> My Little Pony: The Guardians of Harmony > by The Eternal Dragon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Guardians of Harmony part one > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight was ready, as she and the others knew what they need to do in order to save Equestria. Sacrificing the elements would certainly help, but in the long term how would any of them expect to continue to protect everypony should danger arrive yet again. As Twilight levitated the elements around her the vines came and wrapped themselves around her and attempted to the elements. However she was able to use her magic to bring each gem to its original place where the Celestia and Luna had found before them. With that the vines let her go as the tree began to glow a magnificent light which caused the vines to disintegrate all the way to ponyville. With the tree restored of its magic the remaining vines near it vanished, reveling both Princess Celestia and Luna. Overwhelmed by emotion Twilight ran to the two princesses and gave a warm embrace. “We know how difficult it must have been to give up the elements,” Celestia said still hugging her former student,” it took great courage to relinquish them.” But Twilight then noticed the tree had begun to glow yet again. The five outer element shot a stream of light toward the center, connect with the element of magic, sending down a light, through symbols that resembled the princesses cutie marks to the root of the tree. A sapling rapidly grew out from there that quickly became a plant about the size of Twilight. She gave it a small tap causing it to blossom out what seemed to be a small case. “What’s inside it? How am I supposed to open it?” Twilight asked. “Six locks, six keys.” Luna had observed. The two look toward Celestia, but her only response was, “I do not know where they are, but I do know it will not be a mystery you will be solving alone.” However the tree did not seem to be finished as it started to glow again much brighter than the two previous times. This event caught everypony off guard as the ground began to shake beneath their feet. The gemstone set in place all radiated with energy and then shot out beams meeting at the singular point right in front of the case. The eight ponies and dragon witnessed before them a portal forming before their very eyes. After it finally stopped, Pinkie Pie was the first to comment of what had just transpired. “Wow that was great, let’s do it again!” Dumfounded, Twilight asked “Princess do you have any clue what this is?” “No unfortunately I do know what this is, thought it seems very similar to the portal you traveled through to retrieve your crown.” “Then it’s quite possible the answers we seek about the case must lie on the other side.” “If that is true, do you plan to enter it alone, like last time?” With that Twilight looked back to her friends and replied, “No, my friends deserve to see what new world lies within, not just me.” The others gave quite joyful cheers, “All right this is going to be so awesome, “Rainbow Dash yelled. “Yeah! And when we’re all finished I could throw a traveled to another world party!” Pinkie Pie happily screamed. “Alright then girls are you ready then?” Twilight asked. “Ah think we’ll be as ready as we can get,” Applejack replied. Thus they all jumped into the portal, not knowing where it will take them, but ready to take on anything they may run into. *** “Yes! Schools finally over,” Bryson yelled out as the last bell rang. After a long year he was ready for school to be finally over for the summer as he dashed out the hall and into the school parking lot. Being 17 and licensed was probably the best thing for him as he could enjoy the freedoms of driving. Out there he could see his friend Kendall. “Hey Kendall, are you ready for dinner later tonight.” He asked. “Of course I am, who else is coming?” Kendall responded. “Well both Andrew and Timmy are coming for sure, and I think Will and Zach will be there as well.” “Great then I’ll see ya later than,” and Kendall left toward his car to go home and get ready. Bryson was about to do the same when he saw both Will and Zach hanging out by the school entrances. He decided to make sure that they were coming so he approached them. “Hey guys,” as he greeted the two, “are you going to go with the rest of us to get dinner later?” “Of course we are” Will stated, “After all I did come up with it.” “Unfortunately, I’m going to be a little late, so you can start without me,” Zach replied. “Ok then, I’ll see you guys then,” Bryson said, and headed back to his car so he can get ready for it. About an hour before the guys planned to all meet, both Andrew and Timmy were relaxing in their room, excited that school was finally over. At first glance one would assume they were twins, given their very similar looks, However Andrew was the older of the two by about a year. Man, it’s hard to believe I’ve graduated from high school, Andrew thought, Seems it’s only been yesterday I was just a young man trying to find my place in school. His train of thought was broken when his brother asked. “Hey Andrew are you happy that you’ll be headed to college pretty soon?” “Of course I am, though I think you are glad I’ll finally be gone so you can get this room all to yourself,” He responded. “Yeah and I’ll definitely be ready for football season and my senior year, too bad you won’t be there often,” “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to catch all the important games coming up later, say you want to head out now, probably best not to be late.” “Yea let’s get going.” By the time the brothers made it to the store it seemed the others, sans Zach, were there waiting for them. While this location wouldn’t be considered a normal place for a group of teenage boys to hang out and eat together, they certainly enjoy the quiet locale, especially considering how good the burgers that the deli made fresh were. By the time their orders came Zach had finally made it there. “Hey guys, did you make sure to get one for me?” He asked, sitting down at the table the group set up. “Yeah, of course,” Will said, handing him the sandwich, “I’m pretty sure we’ve gotten use to you arriving later than everyone else.” Now the group began to converse with each other about the school year they had just finished along with the goals for next year. Being in their final years both Kendall and Timmy wanted to leave a legacy that people would never forget. “Man now that James has graduated it up to me to put out team on my back and get into the playoffs,” Timmy said. Considering how poor the varsity team preformed last season was a painful feeling as they finished had finished with an awful 2-7 record. The same was said of the basketball team as they just failed to make the playoffs going even with 12 wins and losses. “Hey man, don’t worry, with us taking over the captain spots we’ll get our teams back into shape.” Kendall said. Despite being only a junior he was able to get the starting forward position. Though he played fairly well for being younger, he knew that the experience would allow him to get the team into the State championship. The two young men were most likely to take over as team captains, given that they were able to work their way up onto the varsity roster the past season. The six had finished up their meal and notice that most of the employees either had left or were in the back taking care of some last details. While the store wasn’t huge or anything, it still was big enough that any remaining members would not have noticed the boys were still. “Well, I suppose we should head home now then.” Andrew said, grabbing his jacket from the chair. However, right after saying that the ground shook violently beneath them. “Whoa guys, this must be an earthquake,” Will yelled out. Just then a light began to form in midair, right in front of the group, growing bigger until it was about their size. Once it reached full size the shaking subsided and there was just silence for a minute. Bryson was the first to break the silence. “What is this?” He asked. “I don’t know, but it seems to be a portal of some kind,” replied Zach. “Here, I’ll check it out,” Andrew stated, “just stay back guys.” While the other back away from this mysterious portal, Andrew slowly walked right up to it. As he got right in front of it, his eyes peered within the vortex when all of a sudden oddly colored objects came shooting right towards him. Before he could react six strange looking creature quickly shot out of the hole hitting and knocking Andrew back several yards. “Oh my, what are these things?” Timmy asked, as he could see the creatures begin to get up. “Andrew! Watch out!” Screamed Kendall, warning his friend of the impending danger. Hearing that, Andrew quickly jumped to his feet and ran back to the safety of the group. They were caught off guard when they heard the purple one talk. “Ugh, girls are you alright?” Twilight asked her friends while still trying to regain her bearings. She looked up and saw six people, who looked similar to the ones she encountered before. What? There’s no way we could have ended back there. Hmm, I still have my pony body, and same goes for the other girls. Maybe this isn’t the same. She couldn’t help but ask. “Who are you?” “Well I think we could say the same thing to you,” Zach replied, “What exactly are you things?” “That is not how you treat a lady when you first meet her,” Rarity rebuffed. “Ok let’s not get to confrontational guys,” Andrew said, trying to defuse the situation. “We don’t know what they are capable of.” Tense moments passed before another word was uttered. “Alright, just what kind of things are you?” Timmy finally said, trying to get thing moving in the right direction. “Well, it’s kind of difficult to explain,” Twilight responded. “I suppose the best way would be to start from the beginning.” She told the group where they had come from, and the most recent encounter with an unknown evil. They were informed of the tree of harmony and the mysterious portal that opened when they relinquished the elements of harmony. “… and the next thing we knew, we ended up here.” Time past before Bryson broke the silence. “Surely you can’t be serious.” > The Guardians of Harmony part two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Oh we’re serious alright,” Pinkie responded with a highly cheerful demeanor,” but her name’s not Shirley, it’s Twilight.” “So basically, that portal over there brought you here.” Andrew pondered aloud.” But why here? I mean, there really nothing of relevance around here, a story like this is something I expect to take place in New York or something.” “I don’t care where they came from or why they’re here.” Timmy stated,” You ponies should just go back through your little portal and everyone can just forget anything happened here.” He was clearly aggravated by the sudden invasion of other dimensions and the others agreed with him. “Yeah, go mess with other people’s lives.” “Please for the sake of everyone, go home.” “Stop!” Twilight resoundingly,” I don’t think you understand why we came here. We need to solve a way to open a mysterious case and I believe the answer is around here.” “Look Princess, I don’t see how’s that my problem.” Timmy responded to her.” What is though, are you coming and invading our world, so I’m only going to ask one more time,” -he walked right up to Twilight’s face-” go back through that portal or I’ll make you.” The two began arguing, and soon everyone began to bicker among each other. However, unbeknownst to the group, the portal began to glow at a higher intensity and suddenly the ground started to shake. The shaking earth stopped the arguing and before another word could be uttered it began to suck everybody in. “Ahhhhh!” Pinkie Pie screamed as she and the other ponies were being sucked back into the portal, one by one. The guys were hanging on by a thread until Will slipped and was about to get sucked in. Lucky for him, Zack caught him by the arm, but the weight was too much and he started moving towards the portal. Soon each of the boys were hanging on each other desperately trying not to get sucked into the violent wormhole, with Timmy grabbing onto the bolted down table they were eating at prior. “Darn it, how much longer is it going to pull on us?” Timmy yelled to the others. They were holding on for dear life, but Andrew saw the damage it was causing to the store. He knew if this kept for much longer who knows how much more damage it could cause. “Timmy, how much do you trust me?” he asked his younger brother. “What, why?” “This Portal is going to destroy everything if we can’t stop, that’s why” “Alright fine then, what do you want me to do?” “Let go.” “What! That’s crazy, then we’ll get sucked in.” The other four also chimed in other remarks. “Andrew, did you hit your head?” “Man, that’s just crazy.” “Look, guys I understand, that supposed to be the plan.” “What? That doesn’t sound any better at all!” Will called out. “Please, you have to do, to keep everyone else in this town safe.” “Well”-Timmy pondered on the request-“It looks like I don’t have much of a choice do I? Well here goes.” He lets go of the table despite the groups protests. “Timmy, No!” The six boys get sucked into the portal seeing only a bright white light. The next thing they know, they end up piled up past the other end of the portal, which quickly closes as soon as they exit. “Oh my head.” Timmy said. As he looks up he sees the other ponies are looking at the group as they try to get their bearings straight. The boys also see two other ponies, much larger than the others, and what seems to be a small bipedal lizard. “Well, look who “invading” now?” Rainbow Dash says with a smirk on her face. “Oh please, if I didn’t tell Timmy to let go of that table, who knows what would have happen with the portal going the way it did.” Andrew responded. But before anymore arguing could happen Princess Celestia stepped in between the two groups, with a look of awe in her face. Before giving anyone a chance to speak she stated an odd message. “I don’t believe what I’m seeing here.” The group just looked at her with bewilderment. ”You six are the ones.” “The ones for what?” Timmy asked. “You are the guardians of harmony.” She said, with a smile crawling up. “What I don’t understand what you’re saying princess.” Twilight said. “I’ve never heard of anything like that before.” “I suppose I should explain.” With a glow in her horn Celestia shot down to the ground, creating what seemed to be a piece of artwork showing the six different elements; Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Loyalty, Generosity, and Magic. Within each corresponding element’s gem was a person that looked quite similar to each member of the guys. “Each one of you have an important destiny and alignment with each element of harmony.” She walked up to each person and spoke to each individually, first to Will. “You are light skinned, but your hair is completely black. The member of Kindness was always unsure of who she is, thus it shall be your duty to be the guardian of kindness.” Next was Zack. “You may not very well-kept.”-Looking at his rough clothing and shaggy hair-“but neither does the element of Honesty, Now it shall be you duty to be the guardian of honesty.” Then she walked up to Kendall. “Your dark skin and relaxed demeanor may not seem a match with the element of generosity’s grace. But the high quality clothes you wear and the hair”-styled like a flattop-“makes me believe you care about yourself as much as your friends. You will have the duty of being the guardian of generosity.” Bryson was the next person she walked to. “You are a rather tall fellow, being as tall as myself. And your dark skin make you stick out from a crowd and the element of laughter is never one to shy away from others. Thus you shall be the guardian of laughter.” Finally the two brothers stood side by side to her. “You men of very similar looks and style. It certainly is not easy to choose who represents loyalty and magic. Your dark color both skin and hair do not match up with either of the two. So Twilight, did either of these two gentlemen personally talk with you?” “Well, he did.” She pointed at Timmy, “Though I wouldn’t say it was a good conversation.” “Then it is settled. You shall be the guardian of Magic, and you”-looking at Andrew-“should be great as the guardian of Loyalty.” “Sister, are you sure about this?” Luna intervened, “I have never heard of such a legend like this ever before.” “Trust me, there are many thing you do not know about this world, as I too may not be all knowing. But the guardians of Harmony are going to be the most important thing for Equestria, especially now, since we lost the usage of the elements themselves. Now everyone, let us leave this place.” The group began to walk towards Ponyville and soon reached the outskirts of the Everfree Forest. There they were met with a familiar character. “So the oh-so princess has saved the day, and what do we have here?” Discord saw the six young men, “It seems we’ve made some new friends haven’t we.” “Who are you?” Timmy asked wondering what kind of creature this was. “Oh, wherever are my manners.” Discord responded, “I am Discord”-giving a bow-“master of chaos.” He extended his arm out, which Bryson greeted. However, Discord’s arm fell off, causing him to drop it. “Ah!” Bryson screamed out at the scene. “Oh you’ll just have to forgive me, I’ve just been falling apart.” He said as he picked back up his arm and reattached it. “It seems you must be new here. Why don’t you have a drink so you can catch up.” With a snap of his fingers six shot glasses appeared in front of the boys and then a bottle filled with a white fluid poured out its contents. “Drink up.” “This doesn’t seem like a good idea.” Will said inspecting the drink. “I don’t think it’ll kill us, I mean the others haven’t stopped him.” Zack responded. “Let’s see what they have to say. Hey is this safe to drink?” Timmy asked hoping for a good answer. “Yeah go ahead and drink up” Twilight answered him. “And all of a sudden I’ve lost faith in how safe this really is. But I suppose there’s only one way to find out.” “Ok boys, bottoms up then.” The six all took a quick shot of the drink and all of a sudden there were struck a thousands of images. One could see in their eyes the memories being relieved until just as soon as it started, it ended and the guy fell to the ground. “Oh my head, it’s feels like I just watched three seasons of TV in under five seconds.” Kendall said getting up from that experience.” “I’m sure it does.” Discord told them, “But know you’ve caught back up, like says do any of you know of Nightmare Moon.” “You know what? I actually do.” Timmy replied. “She used to be what Princess Luna became when she turned evil and her sister sent her to the moon.” “Any other recollection?” “Yes, like there was an invasion during a wedding and some king threaten to take over an entire empire.” Timmy continue to remember. “And you used to be evil, until your reformation apparently.” “Great! Then it seems my work here is done.” Discord began to pack up bags which were never seen until that point. “Well see ya.” With a snap of a finger he disappeared in a cloud of smoke. “I guess you could say that was quite the random encounter.” Zack quip. “True.” Will responded. “But it seems that whatever he gave us taught us the knowledge we’ll need to know without having to spend a long time getting to know.” “Well I hope we don’t have to spend long here.” “I hope so too.” Timmy said. “But where exactly are we going to sleep, it’s getting late.” “Do not worry about that.” Celestia told him, “Arrangements can be easily made.” She was right, as the boys soon