• Published 4th May 2014
  • 1,560 Views, 10 Comments

Something Different - BlackWingsRed

A guy goes to Equestria and has to deal with obstacles along the way to get home

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Chapter 23: Wanna Dance? Part 1

Chapter 23: Wanna Dance? Part 1

The town was alive with celebratory sounds and music as the Gala commenced. Ponies all along the street were either dancing or mingling amongst one another. Twilight and the others walked along the elegantly decorated streets and smiled as the sights of ponies enjoying themselves was present all around them. "Wow Rarity, today really looks it's going to be really great. But, what time exactly did the Princesses say they would be arriving?" Twilight asked taking a sip of a small glass she had suspended in the air by her head.

"About that... The Princesses sent notice that they will be a little late due to a little bit of royal business that will need to be attended to right away. The same goes for Shining Armor and Princess Cadence." Rarity explained sighing deeply. "But the letter did say that they are going to attend as soon as they're available."

Twilight nodded her head. "That's alright. I'm happy just spending the day together with you all. And that makes me happier than anything."

Everyone nodded happily as they got up from their seats. "Alrighty! Let's get our party on everypony!" Pinkie cheered loudly her way into a bunch of ponies who began to cheer as well.

"Pinkie wait this isn't really one of those parties... Well not yet at least." Applejack followed in pursuit to capture her. "I'll be right back y'all." She quickly vanished into the crowd and was gone.

"Well what can we do now?" Fluttershy asked before turning to the rest of her friends.

"We've got a a few events scheduled for later but right now it's only lunch nothing won't start till around one. But there are a few minor events that Pinkie help set up we can go to." Rarity explained offering up something to do.

"I guess we can. What's first?" Twilight smiled.

Somewhere by the borders of Equestria

Shining and a few other soldiers walked through the streets of a small village. A white Pegasus soldier quickly descended by the crowd of them. "Any new developments? From the North?" Shining questioned as the soldier saluted them.

"As of now, nothing sir the homes to the North are all deserted as well. All their belongings and homes seemed to have never been bothered. The stores proved to give us only one good lead. The last time there were any activity was no more than two days ago midday." The Pegasus produced a receipt for a few vegetables that displayed the date and time stamp. "Here is the proof sir."

"This makes no sense... How could an entire village disappear without a trace this fast? This village is far too big to have been captured. Not to mention there aren't any signs of struggle . Could they have migrated? No, they would've informed the Princess. Plus they would've taken their belongings... We're gonna need to inform the Princess." Shining muttered to himself then turned towards the rest of them. "Has there been any updates of the south?"

"We should be expecting them anytime now. Dip out you have any clue sir?" One of them asked.

"I'm not too sure but-" Shining was quickly interrupted. A single Earth pony quickly made his way over.

"Sir we found a civilian. Down in the southern half of the village." He exclaimed as he saluted.

"Are you sure?! How many?" Shining approached him. "Where is he?"

"Only one sir and its a she. She refuses to leave her home." He pointed himself in the direction he came.

"Was she exhibiting any cases of injury, starvation or illness?" Shining questioned expecting a rather grim display. He shook his head as they all followed the Earth pony.

"Not exactly sir. I think it's better if you see her for yourself." The pony finished as he sped up his pace. The amount of homes and buildings around them seemed to shrink as they were replaced by hills and massive boulders. The entire group minus the Earth pony who had led them there. "This is her home sir." The house's appearance was like the ones in the village except this one was gray and looked as if it were chiseled out of a large boulder. The outside was decorated with piles of rocks that had been separated and categorized by color and shape. In the front of the house were two burly Earth ponies that were members of the Royal Guard trying to open the door by force . The group approached the house and were immediately intimidated by how big the door was compared to their bodies. Like the house, it was also made out of stone. "When she answered the door, she looked completely fine and healthy. She looked to be by herself but... I can feel an ominous presence emanating off of her..." The Earth pony backed up behind the rest of the other soldiers.

Shining Armor took a deep breath as he approached the door and tapped at it. "Excuse me, I am Shining Armor the Captain of the Canterlot Royal Guard. We wish to speak with you. Do you think you can come in and ask you some questions?" He was met with the sounds of hooves gently yet slowly clop towards the door. The door slowly yet gradually opened wide enough to let them in. As it opened a people maned Earth pony with a gray coat of fur pushed the door to the side with one hoof. She was wearing a very plain grey dress that went well with her coat. Several of the Earth ponies that had just arrived, jaws nearly hit the dirt seeing how easily

"May I help you?" The owner of the house answered in a deadpanned tone. The tone of her voice was gray and apathetic sending shivers down all their spines. "I'm busy studying."

