• Published 19th May 2014
  • 2,902 Views, 33 Comments

From Alpha to Omega - Living Madness

Marcus Verinous Formally Primus Prior of the 12th Legion of Rome. Now Night Captain to the Princess of the Moon. He has seen and handled many things. But will he be able to handle a simple request asked of him, to escort Luna on Hearts and Hooves day

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The Subtle Art Of Wooing

Interlude: Luna (Set during Chapter 5) (No Editor for this be warned).

The sounds of hoofs on marble echoed thought out Luna’s chamber. She was pacing again, a nasty habit she had picked up in her youth that had left many a floorboard to be replaced, it was only something that she did when she was truly anxious or worried. As the ever loyal maid to the nocturnal royal, Feather Duster manoeuvred her way around the incessant pacing, cleaning and yes dusting her way across the chamber, whilst the princess continued to wear the marble out, muttering under her breath every few steps.

Feather was often in the habit of asking Luna how her night was going and other simple pleasantries, but she knew to leave her be when it counted that was the making of a good maid, helpful but not a hindrance that was the motto she stuck by. However it had been thirty minutes since she had entered and her presence in the room had received no response from the Moon goddess.
Feather simply went on trying to clean, she had forced herself to stop wondering what was going through the midnight Alicorns mind, assuming it was an important matter, most likely something about politics or diplomatic relations, then again she really did look like she was in a bind.

Don’t pry Feather, if she needs help she'll ask you for it, she’s a big mare after all. Oh, but she really looks like she wants to talk to somepony, ok just this once.

“Princess Luna are you ok? you’ve been up pacing for a long time now.” Feather hesitantly spoke, pointing to hoof marks on the once prestige marble that already would probably have to be replaced.

Luna looked up from the floor and turned her head towards the mare, she opened her mouth to speak, but closed it quickly and kept up with her pacing as if the question was never asked at all, still deep in thought.

Sould we tell her about tonight? Tis private yes, but it could be the only chance we have for advice, it’s been more than a thousand years since we have courted another, and it would be silly to not address and understand the proper modern etiquette nay?

Luna turned towards her maid who was back at work again. “Stay your worries my faithful Duster we are fine, though if it is not too much trouble, we would like to ask you something that is... private to us."

Feather lifted her head from her work to the princess, turning her entire brown and blonde earth pony form and giving Luna a questioning and some would say apprehensive look, she did not like where this was going. Oh Celestia, this is going to be like that time I had to explain a tampon to her isn’t it? The mare shivered slightly at the notion of having to go into vivid detail to hammer home the difference between caring for a mare’s cycles from before Luna’s time to present day, she did not want a repeat of that again. What did they even do before then… actually never mind I really, really don’t want to know!

“Um, ok princess what is it you want to know?” She stated wiping a small bead of sweat from her forehead with a hoof, at the prospect of the question to come.

“Tis something to do with, well we would like advice on how modern ponies conduct themselves during courtships."


Luna furrowed her brow, as her blush intensified, this was getting annoying to the mare she had already had to explain herself almost six times today, and that was simply ordering breakfast. “Romance, the mating dance, dating, how is this so hard to understand!?” she growled in frustration at the mare, loud enough for it to eco through the room and beyond.

Testament to the maid mares steel nerves of working with the princess in question for so long Feather didn’t even flinch from Luna’s yell. Instead giving a long "ohh" in understanding followed by a small nod. She was about to speak when she heard a Knock on the door which both mares turned to look at.

Luna put a hoof in front of her mouth and coughed to a just her voice before continuing, “Enter.”

The shape of a dark blue Thestral Pony’s head peered into the room its jet black mane and red eyes stared into the room searching for the princess, as its elongated ears twitched with anticipation, apparently hearing the conversation inside.

“Yes Sergeant Moonbud, what is it?”

“Pardon Princess," she answered with a stiff salute. "But I couldn't help over hear your little conversation and I thought if its ok with you, I could throw my two bits into the equation?” she spoke with a barely contained grin.

Luna raised her brow suspiciously, she would rather like this to be a totally private matter, but she convinced herself that she basically just yelled it to everypony in the vicinity, so she supposed it wouldn't hurt her now.

