• Published 4th May 2014
  • 1,569 Views, 10 Comments

Something Different - BlackWingsRed

A guy goes to Equestria and has to deal with obstacles along the way to get home

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Chapter 17:Friend?

Chapter 17:Friend?

The windmill lightly creaked as Joe held the orb containing the intruder into the kitchen. He lined up a chair under a light and set it down. "Crap! I've been found out! What the heck do I do?!" His mind shouted. A small purple and green dragon popped out cowering In his seat. "Holy crap a dragon. Rex wasn't kidding." The human thought to himself.

"What?... What are you?... ARE? ARE... ARE YOU GOING TO EAT ME?!" The young dragon panicked as he looked around the room and noticed a Pot on the old iron stove. "Oh what in Equestria?! Celestia! TWILIGHT HELP!"

The human's face grew an entertained smirk on his face. Maybe if you told me the truth of why you are here, I won't have to..." The little dragon panicked and attempted to flee. Joe levitated him back onto the chair. "Hey come on now I'm just kidding." He walked over towards a light switch and turned the rest of them on.

The little dragon sat there still frightened of the being before him. "What are you? You're no pony! Let me go! I... I want to go home... Heeeelp! Heeelp!" He continued to wave around in panic. "Oh please no... I'm a good dragon... I haven't done anything wrong... I'm sure I don't taste too good...maybe a little salty but please..." This made the human laugh.

"Shhh...Don't worry, I was just kidding. Do you want anything to eat?" asked Joe as he levitated an apple in front of him. The little guy took it but didn't take a bite." I just want to know, who are you and what were you doing in here?"

The little dragon still shaken eyed the few gems that had spilled out from Joe's bag of bits. It sat on one of the shelves in the living room. Joe noticed and brought a few of them over. "You want some of these?... Go ahead have some I don't really need them and besides if I did I know where to find more."

"Then why do you have them?" The little dragon asked as he popped a few into his mouth instantly cheering him up. "Where'd you get these? These are awesome." He proceeded to eat even more gems and sit back contently.

"You eat these?" Joe took some and placed them into the palm of his hand. The little guy had seemed to have calmed down. "I got them off of a dog thing in a mine. I... Don't think the Princess would be happy if I told just anybody about it. Now tell me why exactly were you in here?"

The little dragon perked up remembering something. "Well... Princess Celestia asked me to deliver that scroll to the pony that's supposed to live here. But... You aren't a pony." He pointed out.

"That's... Because I took this off." Replied Joe. He levitated his pendant over and put it on. He quickly turned into the Red Unicorn. "Celestia made it for me in Canterlot. She's the reason why I'm here. But maybe I'll tell you the whole story some other time. Let me see that." He levitated the scroll over to himself and read it.

"What is it?" Asked the little dragon in wonder. He ate a few more gems and sat comfortably on his chair.

"It say here your name is Spike and that if I need to send messages, to ask you." The human/Pony replied

"So The Princess really did send you here?" asked Spike. Joe nodded his head yes. "By the way, you haven't answered my Question. What in Equestria are you?"

Outside of the library.

Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy walked towards the entrance of the library. Above them, clouds were being moved into place. "Maybe finally I can find out what kind of spell that was. I think I must've read about it somewhere. Lets head inside it looks like its going to rain." Said Twilight as she further questioned the red Unicorn's magic. The Library door opened slowly as they walk walked through the darkness of the library. "Spike still isn't home yet? Where is that little dragon?"

Suddenly, out of the Darkness two golden eyes opened and stared at them all. Fluttershy being the first to notice yelped and jumped into Pinkie's forelegs. Pinkie smiled while holding up the Pegasus

"Zecora? What are you doing here?" Twilight began. "More importantly, how did you get in here?"

Zecora stood in her cloak near one of the bookshelves. She closed her eyes as the lights were turned on. "That is of no importance my friend. I've come to you in need of a place to stay. May I rest till the day's end? It is dangerous to traverse alone today."

A/N{still a bad with rhymes. *sigh*}

"What are you talking about?" Asked Twilight curious of the zebra. "What's happening in the Everfree?" Zecora rushed up to her and whispered into her ear. Twilight nodded her head in understanding. "You can stay here as long as you need but in the meantime, I'm going to be doing a little research."

"Let me follow you so I may have something to do." Zecora replied as she followed Twilight over to the bookshelves.

Seeing that they wouldn't be much help Pinkie followed by Fluttershy ventured into the kitchen to set a small meal. Pinkie kept her sights on The yellow pegasus as she pulled out pots and a few vegetables to make some soup. Pinkie continued to stare contently making Fluttershy uneasy.

"Uhm... Yes... Pinkie Pie?" Fluttershy asked looking up from what she was doing.

