• Published 6th Apr 2014
  • 1,603 Views, 14 Comments

My Little Pony: The Guardians of Harmony - The Eternal Dragon

Six young men are about to get the biggest challenge of their Lives.

  • ...

Timmy's Week Off

“Ok, I’m not seeing how this is going to work.” Will said as he eyed the wrecking ball hanging up as Timmy put himself into a stance.

“I need to get better and besides nobody ever won anything without trying some of the unknown, don’t ya think.”

“It’s just that this is got to be one of the dumbest things I ever heard of. At that speed and weight there’s no way you’re stopping it dead on.”

“Eh, quit you whining and cut the ropes.”

“I’m not whining, I’m complaining.” He muttered to himself as he readied to chop the rope with an axe. “Alright, ready? One. Two…”

“Wait, wait, wait. Is this going to be on three, or one, two, three, then go?”

“I don’t know on three, I guess. Ok, here we go again. One, two, three!” He swung the axe as hard as he could, cutting the rope in two. With the release, the ball begun to swing down at Timmy.

“Here goes nothing!” He put out both arms and absorbed the blow, but it wasn’t enough and he was sent flying back until he slammed into a tree, knocking it off its roots. “Ahhhhhh!”

“Oh boy.” Will hurried down to his fallen friend. “Timmy, you alright?” He didn’t see any response to his question. “I should get you to a hospital.”


“So doctor, what’s the diagnosis?” Timmy laid in the hospital bed with bandages over his head and a cast over his right arm.

“To be honest with you, I didn’t expect how well of shape you’d be in after the event your friend told me about.” The doctor check his clipboard to make sure that this was the right patient. There was definably no mistake, considering Timmy is one of only six humans in all of Equestria. “Thankfully you only suffer a broken arm and superficial damage to the head which should heal nicely.”

“Ugh.” Timmy groaned in disappointed that he’s have a long process ahead of him. “How long till the arm’s all good?”

“About one week.”

“Ah great, now I won’t… Wait, what?”

“Lucky for you, Zecora was in town. When she heard about you she rushed here and conjured up a gel with the ingredients she’d bought then. After we had aligned the bone she applied it there, telling me that it would speed the mending process.”

“Interesting.” Will pulled the doctor out of the door out of ear-shot from Timmy.

“So Doctor, you have any recommendations for him before I bring him home?” Will asked.

“Just one thing. You can’t go around doing what you’ve been doing, that’s obvious enough. If you want to help the healing then I’d say try some relaxing and keeping your muscles out of work as much as you can.”

“He won’t like to hear that. Don’t worry Doc, I’ll make sure he stays out of trouble.” Will went back into the room as the Doctor left to handle the rest of his patients. “Alright good news! I can take you out right now.”

“That is great news.” Timmy sprung out of bed.

“Whoa there.” Will stopped him before the man started doing cartwheels. “The Doctor said you need to take it easy.”

“Yea sure with my arm. The rest of my body still alive and kicking. Now if you excuse I need to get of these hospital clothes.” After Timmy got out of the clothes and they got themselves checked out Will had them stop for a minute.

“So what are you planning to do?”

“Well, with one arm out of commission, figure I do some running and seeing as I’m a righty, give my left one some action.”

“I gonna go ahead and tell you that you shouldn’t do that.”

“Why not?”

“I know that the Doctor was only referring to that arm of yours, but you have been doing a lot of training lately, more so then usual.”

“Considering our circumstances, I’d say my schedule cleared up quite a bit.”

“Sure that’s fine, but maybe giving it a week off would do you some good. All the damage you’ve done to yourself is starting to show.”

“Fine then.” Timmy gave a very audible sigh. “Why don’t you suggest something I can do to relax?” Will thought for a short while. “Any time now.”

“I got it. Why don’t we go to Fluttershy’s place? This is usually the time she feeding the animals."

“I thought you said I couldn’t do any work.”

“I know, we can just watch her. I do it sometime by myself.”

“You just watch Fluttershy feed her animals?

“I watch for the animals. I never thought I would ever see something that cute.”

“Yea, sure. Let’s just get going.