found themselves in a small house that ponyville had set to be demolished. The six were lying in bed wondering what to make of the situation. “You know, when she said that arrangements could be easily made, I was hoping for a much nicer place.” Bryson quipped. “There barely any room for the six of us.” “Look guys, we’ll just have to make the most of it.” Andrew reassured. “What more important is trying to get home right now.” “I don’t know, it doesn’t seem that easy. I mean all that news about us being important to their world is pretty big to me.” Will said with a worried look on his eye. “It can’t be that bad, look at what we dealing with.” Zack retorted, “Their just ponies, brightly colored ones at that too.” “Wait a second.” Kendall realized an odd familiarity. “This world looks an awful lot like that one show.” “No you can’t be suggesting that.” “Yep, it seems like we stuck in the Show My Little Pony.” That statement caused all of the guys to groan. “No!” Timmy cried disappointment but with a sigh of resignation.” Well this is going to take longer than expected. But let’s just get some sleep and tomorrow we can get working to getting out of here as fast as we can.” “Alright then it settled.” Andrew got comfortable in his bed, “Roll with the flow and then out like nobody’s business. Good night everyone.” In unison the rest responded with a resounding. “Good night” > Ghosts 'n Ponies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The boys were able to settle in their new homes after about a week later. Despite their new status the townsfolk of Ponyville didn’t seem to take much notice though. “You know,” Andrew said as they were eating breakfast, “I would think with our new positions, the people here would, you know, treat us with some kind of notability, or something.” “Yea it does seem strange how they were just so accepting of us, especially considering we’re not ponies.” Zack responded. “It’s also been pretty quiet on this whole guardian front, I don’t think they asked for any of our help since we’ve been here.” That all changed with a knock on the door. Andrew got up to answer it and found Twilight on the other side. “Ah, Timmy, just the guy I was looking for,” Twilight said, mistaking him for his brother. “What? No, I’m Andrew,” correcting her, “I really don’t understand why people keep mistaking us, we don’t look that alike.” He motioned her to come inside sit down at the table. Upon seeing her Timmy asked. “So, what bring you here?” “Well, I was looking at some documents relating to that box.” “Oh you mean the one that was by that tree when we first got here?” Bryson interrupted. “Yes that box,” She responded with an annoyed look on her face. “Anyway I believe I can find more clues for opening it at the princesses’ old castle.” “Oh the big building we saw on the way out of the forest.” Bryson said, interrupting her yet again. “Yes, that castle,” She acknowledged, getting more peeved off. “While I certainly can take care of myself, I decided you should come along and help, considering you haven’t done anything since coming here.” “Hey to be fair you never have spoken to us at all since we’ve been here.” Timmy refuted, “And besides, why should I help if you don’t really need it?” “Because she asked.” Andrew answered. “That not a very good answer.” “Actually, it is,”-He showed them a book he had been reading for the past week-“You see, this a book that Princess Celestia gave me when we got into this so-called house.” “What? Why didn’t you show it to us?” “Well I didn’t you guys would be interested, it’s fairly long. But what is important is that a job of ours to do whatever they asked, as long as it remains reasonably. So, basically you have to go.” “Well, I guess you win this round princess.” Timmy sighed at the fact of being used for labor. “Just let me finish up breakfast here and then we’ll roll out.” The six continued eating, sharing some of their food to Twilight. After a while they finished up and Timmy got ready to head out to the castle with her. The two walked through the Everfree Forest and eventually found themselves at the door of the castle. “Well, ladies first.” Motioning her to go forward. But the pony shook her head. “Oh no, you’re not getting off that easily,” she said with a smirk, “Why you go first?” “Fine, but if I get killed, you owe my brother.” He opened the big gates causing a loud creaking sound which echoed throughout the main hall. He motioned her to come follow him. As the two walked Timmy could see how much wear this castle had been through. The entire place was illuminated by the sun giving a bright look while still feeling drab. I suppose it’s good that we’re here in the daytime, I’d hate to be here during the night. They continued walking until they found the library, giving Twilight a lot of excitement. “Oh wow! Look at how many books are there, there must at least a thousand of them!” “Oh come on, they’re just books, no need to get that excited.” “You don’t understand, we might find the way for you and your friends to get out of her.” “Whatever, I don’t know about you, but I prefer to take action for own problems, not sitting and reading some books.” He leaned his back down on a stone wall, but unexpectedly push down a secret panel. The opening wall caused him to fall down on his back. “Ow!” “Well, I guess you not so tough after all.” Twilight chuckled to herself. Looking through the open passage she spotted a book laying on a pedestal. She walked up to it and blew off the dusting collecting on it. The cover read, “The Royal Diary”. “Wow, this is incredible. Hey look it the princesses diaries from when they lived her.” She showed it to Timmy, who just rolled his eyes. “Sure, go ahead and invades someone’s private thoughts, I’m sure they’d like that very much. If you need me, don’t, I’ll just go and explore this castle some more.” “What? Why, I thought you weren’t interested in this place.” “Well exploring, is sure going to be a lot better than sitting around here all day while you read, so I’ll just have to make the most of it.” He began to make his way out of the library, “Besides, you should be safe here, where the so-called monsters can’t get you.” Thankful to not have to wait around he started his search around the castle’s interior. It certainly had a nice flair to it. You know, this would be such a bad place if they just spruced it up a little. There were some very interesting places within the building, such as an entire hall with ancient armor sets. He was amazed at the detail at each set and how they were unique to one another, as if it showcased the different personalities between the ponies that wore them. Next he found himself back in the room where the two thrones stood. He remembered how Celestia was forced to banish her sister to the moon for a thousand years. However, it did not seem to be a memory he knew he had. “What? How do I know that?” He pondered for a moment. “Of course, that drink the Discord fellow gave us gives us memories of important events for those six ponies.” He couldn’t help but wonder though, why them? He never considered himself to be an important person when it came to dealing with such important responsibly. Well with the exception of leading his football team to a championship. Man, I kind of feel bad for Twilight. She clearly the leader of that little team they got going for them, and I believe she is a princess, just like those other we met. I understand how that must feel, being the one that everyone looks at, to be the one that gets things done. “You know what, maybe I’ve been too hard on her, the guys and I should really be making an effort to make thing easier for everyone.” With a new resolution he started to make his way back to the library. The place was beginning to get dark and the sun was setting. But for some reason he had the feeling that someone, or something was watching him from the shadows. That uneasy feeling was troubling him so much that he stopped to look around, when it seemed that nobody was near he was about to start walking when a force rushed by, pulling down a lever, opening the floor below him. “Oh not again!” he screamed as he fell down, landing in an enclosed room. “Oh no, this isn’t good.” Meanwhile, Twilight had been reading the diary of the princesses, she completely engrossed in the stories it had to tell. It felt like she was learning more about Celestia and Luna, how they dealt with normal life when they weren’t in battle for the fate of Equestria. Reading this gave her a more intimate look at her mentor, even seeing the signs of Luna turning to Nightmare Moon. “Huh, it’s hard to believe this all happened over one thousand years ago. It feels like yesterday when I first met the girls and we found our destinies with the elements of harmony.” However, she was surprised when she heard a terrifying scream echo out. “What was that? It sound like it was… No it couldn’t be.” The voice sounded a lot like Timmy’s so see put down the book and slowly trotted out of the library. She carefully looked around for signs of what might have happened, when a loud sound of brick breaking caught her by complete surprise. “Timmy? It that you?” she spoke into the darkness,” If it is, it’s not funny.” But she was greeted by two glowing eyes piercing through the shadows. She stood still, paralysis by fear. Who is this? Or better yet, what is it? Before she had time to finish her thought, the thing attack with a dark whip shooting out of shadow. Before it was able to grab her she was pushed aside by a heavy body. “Ah!” Looking up she was glad to see Timmy on top off her. “Are you OK!” He yelled to her, trying to make sure she wasn’t hurt. “I’m fine.” Looking to her side another attack was coming. “Watch out!” This time a series of magical dark bolts shot out. But Timmy was able to block most of them, while dodging the others. “Whoa, how can you do that?” “No time, quick follow me.” He began running down the hall, towards the library. “I don’t get it. This isn’t the way out.” She asked the fleeing man. “Yea, well it’s not like can just run the other way, besides just trust me, I know another way out. The two ran down the hallway of armor sets. There he was able to lead them back into the main hall. There they were met with the mysterious shadow figure. “Go!” Timmy shouted to Twilight. “I’ll distract it!” He ran towards to shadowy figure as she ran down the hall. Looking back she saw him knocking out the bolts shooting out. However a stray shot hit him dead center on the chest sending Timmy flying back a few yards. Before he could hit the ground she used her magic to catch him and bring him to the gates. “Are you alright?” she asked, putting him down. “Yea, I’ll be find, c’mon let’s get out of her.” The two bolted out the gates and kept running into the darkness until they found themselves at the entrance of the Everfree Forest. “What was that” Twilight spoke, while still gasping for air. “I don’t know,” he responded, “All that matters now is we’re safe” “What? How do you know it’s not following us right now?” “Just trust me, if it wanted to hurt you, it probably would have done by now.” “Alright then,” after managing to catch her breath again she said, “Thanks for what you did there. What happened to you anyway?” “Well, at first he got me into one of those traps in the castle.” He answered “But how did you get out?” “Thankfully, the room had quite a bit of wear, so I just chose what seemed to be a weak point and broke out.” “So that explains the noise, but blocking those magical shot, I’ve never seen a non-unicorn do that before.” “Well, I guess I must be special, because all I did was counter them with pure strength.” “Wow.” Pondering over his apparent ability. “Look, I’m sorry I gave you such a hard time before.” “I suppose I too should apologize. But if we’re going to keep doing this, it’s not going to work out for anyone. We need to work together, without arguing all the time if my friends are going get home.” “Agreed. Truce?” She extended her hoof to him. “Truce.” Meeting it halfway. “You don’t know how bad I want to go home. But that doesn’t I should make friends.” “Ok then it settled, I’ll go tell the girls to try and make a better effort to get to know you guys.” “Great! Then I’ll make sure they come to accept our agreement.” The two went off their separate ways, and Timmy eventually made his way back to the house. Opening the door, he was met with the guys just finishing off dinner. ‘Oh, Timmy, so nice for you to join us.” Zack called out to his friend. “For a moment there we almost thought you weren’t going to come back.” “Yea, as it turns out that castle was much more dangerous than I thought.” “Here,” Andrew pulled out a chair for his brother to sit on. “Why don’t to tell us what happened.” He sat down and told them of the inner workings of the castle. How there were traps and antique that certainly saw better days. Then he informed them of the mysterious shadow pony that attacked them. “Whoa, sorry for sending you out there like then,” Andrew apologized, “If I had known…” “Don’t worry, its fine. But I do have a statement to make. Twilight and I have come to an agreement, we going have to make an active effort on trying to get to know the others.” “What, since when did you become friends with her.” Bryson asked, “Last I checked you were at each other’s throats.” “Well considering she saved my life, I think that fine with me. Besides they’re not bad, if we gave them a better chance, things will work themselves out.” “I guess there’s not much choices is there?” Andrew spoke directly to his brother. “And I suppose someone who saves your butt, is cool with me.” The others followed suit, agreeing to this alliance. Soon after everyone had gone to bed, Timmy got out a journal he picked up on the way back. Writing in it a recollection of what had transpired. Well, I’m not really sure how to begin these kinds of things. But I suppose this is going to be a rather permanent place we’ll be living in. The castle that Twilight made me go into it has a rather dark secret that may prove to become quite a threat in the near future. But it doesn’t seem like I’ll face it alone. Today, I’ve learned that even though you may not like the people you’ll work with. But when it matters the most you just have to put your differences aside and work together. I only hope the others agree with me. > Treebuckers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Zack, Zack,” A voice rang out, “Zack wake up.” It was Andrew as he tried to wake his sleeping buddy. “Ugh,” He groggily responded, “Why are you waking me up so early for?” “C’mon man, you know you promised Applejack you’d help buck apples for her.” “But it’s like five in the morning” “Hey, I don’t make the rules. Now get up, I need to wake Timmy up too.” He went over to the other sleeping member, while Zack got up. “Now that I think of it, I never volunteered for anything.” He stretched out his body, leaving out a big yawn. “Why are you up so early? You don’t have to help her.” “Get up Timmy.” He shook his brother. “I’m up because if I don’t wake you guys, you get to the farm. And you right, you never volunteered, Timmy did. He just wanted to make sure you got some bonding time with Applejack since you don’t seem to be trying.” Frustrated that his had not woken yet, Andrew kicked him off the bed. “Ow,” Timmy cried out in pain. “What was that for?” “Wake up.” He told him. “You know you’re heading to the apple farm or whatever.” “Right,” Timmy got up, dusting himself off. “Here Zack when you’re ready let’s grab some breakfast at that diner first.” The two got ready for the day and left the house. After a nice breakfast they walked all the way to the Sweet Apple Acres to find Applejack waiting for them in front of the barn. “Well.” She said, “It took y’all long enough to get here.” “Well we would have been here sooner if Timmy didn’t everything on the menu.” Zack tiredly refuted. “To be honest, I’m not seeing why we had to be here so early,” he said with a yawn. “The sun’s not even up yet.” “That’s the best part” With a gleam in her eye. “Bucking apple trees when the sun’s just rising.” She could barely contain her excitement. The other two didn’t exactly share her enthusiasm. “Yea, yay.” Zack very lethargically responded. “So how do we exactly buck trees anyway? I’ve never heard of such a thing, where we come from you generally pick them.” “Just wait one moment, I’ll show ya.” As if on cue, the sun began to peek over the horizon. Just as it came over to illuminate the entire orchard she ran out and bucked one of the trees with her hind legs. That caused all of the apples to fall into the baskets that had been set up the day prior. “That’s how.” “What?!” The display caused Zack to fully wake from his tired state. “That shouldn’t at all! There are so many thing with this that it blows my mind.” “It’s actually not that bad. I mean, sure logically it doesn’t make sense to me either, but it looks a lot easier that picking each individual apple.” Timmy walked up to one of the trees and gave it a good punch at the base. The force was enough to knock some of the apples off the branches. “See, it’s certainly a lot faster, just got to put some elbow grease in that all.” Yea, sure elbow grease.” Zack himself tried bucking down the apples. He set up for the punch and swung as hard as he could. Unfortunately, that attempt was unable to knock down a single apple. “Well sugarcube, maybe not that easy.” Applejack was having a hard time suppressing her laughter at his weak try at apple bucking. “Hold on, I wasn’t ready yet.” He tried again pushing himself even harder, and again nothing happened. “Let me try this again.” This time he took some steps back and charged right at the tree. He tackle it head on, this time his efforts managed to produce one apple to fall. “Ya gonna have to better than that, if we’re gonna buck all these apples.” The three continued all day bucking the trees where both AJ and Timmy were able to clear out a good amount of trees. Zack on the other hand was only able to just take care of the one tree he started with. “Ooh wee,” Applejack wiped the sweat off her mane. “That’s some fine work today.” The other guys were extremely exhausted from the long day’s work. “Man that was quite a work out.” Timmy said flexing his arm. “Gotta stay strong for when we go home, the team will be counting on me.” Zack was so tired he could barely stand up straight. “Man, we going to have to do this for the rest of the week too?” “Eeyup.” The voice spooked Zack a little until he looked behind him to find a big tall red pony. “Oh, you must be Big Mac.” Timmy walked up to him extending his arm. Big Mac met him halfway and gave a firm shake. “I’m Timmy and this is Zack, you sister’s guardian.” Big Mac looked him in the eye, before nodding his head. “Eeyup.” “So is that a good thing?” Zack asked, puzzled by the lack of a reaction. “Yep, that’s just how he expresses himself, that’s all.” Applejack answered for her brother. “Now y’all best be heading home, got another long day of work tomorrow.” “Wait, why isn’t he helping?” “Oh, Applebloom needs his help on some school project and that’s gonna take all week. Now sugarcube just head on home now.” The guys began their journey home, sore but mostly satisfied. “Man that sucked.” Zack struck up the conversation. “All that work for the rest of the week is going kill me.” “I don’t know, I thought that was a great workout for these guns.”