Shining shook his head side to side and turned his attention to the mare in front of him. "Uh, yes... If it's alright with you, we would like to come inside and ask you questions about the last two days."

She remained silent for a few seconds before she sighed and answered by nodding her head. "Just be sure not to disturb any of the art pieces." She walked back inside and lead them inside. Shining along with a few guards followed her while most of the Earth pony guards stayed behind looking at the door contemplating how she opened it. The mare led them through stacks and mounds of rocks until they reached a single black couch and a coffee table. "Please sit." She made her way to a desk and looked through a microscope at a rather small rock. "is it okay if I work while you ask questions?"

Shining looked towards the other guards who had taken seats by him and they shrugged. "I suppose that would be alright. Could we have your name please?"

"It's Maud. I'm moved out here a couple of years ago to study Geology. " She replied.

One of the Unicorn guards levitated a school and quill and used his magic to write a report. "Ahem... We would like to know what exactly happened here."

"What happened to what? I've been here studying this pile of silt trying to determine what type of rock they came from. Has something happened?" She replied in the same deadpanned tone.

"You don't know?... The entire town is GONE? You're the only pony here. Are you telling me that you've been here the entire time?" Shining replied dumbfounded by her blunt response.

"Yes. Well nobody comes over unless they're selling something." She answered as she took down notes of her own. "Lime stone..."

"Has there been any activity that you've noticed in the last two days?" Shining asked once before he started rubbing his forehead in confusion.

"Well... There was this one weird pony with a shiny black coat of fur, bug wings and fangs. I answered the door but he quickly backed away and hissed. He left and I returned to studying. He looked like a big black bug."

"Then it was them... Thank you,that's all the information that we will be needing. We shall prepare a carriage to bring you to safety." Shining's tone turned rather serious quickly and got up. "Let's go men we've got to get to Canterlot-"

"No, I think I'll be just fine here. I need to finish these studies." Maud refused shocking the whole lot of them.

"But mam we can't risk them coming back to try to get you." One of the guards said in reply. It was the Unicorn who had taken notes that answered her back. Maud turned around and looked towards him causing the guard to hide behind the scroll.

"Are you sure Maud?" Shining asked once more looking concerned.

"Yes. I'm busy studying for an exam I need to take. It's very crucial that I finish every bit of work I have here so I can go back home."

"I understand... Let's go." Shining turned away from her fearless gaze looking rather intimidated. The rest of the ponies followed him as he made his way through the pile of rocks. The Earth ponies still by the stone door trying their best to close it. They immediately stopped and followed Shining and the others out. Maud watched them all leave as she closed the door with her hoof.

Back in town

Pinkie and Applejack walked back along the path to where the others were. "We should go see the ballon carts or the crepes those look fancy and yummy!" Pinkie proclaimed loud enough to disturb the ponies walking by them. Enough to cause then to jump out of the way.

"I don't think we should be so hasty yet, we still need to find the others." Applejack replied scanning through the different groups all around them. "If ya hadn't ran off like you did we'd probably have solved that question earlier."

"Yeah I guess but this is just SO EXCITING! Twilight is out of her house, the town is alive, and the plan is going all according to plan!." Pinkie grinned as They turned onto the main part of the street.

"Yeah I guess so, but once we find em we're sticking together till the days over got it?" Applejack explained as they came to a stop.

Suddenly, Pinkie began to furiously vibrate through he tail to her mane. "Ohhhhhhh.... I wonder what that means..." Pinkie struggled to keep herself from vibrating as the two crossed the street and finally met up with the others waiting on the other side.

"Hey what took you guys? We've decided on the art expo." Twilight proclaimed taking a brief break from the walk. But, from down the main path they could here a commotion quickly making its way towards them at a high speed. A red and brown blur shot right by the six of them heading in the direction of the hospital.

"What was that?" Rarity shouted as everyone braced themselves from the tailwind the blur caused. The ponies around them continued to bicker about The blur and what it did to their manes. The entire group looked at each other with concern and confusion as Rainbow Dash suddenly, took off flying and nearly leaving her outfit behind.

"Rainbow? What in tarnation are you doing?!" Applejack shouted attracting her attention.

"I'm gonna see whatever that thing was. I'll be right back!" Rainbow shouted back shakily flying in the same direction as the blur.