“Oh you two want to watch me feed the animals?” Flutter said, then she saw the cast over Timmy’ arm. “Oh dear what happened to you?”

“Long story, but the doctor told me that I gotta take it easy. If you ask me, I’m perfectly fit to do whatever I want, but doctor’s orders.”

“Okay then, come here.” She led them outside where all the animals were waiting for their daily lunch. “Oh aren’t you all just so hungry, oh yes you are!” Fluttershy talking in her cute animal talky way getting out the feed for chickens and fish for the ferrets.

“I don’t know how you do, this is so boring.”

“Trust me it gets better.”

“Here you go Angel, a nice juicy carrot for you.” The bunny was at first apprehensive before deciding to take the stick. “There we go my little boy.” And she nuzzled him on the nose. “Would you like to pet the animals now?”

“As always.” Will jumped over the fence and motioned Timmy over. Pointing to his cast he went around and opened the gate to let himself in.

“Now you have to be very quiet, these critters can be timid to strangers.” She instructed him. Carefully Timmy reached out and gave the ferrets a rub behind the neck. Caressing his fingers on the soft fur coat, Timmy enjoyed the warm feeling emanating from it.

“Wow!” he whispered, “That’s really something.”

“What’d I tell you.” Will was holding up a bird perched on his arm. “Just watching these animals feels so special. I don’t know if I could really explain how I’m feeling.”

“I know.” He finished petting the ferret and moved over to the bear. He gave it a nice pat on the head and asked, “What this one’s name?”

“That’s Harry, and isn’t he so adorable.” Fluttershy answered and gave him and good rub on his belly.

“Well, adorable isn’t what I’d describe him.” He joined her in rubbing Harry’s belly. “But he certainly is harmless. Will, I wish you told me about this sooner.”

“I tried but, you’ve been so busy lately with that training course of yours getting ready for this or that.”

“Really? Man, I guess I have. But you know that we need to be on our toes, in case we’re needed.”

“I know, but you’ve been doing this since before we even came here. With school about to end and all your work was finished of the year, you jumped straight into preparing for football.”

“Well you got me now. Let’s just enjoy this time while it lasts.”


The next morning when Timmy woke up, he learned that Will had gotten sick. To make sure that he didn’t try anything, Will told Kendall to keep track of him for the day.

“Guys I’m not going to do anything if that’s what you’re implying.”

“Sorry Timmy, that’s just not gonna happen.” Kendall said. “Now come on Rarity needs me too.”

“Now what could she possibly want with you?”

“Don’t know. All she said was that it’s a surprise.” They went over to the Carousel Boutique and found Rarity waiting for them at the front door with a pair of bags by her side.

“Rarity where are heading to?” Kendall asked.

“Oh don’t you mean, where we are going.” Before giving them a chance to ask she said, “When I heard that Timmy hurt himself and need some time to relax I got reservations at the day spa.”

“A spa?!” He shot a dirty look over at Kendall “That’s not really something I do.”

“Calm down I didn’t know about this either. Rarity this isn’t what we thought we were coming over for.”

“Nonsense! All the work you do here should be rewarded. As for you”-Gesturing at Timmy-“in your condition you need the best care in the world.”

“We're not getting out of this one are we?” Kendall asked.

“No.” Rarity said in a dead tone way.

When they reached the spa, they were greeted by the spa ponies. Sending them to the massage bed. They gave them rubs on their backs. Timmy felt the warm hooves on his body and could tell that it was really loosening up some of his knots.

“I’ll admit it, this feels great.” He could feel his entire body relaxing in the warm and humid spa.

“Wow! I didn’t think anypony could be as tight as you are.” Aloe said, trying to get deep into his muscles.

“Yeah, well I’m not just anypony. I’m not even a pony at all.” He gave her a smile causing her to blush in return. “You know, for someone who’s never worked on a human you’re pretty good.”

“Actually, I work with a friend over there, once a week.” Timmy shot a look over at Kendall.

“Ok I confess, I come here every week with Rarity and Fluttershy.” He put his head down in shame.

“Now come on, you don’t need to be embarrassed over it. This is pretty good. I wish you told me about this.”

“Even if I wanted to I couldn’t lately. You spend way too much time working out and all.”