-Flexing out his biceps-“You’re just complaining because all you got was one tree.” “I won’t deny you there, but there got to be a better way to get all those apples down.” A look flashed on his face as he found his answer. “And I think I got my idea.” With the guys sitting down at dinner, Zack finished heading into the lone empty room that they had yet to find a use for. “What’s he doing in there?” Will asked. “Well considering how much he struggled bucking trees I presume he building something that can help him with that.” Timmy responded. “How?” “Well this is that same guy that fixed my TV with nothing but paperclips and floss.” “Yea, and he fixed my home power system in less than ten minutes” Kendall added. “Well guys, I’ve got another long day ahead of me tomorrow so I’m hitting the hay.” Timmy headed to bed, while the others finished up to turn in for the night. The next morning Andrew got up early to wake Timmy and Zack. However he was surprised to see Zack up so early. “Huh? Zack I’ve never seen up so early before.” He could see something hidden behind the guy. “What’s that?” “This is my answer to the “bucking” dilemma.” He took off the towel on top off it to reveal a backpack looking like thing with a hose attached. “Whoa, now this looks interesting.” Andrew walked up to it to get a closer look. While it seemed shoddily put together, he could tell that it certainly would not easily break apart. The pack have gears and pistons on the back with a comfortable rest for the user. The hose’s material was simple rubber with a flexible steel encasement to avoid damage. “I just have to ask, how did you make this?” “It pretty simple, actually. Here”-pointing to the main pack-“this is powered with a unique mechanical operating system that allows it to create its own energy once you get it started.” Picking up the hose end and pointed right at Andrew, “The hose uses the rubber for easy navigation while the steel casing on the outside protect it from harm. Inside there is a fabric that I got from Rarity that can take quite the beating.” “Man, if you put this much effort into your school work, you wouldn’t have straight C’s on your report card.” “Yea I don’t think that’ll matter too much now.” He put the pack on and began to charge it up. “Want me to demonstrate?” “Go right ahead.” Zack aimed the hose right at a book laying on the ground and activated it. The backpack began to whirl and sputter, then it started to suck in air pulling the book into the hose where it went through the entire way. The pack processed the item and shot it out of its top, landing safely into Zack’s hands. “Impressed?” “Very!” The noise had awoken the other four guys and they ran into the room wondering what had happened. When they saw the contraption, they were amazed at the spectacle. “Wow Zack, what is this?” Timmy asked. “I call the apple sucker.” He proudly said. “While Applejack may be fine with bucking trees, I’ll be sucking for apple.” “Can’t wait till we show her this, she’ll love it.” “Then let’s get ready.” After breakfast the two made their way back to Sweet Apple Acres meeting Applejack at the front of the barn again. She greeted them and that is where she saw the apple sucker. “Where’d ya get that doohickey?” She asked with a confused look on her face. “Nowhere, I made this myself.” “What’s it do?” “Here, let me demonstrate.” Looking out at the horizon he could see the sun rising up. A smile on his face he charged up the machine again. Aiming it at a tree he flicked the switch on and it began to suck in all the apple. The processing unit checked each apple and shot it up, causing them to land in baskets. “You like?” A look of shock seemed to be on AJ’s face. “Oh no.” she broke her silence. “We ain’t gonna have that on my farm.” “What?” Timmy had a looked at her. “This seems like something you would like. I mean this could clear out an entire field in under a day.” “I may allow magic, but I have to draw the line here. My farm is not the place for some crazy machinery like that.” “Whoa, what?! How else do you expect me to get these apples?” He defended himself. “The right way, by bucking them off!” “That’s not fair, this is easily a faster process why wouldn’t you want this.” “Cause ‘round here we respect the value of hard work.” “What you don’t think I worked hard on this! I spent all night building this.” “Well I’m sorry but we don’t use machines here.” “Fine! Then I just leave then.” Zack stormed off the field. “Yea then who needs ya anyway?” Timmy was surprised at the events that just occurred in front of him. “I’m sorry, but what’s exactly wrong with machines?” He asked. “Like I said, we like hard work on this farm.” “Look I love hard work and all,” He paused, he could sense there was more to this out lash then just simple pride. “But I can’t help but feel there’s more to this story then what you letting on.” “Sorry.” She let out a hard sigh. “I guess I should tell you the story about two particular ponies.” ----------------------------------- “Argh!” Zack was angrily stomping his way back to the house. “I can’t believe all that talk about hark work. Why wouldn’t someone want extra help, it’s easy to see how many trees are there so why waste time. He got into the house slamming the door on the way in. This caught Andrew’s attention, who was the only person inside at the moment. “What’s going on in here?” He walked into the main hall seeing the angry Zack. “Something go wrong?” “Applejack hated my pack.” “What? But it’s so efficient.” “Yea, well apparently too efficient.” He took off the device and placed it on the table. “She would rather take the long way of getting those apples down. Man she is just so stubborn.” “While I agree that is certainly outrageous, did you really get her side of the story?” “What side would that be? Someone who’s trying to deny the growth of technology?” “No, I mean think, is there anybody that might have antagonized her?” “Well.” Zack began to think hard on his new found memories. “I’m getting two names, a Flim and a Flam.” “Wait a second.” Andrew went to go pick up the book he was reading. “What’s that?” “This is a compilation of letters that the ponies had written to Princess Celestia before we came here.” “What are you looking for?” “There’s an entry I believe may be related to that, oh here it is.” He began reading the opening sentence. “Dear Princess Celestia, I didn’t learn anything.” “Seems likely.” Zack remarked on what he believed to be a dumb statement. “Hang on.” He skimmed down further and found a description that Twilight left to explain the events leading to the letter. “Here we go, it says here that a pair of ponies who called themselves the Flim-Flam brothers attempted to take over Applejack’s farm.” “How?” “Well they had this special machine called Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000. It seems that it was able to produce apple cider at twice the rate against the traditional style, even with help from Twilight and the others.” Andrew pondered a little at the events that had transpired there. “It seems to me that she was worried that you might have tried doing the same.” “What, I would never do that. That’s just wrong, taking away someone’s livelihood is one of the worst things a person could do.” “I know that, but she doesn’t know you that well” “Oh man, but I can’t buck the trees without help, but I don’t want to anything like this.” Looking at the apple sucker, he got another idea. “Wait I got another idea.” “Are you sure this time?” Andrew asked with a worrying look on his face. “Just trust me I got this.” He went back to the single room and began work. Meanwhile back at the farm Applejack finished her story for Timmy. “Wow, I can’t believe you almost lost your home.” He responded to the tale told to him. “Yeah, I’m about blowing up on your friend. I should have kept my cool.” “It’s fine, I know him he can handle himself. Maybe you want to buck some trees to take you mind off things?” “No.” She looked down on the ground disappointingly. “You should just head back home.” “Ok then.” He didn’t want to leave, he could see how sad she was, but he felt the best way to fix this problem was to get Zack. When he got back to the house he was greeted by his brother. He asks “Hey have you seen Zack?” Yea, he just in that room.” Pointing toward the room he spent all night in. “Alright, hey where’s everyone else?” “Oh there just helping Pinkie out on some party.” “Ok, um why didn’t you go?” “Eh.” He responded with a shrug. “They only needed three people so I was the odd man out.” Then the door opened with Zack walking out with a strange looking glove on his right hand. “Oh hey Timmy.” “Hey, what’s that?” “This is what I call the Treebuster.” Showing it off it seemed to be a normal glove. However upon closer inspection one could see some type of wiring. “This glove has the ability to amplify a punch I send out making any attack stronger.” “Wow that does sound cool and all, but I don’t know if more gadgets are going to help your situation.” Timmy inquired. “Just trust me, I think this will get a much better response out of her.” Zack made his way out, and upon opening the door he said, “Timmy you don’t need to come I think you deserve some rest.” With that he made his way back to the farm, reaching it at around sunset. He knocked on the front door and got Applejack to answer. “What do ya want?” She tried to sound tough but he could see through her wall. “Look, first I want to say I’m sorry. I never knew what almost happened to your farm.” “Doesn’t seem that way,” looking at the glove he was wearing. “I think you need to understand that I can’t buck these trees like you do. Remember yesterday when I barely got one tree cleared out, I need help.” “I understand and I want to apologize for snapping at ya. It’s just that I…” “Don’t worry, I know all about those guys.” “Ya do?” “Yea, and I want you to know I would never try to take your home or job away from you.” “I trust ya, but I don’t think we can buck those trees, it almost night.” “Well I didn’t get any work done, and it seems you and Timmy didn’t do anything either.” “I suppose my family wouldn’t appreciate us falling behind.” With a newfound excitement she ran out past Zack and headed to the trees. “Hey! Don’t leave me behind.” He ran down to join her. He punched one of the trees and with the help of the Treebuster was able to knock all the apples down. Applejack, not ready to be beaten at her own game yelled. “Bet ya can’t buck more apples than I can.” Applejack began to start a friendly competition. “You’re on!” And they spent the entire night bucking trees. > Fluttercare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Ugh, it’s so boring around here.” Will said in a groggy tone during breakfast. “I mean, I haven’t gotten much of a chance to really do anything.” “Trust me, if you ever had to do anything I’ve done, you defiantly would change your mind.” Timmy refuted. “Dark castle really aren’t my thing.” “Sure maybe for you, but that’s better than lazing around here all day. Fluttershy hasn’t talked to me once since I‘ve gotten here.” “It’s not all that bad, maybe you should reading a book to pass the…” Andrew suggested until a knock on the door interrupted him. “I wonder who that could be.” He got up and opened the door to find the pinked mane Pegasus at the entrance. “Well speaking of Fluttershy.” He murmured quiet enough that she could not hear, and before she could ask. “Hey Will I think someone wants you.” “Eh?” and replaced Andrew at the spot. “Well, what are you doing here?” “Oh, I sorry to bother you it’s just that…” Her voice trailed off to the point where Will couldn’t make out the words. “What? I’m sorry but I can’t hear you.” “Oh, I wanted to know if you like to…” Again, trailing off. The repeated attempt got on his nerves. “Look, if this is some kind of weird joke then…” “Wait! I just wanted to know if you’d like to help me shop.” The outburst was enough to get his attention. “It just that the market is so busy and there’s so many thing I need to get and…” “Say no more, I’m just the guy for the job.” Will started to walk out through the door.” The statement completely her off-guard. “Really? I don’t want to be a burden on what I’m sure must be such a busy day for you.” “Are you kidding? It’s been so boring here, I could grow hair from the palm of my hand.” He gestured, pretending to comb his hand. “Besides I need to get out anyway, maybe it’ll help take my mind off things.” Fluttershy was curious as to what he meant, but passed it off as it was most likely about the fact he was still adjusting to life here in Ponyville. I suppose I would have a pretty hard time adjusting here too if I was new, it was difficult when first came here myself. With that settled she lead him to her weekly routine of picking up the different produce the markets sold. She needed to pick up carrots for Angel, seeds for the birds, nuts for the squirrels, and some ingredients for herself. She was perfectly fine with carrying her own bags, but Will insistent on holding everything. To be honest she didn’t need the help, she just wanted to get to know the man better. “Mr. Will, this should be everything on my list.” She said, double checking to be sure. “Now I can go home and prepare for all my animals.” “Here then, let me come with you.” He jubilantly said. “Maybe help you with some work, I mean you seem like someone that could use the rest.” “Oh, well, um, you don’t have to if you don’t want to, I don’t want to a burden on you.” “Burden? Don’t worry about that.”-He rubbed on her soft mane-“It’s no problem at all.” At his insistence, they began to make their way back to the cottage. Wow, he such a nice person, I’m surprised I didn’t ask him sooner. Even so, I hope he doesn’t run himself to hard, it’s been a long day already. When they finally made it Will was kind enough to open the door for her, and placed the goods on the table in her kitchen. She was very surprised that he offered to take care of all her needs, but that was when she realized that he had never been at her home before. “Now where are my manners, I should give a tour of my house.” She directed him to the living room, “Here is living room that is where I spend most of my time just relaxing.”-Pointing upstairs-“Up there is my bedroom, but guest can take it if they’d like.” Fluttershy led him out to the back pointing out the different place she worked on. “There’s the chicken coup, and the garden for my flowers.” “Wow, all this stuff you got here is so great, but I bet it must be tiring to keep it all together.” “Oh, of course, but it’s always worth it at the end of the day, but to see the smile on my animals faces.” “You know what? You should take a break for today, let me handle everything.” “What? But it’s so late, you should go home, the others might get worried.” “Don’t worry about them, they know I can take care of myself, now here”-He pushed Fluttershy down to her couch.-“Just lay here and I’ll take care of everything.” She was quite surprised at the rate he packed all her groceries away. Will then headed straight out and feed all the birds, chickens, bunnies, and even Harry the bear. Soon after he dusted off of her furniture and cleaned out the room. Finally he cooked up a nice dinner that they could eat. “Wow!” Fluttershy got up from her seat. “That was really quick, anypony would be happy to have you as a friend.” “Yea.” His statement seemed to have a detached manner to it, as if what she said struck a nerve. He quickly put on a smile and pulled her to the table. “Here why don’t enjoy a nice dinner?” The table was set for two, and had steam salad as the main dish, served with a side of oats for Fluttershy. “Bon appetite.” “Oh, this is nice and all.” She didn’t want to sound rude, but she didn’t want to overwork the guy. “But it is defiantly getting dark, maybe going home would be a good idea.” “Oh nonsense, like I said I can take care of myself and besides you did say you let guests stay when they need to, right?” “Well, I suppose you can take my bed…” “No, that wouldn’t be fair. If I choose not to head back to the guys I’ll take the couch, you don’t need to be so kind.” “Oh, if it ok with you, then you can sleep there.” She didn’t eat too much of her dinner, she wasn’t feeling as hungry as she usually does. Fluttershy excused herself to bed, hoping that Will would head home soon, even if he didn’t that in the morning she could wake him and send him home. The next morning Fluttershy slowly opened her eyes and heard the beautiful sound of birds chirping in the air and the sweet scent of flowers that filled her room. She got out of bed and straightened out her mane, humming a catchy tone. Making her way downstairs she was caught off-guard by the sight of breakfast on the table. “Well, hello Flutters.” An energized Will welcomed her. “It nice of you to join us.” He gave a little bow. “Wow, this is so nice of you. You really shouldn’t have.” “Oh, but I want to. Here,”-Pulling out the chair-“sit on this.” “Why, thank you.” She sat down to enjoy the wonderful breakfast he had cooked up for the two of them. Now filled up she started to persuade him that leaving would be best. “Well now that we done here, maybe you should check in with the others.” But before she could finish her sentence Will got up and moved her out to the couch. “Now, now, why don’t you just rest here while I take care of your business for you?” “Well that very kind of you.” Fluttershy was beginning to feel uncomfortable of all the help he was giving. “But really you should go home now.” A sense of urgency could be heard in her voice. “Oh, but what if you hurt yourself, or maybe a bear attacks, or something like that. I should just stay here and help you out.” He pulled out a fan and used it on her. “Maybe you might get hot and need some cooling off” “Oh no.” she tried to think of something that would get him away. “Why don’t you go and check on the chickens for me?” “Great idea!” As he left through the back door, Fluttershy took this opportunity to fly off and find one of the others. When she spotted the house where the six lived she anxiously knocked on their door hoping for an answer. Maybe they might know what’s going on. Luckily for her Timmy opened the door. “Hey Fluttershy, what are you doing here?” He asked. “And where’s Will, I haven’t seen him since he left with you last morning. You didn’t kill him did ya?” With a comical tone on the last statement. “Well you see,” She paused, looking behind her, “Maybe we should talk about this inside. While Timmy thought that was an odd request, he gesture her inside. There she met Andrew sitting on the couch reading one of those science books Twilight really liked. “Oh hey, uh, Fluttershy right?” A nod from the mare was enough to answer his question. “Hey where’s…” “I believe she was about to tell that.” His brother quickly interrupted. “Now, where were we?” “Um, well you see” She was having a difficult time trying to find the right way to describe the situation. “He’s doing my chores.” The best way she could think of the way thing have been going. “That’s a bad thing?” Andrew was puzzled by the response from her. “Last time I checked helping others is a good thing, in fact I’m pretty sure all you ponies learned that lesson.” “Um, well at first it was fine. I mean I appreciate what your friend has been doing. But it might me getting to a point that he’s doing too much for me. He gave a pet name.” “Why don’t you just tell him to stop, he listens pretty well for his age.” “I keep telling him that he should just go home and let me handle my own business, but he keeps insisting on helping me with everything.” “Well that odd.” Timmy couldn’t help but wonder what had gotten into his friend. “Trust me when I say this, but he’s not exactly the hard-working type. If anything this guy is pretty lazy.” He pondered and though hard about this sudden change. Andrew chimed in on his own thoughts. “Yea, which is why he hasn’t held a job for a long time, or why his girlfriend broke up with him a couple months ago. Speaking of which, I have to say, Fluttershy you certainly remind me of…” He paused as he finally realized the answer to the question. “No he can’t have.” Timmy was about to respond to that revelation when a knock at the door surprise the three of them. “Hello, is anybody home?” It was Will trying to see if anyone had seen Fluttershy. A panicked Timmy thought up a plan. “Quick.” He whispered, “Take her and hide, I think I know how to handle this problem.” Andrew grabbed Fluttershy and they both his in Zack’s “inventor room”. Timmy gathered himself and opened the door. “Oh finally, I was beginning to get worried.” A seemingly tired Will stood at the door. “Hey, I was wondering if Fluttershy came around here.” “Well, she did stop by here.” Timmy knew that lying would definitely help the situation. “She told me of a problem she was having.” “Oh really? Well if you know where she went, tell me, I could help her…” “Yea that may not be so easy.” He interrupted. “You see, she told me that you were causing her issues.” “What? But I’ve been helping all this time.” Will defended himself. “Maybe too much, look I know you.” Timmy looked him straight in the eye. “Your definitely not one to help others. So why now?” “Well new world, maybe this could be my shot at a second chance.” His statement felt as unsure as anything in Equestria. “Maybe, but that doesn’t seem like the case.” He paused, preparing to use his deduction. “It not because of her is it? “Who Fluttershy?” “No you know who I’m talking about.” “I have no clue who or what you’re talking about” He crossed his arms defiantly. “You know, Ally.” Getting peeved off by his friend Timmy began the offensive. “Just because you failed to please her doesn’t mean Fluttershy going fix all of that.” “You know that still hurts!” Will was angered by this accusation. He was about to said what was on his mind when Andrew exited the room. “Andrew? And Fluttershy?” “Um, I’m sorry that I tried hiding from you.” “Andrew what are you doing, I told you stay back.” “Yea I know that, I even understand what you’re trying to do, but you’re going about it the wrong way.”