• Published 6th Apr 2014
  • 1,602 Views, 14 Comments

My Little Pony: The Guardians of Harmony - The Eternal Dragon

Six young men are about to get the biggest challenge of their Lives.

  • ...

Number One Fan

“Man! Where are we heading to eat?” Timmy said as he felt his stomach rumbling. The six boys were out on the town, happy that the weekend had finally arrived and they didn’t have any work to do. “Man’s gotta eat.”

“Timmy, you’re always hungry. Like that one time we were at Will’s house and you nearly ate all of his food.”

“Ugh, don’t remind me.” Will responded, “I barely had anything to eat for a week.”

“Yea, how about instead of repeating that, we go find a nice place to settle down at.” Bryson spied out places that served food. Scanning the surrounding area he spotted the Hayburger.

“Say, what about the Hayburger?”

“Yea, about that. They won’t let me back in.”

“I’m not going to even ask.” Andrew answered. “To be honest, not really any other places that we can just stop at.”

“Aww.” Disappointed, Timmy turned around to leave the town square when a humble looking shop caught his eye. “Ooh, let’s go here!” He immediately started to run toward the building.

“Wait, but this is a candy shop, they only sell treats.”

“That’s fine, always wanted to fill the sweet tooth anyway!” Not even slowing down when saying that, Timmy entered the shop.

“It doesn’t work like… You know what, let’s just go.” Defeated, the other five ran in after him. When they got inside, the smell of sweet chocolate entered their noses. Amazed at the large assortment of treats they saw Timmy trying to get as many as he could.

“You guys think this is enough?” The large pile of candy blocked his small body from sight.

“Whoa there! I think you need to remember we’re not exactly what someone would call rich.” Andrew was then surprised by Timmy tossing nearly half of the candy right at him. “Ahh, no, what, ahh,”-He was just able to keep it all from falling to the ground-“What are you doing!?”

“Relax, it’s buy one get one free.”

“That doesn’t make it any better, I don’t want to put on any weight or get cavities.”

“Plus this town’s dentist creeps me out” Kendall murmured to Bryson.

“Agreed” The two gave each other a fist bump. While the brothers were bickering, Zack felt something odd. He looked over his shoulder as if expecting a pony to be there, but there was nothing. “Something wrong?” Bryson asked.

“I don’t know. It just feels like when we got in here there’s something watching us.” He scanned the room again, yielding no results. “I could have sworn that there was a bluish colored unicorn through the window before we got inside.”

“Really didn’t notice anyone in here. Just assumed it was a slow day.” Finally the brothers were done arguing about how much they should buy, with Andrew relenting. They plopped the pile of candy on the counter.

“Okay, how much, miss?”

“Sweetie Drops, and that’ll be 100 bits.” The mare had a homely motherly voice.

Woo.” Andrew grimaced at the price. “Man, that’s just so much.”

“What are you talking about? It’s a lot less than what I was expecting. Besides, Rarity was nice enough to lend us a good amount of coins if we needed any.”

“Yea, but I don’t like using other people’s money. Fine.” He grabbed into his pocket and threw out a bag of bits. “Here’s the money.” When they exited the shop they began to make their way, since they about of candy was pretty heavy and they used up all the bits that had in the first place. Still though, Zack couldn’t shake that funny feeling even after they were in the safely of their own house.

“You know what guy. I’m going out for a walk, anyone care to join?” The rest of them were too busy eating their sweet treats and Andrew had already check in for the night. So he headed out on his own. While outside he again felt that someone, or something was following him. Looking back and around him, he didn’t see anything that was out of the ordinary. “Hello? Is anyone out there? It’s not funny nor are you scaring me.” Nothing responded to his call out, only the cool night air slowly breezing into his face.

He tried to think of a plan to force a potential hunter to reveal themselves. Then he got an idea. “Of course.” He whispered to himself. “If I walk into a dark alleyway then I can confront who this stalker is. Besides I have a good feeling that whoever it is, isn’t much of a threat.” Looking around, he found a dimly lit alley that he’d still be able to see a fair distance. Entering it, he turned around and waited for a figure to follow suit. Sure enough a pony stop right at the entrance of the alley. It began to move closer to Zack as he prepared himself for a conflict. Just before he was about to pounce the figure levitated off it hood to reveal a mint green unicorn.

“I’m so sorry! Please forgive me for scaring you like that.”

“You, scare me? No, I eat fear for breakfast” He wouldn’t admit it, but he was a little tense about who was under the hood. “Who are you anyway?”

“Sorry! My name’s Lyra Heartstrings. I work at the candy shop you guys were in earlier today. When I saw you enter I got nervous and hid.”

“And why exactly did you do that?”

“Well…” She shied away for a little bit before answering. “I’m just such a big fan of you guys!” She said quickly and out loud.

“Wow. Didn’t know we had a fan base, or that anyone in this town cared about our existence.”

“Oh, but you guys look so cool and, I mean come on, you’re the guardians of harmony!” She started to get more excited, just talking about their status. Then she began to ask questions without giving him any time to answer them. “Is it true that you can build any machine from just about anything? Or what about Kendall being the best Basketball from you homeland. Or maybe about Timmy insane strength?”