“If you wish, Moonbud.” She said with a slight sigh, the other mare didn’t pick up on, too busy smiling at the prospect of some good old fashion filly talk.

Moonbud trotted over towards the two mares, who now moved towards a small table with an assortment of beverages. After a moment Luna picked up three goblets and poured a sparing amount of honey wine into two of them and a generous amount into her own, this was probably going to be a while she confided to herself. She levitated the other two cups towards the other mares.

Feather Duster put her hoof up and shook her head to politely refuse it. “Sorry princess it don’t feel right, not while I’m at work.”
Moonbud on the other hand took the initiative and snatched both of them in the air with her hoof balancing the other on her wing. “Well I got no problem with it.” She smugly stated, pouring the two contents into one collective cup and taking a rather large swig of the now rim full goblet, barely tasting the overly expensive vintage in favour of the quick blissful sting of the alcohol.

Luna also followed Moons example, taking a deep swig of the wine before placing it down. Alcohol barely affected Alicorns, unless a rather large amount was consumed, however Luna found it helped her think, and the taste didn't hurt either.

Levitating the glass back down on the table, giving both mares a long and firm stare to hammer her next sentence home. “What we, I say does not leave the confines of this room, is this understood?”

Both mares nodded.

“We have begun the wooing of the fare Marcus Vorenus, I trust at least you know him Moonbud?"

Again the mare nodded. “Yeah I sort of got that from how terrorfi- uh, I mean terrifically happy, way he was acting last night.” She corrected herself hopping Luna hadn't picked up her slip up of how the captain truly reacted to the news. Luckily Luna seemed blissfully unaware of the mistake, as her face lit up immediately at the prospect of Marcus being so elated with her courting.

“Truly? Oh joyous days we admit that his reaction was...not what we expected when we confessed, but tis good to know we were just paranoid.”

Moon rubbed the back of her neck with a hoof smiling sheepishly “Oh yeah the captains was as happy as a drunk in cider season, he didn’t do anything out the ordinary or anything like that right Feather.” she finished, giving the made opposite her a nudge with her wing.

Feather turned to the mare with a confused look, before noticing Moon giving her a look that screamed, ‘just go with it.’ Feather as well as most of the castle had pretty much heard everything of the captains ‘episode’ last night. But it wasn’t something the princess needed to know, not right now at least.

She turned to Luna who was looking at her with hopeful eyes.

"Yes very happy, the happiest I’ve seen him in years he was positively on fire, horseapple I mean fantastic, yes fantastic that’s it.” She blurted out causing Moon to roll her eyes, at least the princess didn’t seem to notice.

“Huzza, tis joyous news indeed.” She cheered with a childlike grin across her muzzle, throwing a hoof up in triumph.

“So you need advice for tonight is that it?” Feather asked inquisitively.

Luna looked down and sighed “We are out of practice, so to speak, we are unsure as to what the stallions are into these days?”

"Not to worry Princess, I got just the thing, right now what you need is an example." Moon chimed in with a smug grin flying towards the door with a few short flaps.

"Example?" Luna asked genuinely puzzled by Moonbuds motives.

“That's right, someone who we can use to help practice these winning moves on and lucky for you, we have fine specimens all around." she stated opening the door to Luna's chamber and grabbing the unfortunate guard behind it.

"Unfortunately they're all downstairs, so right now we only have this guy.” Moonbud finished dragging a shocked and confused Knight Shield by the scruff of the neck and guiding him into the middle of the room, flanked on both sides by the princess and Feather Duster.

Knight shield looked both left and right before gulping audibly, he turned grabbing Moon and whispered harshly into her ear “Moon, why am I here?”

Moonbud pushed him away and declared loudly. “Because I can’t find anyone who represents a decent normal stallion to use as an example for the princesses date, so you’ll have to do. Anyway as you can see princess this what you’re dealing with.”

"Hey! I’m decent."

Feather gave a deadpan expression to Moonbud. “Moon aren’t you forgetting that not only is the captain a completely different pony to Shield, but, well he’s also not a pony at all!”

