• Published 4th May 2014
  • 1,560 Views, 10 Comments

Something Different - BlackWingsRed

A guy goes to Equestria and has to deal with obstacles along the way to get home

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Chapter 3: Taken Part 2

Chapter 3: Taken Part 2

Back at the Mayor's Office.

"Twilight! Twilight! I had one of those Senses again. I think its the ones that say something big is going to happen but, then I got hungry and ate and it disappeared. What was that about?*Gasps for air*I think it's something but, it might have been me just being hungry and-" Was all Pinkie able to say before a hoof was placed on her mouth.

"Calm down! What exactly is the problem? "Asked Twilight as she removed her hoof from Pinkies mouth. "Say it this time while you breathe."

"Well Okie Dokie then. Where was I? Oh yeah! I was sitting at the fountain and I felt my stomach rumble. I opened a bag of goodies I had and began to eat but, my whole body began to shake."

"Remember that one time where you didn't believe in my Pinkie sense then you finally did? It keeps happening at random and they are the strongest I've ever felt before. I have a bad feeling about this one. "She began to uncontrollably shake once more."seeeeee I. Told... You!"

"Hmm... Things are getting more and more suspicious. Do you suppose Discord is coming back?" Twilight asked as she walked closer to her friend. Pinkie gave the I don't know face causing Twilight to sigh.

"That's it I am going to Canterlot right now! Come on!" She wrapped herself and Pinkie in a pinkish aura and in a flash they were gone.

Back at the Carousel Boutique.

"Opal will you please sit still. I'm gonna get it this time. "Said Rarity. The shop was in a complete mess and so was the white cat in front of her. Opal began to growl softly as she sat still. "Hush now and focus." A soft blue glow began to emanate at the tip of Rarity's horn then she pointed it at her pet. "Here I go". The cat watched as her owner fired a pillar of light through the the roof of the shop without breaking anything. The pillar began to stretch out over the entire shop until it had reached the ground. When Rarity finally opened up her eyes, she was in awe of her work. A light blue bubble completely surrounded the shop. "I knew it! I did it "She picked up the cat in an extremely quick happy matter and began to wave her around in a very violent way. "Oh I must tell Twilight so she will be able to rest easy knowing that everypony will be ever so safe with me around." and with that she was out the door.

Over the Everfree Forest.

Rainbow Dash scanned the forest from above looking for any signs of immediate danger. "This is getting boring we've been out here for hours it's freezing out has to be something out there" She circled once more and flew back toward Ponyville. Over at the entrance of the town stood Applejack. She seemed to be scanning a map of town and areas of the forest. A pencil sat in her mouth as she marked the areas surrounding the town with a few Xs and Os. Suddenly her little sister appeared.

"Hey sis can we go home yet? Me and the Girls are getting tired. And it's starting to snow again." Asked little Apple Bloom as she sat down to rest her hooves. Applejack lifted her head to look at her sister and the others who were heading her way. Even Big Mac himself seemed to be tired he was covered in snow and twigs. It seemed that he did more than use his eyes to look around.

"I guess everypony here is mighty tired already. Best head on back home after one more look around. Be sure to tell the others as well." said Applejack as she watched her sister leave. Applejack stood up and began to walk over to the library. Just then, she heard the beats of wings above her to see her Rainbow maned friend fly down right next to her.

"Hey Applejack anything happening out here? "Asked Rainbow dash.

"All we found were a bunch of unearthed gemstones. "Answered Applejack holding up a small sack of them. "Another thing we did find was an old cave and a huge hole in the ground in the North of the path leading to the lake. This just don't look like your everyday rodeo looks like something funny is happening. "I reckon it's time to inform Twilight bout this little fiasco."

"Right Behind you." Replied Rainbow as they began to walk. Along the way they saw Fluttershy coming from the South of town accompanied by small birds of various colors and a big Hawk. "Now when you guys get home I want you all to stay inside please. We don't want any of you freezing your feathers off now do we?" Said Fluttershy as she waved them goodbye. Applejack and Rainbow quickly trotted over to her and asked about her patrol.

"Well...There was nothing around the southern half of the town but, my little friends say they saw a bunch of broken branches and a few odd creatures in the North." said Fluttershy as she gazed upon the snow at her hooves.

"We ought to get ourselves over to the library now that most of us are here." Said Applejack as they all began to walk toward their location.

Back to where ever Joe was taken.