“Yea, because I’m getting ready for football. Don’t you do the same when basketball’s round the corner?”

“Not as much as you do. I love the passion you have, but we’re your friends, can’t you at least spare some time with us.”

“Oh man, I didn’t know that. I’m sorry I really should show you how important you guys are to me.” After their muscles were loosened they continued the complete spa treatment. From the seaweed to even the mud bath no stone was left unturned. Once finished, the boys gave their tips and went home.


Waking up, Timmy was surprised to Twilight in the living room waiting for him.

“Don’t tell me, Will told you to come over?” He asked.

“No, I came over here on my own accord.” She smiled at him. “When I heard about what happened I thought I’d come over and read you this.” She levitated a book out of her bag and placed it in his hand.

“Starry Night? What’s this all about?”

“It’s a story by jotted note. A wonderful tale about two ponies who meet in Canterlot under the clear night sky.” Timmy noted the small size of the book itself.

“Seems smaller than what I’d expect you to read. I’ve seen your collection there are some large works in there.”

“Well, this was a book I really liked when I was just a little filly. It was the first book that Princess Celestia gave to me when I had become her personal student. I didn’t understand at first. This wasn’t something about magic that I believed I would be studying then.”

“Given that summery you gave me I’d be surprised too.”

“Yes well, she told to read it anyway and return to her what I’d learned from it. When I first started I didn’t realize how important it was then. However when I found it earlier this week I couldn’t believe how much I missed in it.”

“I think I understand now. Why don’t you read it to me?”

“Why can’t you?”

“With this arm, I don’t think it’d be easy to turn the pages. Besides I think you’d do a great job”

“Well then let’s sit down here.”

“Actually let’s go to my bed. I’m not feeling as energetic as I usually I’m.” They walked into Timmy bed and he laid down. “Aren’t you gonna be right beside me?”

“What?!” Twilight was surprised by the offer. “Are you sure about that?”

“Of course, it’d be nice to see the pictures that accompany the plot.” She complied and got on right next to him, levitated the book between them and began to read.

It all began under a starry night. When a prince meets a young peasant mare in a meadow during the celebration of the stars. It had been a long day preparing for the festivities. Young Sugar Heart was not looking forward to it however, as he knew that this would be the day that a bride would be selected for him. It’s not that he didn’t have a choice in the matter but rather that he was beginning to grow much too old to still be a lone stallion. Hours before it was to begin, Sugar Heart snuck out of his room and headed down to the fields of grain to a secluded place that only he knew of. The sun had already set and the moon shone down over the crop illuminating the entire plains.

He laid down on his back and gave a long sigh, happy to be away from the world. However his isolation was not long as a farm mare, not seeing him, tripped over his body. There, on top of him was a beautiful mare with bright green eyes. Lost for a moment he quickly gathered himself up and help her along. There he introduced himself.

“Hello there, I’m prince Sugar Heart, and your name my fair maiden?”

“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry.” Realizing that he was royalty she quickly bowed down to the ground.

“It’s quite alright my dear.” He guided her up, putting a hoof under her chin. “I would like to know your name however.”

“Oh, It’s, um, Honey Fields. I work here with my family.” She replied. The two sat down and began to talk. Sugar Heart told her about the ceremony and that he would soon be getting a bride. He expressed his dissatisfaction over the affairs, saying that while he does enjoy being royalty, the restrictions were becoming too much. He learned of her story, how her mother was awfully sick and that her father was struggling to keep the farm running by himself. She explained that the reason she was out in the fields was to help get some work done fearing that they may not make it till the end of the month.

There was more to this conversation then just of tragedy. Honey Field told him of the time that the entire family once thought that her brother had turned into the snake from a drink he had earlier, only to find that he was pulling a trick on them. Or when Sugar Heart’s servant had taught him all about the world; dragons, griffins, and all the other cities around Equestria.

“That’s so wonderful!” She laughed in joy, “I never knew anything outside of home.”

“Yes, well look at the time, I must be going.” He got up and before he went she stopped him. “Eh? Do you have one last thing?”

“Indeed.” And she gave him a sweet kiss on the check. “Good luck with your future wife.”

