• Published 6th Apr 2014
  • 1,603 Views, 14 Comments

My Little Pony: The Guardians of Harmony - The Eternal Dragon

Six young men are about to get the biggest challenge of their Lives.

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The Guardians of Harmony part two

“Oh we’re serious alright,” Pinkie responded with a highly cheerful demeanor,” but her name’s not Shirley, it’s Twilight.”

“So basically, that portal over there brought you here.” Andrew pondered aloud.” But why here? I mean, there really nothing of relevance around here, a story like this is something I expect to take place in New York or something.”

“I don’t care where they came from or why they’re here.” Timmy stated,” You ponies should just go back through your little portal and everyone can just forget anything happened here.” He was clearly aggravated by the sudden invasion of other dimensions and the others agreed with him.
“Yeah, go mess with other people’s lives.”

“Please for the sake of everyone, go home.”

“Stop!” Twilight resoundingly,” I don’t think you understand why we came here. We need to solve a way to open a mysterious case and I believe the answer is around here.”

“Look Princess, I don’t see how’s that my problem.” Timmy responded to her.” What is though, are you coming and invading our world, so I’m only going to ask one more time,” -he walked right up to Twilight’s face-” go back through that portal or I’ll make you.”

The two began arguing, and soon everyone began to bicker among each other. However, unbeknownst to the group, the portal began to glow at a higher intensity and suddenly the ground started to shake. The shaking earth stopped the arguing and before another word could be uttered it began to suck everybody in.

“Ahhhhh!” Pinkie Pie screamed as she and the other ponies were being sucked back into the portal, one by one. The guys were hanging on by a thread until Will slipped and was about to get sucked in. Lucky for him, Zack caught him by the arm, but the weight was too much and he started moving towards the portal. Soon each of the boys were hanging on each other desperately trying not to get sucked into the violent wormhole, with Timmy grabbing onto the bolted down table they were eating at prior.

“Darn it, how much longer is it going to pull on us?” Timmy yelled to the others. They were holding on for dear life, but Andrew saw the damage it was causing to the store. He knew if this kept for much longer who knows how much more damage it could cause.

“Timmy, how much do you trust me?” he asked his younger brother.

“What, why?”

“This Portal is going to destroy everything if we can’t stop, that’s why”

“Alright fine then, what do you want me to do?”

“Let go.”

“What! That’s crazy, then we’ll get sucked in.” The other four also chimed in other remarks.

“Andrew, did you hit your head?”

“Man, that’s just crazy.”

“Look, guys I understand, that supposed to be the plan.”

“What? That doesn’t sound any better at all!” Will called out.

“Please, you have to do, to keep everyone else in this town safe.”

“Well”-Timmy pondered on the request-“It looks like I don’t have much of a choice do I? Well here goes.” He lets go of the table despite the groups protests.

“Timmy, No!” The six boys get sucked into the portal seeing only a bright white light. The next thing they know, they end up piled up past the other end of the portal, which quickly closes as soon as they exit.

“Oh my head.” Timmy said. As he looks up he sees the other ponies are looking at the group as they try to get their bearings straight. The boys also see two other ponies, much larger than the others, and what seems to be a small bipedal lizard.

“Well, look who “invading” now?” Rainbow Dash says with a smirk on her face.

“Oh please, if I didn’t tell Timmy to let go of that table, who knows what would have happen with the portal going the way it did.” Andrew responded. But before anymore arguing could happen Princess Celestia stepped in between the two groups, with a look of awe in her face. Before giving anyone a chance to speak she stated an odd message.

“I don’t believe what I’m seeing here.” The group just looked at her with bewilderment. ”You six are the ones.”

“The ones for what?” Timmy asked.

“You are the guardians of harmony.” She said, with a smile crawling up.

“What I don’t understand what you’re saying princess.” Twilight said. “I’ve never heard of anything like that before.”

“I suppose I should explain.” With a glow in her horn Celestia shot down to the ground, creating what seemed to be a piece of artwork showing the six different elements; Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Loyalty, Generosity, and Magic. Within each corresponding element’s gem was a person that looked quite similar to each member of the guys. “Each one of you have an important destiny and alignment with each element of harmony.” She walked up to each person and spoke to each individually, first to Will.

“You are light skinned, but your hair is completely black. The member of Kindness was always unsure of who she is, thus it shall be your duty to be the guardian of kindness.” Next was Zack.

“You may not very well-kept.”-Looking at his rough clothing and shaggy hair-“but neither does the element of Honesty, Now it shall be you duty to be the guardian of honesty.” Then she walked up to Kendall.

“Your dark skin and relaxed demeanor may not seem a match with the element of generosity’s grace. But the high quality clothes you wear and the hair”-styled like a flattop-“makes me believe you care about yourself as much as your friends. You will have the duty of being the guardian of generosity.” Bryson was the next person she walked to.

