• Published 6th Mar 2014
  • 2,594 Views, 143 Comments

Equestria Noir Season 2 Case 11 "On a Cross and Bullet" - Jacoboby1

A mysterious killer named Black Widow, known for targeting abusive husbands, has come to town. The killing has caused a divide between genders. As if things weren't bad enough, Cadence, in order to stop a fight, genderswaps Private and Twilight.

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Chapter 3 "Pruena Oculia and Dusk Shine"

Chapter 3
“Pruena Oculia and Dusk Shine”

Perspective: ???

This was not happening! This was not happening! What the flying hell is going on here?!

After I was finished screaming I stared at myself in the mirror. My basic coloring was still the same. I had a gray coat with brown mane and silver eyes. But… I was a mare! A… Huh… A darned good-looking mare at that. My mane was a bit longer, and softer, I had curves in all the right places, and naturally my muzzle was less blocky. I am looking good.

But...why the hell am I a mare?! What happened?! I remember arguing with Twilight and there was this blast and then…

“Twilight!” I shouted, covering my mouth after realizing how high my voice was.

Oh my gosh, what if Twilight sees me like this? Will she still care for me? Will she want to leave me because she doesn’t swing towards mares?

Oh my gosh what am I-

“Private?” I heard a male voice say.

I slowly turned around…

I wasn’t the only one that was changed. Twilight was now a stallion and...a cute one at tha-what the hell! No! Stopit focus! He was still taller than average, with a purple coat, darker purple mane, and that characteristic magenta stripe. But his mane was shorter, and slightly messy, where Twilight’s was always cut in a simple straight-cut. His muzzle was blocky, and strong. He still seemed a touch effeminate, though, with graceful legs, and body. What a body, though… He had some muscle, and was nicely toned.

I shook myself to get those thoughts out of my head. “Twilight!” I said urgently, “Thank goodness you’re okay!”

“What happened?” She-I mean He said as he got to his hooves. “Last thing I remember was us...why is my voice sounding weird?” He asked, putting a hoof to his throat.

“Uh,” I said, stepping aside so he could look at the mirror.

He moved close to look at himself, his violet eyes went wide and he yelled too.

Okay, I’m a mare now, so I should be the only one giving such high pitched yells…

Both of us looked over to see Cadence filing her hoof. I came up to her, “Cadence, when did you get here?”

“I was coming by for a surprise visit,” She said, “But, I find the town more chaotic than when Discord came by, and then I find you two arguing about so many things.”

“Did you do this to us?” Twilight asked, coming up. “Why is it so hard to walk…?”

“Uhh...that’s uh..little you,” I said, and then moved on. “Anyways, Cadence the jokes over, change us back!”

Cadence shook her head, “Sorry, no can do.”

“You can’t be serious!” Twilight yelled. “What spell did you use?!”

“A spell I usually reserve only for the most dire of lovers quarrels,” Cadence says. “It’s a gender swapping spell, it allows you both to walk in the other’s hooves. Gain a little, perspective on some matters.”

“Well can we save the life lesson for later?” I yelled at her. “I have a case to solve and I can’t do it while I have an extra x chromosome.”

“Sorry, but the spell won’t wear off until twenty four hours have passed,” She replied. “You two are just going to have to put up with the changes.”

I turned to Twilight. “You’re the expert on magic here! Make up a counter spell!”

“I didn’t even know the spell existed!” He yelled back at me. “I can’t just zap you with my horn and expect results! For all I know, I could turn you into a breezie on accident!”

“That’s certainly better than being stuck as a mare!” I yelled at him.

Twilight was about to argue, when Cadence interrupted. “Pruena, arguing is what got you into this mess in the first place.”

“Pruena?” I said, looking at the princess of love.

“Well, you can’t go walking around saying your name is Private, that alone will cause trouble,” Cadence said, then she pointed at me. “So from now on, you are Pruena Oculia,” She then pointed at Twilight. “And you are Dusk Shine.”

“Anyways, it doesn’t matter.” I said firmly, “I’ll be taking my leave thank you.” I began ascending the stairs.

