• Published 6th Mar 2014
  • 2,596 Views, 143 Comments

Equestria Noir Season 2 Case 11 "On a Cross and Bullet" - Jacoboby1

A mysterious killer named Black Widow, known for targeting abusive husbands, has come to town. The killing has caused a divide between genders. As if things weren't bad enough, Cadence, in order to stop a fight, genderswaps Private and Twilight.

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Chapter 5 "August Breeze"

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long delay, but hopefully this'll make up for it. I can only do so much on Tour, but I'm glad I finally found a time to write and get this done. ENJOY!

Chapter 5

“August Breeze”

Perspective: Pruena Oculia

Getting to Manehatten wasn’t easy. We did manage to score tickets, but we had to get the lowest class so as to avoid being sighted by anypony we knew. And by lowest class….we mean luggage.

I pushed my way out of a small garment bag and breathed for air. “Uggh, remind me never to come up with the sneaking in plans again.”

Dusk pushed a suitcase open and breathed for air too. “Never thought I’d ever be treated as luggage in my life.”

“Let’s get going before we are seen by anypony.” I said, getting up and we made our way quietly out to the streets of Manehatten.

Equestria’s largest city had not changed much in my time away. The buildings towered over us in Manehatten’s usual mix of modern and antique. Brick brownstones and metal and glass buildings abounded, and they all made the skyline a unique sight. Every town and city in Equestria had its own vibe. Canterlot seemed to be always standing at attention, Ponyville was an old friend who invites you to come over and chat, and Manehatten… Well Manehatten seemed to always be moving forward, while keeping aware of its roots in the past.

Dusk and I trotted up to the sidewalk, I looked over at him. “Alright, Dunnit said that she goes to a bar called Pink Love, it shouldn’t be far from The University.”

“Right, but why go there when we can just look up her brother?” Dusk asked. “And another thing, this seems like rather guarded info, how did you get it out of Dunnit?”

“To answer your first question,” I said. “If we can find out about Mayflower in her public life, it’ll help when we ask about her private life. Now come on, let’s go.”

“You didn’t answer my second question…” Dusk muttered as we went on.


It was very aptly named, Pink Love, but somehow they managed not to be… Well… It wasn’t tacky or garish at all, but then I think the use of more than one shade of pink, and even dipping into the magentas helped. Never mind the wood wainscoting, which helped offset it.

Pink Love was located in an older brownstone, so the wainscoting came with the building, and since the owner was probably a long-time Manehattenite, it was preserved. The bar in the back was a heavy wood affair, with the only pink on it being a dark shade in the inset panels. The tall armchairs were padded in a deeper shade of pink. The tables had pink gingham tablecloths, with little pink heart-shaped lanterns on them. This proved to be more sweetly cute, than overly cutzie. The place looked like it had been designed by some relative of Rarity’s who specialized in interior design. It was pink, sure, but it was pink done with taste and class.

There was also another detail about the place, it was filled with mares. Dusk and I stood in the entrance to find dozens of mares chatting, drinking, laughing, all having a good time.

“No wonder Mayflower was a regular.” Dusk said, “She probably got her recruits from here.”

I was about to step forward when a larger mare put a hoof in front of me. “Sorry, hun, we don’t welcome his kind in here.”

“His kind?” I said in puzzlement.

“Him.” She said, pointing at Dusk. “He stays outside.”

“Now hold on just a-” I began to argue.

“Pru, it’s okay,” Dusk said, putting a hoof on my shoulder. “I’ll do as she asks.”

“Nice to see a stallion with brains,” The mare said with a smirk. “Rare in almost all parts.”

Dusk had a lot thicker skin than I did, he walked outside without a complaint. The bouncer simply gestured with her hoof to let me inside. Some mares looked over at me as I came by. Some out of mild curiosity, others, out of more, personal curiosity. I ignored them, though I couldn’t help but feel a little uncomfortable. Especially after that whole Caramel incident.

I walked up to the bartender, she was a simple looking earth pony mare with curly blond hair and bright orange eyes and a blue coat. Her ears weren’t the only things pierced on her face. She smiled and said, “What can I get you, hun?”

“Information,” I said firmly. “Do you know a Mayflower?”

“‘Course I know her,” She said, sliding over a drink to another customer. “She comes here often enough, and I saw her on TV this morning. Caused quite a stir in Hicksville.”

Again, not my name for it.

“You believe what she’s spouting out?” I asked more out of curiosity.

“No I don’t,” She said, shaking her head. “She’s been spouting out that garbage since we’ve met. I mean, stallions are a pain I get that. But she’s not asking for equality, she’s asking for role reversal. Essentially making all stallions our bitches.”

I’m sure one bespeckled mare could’ve put that more, colorfully.

“You ever talk to her?” I asked. “About her personal life?”

“Well, when you own a bar, you don’t get much of a choice. Ponies love spouting out their life stories or troubles with this or that marefriend. Why are you curious anyways?” She asked, wiping a mug clean with a rag.

“Let’s just say I’m real curious about how she could be connected to this Black Widow business.”

