that even in defeat, Fuji felt proud to be recognized as a warrior rather than a monster, which also earned him to be spared for his spirit of a true martial artist by Hiko Seijuro.

“It truly was amazing; I remember just surviving that attack myself.” Ben rubbed the back of his head, he felt that attack and was very lucky to stand up and awaken some hidden abilities inside.

“Yeah, but still…I’m very glad…Glad that you came out alright, and stronger than ever.” Twilight lean her head to Ben, speaking in being so very happy Ben managed to handle such a moment that scared her a bit. “I’m even glad that Fuji, who suffered terribly is okay, I wanna ask Princess Celestia to help him get home.” She feels they should help this poor giant pony, it’s not his fault; ponies judge things too quickly out of fear without understanding them; they’ll make sure Fuji doesn’t feel that way again.

“Grandma would like that mommy!” Nyx smiled off in hearing her mother say such things; that would be nice of them to do.

There was much happiness in the air from what was spoken of what to do next in helping a defeated opponent.

“Uuuuugh….” Surprisngly enough, Winslow was seen bash down under Fuji’s right front hoof that flatten and pin the old troll down while looking like he’s in an unconscious state.

“Hey, that troll guy isn’t dead yet, either.” Jan pointed out in seeing that the really annoying troll wasn’t dead yet.

“In the end, he was just a loudmouth barking up more than he could bite.” Terrorcreep made a frown face in seeing that Winslow was all talk and no action; pathetic.

“This type always lives on and on, despite everything.” Arthur dryly exclaimed how Winslow is one that could continue to live on even after such a moment he should be dead.

“Huuugh, as fellow old folk, I am very embarrassed by him.” Rushstrike stated from knowing that Mystic Ponies live much longer than Equestrians…but Winslow is just an embarrassing example of one that can live so long like a cockroach.

“Well now, what will much of you do now?” Hiko Seijuro asked off from looking away at this moment while still being ever fine and dandy.

“Well, I can now finally help heal our friends' injuries. Oh, not that your hurt…you were…very great,” Fluttershy shyly spoke with a meekly tone about what to do about healing to recover their strength by her Rosin’ Crystal Petals, but this guy was barely hurt at all.

“I know what we’ll do….undo the Seal of Umbral here.” Smartscar said, recalling something. “Somehow, when a part of the seal was broken by the destruction of the terrain ground, small traces of our magic was released.”

“Then….even if we don’t know how to reverse it, we can just remove it to slowly recover.” Jan spoke in hoping they can undo the spell that has weakened them by another means.

“Sounds like a plan.” Rushstrike nods off to say in seeing they got something to work with.

“Spike, let’s take a message to Celestia to send in some Pegasus fliers. Lots of them if we’re gonna help carry Fuji back home with us.” Twilight instructed her assistant in seeing that they need help here.

“Right,” Spike nods to say in seeing they best tell Ceelstia what happened, and boy, will the princess of the sun FLIP when they hear about what they fought against.

“Hey! That old troll ain’t there no more!” Phobos shouted in seeing…Winslow was no longer under Fuji to be pin down.

“Oh, I saw him bring a black box and push a button, and it made him teleport out of there!” Pinkie Pie spoke out in stating what had happened to such a character at this time; much to the looks the others gave her. “What?” She asked off in not getting if she should have said something sooner.

“Huuugh, well at least that’s one trouble that’s gone,” Rainbow Dash sighs a bit before waving it off, as long as there are no more bad guys left.

Soon the group slowly begins to gather up for any healing while the Mystics devise a plan to have some of their magic level some parts of the ground to eliminate the Seal of Umbral WITHOUT destroying the Land Of Dirt. Pretty much, this would take time, and right now, Fluttershy asked Hiko Seijuro to help move Fuji which shocking even Big Mac, he lifted the giant’s body to allow a more comfy blanket for the injured pony that was apparently left abandon, the poor thing.


Within Dr. Lizardo’s lab, someone magically appeared by a teleportation device…it was Winslow.

“Well? Where are they? The Triforce Wielder…Fuji even…and my SWEET-sweet Pinkie Pie,” Dr. Lizardo asked off in not seeing their captives OR the giant pony, what happened?

“The plan was….a bust. Fuji was beaten by Hiko Seijuro’s interference, even with the best chance of weaken Mystics.” Winslow rubbed his aching head in stating the failure of their mission.

“Ohhhh, why do the good guys have to ruin my fun?” Dr. Lizardo cringed in anger boiling inside, why must his plans go up in smoke like this from the good guys ruining it. “Ugh, fine! Let Talos deal with them; he’ll pick up the slack then. Did you get the data?” He waved off the angry matter easily before changing the subject.

“Right here,” Winslow showed a disk to the lizard who snatch it with glee.

“Good, then even if we lost Fuji, we can still use this of making a grander secret weapon!” Dr. Lizardo declared in knowing what they can do will be much better than having a giant living pony around. “And all for dear Wilco, won’t he be surprise in what BIG Plans we have to which if by some 1 percent chance his body is gone, the new one will make my genius soar! And Pinkie Pie, oh…..I can almost plan a honeymoon with her…as we lower it to give each other a great big…” The mad doctor ceases his evil plot plan when he was sidetracking off his paranoary of wanting the pink pony. “Well don’t just stand there. We must get to work!” He snaps at Winslow for staring at his weirdness to quickly get to work.

“Right, right away!” Winslow responded in hearing this as he accompanied the mad doctor.

Looks like there is another matter of what these two are up to, and if it’s for Wilco, then it will be a secret weapon meant for his use within the Apocalypse Ponies. That’s a scary future to envision for sure….


At this time, Talos was near his spot having watch the events that played out as he was still underneath a cloak and hood covering his face from being seen.