“Pri-I mean, Pruena wait!” Twi-I mean, Dusk said, following me. “You can’t go galloping outside in your trench coat and fedora! At least put something on to cover yourself!”

“Fine, busybody…” I grumbled, levitating off my coat and hat, setting it on the rack. “Now, I’m going to be heading out.”

“Where are we going?” Dusk asked.

“You,” I said, poking him in his...no don’t focus on the chest Pru. “You are going to stay here. I will go around and try to solve the case. There will be far too many questions when everypony discovers there’s now a Prince of Equestria.”

“Oh and you going out won’t cause a ruckus?” Dusk argued.

“Unlike you Dusk, I know how to be subtle,” I said, galloping out the doorway and slamming it behind me.

I let out a sigh, I hated arguing with him, but...he can just be so naggy!

“I try and I try to be reasonable!” I grumbled as I trotted down the street. “But nooo! It’s always do this! Do that! This book needs to go there! This quill needs to be here! Oh? It’s off by a centimeter? Well then! Stop everything let’s fix it down to the most microscopic level!”

As I passed Noteworthy, he suddenly started looking my way. Lily who was with him, slapped him for some reason.

What was that about? I don’t stick out that much do I?

I hated walking without my trench coat, I felt so...naked. I don’t know how everypony can just strut around au naturale.

I took some unorthodox means of getting towards my destination. In hindsight I should’ve snagged another coat to hide my...huh, my cutie mark hasn’t changed that much. Just a little smaller. I hope no one sees it and wonders whether Private Eye had a twin sister.

I know Tailspin would have liked it.

I snuck my way towards the door into the Violet Rose. I knew if I was going to get anything on Mayflower, I couldn’t go to the police directly. I had to go where they wouldn’t suspect I was a cop. Couldn’t call up Grimwing or Fenlock, they’d probably think I was pranking them.

I came up to the door, and knocked. The door’s peephole opened and a stallion said, “Password..you look familiar…”

I smiled and said, “Faust sent me, and I have a fairly generic face.”

The stallion probably shrugged as he opened the door and let me inside…


Perspective: Dusk Shine

I grabbed a coat to cover my wings, and stormed out. Of all the bloody stupid things to do, this had to be the dumbest! Private… uh… Pruena just had to go and storm out, thinking she could solve the case by herself! How reckless can you get?! She’s a mare, now, and everybody’s not so keen on mares, right this moment! Moon and stars above, this is reminding me of when we first started working together. Oh, what a time that was. I was constantly having to prove myself, and he -er- she was always so arrogant and sure of herself.

She probably went looking around for information. Three guesses where she probably went to, that Violet Rose place. I mean, I know it’s a hot spot for information, but it always reminded me of her, that..I can’t be mad at her, she gave me her good graces and she’s not around anymore. But, even still! How can she do something so reckless-


I fell back after I crashed into somepony. I looked up to see Trixie, crap! She’ll see through my disguise an-

“Watch where you are going, you were in Trixie’s way.” She said, glaring at me.

Well, at least her pride keeps her brain from really investig..investig...gat…

What the…?

“Why are you drooling at Trixie?” She yelled. But, my head was distorting the words...she was...cute..

“Trixie…” She stared at me, “Trixie does not know, but, you remind me of somepony Trixie knows…”

Trixie had a coltfriend? When did that happen?

She suddenly put a hoof on my chest and said, “Trixie is not normally into stallions, but, you remind me so much of...her…”

Right, Trixie’s into mares I forgot...but..why was she flirting with me...and why did I feel...wanting for her…?


I got up and said, “Oh sorry I’ll be leaving now bye!” I zoomed off away from Trixie. What the heck was that about? When I looked at Trixie everything was clouded, it was like I was…

Helloooo Nurse!


“Sorry Nurse Redheart! Please don’t take that the wrong way!” I yelled as she went off with a huff.

What was wrong with me? Is this stallion instinct kicking in? Oh I hope Pruena isn’t mad…

Oh that’s right, Pruena, why does she have to be so incredibly stubborn….