-He put his hand on Fluttershy-“I had a quick conversation with her and I think she can fix this for herself.”-Motioning his brother toward the front door.-“Now let us go and they can handle this.” Timmy was about to protest but didn’t say a word. His older brother may not have been one to handle a problem like this, but when he does it’s generally a good idea to listen. After they left, an awkward silence befell the room. “Well then.” Will was first to break the silence, he sighed defeated. “I guess he’s right, I did and do have a problem.” “Is it true, that you had your heart broken?” “Yea, I might as well tell about it.” Will sat down on the couch, soon followed by Fluttershy. “I was in a close relationship with someone, but I took it for granted.” “Oh really?” “She was so nice, and if you met her, you’d be surprised at how similar the two of you are.” “Why would she break up with you? You seem like such a nice person.” “Yea well, I didn’t take as good of care in that relationship as I could have. We went to all the dances and we certainly enjoyed each other’s company, but I never did anything beyond that. And two weeks before my friends and I ended up here. I think that dinner may have been to get my spirits up before the summer.” “You’re very lucky to have such good friends like that.” Fluttershy smiled at the bonds that group formed. “When you were down they came to pick you right up.” “Yea you’re right. And that did help me get over my break up. But when I met you and went shopping in the market, I couldn’t help but notice the similarities.”-He gave a chuckle at the situation-“I guess I looked at you as a second chance for her, but you’re not Ally, and you shouldn’t have to be.” “I know you didn’t mean to do that.” Fluttershy consoled him, “And I forgive you, and we should just try to be good friends.” “Really?” “Yes, really.” The two hugged each other as the two brothers walked in through the door. “Yea, I’ll be honest we just watched the whole thing through the window.” Timmy said. “It nice to see us fixing our problems. And I’m sorry for getting mad at ya, Will.” “No problem.” Will forgave the young man and gave his farewells to the Pegasus. The evening came and the six guys were finishing up their dinner. “Man Will, it’s so nice of you to join dinner with us tonight, I was beginning to worry if you just decided to up and move in with Fluttershy.” Zack teased. “Yea what next? Becoming the only butler I’ve ever seen for an animal?” Bryson added. “Yea, yea, go ahead, make fun of me. But I had a lot of fun doing all that.” Will jokingly defended. “Say Timmy, do you mind if I write in that journal you’ve been keeping?” “Why?” “I think there’s something I wanted to add for time here.” “Sure go ahead, it allowed for anyone here.” “Really? Could’ve fooled me.” Kendall sarcastically spoke. “You never said anything about writing on it.” As the others laughed about the stories told about the time they’ve spent so far, Will snuck off to write the lesson he learned. It’s certainly been an interesting time here so far. Getting to know Fluttershy was a fun experience. I just can’t believe I went so far with helping her. All because she reminded me of some girl I let slip away. Next time I’ll avoid projecting my past into my present. > Training Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “97, 98, 99, and 100.” Timmy finished up his workout that he begun to stay in shape for his future football season. “Gotta keep my strength up.” He walked up to the mirror to admire himself. “Yea, I do have to say you look like you’ll be ready when football begins.” Andrew closed up the book as he got up to stretch. “I can’t but feel that there’s more to this than sports though.” “Of course, that should be obvious, or did you forget our titles?” “Na, just don’t feel the need to train 24/7 is all. I more of the sit-back and relax type of guy.” “I’ve noticed, all I ever see you doing since we got here is read and stay in the house all day. Some exercise would do you some good.” “Maybe your right, but I don’t see the need of preparing to handle threats to Rainbow Dash. First off, she can fly and that’s already has me beat. Also she’s a lot like you when it comes athletic ability, I’m sure she can take care of herself.” “That may be true, but that’s still no excuse to get lazy. Starting today, you should help me with my training that work should at least keep you in shape.” “Fine. Beside that should be too hard, it’ll just be like when I threw footballs at you to get you better at catching them.” Their conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door. “I wonder who that could be?” Timmy walked up and answered the door to find Twilight and Rainbow Dash. “What are you doing here?” “Well, Rainbow and I were about to go to the Hay Burger, and we wanted to know if you’d like to come along.” Twilight said walking into the house. “Oh Andrew’s here too. That’s great you can come to.” “Look Twilight, As nice as it would be to join you two. We already got plans for today.” “Aw, are you sure? I’m paying for the food.” The statement rang loud in his ears. And before anyone could react was already out the door with Andrew in hand. “Hey! How’d I get here so fast?” “Wow, that worked better than I expected” As Twilight and Rainbow Dash caught up to the brothers, “I didn’t think you guys would be so hungry.” “Trust me, after living with this guy all my life, free food is the best way to get him to do anything.” He averted his attention to Timmy, who was still dragging him along. “I can walk you know!” But Timmy paid him no attention as the four of them went to the Hay Burger. “I can’t believe how much this guy can eat!” Rainbow Dash was disturbed by the amount of food Timmy was wolfing down. “And Twilight, are you ok?” Her friend was ravenously eating her burgers. “Oh excuse me, I didn’t realize how hungry I must’ve been.” She levitated her second burger to use as a napkin before finishing it off. “So what exactly were you boys planning on doing anyway?” “Before you guys came along,” Timmy’s mouth still stuffed with food, “He was going to help me with my training.” “Yea, just like back at home.” He paused pondering something that had been bothering him. “So, Twilight?” “Yes?” “You’re an Alicorn princess, right?” “Why yes, I became one about a month before we met you.” “Alright that cool. But one thing that’s been bugging me is why does it seem that nobody around here cares.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” Twilight was annoyed that he would question such authority.” “Whoa, calm down there. It’s just that, if I’m correct here there’s only two other princesses…” “Actually there’s three others. Princess Cadance is another one.” “Sure, but even then in a world with hundreds of thousand ponies, I imagine that a rare group would be held to a higher prestige. I guess I didn’t know how that title work in this world compared to ours.” “And don’t forget that ponies around here don’t seem to care about our existence. Ironically, there’s still more of us than princesses.” “Well those three are held in very high regard. It’s just that I’m new to all this. Cadance didn’t rule an empire until after she married my brother Shining Armor.” “Well that’s settled then.” Andrew looked at the clock seeing that it was one in the afternoon. "Well look at the time, hey Timmy maybe we should go and find somewhere to practice.” “Agreed.” The two got out of their seats and threw out the trash. “Well it’s been nice hanging out with you two, but now’s the time for us to leave.” “Wait!” Rainbow Dash yelled out to grab their attention. “Maybe Twilight and I can watch you two.” “I don’t why you would take an interest in us now.” Looking at Timmy, he could that his brother didn’t mind an audience. “But it’s not like either of us will say no. Though I do have to ask. Why?” “Well I haven’t seen you in action yet and the way Twilight described your brother, then you must be twice as awesome.” “Yea, sure.” Andrew was quite surprised by this assumption. He was never considered to be the strong type, despite people wanting him to be more like that. He always preferred a more relaxed and lazier lifestyle. “Just don’t say I didn’t warn you if you get disappointed with what you see.” Timmy led the group to a place where he had set up a sort of training ground for himself. “Wow, Timmy how did you manage to build all this up?” “Well I took quite a bit of time, but thanks to Zack’s help with creating all this equipment from scratch set-up was a breeze.” “Looks like this is what we came here for.” Andrew picked up a football giving a twirl on his finger. “Wow, you guys like playing hoofball?” “What? No it’s football.” “But you’re holding a hoofball right there in your hands.” “Well from where we come from, this is a football, ironic given that you don’t use your feet at all.” “Doesn’t really matter to me. Just throw me the ball.” Timmy decided to interrupt their little conversation as he started to run out. Andrew set up for the throw and delivered a nice arch and spiral on the ball. It zipped through the air until Timmy snatched it out of the air with just one hand. “You could’ve easily gotten that with two hands.” He sarcastically remarked as Timmy threw back the ball. “Yea, well you know me. I like to put on a show.” The two continued to set up throws for Timmy to catch and different route for him to run as his football team would demand. The girls were impressed by their chemistry and the flashy tricks they threw in as well. “Wow, you guys sure know football, reminds me of my dad for the Cloudsdale Flyers. Your team must be amazing!” “Thanks, but I haven’t played for the varsity team yet. But coach expects me to be the workhorse next season.” Timmy replied. “I appreciate the complement but I don’t play football.” The statement caught the two ponies off-guard. “What! Then where’d you learn to do that?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Considering that I’ve lived with him my whole life, his love for the sport and the fact that I’m available to him every day make sense for me to develop some skill.” “Besides you were always more of a baseball kind of guy anyway.” Timmy put down the ball and headed into an arena shaped set-up. “You coming?” “What’s this for?” The building itself wasn’t much of a spectacle nor was it very large but it was open and seemed to be like one of those areas the put wrestling matches in. “This is just a little set-up I had for sparing, oddly enough no one else wanted to fight with me.” Timmy took off his clothes to change into a more fitting combat gi. “Aren’t you gonna get changed.” “I’m sorry, but I didn’t think this would be a part of training. I thought all you wanted to do was stay ready for football when we get back.”-Timmy threw him his own suit for fighting-“And where you get these?” “Oh well Rarity was kind enough to supple me with these, look,”-He took out four other suits-“These are for the others.” “All right then, well I’m grateful you got me the red one, looks like you got the blue one there.” “Yea, just suit up, you’re not getting off easily like the others.” Timmy took up a fighting stance preparing to strike. “Wasn’t planning to. Don’t go easy on me just because I’m your brother.” Andrew did the same, taking up his own style. “Oh my gosh this is going to be so awesome.” Rainbow Dash could barely conceal her excitement. “What? Why are you condoning such violence?” Twilight said, “This doesn’t seem right to cheer when siblings fight.” “Relax Twilight!” Andrew yell out to the ponies. “This will all be just a friendly fight, if ever just a phrase existed.” “How about we quit talking and get this party started.” Timmy was beginning to get impatient with all the wait.” “Alright, Let’s” Timmy charged his opponent which, Andrew was able to easily dodge with a quick sidestep. The attempt was just a ruse as he just as quickly stopped on his left foot and delivered a strong elbow into Andrew’s body. The force was enough to send him back a few yards. “That’s good, but how about a little more feeling!” He charged forward giving out a flurry of punches that Timmy blocked each strike. “C’mon, that can’t be the best you got.” He taunted him and gave a strong jump kicked at his opponent, But Andrew moved out of the way, allowed him with an opening to strike with an kicked followed up with an elbow straight to the back. The attack didn’t faze him as his quickly turn and connected own another kick. The hit sent Andrew back several yards this time as he struggled to get up. Think Andrew, I know he’s much more powerful than me and he’s even got the speed advantage. “Give up yet?” Timmy felt that he won and already began to take off his gloves. “What?! No it can’t end now. Andrew didn’t even put up much of a fight.” Rainbow Dash was on edge seeing her guardian fail to impress. “No, I’m just getting started.” He collected himself and took up a stance. “Now come at me.” The resilience pleased Timmy as he got ready and went for it. He swung a hard right hook, but Andrew grabbed his fist and redirected it, allowing him to dodge the strike. He used the momentum to throw him down to the ground and tried to submit him with a choke. But without enough energy Timmy was able to overpower him, picked him over his head and threw him as hard as he could. Twilight was surprised power that she never saw in anypony. “I don’t get it, why doesn’t he just quit there no way he could overpower his younger brother?” Hearing the words come out of her mouth blew her mind. She didn’t think that a younger sibling would be so much stronger than there elders. Maybe he has a plan for all this? No. All he seems to be succeeding with are some with attack that have little to no effect. Again he struggled to get up, giving a chance to catch his breath. Suddenly he charged again throwing punch after punch doing each getting blocked until his final blow with an uppercut. Dodging a kicking. Then another wasn’t easy. The third, he wasn’t so lucky with. Andrew hit the ground hard, looking up he could see his opponent was starting to get tired. But the pain he tried to block out was beginning to seep in. With one final push, he swept the leg and hit the falling foe with a quick elbow drop. That was able to actually do something, but it wasn’t enough. As Timmy easily got up, dusting himself off. “I’ll have to give you credit, that hurt a lot.” Timmy charged with great speed and connecting with a flying knee to the face. That final strike put Andrew down for good. “But you never had a chance.” He reach his arm down, which was accepted and helped his brother up. “Maybe next time.” A roughed up Andrew smiled after their brawl as they walked up to the two ponies who just sat there stunned. “What! You lost, how are you smiling right now?” Rainbow Dash was disappointed at the failure to attain victory. “Yes, I lost in a battle that didn’t matter, trust me in a life-or-death situation I’ll step up to the plate. He grimaced in pain as he sat down while Timmy went to get some first-aid for the two of them. “I get it, he was so much better than you there.” Twilight asked. “Did you even have a chance?” “To be honest, if you knew this guy’s physical abilities then you would see that this fight should’ve ended sooner.” The mares gave him a questioning look prompting him to explain more in detail. “You see, there’s a reason why he our school’s football running back, that would be his speed and strength.” Timmy came back with the supplies and patched up Andrew’s body for the bruises. He grabbed an ice pack for himself and placed it on his shoulders. “Timmy you better listen up to this. Where was I, oh anyway in a straight on match I would have lost in the first thirty seconds.” “But if he both stronger and faster than you, how could you even handle that?” “When you’re not strong or fast, you need to study you opponent, find their weaknesses if any. Timmy here, goes easy on people and can get a little overconfident in a competitive setting.” “You’re right, I do need to keep my focus or I could have lost that match. Girls just so you know there were times when he could have beat me, even if it didn’t seem like it.” “What do you mean?” Twilight inquired. “It seemed to me that the fight was pretty one-sided.” “Well, first there was all the dodges, I could have given more counter moves to them.” “Yea, or even the choke he attempted on me. If that had been earlier in the fight he might have had a chance to force me to tap out.” “I get what you’re saying about strategy but how you fight someone that much better than you?” Rainbow Dash was still baffled by the situation. “Well I don’t get myself into fights often, but when I do I make sure it’s one that I can win. And Timmy, let this be a lesson, if you want to be a true guardian you’ll need more than brute force to defeat your enemies. If we ever meet someone that’s stronger than even you, it’ll take more than power to win.” “I hear you, it just so hard to find someone that can match me though.” “Good, now let’s go home.” Well this certainly was an interesting day. I never expected that Andrew could teach me a thing or two about fights, considering he defiantly avoids them like the plague. He is right though. That dark pony almost got me back at the castle because I wasn’t strong enough. But that won’t be a problem, because when we meet again I’ll be more than ready. > Project Ponyway > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “How’d I get myself into this?” Kendall couldn’t help but ask, as he stood still for Rarity to tweak his suit. “When you said we need new clothes, which in any case is 100 percent true.” Timmy said, leaning on one of the