Suddenly everypony stopped and looked at me. It appears I said a trigger word. The bartender looked to me with a smile and said. “You are curious about her too? You a reporter or something trying to smear old Widow?”

“Just trying to find the truth,” I said firmly. “I’m not here to start a debate, just to make sure that Mayflower can’t use her bullshit anymore.”

“Ya got guts,” She said with a smile, and then held up her hoof. Everypony went back to what they were doing. You don’t argue with a bartender I guess. “Let me clue you in though, Mayflower has been trying to find Widow for years, ever since she was in diapers.”

“She has? What for?” I asked.

“Happened ever since her old horse left,” She said. “Left her, her brother and her mother all by their lonesome. She never told me whether he ran off with some mare half his age or simply got tired of family life. But one thing I do know is that she started hating stallions ever since then.”

“Talk about daddy issues,” I said to myself. “Do you know where I can find her brother and mother?”

“Well, her brother works for a trading factory over in Princess County, heard it from her one time. Don’t know where her mother is though. Apparently she got herself put in some kind of old pony’s home.” She replied.

“Could you give me an address for the factory?” I asked.

She smiled. “I’ll get the phonebook.”


Perspective: Dusk Shine

Sitting outside a filly bar close to Manehatten University wasn’t my idea of a good time. Though, I will admit I watched the students off at the college with some envy. Ah the mostly carefree life of a student. If I hadn’t been accepted into the CSFGU, I might have ended up here, after preliminary schooling.

“Whaz with that bitch!” I heard a very familiar voice shout.

I turned to find...Raiden!?

Raiden, I haven’t seen him in months. Not since that whole murder at the Wonderbolt Academy. This was where was he this whole time!? How could he just break things off with Rainbow like that?! She was devastated!

He certainly didn’t look good. His black and yellow mane was messier than ever. His wings looked like they haven’t been preened in weeks, and he looked wobbly. He was probably intoxicated.

“That bitstch, that Lighting Du-hic!.” He was definitely drunk.

Wait, Lightning Dust?

“You mean to tell me you’ve been seeing Lightning Dust?!” I yelled.

“Whaddya know ya, nerd.” He said, giving me a weak shove. “Her and I, shes, shes fun, not like Rainblow who alwaish had tah yammer on and on about responsibility and whatever. Shesish a bitch too.”

Remain calm Dusk, you can handle this in a mature and positive way.

“Then that bitsh Lightning Dusth said I washint good enough. She tooks all my money andish, left me *hic* dry….”

“And of course the first thing you do is drown yourself in alcohol.” I said, with an eye roll.

“Ya wanna fight with me, nerd?” He said, putting up his hooves. “I’ll takish you…”

“Look I don’t have time for this,” I said, firmly.

“Hey, whoish thats..?” He said, looking past me.

I turned and saw...oh no he’s not…

That would be my mare friend!” I glowered at him.

“Aw comeon, ya can share…” He said with that stupid grin of his.

I levitated a lead pipe from the alley...and did something I’ve honestly wanted to do since the day I met him.


“Mah tenders…” Raiden squeaked as I chucked him into the alleyway, right into a dumpster.

MAN that felt good!

“Dusk?” Pru said as she came around. “Were you talking to somepony?”

“Oh no,” I said, smiling. “Just some jerk who thought he could get me to share you.”

She smiled, wow...she’s really...cute when she smiles. “It’s... sweet how protective you can be.”

I felt my cheeks flushing and… weird I feel very warm. Maybe we can forget about the case for five minutes and just find a motel and… NO! Bad Dusk brain! No thinking stuff like that!

Pruena let out a giggle. “Oh my gosh you were thinking dirty thoughts weren’t you?”

“No I wasn’t!” I yelled defensively. “I was just thinking you were really cute when you smiled and, I... just was, admiring that fact and...oh my gosh I feel like such an idiot right now.”

“Not an idiot,” Pruena said, putting a hoof on my chest. “Just... a stallion. You haven’t had the years spent putting down thoughts like that, so, you are prone to thinking dirty things about me.”

“Was that a roundabout way of calling me a pervert?” I asked.

“All stallions are perverts, some more than others. Anypony who says otherwise is a mare, a gelding, or lying through their teeth,” Pruena said. “Now come on, let’s track down a brother.”

As she walked by I couldn’t help but notice her tail was swishing a little…

NO bad pervert thoughts!


Perspective: Pruena Oculia

The smell of sawdust, and resin hung heavy in the air, as stallions, and some strong mares, moved about with the supreme grace of a team that has worked together for years. Boxes lined the shelves, stamped with destinations, ready to be shipped out on trading vessels to far-off lands. Hammers pounded, piecing together the crates that would soon house the fine wares of Equestria. Unicorns carefully packed delicate items in straw to prevent breakage, before the lids were nailed in place, and they received their destination stamps. All in all it was a very busy place.

Dusk and I walked in, visitors passes around our necks. It was rather simple getting in, we just had to say we were reporters and they let us in.

Though from the exasperated look the guard had, we weren’t the first.

We came over to see a young earth pony stallion with a brown mane that was covered by a hardhat, a muddy brown coat and blue eyes that read over a clipboard.