The wind blew sand around as Joe awoke in the desert dazed and confused. "What the hell? Wasn't I just in a forest?" He said as He staggered to his feet. Padding his clothes he found that he was wearing the captain outfit that he wore while they were recording the class film. "What the heck? Why am I wearing this? Isn't this supposed to be the... What the crap?!" He looked up and saw that he was in an actual desert. "I thought that we filmed this at the beach... This... This is the movie scene." The confused him. Wasn't he just in the freezing cave. He walked for about and hour and walked until he found the place that was among both rocks and sand. "Hello is anyone out there?" He yelled for help only to hear nothing but the sound of the wind ringing in his ears. Suddenly, the sounds of gun fire and yelling came from a few meters to the left of where he was standing. Feeling suspicious he ran to see what it was and was surprised to see that it was friends and a few other people that He sort of knew. They were being chased by a group of creatures that He had seen and fought in the forest before waking here. "What the? Hey guys!" I yelled as He ran to join them.

"Captain where have you been? We are running low on ammo and we need to pull out! Now! "Said the one who resembled Kris.

"What the hell? Those are the lines from the movie aren't they? Why don't you-" Joe managed to say as a bullet nearly hit his head. "Those are real!"

"There's a vehicle heading straight for us in T minus ten minutes."replied Joe acting as he did when they recorded the scene. He found this to be disturbing seeing that they had recorded this scene weeks ago. Another weird fact was that he knew all the lines by heart. These people were not really his friends but, people that had been created by his writing of a script. Joe began to recite things just as he did making the scene. He commanded them to retreat so that he could hold off the incoming enemies. Feeling like how he did when they did the scene. when the enemy began to surround him he began stabbing and shooting them knowing that they were not actual living creatures. Joe had to keep that that thought running through his head during the whole thing. he suddenly stopped when the old man in the scarlet suit appeared.

"I've been waiting for some one like you to appear for quite a while." Said the old man as he began to stroke his beard.

"That's not in the damn script!" Shouted Joe in a confused way. "What the hell is going on?"

The old man began to laugh as he pulled a blade out of his cane. "Ha... Don't worry you will see soon enough."

Suddenly, Joe felt the sharp pain of something entering entering his chest. The pain he was feeling was real. The old man let out a horrible laugh as Joe looked to his team and back at the old man for a moment. His vision began to fade and He began to fall into the darkness once again... "Augh!" yelled Joe as something hit him in the stomach. He opened his eyes and looked up through a broken lens and saw the evening sky entering through a hole in the roof of the cave. Slowly he turned to his left to see the ugly face of what seemed to be a dog man. He snapped a weird looking collar on Joe's neck. (oh the irony)

"Now you will dig for us hairless one. Find the treasures and bring them to us." He said as a bigger dog man lifted Joe off his feet."Don't think of running or-" He pressed a button and volts of electricity shot through Joes's entire body. The collar seemed to be the source of the shock. The big dog man holding him wasn't affected by the electricity. He simply grunted and threw him to the ground. "You will stay till we say you go. You are to now serve King Remington of the Diamond dogs." He then attached a chain to the collar and led him out of the little cell he was being held in. The cave wasn't too sophisticated as Joe managed to memorize the paths they took till he was thrown to where a line of creatures were working. There appeared to be little horses and dog men who were chained up digging alongside each other. The little horses seemed strange they appeared to have a whole different color pattern than what he was used to. The dog men on the other hand looked like actual dogs with a human's body structure. Two more dog men came towards them. A short gruffy looking one and a big tall one that wore a red vest.

"You can't do this to me. I don't even know what the hell is going on. But, I swear I am gonna kick your-"And then he was shocked once more.

"Hmm what in Tartarus are you hairless one? The tall one asked. As he tried to get a better look.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out."replied Joe staring defiantly.

"If you keep talking, we will throw you into the hot water rocks! Yelled the smaller dog as he walked away from him.

"That doesn't make sense. You asked what I am and now your telling me to shut up. Make up your minds." Replied Joe in a mocking tone.

"Shut up! It does not matter we will wait for lord Agnis and the King to decide what to do with you. As for now you work." said the tall one as they left out the tunnel they came through. The big dog man stood close to the wall to watch us. He appeared to be getting bored since the sound and sight of things at work were probably something he had been watching for hours already.

Joe picked up a shovel that sat against the wall and began to dig just as the big dog began to pace around the tunnels. The dirt was pretty easy to dig through seeing that it did not have the amount of rocks as home seemed to be full of. It actually helped with digging making it way quicker and less of a hassle. The big dog man seemed to see this and walked away. After a few minutes of digging a sort of shush sound was heard. Joe turned to his right to see the face of a dog man that did not seem like the bunch that dragged him in here his body seemed to be broader and had a head that looked just like that of a Doberman pinscher.

