• Published 4th May 2014
  • 1,571 Views, 10 Comments

Something Different - BlackWingsRed

A guy goes to Equestria and has to deal with obstacles along the way to get home

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Chapter 5: What?

Chapter 5: What?

"What?... What's happening...Where am I?..." Joe asked himself lying on the floor. His mind was spinning from the pain he felt all over his body. The only things that were going through his head were the images of fire and a big bright ball of light. He finally opened his eyes when he heard the sound of a door open. He groggily tried to sit up but the pain in his ribs was stopping him from doing so. The room he sat in was nothing more than a jail cell that was littered with graffiti on the walls a single bench and a basket of fruits that sat away from him. "Where am I. Is this another cage? Great..." He thought to himself. Slowly he crawled his way over to the fruits and grabbed an apple. He took a bite out of it and opened his eyes wide.

"Holy crap that is sweet!"He said after swallowing a mouthful. He then proceeded to eat every bit of fruit that sat in it except a single pear. Slowly he managed to stand up using the little bench as a support and walked himself over to the cell bars. "Hello?... Is anybody there?" There was no reply just silence and the sunlight coming in through the cell windows. He walked over to one and looked out to see that he was pretty high up and that he could see everything from a forest, a small town, a rail road and even a river that led to a lake.

Outside was still a bit frosty but, from what he could see were little Pegasi flying through the air kicking clouds out of the sky above the town far below. There were also other little ponies on the ground clearing away the snow. It looked like they were literally cleaning up winter. "How the Frick?... I need to ask Rex about this... Wait a minute..." He said to himself as he walked over to the bars and yelled for Rex to see if he was still around. "Hey Rex! Tombstone! Anybody here?" There was still no response just silence. He quickly began to get impatient and started to search around his cell trying to spot any possible way to get out. He soon became frustrated as he tried in vain to open the cell door. Ready to give up, something caught his eyes. A letter sat near the end of the cell bars. He walked over and picked it up. His name was written on it so, he opened it. Inside was a letter that was Written by Rex.

"I am sorry about yesterday my friend. I am very thankful for your help because without you we wouldn't have been able to immediately escape." Joe looked up from the letter at the little window. "By the time you read this we will be miles away. I need to find the rest of my people it is very vital that We leave early. Sergei will be accompanying us as we journey back to our homeland. It was he who insisted that he should come. But, he apologizes about not keeping his word to help you. He says that he has something to take care of. It's most likely finding his family. Tombstone apparently seems to have gone with the Equestrians that were with us. The last I saw of him was when we escaped the tunnels. I left him with the royal troops tending the wounded. More or less he is in Ponyville and Canterlot. So, I have to say this is where we part ways for now. I have left you in care of a good friend of mine she may be able to help you with your problem of getting home. If anybody here knows a way it is her. Your friend Rex." Joe stuffed the letter into its envelope and placed it near the window then he went over to the bench and laid down.

"*Yawn* I can't... I don't even... What the fuck?..." He sat there with his hands to his head trying to calm his mind. The day had just begun and he was already in another cage. Joe looked up from his seat and saw that the cell wasn't completely sealed. There were no bars at the top of the cell door. He could easily climb his way out. "Hmm... Forget this I'm not staying in here." He dragged the bench over to the cell door and stood on top of it. Then he jumped up to the opening in the cell. He managed to grab on to the opening and used the bars to support him. He climbed up to the opening and squeezed his way out of it. But, unfortunately as he jumped down a leg of his pants got stuck on one of the bars. "Oh come on!" He yelled as he tried to pull himself up but couldn't on his own. So, he reached over to the bars and used it to climb his way up. "Gotcha!" He tugged at the pant leg with both hands until it came loose but he failed to ensure that he was secured to the cell so he fell off. The moment his body hit the floor he yelled in pain. He grabbed at his chest for the area that was in pain. He laid there for a short length of time until the pain had subsided. "Oww..."

He began to breathe in large amounts of air to try to relax his body and ease the pain. It succeeded in reducing the pain but, in turn made his chest a bit sorer with every breath he took. Slowly getting up he began to take in the sight of the room. It was big and white. At the end of the row of cells was a little wooden desk that a guard should have been sitting. Strange thing was there was no guard or anyone watching him. He looked around a little bit more only to find a door. He turned the knob and walked out of the room into a huge white hall that was decorated with pictures of ponies and a few decorative glass windows. Walking down the hall he passed a few rooms that had had titles above the entrances. There was a library, storage room, war room, museum, and even a bathroom. He knocked on the door to see if anybody was in there and walked in. Inside of the bathroom, it looked like the ones that you would see at a fancy hotel. The only weird looking thing about the bathroom was the size of the stalls. They were big and when I mean big they were big enough to fit a horse. ( No pun intended.)