"Dang it Rainbow... We're supposed to stay together today...." Applejack's expression turned into a displeased frown. "The nerve of that one..." She whispered to herself. She sighed and turned to the rest of them. "Well... Should we follow her?" The group nodded altogether and began to follow in pursuit... Except Rarity.

"These outfits aren't meant for strenuous activity! So slow down!" She followed but carefully so that her hooves did not slip out of her hoof slippers.


Red walked through the town of well dressed ponies. All the while looking at his bare unclothed self. "I don't think those really make a difference without pants..." He smiled knowing that he was fully clothed underneath the enchantment that provided his pony form. He sighed to himself as the thought of having to face the pink pony again bored into the back of his head. He continued down to the diner only to find out that it was closed and the streets were full of ponies bantering about outfits and the appetizing pastries further down the street. Suddenly, his stomach reminded him of not having breakfast. He quickly made his way over to the table and out popped three little troublemakers.

"Mr. Red it's you!" A certain orange filly rocketed out from the little trio to face him. "We knew you'd be coming out today I just knew it." She was uncomfortably close to him that he backed away.

"Yeah... I'm just out to grab a bite and see what everybody is doing. After I'm done I'm just gonna head home to do a bit of research, maybe see the Princesses if I can. Nothing special."

"Grab a bite huh? Well you're just in luck. My Sister and Big Mac are tied up at the moment so it's just us and Granny out here watching the food for later." Apple Bloom pointed towards towards the old mare dressed in a very old looking gown. The kind that you'd see in movies that take place during dark ages. She snored rather loudly as she slept. "The food her is for later but if you wanted we could get ya some." She ducked under the table and popped back up on the other side. She picked up one of the food coverings to unleash the baked goods aroma that the red unicorn quickly picked up on. The look on his face looked like he really wanted it.

"I wouldn't want to get you three in trouble though..." Red shook the scent trails away and looked at the empty tables. "I think I can wait till then."

"Are ya sure? That didn't stop Sweetie Belle..." Apple Bloom replied before Sweetie Belle gave her a swift kick.

"Yeah C'mon Mr. Red they're yummy!" Sweetie Belle straightened herself out and trotted herself up towards him too.

"No it's okay... I'll just try to find a place that's still open." Red replied turning the offer down. "So, I'll see you girls later." As he turned to leave Granny Smith tapped on Apple Bloom's back.

"Mr. Red catch!" Suddenly, she threw a small paper bag that Red quickly levitated in front of himself. "Granny Smith say's it's okay.

"Don't worry sonny boy I can see how hungry ya are. It won't matter none if they're just missing a few." Said Granny as she looked up from her seat.

"Thanks Granny, I owe ya one!" Red finished before turning away.

"Since you put it that way..." She began to lightly giggle. "Ya can marry my oldest Grand daughter!"

"What?!" Red immediately shouted. "I don't think I'm ready for that kind of thing yet!" He quickly took off with a worried look on his face. Granny continued to giggle and laugh.

"You don't really mean that do you Granny?" Apple Bloom asked looking worried and confused.

"Of course not Apple Bloom. It be a cold snowfall in Tartarus if I let any of you go just like that." Granny Smith sighed as she slumped back into her chair. "You gals are gonna take a while as well so don't be rushing to grow up either."

Back with Red

"Geez old lady!" He said to himself as he levitated the bag of goodies over to his side. "I know she was joking but still, that was awkward..." He levitated a pastry out and took bite out of it. "Hey this is good though." He continued to chew as he looked for a place to sit and eat. The crowds of ponies showed no signs of letting up. "Screw this..." He began to head out through the entrance of Ponyville and towards the wilderness. "Oh man! I can't wait till they actually open up the banquet. He looked around to make sure nobody was around and slipped off the pendant. He quickly turned into his true form and continued to eat pastries. Using his magic he pulled out his journal and a quill. "It's been a good while since I last updated this... " the book opened up and flipped itself through blank pages until he finally got to one with words. "Okay, let's see..." The quill and book floated into a writing position. He pulled out the last of the pastries and finished them off.

"Today is the day of the Gala thing. I think if I am going to participate, I should just come around when the Princesses come around.... And if that Pink one comes around I might be doomed... I hope she doesn't do what I think she might..."

A sudden sound caused him to drop the book and get up from where he was sitting. "What the hell was that?" He placed the pendant on and slowly came out of the little hiding spot expecting to see Pinkie Pie ready to pounce him. Instead a few meters in front of him was... A zebra? A Zebra in a dress in the middle of a forest? "What's next a drag-... Oh wait..."