“You are a rather tall fellow, being as tall as myself. And your dark skin make you stick out from a crowd and the element of laughter is never one to shy away from others. Thus you shall be the guardian of laughter.” Finally the two brothers stood side by side to her.

“You men of very similar looks and style. It certainly is not easy to choose who represents loyalty and magic. Your dark color both skin and hair do not match up with either of the two. So Twilight, did either of these two gentlemen personally talk with you?”

“Well, he did.” She pointed at Timmy, “Though I wouldn’t say it was a good conversation.”

“Then it is settled. You shall be the guardian of Magic, and you”-looking at Andrew-“should be great as the guardian of Loyalty.”

“Sister, are you sure about this?” Luna intervened, “I have never heard of such a legend like this ever before.”

“Trust me, there are many thing you do not know about this world, as I too may not be all knowing. But the guardians of Harmony are going to be the most important thing for Equestria, especially now, since we lost the usage of the elements themselves. Now everyone, let us leave this place.” The group began to walk towards Ponyville and soon reached the outskirts of the Everfree Forest. There they were met with a familiar character.

“So the oh-so princess has saved the day, and what do we have here?” Discord saw the six young men, “It seems we’ve made some new friends haven’t we.”

“Who are you?” Timmy asked wondering what kind of creature this was.

“Oh, wherever are my manners.” Discord responded, “I am Discord”-giving a bow-“master of chaos.” He extended his arm out, which Bryson greeted. However, Discord’s arm fell off, causing him to drop it.

“Ah!” Bryson screamed out at the scene.

“Oh you’ll just have to forgive me, I’ve just been falling apart.” He said as he picked back up his arm and reattached it. “It seems you must be new here. Why don’t you have a drink so you can catch up.” With a snap of his fingers six shot glasses appeared in front of the boys and then a bottle filled with a white fluid poured out its contents. “Drink up.”

“This doesn’t seem like a good idea.” Will said inspecting the drink.

“I don’t think it’ll kill us, I mean the others haven’t stopped him.” Zack responded.

“Let’s see what they have to say. Hey is this safe to drink?” Timmy asked hoping for a good answer.

“Yeah go ahead and drink up” Twilight answered him.

“And all of a sudden I’ve lost faith in how safe this really is. But I suppose there’s only one way to find out.”

“Ok boys, bottoms up then.” The six all took a quick shot of the drink and all of a sudden there were struck a thousands of images. One could see in their eyes the memories being relieved until just as soon as it started, it ended and the guy fell to the ground.

“Oh my head, it’s feels like I just watched three seasons of TV in under five seconds.” Kendall said getting up from that experience.”

“I’m sure it does.” Discord told them, “But know you’ve caught back up, like says do any of you know of Nightmare Moon.”

“You know what? I actually do.” Timmy replied. “She used to be what Princess Luna became when she turned evil and her sister sent her to the moon.”

“Any other recollection?”

“Yes, like there was an invasion during a wedding and some king threaten to take over an entire empire.” Timmy continue to remember. “And you used to be evil, until your reformation apparently.”

“Great! Then it seems my work here is done.” Discord began to pack up bags which were never seen until that point. “Well see ya.” With a snap of a finger he disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

“I guess you could say that was quite the random encounter.” Zack quip.

“True.” Will responded. “But it seems that whatever he gave us taught us the knowledge we’ll need to know without having to spend a long time getting to know.”

“Well I hope we don’t have to spend long here.”

“I hope so too.” Timmy said. “But where exactly are we going to sleep, it’s getting late.”

“Do not worry about that.” Celestia told him, “Arrangements can be easily made.”

She was right, as the boys soon found themselves in a small house that ponyville had set to be demolished. The six were lying in bed wondering what to make of the situation.

“You know, when she said that arrangements could be easily made, I was hoping for a much nicer place.” Bryson quipped. “There barely any room for the six of us.”

“Look guys, we’ll just have to make the most of it.” Andrew reassured. “What more important is trying to get home right now.”

“I don’t know, it doesn’t seem that easy. I mean all that news about us being important to their world is pretty big to me.” Will said with a worried look on his eye.

“It can’t be that bad, look at what we dealing with.” Zack retorted, “Their just ponies, brightly colored ones at that too.”

“Wait a second.” Kendall realized an odd familiarity. “This world looks an awful lot like that one show.”

“No you can’t be suggesting that.”

“Yep, it seems like we stuck in the Show My Little Pony.” That statement caused all of the guys to groan.

“No!” Timmy cried disappointment but with a sigh of resignation.” Well this is going to take longer than expected. But let’s just get some sleep and tomorrow we can get working to getting out of here as fast as we can.”

“Alright then it settled.” Andrew got comfortable in his bed, “Roll with the flow and then out like nobody’s business. Good night everyone.” In unison the rest responded with a resounding.

“Good night”