Perspective: Pruena Oculia

The Violet Rose was more filled than usual. The bar was practically packed with stallions and mares ranting about this or that. The place looked like it came straight out of an old gangster movie. Dark, smokey, with a long, strong-looking bar at the back. Dark wood was the main material used, and the plaster walls had yellowed with age, and exposure to smoke. Small tables were bolted to the floor, with chairs that were too heavy for anybody but the strongest of unicorns or earth ponies to lift. The bartender was your typical jaded pony who’d seen and heard it all. All in all your typical dive bar.

“Why dosh, she have tah be sooo, uptigtish?” Vinyl moaned. “I, can playish, the bassh when Iz wants!”

Even same sex couples were having troubles it seems…

Anyways, I needed to find a cop, cop...cop...AH HA!

There was Hoof Dunnit, standing there with a really drunk looking Swarm…

“Look, Swarm, have you been drinking?” Dunnit asked. “Be honest with me. I don’t know how alcohol affects changelings. Did Pinkie get upset at you too?”

“Nah,” Swarm mumbled, his words slurred, “The opposite, she was so keen on makinish me happez, that she...put too much of the lovez...ins me…”

Dunnit and I facehoofed at the same time.

At least Pinkie isn’t going to leave the poor changeling anytime soon.

Now, to get at Dunnit…

“Um, excuse me.” I said.

“I’ll let you lie down for a minute Swarm,” Dunnit said, helping the changeling to one of the booths. He then turned to me, “Can I help you ma’am?”

“Yes,” I said. “I happen to be looking for information about the recent goings on.”

He frowned at me, “Are you some kind of reporter or something?”

“Just a,” I said, trying to think of a cover story, “Concerned citizen wondering why the town is in such disarray.”

He narrowed his eyes at me and said, “Have we, met before?”

“Oh, you must think I’m that detective, I get confused with him a lot,” I said, smiling.

“Oookay,” He said skeptically. “If you say so. So, what do you want to know?”

“Just anything you can about that Mayflower mare.” I said.

“Yeah, she’s caused a right mess in this town.” Dunnit replied, “Chief is telling us to try and keep the case hush hush, but we can’t do that with Mayflower and her entourage praising the Black Widow killer left and right.”

Insight was having trouble huh? Well, under normal circumstances I’d say it’s the least that bastard deserves. But, I wasn’t feeling coy. “What do you know about her?”

“She goes to Manehatten University.” Dunnit says. “We got uniforms up there questioning about the situation. But, everything else I’m afraid is very top secret about her, gotta keep the case quiet.”

“Are you suuure you can’t tell me?” I asked.

“I have a duty ma’am, chief’s orders,” He said firmly.

Stupid Insight! Even when I’m a mare you have to make my life...wait…

I’m a mare...and as far as I know, Dunnit is single…

I’ve seen Lark do this tons of times...time to bring out the Eye Family charm…

I batted my eyelids, and looked up at him sweetly. “Are you sure you can’t help a concerned citizen out, officer?”

Dunnit blushed and backed his head away, “Uh, Ma’am, I, I have to listen to the chief.”

“Oooh? But I’m sure I can help out in…” I ran my hoof along his cheek and whispered. “Ways…”

He tensed up and his horn sparked a little. Oooh yeah, I was getting to him. This was fun, I should try it out on Dusk…

No, focus Pruena!

“I won’t tell,” I say, doing my best Larksong impersonation. “Just tell me if she, frequents any particular areas on campus…?”

“I-I really sh-shouldn’t!” Dunnit said, “I-I ha-have a duty!”

I put my face into that pout Rarity makes whenever she wanted something, “Oooh, and here I thought we were getting along so well.”

I turned and looked back at him with that same pout, “I guess, I’ll just be leaving then..” I made to walk off.

“Wa-wait!” Dunnit said, “We heard from our questioning she likes to hang out at a place called ‘Pink Love’ some kind of bar not far from the university.”

Pink Love hmm…? Isn’t it one of...those kind of bars? Anyways, I had my next destination.

Now, to head for the train.

I stepped outside and trotted down the lane, trying not to feel giddy. Oh the way I held him by the ropes was something exhilarating! I had no idea just how much power a duck face could have!