"Do you want to help me with the surprise party?..." Pinkie replied smiling. "I need a few more things to make this work." Fluttershy stood silent after hearing the question. "Well?"

"I guess I can... "She replied quietly. She looked out from the kitchen to where Twilight and Zecora were talking.

"Now tomorrow I have a feeling he is going to be out near Applejacks." She said as she reached over and began to whisper into Shy's ear.

Twilight sat contently in the other room scanning through spell book after spell book. Zecora sat near her looking through another yet similar book. "I've been through these books hundreds of times. I'm pretty sure I must've seen that type of spell before I just don't know where." She announced as she put the whole stack of book back onto the sighed in defeat as Zecora placed her book away as well.

"Perhaps you should search another time my friend. I am running low on time the day is near its end." Replied Zecora. She went over to her saddle bag and pulled out a scroll. "This is for the princess for only through her eyes can it be read with success."

Twilight took the scroll and levitated it onto the library table. "I'll have Spike send it when he comes back. For now, lets just have a quiet evening discussion."

"That sounds divine. Is there anything you wish to ask on your mind?" Agreed Zecora.

"Have you noticed anything strange about the new pony staying in the windmill?"Asked Twilight. She then explained what she had learned about his relation to the Princesses.

Zecora managed a light chuckle. "It sounds to me like you've been bitten by envy. You mustn't treat anyone as an enemy."

"No that's not it... What gave you that idea? I'm just worried that I would end up being replaced." Replied Twilight as those thoughts flashed into her mind.

"I don't think that's what he would be after. Just check with the element of laughter." replied Zecora. Pointing towards the kitchen.

"What exactly is that supposed to mean? Do you mean Pinkie?" Twilight asked wondering what it meant.

"What about Pinkie?" Asked the pink mare herself. She watched as the both Zecora and Twilight jumped up from their seats. "What are you two talking about?" Twilight sighed as she took another a seat by a bookshelf. "Oh are you two talking about that new building going up. I hear its going to be a new pharmacy. Oh, won't that be useful to everypony. We won't have to go all the way to ponyville general all the time. Or that other pharmacy way across town I mean don't get me wrong I like them but the trip is way too far." Pinkie continued her story as Twilight began to lose interest and looked into another book.

Back at the Windmill

Joe had moved the conversation into the living room where he had taken off the pendant and was eating an apple while Spike sat there picking gems out of the tiny sack. "In the end of all that they decided to send me here so I can try to learn how my magic works and to try to find out more of this Starswirl guy. They think he knew a way to get me home." Joe finished.

"Wow... That's deep... So, let me get this right, you are from some bizarro Dimension, you're only here for research on how you can get home, and you run around dressed up as a little pony... That's pretty cool wait till Twilight hears this." Spike said as he got up from his seat.

"No! No one needs to know! I've already caused enough trouble as is for the Princesses I don't need to be a burden to anymore peo-... Ponies. Lets change the topic..." Joe quickly responded.

"Well, what else is there? Hmm..." He asked. He walked towards a little board on the wall that had little bits of string, pictures and maps. "Hey what is this?"

"That's a little thing Celestia has me doing. I'm looking for something important. I don't think Celestia wants me to talk about that. Except for Soarin and Spitfire. They're supposed to come here to check on me once in a while." Joe replied.

"So you're the one who was racing them?! That's awesome!" Spike jumped towards him excitedly. "Oh man Rainbow Dash is going to be way mad jealous if she finds out. That's so cool! Did you win?"

"Uhh... Sorta... Well technically I passed the finish line first and saved that tiny orange pony from the tree. Then they helped get me back here. Speaking of which I'm still sorta tired from the race."

Suddenly Spike freaked out when he noticed how dark it was outside. He began to look around erratically. "OH NO! WHAT TIME IS IT?"

"From the looks of it almost eight. The clock is right up there" Joe pointed toward the little clock that sat on small part of the wall. After seeing what time it was, the tiny dragon's face turn to one of worry. The sound of rain didn't help him much as he began to quickly pace around the room.

"Oh no I've done it now I'm late! Twilight's gonna kill me if I come home in this weather..." Spike yelled. "What am I gonna do?!"

Joe just laughed as Spike gave him an angry stare. "Don't worry I can take you home. I mean it couldn't be that far."Joe answered.

"But what about the time?" asked Spike still worried.

"If any of them ask just say you were stuck in the rain c'mon lets go." Joe replied once again as he slipped the Unicorn pendant back on and opened the door. Once outside he created a roof of magic over them. "See I told ya now which way is your place?"

"Wow that's pretty cool. What book did you get that from?" Said Spike as he followed Red under the cover of his magic. "I live just over there at the library One day you've really got to see that place it's full of all sorts of books." He pointed towards a large tree with windows and a door.

