> Equestria Noir Season 2 Case 11 "On a Cross and Bullet" > by Jacoboby1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 "Black Widow" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equestria Noir 2 Case 11 “On a Cross and Bullet” By Jacoboby1 Chapter 1 “Black Widow” “I just can’t believe how stubborn you are about this!” Twilight yelled at me. “It’s not a big deal Twilight, you just make it out to be!” I yelled back. Twilight and I had been arguing for a while, now in the middle of the library. Naturally, when you have two ponies living together, there isn’t, always, going to be sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes arguments break out… Only this one was… kinda over-the-top, considering the subject. As you would expect from a library inside a giant oak tree, it was circular, and filled with books. Naturally the walls and shelves were all made out of wood, what it being carved from a tree and all. The central table with it’s ornate horse head still stood there, in silent witness to our argument. I would imagine that our voices could be heard even outside the tree. Twilight glared at me, and pointed to the mystery novel laying on the table, open. “If you leave books open like this, the glue on the spines is going to crack, and they won’t close properly anymore.” “I was going to come back to it,” I said for the twelfth time. “If you wouldn’t be such a stickler for shelf organization this wouldn’t be a big deal.” “It’s not about shelf organization, Private!” Twilight snapped back. “It’s about making sure the books are well cared for! This is a library, and other ponies may want to read the books, after you have read them! Use a bookmark for Celestia’s sake!” “I don’t need a bookmark if I’m moving away for two seconds to go and add something to a case file,” I snapped back. “You’re just such a neat freak!” “I am not!” She yelled back. I frowned, and my horn glowed silver, I moved two books from the shelf and put them in the other’s place. Twilight looked about ready to kill at that point. “Now you’re just being a jerk!” “No, I’m showing my point!” I yell back. “You think you’re right all the time do you! You just won’t admit that you’re wrong!” Twilight yelled back at me. “I’m not that arrogant anymore!” I yelled. “You just are such a stickler for details. Probably more so than Rarity!” “Oh don’t you bring my friends into this!” Twilight yelled. “We’re already in it.” Before I could look a lasso was thrown around me, and Twilight was pulled away by Rarity and Rainbow. Applejack yanked me back and I glared up at her. She glared back at me, “Now Ah dun wanna hear ya two fightin. We could hear ya from outside.” “Yes, darlings, it is healthy for individuals to argue, but at some point we had to put our hooves down.” Rarity said. “But he-” “But she-” Fluttershy was the one who got between us, she looked at us firmly. “No more fighting you two. You both love each other very much and shouldn’t let fighting get like this.” Twilight and I sighed. We knew we were wrong if even Fluttershy was calling us out on it. I looked at Twilight. “I’ll use a bookmark from now on.” “I’ll try not to be such a neat freak and nag,” Twilight said. “Geez, I can’t believe you two would get hung up on something as stupid as that.” Rainbow said. “Hey, have you guys notice we’re one head short?” Twilight said. “Usually Pinkie would b-” Suddenly the door burst open, Pinkie was standing there. “Privy! Twily! There are police over by the abandoned old house!” She said quickly. “I was on my way to Sugarcube corner to get some cake for the Cake’s birthdays. That was when I saw the police there, I walked up to one and said, “Hi mister! What’s up!”. He looked at me and said, “This is a crime scene civilians are not allowed!” I then said, “I’ll go get Private then! He’s a detective who can really really help!”. So I zoomed over here! Maybe I should run in the leaves next year!” Twilight and I looked at each other. “Looks like we have our case.” I said. ________________________________________________________ The house, according to AJ, had once belonged to a group of merchants that came by during a booming harvest. They moved out a few decades ago, and nobody has ever bothered to use the house. Nightmare Night would see it transformed into a cheap haunted house but that was the extent of it’s purpose in Ponyville. It was a typical Ponyville house, with cream colored stucco, wood trim framed the upper storey and windows and pink planter boxes hung from some of them, and there was the usual hay thatch roof that most of Ponyville’s houses possessed. Police ponies were swarming the place, now, though, so apparently something happened, there. Twilight and I trotted up to the police line. We found Yang standing there, she smiled at us. “Well, if it isn’t the princess and detective. Your town seems to attract all the juicy cases apparently,” she said in good cheer. “It’s good to see you Yang,” I said. “So, can we come in?” “Well, good ol Insight hasn’t assigned a detective to the case yet,” Yang said. “This one’s, a bit interesting.” “How so?” Twilight asked. “Because this victim is very high profile,” Yang said. “You all remember Judge Gavel from the papers?” “Of course, who hasn’t?” I replied. “He was a scumbag judge who had an affair with a mare half his age. It was all over the papers, news stations, and especially the tabloids.” “And the mare’s identity was never disclosed,” Twilight said. “But this was months ago, back when Private and I were on our honeymoon.” “What’s a big city judge doing in small town Ponyville?” I asked. “Probably hoping to get away from bad press,” The yellow pony said with a shake of her head. “He’s been moving from place to place over the last few months according to our sources. Finally stopped here about two days ago.” “Let’s have a look at the place then,” I said, ducking my head under the police tape and entering the interior. Twilight followed along as I stepped inside. Thanks to the light colored stucco, the place was not too dark. Wood was the main material used flooring and trim, and it made the place look rather cosy. Arched windows let light into the room and while there was no furniture, I couldn’t help but wonder why the house has been abandoned for all this time. It was, to be honest, quite the nice little house. If I wasn’t living with Twilight, I’d have probably taken up residence, here. Too bad it was swarming with uniforms scanning every inch. I looked up to see a chalked outline of the victim on the wall. I looked over and saw Forceps was kneeling over the body as it was covered with a blanket. The old timer looked up at me. “Got a real big one for you this time, Private.” “What do we have?” I asked, coming over. “You may not want to lift the blanket, it’s not pretty,” Forceps said with a shake of his head. “Okay, I’ll trust you on this one,” I said. If Forceps said it was bad, I was eager to agree with him. “So what can you tell me.” “Cause of death was getting stabbed twice in the chest,” Forceps replied. “Stiff was stabbed one more time post mortem, and uh, how do I put this?” “Forceps, we can handle it, we’ve seen worse,” Twilight said firmly. “Okay,” Forceps said nervously. He took a breath and said, “His bits are off.’ “As in, he’s a gelding now,” I said, blinking. “No, he’s a gelding stiff,” Forceps said. “But, who would do something like that?” Twilight asked. “It seems so, morbid.” “It is, and that’s why we’re hoping to keep it quiet,” Forceps said. “We do have his belongings over there.” He pointed over to a set of items laid out. Something about this whole case seemed more than a little familiar though. Where have I heard this M.O. before…? I put it out of my mind, and walked over to the items. I looked at the first one, the victim’s wallet. I opened it up and saw the money was still inside, along with a license that identified the victim. “No money was stolen, so this wasn’t a random hit. Then again, Gavel’s new gelding status could attest to that,” I said to myself. I looked at the second item and saw it was technically two items now. It was a picture, torn right down the middle. I looked at the picture. It depicted a younger Judge Gavel and his wife, Tender Mercy. They were smiling, happy. “Probably from the early days,” I said to myself. “Back before everything went straight to hell.” I came to the last item, it was a simple pendent, a little sapphire shaped like a heart. “That got caught on one of the loose boards as the killer was probably making a run for it.” Forceps said. I looked back up at the old dark stallion. “Any idea of a time of death?” I asked. “I’d say around midnight, judging from the body temperature.” Forceps said. “Any sign of the murder weapon?” I asked. “Any idea what it could be?” “If I had to guess,” Forceps said, rubbing his chin with a hoof. “I’d say it was a kitchen knife, judging by how the cuts were formed and how deep the wound was. But honestly it could be a really sharp pair of scissors for all I know.” “Any way we can contact Tender Mercy?” I asked. “We already did, about an hour ago, we brought her by train over here to Ponyville’s detention center. Didn’t want to make a huge fuss over it to attract the oh so magnificent press,” Forceps said with a shake of his head. “You guys don’t think she did it, do you?” Twilight asked. “Right now, we need to at least clear her up as a suspect,” I replied. “But I’ve got a feeling in my gut that there’s something bigger going on.” “Doesn’t it always?” Twilight asked with a smile. “Well, you wouldn’t want our lives to get boring now would you?” ______________________________________________________ Tender Mercy’s profile said she was fifty years old. Looking at her now, she looked far older than that. She sat in the interrogation room, looking around a little. She may have been a beauty at one time but those looks have long since passed. Her mane was silver, tied back in a bun. Her coat was a soft baby blue and her eyes were a darker shade of blue. She was also wearing a dress with long sleeves that practically covered her from the neck down. She held her purse as I came in. “Mrs. Mercy?” I said, gently. “Where is my husband?” She asked, her voice quivering a little. “I need to see him.” “Your husband’s body will be given back once the investigation is over with,” I said, keeping my voice gentle and calm. She looked about two steps away from breaking out in tears. “Oh, Gavel,” She said with a sigh. “It’s so sad to see him pass.” “Even after he cheated on you with mare half your age?” I asked. She looked up and looked a bit frantic. “I already told the police, I had nothing to do with his death! Gavel and I talked about the affair, everything is fine! It really is!” I gave her a look and said, “Could you, roll up one of your sleeves for me?” “What kind of request is that?” She said, looking very nervous. “Please,” I said firmly. She looked very reluctant, but knowing she was backed into a corner, she gently pulled up the sleeves on one of her legs. The bruises along her leg were very visible and down right awful to look at. Along her baby blue coat was dark blotches that looked almost a day old. Some of the more faded ones looked like they healed over a length of time. I closed my silver eyes. “He abused you.” She slowly nodded, “I, we were in love when we were married,” She said firmly. “But, as we got older, Gavel, changed. He started drinking, getting very stressed from work, and after our children grew up and left, he started taking his anger out on me.” “Why didn’t you divorce him then?” I asked firmly. “You had every right to, especially after the affair.” She looked down and said softly, “I, hoped that maybe I could change him. Get him back to the way he used to be, so happy and loving. But, last night he left before dinner. He told me he had important business to do. I didn’t argue with him.” I’m guessing because arguing at this point is the reason some of those bruises exist… “Were you at home all of last night?” I asked. She nodded slowly, “Yes, I never left my house and my neighbors can testify to that. I had no idea, that I would never see my poor Gavel again…” At that point, she broke out into sobs. ___________________________________________________________ “How can mares want to stay with monsters like Gavel?” I asked Twilight as we sat in the lobby of the detention center. We were waiting for Forceps to process Gavel’s body. “You heard what she said.” Twilight replied. “She hoped she could change him. Though, I wonder though, if she should’ve stuck around. Especially with the affair.” “Her alibi checks out though,” I said firmly. “I called the neighbors and they did see Gavel leave last night, but not Tender.” “But the way this was done,” Twilight said, “this had to have been by somepony who had a vendetta against Gavel.” “He was a pretty fair judge back in his day,” I said. “I don’t think he had any enemies I could think of. I even asked Tender after she was done sobbing, he said he wasn’t threatened recently by anypony.” Suddenly I saw some uniforms about to run outside, “Hey what’s going on?” I asked. “There are some protesters outside,” One of them said. “We’re ready to make sure there isn’t going to be trouble.” Twilight and I looked at each other. Unless Madam Mayor was being ousted from office because Ponyville was monster attack hot spot number one I don’t think there is any real cause for protest. Twilight and I both went outside to investigate. There was shouting coming from the town center. Everypony from town had gathered around to see what all the fuss was about. Standing in front of town hall were a large group of mares. All of them shouting and holding up signs. I caught a glimpse of some of the, rather disturbing messages. Down with Stallion oppressors! Black Widow for Justice! Freedom for Mares! At the head of the rally, standing on the Town Hall’s front steps, was a young, light green coated earth pony mare with a long brown mane. Her sea blue eyes were behind a pair of glasses. She held a megaphone to her lips and shouted. “My sisters! Black Widow has returned for the first time in twenty years! Now is the time for us to cast aside the oppressive attitudes of stallions! No longer will they hold us mares back while disgusting, abusive stallions like Gavel get to run free and rut whoever they want! The Black Widow is behind us and saw that justice was finally given! Let it be known now, that the Mares for True Equality are to have our voices finally heard! For Justice!” The mares around her began to chant along with her. This...was going to be interesting... > Chapter 2 "Mayflower" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 “Mayflower” The green coated mare continued to shout into her megaphone as more ponies gathered to see what the commotion was. “Our noble, wonderful ruler Princess Celestia is the leader of our country, our people! Yet, who are the ones that rule in society at large!? The stallions that’s who! Judge Gavel had an affair, was a scum at home and he got away with it! But there was one mare who had enough! One mare who finally said enough was enough! Back after nearly a quarter decade is the Black Widow!” It, can’t be...no it’s impossible. “Private, do you know who the Black Widow is?” Twilight asked me. “She was active way before my time,” I replied. “She was a serial killer who targeted abusive husbands way back in the day. Fenlock told me they never caught her.” “But how could she be active again?” Twilight said, shaking her head. “She’d have to be at least in her late fifties by now.” “They never figured out who she was,” I said, “For all we know she could’ve been a teenager.” “Who she is,” The mare yelled to interupt me. “Is a mare who stands by justice and true equality! She was tired of some old stallions in Canterlot deciding what to do! So she took action! As should every mare worth her salt! When was the last time you truly had a say in your relationships with stallions! The answer is never! All stallions would have us be are housewives, servants, or whores!” “That’s not true!” I heard Thunderlane yell. “You’re crazy lady! We don’t treat our mares like slaves!” “Oh typical stallion back talk,” The mare said with a roll of her eyes. “But you can’t ignore what I’m saying that society needs to change. We mares should be the ones on top, not a bunch of close-minded stallions who always think with their nethers!” “What kind of crap is that!” Caramel shouted. “Get off the stand lady!” “Another stallion trying to close off the voice of truth I see! I’m sure you’d love to go running back to your little hole to gaze at that disgusting porn that sees mares treated like objects! Or better yet, go to the nearest movie theatre!” Some of the mares I could tell were giving looks towards the stallions, for all her babbling about mares being on top...she did have some good arguments against how many would treat wives, daughters and friends. She had the right to protest, but she didn’t have the right to stand there and insult ponies left and right. I pushed my way through the crowd and used my magic to part the protestors to get at the mare. “Ma’am, I’m Detective Private Eye, the one in charge of Gavel’s case at the moment.” She stuck her nose up in front of me. “Mayflower, head of the Mares for True Justice organization. I trust you can agree that Gavel’s death was perfectly justified.” “How did you learn about the murder so quickly?” I asked. “He was only discovered this morning.” “You’d be surprised what mares hear when stallions think they don’t have ears,” She spat at me. I narrowed my silver eyes. “I’m also going to have to ask you and your posse here to clear out. Everypony here has business to do and I’m sure they don’t appreciate you harassing them all day.” She knew better than to argue with the local law it seemed. “Fine, but after you answer a question oh so great detective. You agree with us that the Black Widow was right to slay that abominable stallion Gavel, correct?” I answered probably quicker than I should, “No, she was not right to kill him. Gavel was scum, sure. But murder is never justifiable unless under extreme circumstances.” She yelled back into her megaphone. “Spoken like a true stallion that believes that so long as a stallion doesn’t break the law he’s more than right to do as he pleases to his wife! Including beat and abuse her!” This caused a shock and a stir throughout the crowd. I can’t believe I walked right into this one! She used my own words as a trap! The crowd started to disperse, several inhabitants outright arguing with one another. She shouted into her megaphone again, “Any who wish to aid in the Mares for True Justice is more then welcome to stop by the community center!” At least I know where to find her later… What a mess… ___________________________________________________________ Perspective: Cadence Oh this is going to be so exciting! Twilight has no idea I’m coming for a surprise visit! It’s one of the few days I get to truly be off from royal duties. Especially with the Equestria Games coming up. I hope Shiny can handle things. Of course he can, Twilight is his sister after all. Plus Ran’sea is looking after Skyla, oh they adore each other it’s so wonderful! I wish I could’ve brought her with me, Spike would’ve been happy to see her again. But, she also has her duties as ambassador to deal with. I was on the usual train to Ponyville, with it’s pastel colored cars, and pink engine. The whole thing looked like it was some kind of confection. The car right after the engine looked like either a cupcake or a muffin, and the rest of the cars looked like they were created with pastel fondant… Great. Now I’ve got to stop by Sugarcube Corner, when I get to Ponyville... Much… quieter than the Crystal Train, to be honest, despite difference in speed, the Crystal Train being much faster but dear stars the noise that thing made. There was no need to scare everypony within a three mile radius. I looked on as Ponyville came into view. I smiled, there was so much to love about here. The clean air, the small town atmosphere, the lovely po… Wait...why do I feel so woozy...who turned off all the love…? Oh boy… _______________________________________________________ Perspective: Private Eye I sat at my desk as Twilight stood beside me. I opened the file on the Black Widow. I had to call in a few favors to get my hooves on it from the detention center. I opened the file to showcase numerous profiles, possible suspects and leads that ultimately led nowhere. “Black Widow, her first killing was almost three decades ago. Her first victim was a noble named Stock Exchange, his wife, Trade Exchange had recently divorced him on accounts of obsession and several counts of abuse.” Twilight looked over the file more, “He was found dead, in the same way that Gavel was, stabbed in the chest several times, and then made into a gelding post mortem.” “Can I just say how insanely disgusting that is,” I said. “Yes, it is, it was definitely cruel and, very gross,” Twilight said, shaking her head. “Of course the police suspected his wife for the murder,” I added, “She had lost her normal lifestyle thanks to the pre nup. But, they couldn’t find evidence to directly point to her.” “Two years later, another victim,” Twilight said. “This time a common husband named Grease Wheel. He was a former mechanic who lost his job after his boss caught him drinking. He took his anger out on his wife and kids.” “Then, two weeks after his wife was ready to sign divorce papers, he was found dead in the same fashion,” I said. “Same circumstances, two vastly different victims.” “Victim number three,” Twilight went on, “was another noble, a stallion named Transport, the head of a shipping industry who as it turns out, was, oh my gosh he was keeping mares in a dungeon beneath his home, torturing and abusing them.” “It is sick,” I said. “The Black Widow had her next victim, the dungeon was discovered after his death.” “These murders were spread all over the five years she was active,” Twilight said. “And you’re saying that after ten killings she was never caught?” “What’s stranger is that she’s active now, twenty five years after she suddenly vanished off the map,” I said, closing the file. “But all these victims were total scumbags.” Twilight said, looking out the window. “Part of me wonders if, maybe they really deserved it.” “Don’t try to put things in narrow scope Twilight.” I said, “Otherwise you end up like Mayflower-” CRASH! Both of us looked out the window suddenly Outside Derpy’s home was Caramel, the teenager looking up as Sparkler began throwing things out of the second floor. Twilight and I went outside just as a collection of records crashed onto the ground below. Caramel glared angrily up at Sparkler. “Those were collectables!” “Well maybe next time you shouldn’t think of asking me if we should see other ponies!” Sparkler shouted down at him. “I knew you were a ladies colt, Caramel! I didn’t know you were a pig!” “You can’t seriously be listening to that bitch, Mayflower, now are you!” Caramel shouted upwords. “Whatever she says, it doesn’t matter!” Sparkler said, chucking out the record player. “I’m doing this because I hate even the very idea that we were dating! So take your crap and get out!” the record player subsequently crashed onto the records, shutting them to pieces. Sparkler slammed her window shut as Caramel grumbled, “Lousy no good bitch, making Sparkler doubt me…” Twilight and I looked around, almost all across town, couples were arguing. Mayflower has definitely caused a stir here. “I’m just saying Thunderlane!” Cloudchaser yelled above me. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t always oggle my flank every single time we fly together!” “How can you ask me not too?!” Thunderlane yelled back. “Your the one who’s putting it up in the air!” I couldn’t believe it when I saw Spike running after Rarity. “Come on Rarity! Talk to me! I promise not to track mud into the store again!” Rarity just stood her nose in the air and trotted onwards. My jaw dropped when Fluttershy had her back to Big Mac. “I’m not talking to you until you say we can put up bird houses in the trees.” “We can’t shy! Cuz Ah’ll buck im!” Big Mac implored. “Well maybe you and the rest of your family shouldn’t be so cruel to animals!” Fluttershy said, crossing her hooves. Big Mac face hoofed, “Not tha Fruit Bats again…” The area was practically exploding with stallions arguing with mares. Though, Lyra and Bon Bon were still sitting on the bench, not a care in the world. I guess they don’t have much to argue… “You know, you could stop going into the woods for human hunting,” Bon Bon said. Damn it… Twilight whispered in my ear, “We probably should check up on Forceps before things get really ugly.” I agreed with Twilight and we made our way to the morgue. ______________________________________________ “Well there’s not much I can tell you, sonny,” Forceps said, looking over the body of Gavel. “Did get an accurate time of death. He was killed at midnight.” “I figured as much.” I said, whilst Twilight stood beside me. “Anything you can tell us about what the weapon could be?” “The incisions of this stab wound,” He gestured with a pointer held by his magic. “Indicate that the weapon was about as long as your average kitchen knife. You know, the big ones.” “Did you get hair off him?” Twilight asked. “I did manage to snag this little beauty.” He said, holding up a long strand of brown hair in a plastic bag. “Found some on his chest, probably from our killer.” I took the bag and pocketed it. “We’ll take it back to Twilight’s lab and analyze it. Thankfully we managed to get some gear moved there to help analyze DNA finally.” “Hey, those quills aren’t cheap you know.” Twilight said. Once again, putting her precious studies over real work…. I shook the thought off and Twilight and I made our way to walk to the library. ______________________________________________________ Perspective: Cadence What… happened here? They’re all arguing, even those in long-time established relationships! I’d swear Discord had a claw in this, if I didn’t know he off checking on something out on the edge of Equestria. What he was doing way out there is… a question best left unanswered. This is wrong, though, seriously seriously wrong. Sure arguments broke out between the most loving of couples, but… this is just outrageous! All right. I’m going to break out the big guns, and fix this. Time to get your war face on, Cadence, ‘cause you’re going to be a warrior of love! I checked in to my hotel, and unpacked my bags for any needed supplies. I tied my hair back with a red head band, marked my face with a pair of black streaks right under my eyes, and hefted a pair of amplification guns I had made for just such an emergency. Let’s do this! _____________________________________________________________ Perspective: Private Eye Geez, it’s sounds like a war zone up there. And was that a battle cry? I sure hope that the guards don’t have to come down to sort everything out. I could almost swear I was hearing some kind of gunfire… But that’s silly… Or is it? I wasn’t about to go up, and take a bullet, to find out. In the meantime, I was in Twilight’s laboratory. An odd collection of scientific equipment, including a huge cerebral examination machine she had used on Pinkie while studying Pinkie Sense, took up a good portion of the Library’s basement. Adding to the clutter was the latest in portable DNA testing gear, which was a wonder of magitech in and of itself. And quite expensive, too, from what I hear. I am, however, quite glad we’ve got it, now. “To think, all this trouble because some stallion thought he could abuse a pony who loved him,” Twilight said as she performed DNA tests. “I just can’t believe I fell for Mayflower’s trap,” I said, “Using my words like that against me, what a jerk.” “You know,” Twilight said, looking back at me. “It wouldn't’ have happened if you didn’t feel the need to stand up and put her down like some judge.” “Don’t tell me you’re agreeing with her.” I said. “Of course I’m not agreeing with her,” Twilight said. “I’m just saying you sometimes think that you have to a bigger show off than Rainbow.” “Oh, so now it’s my fault everypony else is fighting?” I say, turning back to her. “No, but you certainly started putting things to the flame! I was about ready to stop her, and politely tell her to please take her business elsewhere, but nooo! You had to go and get up on your high horse again and prove once again that Private Eye knows all and is still an idiot at times!” “At least I don’t obsess over every little thing. Or maybe if you’re not satisfied with me you should get that time spell and go back and marry Starswirl! You certainly seem to agree with everything he says!” “Oh, you did not just diss Starswirl…” Twilight growled. “Tough talk coming from the guy who worships a show that was only on for thirteen episodes and to be honest, I never saw the appeal of it!” Oh, she did not diss Firebird… Things...exploded from there. ________________________________________________________ Perspective: Cadence I think I did some good… I hope… The love is definitely going back up in town. I hope, the love chain gun wasn’t too excessive. I stood in the town square panting, and