The zebra groaned as she completely dropped onto the dirty road. He galloped towards her and tried to wake her. "Hey are you alright?" She did not respond. "Why does this keep happening to me?..." He levitated the zebra onto his back and dashed off into town at a high speed. He sped through the crowded streets being careful to not drop her.

The hospital doors opened as he stepped inside. "Is anybody here?! I need help! Someone's been hurt!" It took a few seconds before some body actually came out. A nurse quickly came rushing in with a stretcher.

"Please help get her up here! Miss Zecora is that you? How did this happen?" The nurse questioned checking over the downed zebra.

"I don't know. I found her outside by the town entrance. She was crawling her way into town." Red answered worriedly as they wheeled the zebra through the halls. "Doctor! Doctor! We've got one injured zebra. She has several lacerations to her front hooves and several burns along her side." Suddenly a stallion wearing a top hat emerged from one of the rooms. He threw off the top hat and rushed over to check.

"Bring her into the prep room these wounds need to be cleaned up." He suddenly paused and looked over some of the other injuries. "We need to bring her into X-Ray her shoulder looks like it may have been broken and it's beginning to swell." He pointed to her left shoulder and continued on his way another nurse came out and took the place of the others.

"Sir you can't go any further. Now I need you to calm down and tell me what exactly happened." The nurse brought out a pen and notepad. Red gave her a shocked look. "What is it sir?"

"Nnnothing..." He immediately brushed off the thought and returned to explaining to her.

After five minutes...

"Thank you very much the authorities will be coming shortly. They're going to have to ask you a few questions and then you can head back to the party. The nurse handed the letter to a small unicorn colt who then teleported it away. "The doctor said she's quite a lucky mare for you to have found her out there. Who knows how long it would have been until somepony actually found her with the Gala going on." As she finished the light above the prep room shut off signaling that the treatment was over. "Oh speak of the devil looks like he's done. I need to go check on them and we'll inform you on her condition. Please wait in the Waiting room." She quickly left and entered the emergency room.

Red sighed and wandered into the halls. "I can't believe they have actual pens here. I've been using hose quills for so long... I've really gotta remind myself to ask her where she gets them."

As he left for another area, Rainbow Dash entered through the main entrance causing the few of the ponies that were actually there to stare at her. Rainbow scanned the faces in the room for a nurse. She galloped towards nurse Redheart as she filed away a few papers. "Excuse me. Has anypony come here in a rush?"

"I don't think I have the authority to release that information unless you are an immediate acquaintance of the pony you are visiting." Redheart explained. Tucking a few more folders away.

"Aww cmon. I know they came in here in a rush. I just wanna know who they were. So I'm just gonna do a quick run through." Rainbow said before she jumped up and hovered a bit higher than Nurse Redheart' counter.

"Oh no you don't." She jumped up and bit down on apart of Rainbow's dress to pull her down. "Am I going to have to call security?" She put herself in front of the Pegasus keeping her from going any further.

"Rainbow Dash? Where'd you go? Girls she's right here." Twilight said from the door before she and the rest of them let themselves in."Rainbow Dash what are you doing?"

"They won't let me in to check who that was." Rainbow replied before her and Redheart stopped and turned towards the group.

"You were going to just fly in unannounced. That's breaking the rules." Redheart shot back. The two of them began arguing once again.

Twilight rolled her eyes and sighed. "Rainbow just tell her who you think might have been the one that was brought in."

"I thought I saw that Red guy carrying Zecora in. Was it them?" Rainbow answered through her gritted teeth. Redheart immediately stopped and looked through the listing on the counter.

"And that was all you needed to say. It appears Zecora is listed here." Redheart announced making them all gasp in shock.

"WHAT WHY? Applejack responded with heavy concern.

"The nurse and doctors that had checked on her said that she had bruises and minor lacerations on her body. They also had to forcefully remove her dress that had been heavily damaged already in order to get work done on her." She read the report aloud causing Rarity to dramatically land on a very plush pillow.

"Rarity get off of there. You don't want to get sick do you? Are we able to see her?" Twilight asked as Fluttershy helped Rarity up.

"Unfortunately no... She actually hasn't woken up yet and the doctor request she be left alone for the moment. The doctor currently has her in the ICR until she does"

"What happened to her?" Twilight asked prompting Redheart to check the rest of the report.

"It doesn't say other than that she was brought in by a stallion." She concluded by putting the file away and walking out from behind her counter. "It also said that there is an officer on the way to get information from the stallion once he arrives."