“They have failed…” Talos spoke off in seeing what has happened from a very far view of things. “It looks like I’m the final act to be played.” He spoke in seeing that he’ll have to take matters in his own means.

“I must say, you seem like the only one left to go out here.” Shadow Dragon spoke from appearing by his own magic teleportation near this secret weapon guild by his warrior blood & a copy crystal of the Triforce powering him.

“Right, it certainly is something.” At the moment, Warring Malice appeared by a corridor of darkness to speak up over the matter. “First a few Rogue Mystics, then yours truly, then Swordstruck, and Winslow the Devious Troll, and lastly Fuji the Great Pony Destroyer: the secret weapon of our organization to unleash, all lost. Who’s to be next?” She shrug off casually in finding these loses to be quite the upset, the heroes have managed to pull off some pretty surprising feats.

“Perhaps it will be you, who will also fall in battle.” Shadow Dragon narrow his eyes to remotely say this pony will be dealt with next.

“Woah, woah…careful, remember, I’m a valuable member and holder of being host body for the Fire Demon Lord, Shendu. You seriously wanna upset the Superior if I was killed off the next time?” Warring Malice held up her hooves in not liking that to be a joke on her part.

“Neither of you will go. I…will go…” Talos spoke off with a deep and powerful tone in his voice.

Then suddenly, a larger amount of dark aura of magic was escaping from Talos’ body, the very essence was making the ground and the area feel like the air was heavy. It was almost amazing that the other two near the newest villain could withstand it, but they did show some sweat from their brows. No doubt, the magic level was too much off the scale.

“Before the Mystics can recover their full power, I shall finish them off, and any and all else that stands in my way.” Talos announced that he shall finish off the enemies and all others that stand in his way, “For I have the power! The power to which I shall slay the Mystics where they stand, gain the Triforce, and present it to be useful to the Three Lords.” He was knowing his role to play and of the orders that Talos shall carry out as well.

“Well….seeing as you’re THAT, determine, I’ll just sit back and watch the show.” Warring Malice spoke off easily in seeing she can just let this guy deal with the others.

“Very well, I am curious to see if the use of a copied portion of the Triforce will grant you powers I once had with the regional before it left me.” Shadow Dragon spoke in feeling a bit intrigue to see how this creation of science and magic made from two sources that are very dangerous and powerful…can do in a battle.

“I have the portion of it and a portion of your strength and even a portion of the Element Of Darkness.” Talos declared off in holding that which while it’s only small factors, together however will make him a deadly foe without question. “Watch as with those merge together will be the downfall of our foes.” He announced in broad might and degree that he will finish off the heroes from his power.

Then in a lightning flash moment, Talos vanished completely in a blur that was almost like he went at supersonic speed or teleportation, or both. No doubt, he’s gone to take care of the heroes.

“So….think that’ll be it for the heroes,” Warring Malice asked off in thinking this was gonna be over before it’s begun.

“I doubt it. Ben Mare will be dealt with by me….and as for Twilight Sparkle, she and her friends are also hard to die so easily.” Shadow Dragon shook his head ‘no’ in thinking otherwise over the issue. “But while I am concern about the Mystics like Smartscar, it would seem that Hiko Seijuro possess a far, far more greater threat than we had believed.” He rub his chin in feeling a bit concern, that one Equestrian seem to be a larger threat that none of them even considered.

“Right….cause you never imagined….a mere Equestrian being all that strong, and that he took down what should have even finished off even an Ultimate Mystic Warrior? And that he could fight against one.” Warring Malice rolled her eyes in rhetorically saying that none of them believed Hiko Seijuro could be that powerful for a mortal, but the fact that he is….seems to be a big issue.

“Yes….currently, I say Talos may be at the same strength as me, but if he would fight Hiko Seijuro….” Shadow Dragon spoke off from what would happen if those two opponents clash against the other. “I heard rumors of him, but if he’s as strong as they say, Hiko could almost possibly be even a match against me….and even Dark Curse.” Shadow Dragon never believed there was even an Equestrian that could prove to be a match for him, the Jade Emperor was powerful to have best’d him, but perhaps Hiko Seijuro might be a new rising hero that could be a threat so big that the Dark Mystics might be a big trouble.

“Wow, you’re really feeling nervous about him, a guy who isn’t a Mystic, who isn’t an element wielder, just a mortal that has define all things. He may even prove incorruptible to the element of darkness too.” Warring Malice issued off to say this in seeing that Hiko Seijuro might be a threat that was out of calculation to the Dark Mystics' point of view.

“For now, we’ll watch and see how things turn. Even if I were to appear as Chase the Warrior to aid them, I be almost walking into my own deathtrap. This fight, they’ll truly have to have faith on their side.” Shadow Dragon stated in deep thought that even if he were to be Chase to protect Ben’s group and earn more trust, this time, it’s too dangerous even for him to step in. Clearly Talos will fight so seriously that Shadow Dragon have to bring up more of his true strength and be exposed to the Mystics and he can’t risk that.

“Right, right, then let’s kick back and observe.” Warring Malice stated to say in seeing that from all else, they’ll just watch how it goes.

And with that, the two watch from afar without interfering. This will be but one of the next steps if the Mane Six’s group has what it takes. Will they survive from the strength of their friendship & such, and that they open the chest in the future…or perish here. The scene grows dark as we leave the area to puzzle this event which next time we see this…..a grand battle will play out.

Author's Note:

Fuji is beaten and is now one of the good guys. But Talos is on his way for the big showdown which is coming up in the next chapter. Read, review and suggest!

What Winslow & Dr. Lizardo discuss are plans for Wilco’s second body that will be seen after his first body is destroyed…(spoiler: by Twilight when she gets so mad, she transforms into her Inferno Wrath Mode).