looking at the couples recovering from my… slight… rampage. Well, at least they were all too busy making up and out to see my rampage. Okay, maybe I overdid it, but, I had to do something, and my magic wasn’t going to be enough. I wiped off the war paint, teleported the arsenal back to my room, and ran a brush through my hair using the fountain as a mirror. Now I could enjoy my surprise visit with Twilight… Heh. Some surprise. I practically screamed from the rooftops that I was here. I trotted happily over to the library door and was about to knock when I heard voices from the inside. Arguing again…? Oh geez, at least it’s just one couple that I can fire my love spell at. I opened the door and found out the voices were coming from the basement. Wow, it’s really intense. I walked down the stairs and into Twilight’s laboratory to find...Private..and Twilight...fighting...not again… “What’s so great about Starswirl anyways?! I can grow a beard just fine!” Private yelled. “It’s more than the beard! And just because a show was taken off the air too early doesn’t automatically make it great!” Twilight yelled back. “Maybe you’d like Larksooong to watch it with you!” “What does she have anything to do with this?!” Private yelled. “Oh she told me about how you visited her during cases!” Twilight yelled back. "Oh like you're so perfect! Let's forget how you and Flash were an item!" "I was having my memory messed with!" "Lark and I aren't seeing each other anymore!" "Well you can't ask me to keep ignoring that somepony else was with you!" “Figures a mare would freak out for no reason!” Private yelled. “Figures a stallion would be too stupid to understand!” Twilight fired back. Alright, that’s it, I’ve had enough of this...time to bring out the biggest gun I had in terms of love fixing….My horn glowed bright blue, and I fired the spell at both of them- Ka-ZAP ___________________________________________________ Perspective: ??? Uggh, what was that? It felt like a carriage ran over me twenty times. I feel so...light.. Wait...why does my narration sound like the female version of Commander Armstrong from Mare Effect? And...when did my mane get so long…? I climbed to my hooves, and walked unsteadily towards a mirror and… “AIIEEEEE!!!!!” > Chapter 3 "Pruena Oculia and Dusk Shine" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 “Pruena Oculia and Dusk Shine” Perspective: ??? This was not happening! This was not happening! What the flying hell is going on here?! After I was finished screaming I stared at myself in the mirror. My basic coloring was still the same. I had a gray coat with brown mane and silver eyes. But… I was a mare! A… Huh… A darned good-looking mare at that. My mane was a bit longer, and softer, I had curves in all the right places, and naturally my muzzle was less blocky. I am looking good. But...why the hell am I a mare?! What happened?! I remember arguing with Twilight and there was this blast and then… “Twilight!” I shouted, covering my mouth after realizing how high my voice was. Oh my gosh, what if Twilight sees me like this? Will she still care for me? Will she want to leave me because she doesn’t swing towards mares? Oh my gosh what am I- “Private?” I heard a male voice say. I slowly turned around… I wasn’t the only one that was changed. Twilight was now a stallion and...a cute one at tha-what the hell! No! Stopit focus! He was still taller than average, with a purple coat, darker purple mane, and that characteristic magenta stripe. But his mane was shorter, and slightly messy, where Twilight’s was always cut in a simple straight-cut. His muzzle was blocky, and strong. He still seemed a touch effeminate, though, with graceful legs, and body. What a body, though… He had some muscle, and was nicely toned. I shook myself to get those thoughts out of my head. “Twilight!” I said urgently, “Thank goodness you’re okay!” “What happened?” She-I mean He said as he got to his hooves. “Last thing I remember was us...why is my voice sounding weird?” He asked, putting a hoof to his throat. “Uh,” I said, stepping aside so he could look at the mirror. He moved close to look at himself, his violet eyes went wide and he yelled too. Okay, I’m a mare now, so I should be the only one giving such high pitched yells… Both of us looked over to see Cadence filing her hoof. I came up to her, “Cadence, when did you get here?” “I was coming by for a surprise visit,” She said, “But, I find the town more chaotic than when Discord came by, and then I find you two arguing about so many things.” “Did you do this to us?” Twilight asked, coming up. “Why is it so hard to walk…?” “Uhh...that’s uh..little you,” I said, and then moved on. “Anyways, Cadence the jokes over, change us back!” Cadence shook her head, “Sorry, no can do.” “You can’t be serious!” Twilight yelled. “What spell did you use?!” “A spell I usually reserve only for the most dire of lovers quarrels,” Cadence says. “It’s a gender swapping spell, it allows you both to walk in the other’s hooves. Gain a little, perspective on some matters.” “Well can we save the life lesson for later?” I yelled at her. “I have a case to solve and I can’t do it while I have an extra x chromosome.” “Sorry, but the spell won’t wear off until twenty four hours have passed,” She replied. “You two are just going to have to put up with the changes.” I turned to Twilight. “You’re the expert on magic here! Make up a counter spell!” “I didn’t even know the spell existed!” He yelled back at me. “I can’t just zap you with my horn and expect results! For all I know, I could turn you into a breezie on accident!” “That’s certainly better than being stuck as a mare!” I yelled at him. Twilight was about to argue, when Cadence interrupted. “Pruena, arguing is what got you into this mess in the first place.” “Pruena?” I said, looking at the princess of love. “Well, you can’t go walking around saying your name is Private, that alone will cause trouble,” Cadence said, then she pointed at me. “So from now on, you are Pruena Oculia,” She then pointed at Twilight. “And you are Dusk Shine.” “Anyways, it doesn’t matter.” I said firmly, “I’ll be taking my leave thank you.” I began ascending the stairs. “Pri-I mean, Pruena wait!” Twi-I mean, Dusk said, following me. “You can’t go galloping outside in your trench coat and fedora! At least put something on to cover yourself!” “Fine, busybody…” I grumbled, levitating off my coat and hat, setting it on the rack. “Now, I’m going to be heading out.” “Where are we going?” Dusk asked. “You,” I said, poking him in his...no don’t focus on the chest Pru. “You are going to stay here. I will go around and try to solve the case. There will be far too many questions when everypony discovers there’s now a Prince of Equestria.” “Oh and you going out won’t cause a ruckus?” Dusk argued. “Unlike you Dusk, I know how to be subtle,” I said, galloping out the doorway and slamming it behind me. I let out a sigh, I hated arguing with him, but...he can just be so naggy! “I try and I try to be reasonable!” I grumbled as I trotted down the street. “But nooo! It’s always do this! Do that! This book needs to go there! This quill needs to be here! Oh? It’s off by a centimeter? Well then! Stop everything let’s fix it down to the most microscopic level!” As I passed Noteworthy, he suddenly started looking my way. Lily who was with him, slapped him for some reason. What was that about? I don’t stick out that much do I? I hated walking without my trench coat, I felt so...naked. I don’t know how everypony can just strut around au naturale. I took some unorthodox means of getting towards my destination. In hindsight I should’ve snagged another coat to hide my...huh, my cutie mark hasn’t changed that much. Just a little smaller. I hope no one sees it and wonders whether Private Eye had a twin sister. I know Tailspin would have liked it. I snuck my way towards the door into the Violet Rose. I knew if I was going to get anything on Mayflower, I couldn’t go to the police directly. I had to go where they wouldn’t suspect I was a cop. Couldn’t call up Grimwing or Fenlock, they’d probably think I was pranking them. I came up to the door, and knocked. The door’s peephole opened and a stallion said, “Password..you look familiar…” I smiled and said, “Faust sent me, and I have a fairly generic face.” The stallion probably shrugged as he opened the door and let me inside… ________________________________________________________ Perspective: Dusk Shine I grabbed a coat to cover my wings, and stormed out. Of all the bloody stupid things to do, this had to be the dumbest! Private… uh… Pruena just had to go and storm out, thinking she could solve the case by herself! How reckless can you get?! She’s a mare, now, and everybody’s not so keen on mares, right this moment! Moon and stars above, this is reminding me of when we first started working together. Oh, what a time that was. I was constantly having to prove myself, and he -er- she was always so arrogant and sure of herself. She probably went looking around for information. Three guesses where she probably went to, that Violet Rose place. I mean, I know it’s a hot spot for information, but it always reminded me of her, that..I can’t be mad at her, she gave me her good graces and she’s not around anymore. But, even still! How can she do something so reckless- Ooof! I fell back after I crashed into somepony. I looked up to see Trixie, crap! She’ll see through my disguise an- “Watch where you are going, you were in Trixie’s way.” She said, glaring at me. Well, at least her pride keeps her brain from really investig..investig...gat… What the…? “Why are you drooling at Trixie?” She yelled. But, my head was distorting the words...she was...cute.. “Trixie…” She stared at me, “Trixie does not know, but, you remind me of somepony Trixie knows…” Trixie had a coltfriend? When did that happen? She suddenly put a hoof on my chest and said, “Trixie is not normally into stallions, but, you remind me so much of...her…” Right, Trixie’s into mares I forgot...but..why was she flirting with me...and why did I feel...wanting for her…? WHAT! NO! WHAT’S WRONG WITH ME I’M WITH PRI- I MEAN, PRUENA! I got up and said, “Oh sorry I’ll be leaving now bye!” I zoomed off away from Trixie. What the heck was that about? When I looked at Trixie everything was clouded, it was like I was… Helloooo Nurse! Smack! “Sorry Nurse Redheart! Please don’t take that the wrong way!” I yelled as she went off with a huff. What was wrong with me? Is this stallion instinct kicking in? Oh I hope Pruena isn’t mad… Oh that’s right, Pruena, why does she have to be so incredibly stubborn…. ____________________________________________________________ Perspective: Pruena Oculia The Violet Rose was more filled than usual. The bar was practically packed with stallions and mares ranting about this or that. The place looked like it came straight out of an old gangster movie. Dark, smokey, with a long, strong-looking bar at the back. Dark wood was the main material used, and the plaster walls had yellowed with age, and exposure to smoke. Small tables were bolted to the floor, with chairs that were too heavy for anybody but the strongest of unicorns or earth ponies to lift. The bartender was your typical jaded pony who’d seen and heard it all. All in all your typical dive bar. “Why dosh, she have tah be sooo, uptigtish?” Vinyl moaned. “I, can playish, the bassh when Iz wants!” Even same sex couples were having troubles it seems… Anyways, I needed to find a cop, cop...cop...AH HA! There was Hoof Dunnit, standing there with a really drunk looking Swarm… “Look, Swarm, have you been drinking?” Dunnit asked. “Be honest with me. I don’t know how alcohol affects changelings. Did Pinkie get upset at you too?” “Nah,” Swarm mumbled, his words slurred, “The opposite, she was so keen on makinish me happez, that she...put too much of the lovez...ins me…” Dunnit and I facehoofed at the same time. At least Pinkie isn’t going to leave the poor changeling anytime soon. Now, to get at Dunnit… “Um, excuse me.” I said. “I’ll let you lie down for a minute Swarm,” Dunnit said, helping the changeling to one of the booths. He then turned to me, “Can I help you ma’am?” “Yes,” I said. “I happen to be looking for information about the recent goings on.” He frowned at me, “Are you some kind of reporter or something?” “Just a,” I said, trying to think of a cover story, “Concerned citizen wondering why the town is in such disarray.” He narrowed his eyes at me and said, “Have we, met before?” “Oh, you must think I’m that detective, I get confused with him a lot,” I said, smiling. “Oookay,” He said skeptically. “If you say so. So, what do you want to know?” “Just anything you can about that Mayflower mare.” I said. “Yeah, she’s caused a right mess in this town.” Dunnit replied, “Chief is telling us to try and keep the case hush hush, but we can’t do that with Mayflower and her entourage praising the Black Widow killer left and right.” Insight was having trouble huh? Well, under normal circumstances I’d say it’s the least that bastard deserves. But, I wasn’t feeling coy. “What do you know about her?” “She goes to Manehatten University.” Dunnit says. “We got uniforms up there questioning about the situation. But, everything else I’m afraid is very top secret about her, gotta keep the case quiet.” “Are you suuure you can’t tell me?” I asked. “I have a duty ma’am, chief’s orders,” He said firmly. Stupid Insight! Even when I’m a mare you have to make my life...wait… I’m a mare...and as far as I know, Dunnit is single… I’ve seen Lark do this tons of times...time to bring out the Eye Family charm… I batted my eyelids, and looked up at him sweetly. “Are you sure you can’t help a concerned citizen out, officer?” Dunnit blushed and backed his head away, “Uh, Ma’am, I, I have to listen to the chief.” “Oooh? But I’m sure I can help out in…” I ran my hoof along his cheek and whispered. “Ways…” He tensed up and his horn sparked a little. Oooh yeah, I was getting to him. This was fun, I should try it out on Dusk… No, focus Pruena! “I won’t tell,” I say, doing my best Larksong impersonation. “Just tell me if she, frequents any particular areas on campus…?” “I-I really sh-shouldn’t!” Dunnit said, “I-I ha-have a duty!” I put my face into that pout Rarity makes whenever she wanted something, “Oooh, and here I thought we were getting along so well.” I turned and looked back at him with that same pout, “I guess, I’ll just be leaving then..” I made to walk off. “Wa-wait!” Dunnit said, “We heard from our questioning she likes to hang out at a place called ‘Pink Love’ some kind of bar not far from the university.” Pink Love