chairs with his arms crossed. “You know we all have to do this anyway right?” “I was just hoping that she might have had some mannequins for something like that for this, that’s all.” “If you don’t mind lifting up your arms, darling.” Rarity commanded him and he obligated. “You do know that we live in a world where any living being, minus Spike, walks on four legs. Where’s she going to get molds for that?” “Fine, next time we all get together remind to tell everyone to help make that. Anything that doesn’t make me do this ridiculous outfitting.” Their conversation was interrupted by a ring at the door. “Oh great, now someone can see me like this.” “Oh dear, I’m awfully busy right now, I wonder who that could be.” Rarity had a worried look on her face, thinking of who the visitor might be. “Relax, both of you. I’ll just tell the pony to come back later, unless it’s one of the guy’s…” Timmy voice trailed off as he left and headed downstairs to greet the guest. Opening the door he saw a rather peculiar pony. She had a strange dress and a white mane. “Uh, who are you?” “It is I… Photo Finish.” She paused to contemplate Timmy, scanning him up and down. Where is Rarity, is she no longer here?” “Oh no, I’m just one of her customers, she’s upstairs with a client of hers.” “Great! I shall meet her this instant.” She started to quickly move up the stairs before being stopped by Timmy. “Whoa there, I said she was with a client. I don’t think that it would be a good idea to…” “Nonsense! She told me that this client of hers was worth looking.” “I’m sure that great and all. Wait, what?” Timmy’s puzzled look and pause was enough her Photo Finish to slip by and enter the room. “Rarity, where is this model star you speak of.” “Why he’s right here.” Rarity gestured at the fully uniformed Kendall. “Wait, what are you talking about? You never said anything about modeling.” Kendall was taken aback that she never warned him about any unwanted guests. “I’m quite sorry about that dear, but when I first looked at you in this suit, I just had to let somepony know.” Timmy came through the door after processing the information from before. “Sorry guys, I tried to tell…” “It’s not a problem dear. This is a good friend of mine and I told her to come and see your friend, Kendall.” She gestured toward Photo Finish and she dropped down her camera set, which popped out into its full form. “Now show me the da magicks!” She look through her camera waiting for him to get into a suitable pose. Behind her Rarity was trying to give him some pose to use. He didn’t respond to those attempts, first being that he was still peeved at the whole set-up, and secondly that these poses would be better suited for someone who was on four legs. Instead he just crossed his arms and gave a small pout. “Perfect!” Photo gave a shot. “What!? I wasn’t even trying.” He changed his expression, arms out with a shocked look on his face. “Even better! That poise and pizazz even rivals flootershy.” Snapping another photo, she continued doing so as Kendall exchanged new looks, bewildered that he apparently had the “model’s charm” Rarity was beginning to get worried, she knew what happened the last time she recommended a friend to be a model. Of course she learned her lesson about holding back her feelings towards a friend, so she should be able to handle it if it were to come again. “And this suit is magnificent!” That line piqued her interest however. “Really you like this. I mean, it’s not something that a pony could wear or anything like that.” “Miss Rarity, modeling is more than just the dress. Ponies come to see the models and their stuff.” “Yea I’m really doubting anyone will be going out to buy these thing.” Timmy said. “Seriously man this is starting to get awkward, maybe we should skip out of here.” “Wait! I must ask you one more thing” Photo Finish interrupted their attempt to leave. “You must model for my line this season.” “Hey, it’s not that I don’t like you, but I’m not really into…” “And Rarity, you must create a wardrobe just for him.” She ignored him and went straight to Rarity as if he had accepted. “Oh that is such a big offer, and quite the tremendous challenge.” Rarity squealed with excitement before calming herself down. “Indeed, but if anypony could do it, then it will be you.” “Wait, I haven’t agreed to anything yet. I think I should have some say on my own job offer.” Kendall intervened, making sure that nobody got too crazy. “I’m not even sure that I want this." “Oh but you have to.” Rarity did a cute face at him. “This opportunity is important for me and you have such talent for being a model, it would be such a shame to let that waste.” Kendall painfully contemplated the decision. He didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feeling and that face right there. “Well, will I get paid?” Can’t help but ask for something. “Of course, all my employees get properly compensated.” “I guess when you put it like that. Ok I accept your offer.” With a hand and hoof shake they two boys were able to leave and get home. At the dinner table they discussed those events and by discussed, they poked fun at Kendall. “You really accepted a job like that. That one of the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.” Zack could barely get his words out from his laughter. “Yea, what are they going to have you do? This?” Bryson began to use poses based on stereotypical looks that a model from the human world would do. “Oh ha-ha real funny” Kendall responded with a sarcastic tone. “At least I’m getting out looking for a job to support us.” The guys continued their fun and dinner. By the end only Andrew and Kendall remained at the table when everyone else went to bed. “Why are you still here?” “Oh you know, just a slow eater that all.” “C’mon man, you have something to tell me.” “Ah you know me only too well. It just that this whole modeling thing strikes me as strange, don’t you think?” “What do you mean?” “Come on I know you. You’re Kendall the basketball player, not Kendall the supermodel.” “I could try new thing you know.” “True, but I know in your heart that not what you’re thinking.” “Fine, but I don’t even know how much further in life I’ll go with that. Plus Rarity is a good persuader.” “Alright, fine by me. But remember this don’t ever do anything for the money, because once you do it’s hard to get out. Well I guess you should head to bed, got a long day ahead of you.” With one final word, the two cleaned up the table and headed to bed. As it would turn out being a model isn’t easy. Aside from the uncomfortable dresses and suits, there’s also the photo shoots that require so many poses and rehearsals for the runway. “Man this is so much work.” Kendal told Rarity as she was getting him fitted for another outfit. “Oh what are you talking about, this opportunity doesn’t come around often to someone like you.” “Maybe Andrew was right, this isn’t for me. It’s not that there hard work, I mean the same could be said when I hit the court. But at least that’s something I really enjoy, this not so much.” “Oh nonsense it’s just an acquired taste that’s all. And this new line will help me so much get attention from the fashion leaders of Equestria.” “Well, I guess anything for a friend.” He didn’t want to disappoint Rarity or let her down on her fashion line. That didn’t mean he wasn’t vocal about disliking it however. If Rarity didn’t know any better, she’d think he was some sort of diva. The night before the big show, Kendall was resting up at the house. The entire week had been gruesome and tiring on his body. Thankfully there was no work for today, since everything had been taken care of. “Man Kendall you awfully tired there man.” Timmy said. “I suppose you could say this is harder on you than the last basketball season.” “Now that was just plain terrible. At least I’m getting paid for this.” He winced in pain as he tried to stretch out his back. “Doesn’t make it any less painful though.” “I thought you played for the love of the game?” Andrew asked. “That seemed enough to get you through the year.” “Of course, it’s just that if I don’t love something, I better get compensated for it.” He grabbed an ice pack out of the fridge and placed it on his shoulder. “And it is nice to help out a friend.” “Didn’t know you considered her one. And I don’t think that a friend makes another friend do something they don’t want to do.” “Ok, maybe she might’ve been a bit pushy about this whole thing, especially since she has so much to gain out of it. But I wouldn’t worry too much about it, by the end of tomorrow I will be hanging it up as they say.” The next day Kendall found himself waiting in the backstage for his turn. While there, he was surprised that Fluttershy paid him a visit. “Um, hello there.” She said in a meek voice. Fluttershy hadn’t gotten used to each of the guys as the all acted so strange to what she had become accustomed too. “Are you nervous?” “Nah, I perfectly fine.” He really was, pressure and stress weren’t things that got in his way. “Say, if I recall correctly you helped out Rarity with modeling before, Right?” “Oh yes. And it was awful. I suppose it didn’t with my shyness or anything.” “I guess it wasn’t for you. With a name like that I’m surprised that you even accepted the offer in the first place.” “Anything for a friend. Though I did learn a valuable lesson in being honest about you feelings, even if you’re worried about theirs.” “Trust me I’ve been very upfront about my feelings about this whole modeling business. After this is all said and done, no more for me.” “That’s too bad you were really great at it. But I suppose that if it’s not what you want, then you should do it.” A voice called out to get Kendall’s attention. “Oh, it looks like your needed. I’ll just make my way to the audience now.” As she left, he could shake the feeling about what she said. Hmm that really kind of her. Coming back here even though that’s out of her comfort zone. More so, she’s so accepting with what I want. What a kind pony. With that he made his way out to the runway. There was a full crowd of ponies there to see him and the other models. Thankfully, unlike Fluttershy’s time, he never achieved much fame. Fine by him as this would be the only time anyone saw him like this. Picking out the crowd he could see the mane six and on the other side the guys were there as well. Make sense to him, even if they didn’t any interest in this, they’ll always be there for him. After the showing everything seemed to be a success. Everypony like the designs and all the models got their respective praise. Getting out of the suit felt like taking a weight off of Kendall’s shoulders. Finally all of this was done and he could go back to doing what he loves. However it seems that Photo Finish had other plans. “That was amazing. You charm and poise were second to none.” “Why thank you. I always try to do my best.” “Please, you must become my full-time model.” “Yes you must.” Rarity added in. “Whoa there. I don’t think this is all for me.” “What! But this talent cannot go to waste.” Photo was shocked to see him give up so easily. “With my help you could be a star.” “Please, you should reconsider. For a friend?” Rarity gave her best face to him. “Sorry, but this isn’t me. I know we’re friends and all but I don’t think friends make someone do something they don’t want to do. Thanks to Fluttershy I know that now.” “Oh dear, I didn’t force this on you that much did I?” “You kind of did. Other than not telling me about Miss Photo Finish here, and the whole modeling thing I thought you understood my disdain here.” “I’m terribly sorry, it’s just that my dresses and the suits for you were helping my get some attention in the fashion world, I must have ignored your desires.” She sighed and looked down at her hooves. “I suppose I haven’t been a friend at all.” “It’s ok, it wasn’t all that bad. I had some fun, just as I don’t ever do it again.” He looked at Photo Finish and politely said, “I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to decline your offer. I appreciate it and you’re a very nice pony, but I think there are better paths for me to take.” “I understand. This business is not for everyone. Thank you and good-bye.” She left leaving the two still in the backstage. “Again, I’m so sorry. I never meant to use you in anyway.” “That’s all cool with me. You just got distracted with the potential gain, like how the money drew me in even though I never cared for all this.” “Really? You’re going to forgive, just like that?” “You never wronged me in the first place. I’m the one who said yes to the suit.” I guess it must be my turn to write in this journal. Well it’s been an interesting week with being a model. Though I still don’t get how I would be any good, considering the ponies can’t wear what I wear. I have to admit I certainly know how to dress in style. There’s even some things Rarity and I took out of this. You shouldn’t make a friend do something they don’t want to do or are comfortable with. And if you’re going to do something, do it because you love it, not for any personal gain. > Pranks for the Memories > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bryson stirred in his bed. If there was one thing good about living in Ponyville, there hasn’t been anything important to do. “Ahh, being lazy is great.” He stretched his arms with a loud yawn. “I think I might get used to living here.” “Really, that’d be great.” A bubbly voice said right next to him. Looking over his eyes were met with Pinkie Pie’s blue eyes, the surprise startle him and he fell off the bed. “Oh I’m sorry, did I scare you.” Pinkie was having a hard time suppressing her giggling. “Ugh.” Bryson just rolled his eyes. *** “Why was Pinkie in my bed?” An agitated Bryson asked at the table. “I thought we locked our door when we head to bed.” “That’s actually a good question.” Zack giving a semblance of an answer. “Then again, she is Pinkie and I’ve been told not to question it.” “That explain to me why she keeps bugging me though.” “Well I don’t know, it might have something to do with the fact that you’re her guardian!” Will said. “Last time I check you haven’t been giving your best efforts with getting to know her.” “Oh come on, it’s only been a week. Give me some time.” “Yea, well in that one week, I was Fluttershy’s servant for a day, Timmy nearly got himself killed with Twilight, and Zack bucked trees with Applejack.” “Look. To be honest she seems really crazy.” Bryson pinched the bridge of his nose. “I don’t think I could survive her for even a day.” “Ok first off, she silly and random, not crazy.” Andrew defended. “And secondly, you barely know her. Maybe she has something more to her than that at least.” “It’s just so annoying though. I mean I don’t dislike people like her, but those more eccentric types always rub me the wrong way.” “Fine, how about this. 20 doll… I mean bits says you can’t hang out with her for the whole day.” “Really? You’re going to challenge me to a bet.” Bryson was known around the school as someone always up for a challenge. He stayed nights at “haunted houses”, and took on the biggest foes. At least, that’s what he told the guys. Even then, Andrew was quite aware of Bryson pride and knew that this would be easy. “Yea I am. Given with what you tell us this should be right up you alley.” “I should know better than this. This is an obvious ploy to get me to get to know Pinkie, but I won’t just sit here and not accept your offer.” He extended his hand, which met Andrew’s. “You have a deal.” Bryson got out of his chair and headed out the door. “By tonight, you owe me 20 doll… ah, bits.” He shut the door mumbling to himself. “You know he’s right.” Will said. “Aside from how easy this should be. No one’s more tenacious then him, except maybe Timmy.” “Yea and your point? You heard what he said, I never concealed my real intentions. I just think he should try something outside his comfort zone when it comes to people.” “That’s odd. Considering what I know about you, I don’t think you’d be one to hang out with Pinkie all that often.” “That’s where you’re wrong. I’m perfectly fine with Hanging out with someone like her. It’s just that you won’t see me at parties all that often.” “Alright then, I just hope you’re right about this.” “Trust me, when am I ever wrong?” “Well there was that one time…” Zack began to list out the very many times Andrew has ever been wrong about something. *** Bryson made his way to Sugarcube Corner. While walking he saw many different ponies, like the Pegasus clearing out the clouds, or unicorns using magic to levitate objects with little to no effort. At one point he swore that he ran into the same pony twice. Once he made it there he sat down at one of the tables and searched on the service counter for something to eat. “Well it looks like most of their goods are bakery treats. Not that I should be surprised.” He scanned the room, but didn’t see Pinkie or either of the Cakes. “That’s odd, where is everybody?” The place wasn’t empty, there were a decent amount of ponies sitting at the tables enjoying pie, cakes, and muffins. “I’m right here silly!” He looked to his right to Pinkie Pie sitting beside him. The surprise sent him flying off his seat. “Ahh!” He landed right on his back. Getting up he remarked, “Is this going to be a normal thing?” “Only sometimes.” She was giggling at his misfortune before helping him up. “You must be hungry! Let me get you something to eat!” Before Bryson had a chance to decline, Pinkie had already rushed off and returned with a slice of pie. “Thanks, I guess.” He really wasn’t that hungry, but he still ate the pie given to him. “So what brings you here at Sugarcube Corner?” Pinkie asked him after he finished wolfing down his treat. “Well I was just thinking, maybe we should hang out with each other. I mean, I’ve been here a week now and I don’t believe we’ve had a chance to spend time.” “That’s great!” Pinkie got really excited. “There’s so many thing we can do today like fly kites or maybe we can have a party!” She quickly grabbed him and ran out the door. “Whoa! Wait, don’t you have work or something.” “Not today, it’s usually slow business so the Cake’s don’t need me that much.” “I guess, I picked a good day to be social with you then.” She continued to pull him along the ground. “Uh, you know I can walk, right?” “Oh! Sorry.” She let go of him. “I’m just so excited, I got carried away.” “Yeah, literally for me.” He dusted himself off. “What’s first on this list of fun you got?” Oh I just got the greatest idea ever!” A look of pure joy appeared on her face. “But first, you have to help me get some stuff.” She took him all over Ponyville. First, there was the Quilt and sofas store, which Bryson couldn’t understand why such a combo for a store existed. Second, was a practical jokes shop filled with toys like invisible ink, candles that can’t be blown out, and electric hoof-shakers. Then she picked up some pies from the bakery and placed them in special boxes. “Man what’s up with all this stuff?” He was carrying all of the toys, jokes, and pies Pinkie picked up. “And why do I have to carry all this?” “Shh!’ Pinkie silenced him. She then pointed out a sleeping Rainbow Dash. “Oh I get it now.” A look of realization came over his face. “I didn’t know you were the prank-pulling type. Looking at the collected items he wondered what they were going to do. “Why do we need all this stuff though?” “Silly, we’re not going to use all of this on her.” Pinkie picked up pink food coloring and a jug of chocolate milk. She then tied balloons on her torso and floated above Rainbow’s position. Above her was another cloud left because Pinkie had earlier asked the weather crew to leave behind. First she used the food coloring to make it seemed as though it was a cloud made of cotton candy. Then, she poured the milk over it causing it to rain out chocolate rain. The drops fell on Rainbow Dash and when she looked up she saw the cloud. “Ahh! Oh no Discord’s evil again.” Spotting Bryson on the ground she quickly flew down to him. “Quick get your guys together Discord…” She was interrupted by Pinkie Pie laughing in the sky. “Got you, silly.” Pinkie Pie couldn’t contain her laughter as she laid on top of the cloud. ”You should see the look on your face.” The look of grimace from Rainbow melted into happiness as she joined in the laughter. “Ok, that was pretty good.” The three laughed it off before Pinkie and Bryson left for their next victim. Pinkie lead them to Twilight’s library, where she got out the quill and invisible ink they picked up earlier. She dropped them off at the front door and knocked on it before running to one of the side windows where Bryson was also hiding. “So what the plan here?” “Shh, just wait and see.” Twilight answered the door and saw that somepony had left quills and ink for her. “Well I guess somepony was nice enough to send me a gift.” Upon closer inspection she didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, except that there was no name to identify whoever gave this to her. “It’s a good thing too, I just found that I don’t have any ink left and I need to send a letter to Princess Celestia.” She grabbed a letter and began writing her news to the Princess. “Spike! Can you send this letter?” “No problem Twilight.” He quickly wrapped up the parchment and blew his magical fire, disintegrating it out the window. “Wow!” Bryson quietly whispered “He can do that?” “Yes, it’s one of his many talents.” Twilight and Spike resumed their regular business when Spike spat out Celestia’s quick response. “Uh? I didn’t expect such a quick response from her. The news isn’t that important.” She opened up the letter where it read: Dear Twilight Sparkle, I don’t know if you were trying to send me a letter or if Spike has the case of the hiccups again, but I just got an empty letter from you. “What?! I don’t understand.” She got another parchment paper, quickly wrote down her news and handed it to Spike. “Maybe the letter was damaged or something.” Spike sent the letter with his flame and the two received a quick response from her. Dear Twilight Sparkle, Is this a joke or something? While I’m fine with princesses having fun and all, but I don’t expect this from you. If there really is a problem, maybe you shouldn’t use Spike’s mailing service.” “What?” Twilight picked up the ink to give it another close look. Seeing the label she saw that it was actually a cover over the real one. The covered label show that it was invisible ink. “Pinkie!” Outside, Twilight heard laughing, went outside and chased them off. “That was great!” Bryson said “I think I’ve got some great ideas.” The two spent the rest of the day pranking their friends. Fooling Rarity that her dresses all of a sudden could talk, giving Timmy an explosive Pie, and painting a joke on Applejack’s barn. Finally they found themselves stalking Will. “What are we going to do to him?” Pinkie asked. She was using a pair of binoculars to spy on him, while he was sleeping on the couch in the house. “Oh we’re not going to get him. Trust me, back home I think I’ve given him enough of that.” “Wait then why are we here?” “Take a look in this mirror.” He lifted up a mirror to her face, revealing that the binoculars had black paint on them, leaving it around Pinkie’s eyes. She giggled at the sight. “Ok, you got me.” Looking at the sun they saw that it was almost nighttime. “Look at the time. I guess you we should head home now.” Remembering her face she asked, “You don’t mind if I use your bathroom to clean this up. The Cakes wouldn’t like it if they knew I was pranking ponies all day.” “Of course, come with me.” The two headed inside the house and Bryson saw Andrew cooking up some dinner. “Oh hey guys.” Andrew set down the pan. “The others aren’t here yet, except for Will sleeping that couch over there. I swear nothing ever wakes him up. I heard about some prankster that’s been going around and pranking everyone.” “Gee, that’s so crazy.” Pinkie excused herself to the bathroom to wash up. “So I see you had fun today. And if it isn’t too much a stretch, I’d say you were responsibly for everything with the others?” “Yea, it was a blast. Of course you’re not wrong about that.” “Well seeing as you not only survived Pinkie for one day, but thrived under that circumstance you win. Here”-He threw a bad of 20 bits in it to Bryson-“A bets a bet.” Unfortunately, Pinkie overheard him saying that and opened the door with a sad look on her face. “Pinkie?” Bryson say that her mane had become deflated, even though that made no sense to him. “Are you ok?” “You mean you only played with me because of a bet?” “Well sure but.” “You don’t really like me?” Tears were forming in her eyes. “No, I do it’s just that…” Before he could finish his sentence Pinkie bolted out the house, crying loudly until they could hear her anymore. “Wait!” he tried running after her before Andrew stopped him. “Stop.” He said in a melancholy tone. “Let me come with you.” “What? But why? “It’s my fault too. Just wait a moment, I need to set the oven.” Bryson waited shortly for him to take care of things before the two of them left the house. When they reached Sugarcube Corner the cakes gave them a nasty look. “Look we’re sorry, just give a chance.” Despite them not initially trusting the two, they still let them come upstairs to Pinkie’s room. There they saw the sad pony. “What are you doing here? Are you getting paid for this too?” Her deflated mane have them an odd feeling about this, but Bryson was determined to fix things. “No I’m not. Please, I’m sorry about that.” He sat down beside her in her bed. “I’ll admit your personality turned me off from giving you a fair chance.” “I’m in the wrong too. I’m the one who even made do the stupid bet in the first place.” “But, you didn’t want to be my friend, until after he gave that bet.” Pinkie was still sad, but she was willing to give him a chance. “You really didn’t like me?” “At first, no.” Bryson didn’t like to admit it, but that was true. “I really should have just done it, with that stipulation. But the day we had was great. I never realized how much fun you really were until then.” “Really?” Pinkie whipped the tears off her face “Did I really give that?” “Of course! The pranks on our friends were great. The invisible ink, the clouds, and pie, that was all just awesome. I genuinely like you as a friend. Do you have it in your heart to forgive me?” There was a short pause before a large smile lit up Pinkie’s face. “Of course I forgive you!” She hugged extremely tightly, “Today was amazing! I loved every minute of it.” “That’s great.” He was struggling to talk with her grip on him. “Maybe you can loosen that hug a bit.” “Oh sorry.” “Well now with that taken care of, maybe we should go home.” “Hey Pinkie, maybe you should join us at the dinner table. The others would love to get to know you.” Bryson offered. “Really! Now we can have a party!” When she said that the three found themselves at the house. “Whoa, when’d we get here?!” Andrew said. “No clue.” Bryson, awestricken, answered. The smell of burning casserole entered their noses. “Oh no, my casserole!” He swiftly opened the oven to see the burnt results of his cooking. “Oh, now what are we going to eat for dinner!” “Don’t worry, I got this.” Before they knew it Pinkie had a ton of food on the table. “Tada!” “That was inhumanly quick.” Andrew responded. “Well, I guess it’s a good thing she a pony then.” Then the front door opened and the three other guys came in grumbling. “I honestly have no clue who did all that.” Timmy quipped. “I suppose I’ll never find out who pied me in the face.” Seeing the table and Pinkie, Andrew, and Bryson instantly made him forget his troubles. “Wow, Andrew you really outdid yourself!” “Yea, well I had some help from some friends.” After waking Will, the six guys and Pinkie Pie sat down at the table, exchanging stories about the hunt for the prankster. Eventually Pinkie revealed to them that she and Bryson were the mysterious prankster. “You what? That would have been helpful to know before we spent all evening looking for it.” “What can I say? I’m a master at the craft.” Bryson excused himself from the table and headed into the bedroom. Opening the door a bucket placed above fell and splashed him with water. “Gotcha!” Pinkie yelled as everyone began to laugh, even Bryson. Today was a great day! I never would have figured that hanging out with Pinkie Pie would have been so much fun. I also learned that I should give people and ponies a chance even if their personalities aren’t what I prefer. Taking money to spend time with her was wrong. Because at the end of the day, friends are more important than all the money in the world. > Timmy's Week Off > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Ok, I’m not seeing how this is going to work.” Will said as he eyed the wrecking ball hanging up as Timmy put himself into a stance. “I need to get better and besides nobody ever won anything without trying some of the unknown, don’t ya think.” “It’s just that this is got to be one of the dumbest things I ever heard of. At that speed and weight there’s no way you’re stopping it dead on.” “Eh, quit you whining and cut the ropes.” “I’m not whining, I’m complaining.” He muttered to himself as he readied to chop the rope with an axe. “Alright, ready? One. Two…” “Wait, wait, wait. Is this going to be on three, or one, two, three, then go?” “I don’t know on three, I guess. Ok, here we go again. One, two, three!” He swung the axe as hard as he could, cutting the rope in two. With the release, the ball begun to swing down at Timmy. “Here goes nothing!” He put out both arms and absorbed the blow, but it wasn’t enough and he was sent flying back until he slammed into a tree, knocking it off its roots. “Ahhhhhh!” “Oh boy.” Will hurried down to his fallen friend. “Timmy, you alright?” He didn’t see any response to his question. “I should get you to a hospital.” *** “So doctor, what’s the diagnosis?” Timmy laid in the hospital bed with bandages over his head and a cast over his right arm. “To be honest with you, I didn’t expect how well of shape you’d be in after the event your friend told me about.” The doctor check his clipboard to make sure that this was the right patient. There was definably no mistake, considering Timmy is one of only six humans in all of Equestria. “Thankfully you only suffer a broken arm and superficial damage to the head which should heal nicely.” “Ugh.” Timmy groaned in disappointed that he’s have a long process ahead of him. “How long till the arm’s all good?” “About one week.” “Ah great, now I won’t… Wait, what?” “Lucky for you, Zecora was in town. When she heard about you she rushed here and conjured up a gel with the ingredients she’d bought then. After we had aligned the bone she applied it there, telling me that it would speed the mending process.” “Interesting.” Will pulled the doctor out of the door out of ear-shot from Timmy. “So Doctor, you have any recommendations for him before I bring him home?” Will asked. “Just one thing. You can’t go around doing what you’ve been doing, that’s obvious enough. If you want to help the healing then I’d say try some relaxing and keeping your muscles out of work as much as you can.” “He won’t like to hear that. Don’t worry Doc, I’ll make sure he stays out of trouble.” Will went back into the room as the Doctor left to handle the rest of his patients. “Alright good news! I can take you out right now.” “That is great news.” Timmy sprung out of bed. “Whoa there.” Will stopped him before the man started doing cartwheels. “The Doctor said you need to take it easy.” “Yea sure with my arm. The rest of my body still alive and kicking. Now if you excuse I need to get of these hospital clothes.” After Timmy got out of the clothes and they got themselves checked out Will had them stop for a minute. “So what are you planning to do?” “Well, with one arm out of commission, figure I do some running and seeing as I’m a righty, give my left one some action.” “I gonna go ahead and tell you that you shouldn’t do that.” “Why not?” “I know that the Doctor was only referring to that arm of yours, but you have been doing a lot of training lately, more so then usual.” “Considering our circumstances, I’d say my schedule cleared up quite a bit.” “Sure that’s fine, but maybe giving it a week off would do you some good. All the damage you’ve done to yourself is starting to show.” “Fine then.” Timmy gave a very audible sigh. “Why don’t you suggest something I can do to relax?” Will thought for a short while. “Any time now.” “I got it. Why don’t we go to Fluttershy’s place? This is usually the time she feeding the animals." “I thought you said I couldn’t do any work.” “I know, we can just watch her. I do it sometime by myself.” “You just watch Fluttershy feed her animals? “I watch for the animals. I never thought I would ever see something that cute.” “Yea, sure. Let’s just get going. *** “Oh you two want to watch me feed the animals?” Flutter said, then she saw the cast over Timmy’ arm. “Oh dear what happened to you?” “Long story, but the doctor told me that I gotta take it easy. If you ask me, I’m perfectly fit to do whatever I want, but doctor’s orders.” “Okay then, come here.” She led them outside where all the animals were waiting for their daily lunch. “Oh aren’t you all just so hungry, oh yes you are!” Fluttershy talking in her cute animal talky way getting out the feed for chickens and fish for the ferrets. “I don’t know how you do, this is so boring.” “Trust me it gets better.” “Here you go Angel, a nice juicy carrot for you.” The bunny was at first apprehensive before deciding to take the stick. “There we go my little boy.” And she nuzzled him on the nose. “Would you like to pet the animals now?” “As always.” Will jumped over the fence and motioned Timmy over. Pointing to his cast he went around and opened the gate to let himself in. “Now you have to be very quiet, these critters can be timid to strangers.” She instructed him. Carefully Timmy reached out and gave the ferrets a rub behind the neck. Caressing his fingers on the soft fur coat, Timmy enjoyed the warm feeling emanating from it. “Wow!” he whispered, “That’s really something.” “What’d I tell you.” Will was holding up a bird perched on his arm. “Just watching these animals feels so special. I don’t know if I could really explain how I’m feeling.” “I know.” He finished petting the ferret and moved over to the bear. He gave it a nice pat on the head and asked, “What this one’s name?” “That’s Harry, and isn’t he so adorable.” Fluttershy answered and gave him and good rub on his belly. “Well, adorable isn’t what I’d describe him.” He joined her in rubbing Harry’s belly. “But he certainly is harmless. Will, I wish you told me about this sooner.” “I tried but, you’ve been so busy lately with that training course of yours getting ready for this or that.” “Really? Man, I guess I have. But you know that we need to be on our toes, in case we’re needed.” “I know, but you’ve been doing this since before we even came here. With school about to end and all your work was finished of the year, you jumped straight into preparing for football.” “Well you got me now. Let’s just enjoy this time while it lasts.” *** The next morning when Timmy woke up, he learned that Will had gotten sick. To make sure that he didn’t try anything, Will told Kendall to keep track of him for the day. “Guys I’m not going to do anything if that’s what you’re implying.” “Sorry Timmy, that’s just not gonna happen.” Kendall said. “Now come on Rarity needs me too.” “Now what could she possibly want with you?” “Don’t know. All she said was that it’s a surprise.” They went over to the Carousel Boutique and found Rarity waiting for them at the front door with a pair of bags by her side. “Rarity where are heading to?” Kendall asked. “Oh don’t you mean, where we are going.” Before giving them a chance to ask she said, “When I heard that Timmy hurt himself and need some time to relax I got reservations at the day spa.” “A spa?!” He shot a dirty look over at Kendall “That’s not really something I do.” “Calm down I didn’t know about this either. Rarity this isn’t what we thought we were coming over for.” “Nonsense! All the work you do here should be rewarded. As for you”-Gesturing at Timmy-“in your condition you need the best care in the world.” “We're not getting out of this one are we?” Kendall asked. “No.” Rarity said in a dead tone way. *** When they reached the spa, they were greeted by the spa ponies. Sending them to the massage bed. They gave them rubs on their backs. Timmy felt the warm hooves on his body and could tell that it was really loosening up some of his knots. “I’ll admit it, this feels great.” He could feel his entire body relaxing in the warm and humid spa. “Wow! I didn’t think anypony could be as tight as you are.” Aloe said, trying to get deep into his muscles. “Yeah, well I’m not just anypony. I’m not even a pony at all.” He gave her a smile causing her to blush in return. “You know, for someone who’s never worked on a human you’re pretty good.” “Actually, I work with a friend over there, once a week.” Timmy shot a look over at Kendall. “Ok I confess, I come here every week with Rarity and Fluttershy.” He put his head down in shame. “Now come on, you don’t need to be embarrassed over it. This is pretty good. I wish you told me about this.” “Even if I wanted to I couldn’t lately. You spend way too much time working out and all.” “Yea, because I’m getting ready for football. Don’t you do the same when basketball’s round the corner?” “Not as much as you do. I love the passion you have, but we’re your friends, can’t you at least spare some time with us.” “Oh man, I didn’t know that. I’m sorry I really should show you how important you guys are to me.” After their muscles were loosened they continued the complete spa treatment. From the seaweed to even the mud bath no stone was left unturned. Once finished, the boys gave their tips and went home. *** Waking up, Timmy was surprised to Twilight in the living room waiting for him. “Don’t tell me, Will told you to come over?” He asked. “No, I came over here on my own accord.” She smiled at him. “When I heard about what happened I thought I’d come over and read you this.” She levitated a book out of her bag and placed it in his hand. “Starry Night? What’s this all about?” “It’s a story by jotted note. A wonderful tale about two ponies who meet in Canterlot under the clear night sky.” Timmy noted the small size of the book itself. “Seems smaller than what I’d expect you to read. I’ve seen your collection there are some large works in there.” “Well, this was a book I really liked when I was just a little filly. It was the first book that Princess Celestia gave to me when I had become her personal student. I didn’t understand at first. This wasn’t something about magic that I believed I would be studying then.” “Given that summery you gave me I’d be surprised too.” “Yes well, she told to read it anyway and return to her what I’d learned from it. When I first started I didn’t realize how important it was then. However when I found it earlier this week I couldn’t believe how much I missed in it.” “I think I understand now. Why don’t you read it to me?” “Why can’t you?” “With this arm, I don’t think it’d be easy to turn the pages. Besides I think you’d do a great job” “Well then let’s sit down here.” “Actually let’s go to my bed. I’m not feeling as energetic as I usually I’m.” They