"Hey I need you to listen to me. I have a plan to get us out of here will you help us." He asked quietly trying not to sound shady.

Joe gave no answer and kept digging for about another three minutes and a half. He looked in the dog mans direction and saw that he had seen him . "What exactly is this plan you are talking about and how do I know I can trust you? " asked the cautious human.

"Well first things first the name is R.R. Yours?." the Doberman asked as he dug.

"Just call me Joe. "The human replied. "What exactly is this place? Where the fuck am I and why are they making me do this crap?"

R.R just stood there for a moment and finally replied. "You are in the land of Equestria. This is part of the Diamond dog's many cave systems and to answer that last one, I am not too sure why they are making us dig up all these useless things.?"

Joe gave him a curious look and asked. "Who and what exactly are you things?

"That will not mean anything if we don't get out of here. We can do explaining later and besides I don't even know what you are either. R.R answered back.

Joe still wanted to get a better explanation of what exactly was going on. "Where the heck is this Equestria place? dog people? But, I guess I will be stuck wondering what kind of bizarre world this was till I manage to get out of here." He thought to himself. "Well I gotta ask who is this Agnis guy those things were talking about? They said he was coming to check what to do with me." Joe asked trying to get a few more answers.

"He is the Advisor of the throne. I believe that he let his greed take over him. I know he is the kind that has an addiction to the sight of these rare minerals. "He replied holding up an emerald as big as his fist.

"Then how is it that he is ruling the kingdom with the king if he has his own people slaving away in a dang mine?" asked Joe getting more curious of his dilemma.

"The kingdom is being deceived. That is not the true king, He isn't even a dog. He is no more than a lowly shape shifter that is using his magic to resemble him. "He answered. "Well any way, can I count you in? Whatever you are."

"I guess then...How will it go? Joe asked. "Will it get this little shock collar thingy off me anytime soon? He grabbed for the little collar thing that was around his neck. "Who else knows about this plan?

"You my friend are lucky to have been caught yesterday, our plan is nearly complete. We have been like this for far too long and today we will take back our freedom." He looked at his clenched fist and smiled. "Fido, Rover and Spot are our main threats. They each hold the last three objects of our victory. The keys, the map and the surprise. They are all necessary. We take them and then we can strike back to free everyone." He explained.

"Who are those three?" Joe questioned as he dug a pretty deep hole in the wall finding nothing.

"These three are the most uneducated bunch of dogs that I have seen thus far other than the bulldog guards they possess. They would not have made it this far by themselves. I once heard they were bested by a single unicorn mare once." Explained R.R before he shushed Joe. A big guard dog passed by their wall and walked along the rest of the wall. The sounds of whipping and someone's cries of pain could be heard from where he had gone. The sound of torture seemed to anger him.

"Hey! Stop that crap! " shouted Joe only to be shocked.

"Get back to work or you will not get anything to eat." Said Fido he stuck his ugly face around the tunnel wall. Joe stared back at him. He laughed as he walked away.

"That Fucking guy is gonna get what I got coming to him. "Said Joe under his gritted teeth. "Hey are you okay? What's your name? " He asked trying to find out who they were hurting. He turned to the corner to see who or what it could have been. To his surprise it was a White coated horse with a short blue mane and tail. Upon closer inspection both the mane and the tail seemed to have been dyed red in a few spots and he had a mark that sort of looked like a stone tablet on its flank.

"Are you okay little guy?" He asked as he looked to see if a guard was approaching.

"*cough*...Yeah...The name's Tombstone" it said wearily as It turned and froze staring in the direction of Joe. Its voice was that of a male. Both Joe an the pony stared at each other in shock. Clearly due to the fact that It would be weird seeing a talking horse and a hairless ape.

"You talked! Horses aren't meant to talk!" said Joe pointing at him while trying to suppress yell. "What the Hell?"

"What the buck are you?" replied Tombstone still pointing with his hoof.

"Dog people and now talking Horses. What's next Dragons that talk too? I asked

R.R shot me a glance that Joe guess said yes. "There are all sorts of beings that reside here." He said in his regal voice Joe rolled his eyes in disbelief.

"How the hell did I end up in this kind of mess?!" Yelled Joe in a quiet tone as to not attract the guards. He began to rub his head in frustration."I just want to go back."

"I am truly sorry for whatever difficulty you are going through. I may not know whats been happening outside but, I can assure you we will get to the bottom of this. I will help you out." Said R.R in a reassuring voice. "There has to be some kind of way for you to seek what you need.