hmm…? Isn’t it one of...those kind of bars? Anyways, I had my next destination. Now, to head for the train. I stepped outside and trotted down the lane, trying not to feel giddy. Oh the way I held him by the ropes was something exhilarating! I had no idea just how much power a duck face could have! Mare Power! I then heard a wolf whistle and looked over as Caramel, Lucky, and couple of other stallions looked over at me. “Hey gorgeous, why don’t you come over here and hang out with us?” Caramel asked, his friends laughing. I looked left and right, the streets were deserted. Oh yeah, he was talking to me alright. I spoke up, “I’d love to entertain you boys, but I’d best be on my way.” I tried to move forward, then one of the stallions got in my way. “Haven’t seen you around here,” He said, “but you look kinda familiar…” “I’m from, out of town.” I lied, hoping that would be enough. I got a very bad feeling about this. “We could use some attractive company?” One said, I felt his leg brush against mine...I felt an odd fear in my heart. I knew what they wanted… “Look, guys,” I said, nervously. “I’m sure your marefriends wouldn’t appreciate this.” “Well, we’re all single thanks to that Mayflower bitch,” Lucky said. “So, we think we can have a little fun, branching out…” He said. I backed away, hitting another stallion. Caramel came up to me, “Come on, it’ll be fun, you just hold sti-” SMACK! I punched him with all the force I could muster, sending him tumbling in the dirt. “There’s a reason Sparkler broke up with you, you pig!” I yelled at him. “Uggh,” Caramel said, holding his face. “What the hell bitch!?” “So you all got broken up huh? Well, I think if you all are doing this then it’s no wonder why all of you are single! In fact, I think it was only a matter of time before you worthless scumbags got what’s coming!” “Get that bitch!” Lucky yelled, and two stallions grabbed me. I wasn’t that strong as a stallion and as a mare I still wasn’t. I struggled against their hold as they tried to drag me towards an alleyway. I struggled and kicked, but that only led to caramel trying to hold my legs down. I’ll have them all arrested for- “GET AWAY FROM HER!” I looked up as Caramel was grabbed in an aura of magenta magic and chucked into a nearby dumpster. I took this opportunity to elbow one of the stallions holding me in the gut. Now free, I twisted the other’s leg painfully and slammed him into a wall. Good thing I still remembered all my moves. Lucky was about to grab me from behind, but he was suddenly teleported and when he reappeared again, he fell into a nearby chimney. The stallions limped away, their pride destroyed. I looked over at Dusk as he came up to me. He spoke worriedly, “Pruena, are you hurt?” “I’m fine.” I said, getting up and dusting myself off, “Those bastards just needed to be taught a lesson.” “What were you thinking!” Dusk yelled at me. “If I was here, this would never have happened!” “I don’t need protection Dusk!” I yelled back. “I can take care of myself! I’ve had combat training!” “So have I!” Dusk said, “But running out like that was reckless and stupid! You could’ve gotten hurt or worse!” “I am not a wallflower Dusk Shine!” I practically growled. “I could’ve handled them myself!” “Will you just stop trying to be a big hero for once!” Dusk yelled loudly, “Do you realize how worried I was?!” “Of course I do! Only because you never shut up about it!” I practically screamed. “Oh so when you're the mare it’s alright for you to go charging into danger?” “I never said that! Need I remind you, that you still run into danger too!” “Not alone! You always do this to me Pru! Why can’t you see that!?” “Because I know how to handle myself!” “No you don’t! You always just think you do!” “OH FUCK OFF DUSK!” I yelled finally. “I’m sick and tired of being nagged left and right about how dangerous everything is! I’m sick of everypony treating me like I can’t take care of myself! If I want to keep my friend from doing something as stupid as following me! Then I should be able to without fuss! So kiss my grey ass and go find somepony else to nag!” I huffed and galloped off. I didn’t even want to look at him! How could he be so UGGHH!!! I didn’t even look to where I was going, I just ran into a building and slammed the door behind me. I didn’t even hear the ring...I slumped against the door...and...felt tears… I shouldn’t have yelled at him like that...he was only trying to protect me...and...like the idiot I am whenever he’s trying to help I shove him away… Like everypony in my life…. Oh Dusk...I’m sorry..please don’t hate me… “Darling?” Uh oh... > Chapter 4 "A Little Treatment" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 “A Little Treatment” As if things couldn’t get any worse. Of all the buildings I could’ve run into, it had to be Carousel Boutique. I slowly turned to see Rarity standing before me, she squinted at me, “Beg pardon Darling, but, have we met before?” She asked. I wiped my eyes and said, “No, but, I do look like a lot of ponies…” Rarity then blinked and said with concern, “Darling what happened to you? You look positively dreadful!” “It’s nothing,” I said. “Just, me and my, colt friend had a little fight.” “The way you were crying darling it was anything but a little fight,” Rarity pointed out. She then came closer to me, and her eyes grew even wider. She looked...horrified… “Good heavens, darling, your… your mane, your coat… What have you been doing to yourself?! My stars, you look like you haven’t conditioned… ever! Your coat is dull, your mane is a sight, and… This will never do, darling.” “It’s no big deal uh, ma’am,” I said, getting on my hooves. “I’m sorry to have troubled you, I’ll just be on my-” Before I could leave I felt Rarity's magic yank on my tail. “Darling, I am not letting you simply strut around looking like that! You are going to the Spa! You are going to be pampered, primped and looking fabulous and you are going to like it!” Help… _______________________________________________________ I got no shortage of stares as I was dragged by Rarity across Ponyville. Some ponies gave knowing looks at me. I myself have never been to the Spa before. Rarity and Twilight tried to convince me to come a couple of times, but I always passed it off. I wasn’t the kind of pony that liked getting mare handled. Rarity didn’t get the memo, then again I can’t tell her who I really am, way too many awkward questions would come up. “First you are going to get that messy mane trimmed. Those split ends are utterly horrible. Next your hooves need a good filing. Trust me, you’ll love it. Then a full body conditioning, steam room to cleanse the pores, and finally a massage. You’re so tense, darling, even I can tell,” Rarity listed off absently. “This is all very nice, but I really need to investigate something,” I said, “I’m trying to learn more about that Mayflower mare.” Rarity sighed, “Oh yes, that boor. I cannot believe the damage she’s done with one lilttle speech. Even I got mad at Spikey Wikey for a little bit. Oh, he’s my drakefriend darling, in case you didn’t know.” “Hey I’m not one to judge,” I grumbled. “Just uh, I really need to interview her, I’m trying to um…” Think of a cover, think of a cover! “I’m... writing a story!” I said. “A story?” Rarity asked, “You are a journalist darling?” “Yes!” I said, going with it, “I am a journalist, and I want to make sure that other towns know to watch out for her. So, I need to talk with her.” “Sadly, darling,” Rarity said, tossing a pamphlet over to me, it showcased Mayflower’s face and a male symbol with a crossed out symbol over it. “According to this, trash, they won’t be opening to talk for a while. So, you have a good couple minutes to get yourself cleaned up!” I swear Cadence if your niece wasn’t so cute I’d find some way to get revenge… The inside of the building was… mostly lobby, and stairs leading down. You mean most of this place was underground? Huh, clever. The walls were a soothing lavender color, the floor was white, with a purple and pink concentric circle throw-rug in the middle. One of the spa twins was behind a partition, looking eager to see Rarity. Well she is a regular, along with Fluttershy. “We have an emergency, Lotus, darling. This poor mare is… Well you can see for yourself.” “Indeed Ah can!” the baby blue spa pony uttered in a Prench accent. “We will take good care of ‘er!” Next thing I knew, I was being brought downstairs. “Listen, Lotus,” I said as Rarity and her pulled me by the forelegs. “I really don’t need this, I have a story to write and-” “Aloe!” Lotus called as we came down, “We ‘ave an emergency!” “Mon dieu! What ‘ave you been do-eeng to yourself!” Aloe, a baby pink pony that looked exactly like Lotus, except with her colors… swapped. Light blue mane and pink coat to Lotus’ light blue coat and pink mane. “Fear not, you ‘ave come to ze right place!” “Do have fun darling.” Rarity said as Lotus and Aloe dragged me away. HEELLLP!! __________________________________________________________ Perspective: Dusk Shine I sat there for the longest time, thinking about our fight. It wasn’t right that we’re fighting like this. I’m just trying to keep her safe, isn’t that what a, in this case, husband should be doing? I walked back into the library, I didn’t have time for this, I had to find out anything I could to help the case. I walked over to my map of Equestria, and looked over the profiles on the victims again. It’s strange, not one of them was killed anywhere near Ponyville. Why would the Black Widow suddenly come out of the blue now after all these years? Uggh, what am I doing…? I’m not Pruena, I… “It’s harder being on the other team isn’t it?” I looked back to see Cadence smiling at me. I frowned, “We’d be having an easier time if somepony hadn’t decided to genderswap us.” “You know I’m just trying to help,” She admonished. “I hate it when any couple fights. You and Pruena love each other, that hasn’t changed one bit, mister.” “Oh that mister just sounds so wrong…” I muttered to myself. Cadence sighed and put a hoof on my shoulder. “I wouldn’t have done it, if I didn’t think there was hope you two would stop being so stubborn.” “She’s the one who’s always stubborn!” I yelled. “Need I remind you of a certain incident with time travel?” She said, narrowing her violet eyes. I...guess that was true...maybe I am more stubborn then I realized… “I’m going to go out,” Cadence said. “To make sure that Mayflower doesn’t do any more damage. You and Pruena are going to make up you hear?” “I hear you.” I said with a sigh. Cadence smiled and said, “I just care about you both, I knew you two loved each other the moment I saw you two together. I don’t want that to change.” “You and me both Cadence.” _______________________________________________________ Perspective: Pruena Oculia Is… Is that me?! My gray coat was positively glossy, and my mane was nicely trimmed, and silky, curling cutely around my face. My hooves were no longer rough, and now were nicely buffed, but not polished. Just buffed, cleaned, and filed. And I thought I looked good, before… Now, though… Daaaaayum. I am drop-dead gorgeous. Wait until… No wait… Ugh. Case first, you goofball. “Darling, you look amazing!” Rarity said. “I am simply inspired! You MUST come to my boutique sometime! I can design a nice dress for you, silver seems to work for you darling, it’ll bring out those...very familiar eyes…” I looked over at Rarity and said, “It’s alright, Rarity, I doubt a dress is going to help me in this case.” “Right, your story,” Rarity said, sighing. “Oh well, I should find Spikey Wikey anyways. I need to apologize for my rude behavior.” “What happened?” I asked, curious. “Oh after the speech he caught me without my make up on,” Rarity said, shaking her head. “He was just trying to be sweet by telling me I looked fine without it. But I was so riled up from the fighting I took it as an insult. I then argued with him about his habits with helping with my boutique, it’s the little things that stack up darling.” Gosh, I never realized guys could be so, careless. “I’m sure you two will make up,” I encouraged. “Just remember you care about one another and you’ll work through it.” “I hope so darling,” Rarity sighed, “I cannot imagine staying mad forever.” “This Mayflower girl has caused a lot of trouble.” I said. “Indeed,” Lotus said, coming up with Aloe. “To think we once attended the same school as her.” Aloe continued, “Such an awful bully, she hated stallions of all kinds.” “Why is that?” I asked. “You two knew her?” Aloe and Lotus frowned at one another, before Lotus spoke up, “She was more of an, acquaintance. We attended the same school as we said. But that was many years ago.” “The same year her father left.” Aloe said sadly. “Her parents are divorced?” I asked. Though in all honesty it made sense. “We do not know the details,” Aloe said. “But let’s just say we found it odd her papa didn’t show up for parents day.” “Does she have any family?” I asked. “She did have a brother,” Lotus said. “I heard he worked at a job in Manehatten from one of the ladies that came with Mayflower.” “August Breeze was his name.” Aloe finished. How they manage to finish each other’s thoughts like that is beyond creepy. At least Cloudchaser and Flitter weren’t nearly as bad. At least I had something to go on. But now that I’m all prettied up, it’ll hopefully help draw suspicion away from me. ________________________________________________________ I was wrong. Practically from the minute I got out till I got to the community center every stallion and side saddled mare was gaping at me. Lotus and Aloe may have done, too good of a job. But, on the plus side, I did look good. I hope Dusk noti- No, case first, case first! The community center was smaller than town hall. When Sugarcube Corner or the Town Hall was being used, smaller events took place here. I walked in and saw a small line of mares gathered in front of a stand. A large banner was hanging above it. Free the Oppressed! Join the Mares for Justice Today! Applesnack would not appreciate them misusing an army motto… I got in line and saw at the stand, Mayflower just finished giving a flyer and some items to a mare. Then...Sour Grapes came up. The bespectacled mare casually sauntered up to the table, then gave Mayflower the most disdainful look I’d ever seen her give. “You, Mayflower, are the most imbecilic, idiotic, and outright ignorant waste of space known to equine kind. Of course you think the genetals make the abuser, therefore they should be put in their place, rather than doing the proper research through the proper channels. You would know that the problem of significant