walked into Timmy bed and he laid down. “Aren’t you gonna be right beside me?” “What?!” Twilight was surprised by the offer. “Are you sure about that?” “Of course, it’d be nice to see the pictures that accompany the plot.” She complied and got on right next to him, levitated the book between them and began to read. It all began under a starry night. When a prince meets a young peasant mare in a meadow during the celebration of the stars. It had been a long day preparing for the festivities. Young Sugar Heart was not looking forward to it however, as he knew that this would be the day that a bride would be selected for him. It’s not that he didn’t have a choice in the matter but rather that he was beginning to grow much too old to still be a lone stallion. Hours before it was to begin, Sugar Heart snuck out of his room and headed down to the fields of grain to a secluded place that only he knew of. The sun had already set and the moon shone down over the crop illuminating the entire plains. He laid down on his back and gave a long sigh, happy to be away from the world. However his isolation was not long as a farm mare, not seeing him, tripped over his body. There, on top of him was a beautiful mare with bright green eyes. Lost for a moment he quickly gathered himself up and help her along. There he introduced himself. “Hello there, I’m prince Sugar Heart, and your name my fair maiden?” “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry.” Realizing that he was royalty she quickly bowed down to the ground. “It’s quite alright my dear.” He guided her up, putting a hoof under her chin. “I would like to know your name however.” “Oh, It’s, um, Honey Fields. I work here with my family.” She replied. The two sat down and began to talk. Sugar Heart told her about the ceremony and that he would soon be getting a bride. He expressed his dissatisfaction over the affairs, saying that while he does enjoy being royalty, the restrictions were becoming too much. He learned of her story, how her mother was awfully sick and that her father was struggling to keep the farm running by himself. She explained that the reason she was out in the fields was to help get some work done fearing that they may not make it till the end of the month. There was more to this conversation then just of tragedy. Honey Field told him of the time that the entire family once thought that her brother had turned into the snake from a drink he had earlier, only to find that he was pulling a trick on them. Or when Sugar Heart’s servant had taught him all about the world; dragons, griffins, and all the other cities around Equestria. “That’s so wonderful!” She laughed in joy, “I never knew anything outside of home.” “Yes, well look at the time, I must be going.” He got up and before he went she stopped him. “Eh? Do you have one last thing?” “Indeed.” And she gave him a sweet kiss on the check. “Good luck with your future wife.” Her last words left a mark on his mind. While she was very genuine about the remark, He could tell there was sadness in the tone. He thought that maybe she had fallen for him, but no, it couldn’t work out for them, could it? At the festival he sat with his family, watching other ponies walk around, playing games and socializing with each other. He even saw his bride to be, Clover Stock, she was a nice mare, but he didn’t like her in that way. Bored and out of his mind, he sprung up when a figure entered his gaze. It was Honey Fields! She had come to see the prince go and be wed. His felt his heart flutter and skip a beat. Then trumpets blared, signaling Princess Celestia to come out. “Greetings fair citizens of Canterlot.” She announced, “We are here to celebrate the marriage of Sugar Heart and Clover Stock!” The crowd cheered on as the two entered the stage. She lined them up and asked, “Do you, Clover Stock, take Sugar heart to be your loving husband?” “I do.” She said. “And do you, Sugar Heart, take Clover Stock to be your loving wife?” He paused, knowing that everyone was expecting him to say the words “I do”, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He knew that Honey Fields was the one for him, but if he chose her then he would no longer be a noble. Right then and there, he made his decision. “Wait!” He yelled, shocking the audience. “I don’t love Clover Stock.” A collective boo covered the stage. Looking at the two mares he said, “I’m so sorry, but my heart goes to her.”-He pointed at Honey Fields-“the fair maiden there. She’s no noble, but a sweet farm girl and I wish to hold her, to love her. I know that doing so would take away my nobility, but I’d give up everything in the world just to have one moment with her.” To his surprise, both mares were accepting of his decision. They both nodded their heads in agreement. “I will accept any choice you make in your life.” Celestia said. “Go, go to her now.” Clover Stock, with a tear in her eyes, said. And with those words, he did. Sugar Heart ran off the stage, leaving the crowd in disbelief. He met Honey Fields, looked her right in the eye and gave her a warm, tender-loving kiss. Then he swept her off her hooves and carried her off into the field, where they first met under the starry night. “And they lived, happily ever after. The End.” Twilight closed the book, now finished with the story. “Well, what do you think?” “The ending felt a little rushed, but it was a sweet tale anyway.” “I know, I didn’t see it at first, but the way that he gave up so much just for one mare is so heartwarming to me.” “Yea, that Honey Fields character, she really was the most important…” Timmy paused, coming to the realization of the moral of the story. “What’s wrong?” “I just realized that I been wrong these past few weeks.” He reached over to the desk, grabbing out the journal. “And that would be?” “Ever since I’ve come here and became your friend. All I’ve done is train, whether it was for football, or to prepare for any threat that may come this way. But it’s come with the price of not giving my friends the time they deserve. Before being brought her, they meant the world to me. My friends, my own brother, they stood by me when times were tough. Now, when I think they need me now more than ever, and I haven’t returned the favor.” “I think I understand, when I was an anti-social geek, as Rainbow Dash would put it, I tried to solve everything on my own instead of getting help. It’s a good thing I learned that before it was too late.” “Exactly, I know why I’ve been trying so hard. I don’t want to fail at this. I’m too worried about what evils we’ll have to face in the future, especially since I got beat by whatever that was in the castle. Now I know that with the six of us together, nothing can beat us.” Timmy opened up the journal and began to writing. “What’s this?” “A journal, you know in case we ever leave. I’d like something to remind myself of the time spent here. The guys and I have kept track of some of our adventures we’ve had here and some lessons learned so we don’t end up repeating the same mistakes. I think I got a good one here.” Well having you arm broken is no fun. But thanks to my friends the time sure has flown. However I’ve also learned that lately I have been ignoring them for my own personal time, more than I really should take. They mean everything to me and I want to make sure that it stays that way, because when all the dominos fall they’ll be the only ones left standing. “Done.” He closed the book and placed it back on the desk. “Say, you got any more good reads?” “Oh you bet!” She quickly raced out the door. “I’ve got a ton of books we can read all day. Isn’t this going to be so amazing?” When she was out of the house Timmy said. “What did I get myself into?” > Number One Fan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Man! Where are we heading to eat?” Timmy said as he felt his stomach rumbling. The six boys were out on the town, happy that the weekend had finally arrived and they didn’t have any work to do. “Man’s gotta eat.” “Timmy, you’re always hungry. Like that one time we were at Will’s house and you nearly ate all of his food.” “Ugh, don’t remind me.” Will responded, “I barely had anything to eat for a week.” “Yea, how about instead of repeating that, we go find a nice place to settle down at.” Bryson spied out places that served food. Scanning the surrounding area he spotted the Hayburger. “Say, what about the Hayburger?” “Yea, about that. They won’t let me back in.” “I’m not going to even ask.” Andrew answered. “To be honest, not really any other places that we can just stop at.” “Aww.” Disappointed, Timmy turned around to leave the town square when a humble looking shop caught his eye. “Ooh, let’s go here!” He immediately started to run toward the building. “Wait, but this is a candy shop, they only sell treats.” “That’s fine, always wanted to fill the sweet tooth anyway!” Not even slowing down when saying that, Timmy entered the shop. “It doesn’t work like… You know what, let’s just go.” Defeated, the other five ran in after him. When they got inside, the smell of sweet chocolate entered their noses. Amazed at the large assortment of treats they saw Timmy trying to get as many as he could. “You guys think this is enough?” The large pile of candy blocked his small body from sight. “Whoa there! I think you need to remember we’re not exactly what someone would call rich.” Andrew was then surprised by Timmy tossing nearly half of the candy right at him. “Ahh, no, what, ahh,”-He was just able to keep it all from falling to the ground-“What are you doing!?” “Relax, it’s buy one get one free.” “That doesn’t make it any better, I don’t want to put on any weight or get cavities.” “Plus this town’s dentist creeps me out” Kendall murmured to Bryson. “Agreed” The two gave each other a fist bump. While the brothers were bickering, Zack felt something odd. He looked over his shoulder as if expecting a pony to be there, but there was nothing. “Something wrong?” Bryson asked. “I don’t know. It just feels like when we got in here there’s something watching us.” He scanned the room again, yielding no results. “I could have sworn that there was a bluish colored unicorn through the window before we got inside.” “Really didn’t notice anyone in here. Just assumed it was a slow day.” Finally the brothers were done arguing about how much they should buy, with Andrew relenting. They plopped the pile of candy on the counter. “Okay, how much, miss?” “Sweetie Drops, and that’ll be 100 bits.” The mare had a homely motherly voice. Woo.” Andrew grimaced at the price. “Man, that’s just so much.” “What are you talking about? It’s a lot less than what I was expecting. Besides, Rarity was nice enough to lend us a good amount of coins if we needed any.” “Yea, but I don’t like using other people’s money. Fine.” He grabbed into his pocket and threw out a bag of bits. “Here’s the money.” When they exited the shop they began to make their way, since they about of candy was pretty heavy and they used up all the bits that had in the first place. Still though, Zack couldn’t shake that funny feeling even after they were in the safely of their own house. “You know what guy. I’m going out for a walk, anyone care to join?” The rest of them were too busy eating their sweet treats and Andrew had already check in for the night. So he headed out on his own. While outside he again felt that someone, or something was following him. Looking back and around him, he didn’t see anything that was out of the ordinary. “Hello? Is anyone out there? It’s not funny nor are you scaring me.” Nothing responded to his call out, only the cool night air slowly breezing into his face. He tried to think of a plan to force a potential hunter to reveal themselves. Then he got an idea. “Of course.” He whispered to himself. “If I walk into a dark alleyway then I can confront who this stalker is. Besides I have a good feeling that whoever it is, isn’t much of a threat.” Looking around, he found a dimly lit alley that he’d still be able to see a fair distance. Entering it, he turned around and waited for a figure to follow suit. Sure enough a pony stop right at the entrance of the alley. It began to move closer to Zack as he prepared himself for a conflict. Just before he was about to pounce the figure levitated off it hood to reveal a mint green unicorn. “I’m so sorry! Please forgive me for scaring you like that.” “You, scare me? No, I eat fear for breakfast” He wouldn’t admit it, but he was a little tense about who was under the hood. “Who are you anyway?” “Sorry! My name’s Lyra Heartstrings. I work at the candy shop you guys were in earlier today. When I saw you enter I got nervous and hid.” “And why exactly did you do that?” “Well…” She shied away for a little bit before answering. “I’m just such a big fan of you guys!” She said quickly and out loud. “Wow. Didn’t know we had a fan base, or that anyone in this town cared about our existence.” “Oh, but you guys look so cool and, I mean come on, you’re the guardians of harmony!” She started to get more excited, just talking about their status. Then she began to ask questions without giving him any time to answer them. “Is it true that you can build any machine from just about anything? Or what about Kendall being the best Basketball from you homeland. Or maybe about Timmy insane strength?” “Whoa there, slow down. Maybe you can meet my friends and we all can answer you’re questions.” “Really!?” She was practically jumping from excitement. “You mean right now!?” “Yea sure, they’d love to meet you.” He brought her home and introduced her to the rest of the gang. “Guys, this here is our biggest fan.” “Biggest fan? More like only, I don’t think anyone cares about us all that much.” Bryson said. “Maybe she’s likes before it’s gonna be cool. Like a hipster, like you Will.” Timmy said. “What! I’m not a hipster.” “With the way you dress, could’ve fooled me.” Timmy got up and have her a firm handshake. “It’s nice to meet you. Not used to having fans back at home.” “I hope you guys don’t mind if I ask you some questions do you?” “By all means ask away.” “Awesome! So is it true that you have the strength of ten stallions?” “Well I wouldn’t know that seeing as I’ve never been truly tested.” “And you Kendall can make a shot from anywhere on a court.” “Please there ain’t nobody that can stop my moves when I have the ball in my hands.” Lyra continued asking the guys questions about their abilities and feats all through the night. Soon the eventually went to bed hoping that she too would go home herself. *** It was now morning, Andrew would be the first to wake, as he was the first to bed last night. He slowly opened his eyes as gave a long yawn before being interrupted. “Aww. That’s so cute!” He heard a voice, when looking to his bedside he saw Lyra standing right there. The sight surprised him, causing him to fall off over the other side onto the ground. “You look so adorable when you’re scared.” She could barely contain her laughter at his misfortune. “Oh, ha ha,” He responded with a dead tone, “For the record I’m not cute, I’m handsome.” Getting up, he wondered why a pony was in their house. “Um, how did you’d get inside our house?” “Your friends let you in, you’re Andrew, right?” “Yea, Well I suppose if they trust you, I can trust you too.” He extended a hand and was met with a hoof. He could feel that she was getting rather excited about meeting him. “Why exactly are you in here anyway?” “Duh! Because of you guys. The six of you are so awesome.” “I wouldn’t call ourselves awesome in any capacity, especially now that I’ve gotten to know Rainbow Dash more. Her usage of the term has killed that word for me.” He stopped and tried to think of a way to get her out of his room. “Say, why don’t you wait in the kitchen for me? Let me get dressed for the day and maybe we can chat for a little bit.” She gleefully accepted his offer and went out of the room. With a deep sigh, he got into his daily outfit and took a moment to collect himself. By the time he got into the kitchen he was surprised to see that she had some breakfast ready. It wasn’t much, just some eggs and toast. Still though, with a growling stomach he didn’t complain. Sitting down, he was about to start eating when he felt her weird presences, staring right at him. “I’m sorry, I don’t think I got your name, miss?” “Lyra. Lyra Heartstrings.” “Okay then Lyralyra Heartstrings.” “Wait, no it’s.” “I’m just joking, I know it’s just Lyra. I never understood why anybody ever introduced themselves like that.” He took a sip from his morning jug. “So what did you do with my friends?” “Oh well, I asked them all sorts of questions about your home and talents.” “Talent? I wouldn’t call this band of bros talented.” He gave a small chuckle and continued eating. “Nah I’m kidding, my brother wouldn’t be captain of the football team or Zack couldn’t have won the science fair three years in a row if they didn’t have talent.” “Really, wow! They never told me that.” She was intrigued by their feats and of the abilities that they had bragged about last night. “You guys must be really important from where you come from.” “Not really, we’re just a bunch of kids from a small town. I mean I love these guys, but if we’re talking about importance I wouldn’t even say we’re in the top half in even just our town.” “Aww.” She was dejected, hearing this. Was it true that her heroes we just nobodies, even to themselves. “You mean that you aren’t heroes.” “We never were, not even here considering that we haven’t beaten some evil force or whatever.” He finished his food and started to wash the dishes. “Don’t worry too much about us though, I’m sure we’ll have our time to shine.” “Okay.” She said disappointed in the visit. She then left the house thinking about them. Not heroes? But they were so cool and fun to be with. He’s right though, they haven’t defeated any monsters yet. Hey! Maybe if I bring a monster to them and they beat it then maybe they can be the heroes that I’ve always wanted. And even the town would give them praise and adoration. And I think I know just the answer. *** “Bout time you guys woke up.” The other were finally fully awake and they had gotten some cereal to eat for breakfast. “So what happened to that no stranger ponies policy we had about this place. Last time I checked we don’t let’s anyone spend the night here.” “Wait what are you talking about?” Timmy asked with his mouth still full. “You mean to tell me that Lyra didn’t go home after we went to bed.” “Either that or she just let herself back in to see me wake up, seriously, that’s just creepy.” He grabbed out a book he had been reading and laid out on the couch. “I’ll be fair though, she’s not that bad for someone who I barely know.” “What’d you talk to her about?” “Not much, just told her that we aren’t the people she thinks we are or even that we’re special in some way.” “What?! She’s our number one fan! There has to be something the six of us as a group is great at.” Said Will. “More like our only fan. Besides it’s not like we’ve done anything yet. I’m sure we’ll get around to something, but not anytime soon in my opinion.” Just then, they were interrupted by a large stomping sound along with screams. “What was that?!” The boys got out of the building and were confronted with quite a sight. They saw a giant transparent-like blue bear. “I don’t believe this! I didn’t think bears grew to this size around here.” Zack yelled out. “That because it’s not your ordinary bear.” The guys turned around to see Twilight behind them. “It’s an Ursula minor, don’t worry It’s only the small one and I can easily handle it. But I have to wonder, why is it back here again, it’s been so long since it’s been here in Ponyville?” “That’s because I brought it here!” They looked over