"You live in a tree? A library? What?" Joe replied looking at the giant tree in the distance. "I always thought that that was just a tree all this time."

"Yeah that's how they built it. It was carved by somepony a few hundred years ago way after Ponyville was founded. That's what I heard from Twilight but she's not quite sure yet." Explained Spike getting closer to Joe. He suddenly noticed something different about Joe as a Unicorn. "Hey you don't have a Cutie Mark?" He stared at the red blank patch that rested on Joe's hind leg.

"Huh? Oh those things? I'm not an actual pony remember I don't think those things apply to me. Well, then again that whole explanation of how I have magic still doesn't make sense to me. How does magic stay dormant?" Joe replied. "The same goes for this little pendant thing. I don't get how the heck an enchantment works. Celestia made it to hide me out in the obvious. The last place anybody would really try to look for me."

"So does that mean you aren't an actual student of Celestia? That's the pendant that she gives only to students." Spike poked at the little unicorn head on the pendant making it give a little nod.

"I guess I'm sorta like a student to her. She's been sending me lessons through Luna giving me homework and several books to study. But, it's all only until we find any means to send me back home... Just promise me one thing, don't tell anyone about me. This is between me, you and those guys in Canterlot.

"Don't worry I promise. I'll give you my word as a dragon I won't tell nopony." The little dragon valiantly replied. "But uh... Do you think I have a few more gems the next time we hang out?"

"Sure I don't mind getting a few more. Well here is the place... This is a huge tree." Joe gazed at the sheer size height of the tree. "I really would like to see how exactly this is supposed to be a library. One day maybe..."

Spike knocked on the door and took a deep breath. "Hello is somepony out there? Spike?" The voice sounded rather irritated she couldn't have been alone from the racket coming from inside. " The door opened to show the owner of the voice. "Spike where have you been? I was worried something bad happened to you especially in this weather."

"Oh... Yeah... I got stranded by the uhh... Rain." Spike stuttered as he stepped inside. He looked behind him but nothing was there.

Twilight noticed something weird. There was no rain where he was standing. "Spike how did you get here?" Suddenly she turned her head toward the sky and the roof of magic suddenly faded causing a small collection of water to fall onto her face. She turned her water drenched face towards the dragon suspiciously. "What the hay?"

"I ran over here through the Rain." Spike replied as he disappeared into the kitchen. Twilight looked back outside towards the rainy weather then back in to see Zecora peering out as well.

"Looks like you're staying here as well tonight. I'll go get the extra bed ready." Said Twilight going into the kitchen. Zecora nodded her head and return to looking out the window.

A short distance away.

Joe still wearing the pendant hid behind a bench. "Oh great! That's one of the ponies following me... This just keeps getting better and better." He thought to himself. He looked back towards the library and saw the golden eyes staring at him. He quickly ducked again then began to head home. His mind was riddled by old questions of what to do and then the sound of thunder sounded through the sky. "I better get home before this thing gets bad." The rest of the trip home was no trouble except for the wind picking up a bit. He opened the door and looked around the empty home. The tip of his horn lit up and the small towers of books he had made earlier separated into slightly smaller stacks. The stacks with tiny pieces of paper sticking out of the m floated under the board for Star Swirl while the stacks of regular spell books found their places on the shelve. The living room looked a little bit more tidier than it did earlier today. "Now that that's taken care of, I wonder what else can I do?" He thought to himself. He levitated an apple in front of his mouth and took a few bites of it.

He paced about the kitchen placing the bushel of Apples onto the table. He shut off the lights and then trotted up the steps towards his room. The box for his bed set still laid there prompted against the wall next to a little table that his journal rested on. He sigh as he pulled the frame out and assembled it then he levitated the mattress on top of it. He found a packed pillow along with a blanket tucked inside the box and laid out the sheet finishing the bed. Out of the time he had spent in Equestria he finally had a bed to call his own. "Okay that's done. " he said rather loudly as he jumped onto the bed and took off the Unicorn pendant but his legs went over the side of the bed. He sighed as he levitated a few boxes to compensate the length of the bed. "Maybe it's time for another entry." The journal flew off the table and into his hands

"If anyone is going to be reading this I really find it strange how easy it was to adapt to living in this world. I have to admit the first few days were weird but, that's because I was barely in town. Now that I've actually gotten to see how they get when ponies like Soarin and Spitfire come around. I still don't feel right around everyone here. Even that little dragon he saw me without the pendant and now he knows. What if he tells them about me? I've already screwed up. I'm still worried about what would happen if I'm found out."

The journal floated back to the table he yawned and laid his body flat on the bed. With a click the lights were off only the sound of the Rain and the windmill blades could be heard. It slowly lulled him to sleep. He closed his eyes and began to dream.