Moonbud lifted a hoof up dismissively “Ah stallions are all the same, every mare knows that, it’s hardly horn surgery, you just gotta’ show them what they get if they treat you right, you know what I mean.”

Luna shook her head. "We do not follow Moonbud.”

"Simple, just show them your moves, let em get a taste, watch.” Moonbuds entire body stance changed from her usual straight and flexed tomcolt figure to one of a more smooth and almost jungle cat like sultry trot, as she made her way over to Knight shield slowly, as she moved she flicked her tail back and forth against her sides in a pendulum motion. She approached Shield eyeing him like a predator would its prey.

Just mere Hoof steps away from him she turned her head to the side and brought a hoof over to her mouth feigning embarrassment, she gave a soft wink to the poor stallion, who somehow managed to effect a deep dark red blush than his coat should ever have allowed.

The whole time Luna looked over the demonstration in amazement, whilst Feather Duster simple rolled her eyes and sighed.
Happy with her results, Moon relaxed her figure back into its usual tom coltish ways, as she slouched back and cracked the joints of her front fore hooves. “See nothin’ to it, you just have to get them interested and they're putty in your hooves.”

Feather Duster shock her head unable to bear any more of Moonbuds 'teachings'. “Oh please! Maybe if you’re looking for a cheap one night stand, but I’m sure the princess here is looking for something more than just a roll in the hay, right Princess?” She finished turning her gaze towards the nocturnal princess.

"Well, yes of course we are looking for more than mere intimacy under the sheets, but we would not mind hay play as well, if the moment allows." She stammered out blushing, it felt very odd to Luna to talk about these things to any pony. Never in her long life had she really needed to seek the advice of another in the art of courting back in her day, whilst it was true she had her fair share of romance, it had never truly been her who sought it, and if it was it was never for longer than needed, this was perhaps the first time she felt she needed this to go well. However she did not quite realise how much she apparently needed to be taught, as she heard Feather speak up in opposition.

“Don’t listen to her princess, the real art is in conversation.”

"Well duh, of course it is that’s part two." Moon interrupted, getting an annoyed grunt from the maid as she gave a small cough to adjust her voice.

Moonbud walked up next to the still bright red Batpony and sat next to him.

“Hello there Sweetie, thank you so much for coming out with me tonight, I was going to be all alone if you hadn't come to the rescue, my you look so strong and handsome today would you escort a small little mare like me to bar it’s so dangerous to go alone, maybe after all thus is done you can come rescue me again at my house, would you do that for me?" She finished with an almost out of character giggle, stroking Shields chest with an idol hoof.

Again the poor stallion looked over next to his friend and gulped audibly, before nodding so vigorously it was amazing his head still stayed on his shoulders.

“Oh thank you so very much, I promise you won’t regret it.” She slowly draped one of her bat like wings over the stallion’s shoulders and nuzzled him softly. If anything truly was solved that day it was only that if it was possible for a ponies face to turn the purist shade of red, Shield was now the example.

The stallion turned and bolted for the door much to the shock of the other mares in the room, as Moon turned and yelled “Hey buster! Where do you think you're going!?”

“I’LL BE IN MY BUNK!” Shield yelled, storming out of the room and fleeing down the stairs.

“My word, except for that last part where he got tired, thou practically had him eating out of your hoof.” Luna turned to Feather for conformation who just hung her head and sighed.

“Yeah that always seems to happen to him, must get sleepy a lot.” Moon relied eyes still glued to the door a little unsure of his actions herself, as Feather duster simply face hoofed.

“Princess if I may.” she moaned bringing the hoof down over her face.

"Of course Feather."

“Perhaps it’s best to take a more subtle approach with the captain, I have a feeling you don’t want him doing the same thing as Shield.” She stated, pointing to the hoof marks and the half ajar door.

Luna rubbed her chin with a hoof in contemplation. “Thou thinks he would? We admit he is not one for showing emotion often, but we hardly thinks he would flee as the sergeant has, would he?”

Feather scratched her chin as the gossip of last night flooded her thoughts. “Something tells me he might.”

Luna looked down, her brow furrowed in thought. “Perhaps a more subtle approach is best indeed.”