"Good God almighty.! That's what I needed." He walked in and pretty much used the bathroom just as anybody would. After he was done he stepped over to the sink and washed his hands and face. Then he proceeded to exit the room. The halls were quiet nothing stirred but the sounds of the ponies outside. Towards the end of the hall he saw stairs. He quickly rushed over and descended to a lower floor. But when he got there a pony that had just walked in screamed. It was a sorta tall white unicorn with a pink and white mane.

"Guards! She yelled at his sight. There is a monster in the castle! Help!" Joe panicked and ran around her toward the rest of the hall. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" he shouted as he brushed into a mess of other little horses. They gasped and screamed as he ran by. Those of them that were brave enough to try to stop him were unicorns they fired beams of light at him probably trying to stop him. He turned a corner and saw a gigantic door that was slightly opened and ran into it. He lightly closed the door and leaned against it. The group of horses that were pursuing him passed the door and continued down the hall. Joe had his eyes closed and his back against the door. he held his hand to his chest trying to calm his heart and ease the pain of his ribs. He gave one final sigh and opened his eyes. He was standing in a grand bedroom with a large bed and a balcony. He walked away from the door until a female voice stopped him in his tracks.

"Hello is anypony there?" asked a dark Catalina blue alicorn coming in from the balcony. She gasped at his sight as well.

Joe quickly ran out yelling "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" The pony sat there dumbfounded at what she saw. She quickly galloped to her balcony and flew out to the one on the other side of hers. "Tia! That strange creature you brought is running rampant around the castle! We must subdue it." said Luna as she approached her sister.

"Strange? That strange creature you speak of has a name. Rex did say he was mischievous. Have the guards take him in to custody I think it's time for him to answer a few questions." Replied Celestia.

"Tia I don't think I like this? Rex did say that he has to be strong if he managed to hold his ground against a Changeling let alone manage to actual break ones shell. "Asked Luna.

"That is true... Have the guards bring him in. "replied her sister.

At another part of the castle.

Joe Ran as quickly as he could dodging past everything in his way. He nearly bashed into a pony carrying a box full of scrolls and caused it to spill its load all over the place. "How big is this place?" he yelled zipping past a corridor filled with guards. "Aww! Come on!"

"There he is get him! Yelled a guard Unicorn as he pointed in Joe's direction. Several of the guards flew while the rest either shot at him with rings of magic. The regular ponies ran the quickest and were the biggest out of the group. They wasted no time catching up to Joe.

"Crap!" He said as he turned the corner. The problem with the regular ponies being big and everything was their momentum. The group of regular ponies then careened into the wall at the end of the hall causing several of the Pegasi to stop. The unicorns on the other hand did not do the same.

"Cease and desist by the name of Equestrian law!" yelled a rather large unicorn guard as one of his rings latched itself onto Joe "got him!" shouted another unicorn stopping and pulling at the strand of magic attached to the ring. Soon after, Pegasus began to fly down toward the unicorns to assist in the capture. With Joe finally pinned the rest of the unicorns were able to attach rings to both sides of Joe's arms and began to pull.

Joe began to feel the seriousness of the moment and pulled as well. Amazingly, he managed to pull harder giving the guards completely flabbergasted expressions at the sight of this feat. A single creature able to withstand the strength of both the Unicorns and the Pegasi forces. Joe felt his strength quickly draining and felt as though it was time to run due to the fact that the rather large regular ponies were quickly making their way towards him. "GET OFF ME!" he shouted loudly. Both of his arms slowly began to glow as he pulled them in closer. Many of the guards began to gasp at this sight and pulled even harder forcing Joe to fall on one knee. "LET GO OF ME... NOW!" he shouted angrily as all the rings on his arms shattered pulling his pursuers inwards. The pursuers then fell flat on their faces but, slowly began to get back up. Joe got up and ran thought the hall until he found another staircase that seemed to lead all the way to the bottom floor. The only ponies that were able to catch up to him were the regular ones that were able to make it to the stairs as he quickly descended down them. "What the hell is happening?" shouted Joe as he finally reached the bottom floor. The exit to the castle laid no more than twenty feet away. He was nearly home free all he had to do was make it through those doors. "Yes! I'm almost there. I can finally get the Frick out of here and-" he yelled crashing into a wall of pinkish energy. "Ow! What the heck is this?"

He placed his hand on the wall of energy trying to figure out exactly what it was. Suddenly the rest of the wall began to wrap around him turning into a small dome. "Aww! Crap! Crap! Crap!" was all Joe could say as a white unicorn walked towards him it wore armor but it wasn't quite the same as the rest of the guards Joe had seen earlier.