other abuse is not divided along the binary line of gender. You would know that there are stallions who are beat up, abused, and harmed by those they love, and that not even mare/mare couples are safe But you prefer to remain ignorant, and stay in your rosy little world where things would be all fine and wonderful when mares are the rulers of the roost. Thing is what prevents any abuse cases from being reported is the a torrid combination of power and, believe it or not, love. True it’s a love gone horribly wrong, but it’s still there, dearheart. The abusee feels that the abuser has power over them, and that they are powerless to prevent it or leave. Then there’s the love factor of the abusee hoping to change their once-beloved back into the kind, loving, sweet pony they were once before, even though it is quite possible that the sweetness and light was a trap to lure them into the clutches. Also, the poor abusee could also be taking the abuse for any children that has come from the relationship. And true, a lot of the abusees are female, but we are a species that the females can be just as strong as the males, if we put our minds to it. So, no, the whole spousal abuse problem isn’t divided along gender line, you woefully, willfully ignorant mare,” Grapes uttered. I blinked, there were no words that could follow that level of snark. Grape subsequently trotted away, smiling at her victory. Mayflower simply huffed, “She, like so many others have fallen prey to the lies of stallions. Ignore her.” Yeah, that’s not gonna happen lady… “Dearheart,” Grapes said in an uncharacteristically sweet voice, looking over her shoulder, “I’m not the one who’s lying, nor have I fallen victim to lies…” She then came back. “I, for one, can see right through you. You don’t want ‘true equality’. You want complete and utter subjugation of the male of the species. Should that happen, honey, I would not trust any male to your tender mercies. You’ve got a desire for revenge written all over you. Never mind the idea is a recipe for wendigos. Subjugation is not harmonious, it is not right, and I, for one, will never stand with anypony who calls for the enslavement of their fellow equine,” she added with a lot more steel in her voice. “I will have to ask you to leave before I call the police!” Mayflower yelled. Technically I am the police but I didn’t want to cause a scene. “I’m being perfectly civil, but… If that’s the way you want to play it…” Grapes subsequently left after that, seems she didn’t want a scene either. I was next in line and Mayflower looked up at me,”You look awfully familiar.” She said, tilting her head. Is everypony going to say that? “Uh,” I said, smiling. “I’m Pruena Oculia, a freelance journalist.” “A journalist you say?” She asked. “Come to ask about our righteous cause?” “Possibly,” I lied through my teeth. “I was hoping I could pull you away for a small interview.” “I suppose I can spare a few moments, if it saves me from dealing with fools such as that bespeckled unicorn,” She said, getting up from her seat. I forced down my own snarky comments and pulled my notebook out of my pocket. Even with my trench coat gone there are some things I never leave behind. We came to a corner out of the way of the crowd and May asked, “So, where should we start?” “How about some background?” I asked. “How did this whole thing start up?” “In truth I wasn’t the one who started this movement,” Mayflower said, smiling proudly. “It was my aunt, Celestia rest her soul, she started it up around the time Black Widow’s first killings began. To make sure that her cause for justice was heard.” Uggh, five minutes in and I already want to strangle her. “But, the killings eventually stopped didn’t they?” I asked, jotting down some notes. “Why start things up again?” “In truth I wanted to start things up again ever since I was a filly.” Mayflower said. “After my father left our family I realized just how much Black Widow’s cause needed to happen. I tried to get things started but my fellow mares who believed in me were few and far between.” “This killing is the kindling you needed then?” I asked. “I guess you could say that. But in all honesty Gavel had it coming. Horrible stallions like him are the reason mares should be in charge.” Deep breaths Pru, deep breaths…. Just because she’s an ignorant bitch doesn’t mean you have to strangle her. Because that would be break- YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW WHO I AM! Course I do silly, I read the script! I know everything! OUT SHOO! Lalalala! “You have a brother correct?” I asked. “I heard from the grapevine about him.” “Yes, August Wind.” She replied. “He’s a factory worker up at Manehatten. He’s not, as dedicated to the cause for justice. But, he’s a good stallion, one of the few…” Okay, something else to check up on once I get up to Manehatten. “Thank you for your time,” I said, “I’ll run this by some editor buddies of mine and see what gets through.” “Anything to make sure our cause is heard.” She said with a smile. I walked out of the community center with a sigh. That mare was something else. At least now I had a lead, something seemed fishy about all this. If I talk to August maybe I can get more out of him than self righteous drivel. Now to get on the...train.. I really should talk to him. He’s probably feeling terrible… Oh Dusk… I walked towards the library. I used my key to get inside. Dusk was busy, going from case files to a map of what looked like Manehatten, pushpins were on the map, and there were colored circles on it. Dusk himself, was reading through a psychology book, a book on… geographic profiling? On the map there was also a pushpin at a specific address, labeled “Mayflower”. Apparently there was a conclusion there he wasn’t liking. “None of it makes sense,” he said, shaking his head, then, he saw me standing there. His eyes grew wide and traces of red started appearing on his face. Oh my gosh he was blushing he’s so cute! I, right, I mean, I should talk to him. “Dusk, listen,” I said, “I’m sorry I yelled at you, I was out of line.” Dusk snapped out of his stupor and walked up to me, “Pruena, I... I was wrong being a nag. I was just trying to keep you from running off on your own. I just can’t bear the thought of you being hurt.” “It’s just,” I sighed, “You, know I hate being helpless. I didn’t want the fact that I’m a mare stop me from solving this case. I, was also trying to protect you. By keeping you here, it would’ve drawn less attention…” “That was why?” Dusk said, putting a hoof to his head. “Why didn’t I think of that?” “Because you’re a stallion now, we are all dense.” I said with a smile. An awkward silence fell after some chuckles. Dusk spoke up next, “I hate it when we fight.” I felt a, tear inside as I thought about how much we did fight. I walked up to Dusk and said, my lips quivering, “I, I don’t want us fighting like that again. I don’t want you to leave me Dusk...I couldn’t bear to live without you…” “Pru..?” Dusk said, surprised that I was so, vulnerable. I felt vulnerable, scared at the idea of Dusk leaving me. I slowly reached up and put my hooves around his neck. I pressed my muzzle into his neck, trying to hide tears. “Dusk, you are still the smartest, most amazing pony I know. I, I was a fool to think I could leave you behind.” “Hey, it’s okay,” He said, putting his hooves around me. “I’m not mad, I was just concerned. I’m not going to leave you, not ever. I love you too much to do a thing like that.” I smiled at him, I felt, warm and safe in his forelegs. Wow, I could, just fall asleep right here… But, we had a case to solve, at least I know… That I wouldn’t be alone... > Chapter 5 "August Breeze" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 “August Breeze” Perspective: Pruena Oculia Getting to Manehatten wasn’t easy. We did manage to score tickets, but we had to get the lowest class so as to avoid being sighted by anypony we knew. And by lowest class….we mean luggage. I pushed my way out of a small garment bag and breathed for air. “Uggh, remind me never to come up with the sneaking in plans again.” Dusk pushed a suitcase open and breathed for air too. “Never thought I’d ever be treated as luggage in my life.” “Let’s get going before we are seen by anypony.” I said, getting up and we made our way quietly out to the streets of Manehatten. Equestria’s largest city had not changed much in my time away. The buildings towered over us in Manehatten’s usual mix of modern and antique. Brick brownstones and metal and glass buildings abounded, and they all made the skyline a unique sight. Every town and city in Equestria had its own vibe. Canterlot seemed to be always standing at attention, Ponyville was an old friend who invites you to come over and chat, and Manehatten… Well Manehatten seemed to always be moving forward, while keeping aware of its roots in the past. Dusk and I trotted up to the sidewalk, I looked over at him. “Alright, Dunnit said that she goes to a bar called Pink Love, it shouldn’t be far from The University.” “Right, but why go there when we can just look up her brother?” Dusk asked. “And another thing, this seems like rather guarded info, how did you get it out of Dunnit?” “To answer your first question,” I said. “If we can find out about Mayflower in her public life, it’ll help when we ask about her private life. Now come on, let’s go.” “You didn’t answer my second question…” Dusk muttered as we went on. __________________________________________________________ It was very aptly named, Pink Love, but somehow they managed not to be… Well… It wasn’t tacky or garish at all, but then I think the use of more than one shade of pink, and even dipping into the magentas helped. Never mind the wood wainscoting, which helped offset it. Pink Love was located in an older brownstone, so the wainscoting came with the building, and since the owner was probably a long-time Manehattenite, it was preserved. The bar in the back was a heavy wood affair, with the only pink on it being a dark shade in the inset panels. The tall armchairs were padded in a deeper shade of pink. The tables had pink gingham tablecloths, with little pink heart-shaped lanterns on them. This proved to be more sweetly cute, than overly cutzie. The place looked like it had been designed by some relative of Rarity’s who specialized in interior design. It was pink, sure, but it was pink done with taste and class. There was also another detail about the place, it was filled with mares. Dusk and I stood in the entrance to find dozens of mares chatting, drinking, laughing, all having a good time. “No wonder Mayflower was a regular.” Dusk said, “She probably got her recruits from here.” I was about to step forward when a larger mare put a hoof in front of me. “Sorry, hun, we don’t welcome his kind in here.” “His kind?” I said in puzzlement. “Him.” She said, pointing at Dusk. “He stays outside.” “Now hold on just a-” I began to argue. “Pru, it’s okay,” Dusk said, putting a hoof on my shoulder. “I’ll do as she asks.” “Nice to see a stallion with brains,” The mare said with a smirk. “Rare in almost all parts.” Dusk had a lot thicker skin than I did, he walked outside without a complaint. The bouncer simply gestured with her hoof to let me inside. Some mares looked over at me as I came by. Some out of mild curiosity, others, out of more, personal curiosity. I ignored them, though I couldn’t help but feel a little uncomfortable. Especially after that whole Caramel incident. I walked up to the bartender, she was a simple looking earth pony mare with curly blond hair and bright orange eyes and a blue coat. Her ears weren’t the only things pierced on her face. She smiled and said, “What can I get you, hun?” “Information,” I said firmly. “Do you know a Mayflower?” “‘Course I know her,” She said, sliding over a drink to another customer. “She comes here often enough, and I saw her on TV this morning. Caused quite a stir in Hicksville.” Again, not my name for it. “You believe what she’s spouting out?” I asked more out of curiosity. “No I don’t,” She said, shaking her head. “She’s been spouting out that garbage since we’ve met. I mean, stallions are a pain I get that. But she’s not asking for equality, she’s asking for role reversal. Essentially making all stallions our bitches.” I’m sure one bespeckled mare could’ve put that more, colorfully. “You ever talk to her?” I asked. “About her personal life?” “Well, when you own a bar, you don’t get much of a choice. Ponies love spouting out their life stories or troubles with this or that marefriend. Why are you curious anyways?” She asked, wiping a mug clean with a rag. “Let’s just say I’m real curious about how she could be connected to this Black Widow business.” Suddenly everypony stopped and looked at me. It appears I said a trigger word. The bartender looked to me with a smile and said. “You are curious about her too? You a reporter or something trying to smear old Widow?” “Just trying to find the truth,” I said firmly. “I’m not here to start a debate, just to make sure that Mayflower can’t use her bullshit anymore.” “Ya got guts,” She said with a smile, and then held up her hoof. Everypony went back to what they were doing. You don’t argue with a bartender I guess. “Let me clue you in though, Mayflower has been trying to find Widow for years, ever since she was in diapers.” “She has? What for?” I asked. “Happened ever since her old horse left,” She said. “Left her, her brother and her mother all by their lonesome. She never told me whether he ran off with some mare half his age or simply got tired of family life. But one thing I do know is that she started hating stallions ever since then.” “Talk about daddy issues,” I said to myself. “Do you know where I can find her brother and mother?” “Well, her brother works for a trading factory over in Princess County, heard it from her one time. Don’t know where her mother is though. Apparently she got herself put in some kind of old pony’s home.” She replied. “Could you give me an address for the factory?” I asked. She smiled. “I’ll get the phonebook.” ____________________________________________________________ Perspective: Dusk Shine Sitting outside a filly bar close to Manehatten University wasn’t my idea of a good time. Though, I will admit I watched the students off at the college with some envy. Ah the mostly carefree life of a student. If I hadn’t been accepted into the CSFGU, I might have ended up here, after preliminary schooling. “Whaz with that bitch!” I heard a very familiar voice shout. I turned to find...Raiden!? Raiden, I haven’t seen him in months. Not since that whole murder at the Wonderbolt Academy. This