“Personally Princess it’s not that hard, I mean you both already agreed to this so it’s not like he doesn’t know you’re interested in being in a relationship with him, and you already have some common ground don’t you? I’m sure you like the same things.”

"Yes Marcus makes for most amusing conversation, and he has some fascinating war stories. Tis refreshing to have somepony to talk to besides my sister, Equestria hasn’t seen war in nearly one thousand five hundred years. As thou imagines we are left with little to compare experiences to. Ah and not fogeting thy battle scars he has, you should see them he truly is a stallion under that armour.” She finished, wiping a small amount of drool away from her lip with her wing, hoping the others didn't catch that.

Feather blushed at the remark, looking away trying to readjust her appearance, whilst Moon tried desperately to contain her giggles with a wing, failing miserably.

"So... ah yes that's the type of common ground you two need I guess, perhaps maybe compliment him on his outfit, his hair ask him how's doing, that sort of thing."

"Is it that easy, what about the wooing? I ask him these things every encounter, how would now be any different?"

"Yes but now your intentions are clear, you can be a bit more, um how shall I put it informal some soft touching here and there a flirtatious comment once in a while, but don't overdo it, like Moon does." she quick added.


"It's all about the delicate touch that's really all you need to have a successful date."

"Don't listen to her princess, what does she know, trust me I read all about this stuff all the time in Cosmoponyton." Moon declared proudly.

"I" Feather stated proudly lifting her hoof to her chest "have been happily married for six years now, that's how I know."

"Exactly your life's already over." Moon argued back.

"Oh yeah! and how long have you had a special somepony for?" feather growled, the accusation hitting through all of Moonbuds armour both emotionally and almost she felt physical, more than she cared to admit.

"None of your buckin’ business, that's how long!" she yelled back getting into Feathers muzzle and glaring daggers into the pony, who despite the soldierly intimidation factor was doing her beat to beat back, as muzzle hit muzzle.

However as soon as it has begun it was over, both mares were engulfed in a darkish blue aura of magic, which segregated the warring pony and Thestral.

"Enough!" Luna roared, snapping the pony's gaze away from each other and towards their agitated ruler, who snapped her wings out in frustration.

"Thou should be ashamed of thyselves, we cannot believe that thou would behave in this manor, tis most unprofessional!"

Both mares looked down with an apologetic expression plastered on their muzzle, as they both simultaneously apologising to the princess.

"Tis yourselves that you should be apologising to." Luna scolded, like a mother would to two arguing siblings.

"Sorry." Feather Duster mumbled looking away with a huff.

"Yeah sorry, whatever." Moonbud mumbled, also mirroring Feathers actions.

Luna nodded in acceptance that, that was as good as she was going to get out of the two mares.

"Now then we shall consider both of your points as we see merit in either action, now we ask of one more favour."

Both mares snapped up to look at Luna.

"What is the state of courting cosmetics in this day and age, what type of beetle would one require?"

Author's Note:

It lives!
Sorry about the weight, haven't had a moments rest this summer.
Luckily I just got a tablet so I can write my story on the go now which is why this is out. Hurrah for technology.
Then again I wrote most of this chapter on a notebook before I got the tablet so um hurray for the old ways?
Anyway hope you enjoyed.

Comments ( 10 )

Another enjoyable chapter! Now I will sit here and wait for the next one :pinkiecrazy:

She truly is in love!!!!:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

I want they date now please man it's too good.

4890260 i'm with you now where did i put my chair?

Huh. Last chapter I was thankful that Marcus didn't have time to get his hands on a beetle, but what do you know, it could have worked!


5465557 I agree, I have been meaning to clean up this little diamond in the rough for some time, however I simply haven't had any of it.
It was written during my more inexpedience days on fimfic before I started really focusing on it so i i know its a bit poor.
If its any consolation the later chapters are written far better though again could probably do with an editor none the less.
Thanks for the comment regardless.

lovely, truly lovely

i have just recently picked this fic up and i am quite thoroughly enjoying it keep up the good work


*Sad sigh* Join me, as we mourn the loss of another wonderful story. May it Rest in Peace.

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