"You there! What is the meaning of this? What is your reason for causing this commotion. "Asked the Stallion. "I Shining armor the captain of the guard demand that you Explain yourself at once." Joe put his hand to his ear trying to understand just what Shining was saying. "What? I can't hear you! "he replied behind the shield

A single Pegasus guard approached the captain and tapped him on the shoulder with his hoof. "Sir I think he can't hear you. Your shield is Too thick. Shouldn't you drop it? "he asked.

"That won't be possible. This shield is too strong to be dispelled right now. He's stuck in there until the shield wears down. "replied Shining as he began to pace. "This is gonna take forever..." The rest of the guards that were inside the castle began to file out and surround the shield. Joe stood there waiting for the ponies next move. He began to worry that he was gonna end up digging in the mines again.

"Hello? Uhh... What's going on? *sigh* forget this!" he said to himself. He stood up and walked towards the wall of the shield to knock a few times.

The Pegasus that spoke to Shining earlier noticed him knocking. "Sir I think he's gonna try something... I think he wants out."

"He's just going to end up hurting himself. That shield is pretty much impenetrable." Replied the captain. "Just let him tire himself out"

Joe quickly lost his patience and began to punch and kick at the walls trying to get out. "Dang it!" what the hell is this made of?" he said to himself. The ponies on the outside of the dome seemed to be enjoying his attempts to free himself. "Okay then be like that." Joe said to himself as he got back into a fighting stance. His right hand began to glow as he pulled his fist back. He threw a straight jab at the wall shattering it in an instant.

Shining turned around to see what had made that noise. "What no! That's impossible! How did you do that?" Shining asked.

"I don't know and I don't really care. All I want to know is who Runs this place." Joe asked panting. "I need to find this person that my friend mentioned..."

"Boys contain him now! Shouted Shining as he and The Unicorn troops fired a massive amount of rings at him. Covering him all over. Joe was too tired he had used up what ever strength he had left just destroying the shield.

"Quickly take him to the Princess she may know what to do about him. I will be there shortly."

"Sir yes sir!" shouted a blue unicorn troop as he spread his magic to levitated Joe.

"Whoa! What the frick are You doing?" Joe shouted under the rings.

"He speaks! You have the right to remain silence until... How did it go again Sir? Asked the Unicorn.

"I think that only applies to convicts dude. "Joe replied floating behind the young soldier. He led them into a big doorway.

"Oh we'll then here we are. The throne room." Said the guard opening the door. The guard used his magic to open the door and led Joe into a large room decorated with an assortment of different statues and banners displaying suns and moons. At the very back of the room sat what seemed to be seats that have been decorated in an elegant manner. The Unicorn walked as Joe floated in the blue aura. The two of them made it to the grand seats as two guards came out of the side doors and then sat themselves at the front of the throne room keeping eyes focused on the two in the room. Moments later, two magnificent and taller looking horses stepped in. One with a coat and mane as dark as the midnight sky and the other's as bright as day with a mane that looked like a fading rainbow. Along with them came the same pink and white maned pony that Joe had seen earlier.

"You may put him down. We have many things to discuss with him. You may leave us now soldier. We appreciate you and the others help in containing this matter so far." said Celestia giving a short nod of her head.

"You're welcome your highness. Anything for you.". He said bowing back to the throne.

"Yes job well done. But isn't that a bit too much for this creature? You have covered in so many binds" asked Luna eyeing the floating human.

"Uhhh... Well, we did that because he... Somehow broke our rings earlier. So, the captain ordered is to use more power." The blue soldier replied.

"Do not fret little one. We understand from what Rex had said this one is somewhat a powerful individual." replied Celestia stepping forward.

"That's not all. Wait till the Captain gets here." replied the blue unicorn.

"Wait for what Blue Hoof?" said Shining entering through the door." I apologize for being late your majesties. I had to ensure my troops were alright after having to deal with him." pointing his hoof at Joe.

"It's not my fault. I swear! I was just looking for a friend." Joe replied back. "Rex said that some one here could help me. I need to find him...or her...or whatever the dang letter said."

"You can stop your search. I am pretty sure the one he spoke of was I. I am the friend you seek. My name is Celestia and this is my sister Luna." said Celestia as she looked towards him. "You are quite an extraordinary creature and from what Rex had explained. Your name is Joe am I correct? Also Rex told us that you are a...Hoo-man."

"Yeah that's pretty much it." Replied Joe.

"I'm afraid we may not be able to help you..." Said Luna

"What? Why not?" Shouted Joe wiggling around in the cocoon of rings and light.

"We cannot trust you... Yet. We need information. "Replied Celestia levitating a scroll from the throne. "There have been these weird events happening. You coincidently showing up during the Diamond dogs dilemma is highly suspicious. You were kidnapped, caused a riot and escaped, and you almost single handedly defeated a Changeling. All In a matter of a few days according to Rex. This is quite a list of achievements." she said magically rolling it up and putting it on the throne. "Sir Armor could you kindly remove these restraints so that our visitor can explain himself."