and saw Lyra. “Lyra!” They said in unison. “That’s just crazy!” Twilight scolded her. “You know that the entire town could be destroyed!” “I know, but I wanted these guys to get the chance to be heroes.” She began to address the guys. “Please! Just this once can you guys save the day?” “I don’t know, that is a pretty big bear.” Andrew responded uneasily. “Fine, let’s do this then.” Timmy said in spite of the others protests. “Look, we’re here for a reason. To be honest, I’d like to prove myself. Ourselves that we really are fit to do this. That we’re here because we deserve to be. Not what some old prophecy says about us.” “Timmy.” Andrew said pleadingly. “You’ve almost died fighting something you didn’t know about. I don’t like the odds of survival in this situation.” “Ya guys, I think we should make up our minds before the whole town gets destroyed.” “Fine! We’ll do it, but I swear if I get eaten by this bear, you owe me!” They stood together, in a straight line, until Will had one final thing to say. “Wait a second, we didn’t all agree to fight this thing.” “Well too bad, remember guys, we work as one now, no matter the danger.” Timmy answered. Then he charged right at the beast. He jumped up gave tried to give it a flying kick, but its roar sent him flying back to the others. “Where’d you learn that?” Bryson asked. “What else do you think I’ve been practicing? You guys learned some of this too ya know.” “Yea, just that one time you dragged us to training and we barely did anything because the rest of us was so tired.” Kendall responded. “You still learned something. Now would be a good time to use it!” “Alright then.” Kendall then made a quick move to the right and when the Ursa Minor swiped, he juked it out and slid under it, appearing on the other side. When it turned around he gave Andrew and Bryson the signal. “Now!” They ran and tried to jump on the creature’s backside. However, it swung its tail to knock the two of them into a building, knocking them out. “Alright then, it’s my turn!” Timmy ran right at it yet again, this time trying for the arm to climb upon it. This again didn’t work as the bear grabbed Timmy and put him right up to its face. Then it began to crush him. “Ahhhhh” He screamed. “Twilight! You need to stop this!” Zack asked “No, don’t!” Timmy responded. “If I need her to bail me out when I’m in trouble then what good are we here for?” He coupled his fists together and brought to down, allowing himself to be released from the grip. As he and Kendall continued to battle the beast, Lyra was regretting her actions. “Oh no. I’m so sorry for this. This is all my fault. All I wanted to see was these guys be heroes, like you Twilight and all your friends.” “Well you are right that my friends and I may have gone on many adventures, but we’ve never intentionally brought any danger to Ponyville, or even Equestria.” Twilight said. “I never asked to be a hero, just like these people are facing right now, but I will do my role, whatever it may be, no matter my status.” Then she began to repeat the steps she made to tame the Ursa Minor, just like when she last faced the beast. However it came with much chagrin from Timmy. “Oh come on! We were just about to get the upper hand.” “Yea, well playtime is over now. Maybe you should go find your brother.” After the threat was over and Andrew and Bryson were woken up Zack decided to confront Lyra about her actions. ‘Not cool there. You could have gotten my friends killed.” He scolded her. “A bear that’s 50 time bigger than us is no joke.” “I’m sorry, it’s just that when Andrew told me how not special you were because you haven’t saved the town made me want to prove that you really were awesome guys.” She looked down and turned away from him, about to walk away. “It’s okay if you don’t ever want to see me ever again. I deserve it.” “Why would you want the town to love us like you do? Isn’t it enough that you like us as is?” “I don’t know. I guess I got caught up in trying to show everybody that being a fan of yours is cool, because you guys are cool.” “It’s fine that none of these other ponies care about us.” He looked over as Twilight received praise for saving the town. “I’m perfectly fine with sharing the spotlight. And trust me, when we get our shot, you could always take solace that you loved us first.” She turned back around, with newfound excitement. “Does that mean we’re all still friends?” “Of course, now come on how about we all celebrate the town not getting destroyed with a party.” “Did somepony say party?!” Pinkie Pie yelled, coming from seemingly nowhere. “Woohoo, let’s rock!” > Light and Dark > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “He sizes him up, looking at his competition. Then he pulls up a shot and bang! He sinks the game winning shot and the crowd goes wild.” Kendall does a celebratory dance, enjoying his victory. “Yeah, maybe you should save that for a real game.” Zack said. The two just finished up a pick-up game of basketball. “You beat me 21 to nothing. I don’t even play outside, the only reason I’m even here is because you promised free lunch.” “And do I ever break my promises?” He gave him a friendly grab around the neck and messed his hair up. “Hey! That hurts.” Kendall let go of him and they made their way to Sugarcube Corner. “You know I wouldn't exactly call this a good place for lunch. Most of the stuff they got here are for desserts.” “Now who said you can't have dessert for lunch. And besides this is pretty much Pinkie Pie’s entire diet and I don’t see her having any health issues.” When they got inside, they could smell the warm baked goods set up for display. They picked out a muffin and cupcake, paid for the treats and sat down at one of the tables. “Why’d you get a cupcake, you know how unhealthy that is?” “Well excuse me for not being boring and getting a muffin like you. You know it wouldn't kill you to live a little.” The pair munched on their pastries in very different manners. Kendall scarfed it down, while Zack took clean bites. “Would it kill you to at least not make a mess? I can live with it when it’s at our house, but let’s be nice to the owners.” “Okay mom.” Kendall cleaned up the crumbs that were left behind. “I don't know why you're so boring sometimes. You’re cool, but you really need to not hold back.” “Maybe you're just being too energetic. You're always the one that’s just going to jump into anything if it sounds like fun. You don’t think about the consequences.” “Like they say, just do it. You could use that advice sometime.” “Do what?” Pinkie suddenly appeared before them sending them into shock. “Ahh! Bryson may have got it down, but I cannot get used to that to save my life.” Zack took deep breaths to calm his nerves. “Looks like that one thing we can agree on.” Kendall was sent flying off his seat and was getting back up. Once he got his composure back he was able to answer Pinkie’s question. “It’s just an expression from where we’re from. It’s supposed to mean to do something without any reservations.” “Really?! Well I guess I should be fine, everything I do is like that.” “I think we noticed. Well I guess we should be heading back now.” Zack got up from his seat before Kendall stopped him. “Wait, I just got an idea.” “Something tells me I’m not going to like this.” “Being scared off my seat reminded me of when we were first here and Timmy spent that day in that haunted castle.” “And you’re going to say that we should spend the night there.” “You know me too well.” He grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the store. “Whoa there. What makes you think that I even want to go, I’m also going to add that Timmy said it was really dangerous and he almost got killed there, or did you forget?” “I know. But what if we defeat this supposedly shadow pony, then everyone will consider us heroes and we don’t have to be worried about anything attacking.” Zack only gave him a blank stare. “Fine then I’ll just go by myself” “What?! No don’t. Fine I’ll go hold on.” “Finally got some courage?” “More like stupidity, and I can’t just let you go into danger by yourself.” The two walked across town to enter the Everfree forest. Right before they entered Rainbow Dash saw them go in. Knowing that the guys generally avoided the place she asked Andrew, who was watching her clear the clouds. “Hey Andrew, are you guys cool with the Everfree forest now?” Andrew didn’t hear her as he lay asleep on a bale of hay. Upset that he apparently got bored with her she was about to yell at him to wake up. Then a devious idea popped into her mind. She flew off and got a bucket of ice cold water, carefully got close to him and dumped it on him. “Surprise!” “Ahh.” He yelled out in shock and the cold. “Not cool Rainbow.” “Well maybe that should teach you not to fall asleep when you’re with me.” She fell to the ground laughing and nearly forgot why she had awoken him. “Oh yeah, are you guys cool with going into the Everfree forest.” “What? No why?” “Well I just saw two of your friends walk in. I think it was Zack and Kendall.” “That doesn’t sound good. We need to stop them.” He got up, but then remembered how wet and cold he was. “Right after I get a change of clothes.” *** “Well, here it is.” Zack and Kendall stood before the castle doors “It doesn’t look that scary.” “It’s not the castle that Timmy was worried about.” They pushed open the doors and entered the hallway. An empty air greeted them as there was an eerie feeling from the silence. “So where do we find it?” “Beats me, it almost feels like it already knows we’re here.” “Are you backing out?” “Please, I never back down.” From there they began their search for the pony of shadows. Since they had never been inside the castle itself and only had to rely on their memory of Timmy story. Most of the time it seemed as though they hit dead end after dead end. “How are we supposed to find something if we can’t even find where we are in this place?” In frustration, Kendall kicked a wall. However he ended up kicking a switch which opened a trap door causing the two to fall down into the unknown. *** “Alright, since Zecora said she didn’t see either of them, that means they must’ve went in here” The two stood outside the doors which posed a big presence that they both felt. “You’re not scared are you Rainbow?” Andrew asked. “What me, scared? Please I live for this stuff.” “I’m just saying you don’t have to come with me. There my friends and I don’t want anything to happen to you because…” “Yeah yeah, because you’re my guardian. I swear none of your friends take that serious. And why are you wearing that ridiculous ‘battle armor’.” “Hey I have a practical reason for that. Who knows what’s in here, I don’t want any of my cloths to get damaged or destroyed. I happen to like my shirts a lot. And besides, these things are really comfortable.” With that, he pushed open the doors to let themselves in. The light shone in where the roof had been broken off, but the tone of the place still felt dark. “Come on, the faster we find them the faster we can get out. “You don’t need to tell me twice.” They entered into the deeper areas of the castle, to the point where there was nearly no light and visibility was extremely low. “How sure are we that they even are in here? “I know Kendall, the unknown excites him. Out of all of us he’s the risk taker. Zack confuses me though, this is certainly not something he’d do. Are you sure it was him that you saw.” “Are you calling me blind?! I know who I saw, those two look very distinct from the rest of you. “I guess, well I’ll just ask when I get a chance.” Suddenly a loud sound pierced the air scaring the two into each other. “What was that?!” “I don’t know.” They then noticed they were hugging the other and quickly let go. “It sounded like it came from there.” Rainbow Dash pointed at the stairway that lead down to below ground. “Well that figures.” Andrew responded. He went towards it and looked down. The pitch black darkness was all he could see. He reached into his suits belt and pulled out a flare. “I told you this would come in handy. And thank you Zack for reinventing the flare for us.” He lit it and threw it down the shaft. It didn’t go far and soon it the ground. “Well that’s not too bad.” He walked down the stairs while Rainbow Dash hovered down. “My wings are what you would call practical.” She smirked at him as he just rolled his eyes. When they got down he picked the flare back up and used it to light their way. They walked through a long hallway when it went out. “Well I hope I got another one.” He then felt something wrap around his body. “Ha, you know Rainbow if you’re scared you could just tell me, but you’re grabbing me a bit tight. “Um, I’m right in front of you.” She got closer so that he could see. “Wait but if you’re there then who’s…” He looked down to see two arms wrapped around him. “Ahh! Get them off get them off.” He forcefully pushed out the arms and fell forward. Rainbow Dash quickly grabbed him and pulled him back. “You alright?” “Yeah, I’ll be fine. Those looked an awful lot like human… wait a second. Kendall! Zack! Is that you?” “What the?” Kendall said. “Andrew?” “Oh good it just you guys. What were you thinking?! Don’t you remember that we agreed never to go in here until we knew more about the threats?” He began to scold the two. “Hold on there, maybe you should let us out.” Kendall stopped him from having a rant. “How? There’s a wall between us.” “I don’t know, there should be a switch somewhere near.” Zack said. Andrew tried to see in the darkness, without good lighting he couldn’t tell what anything was. “Well I can see anything.” He leaned on a wall, which pressed in a hidden button that opened up the wall. “Why does that always happen?” “I don’t care as long as we get out of there. That was starting to feel a little cramped.” Kendall said as the two stumbled out. “Now back to the job at hand.” “Whoa there, we really should just get out of here. This castles dangerous on its own.” Zack countered. Before the two could continue their argument Andrew sensed a disturbance in the air. He quickly grabbed out another flare, but before he had a chance to light it, a shot of dark magic hit it out of his hand. “Watch out!” He dove and brought the other down to the ground. “I guess you can stop looking for him now.” He scanned the area, but without any light his vision was limited. “Alright, I can’t use any light or else he’ll know here we are. Got any ideas?” “How about we charge him?” Kendall offered. “Yeah, if the plan was to get us killed.” Zack argued. “I got a better idea, so listen up.” He explained his plan to the group and they all agreed that it could work. Then they went to set it in motion. Rainbow rushed out and drew the figures attention, allowing Andrew to sneak around to get a better look. When he was able to get behind it, he saw that it was a pony that seemed to be made of pure darkness, like a literal shadow. He pulled out his last flare and hoped for the best and started it. The pony of shadows turned around to see him throw it directly at it, causing it to scream out in pain and retreat. “Quick Rainbow we’re getting out now!” She came from her hidden spot and grabbed him to fly out of the dark basement as fast as possible. “I guess Zack was right, light is his weakness.” She flew them straight up the stairwell where Zack and Kendall was waiting for them. “Took you long enough, I guess it’s over then?” Zack asked. “It’s not over until we get out of this place, now come on.” They were able to get out into the main hallway of the castle where the sun was about to set. “That looks like a pretty good sunset, I guess we can literally thank Celestia for that.” Zack joked. “Yeah it does look nice.” Kendall responded. “I always preferred the night, when it gets.” He quickly realized what the darkness would also bring. “Watch out!” Two shots of magic came out from the shadows knocking Andrew out and clipping Rainbows wing. “Ow!” Rainbow attempted to move, but a whip grabbed her by the tail. “Ahh.” It started to pull her into the shadows, but Zack grabbed her hoof and Kendall was able to get the whip to release her from its grip. “Zack what do we do?!” Kendall asked. “I don’t know, but what I do know is if we don’t get out of here before the darkness covers this entire place, we’re dead.” Kendall went to check on Andrew’s unconscious body. “Andrew?! Wake up! Please don't tell me I got my best friend’s brother get killed.” The shadows began to begin covering the leaving the small area they were in. “It’s all my fault, if I wasn't being dumb we wouldn't be in this situation. I was selfish, all I wanted was to have some fun and play the hero and what did that get me.” “Hey man, don’t be too hard on yourself. I’m not mad at you, and I’m sure Andrew’s not either. Even if we don’t get out of here we forgive you.” “What about you Rainbow, all of you are the reason we’re here.” “It’s fine, I always stick up for my friends. That includes you guys too.” “I guess it doesn’t matter now.” The darkness was about to cover them, its evil presence was could be felt by everyone. “It’s been a good run, I enjoyed every moment of it.” “Wait a second.” Zack went to Andrew and looked through his suit. “Where is it?” “What are you looking for?” Asked Rainbow Dash. “There may be one last trick up my sleeve. Here.” He pulled out smoke bomb. “What goods that going to be? It’s weak against light not smoke.” “Just trust me, Pick Andrew up and when I say run, go straight for the door and out of here.” The other two worked together to get Andrew’s limp body off the ground and onto Rainbow’s back. When they got ready the darkness engulfed their location. They waited for a few tense moments when Zack gave the signal. “Now!” They ran right for the exit without looking behind them. “What do you think his plan is?” Kendall asked. “You’re the one who’s known him for years, you tell me.” She answered. When they got outside they waited in fear of what may have happened to their friend. Then suddenly they heard the smoke bomb go off and Zack appeared, jumping through one of the front windows. “What are you doing, keep running!” He yelled and they all ran until they were out of the forest. Out of energy, they went to Fluttershy’s cottage. Kendall strongly knocked on the door and she answered. “Oh my, what happened to all of you?” She asked. “It’s a long story.” Zack answered. *** “Oh my head.” Andrew said as he awoke. “Ah, what happened, did we make it!?” “Relax, we got out of there ok, we’re at Fluttershy’s place.” Kendall answered. “I think it might be best to avoid moving too quickly, your head took quite a hit there.” “We’ll be fine, I don’t think this Pony of Shadows goes beyond the Everfree forest.” “Speaking of which, how did you even get out?” Rainbow Dash asked, Fluttershy was bandaging her injured wing. “Simply, I simply ran a different way from you. I figured he’d go for an easier lone target than a group. Then I got next to that window and when he got close, blind him and made a break for it.” “What if he didn’t go for you?” “Well that was just a risk I had to take, got to take some when that’s the best you can get.” He looked over to Kendall, “That’s usually how I live.” “Alright I got you, it’s not smart to take unnecessary risks, especially when others can get hurt from it.” “One things for sure, though.” Andrew added. “I don’t think this will be the last time any of us face danger.” They all looked out the window to the Everfree forest. Well, I guess I really learned a lesson the hard way this time. A quest for glory turned into a horrible nightmare and I almost couldn’t take it back. But this won’t be the last time any of our lives are at stake. Next time I will be ready to answer that call, no matter what.