"Do you think we can talk to him? The six of us would like to ask him about what happened." Twilight calmly asked using her magic to stop Rainbow from sneaking off. Into the waiting room.

"I suppose so if he allows it but... I thought you said there were six of you." Nurse Redheart led them in.

"Yeah there's six of us. There's me, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pink-..." Her hoof pointed to each of them as she spoke but froze when she noticed they were a pony short. "Where's Pinkie Pie?" Just as she asked the question sounds of commotion erupted from the area they were headed.

A soon as they arrived Red jumped out of an open window. Pinkie was in pursuit of him but, nbefore she could jump out an aura of pink and blue wrapped around her. "Oh hey there girls. What's up?" Pinkie asked casually as they let her down.

Rarity was the first to ask. "What are you doing Pinkie?"

"Aww you let him go... I was just saying hi" She answered before Nurse Redheart interrupted them.

"That was the stallion that brought in Zecora... " She sadly said before turning to Pinkie. "Please behave yourself. There are very delicate patients here and we can't have you exciting them. I need to ask you to leave for the time being."


Red walked along the path back into town. "Aww great she found me already and it isn't even lunch yet..."while he wasn't looking, he bumped into a pony. "Whoa sorry bout that."

"Oh well look who it is. It's the little pony that wrecked my cart. You thought I wouldn't find ya now didn't ya. The big brown stallion exclaimed angrily all of a sudden. He walked up close enough to Red to give him a push with his chest.

"What?... What are you talking about?" Red quickly asked in a confused manner. As he backed up a little.

"My cart! Don't you recognize it? Your the Punk that Just Vandalized it!" The brown stallion shoved red on over to it and pointed out the broken sections. "Look at this do you know how long it took me to build this thing? How much hard work I've gotten done with it? I mean look at this; The wheels are ripped clean off, the entire left side of its covered in paint, and the harness has fallen off." Immediately Red's horn lit up and his magic began to lift the entire thing in the air. "Hey whadya think you're doing?!" The brown Stallion asked in anger.

"I think you've got the wrong person buddy but the least I can do for you is this. Now I've got to go." Red replied as he put the fully repaired cart on the ground and ran off.

"Hey don't think this is is over buddy!" The brown stallion yelled before turning back towards his cart. "Oh hey... Not bad." The pony then perceived to check out his cart.

Not too far away

Red continued on his way passing by a few other ponies that eyed him suspiciously. "So this is that ruffian that ruined the tapestries on the West end of town."one of them had said.

"I think he's the same pony that ate all the treats that Bon Bon had put out earlier too" said another. Before long, he was receiving suspicious glances from almost every pony that he had seen earlier.

"What the heck is all their problems?" He asked himself before turning into path Of the windmill. As he walked closer to home he noticed the one tapestry and the messy area they had mentioned earlier. It was covered in odd muddy hoof marks and had a few crude doodles on it. "That's messed up." His horn lot up and managed to clean it up a bit. "Now that looks a bit better." The blue piece of fabric still looked messy but better than it did earlier. "Somebody's gotta do something." His horn lit up as a whole bunch of the trash that had been knocked out of the trash bins glowed red and returned into the bin. After cleaning the mess he quickly made his way to the windmill and slammed the door. He made his way up to the top floor and looked out of the highest window. The ponies seemed to be still partying. "Everything looks alright... How're things getting all messed up?" As he watched the party seemed to be moving up towards the Mayor's office leaving part of town empty. He sat there watching as he levitated his journal towards him. Before he could write a single sentence, a loud noise from outside caught his attention. A Earthpony mare wearing a dress ran through the streets followed by a red stallion. She bashed into a few of the tables as she tried to knock things into the red stallion's path. "What the heck?" He immediately dropped the journal and bolted down the stairs. Once he saw them, he began to gallop after them.

The mare looked afraid but why wasn't she screaming for help? She ran into a alley way and vanished. The red pony walked into the alley knowing the mare was in there. Red stopped and crept up to the alleyway to try to get a better look at what was happening. As he approached a bright green flash lit up the alleyway. Red immediately ducked out of site and watched as the mare walked out with her dress completely clean and smiling. "Wait what? They didn't have horns? Where did the flash come from?" She walked out as two more red stallions walked into the alleyway. She turned into the direction of the party and galloped towards it. The two ponies that had gone into the alley looked odd. "Their faces... Do they look like me?" He whispered to himself. He hid himself as he watched them drag an awful looking bulb of green goo and inside was the same mare from earlier. He anxiously watched as they turned into the corner to see him sitting there. They dropped the bulb of goo and rushed towards him hissing. Red jumped up and trapped them into bubbles. The two doppelgängers raged within the bubbles and started smacking against the walls of it violently knocking them into each other. Small cracks began to form where they were colliding.