"Yes your Majesty." replied the captain of the guard. "Hold still This may be a little sketchy." Shining pointed his horn at Joe and fired a pinkish beam at the rings causing them to dissipate into the air. Joe slowly stood straight up and began to check himself. The guards in the room seemed to be watching him carefully. Celestia herself couldn't stand still she seemed tense waiting for something to happen.

Joe looked around the room and then back up towards Celestia. "Well I'm not quite sure myself...I..I...everything is just so cloudy right now and... Look at my friggin clothes! Dang I got dirty... I just... I just.. Oww...my head..." finished Joe as he began to rub the side of his throbbing head.

"Is anything the matter?" asked The Princess of the night. "Tia he doesn't look right. He may still be injured from yesterday."

Celestia brought her head up and turned toward the person in question. "You may go and rest. We will have nurse Blue Heart tend to any injuries that you may have sustained. And we will wash those garments. We will find something that you will be able to wear for now."

"Umm...what?... Oh! Okay then... But, is it okay if I can take a shower?... My whole body hurts and I look like I was being dragged around a field of dirt. "Replied Joe as he looked at himself over.

"Then it is settled. Once you are ready we will resume our talk." said Celestia as she levitated a scroll and quill over to her. "I will inform the staff at the Castle infirmary and the bath."

"Your majesty but, who will watch over him? What will everypony here think if they see him? "Asked Shining as he came forward next to Joe. "We can't have him running around stirring up trouble like he did today."

"We shall have him escorted by an officer for now. Is there anypony on duty? "asked Celestia. "Was there not a guard already stationed to the holding cells?"

"The last I checked we had officer Soarin there... Hoo-man what have you done with Soarin?" shouted Shining.

"What?...no! There wasn't anybody there when I got up. The room was empty. "Said Joe as he began to remove his worn out jacket to expose a dirt stained uniform shirt.

Shining dropped his head down and let out a dragging sigh. "Soarin you idiot. I should have known..."

"We will have Soarin watch you then. But, this time without any distractions." said Celestia as the door opened and two ponies stepped in.

"Your Majesty the infirmary is...What is that creature?!..." asked one of the two ponies. She had a white coat of fur and had a blue mane. She was wearing a nurse outfit. "I don't...he looks like he's in pain." then she walked over to Joe and began to examine his arms.

"T-T-The bath is being prepared f-f-for him your m-m-majesty." said the other pony. She was a tan pony with a blond mane wearing a maids outfit. "OH my look at those cloths they are positively filthy don't let them dirty the floor!"While she ran towards him too.

"Whoa! Slow down there... Ow that hurts. Hey my shirt! Help me! Ms. Pony lady!" cried Joe as the two ponies began to walk Joe out of the room.

"I thank you both. Can you two see to it that our guest is tended to? We have a lot to discuss and questions to ask." Said Celestia as the three of them left the room. She then turned her head away from the door and onto Shining. "What is this I hear?... He broke binds? How is that possible?"

"The men they told me about it. His claws were emitting a strange type of magic… I don't understand what are his powers? He was able to destroy my barriers and my men's rings… Still though in the end we were able to overpower him." The captain of the guard explained looking toward the floor. "Why Princess? Why are you still aiding him? He may very well be after the kingdom."

She looked towards Shining with a face of disappointment. "From what Rex had gathered from observing him is that he is trust worthy. But he himself could not comprehend his magic either. He also did mentioned something about the Changelings. Apparently, the one we saw at the mine was of a General Culex he had taken his form. He mentioned some kind of strange plan that the Changeling had in store for Joe…" Answered Celestia as she took a seat upon the throne. "Luna may you escort sir Shining out?"

"No need your majesty I will escort myself out." Said the Captain trotting his way to the door. "Cadence is probably wondering where I am. Shes probably looking for me. I'll tell her you guys said hi."

"Tia are you sure? This is quite a risk just as Shining had said. We are letting a creature of unknown origins into the castle. We don't even know what he's capable of doing yet." Asked Luna who seems to finally be speaking up. "What if we cannot help him ? What will the civilians think of us?"

"I cannot simply let another creature suffer for reasons we are beyond. It is not what Mother and Father would have done. Don't you remember we are not what we were years ago Star Swirl made sure of that." Celestia replied to her sister's questions. "For now we will wait and see…"

"Well I guess then…" replied Luna in a lower tone of voice. "I think I will go to Ponyville and assist our friends with anything. They could need help with…"

With that the Two sisters went their ways. Luna Wrapped herself in her dark blue aura and disappeared. While Celestia began to pull anther scroll and quill to write a letter. "Twilight and the others must know of the circumstances as of latetly." She said as her magic wrote the long letter and sent it to her disciple.