"What the hay are you? You don't look like anything I have ever seen." Asked the pony still in shock.

"I am a...Human. " Replied Joe cautiously.

"At first I thought you were just a really ugly-looking Diamond dog when they dragged you in here" Said R.R "Don't worry. I'm joking. "He turned towards Tombstone and asked "How did you end up here little one?"

"I was on my way to Canterlot when those cud biters ambushed Me." he replied

"Are you willing to help us with an escape? " Joe asked. "R.R here got a plan and it needs as much help as we can get."

"Sure I guess whatcha need help with?" he responded.

In an Instant they went silent. There were the sounds of footsteps and whimpering. We all jumped up and quickly got to work. The sounds got closer and closer until, Two Guard dogs and Fido came walking towards another end of the tunnel talking about two more new slaves and that Agnis has arrived.

"The White one. She can do it. She can see them. Gems in the ground. I know it" Said Fido happily. The one supposed to be Rover ran up behind him.

"Are you sure she is the one? Remember to close her mouth. She will try to get us to release her again. He warned, most likely remembering a past obstacle they once faced.

When they finally disappeared, R.R pulled both of them in."Take your pick and stick with it. We will need to get the map off of Spot, the keys from Rover and the tinderbox from Fido. "R.R began.

"I will get the Keys plus I have a score to settle with Rover ." Joe said remembering what he did to his glasses. "OH yeah that reminds me. Did I come in here with a black bag? R.R answered with a no. "Great now I don't have my stuff anymore. I am seriously gonna give these guys hell!" He sighed and turned back to check on Tombstone. "So, I take it you are in on the Plan as well?" Joe asked giving a questioning look.

"Yeah yeah... I heard everything. I will get the Map. "He replied eagerly. "That short guy has it right. Imma buck him up."

"And I will get the big surprise ready. I know exactly where it's at." Added R.R. "Fido keeps them in his chambers."

"For now we will wait for the right moment. I will spread the message." he finished.

They all began to work again but, with the knowledge that they will hopefully get out. The sun was going to set in a few hours as it sat there in the west side of the sky.

Back at the Library an hour earlier.

Twilight was placing multiple scrolls into her saddle while Pinkie sat by watching. "Pinkie have any of those senses or anything come back yet?"

"Uhh.. Let me check." The pink pony replied and then stood solid for about a minute. "Nope...Sorry. Maybe Applejack knows something."

"Applejack isn't back yet." Responded Twilight. At the Exact moment she said that, there were a couple knocks at the door and a familiar southern accent. Applejack herself came through the door followed by the rest of her friends.

"There was nothing really happening at all today. All we managed to find was these little gems, an old cave that looks like it was occupied by a dragon with hiccups, and this great big hole in the ground near the lake." said Applejack sitting down

"And there was nothing above the forest either. "Followed Rainbow. "But, I did have time to practice a few moves."

"That's still a bit odd. A giant hole? Was it a crater? "Asked Twilight.

"I reckon so." replied Apple. "It looked as if it could hold a Minotaur. Another weird bit was it looks like whatever was there burnt a good bit of a the trees."

"Are... You sure it wasn't a dragon?..." Ask Fluttershy as quietly as she could.

"That's even more curious. That could mean a meteor must have fallen and somepony must've taken it. I will have to ask the princess of that when I get there." replied Twilight. "How about you Fluttershy? Did you find anything out?"

"Well my little hawk friend Tornado says that he saw a couple of creatures dragging another towards the center of the forest."

"Where? How did I not see that? And what do you mean by "creatures"" asked Rainbow beginning to stand over her friend. "What were they ponies? Dragons? Changelings?"

"Near that path heading to the lake... When I asked Tornado that the only thing he said was they stood on two legs and one had a bag over its head. "She replied beginning to arch back away from her friend.

Suddenly, the door burst open and Rarity came in. "I did it Twilight! I mastered the shield spell! "She shouted happily as everyone just looked at her. "What do I have something in my mane? "Then she went to go sit down near Twilight.

"Okay so that settles things everything is alright for now I'm going to head over to see the princess now and... Wait a second can I have that bag of gems? Asked Twilight " Spike is gonna bug me for a bag of them I just know it."

"I guess ya can." Apple jack replied holding the bag up. Twilight then levitated it to her and called for Spike to come from wherever he was.

"Coming Twilight just give me a second" he replied coming up from the basement with a tower of books. He went to one of the shelves and set the books down near it then he walked over to the girls. "What's up need anything?" Twilight levitated the bag of gems towards him and he took it.