Mare Power!

I then heard a wolf whistle and looked over as Caramel, Lucky, and couple of other stallions looked over at me. “Hey gorgeous, why don’t you come over here and hang out with us?” Caramel asked, his friends laughing.

I looked left and right, the streets were deserted.

Oh yeah, he was talking to me alright.

I spoke up, “I’d love to entertain you boys, but I’d best be on my way.” I tried to move forward, then one of the stallions got in my way.

“Haven’t seen you around here,” He said, “but you look kinda familiar…”

“I’m from, out of town.” I lied, hoping that would be enough. I got a very bad feeling about this.

“We could use some attractive company?” One said, I felt his leg brush against mine...I felt an odd fear in my heart. I knew what they wanted…

“Look, guys,” I said, nervously. “I’m sure your marefriends wouldn’t appreciate this.”

“Well, we’re all single thanks to that Mayflower bitch,” Lucky said. “So, we think we can have a little fun, branching out…” He said.

I backed away, hitting another stallion. Caramel came up to me, “Come on, it’ll be fun, you just hold sti-”


I punched him with all the force I could muster, sending him tumbling in the dirt. “There’s a reason Sparkler broke up with you, you pig!” I yelled at him.

“Uggh,” Caramel said, holding his face. “What the hell bitch!?”

“So you all got broken up huh? Well, I think if you all are doing this then it’s no wonder why all of you are single! In fact, I think it was only a matter of time before you worthless scumbags got what’s coming!”

“Get that bitch!” Lucky yelled, and two stallions grabbed me.

I wasn’t that strong as a stallion and as a mare I still wasn’t. I struggled against their hold as they tried to drag me towards an alleyway. I struggled and kicked, but that only led to caramel trying to hold my legs down. I’ll have them all arrested for-


I looked up as Caramel was grabbed in an aura of magenta magic and chucked into a nearby dumpster. I took this opportunity to elbow one of the stallions holding me in the gut. Now free, I twisted the other’s leg painfully and slammed him into a wall. Good thing I still remembered all my moves.

Lucky was about to grab me from behind, but he was suddenly teleported and when he reappeared again, he fell into a nearby chimney.

The stallions limped away, their pride destroyed. I looked over at Dusk as he came up to me. He spoke worriedly, “Pruena, are you hurt?”

“I’m fine.” I said, getting up and dusting myself off, “Those bastards just needed to be taught a lesson.”

“What were you thinking!” Dusk yelled at me. “If I was here, this would never have happened!”

“I don’t need protection Dusk!” I yelled back. “I can take care of myself! I’ve had combat training!”

“So have I!” Dusk said, “But running out like that was reckless and stupid! You could’ve gotten hurt or worse!”

“I am not a wallflower Dusk Shine!” I practically growled. “I could’ve handled them myself!”

“Will you just stop trying to be a big hero for once!” Dusk yelled loudly, “Do you realize how worried I was?!”

“Of course I do! Only because you never shut up about it!” I practically screamed.

“Oh so when you're the mare it’s alright for you to go charging into danger?”

“I never said that! Need I remind you, that you still run into danger too!”

“Not alone! You always do this to me Pru! Why can’t you see that!?”

“Because I know how to handle myself!”

“No you don’t! You always just think you do!”

“OH FUCK OFF DUSK!” I yelled finally. “I’m sick and tired of being nagged left and right about how dangerous everything is! I’m sick of everypony treating me like I can’t take care of myself! If I want to keep my friend from doing something as stupid as following me! Then I should be able to without fuss! So kiss my grey ass and go find somepony else to nag!”

I huffed and galloped off. I didn’t even want to look at him! How could he be so UGGHH!!!

I didn’t even look to where I was going, I just ran into a building and slammed the door behind me. I didn’t even hear the ring...I slumped against the door...and...felt tears…

I shouldn’t have yelled at him like that...he was only trying to protect me...and...like the idiot I am whenever he’s trying to help I shove him away…

Like everypony in my life….

Oh Dusk...I’m sorry..please don’t hate me…


Uh oh...