“Ahem, August Breeze?” I asked.

He turned to us, and sighed. “Look, I’m not going to answer questions about my sister. I have enough of you yahoos pounding on my door as is. Most of them stallions hoping to get ‘the real story’ or some kind of crap.”

“You certainly seem like you’ve been having a rough day,” Dusk pointed out.

“I’ve been having a rough life bub.” He said with a frown on his face. “My mother’s in East Brooks, my sister is out trying to cause trouble, and my marefriend won’t stop nagging me about some jewelry she lost.”

“Is there anything you can tell us?” I asked. “This could really help perform damage control.”

He sighed. “Look, you two seem like a alright sorts. So, I’ll tell you what I told the other reporters. Mayflower and I have been together with our mother for years after Dad left. Everything was fine until she went up to the attic one day and just went nuts.”

“What was in the attic?” I asked.

“I dunno,” He answered, “I just remember her dragging this big old trunk full of stuff outside one day and lighting it on fire. When I asked why she just said, ‘it’s garbage’. Then she started this whole business of trying to start her Mares for justice crap.”

“When she was a kid?” Dusk asked.

“Yeah, I tried to get her out of it but she was dead set on ‘making stallions pay’ or something.” He sighed hopelessly. “I’m just a factory worker, trying to make a good enough living to buy a ring for my marefriend.”

“You guys are thinking of marriage?” I asked, trying not to get too excited about a potential couple to me-I mean, help with.

“Yeah,” He said with a smile, “She’s a nurse that works part time at the old folks home where my mom is. She’s amazing, talented, smart, and very dedicated to our relationship.”

“Do you know where we can find her? She may be able to help us.” I asked.

“Well, by now she’s working at the old folks home, I’m sure she’ll be able to help you guys. Now if you both will excuse me, I got work to do.” He then went back to his job.

I looked over at Dusk as soon as we were out of earshot. “I know East Brooks, I used to pass by there on my way to school.” I said quietly.

“We’d better head there, something tells me we’ll find something at that old folks home.” Dusk said.

“Did I ever tell you that you look good when you take charge?” I said with a smile.

“Aw, come on Pru..” He blushed and rubbed the back of his head with a hoof. Oh my gosh he was so cute when he was embarassed I…

Come on Pruena, focus on the case! You can oogle your coltfriend later!

Thankfully I remember a shortcut.


Normally cutting across alleyways was a bad idea. But we were in a hurry and this was the best way to get uptown quickly. Dusk walked nervously beside me as we passed through the alleyway. It was dark, with very little light, the buildings claustrophobically close. Trash had spilled from a nearby garbage can from where a stray cat had knocked it over looking for food.

“Pru, you sure it’s safe here?” He asked.

“Dusk I’ve been walking these streets since I was four, I can handle it,” I said firmly. “Plus, I remembered to bring Blackhawk along this time.” I gestured to my gun holster.

“It’s times like these when I’m amazed you survived a city like this.” Dusk said with a shake of his head.

“Well, not all cities are like Canterlot where everything is cleaned with toothbrushes.” I said with a laugh.

“I guess that’s true,” He said, and then he stopped, “Hey do you hear something?”


I pulled Dusk down as a bullet went into a nearby wall. I heard a female voice shout, “Don’t move! I know who you two are! Hand over the pendent!”

“Go to hell!” I yelled, turning around and pulling out Blackhawk. Standing there was an earth pony cloaked in black, a gun was inside her mouth. It distorted her voice a little as she spoke around it.

I tried to shoot at her but she beat me to the punch. She grazed me on the cheek. She wasn’t the best shot, but she seemed desperate.

“I won’t ask again!” She yelled. “Give me the pendent!”

“What pendent?!” I asked, keeping Blackhawk trained on her. Dusk stood still beside me, he didn’t dare try a magical trick while we were at a standoff.

“Don’t play dumb with me!” She yelled. “I know you are working for the police! Probably that fool Private Eye! Now hand over that pendent or I will shoot!”

Could she be talking about that pendent I found at the crime scene…?

“GIVE IT TO ME!!” She screamed and fired again. The bullet came sailing toward me. I tried to dodge but…



“DUSK!” I yelled as Dusk took the bullet for me. That idiot! No!

I bent over Dusk as I heard the mare run away. I could catch her...stop her, whoever she is…

No! Dusk needs me right now!

Dusk held the bleeding wound on his chest and looked up at me, he smiled and said, “You, made this look so easy.”

“What were you thinking!?” I yelled at him. “I could’ve easily dodged that bullet! You could’ve been killed!”

He kept his smile, reached up with a hoof and pulled me into a kiss. I felt, butterflies in my stomach. I felt lighter than air, I wanted to dance from here to Bridalway. Dusk…

He gazed at me for a long while and said, “I was thinking, somepony was trying to hurt the mare I loved, I couldn’t have that...ever.”

I blinked tears that started coming from my eyes, I wiped them off and started to lift him up. “Come on, I know a clinic that can help us, and she won’t ask too many questions.”

Dusk, took a bullet for me…

I’m the biggest fool in the world for letting that happen…

But...the kiss was really nice…

I love my Dusk...