was where was he this whole time!? How could he just break things off with Rainbow like that?! She was devastated! He certainly didn’t look good. His black and yellow mane was messier than ever. His wings looked like they haven’t been preened in weeks, and he looked wobbly. He was probably intoxicated. “That bitstch, that Lighting Du-hic!.” He was definitely drunk. Wait, Lightning Dust? “You mean to tell me you’ve been seeing Lightning Dust?!” I yelled. “Whaddya know ya, nerd.” He said, giving me a weak shove. “Her and I, shes, shes fun, not like Rainblow who alwaish had tah yammer on and on about responsibility and whatever. Shesish a bitch too.” Remain calm Dusk, you can handle this in a mature and positive way. “Then that bitsh Lightning Dusth said I washint good enough. She tooks all my money andish, left me *hic* dry….” “And of course the first thing you do is drown yourself in alcohol.” I said, with an eye roll. “Ya wanna fight with me, nerd?” He said, putting up his hooves. “I’ll takish you…” “Look I don’t have time for this,” I said, firmly. “Hey, whoish thats..?” He said, looking past me. I turned and saw...oh no he’s not… “That would be my mare friend!” I glowered at him. “Aw comeon, ya can share…” He said with that stupid grin of his. I levitated a lead pipe from the alley...and did something I’ve honestly wanted to do since the day I met him. BONG!!! “Mah tenders…” Raiden squeaked as I chucked him into the alleyway, right into a dumpster. MAN that felt good! “Dusk?” Pru said as she came around. “Were you talking to somepony?” “Oh no,” I said, smiling. “Just some jerk who thought he could get me to share you.” She smiled, wow...she’s really...cute when she smiles. “It’s... sweet how protective you can be.” I felt my cheeks flushing and… weird I feel very warm. Maybe we can forget about the case for five minutes and just find a motel and… NO! Bad Dusk brain! No thinking stuff like that! Pruena let out a giggle. “Oh my gosh you were thinking dirty thoughts weren’t you?” “No I wasn’t!” I yelled defensively. “I was just thinking you were really cute when you smiled and, I... just was, admiring that fact and...oh my gosh I feel like such an idiot right now.” “Not an idiot,” Pruena said, putting a hoof on my chest. “Just... a stallion. You haven’t had the years spent putting down thoughts like that, so, you are prone to thinking dirty things about me.” “Was that a roundabout way of calling me a pervert?” I asked. “All stallions are perverts, some more than others. Anypony who says otherwise is a mare, a gelding, or lying through their teeth,” Pruena said. “Now come on, let’s track down a brother.” As she walked by I couldn’t help but notice her tail was swishing a little… NO bad pervert thoughts! ____________________________________________ Perspective: Pruena Oculia The smell of sawdust, and resin hung heavy in the air, as stallions, and some strong mares, moved about with the supreme grace of a team that has worked together for years. Boxes lined the shelves, stamped with destinations, ready to be shipped out on trading vessels to far-off lands. Hammers pounded, piecing together the crates that would soon house the fine wares of Equestria. Unicorns carefully packed delicate items in straw to prevent breakage, before the lids were nailed in place, and they received their destination stamps. All in all it was a very busy place. Dusk and I walked in, visitors passes around our necks. It was rather simple getting in, we just had to say we were reporters and they let us in. Though from the exasperated look the guard had, we weren’t the first. We came over to see a young earth pony stallion with a brown mane that was covered by a hardhat, a muddy brown coat and blue eyes that read over a clipboard. “Ahem, August Breeze?” I asked. He turned to us, and sighed. “Look, I’m not going to answer questions about my sister. I have enough of you yahoos pounding on my door as is. Most of them stallions hoping to get ‘the real story’ or some kind of crap.” “You certainly seem like you’ve been having a rough day,” Dusk pointed out. “I’ve been having a rough life bub.” He said with a frown on his face. “My mother’s in East Brooks, my sister is out trying to cause trouble, and my marefriend won’t stop nagging me about some jewelry she lost.” “Is there anything you can tell us?” I asked. “This could really help perform damage control.” He sighed. “Look, you two seem like a alright sorts. So, I’ll tell you what I told the other reporters. Mayflower and I have been together with our mother for years after Dad left. Everything was fine until she went up to the attic one day and just went nuts.” “What was in the attic?” I asked. “I dunno,” He answered, “I just remember her dragging this big old trunk full of stuff outside one day and lighting it on fire. When I asked why she just said, ‘it’s garbage’. Then she started this whole business of trying to start her Mares for justice crap.” “When she was a kid?” Dusk asked. “Yeah, I tried to get her out of it but she was dead set on ‘making stallions pay’ or something.” He sighed hopelessly. “I’m just a factory worker, trying to make a good enough living to buy a ring for my marefriend.” “You guys are thinking of marriage?” I asked, trying not to get too excited about a potential couple to me-I mean, help with. “Yeah,” He said with a smile, “She’s a nurse that works part time at the old folks home where my mom is. She’s amazing, talented, smart, and very dedicated to our relationship.” “Do you know where we can find her? She may be able to help us.” I asked. “Well, by now she’s working at the old folks home, I’m sure she’ll be able to help you guys. Now if you both will excuse me, I got work to do.” He then went back to his job. I looked over at Dusk as soon as we were out of earshot. “I know East Brooks, I used to pass by there on my way to school.” I said quietly. “We’d better head there, something tells me we’ll find something at that old folks home.” Dusk said. “Did I ever tell you that you look good when you take charge?” I said with a smile. “Aw, come on Pru..” He blushed and rubbed the back of his head with a hoof. Oh my gosh he was so cute when he was embarassed I… Come on Pruena, focus on the case! You can oogle your coltfriend later! Thankfully I remember a shortcut. ________________________________________________________ Normally cutting across alleyways was a bad idea. But we were in a hurry and this was the best way to get uptown quickly. Dusk walked nervously beside me as we passed through the alleyway. It was dark, with very little light, the buildings claustrophobically close. Trash had spilled from a nearby garbage can from where a stray cat had knocked it over looking for food. “Pru, you sure it’s safe here?” He asked. “Dusk I’ve been walking these streets since I was four, I can handle it,” I said firmly. “Plus, I remembered to bring Blackhawk along this time.” I gestured to my gun holster. “It’s times like these when I’m amazed you survived a city like this.” Dusk said with a shake of his head. “Well, not all cities are like Canterlot where everything is cleaned with toothbrushes.” I said with a laugh. “I guess that’s true,” He said, and then he stopped, “Hey do you hear something?” BANG! I pulled Dusk down as a bullet went into a nearby wall. I heard a female voice shout, “Don’t move! I know who you two are! Hand over the pendent!” “Go to hell!” I yelled, turning around and pulling out Blackhawk. Standing there was an earth pony cloaked in black, a gun was inside her mouth. It distorted her voice a little as she spoke around it. I tried to shoot at her but she beat me to the punch. She grazed me on the cheek. She wasn’t the best shot, but she seemed desperate. “I won’t ask again!” She yelled. “Give me the pendent!” “What pendent?!” I asked, keeping Blackhawk trained on her. Dusk stood still beside me, he didn’t dare try a magical trick while we were at a standoff. “Don’t play dumb with me!” She yelled. “I know you are working for the police! Probably that fool Private Eye! Now hand over that pendent or I will shoot!” Could she be talking about that pendent I found at the crime scene…? “GIVE IT TO ME!!” She screamed and fired again. The bullet came sailing toward me. I tried to dodge but… “GAAH!” Dusk...no!! “DUSK!” I yelled as Dusk took the bullet for me. That idiot! No! I bent over Dusk as I heard the mare run away. I could catch her...stop her, whoever she is… No! Dusk needs me right now! Dusk held the bleeding wound on his chest and looked up at me, he smiled and said, “You, made this look so easy.” “What were you thinking!?” I yelled at him. “I could’ve easily dodged that bullet! You could’ve been killed!” He kept his smile, reached up with a hoof and pulled me into a kiss. I felt, butterflies in my stomach. I felt lighter than air, I wanted to dance from here to Bridalway. Dusk… He gazed at me for a long while and said, “I was thinking, somepony was trying to hurt the mare I loved, I couldn’t have that...ever.” I blinked tears that started coming from my eyes, I wiped them off and started to lift him up. “Come on, I know a clinic that can help us, and she won’t ask too many questions.” Dusk, took a bullet for me… I’m the biggest fool in the world for letting that happen… But...the kiss was really nice… I love my Dusk... > Chapter 6 "April Shower" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 “April Shower” Dragging Dusk through the alleyways of Manehatten was not easy. Why did Cadence have to make him so heavy and...muscular and well bui-NO Bad Pruena! I managed to find my destination though, a small clinic nestled on a street corner. It was a smaller clinic, a bit shabby-looking. There was a sign out front, advertising the fact it was a clinic, but there were bars on the windows, considering the less-than-ideal location. Even at this time, the waiting room had a few ponies, there, waiting to receive medical attention. Red Cross Clinic, Fenlock used to frequent here whenever he needed medical attention and didn’t want questions to be asked. The secretary looked up at me, she frowned and said, “I’m sorry, you’re going to have to wa-” She stopped and saw Dusk with his bullet wound. “Oh my goodness!” “Get Nurse Red Cross,” I said firmly. “She’s the only one I trust with him.” The secretary nodded and went into the other room. About five minutes later, a white coated mare with silver hair came out. She looked over at me and said, “What happened?” “We were attacked,” I said to her. “Some crazed gun pony attacked my coltfriend here.” That was mostly the truth, hopefully it’ll get Dusk help. She narrowed her blue eyes and said, “My secretary said you mentioned me by name.” Damn, think fast Pruena. “Private Eye, he told me where the clinic would be. Please you have to help him!” I implored. “The hospital is down the way,” She said. “You could’ve gone there and received better care than some simple clinic.” “There’s uh, something rather unique about me I want to keep quiet.” Dusk said. “And who are you supposed to be?” Red Cross asked sarcastically, “Some kind of a secret agent?” “Something like that,” Dusk said with a smile. The nurse sighed and said, “I’m going to regret this.” She then turned and shouted at a pair of mares coming with a stretcher. “Get him to a bed, and if any of you so much as tell your mothers about what you see I’ll put cyanide in your next flu shots.” No wonder Fenlock loved her... The nurses nodded and put Dusk onto the stretcher. Dusk looked at me and said, “I’ll be fine Pru, I’ve been shot before.” I looked at him, and gave my love a kiss on the cheek. At his blushing face I just said, “Idiot…” With that, Red Cross rolled Dusk away into the clinic. I walked over to the secretary and signed a few papers. “If he wakes up, tell him I’m going to visit my mother at an old folks home.” ________________________________________________________ This place looked really commercial. It had a bright, glass-fronted foyer, with comfortable seating for ponies who were waiting to visit their relatives, or just didn’t want to go inside. The walls were a cream color, with pretty scenic pictures, or inspirational sayings done in decorative cross-stitch, or even pictures of the residents with their families or a favorite nurse. In an enclosure, where the residents could be watched, was an area with a lot of exercise machines. All in all not a bad place to stay, but… I never much cared for old pony homes. Grandma would’ve avoided the place like it was plague or something. But here I was, hoping to find August Breeze’s marefriend. Hopefully it won’t be too difficult. I kept trying to distract myself from what happened earlier. But it kept bugging me, that shooter knew who we were, knew that we were investigating the case, and was asking about the pendent of all things. I’m starting to think the killer i- “Can I help you dear?” I blinked, realizing I had walked up to the desk. A plump, cream coated nurse smiled at me. “Welcome to East Brooks, where retirement is comfort. Are you visiting anypony dear?” “Uh,” I said, regaining my composure. “Yes actually, I’m looking for the mother of Mayflower.” “April?” She asked, with a smile. “Oh, she’s, one of our more... interesting patients.” “How so?” I asked. The nurse sighed, and said, “Mayflower brought the poor mare in a few years after she started attending college full time. She had both of her children when she was older, she’s also not really in her right mind. We were lucky to have Bedside to help us, such a sweet girl.” “Bedside?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. “She’s the nurse that was a friend of the family,” She said with a smile, she then pointed to the doorway, “Here she comes now.” Standing in the doorway was a brown haired mare with a bright bluish coat and a cutie mark of a medicine bottle on her flank. She sighed and walked over to the head nurse, “Sorry, Spoonful, I was held up at the station.” She said, walking forward. “It’s quite alright dear,” Spoonful said, “This young lady was hoping to meet your future mother in law.” “Oh it’s not official and you know it,” Bedside said with a good natured laugh. “August hasn’t gotten me the ring yet.” “You are August’s marefriend?” I asked. “Yes, and who might you be…?” She said, looking at me with a smile on her face. “Pruena Oculia,” I said, “I’m a freelance journalist, I was hoping to interview April about the whole Black Widow thing.” “Oh you really don’t want to do that,” Bedside said, waving her hoof. “She’s, not exactly in her right mind when anypony mentions the Black Widow killer.” “I’m mostly doing a piece on your future sister in law,” I said with a good natured smile. “To, get the truth about the movement.” “Mayflower has always been known for making a spectacle of things.” Bedside said with a sigh. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to get a small interview if you avoid asking about the Black Widow.” “I’ll do my best.” I said, “Can I see her now?” “She should be up from her nap, I’ll take you to the room.” Bedside said, trotting down the hallway. I followed her as we made our way towards April’s room...hopefully I’ll finally get some answers… ___________________________________________________________ The room looked a bit like a hospital room. It had the bed, of course, and the television mounted on a platform on the wall, along with the two sturdy bedside tables. The couch, though, looked a lot more comfortable, as did the chairs. Family photos were scattered around the room, and books where near the bed. The room also had a rather nice pastel floral print wallpaper, unlike hospital rooms that had blue, gray or white painted walls. All in all, it had a homier vibe than your average hospital room. There were even curtains on the windows, along with the ubiquitous venetian blinds. April Shower herself was a green coated Earth Pony with silver hair, a set of glasses on her nose and wrinkles to rival Granny Smith. Age had not been kind to her, but I could tell there had to be beauty at one time. She looked up from the book she was reading to look at Bedside. “Ah, Bedside, how nice to see you,” She said with a smile. “Hello, Mrs. Shower,” Bedside replied, walking into the room. “I told you, you don’t need to call me that,” April replied. “If August Breeze can just muster up the courage, you’ll be calling me mom one of these days.” Bedside laughed a little. “We still have a little while before that.” She then gestured to me. “This is Pruena, April, she’s a reporter who wants to talk to you.” April’s blue eyes blinked as she said. “But whatever would she want to interview this old horse for? This young lady should be out having fun, not interviewing an old mare like me.” I smiled and said, “As much as I would love to go out clubbing with my coltfriend, I have a job to do. I’m trying to get details about your daughter, Mayflower.” “Oh…” April said, looking...unsure. “You don’t have to get interviewed Ap-” Bedside began. “Oh no, it’s alright dear,” April said with a small smile. “I can give a few...details. Bedside, I believe it’s time for Mr. Freepony to get his throat medication again.” Bedside checked her watch, “Yeah, though honestly if he didn’t read so much to the visiting kids we wouldn’t have this problem. If you need anything, just give me a yell...mom.” Bedside left and I pulled up a chair to sit. I pulled out my notebook and said, “So where can I-” “You can drop the pretense dear, Bedside can’t hear us,” She said, smiling over at me. “Pretense, ma’am?” I said, pretending to be ignorant. “I may be old, but I’m not senile yet,” She admonished. “I know exactly what you are here about, you’re here to talk about the Black Widow aren’tcha?” “I...well…” I said nervously. “Oh I saw what my daughter did on the television, I feel sorry for all those poor ponies down in that small town,” April said with a sigh. “I figured sooner or later, somepony would come to lil old me and ask questions.” “I did interview your daughter,” I admitted. “Then you know first hoof her views and how dangerous they can be.” April said, shaking her head. Not to mention short sided, wrong, and any other ways that Grapes can snark. “A friend of mine said she started up the movement after her father left the family?” I asked. “Yes,” She said, with a sigh. “She did, she was barely a filly at the time. But, he didn’t leave the family.” “He didn’t?” I said, shocked. “No, my husband was a traveling doctor, he was flying over to the Zebra Lands to provide aid. But one of the criminals there caught wind of what he was doing and he died in a bombing,” She said sadly. He did leave the family, only to get killed…? “But, you guys weren’t divorced or anything?” I asked. “Mayflower wouldn’t believe me when I said that her father died overseas. She had it in her mind that her father left us and used the relief effort as an excuse to get away. I did argue with my husband but it was just because I thought it was too dangerous for him to leave.” “You were protecting him,” I realized. “Of course I was,” She said, looking at me. “I tried to tell him to stay, but his heart was too good to ignore those who don’t have as good of doctors as we do. I argued with him all the way to the airport...worst mistake of my life.” She wiped her eyes with a hoofkerchief. “Ma’am, I’m sorry to bring up bad memories,” I said reassuringly. “Oh, don’t fret dear,” She said, calming down. “I’m quite alright, I’ve had years to mourn my husband’s death.” “Mayflower didn’t believe you, you said?” I asked. “Bedside told you I was crazy didn’t she?” She asked in turn. “What do-” “She did, didn’t she.” “Yes…” I admitted. “I figured as much, it was the same conclusion that Mayflower came up with. No matter how many times I tried to say I was just concerned for my husband, she believed wholeheartedly that he was leaving me for another mare.” She shook her head. “Then she found some of my sister’s papers she wrote when the killings started, and started her Mares for Justice nonsense.” “You don’t believe her philosophy?” I asked. “Of course I don’t, anypony with half a brain cell and a lick of decency can understand one fundamental truth. All of us are on this earth together, whether we like it or not ponies are going to be different. Just because there are two genders doesn't mean one should be dominate over the other, it’s all a matter of finding a balance and working together for the good of all.” She then sighed, and added, “But, Mayflower continued to call me mad until she was old enough to have me put in here.” She was telling the truth. I may not have had proof, but, there was no way she was lying. She wasn’t mad either, I’ve seen what madness looks like… She’s nothing like Glimmer… “Your sister started the movement?” I said, fishing for another topic. “She did, around the time we were both in high school,” She said, looking down. “She and I were seniors, both going to change the world with our revolutionary social reforms, maybe go into politics. Back in those days, it was difficult for commoners, let alone mares to get into office.” “Mayflower looked up to her?” I asked. “She died years before Mayflower was even born, but she was her hero nonetheless,” She said with a smile. “What was she like?” I asked. “Could give readers a little history.” “She was so passionate, free and firm in her belief we were going to change the world. She got her first job as a secretary to a noble named Stock, a rather...interesting fellow…” She said, looking away. Wait, Stock...where have I heard that… STOCK EXCHANGE!? The first victim of the Black Widow killings?! “Was the full name of the stallion she worked for called Stock Exchange?” I asked quickly. “Yes it was,” She said. “He was a rather uncouth stallion. Him and his wife were going through a divorce. He would gamble, drink, and lust over his wife in a very nasty way. But as his wife got older, she fell out of love with him and filed a divorce. My sister was caught in the crossfire. Stock would hit her and attack her for the slightest thing.” “Didn’t she go to the police?” I asked. “We didn’t have laws back then that protected employees like we do now.” She said, shaking her head. “Going to the cops would’ve just gotten her berated for being a slut.” Never thought I’d hear an old mare say it like that. “She tried to quit but he threatened to make sure she’d never find another job anywhere else. Finding the job in the first place was hard enough. My sister suffered under him for months…” “You seem to known him very well…” I pointed out. “Of course I did dear,” She looked at me..and said… “Because I was the one who killed him.” > Chapter 7 "Broken Web of Lies" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7 “Broken Web of Lies” “Wait a minute,” I said, in total shock as I stared at April Shower. “You mean to tell me…” “That I was the Black Widow killer? Yes,” She said, with a smile. “But, but,” I blubbered. “That’s the same reaction Mayflower gave me when I tried to tell her,” April said with a sigh. “She didn’t believe me either.” “No, I believe you,” I said. “I can usually tell when somepony is lying. You aren’t lying. But, just, why did you do it?” “Because of my sister. When Stock hit her in front of me that was the last straw. I followed him one night, and killed him. The castrating thing was me twisting the knife...I was so angry that first time.” “You... were avenging your sister,” I realized. “I was, but my beloved sister didn’t realize why I did it. She was cleared of any suspicion because she had an alibi. They didn’t suspect me because I managed to cover my tracks. Tossing the murder knife into the Horsen after I was done with it,” She said, shaking her head. “I should’ve just turned myself in.” “Your sister used your killings to start up the movement,” I guessed. “She did,” She said with a sigh. “I tried to convince her to stop the foolishness, but she refused to listen. Stock Exchange had destroyed whatever kindness she held for stallions. She didn’t want equality anymore, but subjugation.” “Yet you killed again…” I said. “The second time I did it, was because it was a friend of mine being harmed. The third time...my sister asked me to kill him. After that it just got easier, I would learn of some stallion who hurt or harmed a mare in some way, be they wife, daughter, sister whatever. I would then find them, isolate them in some way, kill them and castrate them. It was a sick cycle.” “Why did you stop?” I asked. “Guilty conscience?” “That, and I met the love of my life,” She said with a smile. “The first time I met my husband was when I was escaping the cops after my latest killing. I hurt my leg after getting away from them, and he found me. Even after he eventually found out who I was, he told me that everybody can turn around when darkness overwhelms them. He, helped heal my leg despite what I was.” “Stallion meets mare serial killer huh?” I said with a smile. “Yes indeed,” She chuckled. “After that, I saw the good in stallions. Before, I would almost believe my sister’s rantings about stallions being the cause of all evil but, when I saw first hoof just how much love can come from the gender, I could no longer be Black Widow.” “So, you hanged up the knives for good?” I asked. “I did,” She said with a nod, “My, sister did not take it well. She tried for years to convince me that somehow my husband had bewitched me or tricked me or that he was working with the police. If he was he never turned me in. My sister’s organization fell apart without the Black Widow to keep it going...she…” She started crying, “She...eventually got to the point where she...in her insanity...hanged herself…” “Oh my gosh…” I said, covering my mouth with my hoof. She wiped her eyes with a hoofkerchief. “I, have mourned her ages ago. She is hopefully in a more peaceful place now. After her death I married my husband, and we eventually gave birth to two children. I knew one day they’d find out about the Black Widow killings, so I kept every newspaper article, every record I could find. I hid them in the attic until they were old enough to understand…” “But Mayflower got there prematurely,” I concluded. “She did, she went looking after her father died overseas...she found the articles and called me a filthy liar right to my face. She, then used that as grounds to have me kept here. Claiming I was insane.” “But you’re not, your story makes sense.” I said. “If anything, she was crazy for not believing you.” She gave me a tired smile. “You are so kind dear, but I’ve given up on trying to convince Mayflower to come around. It’ll take a miracle to do tha-” I heard the sound of nurses running outside. I went out and flagged one down. “What’s going on?” “The television!” The nurse said. “Some crazed maniac has taken a clinic hostage!” Oh no..Dusk… ___________________________________________________________ This is the situation, as it stands, currently. A stallion recently stormed into the Red Cross Clinic, and took the place hostage. The police have arrived and are surrounding the clinic until the attacker makes a move. Suspect is considered armed and dangerous. Police have been dispatched to the scene, and civilians are asked to stay well away. Chief Insight is on the scene right now, hopefully getting this hostage crisis settled. No sign of detective Private Eye or Twilight Sparkle however...did somepony not tell them…? __________________________________________________________ Police Carts were pulled up on the side of the road, barriers blocking the roads, alert police ponies keeping guard at them, sending civilians away. The police ponies kept a close watch on the clinic’s door, worried eyes staring into the place, not knowing that the hostage-taker was up to. The police ponies were all nervous, and the atmosphere was electric. It was obvious that the ponies were concerned about the hostages in the clinic. I made my way through the crowd and saw Mayflower was there, she was arguing with Insight, “Look! I know him! The hostage taker is my brother!” “Ma’am, even if that were true I can’t risk running in there while he’s got hostages.” The old stallion said. “He has my coltfriend too!” I said, coming up. He looked at me, raising an eyebrow, “Have we, met before?” Yes, you tried to get me arrested for doing my job, tried to blame me for all your failings and oh yeah, you were a complete asshole to my marefriend too. I shook my head and said, “No sir, I’m a freelance reporter, my coltfriend was in there. Please, I have to get in there and help.” “And just how do you plan to help?” Insight asked. “I’ve frequented this place before,” I said firmly. “I know there’s a back entrance in the alleyway our hostage taker doesn’t know about. I found it out a long while back. If you send Mayflower over, I can sneak behind them and try and subdue the hostage taker, or at least help distract him long enough for your boys to head in.” “It’s insane!” Mayflower said. “Why would my brother do all of this?!” She asked. “What were his demands anyways?” I asked. “He was asking for some kind of pendent.” Insight said. “You mean this pendant?” I said, reaching into my pocket to pull out the pendent held in the evidence bag. “That’s my pendent!” Mayflower said, “It’s supposed to be in a safety deposit box! How the hell did you get it you thief!” I sighed, “Look, a