Her last words left a mark on his mind. While she was very genuine about the remark, He could tell there was sadness in the tone. He thought that maybe she had fallen for him, but no, it couldn’t work out for them, could it?

At the festival he sat with his family, watching other ponies walk around, playing games and socializing with each other. He even saw his bride to be, Clover Stock, she was a nice mare, but he didn’t like her in that way. Bored and out of his mind, he sprung up when a figure entered his gaze. It was Honey Fields! She had come to see the prince go and be wed. His felt his heart flutter and skip a beat. Then trumpets blared, signaling Princess Celestia to come out.

“Greetings fair citizens of Canterlot.” She announced, “We are here to celebrate the marriage of Sugar Heart and Clover Stock!” The crowd cheered on as the two entered the stage. She lined them up and asked, “Do you, Clover Stock, take Sugar heart to be your loving husband?”

“I do.” She said.

“And do you, Sugar Heart, take Clover Stock to be your loving wife?” He paused, knowing that everyone was expecting him to say the words “I do”, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He knew that Honey Fields was the one for him, but if he chose her then he would no longer be a noble. Right then and there, he made his decision.

“Wait!” He yelled, shocking the audience. “I don’t love Clover Stock.” A collective boo covered the stage. Looking at the two mares he said, “I’m so sorry, but my heart goes to her.”-He pointed at Honey Fields-“the fair maiden there. She’s no noble, but a sweet farm girl and I wish to hold her, to love her. I know that doing so would take away my nobility, but I’d give up everything in the world just to have one moment with her.”

To his surprise, both mares were accepting of his decision. They both nodded their heads in agreement.

“I will accept any choice you make in your life.” Celestia said.

“Go, go to her now.” Clover Stock, with a tear in her eyes, said. And with those words, he did. Sugar Heart ran off the stage, leaving the crowd in disbelief. He met Honey Fields, looked her right in the eye and gave her a warm, tender-loving kiss. Then he swept her off her hooves and carried her off into the field, where they first met under the starry night.

“And they lived, happily ever after. The End.” Twilight closed the book, now finished with the story. “Well, what do you think?”

“The ending felt a little rushed, but it was a sweet tale anyway.”

“I know, I didn’t see it at first, but the way that he gave up so much just for one mare is so heartwarming to me.”

“Yea, that Honey Fields character, she really was the most important…” Timmy paused, coming to the realization of the moral of the story.

“What’s wrong?”

“I just realized that I been wrong these past few weeks.” He reached over to the desk, grabbing out the journal.

“And that would be?”

“Ever since I’ve come here and became your friend. All I’ve done is train, whether it was for football, or to prepare for any threat that may come this way. But it’s come with the price of not giving my friends the time they deserve. Before being brought her, they meant the world to me. My friends, my own brother, they stood by me when times were tough. Now, when I think they need me now more than ever, and I haven’t returned the favor.”

“I think I understand, when I was an anti-social geek, as Rainbow Dash would put it, I tried to solve everything on my own instead of getting help. It’s a good thing I learned that before it was too late.”

“Exactly, I know why I’ve been trying so hard. I don’t want to fail at this. I’m too worried about what evils we’ll have to face in the future, especially since I got beat by whatever that was in the castle. Now I know that with the six of us together, nothing can beat us.” Timmy opened up the journal and began to writing.

“What’s this?”

“A journal, you know in case we ever leave. I’d like something to remind myself of the time spent here. The guys and I have kept track of some of our adventures we’ve had here and some lessons learned so we don’t end up repeating the same mistakes. I think I got a good one here.”

Well having you arm broken is no fun. But thanks to my friends the time sure has flown. However I’ve also learned that lately I have been ignoring them for my own personal time, more than I really should take. They mean everything to me and I want to make sure that it stays that way, because when all the dominos fall they’ll be the only ones left standing.

“Done.” He closed the book and placed it back on the desk. “Say, you got any more good reads?”

“Oh you bet!” She quickly raced out the door. “I’ve got a ton of books we can read all day. Isn’t this going to be so amazing?” When she was out of the house Timmy said.

“What did I get myself into?”

Author's Note:

I'd like to thank those who suggested book titles for the story used here.