“Whoa there, slow down. Maybe you can meet my friends and we all can answer you’re questions.”

“Really!?” She was practically jumping from excitement. “You mean right now!?”

“Yea sure, they’d love to meet you.” He brought her home and introduced her to the rest of the gang. “Guys, this here is our biggest fan.”

“Biggest fan? More like only, I don’t think anyone cares about us all that much.” Bryson said.

“Maybe she’s likes before it’s gonna be cool. Like a hipster, like you Will.” Timmy said.

“What! I’m not a hipster.”

“With the way you dress, could’ve fooled me.” Timmy got up and have her a firm handshake. “It’s nice to meet you. Not used to having fans back at home.”

“I hope you guys don’t mind if I ask you some questions do you?”

“By all means ask away.”

“Awesome! So is it true that you have the strength of ten stallions?”

“Well I wouldn’t know that seeing as I’ve never been truly tested.”

“And you Kendall can make a shot from anywhere on a court.”

“Please there ain’t nobody that can stop my moves when I have the ball in my hands.” Lyra continued asking the guys questions about their abilities and feats all through the night. Soon the eventually went to bed hoping that she too would go home herself.


It was now morning, Andrew would be the first to wake, as he was the first to bed last night. He slowly opened his eyes as gave a long yawn before being interrupted.

“Aww. That’s so cute!” He heard a voice, when looking to his bedside he saw Lyra standing right there. The sight surprised him, causing him to fall off over the other side onto the ground. “You look so adorable when you’re scared.” She could barely contain her laughter at his misfortune.

“Oh, ha ha,” He responded with a dead tone, “For the record I’m not cute, I’m handsome.” Getting up, he wondered why a pony was in their house. “Um, how did you’d get inside our house?”

“Your friends let you in, you’re Andrew, right?”

“Yea, Well I suppose if they trust you, I can trust you too.” He extended a hand and was met with a hoof. He could feel that she was getting rather excited about meeting him. “Why exactly are you in here anyway?”

“Duh! Because of you guys. The six of you are so awesome.”

“I wouldn’t call ourselves awesome in any capacity, especially now that I’ve gotten to know Rainbow Dash more. Her usage of the term has killed that word for me.” He stopped and tried to think of a way to get her out of his room. “Say, why don’t you wait in the kitchen for me? Let me get dressed for the day and maybe we can chat for a little bit.” She gleefully accepted his offer and went out of the room. With a deep sigh, he got into his daily outfit and took a moment to collect himself.

By the time he got into the kitchen he was surprised to see that she had some breakfast ready. It wasn’t much, just some eggs and toast. Still though, with a growling stomach he didn’t complain. Sitting down, he was about to start eating when he felt her weird presences, staring right at him.

“I’m sorry, I don’t think I got your name, miss?”

“Lyra. Lyra Heartstrings.”

“Okay then Lyralyra Heartstrings.”

“Wait, no it’s.”

“I’m just joking, I know it’s just Lyra. I never understood why anybody ever introduced themselves like that.” He took a sip from his morning jug. “So what did you do with my friends?”

“Oh well, I asked them all sorts of questions about your home and talents.”

“Talent? I wouldn’t call this band of bros talented.” He gave a small chuckle and continued eating. “Nah I’m kidding, my brother wouldn’t be captain of the football team or Zack couldn’t have won the science fair three years in a row if they didn’t have talent.”

“Really, wow! They never told me that.” She was intrigued by their feats and of the abilities that they had bragged about last night. “You guys must be really important from where you come from.”

“Not really, we’re just a bunch of kids from a small town. I mean I love these guys, but if we’re talking about importance I wouldn’t even say we’re in the top half in even just our town.”

“Aww.” She was dejected, hearing this. Was it true that her heroes we just nobodies, even to themselves. “You mean that you aren’t heroes.”

“We never were, not even here considering that we haven’t beaten some evil force or whatever.” He finished his food and started to wash the dishes. “Don’t worry too much about us though, I’m sure we’ll have our time to shine.”

“Okay.” She said disappointed in the visit. She then left the house thinking about them.

Not heroes? But they were so cool and fun to be with. He’s right though, they haven’t defeated any monsters yet. Hey! Maybe if I bring a monster to them and they beat it then maybe they can be the heroes that I’ve always wanted. And even the town would give them praise and adoration. And I think I know just the answer.


“Bout time you guys woke up.” The other were finally fully awake and they had gotten some cereal to eat for breakfast. “So what happened to that no stranger ponies policy we had about this place. Last time I checked we don’t let’s anyone spend the night here.”

“Wait what are you talking about?” Timmy asked with his mouth still full. “You mean to tell me that Lyra didn’t go home after we went to bed.”

“Either that or she just let herself back in to see me wake up, seriously, that’s just creepy.” He grabbed out a book he had been reading and laid out on the couch. “I’ll be fair though, she’s not that bad for someone who I barely know.”