detective friend of mine told me to hang onto it. It’s probably our only ticket to getting the hostages freed, do you have any idea why he would want it?” She shook her head, “I have no idea, I never told anypony what was inside it.” “Inside it?” I asked. “It’s a trick lock...see you have to…” ______________________________________________________________ Perspective: Dusk Shine I was glad the hospital gown covered my wings. When the nurse first saw them she freaked for a minute but didn’t ask any questions. She just patched me up and told me she’s seen stranger things. I didn’t expect to be rounded up in the waiting room while some masked gunpony was holding all of us hostage… I couldn’t teleport or anything, I can’t give away who I am in front of all these ponies. The waiting room hadn’t changed, though the atmosphere was incredibly tense. It was still the same restful blue, the chairs were still comfortable for the ponies waiting for their loved ones. The pictures were the same five paintings you see in every clinic and hospital waiting room. They were obviously meant to be soothing. They were not so very soothing, now. The gunpony paced, glaring at us, his firearm in his mouth. I was huddled with Nurse Red Cross, and several other patients. Good thing she didn’t have any super serious cases, or else the guy would have to deal with a ponyslaughter charge… I just wished I could help, somehow, but I was as helpless as everypony else, there. “Alright!” The gunpony said as he walked, he was clad from head to hoof in black, his face covered with a ski mask. He was definitely an earth pony though. That I could guess. “Nobody moves until I say so alright!” What did he want with a pendent of all things? That’s twice somepony has demanded a pendent. All we know is that Mayflower kept that above everything else she had of the Black Widow stuff. August Wind told us… Wait...I know I’ve heard this guy’s voice...August?! “August Wind!” A familiar voice shouted over a megaphone. It was Chief Insight! August opened one of the windows and shouted outside, “No funny business! I’ll shoot one of them if my demands are ignored!” He’s pretty desperate… “Look, we’re bringing your sister over with the pendent now!” Insight shouted. “We won’t send anypony with her, she just wants to talk.” “Fine! But make it quick!” He yelled, closing the window. About a minute later, Mayflower entered the clinic, the pendant around her neck. Mayflower looked on her brother and said, “Why are you doing this August?” “You told them who I was are you nuts?!” August yelled at her. “What was I supposed to do? Ignore the fact my brother has gone completely mad!?” She yelled at him. “Just what do you want with mother’s pendent anyways!?” “You and I both know you kept something inside that thing! Just give it to me and we can get out of this mess!” He said firmly. “What are you saying? DO you realize what will happen to the cause if I’m a fugitive?!” “Forget your stupid cause! All you’ve ever talked about is your stupid Mares for Justice crap! You ruined my life, Mayflower! You ruined all our lives!” “And now you’ve just ruined yours!” I turned and saw Pruena coming in, levitating Blackhawk in her magic. “You! Don’t think I won’t shoot one of these hostages!” He yelled. “Do you really think that by pulling a stunt like this you’re fooling anypony?” Pruena asked. “The truth is the Black Widow killer has been inactive for years.” “Oh don’t tell me you believed Mother-” Mayflower began. “Quit lying to yourself Mayflower.” Pruena said firmly. “Your mother told me everything, how she was the real killer. But she gave up that life because she fell in love with a stallion. Your whole life you’ve tried to build has been built on a lie.” “She’s not the real Black Widow!” Mayflower yelled. “The real Black Widow would never give herself to a miserable stallion who left us!” “He died…” Pru said. “You just couldn’t accept the fact he was gone, and in your grief you tried to continue your aunt’s work. You felt somepony had to pay for what happened. So you took things out on stallions as a whole. But the truth is, all relationships have to be a give and take. One cannot dominate over the other...Harmony is what you should preach, not dominance.” “So...did you kill Gavel…?” August asked his sister. “To help with the cause?” “I didn’-” Mayflower began. “As far as the world is concerned...you did…” Another voice said. I looked on as another mare came in, dressed in a nurse’s uniform. She pointed a gun at Pru! “Drop the gun, reporter,” She said. “What a simple freelance reporter is doing with a piece like that is beyond me.” “Hello Bedside, came to come clean up your mess?” Pruena said with a smile. “She was the one who ambushed us in the alley!” I yelled, “I recognize her voice!” “Bedside? But, why?” August asked, looking to her. “I loved you, you said we were going to get out together.” “Truth is, August, you were just a tool to get what I needed,” Bedside said. “Dear Old Gavel was most helpful in procuring the pendent, but I needed a scapegoat in order to cover everything up.” “SCAPEGOAT?!” Mayflower asked. “She wanted you to be considered the killer,” Pruena said. “It all makes sense now,” I said. “The killer took time to make sure it matched Black Widow’s Modus Operandi exactly. Bedside knew that Mayflower would come running as soon as she heard of how Gavel died. You planned to use her to draw the police to arrest her, knowing how she would react.” “And throwing the town into discord was icing on the cake,” Bedside said with a smile. “Thank you, dear Mayflower, you’ve been most helpful, but now, your usefulness is at an end. Give me the pendent, now!” “Why do you want the pendent so badly?” I asked. “Because it was the only thing she kept from her mother’s things! Dear August told me so. She kept it in a safety deposit box, to which only a judge can open legally. I gave dear Gavel a little of what he wanted, and blackmailed him into getting the pendent.” “You, you were the one he was having the affair with…” August said, in shock. “Oh don’t look so surprised,” Bedside said. “As if I’d marry a stallion as foolish as you are, now give me the pendent!” “Wait, Bedside, please,” Mayflower said, coming forward. “I’ll give you the pendent, I’ll even open it...it has something more precious than anything..” “At last! So what’s in it? A jewel? A message to treasure…?” Bedside asked eagerly. Mayflower took the pendent, and twiddled with it for a minute...and it opened...inside...was a picture of a mare and a stallion. It wasn’t a pendent, it was a lockett! “A lockett! All this for a lousy picture?!” Bedside yelled. “It...was the first picture mother ever took with father,” Mayflower said, in tears. “I couldn’t get rid of it, it was the last thing I had left of him. I... put it in a safety deposit box, because I thought it would make me weak in my resolve...but...I...now see what my cause has done...and...I’m such a fool…” She looked to August, “I’m sorry August, so so sorry.” August looked down for a minute, and said, “No, it was my fault, the only reason I took up this hostage situation was so that I could help Bedside. She said we were going to get the pendent and use what was inside to run away together...I can see that was a lie.” “OH! But now the truth is you are all going to die!” She said, pointing the gun at everypony. “I’ll kill you all! Pruena came in! A gunfight ensued! Killed eveypony including the hostages!” She grabbed Pruena and held her tightly. PRU! “PRU!” I yelled. “Not so fast tall boy!” She said, pointing her gun at me. “You stay put, otherwise I’ll blast your marefriend’s brains out!” “Pru…” I said, looking at her. She smiled at me, and said, “Dusk, whatever happens...know that I love you…” “No...Pru I’m not going to let you die!” I said, my horn glowing and suddenly August’s gun fired itself and hit Bedside in the foreleg. She screamed as Pruena elbowed her in the stomach. She then knocked away the gun and pinned her down. “I’m sure the officers will love to hear all about your story!” “Get off me you filthy bitch!” Bedside yelled. “Time to shut you up!” I saw Red Cross come with syringe, she stabbed in Bedside’s flank, the mare went out cold. Pruena wiped her brow as the hostages converged on the unconscious. The police then burst in, and saw the situation. Utterly confused. “Officers,” Mayflower said, “she was the culprit of the false Black Widow killing. I...will explain myself to Chief Insight.” “Alright, get the guy and we’ll take the girl.” The uniform said, as the officers hoofcuffed August and went to take care of Bedside. Mayflower looked to August and said, “I’m, so sorry brother. I was such a fool for ruining your life like this.” “Hey, we’ll get by, we always do.” He said with a smile. Mayflower watched the pair get turned away. “Well, a job well do-” I said just as I was glomped by Pruena. I fell onto the ground as she kissed me all over. Wow...Pruena...she’s amazing...I..just wanna… NO! BAD BRAIN YOU STAY! She smiled down at my goofy looking face and said, “Nice shot by the way.” I frowned and grumbled, “I was aiming for her head…” > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Case 11 Epilogue Perspective: Pruena Oculia. “So you two are just reporters?” Insight asked as he looked to us. The police were rounding up any hostages. I watched as August Wind joined his still unconscious former marefriend in the police carriage. Despite all the misunderstandings August Wind still aided Bedside. So, he’d be gone for a while. But right now I had to convince Insight we were on the up and up. Well, better get ready for a tirade of me interfering. I smiled and replied, “Yes, but, we got caught up in the incident already.” “And you two are sure we haven’t met before?” Insight asked both of us. Dusk smiled and said, “No, we haven’t had the honor sir. I’m just naturally tall.” “Well I do have a cousin who’s really short, I guess I can buy it,” Insight said with a shrug. “You got good instincts kid,” He said to me. “Wouldn’t mind having somepony like you on the force.” Wait… Insight, likes me as a MARE!? Must resist...urge to use alchemy...impalement… “I gotta round up and deal with paperwork. You two stay out of trouble alright?” He said, walking away to deal with his ponies. I shot him a narrow eyed glare at his back. One of these days Insight… “Hey, Pru, Mayflower is coming over,” Dusk said, tapping my shoulder. Mayflower looked sullen, shocked, and broken as she moved over to us. She looked at me and said, “I... thank you for helping stop my brother from hurting anypony. And, for stopping Bedside. I just can’t believe that she’d do something so underhoof.” I gave her a smile and said, “When somepony is desperate, they are willing to do anything it takes to get what they want. Though, we don’t always know what we want all the time.” “To use my aunt’s ideals against me,” Mayflower said, shaking her head. “I was so certain, so certain I was right about everything. Then, what your...stallion did for you…” “You know, you can tell me that.” Dusk said. Mayflower finally turned to Dusk and said, “I, always believed that stallions were scum who mistreated everypony. But, I was just trying to blame something for my father dying. I took my hate out on stallions, and it wasn’t fair at all.” Dusk put a hoof on her shoulder and said, “Trust me, I know firsthoof what grief can do to a pony.” I couldn’t help but smile a little at that. I then went on to ask, “So, what will you be doing now?” Mayflower looked at the pendant around her neck and said, “I’m going to move forward with my life. I spent so much time in the past, I never once thought about where to go.” “From what I heard,” I said, “You turned an entire town to chaos with how you talked. Maybe instead of trying to force feed extreme ideas, you can try and change things on the inside. But do so in a manner that won’t harm anypony.” “We can all change the world, we don’t always need a megaphone and banners to do it,” Dusk said. “Sometimes, all it takes is a little...hope.” Mayflower smiled. “You two are right. I’ll dismantle the Mares for Justice, and maybe I’ll start looking to a career in Equine Resources or something, helping mares out but also stallions too. And...I should also visit my mother...I owe her a very long apology.” With that, she trotted away. Dusk looked to me and said, “Well, this turned out to be a very interesting case.” I plopped against his shoulder at that and groaned, “I’m beat…” Dusk stiffened visibly and I couldn’t help but giggle a little. He was so cute when he was embarrassed… “Pru, come on, you know I haven’t had years of controlling testosterone,” Dusk said bemusingly. “Yes well, I love you and I want to make you happy, am I so wrong?” I said with a smile. “No…” He kissed me right then in there and whispered, “Not at all…” Why am I imagining myself on a ship with him and his hair’s blowing in the wind…? ___________________________________________________________ Perspective: Cadence Well here I am in the library, gazing at the two miscreants. Well… Maybe “miscreant” is a bit strong, but honestly, those two should know better. I tap my hoof, gazing at Pruena and Dusk, as they look back at me, with feigned innocence. “So. What have you two learned?” I asked, with infinite patience. Aunt Celestia taught me that tone, for when I had “teachable moments” like this one. Pruena sighed and said, “I learned to try and be more trusting to Dusk.” Dusk in turn said, “I learned that Pruena is worried about me just as much as I’m worried about her.” “Good,” I said with a firm nod. “The spell should wear off over night, now I want you two to kiss and makeup you hear?” “Well, I also learned that… Dusk, you’re quite..cute…” Pruena said, blushing and looking at Dusk. “Well, you’re, really beautiful, Pruena,” Dusk said, blushing nervously. Aww, I knew they were meant for one another. This is turning out better than I..imagined… Well, they are kissing now...and...wow they are really getting into it… Like...really…. Oh, Pruena, really?! Dusk! I-I certainly did not teach you that when I was foalsitting you! Oh just...alright, I think I’ll sleep in my hotel tonight… “I’ll, leave you two alone,” I said, stepping outside. I seriously doubt they even heard me as they...made up and out. I’m happy for them though, really. I knew they were made for each other the moment I saw them all those months ago. Now here they are, married and totally in love. I couldn’t wait to see what fruit their love will bear. Though...no don’t even think about it Cadey...you only heard it as a possibility from Aunt Tia...they’ll make it through… Because, Love conquers all.