Red quickly grabbed the bulb with his teeth and quickly dragged it far enough from the two Doppelgängers and to not be seen taking off the pendant. He quickly began to spit the green goo that had gotten stuck in his teeth. "Oh god.., why didn't I just use magic?..." He looked towards the green goo and grimaced as he tried to poke into it with his fingers. "So warm... Gross..." He reached in and grabbed the mare by her hoof and slowly pulled her out. Joe watched as the green goop slopped to the side and the pony lay beside him motionless. He shook her until she began to wake up and kick with her hooves. She panicked and began to use hear hoof to try to claw away at her muzzle. Joe grabbed her forehoof and tried to see if there was something on her mouth. The instant he touched it, it felt as if something like a thin film and vanished. She immediately screamed and ran off. "You're welcome!" Joe began to wipe the slime off his arms and put the pendant back on.

Back at the Hospital

"I'm fairly certain she will be fine in a few hours. Why don't you girls go ahead and go back to the party. When The Princesses and the royal guards arrive they'll take care of whoever did this to her." Said Nurse Red Heart as Twilight and the girls walked out of Zecora's room. "We will try to inform you if she wakes up before then."

"What do yo mean try?! You have got to tell us ASAP! We gotta find that Red guy and then we'll find that pony who did this!" Rainbow Shouted angrily and stomped her hooves but immediately stopped as soon as Red Heart shot her an angry glance.

"Thank you, for your help Red Heart. Sorry about that." Twilight whispered as she pulled Rainbow out of the way. "We'll be leaving now." She walked the group out until Rarity pulled her to the side.

"I'm sorry Twilight... Today was meant to help cheer you up. I didn't think something like this would end up happening." Rarity apologized. "It's just that you looked like you needed some time to keep your mind off of this whole other student business."

"It's alright you didn't need to go through this much trouble just for me. I'm completely fine when Princess Celestia and Luna get here we will find out exactly what is going on and we'll find whoever did this to Zecora. Now let's go and find out what's been happening. Maybe we will bump into that red guy and get his story." Rarity nodded and followed them outside.

"I'm gonna go on a Pony hunt I'm going to see you guys later!" Rainbow Exclaimed as she jumped into the air but, Applejack roped her down. "Hey what the big deal?!"

"You can't just go and harass anypony thinking that they were the ones who had gone and done it. I mean look at what happened earlier, if Pinkie hadn't gone and spooked the poor fella I'm pretty sure he woulda told us straight out." Applejack explained while Pinkie tried to get away. "No ya don't." She roped and tied the two hyper ponies together. "Now I need you two to behave." Pinkie Pie rapidly nodded her head yes while Rainbow just crossed her forehooves and sighed. "C'mon Rainbow you gotta..." Rainbow continued to cross her hooves and sigh. "Hmm... Fine... I guess I get to drink that barrel of Granny's good ol Apple cider I've got hidden at home."

"You've still got cider?! And you weren't going to share?!" Rainbow asked giving Applejack her full attention.

"Yeah I was going to share it with y'all after the Gala but seein as somepony won't cooperate I guess I'll be saving it." Applejack replied.

At those words it looked as if Rainbow was arguing with her self. "Okay I'll listen..." She growled as Twilight and Rarity caught up to them.

"What are you all doing?" Twilight asked finding the situation a tad odd since two of her friends were tied to each other's back.

"Nothing we were just thinking of funtastic things to do today." Pinkie smiled. "I mean just look at this!" She pointed at herself and Rainbow as she forced a flip and landed with Rainbow on her back instead of the other way around. "Tadaa!"

"Okaaaay... But I don't see how that's gonna make the situation feel any better." Twilight replied as she levitated the rope off of them. "Rarity, what's the next event for today?"

"It should be time for lunch and I am feeling a bit peckish. Shall we go?" Rarity replied as she pulled out a little list of events. "Is anyone else hungry?" Everyone else nodded and voiced their agreement.

"Okay let's go ahead and get to the buffet area." Twilight lead the way as they went through the crowd and towards the buffet.

Author's Note:

I never released chapter 22 all that time... I thought I did but I didn't...

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