"Alright! Emerald bars and Rubies. Thanks Twilight" he said happily. He then took a green gem out of the bag and chomped on it only to receive an electrifying shock. He quickly spat it out. "What the heck?!" he said to himself as he took out a red ruby and bit down on it. Everyone watched as he ran to the window and spat out small balls of fire.

"Spike is everything alright?" Asked Twilight as everyone watched in curiosity.

"Dang that's spicy and no I'm not okay. I dont think those are even gems that I can eat. The green ones shocked me and the red ones burned my tongue. "He said still trying to cool his tongue. He then threw the bag over to Rarity.

Rarity caught the bag with her magic to examine them "That's strange... I've never seen Gems of this quality. "She said holding up a green gem. She then decided to rub it with a cloth. "oh my they are certainly filthy-" she then dropped it after receiving a shock herself. The gem glowed with electricity when it hit the ground. Everypony was in awe after seeing the gems brilliant glow.

"It seems these stones have elemental properties to them. I wonder where they could have come from?...pffffffttt..AH HAHAHA!" Twilight as she burst into laughter.

"What is the matter Twilight what is so funny?" asked Rarity looking at her friends acting all giggly .

"Oh Rarity I love your new hairstyle I think it fits your style. "Said Fluttershy as she giggled." You and Pinkie could be like sisters."

Rarity quickly zoomed over to a mirror on the wall and screamed at her reflection "My MANE IT'S RUINED!" she shouted." She quickly went over to the bathroom and as quick as a whistle she came back out. "Crisis Averted." She trotted back to where she had sat earlier and resumed examining the stones "Phew these stones smell quite horrible. They smell familiar." She brought her hoof up and began to ponder her thoughts. "I can't quite remember where..." She finished. She then dropped a red gem and it began to give a faint flickering glow. An image of fire blazed inside of it. She then picked it up with her magic and put it in the bag.

"Well, we will deal with that some other time. For now we have to deal with... Where is Pinkie pie?" asked Twilight examining her row of friends.

"TWILIGHT get over here it's happening again!" yelled the Pink pony. "My whole body is a twitch a twitchin!"

Twilight quickly ran over to see her friend sitting at the stair way. She was bouncing up and down surrounded with several books. "What?" She asked. "Where is it?"

"Check your door!" shouted Pinkie as she bounced into the living room. The moment Twilight heard her friend a loud pounding could be heard coming from the door. She quickly trotted over to door only to be caressed by a crying orange coated Pegasus filly.

"They took them! They took them!" she shouted tears falling from her eyes.

"Scootaloo? What's wrong what happened." Asked Twilight. "What happening where are the others?!"

"We... We found this strange looking saddle bag in the forest near the lake. we thought we could get cutie marks from patrolling in the forest and we were going to bring it back until these mean dog monster things showed up. They were with this weird black one that had weird looking wings. It was tall and covered in some kind of black cloak. They grabbed Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. I was able to escape with this bag." She began to sob again as Rarity and Applejack immediately galloped as fast as they could out the Library. Twilight lifted the bag off her and put it on the table as soft as she could and patted Scoots on the head.

"Who else knows about this? She asked.

"Big Mac and the other ponies that were at the entrance to the forest. "Answered Scoots still crying. "We were on our way here when it happened."

"Okay that was all I needed to hear. Fluttershy can you watch her. While I go try to help them find the girls?" asked Twilight as she handed her over to her friend. "Knowing my brother, his shield must be down by now." She then looked toward Spike.

"Spike! I need you to send a letter to the princess. Tell her it's an emergency and we need help." Spike quickly grabbed a quill and scroll and wrote it down as fast as he could. With a puff of green flames and smoke the scroll was gone.

"Rainbow I need you to lead the princess over to the forest the moment she gets here, can I count on you? Asked Twilight.

"I can meet her half way here!" Shouted Rainbow and just like that she took off like a jet.

"Okay Pinkie let's go! Said Twilight as she trotted up to Pinkie wrapping both Pinkie and herself in a pink aura.

"See you later Fluttershy" shouted Pinkie as they disappeared in a bright flash.

"Don't worry, knowing Twilight and the others. They are going to find them as soon as possible "said Fluttershy as she began check Scootaloo.

Fluttershy then looked toward the bag sitting on the table and went over to examine it. She began to scan the outside of the bag removing the snow that covered it. She found a big red rectangular symbol on the bag and looked at it. She then flipped it over and looked over to a little tag that caught her eyes.

"Who is Quicksilver? "She asked herself as she continued to comfort the little filly.