“What’d you talk to her about?”

“Not much, just told her that we aren’t the people she thinks we are or even that we’re special in some way.”

“What?! She’s our number one fan! There has to be something the six of us as a group is great at.” Said Will.

“More like our only fan. Besides it’s not like we’ve done anything yet. I’m sure we’ll get around to something, but not anytime soon in my opinion.” Just then, they were interrupted by a large stomping sound along with screams. “What was that?!” The boys got out of the building and were confronted with quite a sight. They saw a giant transparent-like blue bear.

“I don’t believe this! I didn’t think bears grew to this size around here.” Zack yelled out.

“That because it’s not your ordinary bear.” The guys turned around to see Twilight behind them. “It’s an Ursula minor, don’t worry It’s only the small one and I can easily handle it. But I have to wonder, why is it back here again, it’s been so long since it’s been here in Ponyville?”

“That’s because I brought it here!” They looked over and saw Lyra.

“Lyra!” They said in unison.

“That’s just crazy!” Twilight scolded her. “You know that the entire town could be destroyed!”

“I know, but I wanted these guys to get the chance to be heroes.” She began to address the guys. “Please! Just this once can you guys save the day?”

“I don’t know, that is a pretty big bear.” Andrew responded uneasily.

“Fine, let’s do this then.” Timmy said in spite of the others protests. “Look, we’re here for a reason. To be honest, I’d like to prove myself. Ourselves that we really are fit to do this. That we’re here because we deserve to be. Not what some old prophecy says about us.”

“Timmy.” Andrew said pleadingly. “You’ve almost died fighting something you didn’t know about. I don’t like the odds of survival in this situation.”

“Ya guys, I think we should make up our minds before the whole town gets destroyed.”

“Fine! We’ll do it, but I swear if I get eaten by this bear, you owe me!” They stood together, in a straight line, until Will had one final thing to say.

“Wait a second, we didn’t all agree to fight this thing.”

“Well too bad, remember guys, we work as one now, no matter the danger.” Timmy answered. Then he charged right at the beast.

He jumped up gave tried to give it a flying kick, but its roar sent him flying back to the others.

“Where’d you learn that?” Bryson asked.

“What else do you think I’ve been practicing? You guys learned some of this too ya know.”

“Yea, just that one time you dragged us to training and we barely did anything because the rest of us was so tired.” Kendall responded.

“You still learned something. Now would be a good time to use it!”

“Alright then.” Kendall then made a quick move to the right and when the Ursa Minor swiped, he juked it out and slid under it, appearing on the other side. When it turned around he gave Andrew and Bryson the signal. “Now!” They ran and tried to jump on the creature’s backside. However, it swung its tail to knock the two of them into a building, knocking them out.

“Alright then, it’s my turn!” Timmy ran right at it yet again, this time trying for the arm to climb upon it. This again didn’t work as the bear grabbed Timmy and put him right up to its face. Then it began to crush him. “Ahhhhh” He screamed.

“Twilight! You need to stop this!” Zack asked

“No, don’t!” Timmy responded. “If I need her to bail me out when I’m in trouble then what good are we here for?” He coupled his fists together and brought to down, allowing himself to be released from the grip. As he and Kendall continued to battle the beast, Lyra was regretting her actions.

“Oh no. I’m so sorry for this. This is all my fault. All I wanted to see was these guys be heroes, like you Twilight and all your friends.”

“Well you are right that my friends and I may have gone on many adventures, but we’ve never intentionally brought any danger to Ponyville, or even Equestria.” Twilight said. “I never asked to be a hero, just like these people are facing right now, but I will do my role, whatever it may be, no matter my status.” Then she began to repeat the steps she made to tame the Ursa Minor, just like when she last faced the beast. However it came with much chagrin from Timmy.

“Oh come on! We were just about to get the upper hand.”

“Yea, well playtime is over now. Maybe you should go find your brother.” After the threat was over and Andrew and Bryson were woken up Zack decided to confront Lyra about her actions.

‘Not cool there. You could have gotten my friends killed.” He scolded her. “A bear that’s 50 time bigger than us is no joke.”

“I’m sorry, it’s just that when Andrew told me how not special you were because you haven’t saved the town made me want to prove that you really were awesome guys.” She looked down and turned away from him, about to walk away. “It’s okay if you don’t ever want to see me ever again. I deserve it.”

“Why would you want the town to love us like you do? Isn’t it enough that you like us as is?”

“I don’t know. I guess I got caught up in trying to show everybody that being a fan of yours is cool, because you guys are cool.”

“It’s fine that none of these other ponies care about us.” He looked over as Twilight received praise for saving the town. “I’m perfectly fine with sharing the spotlight. And trust me, when we get our shot, you could always take solace that you loved us first.” She turned back around, with newfound excitement.

“Does that mean we’re all still friends?”

“Of course, now come on how about we all celebrate the town not getting destroyed with a party.”

“Did somepony say party?!” Pinkie Pie yelled, coming from seemingly nowhere. “Woohoo, let’s rock!”